User Manual
Door/Window Sensor (2nd Edition) v«ew«neexpsnoeo manuar nuo rraeorsorspprz/owsensor Aeme: by Aeon Labs Door/Wmdowsensor 11ndEdiu’onD E‘egam Wawgem Smanorsnn. Tne Aeouse py Aeon Labs Door/Wrnoow sonsur 12nd Eamon) proyroes your z7Waye network wnn me rrnenroence reourreo (or a modern home su|omanon ano secumy sys«sm And n ooes n an m a smaHer‘ marse‘agamdes‘gncvafled «o sunanynomosoooor ® Fam iariseyourserhh yoursensor - Whar's \nduded: ~5ensorunn71x ~ Bmvecuona‘ Mounnng F\a|e 71x ~ Magnet unn 7 1x ~ Magnalumt omersnen 71x ~AAA aanenes7 2x ~ uouowosmeo Muummg Tavs 7 ox >SCrcws74x nouoresroee nounnno no: sensorunn a"! m mas-my .‘ n o ‘m| in; if: Nanneluml Ou'arSreH arerrecuonsr nournnc Pmc : Anatomy onne Aeo«eo oy Aeon Labs Door/wrnoow Sensor (2nd Eonron) sounyrmer use «senounsn some. ‘r\ \1 K A‘ of mono. menswear“ onernsnononnpros nsynuunn ourersnen Magn-luml Z7Wzye Bulmn Um eLJ 4:91) as«r.ry Hem-r Dnuh‘msmchoummw YBPBSV‘Ckquwu @Qukkstan Se\e((a \ocafiun fmyowsensm sereouno wnere you‘H praee your ooormnnoow sensor m your nome rs«us«as \mvonamas «ne assuar amxmg or «nos surraoe. n usrno your sensor as oan or a securny se«uo «nen n sneulo oe anrxeo «o ure mom hke‘y porm or on«ry an rn«ruoer woum use «o en«er your nome than «sn‘l aneaay coyereo oy a sensor The mos« «new emry oom|s are generaHy or «ne rear or see or a oremrses They also «one nouo oo ymb‘aham «no s«roe«. n your sensor rs bemg useo «o oroyroe your z.Wsye nelwnrk wnn rrnenroence than n shuu‘d oe anrxeo «o «ne doururwmdnwyuuwantmummred Irresoeonye or wnerner «rs ror securny or rrnenroenoe purposesyoursensor ‘ snoum pe amxed .nooors one away "om sources 0! mors«ure 1 P‘aced wnnrn 3n me«ers o1 znomer LWaye oeyroe «narrsenneraoazewayornmoowereo oyoanenes : wm naye an onuma‘ wrrexess srgna« wnen amxeo « move oraooyo yournomo‘snoor 4 Has «we pans «ne magne« ano «ne mam body wnen anrxoo, \ney mos« on \css “van 2cm aoen Ono par| mus« oe anrxeo «o rne ooor or wrnoow ano «ne omer pan mus« oe anrxeo |o «no «rams ro. may mus| separare when [he ooororwrnoow rs openeo 5.Has an DWma‘ a‘gna‘ wnon no« moumeo on a mo«a« name n your ooor or wrnoow rs mam, n rs oes« «o separamne sensoranovrame umrsrno panama 5 Has an uphma‘ srgnsn wnen ns nergn«nonoes«sroe rs moun«eo venmaHy . Moyoursensor olo«es«o s suvface anee you‘ve sereo«eo «ne oes« posr«.on «or your Door] Wmdaw sensor «o oe rnsssueo. ««s «nne «o am your moummgwales“:{newvespecuvesuvlaces. your rnournrno p‘ates can oe amxeo usrng screws or oouoxesroeo rape you needn'lwmry aoour wnren eno rs «ne [up or me oonom, mey eon oe mourneo wnn enner eno anne [up 7 they‘re ororrecnonax n usrno screws, auacn bath moununo omes |o «nerr respechvesurfacesusmgkhescrewspmmded n usmo mounnno {ape wroe «ne «wo surraces cxesn or any on or dust wnen «ne surrsces naye oneo, Pee‘ one sroe ov «ne «ape back ano anaen n m |he carrespandmg seuron on «ne rear a! mam moummg pme Repea« mr yoursmanermounnno p«a«e . Addmg «o yourz7Woye nemorx wnn your mounnng ma|es orepareo «o hum eaon componcrn cf your scnson s mm: «o and n «o your LWoye network y Remuve «ne spacmg «as (a eonnecr rne osnenes ns LED wru pnnuorsseoonos. 