Agilent Technologies B2201A Users Manual B2200A/B2201A User's Guide

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Agilent Technologies
Agilent B2200A
Femto Leakage Switch
Agilent B2201A
14ch Low Leakage Switch
User’s Guide
© Agilent Technologies 2004, 2005
No part of this manual may be reproduced in
any form or by any means (including elec-
tronic storage and retrieval or translation
into a foreign language) without prior agree-
ment and written consent from Agilent
Technologies, Inc. as governed by United
States and international copyright laws.
Manual Part Number
Edition 1, October 2004
Edition 2, July 2005
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
395 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA
The material contained in this docu-
ment is provided “as is,” and is sub-
ject to being changed, without notice,
in future editions. Further, to the max-
imum extent permitted by applicable
law, Agilent disclaims all warranties,
either express or implied, with regard
to this manual and any information
contained herein, including but not
limited to the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a par-
ticular purpose. Agilent shall not be
liable for errors or for incidental or
consequential damages in connec-
tion with the furnishing, use, or per-
formance of this document or of any
information contained herein. Should
Agilent and the user have a separate
written agreement with warranty
terms covering the material in this
document that conflict with these
terms, the warranty terms in the sep-
arate agreement shall control.
Technol o gy Licenses
The hardware and/or software described in
this document are furnished under a license
and may be used or copied only in accor-
dance with the terms of such license.
Restricted Rights Legend
If software is for use in the performance of a
U.S. Government prime contract or subcon-
tract, Software is delivered and licensed as
“Commercial computer software” as
defined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June 1995),
or as a “commercial item” as defined in FAR
2.101(a) or as “Restricted computer soft-
ware” as defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June
1987) or any equivalent agency regulation or
contract clause. Use, duplication or disclo-
sure of Software is subject to Agilent Tech-
nologies’ standard commercial license
terms, and non-DOD Departments and
Agencies of the U.S. Government will
receive no greater than Restricted Rights as
defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June
1987). U.S. Government users will receive
no greater than Limited Rights as defined in
FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987) or DFAR
252.227-7015 (b)(2) (November 1995), as
applicable in any technical data.
According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN/CENELEC EN 45014
Manuf ac tu rer ’s Name : Agilen t Technologies Interna tional sar l
Manufact urer ’s Address :
Supplier’s Address :
Rue de la Gare 29
CH - 1110 Morge s
Declares under sole responsibility that the product as originally delivere d
Product Name : Femto Leakag e Switch Mainframe
Femt o Lea kage Switc h Modul e
14ch Low Leakag e Switch Mainfram e
14ch Low Leakag e Switc h Modul e
Model Number : Agilen t B2200A
Agilent B22 10A
Agilen t B2201A
Agile nt B22 11A
Product Options : This declaration covers all options of the above product(s )
complies with the esse ntial requireme nts of the following applicable European Directives, and carr ies
the CE mark ing acc ordingl y:
Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC )
EMC Direc tive (89 /336 /EEC , amended by 93/68 /EEC )
and conforms with the following product standard s
EMC Standar d
IEC 61326:2002/ EN 61326:02
CISPR 11:1999+A2 / EN 55011:1998+A 1
IEC 61000-4-2:2001 / EN 61000-4-2:1995+A1+A2
IEC 61000-4-3:2002 / EN 61000-4-3:1996+A1+A2
IEC 61000-4-4:1995+A1+A2 / EN 61000-4-4:1995+A1
IEC 61000-4-5:2001 / EN 61000-4-5:1995+A1
IEC 61000-4-6:2001 / EN 61000-4-6:1996+A1
IEC 61000-4-11:2001 / EN 61000-4-11:1994+A1
Canada: ICES -001:1998
Australia/New Zealand: AS/NZS 2064. 1
Group 1 Class A
4 kV CD, 8 kV AD
3 V/m, 80 -1000 MHz
0.5 kV signal lines, 1 kV power lines
0.5 kV line-line, 1 kV line-ground
1 cycle, 100%
The product was tested in a typical configuration with Agilent Technologies test systems.
