Agere Systems Nederland PC2411B Wireless LAN PC Card 2.4 GHz User Manual

Agere Systems Nederland B.V. Wireless LAN PC Card 2.4 GHz Users Manual


Users Manual

D RAFf! ! !
Information to the User
ft is the poicy of Agere Systems Inc. to provide customers with the Iatest avaiable
infonnation. All updates to this docunent wil appear in the English version first
nis doament provides regulatory information about Agere Wlrsess lAN products.
nis product uses Drect SequMce Spread Specbum (DSSS) radio teclYtoiogy. It is
designed to be inter-operable with any other y,;reless DSSS type product that
co~ies with:
. The IEEE 802.11b Standard on WereJess lANs, as defined and approved by
the Institute of EIec1rical and Electrorics En~neers.
. The Wireless Fldsity (Wi-F~ certification as defined by the WECA Wireiess
Ethemet Compatibility AlliarK:e.
Check yow product label tor the country and date of manufacturi~.
Wireless LAN and your Health
Wireless LAN prodUds, like olher radio devices, emit radio frequency
electromagnetic energy. The level of energy enitted by Wireless LAN devices
however is far mum less than the eectromag1etic energy enitted by wireless
devices like tor example mobile phones.
Because Wreless LAN prodUc1s operate wittin Ihe guidetines foond in radio
frequency safety standards and reconvnendations, Agere beieves Ihis product is
safe tor use by co~umers. These standards Md reconvnendations reflect Ihe
coosensus of the scientific community aoo result trom deliberations of panels and
c<mmittees of scàentists who continuaJly review and interpret the extensive research
Important Safety Instructions
When using 1his prodUd. always follow 1he basic safety precautions to reduce the
risk of f..e, electric shock and injury to persons, oouding 1he foilooNing:
1. Atways instaU 1he product as desamed in 1he dO<Unentatioo that is induded
with yoor produd.
2. Do not use 1his product near water, tor example. near a bath tub, wash b<J.Yl.
kitchen si~ or laundry lub, in a wet basemem or near a swinvning pool.
3. Avoid usng ttMs produd during an electrical stonn. There may be a rem«e
risk of eledric shock trom I~tning.
4. Do not use 1his product to report a gas leak in the vicirity of the Ieak.
Voo must instaJl and use ttis device in strict accordance .,,;th the manufacturer's
instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the product.
B~ae )'Ou start instaUation or use of this prodlK:t, carefully read the tollo.,,;ng
information tor device specific constraints or Nies Ö\at may apply in the country
where you want to use this product.
The user must always ensure that coontry aoo/or channel selection of peer-to-peer
groups or Base Station configurations matches the ~Iations of the country of
In some situations or envi'onments, the use ot wiretess devices may be restricted by
the proprietor of Ö\e building or responsibie repres~tatives d the organization.
These situations may tor example incklde:
. Using the wireless equilX"9"t on board ot airpianes, or
. In any other envi'onrnent where Ö\e risk ot nt~erence to other devices or
services is perceived or identified as hannful.
It you are unc81ain of !he policy that appies on the use ot .,,;reless equ~t in a
specific organization or environment (e.g. airports), you are encouraged to ask tor
authorization to use ttis device prior to tuning 00 Ö\e eqlipment.
The rnanutacturer is not responsibIe tor any radio or t~evisioo interference caused
by unauthorized modification ot the devices included with ttis kit, or the stbstitution
or atlachment of coonecti~ cables and equipment other !hM specified by
manufacturer. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized
modfication. substitution a attaavnent.,,;O be the responsibility of the user.
The manufacturer and its authorized res~lers or distriOOtas are nol liable tor any
darnage or vioJation of goverm1ent regulations that may arise trom failing to c~1y
.,,;th these gJideiines.
North America
ETllisted produds coof<m1 to ANSI/Ul 510.1950 certified to CAN/CSA sm C22.2
NO . 950
USA. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
This device compies with Part 15 of FCC Operation of ttle device is subject to
the folowing two conditions (1) Ths device may not cause harmful mterference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference that may Gause undes..ed operation.
Declaration of Conformity for products marked with FCC logo
Produc1s that conmin a radio transmitter are labeJed with FCC 10 and may aJso carry
the FCC logo:
Tested to c~1y with FCC Standards.
For home and office use only.
Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation
To ~Iy with the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements. the
folfNIing antenna installation and device operating configurations n'KJst
be satisfied:
To be updated! !
3. The transmitter shall nat be cotlocated widl otMr tr~smitters or
Federal Communicatlons Commission Notice
This equ~ment has been tested and tound to comply with the 6mits tor a Class B
digital device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These linits are desjgned to
provide reasonable protection aga~st harmful interference ~ a restdential
This equ~ment generates. uses. and can radiate radio frequency energy. It not
instalIed and used ~ accordance with the instnJctions. it may cause harmful
interferençe to radio commu~tioos. However. there is no guarantee that
interference ""';8 oot occur in a particular instalation.
If ttMs equipment does cause hannfU ilterference to radio or tele'w'ision receptioo.
~ch can be determned by ttming the equipment off Md on, the user is
eocouraged to try and correct the iNerference by roe or more of the tol~ng
. Reorient or relocate the receivng antenna.
. Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver.
. Conned the equ~ment to an outJet on a cirwt different trom that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radiofTV techrWcian tor he~.
The FCC requires the user to be notified that any cha~ or modifications to ~s
device that are nol expressty ~proved by Agere may void the user's authority to
operate the equ~ment
Canada - Industry Canada (IC)
The MgeSS radio of this device complies with RSS 139 & RSS 210 of looustry
The WÎ"gess radio of this device complies with RSS 210 d Industry Canada.
Ths Class B d9tal device compiies with Canadian ICES-OO3 (NMB-OO3).
Wireless LAN offers the following types of adapters:
PC Card
PCI Card
PCI Adapter
Mini PCI Card
USB Client
Wireless LAN network adapters are not much different room Ethemet adapters for
wired LANs. The operating system will not even notice the difference. The wireless
adapters support all protocols that are supported by Ethemet adapter cards.
Like wired adapters, wireless adapters require installation of a dedicated driver, but
unlike wired adapters they do not need a coole to connect them to the network.
Only wireless network adapters a1low rou to relocate workstations without the need to
change network cabling or connections to patch panels or hubs.
Radio Channels
Your Wireless LAN radio product operates in the 2.4 GHz band and supports the
following sub-channels.
Channel Set FCC (World)
Channel Set FCC (World)
FCC approved products support the following channels in the 2.4 GHz radio band
Frequency Channel
1 A
4 B
7 C
10 D

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