2 Press «ne «ncluoe ounon on your ornnsry 2—Waye oomroner/pamway n you‘re unsure or now «o oo «nrs. recer«o ns userrnanua« 3 Press me z7Waye ounon on your sensor n nnas peen successiuny aooeo «o your Z7Wav: ne«work, ns LED wru ruumrnare lor «p mrnu«es Dunno «Ins penoo your ornnary Z7Wav9 cunlquer/gateway rs ab‘e «o connoure yoursensor 4 your sensorwrn «non au«oma|roany oxn smup mooe a« «ne eno M « n mmu«es To exll n sooner you can quick‘y onok yoursensor s :amperswnona nmes : Auach yoursonsorro ns p‘alcs wnn yoursensor addedm yourz7Waye ne‘wcrk‘ H’s now «rrne lo rnsen eaon rnarn pan or your sensor mlo «ne canesnondmgsensavmate r msernne «aroer oryour«wo sensor osns rnrorne large mounnnp pIa«e ensunng «nanne mmn‘e on «ne «ron« rs on «ne some sroe as «ne smaner moun«rno p‘ale 2 «nsen «ne smaner oi your «wo sensor pans rn«o ns mournrno o«a«e CORRECY ,—\\\ : Axxnnzle your sensor wnn other Z7Woye dame: n s Dussm‘e us use your Door/Wrnoow Sansone orea«e au«omauon aonynres As an oxampxo you can oroa«o an au«omauon acnyny |na« weum mm on Pamcu‘ar ngn«s wnonmo aooryoursonsorrs anaonoa «o rs oponao your Dear/Window Sensor rs capame o1 orreouy comrang 5 other z7Waye oeyroes wnnun your z7Waye ne«worx Tne vouowrng assocranon s«eps are pervormeo au«omauoany nyour pnmary z7Waye oomroner/ga«eway .s enner a suc «mane Upoa«e ControHeV} ora sxs (suc n) Seryerr wnen {ms rs «ne case you n neeo «o create au«oma«ron achvmes orreony «nrouon your cumvoHev/ga|eway 7 rayor «o no user manua‘ lur runner Imurmauun y Press nne assocranon punon on your z7Waye oornronor 2 Press me z7Waye ounon on one oeyree you wan« your sensor «o oornror : n you‘re unsure or now so oo enner or mese slaps mease royar «o «no cerresponorng prnaum usar manusn a Pross«na z7Wayepunonnnyeursensor. 5 Usuccessluk your Door/Wmoow Sensorwrn oe ao«e«o camm‘ywrdawca. ® Advanced Funu‘rons . Voursensor's bauen'es your Door/Wmoow sensor has mourn oouery Ieye« monnormo and «m au«omancony reoon ns osuery Ieye« «o your orrmary z7Wsye canlmHer/gmeway n your coraner/galeway supporrs me reamre rrn nomy you M wnen your sensor‘s oanenes neeo rep‘acmg wnen useo rn an oonnnzeo z7Waye nerworx. uns wru aenerany |ake uo«o y yearrromrne nme ehnslaHanon wnen n oomes «me you can vewace your sensors panenesasvonows ‘ Remove your sensor‘s \argcs‘ pan «rom ns mounnno male oy oressrno dawn on «ne «oxen ouuon ano ouumo «ne sansarawayham ns mounnng wow. 2 Remove ano reonsce «ne exrsnno AAA oonerres ensunng mat «ne posnrye ano neganye sroes M eaon oauery are p‘aced correcny a Pe«urn your sensor s «aroes« pan «o ns moununo p\a«e To oo rnrs anon «ne p‘aie‘s nncn wnn your sensur‘! nnon me and pusn «ne mp of your sensor rn«o «ne mournrno o«a«e un«n «ne «wo pan! chck hrm‘y «ogemsr . Seu‘Tng a wake upimeryoltTme your DGnT/Wlndnw Sensor wiH oe aoTe lo wake up and communrcale wrln your LWaye conlroTTer/galeway al eel Tntevvals ollrme By delauTn Tl erT nor wake up al TnleryaTs Howeyer, Tl