Safet y IEC 61010-1:2001 / EN 61010-1:2001
Canada: CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1:1992, NRTL/C
Supplementary Information:
This DoC applies to abov e-listed products placed on the EU market after:
Sep 24, 2004
Date Toshiyuki Kawaj i
QA Manager
Agilent Technologie s
Lpa < 70 dB
am Arbeitsplatz
normaler Betrieb
nach DIN 45635 T. 19
Manufacturer’s Declaration
Lpa < 70 dB
operator position
normal operation
per ISO 7779
NOTE This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.
Cet appareil ISM est conforme ?Hla norme NMB-001 du Canada.
This product complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking
requirements. The affixed label indicates that you must not discard this electrical/
electronic product in domestic household waste.
Product Category: With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE Directive
Annex I, this product is classed as a “Monitoring and Control instrumentation”
Do not dispose in domestic household waste.
To return unwanted products, contact your local Agilent office, or see for more information.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Visual C++, and Visual Basic are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Borland C++ Builder is registered trademark of International, Inc. LabWindows and LabVIEW are registered
trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Safety Summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of
operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with these
precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual may impair the
protections provided by the equipment. In addition, it violates safety standards of
design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Agilent Technologies, Inc.
assumes no liability for customers failure to comply with these requirements.
NOTE Agilent B2200 complies with INSTALLATION CATEGORY II for mains input and
INSTALLATION CATEGORY I for measurement input terminals, and
POLLUTION DEGREE 2 defined in IEC 1010-1.
Agilent B2200 is INDOOR USE products.
This is Safety Class I instrument. To minimize shock hazard, the instrument
chassis and cabinet must be connected to an electrical ground. The power
terminal and the power cable must meet International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) safety standards.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a
definite safety hazard.
Operation personnel must not remove instrument covers. Component
replacement and internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenance
personnel. Do not replace components with power cable connected. Under
certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable
removed. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuits
before touching them.
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of
rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.
Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute
parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the instrument. Return the
instrument to a Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office for services and
repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.
Warnings, such as example below, precede potentially dangerous procedures
throughout this manual. Instructions contained in the warnings must be
WARNING Dangerous Voltage, capable of causing death, are present in this instrument.
Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting.
Safety Symbols
The general definitions of safety symbols used on equipment or in manuals are
listed below.
Instruction manual symbol: the product will be marked with this symbol when it is
necessary for the user to refer to the instruction manual in order to protect against
damage to the instrument.
Indicates dangerous voltage and potential for electrical shock. Do not touch
terminals that have this symbol when insrument is on.
Affixed to product containing static sensitive devices--use anti-static handling
procedures to prevent electrostatic discharge damage to component.
Protective conductor terminal. For protection against electrical shock in case of a
fault. Used with field wiring terminals to indicate the terminal which must be
connected to ground before operating equipment.
Frame or chassis terminal. A connection to the frame (chassis) of the equipment
which normally includes all exposed metal structures.
Indicates earth (ground) terminal.
Alternating current.
Direct current.
ON (Supply).
OFF (Supply).
STANDBY (Supply).
Means INSTALLATION CATEGORY I. Measurement terminals on the rear panel
WARNING The warning sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice,
condition or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in
injury or death to personal.
CAUTION The caution sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure,
practice, condition or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could
result in damage to or destruction of part or all of the product.
In This Manual
This manual is a user’s guide for Agilent B2200A/B2201A Switch Mainframe, and
consists of the following chapters:
• Introduction
Describes an overview and specifications of the Agilent B2200 series.
• Installation
Describes how to install the Agilent B2200 and how to setup the input/output.
Front Panel Operation
Explains the front panel operation and the switch control functions of the
Agilent B2200, also provides the reference information of the front panel keys
and display.
Explains the programming examples that control the Agilent B2200.
SCPI Command Reference
Describes the all commands of the Agilent B2200 SCPI commands.
• VXIplug&play Driver
Describes the all functions of the Agilent B2200 VXIplug&play driver.
Error Messages
Lists and describes the error messages for the Agilent B2200.
Text Conventions
The following text conventions are used in this manual:
Screen Text Represents text that appears on screen of the controller.
Italic Refers to a related document, or is used for emphasis.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
1. Introduction
Agilent B2200 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Rear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Switch Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
General Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Switch Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
Supplemental Information for B2200A/B2210A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
Supplemental Information for B2201A/B2211A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
Accessories and Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
2. Installation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Power Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Operating Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Storage and Shipping Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Installing the B2200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
To Set the GPIB Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
To Connect the GPIB Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
To Install the Switch Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
To Install the Blank Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Self-Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Output Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Output Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Connector Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
To Make Connections to DUT Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
To Make Interlock Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
To Mount Connectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
Input Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Measurement Cable Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
3. Front Panel Operation
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
To Initialize Agilent B2200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
To Enable Light Pen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
To Change Channel Configuration Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
To Change Connection Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
To Change Connection Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
To Control Switch Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
To Open All Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
To Save/Load Setup Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
To Use Bias Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
To Use Ground Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
To Use Couple Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
To Display Firmware Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
To Display Module Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
To Read Error Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
To Set Beeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
To Set GPIB Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
To Set Remote Display Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
To Return to Local Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Switch Control Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
Channel Configuration Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Connection Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Connection Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
Bias Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Ground Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Couple Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
Display Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22
LED Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22
LCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Front Panel Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
Function key group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
Edit key group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Setup Menus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
Setup Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
Selftest Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
4. Programming
Programming Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
SCPI Command Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Fundamental Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Switch Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Programming Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
Connecting Input-Output Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Using Bias Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Using Ground Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Using Couple Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Saving Input/Output Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
Defining Comment for Internal Memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
Capacitance Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
Capacitance Compensation Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
Required Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21
To Create Compensation Data File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
To Perform Measurement and Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27
5. SCPI Command Reference
Common Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Commands Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
*CLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
*ESE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
*ESR? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
*IDN? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
*OPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
*RST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
*SRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
*STB? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
*TST? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
*WAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
Subsystem Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
Command Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
:DIAGnostic:TEST:CARD:CLEar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21
:DIAGnostic:TEST:CARD[:EXECute]? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21
:DIAGnostic:TEST:CARD:STATe? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
:DIAGnostic:TEST:FRAMe:CLEar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
:DIAGnostic:TEST:FRAMe[:EXECute]? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23
:DIAGnostic:TEST:FRAMe:STATe? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24
[:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:DISable:CARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
[:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:DISable[:LIST] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
[:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:ENABle:CARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
[:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:ENABle[:LIST] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
[:ROUTe]:AGND:PORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27
[:ROUTe]:AGND[:STATe]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28
[:ROUTe]:AGND:UNUSED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29
[:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:DISable:CARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30
[:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:DISable[:LIST] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30
[:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:ENABle:CARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31
[:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:ENABle[:LIST] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31
[:ROUTe]:BIAS:PORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32
[:ROUTe]:BIAS[:STATe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33
[:ROUTe]:CLOSe:CARD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
[:ROUTe]:CLOSe[:LIST] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
[:ROUTe]:CONNection:RULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35