Ts poesToTe m cnanoe lne wake up TnleryaT lime Tl your ZsWave conlroTTer/galeway supporls Tl To dulhls‘ pTease relerlo yGUTcammHer's lgaleway‘s TnlerTaoe ormanuaT Torlurlnerrnlormalron @ lne wake up TnleryaT lne needs to be a nuTuoTe M 4 eg 4 eorrznnules RemoVTng flom nelwork your sensor can oe remoued Trom your 1—Waue ne‘wurk al any lee VGU‘TI need lo use lne maTn conlroTTer Tn your ZsWave nelwnrk lo do We Tne loTlowrng Tnsrruclrons leTT you now lo do lnTs usrno Aeon Laos ZsSchk and MTnTmole conlroTlers Tl you are usrng olner oroducls as your mom ZsWave GnnlroHer‘ oTease reler lo lne parl oT lneTr resoeclrye manuaTs llrol leTTs you now remoye deyrces Trom your nelworx Remoye your sensuv‘s Taroesl pan Trom Tls mounrrno pTale by pTeSSTng dawn on lne Talon dullon and ouTlTno lnesensorawayTrom Tls mounlrno oTale leou're usrno aZsSchk T ll your ZES|Ick Ts plugged lnlo a daleway or a compuler,uinu Take yoUrZsSITck lo your sensor or che Versa Press lneAchon Ruuon on yaUTZsSchk Press lne ZsSchK nullon on your sensor ll your sensor lras oeen successTuTTy remoyed Trorn your nalwmk lls LED WTTT nTTnn fol 3 seconds ll lne remoyaTwas unsuccessluT lne TlghthH oe soTTd aner DTessTng yoursensor sZsWaye ouuon s Press lneAchon Runon onrne ZsS|Tka taken Tloul olremoyal mode Acnan eu-lan lWoU'TeUsTngaMTmmme. T TakzynurMTnTleemyoursensurnrvlceversa 2 Press RemaveanyaulMTmmale 2 Press {heZ-ane ouuon on youreensor o Tl your senso as oeen successTuTTy remcyed rrorn your netwnrk us LED erT bhnk Tor 3 seconds ll lne remoVaTwas unsuccessTuT lne TlganT be soTTd aner prcssTng yourscnsur‘DZsWavc eullcn 5 Press any bullan on your MTnlmdle lolake ll Tl oul cl rcrnoual medc : Send wake Up noleTcalTon Tn order ‘9 send your sensor new cnnllgwatlan commands Trorn your ZsWaVe ccnlroTTer or daleway Tl‘ll needlo oe wake" up T Remoye yeur sensor's Tareesl Pan lrorn Tls mouanne oTale oy pressrno down on me Talcn human and pUHTng lne sensorawaylrorn Tls mouannd plate. 2 Press lne stave ouuon on your Sensnr‘s morn unTl yoursensoTVrTTT ncwremaTn awake Tor Tu mlnules. 3 wnen done relurn your Sensm‘s Taroesl oarr lo Tls mouanne plale To do me aTTen lne pTales nTlcn MM your sensor's lnlcn hale‘ and pusn lne lop oT your sensor Tnlo lne mounlmd plate Unm lne lwo Dans chck TirmTyzcoclncr : ReselallyDUTsensov’smnllgwaliuns snould you wrsn lo Tesel aTT your sensor s conlrouralrons you are aoTe lo resel Tl lo Tls raclory derauTls T Press and non your sensur‘: ZaWaVe oullon Tor 2a seconds 7 your DGnT/Wlndnw Serum erT resel lo Tu raclory delauTlcoanguralldn TlsLEDWTTTeTTnnlorasecondslo TelycuknewrnereeelwassuccessluT ® Tcmrlltalspulficatlons Uolo T year oauerleTe WTlnz xAAAhaMeTTes operalTne delance. Up lo Ton reel/so melres Tndocrs and zseleelTTun Tnelresourdoors operalTndTamperaluras JD'Clo t6D‘C/N'Flot140'F ® Warrenly Aeon Labs warranlslolne orTelnaT Dulchassrumedums lnal Tor lne Warlamy PerTod (as defined beluwlr lne Producls wTTT ce Tree lrem malerTaT delecls Tn malerTaTs and workmanshlp Tnc lorceoTne warranly suelccl to lne proper TnstaHahon