[:ROUTe]:CONNection:SEQuence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36
[:ROUTe]:COUPle:PORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
[:ROUTe]:COUPle:PORT:DETect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38
[:ROUTe]:COUPle[:STATe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39
[:ROUTe]:FUNCtion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40
[:ROUTe]:OPEN:CARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40
[:ROUTe]:OPEN[:LIST] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-41
[:ROUTe]:SYMBol:CHANnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42
[:ROUTe]:SYMBol:PORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-43
:SYSTem:BEEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44
:SYSTem:CCONfig? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44
:SYSTem:CDEScription? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45
:SYSTem:CPON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-46
:SYSTem:CTYPe? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47
:SYSTem:DISPlay:LCD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47
:SYSTem:DISPlay:LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48
:SYSTem:DISPlay:STRing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48
Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
:SYSTem:ERRor? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-49
:SYSTem:KLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-49
:SYSTem:MEMOry:COMMent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-50
:SYSTem:MEMOry:DELete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-50
:SYSTem:MEMOry:LOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-51
:SYSTem:MEMOry:SAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-51
:SYSTem:PEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52
:SYSTem:VERSion? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52
Status Reporting Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53
Status Reporting Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53
Status Byte Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-55
Service Request Enable Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-57
Standard Event Status Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58
Standard Event Status Enable Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-59
Output Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-60
6. VXI plug&play Driver
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Installing VXIplug&play Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Driver Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
agb220xa_biasChanCard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
agb220xa_biasChanList. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
agb220xa_biasChanList_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
agb220xa_biasPort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
agb220xa_biasState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
agb220xa_close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
agb220xa_closeCard_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
agb220xa_closeList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
agb220xa_closeList_Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
agb220xa_cmd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
agb220xa_cmdData_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
agb220xa_cmdInt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
agb220xa_cmdInt16Arr_Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
agb220xa_cmdInt16_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
agb220xa_cmdInt32Arr_Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
agb220xa_cmdInt32_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
agb220xa_cmdReal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
agb220xa_cmdReal64Arr_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
agb220xa_cmdReal64_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
agb220xa_cmdString_Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
agb220xa_compenC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
agb220xa_connRuleSeq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
agb220xa_couplePort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19
agb220xa_coupleState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
agb220xa_dcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
agb220xa_detectCouplePort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
agb220xa_error_message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
agb220xa_error_query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
agb220xa_errorQueryDetect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22
agb220xa_errorQueryDetect_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22
agb220xa_esr_Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
agb220xa_func . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
agb220xa_groundChanCard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-24
agb220xa_groundChanList. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-24
agb220xa_groundChanList_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25
agb220xa_groundPort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26
agb220xa_groundState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26
agb220xa_init . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-27
agb220xa_opc_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-27
agb220xa_openCard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
agb220xa_openList. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
agb220xa_openList_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29
Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
agb220xa_readStatusByte_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29
agb220xa_reset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30
agb220xa_revision_query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30
agb220xa_selectCompenFile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30
agb220xa_self_test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-31
agb220xa_testClear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-31
agb220xa_testExec_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-32
agb220xa_timeOut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-32
agb220xa_timeOut_Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-33
agb220xa_unusedPort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-33
7. Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Command Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Execution Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
Device-Dependent Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
Query Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
B2200 Specific Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
B2200 Channel Related Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
B2200 Card/Mode/Port Related Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
1 Introduction
1-2 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
This chapter describes the basic functions and features of the Agilent
B2200A/B2201A (Agilent B2200 series), and consists of the following sections:
“Agilent B2200 Series”
“Front Panel”
“Rear Panel”
“Switch Modules”
• “Specifications”
“Accessories and Options”
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 1-3
Agilent B2200 Series
Agilent B2200 Series
Agilent B2200 series is a switching matrix designed for semiconductor dc
characteristics measurement applications. The Agilent B2200 series has 14 input
ports and four card slots for the switch modules (plug-in cards), and can configure a
12, 24, 36, or 48 outputs switching matrix. The Agilent B2200A/B2201A supports
the following dedicated switch module.
Agilent B2210A fA Leakage Switch Module
Dedicated for the Agilent B2200A mainframe.
Agilent B2211A 14ch Low Leakage Switch Module
Dedicated for the Agilent B2201A mainframe.
NOTE Mixed configuration of the switch modules is not supported.
Basic functions of the Agilent B2200 series are listed below.
SMU inputs (for source monitor units): 8 ports
AUX inputs (multipurpose inputs): 6 ports
Outputs: 12, 24, 36, or 48 ports
Connection setup and status monitor on the front panel
Status display on the LED matrix display
Connection setup by the Light pen
Automatic control through GPIB interface
Auto ground function
Self-test, relay function test
Relay cleaning
1-4 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel
Front Panel
The Agilent B2200 series provides the front panel keys, the LCD, and the LED
matrix display for the status monitor and connection setup.