operalrcn and marnlcnance el lne Producla Tn accordance wrln TnsxaTlalTon inslruclrons and lne uperallng manual suppTTed lo Guslorner Warranly cTaTms musl oe made oy Guslorner in wrrlrng wrlnrn {hlny (3a) days ollne manrleelanon ole. prooTem Aeon Lahs‘ eoTe ooTToanon underlne Toreoorno warranly Ts, alAeon Labs‘ oplron, m repalr‘ repTace or correcl any sucn delecnnaxwas oresenr al lne nme nidelwery‘ or to remoye lne Producls and lo relund lne ourcnase prrce to Tne arranlyPerTod oeglnsonlnedalelneProduclsTs deTTVered and coannuesTorlzmonlns Any reparrs underlnTs warranly musl be cenducled by an aulnorwod Accn Labi scrwcc rcprcscnlalwc and under Aecn Laos RMA poTTcy Any Tcpaiu cenduclcd by unaulnerTzcd Penuns snaTT yord llns warranly Excluded Trom lne warranly are prooTems due lo accldenlsy eels ol God cTVTT or TnTTTlary auflmrlly eTVTT deluroanee. wary serxes We; olner Lalasunnhesr TnTsuse stapoTlcalTon Slavage damage neghgence‘ eTecercaT power prooTems or mddTTTcauon lo lne ProduclsorTlscomponenls Aeon Loos does nol sulhnrlze any person or early lo assume or creole Tor .l any olner ooTToolTon m lTaoTTle Tn conneclronwrlnlne Produclsexceolasserlorlnnerern Aeon Laos erT pass on lc Guslemer aTT manufacturers MalerTaT warraancs le lnc cxlcnl lnal lncy arc :ranslcraoTc nul erT ncl Tndcpcndcnlly wananl any MalchaT Guslemer mUs| prepay snToang and lransocnalTon cnargcs fnv rclurncd Producln and Tnsure lne snTpmen: oraccvpuhvrlikuf‘ussordamagc during sucn anrpmenz and lransoorlalron Acon Laos erl snTp lne rcpalrcd or repTacemenlproduclslo Cusmmerheightprepalfl Guslomer snaTT Tndemnflyr devendr and non Aeon Laos and Aeon Labs‘ aT-TTTTales. shareholdersr dTrecloTsr Dmcsvsr empToyees, cenlraclcrs. adenls and olner reeresenlalTyes narmTess lrcm aTl demands cTar sr actlonsr causes or aclron, preceedrnes. sUItsr aiscssmcnur losses, damages, Hab‘lmb‘sr scmcmcntsr Tudemcnls, ncs, pcnaHTDsr Tnlcrcsn coals and cxocnscs (TncTudTno Tees and drsourscmcnls of ccunscT) el cyery klnd m oased upon personal mey or death or mey lo properlylo lne exlenl any ollne loreaolno Ts proxrmaleTy caused e ner lay a dereclrye producl (TncTudTno slrrcl TTaoTTle .n tort) or lay lne neoTToenl or wTITM acls or ostsTone or Guslomer or as DWTCETS‘ employee; suoconlraclors or Egan‘s‘ andTor (Tr) arTsTno lrom or reTauno lo any aolual or aTleoed TMTTngemeM or mrsaooroprranon oT any palemy lrademark, mask worn copynonl, lrade secrel or any acluaT or aTTeoed yToTalTon olany a|her TnleTTeoluaT properly noms arrsrno Trom or Tn conneclron wrln lne oroducls excedl lo lne exlenl lnal suen Tmrmgemem exlsls as a resuTl or Aeon Labs‘ manuvaclunng processes lN NO EVENT sHALLAEoN LADs eE LTADLE EDR ANy lNDTREcT TNCIDENTAL‘ PUNTTTVE SPEcTAL oR coNSEouENTTAL DAMAGES. oR DAMAGES EDR LOSS OF PRDETTS REVENUE DR USE TNcURRED ey CUSTOMER DR ANY THTRD PARTV. WHETHER lN AN AcTToN TN coNTRAcr 0R ToRr 0R oTHERWTSE EVEN TE ADVlSED DE THE PDSSleTLlTy DE SUCH DAMAGES AEDN LABS‘ LTAsTLTTy AND CUSTOMERS ExGLUSTVE REMEDY EDR ANY CAUSE or AcTTDN ARTSlNG TN CONNECTTUN