Line switch
Used to turn the Agilent B2200 on or off.
Used to monitor the status and set the connection. See Chapter 3 for the details.
Front panel keys
Used to set the Agilent B2200. See Chapter 3 for the details.
LED matrix display
Displays the status of the matrix switches. Also used to set the matrix connection
with the light pen.
SMU Input
Inputs for the source monitor unit (SMU). Eight input ports. Up to four kelvin
inputs are available. Triaxial BNC connector.
AUX Input
Multipurpose inputs. Six input ports. Coaxial BNC connector. CMH and CML
terminals are the input ports for the capacitance measurement.
The input port 12 (AUX Input 12) is the default ground input port. If you assign
the port as the ground input port, this ground port will be internally connected to
the ground when the ground mode is set to ON. In this case, open this connector.
•Light Pen
Connector for the Agilent 16443A Light pen. Used to set the matrix connection
with the LED matrix display.
CAUTION For the SMU Input terminals, the maximum measurement voltage/current/voltage
between terminals are ±200 V/1 A/300 V, respectively. And for the AUX Input
terminals, they are ±100 V/0.5 A/100 V.
Do not apply an input signal over these limits to the input terminals. If you do, the
Agilent B2200 will be damaged. If you use a bias source that has current limit
capability, set the bias source current limit.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 1-5
Front Panel
Figure 1-1 Front Panel View
1-6 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Rear Panel
Rear Panel
The Agilent B2200 series has four card slots for the switch modules, the GPIB
interface and so on.
Card slots
For the Agilent B2200A mainframe, the Agilent B2210A cards are installed.
For the Agilent B2201A mainframe, the Agilent B2211A cards are installed.
Mixed configuration of the switch modules is not supported.
GPIB interface
Use an Agilent 82357A USB/GPIB interface or Agilent 10833A/B/C/D GPIB
cable to connect to an external computer or equipment.
Serial number
You need this serial number when using the Agilent Technologies telephone
assistance program.
LINE input receptacle
AC power cable is connected to this receptacle.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 1-7
Rear Panel
Figure 1-2 Rear Panel View
1-8 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Switch Modules
Switch Modules
The Agilent B2200A and B2201A support the dedicated switch module, Agilent
B2210A and B2211A, respectively.
By installing the modules, the module inputs will be connected internally to the
front panel input connectors. And 12 output connectors will face the rear panel. The
type of the output connectors is the triaxial BNC. Up to six kelvin outputs are
Image of the output terminals and the block diagram of the switch module are
shown in Figure 1-3 and Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-3 Switch Module Output Terminals
WARNING Do not touch the force and guard terminals of the output connectors while the
Agilent B2200 is turned on. Dangerous voltages up to the maximum input
voltage may be present at the output connectors.
NOTE Mixed configuration of the switch modules is not supported.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 1-9
Switch Modules
Figure 1-4 Switch Module Block Diagram
13 CMH
14 CML
910 11 12
1-10 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
This section lists specifications and supplemental information for the Agilent B2200
“General Specifications”
“Switch Modules”
“Supplemental Information for B2200A/B2210A”
“Supplemental Information for B2201A/B2211A”
The specifications are the performance standards or limits against which these units
have been tested. The supplemental information is not warranted, but provides
useful information about functions and performance.