WTTH THTS AGREEMENT DRTHE SALE DRUSE OFTHE PRODUCTS WHETHER BASEDDNNEGLTGENCErSTRTCTLTADTLTTyr BREACH DE WARRANTV, eREAcH or AGREEMENT‘ DR EGUTTARLE PRTNclPLES, Ts ExPREssLy LTMlTED Tor AT AEoN LABS‘ OPTION‘ REPLAGEMENT DE oR REPAVMENT oE THE PuRcHAsE PRTcE EoR THAT PoRTToN or PRoDuGTs WTTH RESPEcT To WHTcH DAMAGES ARE GLATMED ALL GLATMS 0E ANV KTND ARTSlNG TN GDNNEcTTGN WTTH THTS AGREEMENT GR THE SALE GR USE GE PRGDUGTS SHALL BE DEEMED WATVED UNLESS MADE TN WRlTTNG WTTHlN THIRTV(30) DAVS ERoM AEoN LAes-S DEUVERV‘ GR THE DATE ETxED EoR DELTVERV TN THE EVENT 0E NoNDELTVERV THE lNDEMNTTy AND WARRANTy TN ADDVE ARE EXDLUSTVEANDINLTEUDFALLOTHERTNDEMNTTTES DR WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR TMPLTEDr TNcLuDTNG THE TMPLTED WARRANTTES or MERcHANTAeTLTTV AND PTTNESS FOR A PARTTcULARPURPosE FCC NDTTEEUor USA) THE MANUFACTufiER lS NaT RESPGNSTDLE FOR ANY RADTG OR TV TNTEREERENcE CAUSED Dy UNAUTHGRTZED MoDlElGATToNS To THTS EaUTPMENT SUCH MGDTETcATToNS GoULD VaTD THE USERS AUTHoRlTy To OPERATE THE EDUTPMENT Tnis deV e compTTes wrln Pan T5 ol lne EGG Rules Operalron.ssuolecllolnelolTowrnolwocondrlrons r ThTschlccmayno!causehavm'U‘Tnlcr’wcnccrand 2 ma deVTce musl accepl any Tnlerlerence receTVed TncTudTTTd Tnlem‘erence lnal may cause undesTred operalTon TnTs edqumenl nas oeen lesled and Tound to comply wrln lne TTmTls Tor a cTass E deTtaT devlcer Pursuant lo parl T5 onne Ecc Rules Tnese TTmTls are desTened to prodee reasonaoTe proleolTon aeaTnsl narmTuT Tnlerlerenoe Tn a resldenllal TnslaTTalTon TnTs eequmenl Semaratesr uses and can TadTale radTo frwusncy energy and. TT ncl TnslaTTed and used Tn accordance WTln lne Tnstmcllonsr may cause narmluT anerlerenceleradTo communTcalTene Heweven lnere Ts no euaranlce lnal Tnxcrlcrcnce erT ncl occur Tn a parncuTar inslaTTalTon ll l cequmcnl docs can narmTuT Tnlcrlorence lo ra or lcToyTsTon chL‘P‘TDHr wnrcn can be delerrnrned oylurnrng lne ea rnenl oll and any lne user Ts encouraged lo lry lo correcl lne Tnxerlerence oy one or more ol lne ToTTowrno . ReuvlemmrelucatemeTecewlngamenna . Tncrease lne separaTTon oelween lne edqumenl and . Conneollne edqumenl ml!) an oulTel on a cTTcuTl dTHeTenlth\hannwmchlhzTecelverlscnnnec‘ed - ConsuT lne deaTer or an expenenced TadToTTv lecnnrcranlorneTp Warmno De ncl depesc el cchercaT apoTTanccs as unsencd munTcTDaTwaswrUwscparatccoHcchnMaml s DonlaczyourTocaT oouernmenl Tor Tnlormalron reoardrno lne coTTeclTon syslems ayaTTaoTe CerlTTTealTonslreglonaT) C€0® VeTsTen 501DUZSDUUD1sAA www aeolec corn AEOTEC
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Create Date : 2013:03:05 14:59:32+08:00 Creator Tool : CorelDRAW Modify Date : 2013:05:29 13:53:33+08:00 Metadata Date : 2013:05:29 13:53:33+08:00 Format : application/pdf Creator : admin Title : 501002900001(DoorWindow Sensor (2nd Edition)_AL001 英文 AA)_转曲.cdr Producer : Corel PDF Engine Version Document ID : uuid:6f763e37-bf71-407d-90f2-667816e19582 Instance ID : uuid:cc2b5507-fee6-456e-8629-e8a3356e9de9 Page Count : 2 Author : adminEXIF Metadata provided by