If not noted otherwise, the conditions for specifications and supplemental
information are as follows:
Temperature: 23 °C ± 5 °C
Humidity: 5 % to 60 % R.H.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 1-11
General Specifications
Operating: 5 °C to 35 °C
Storage: 20 °C to 70 °C
Humidity range: Operating: 5 % to 70 % R.H., non-condensing
< 80 % R.H. at 35 °C, < 60 % R.H. at 65 °C, non-condensing (B2200A/B2210A)
< 80 % R.H. at 65 °C, non-condensing (B2201A/B2211A)
Altitude: Operating: 0 to 2,000 m (6,500 ft)
Storage: 0 to 15,240 m (50,000 ft)
Safety: CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1/IEC 1010-1
EMC: CISPR 11 Group 1 class A&EN50082-1
90 to 264 V (continuous), 47 to 63 Hz, 2 A/200 VA maximum
Number of slots: 4 slots for 48 mm height switch module
Dimensions: B2200A/B2201A: 430 mm W × 320 mm H × 600 mm D
B2210A/B2211A: 395 mm W × 48 mm H × 500 mm D
Weight: B2200A/B2201A: approximately 14.0 kg
B2210A: approximately 5.0 kg
B2211A: approximately 3.5 kg
Number of ports: SMU input: 8 triaxial ports (with Guard)
AUX input: 6 coaxial ports (two ports for capacitance measurement)
Output: 12 triaxial ports (with Guard), maximum 48 ports
1-12 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Switch Modules
Table 1-1 lists the specifications when the switch module is installed in the
mainframe. In the table, the conditions are as follows:
Conditions: 23 °C ± 5 °C, 5 % to 60 % R.H.
Table 1-1 Agilent B2210A/B2211A Switch Module Specifications
The Agilent B2200A mainframe supports the Agilent B2210A module.
The Agilent B2201A mainframe supports the Agilent B2211A module.
Mixed configuration of the switch modules is not supported.
B2210A B2211A
Max. current rating (A)
SMU input 1.0 1.0
AUX input 0.5 0.5
Max. voltage rating (V)
SMU input, channel to common 200 200
SMU input, channel to channel 300 300
AUX input, channel to common 100 100
AUX input, channel to channel 100 100
Closed channel residual resistance ()
SMU input 0.6 0.6
AUX input 1.5 1.5
Channel isolation resistance ()
SMU input 1014 5 × 1013
AUX input 109109
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 1-13
Supplemental Information for B2200A/B2210A
Offset current 1 < 10 fA (typical 3 fA) (SMU input)
IM noise (RMS) 2 0.6 fA (SMU input)
Channel crosstalk capacitance < 1 pF/channel (SMU input)
< 3 pF/channel (AUX input)
Offset voltage < 50 µV (SMU input)
< 80 µV (AUX input)
Settling time 3 2.0 seconds
Bandwidth (at -3dB) 30 MHz (SMU input)
Guard capacitance 4 < 145 pF (SMU input)
Additional C measurement error 5 < ± 1 % + 0.2 pF (SMU input)
1. When the voltage applied to all input-output channels is 0 V.
2. Measured by the Agilent 4156C with the integration time setting 100 PLC.
When the voltage applied to all other input-output paths is 0 V.
3. The time until the measurement value settles to within 50 fA of the final
value. When the applied voltage is 10 V.
4. When four modules have been installed in the mainframe. And when only
one input-output path is made.
5. For the measurement less than 1000 pF at the frequency 1 kHz to 1 MHz,
using the Agilent 4284A with 3 m cable. After the compensation using the
capacitance compensation algorithm (a function of VXIplug&play driver).
1-14 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Supplemental Information for B2201A/B2211A
Offset current 1 < 50 fA (SMU input)
IM noise (RMS) 2 5 fA (SMU input)
Channel crosstalk capacitance < 0.5 pF/channel (SMU input)
< 3 pF/channel (AUX input)
Offset voltage < 80 µV (SMU input)
< 100 µV (AUX input)
Settling time 3 2.0 seconds
Bandwidth (at -3dB) 30 MHz (SMU input)
Guard capacitance 4 < 145 pF (SMU input)
Additional C measurement error 5 < ± 1 % + 0.2 pF (SMU input)
1. When the voltage applied to all input-output paths is 0 V.
2. Measured by the Agilent 4156C with the integration time setting 100 PLC.
When the voltage applied to all other input-output paths is 0 V.
3. The time until the measurement value settles to within 300 fA of the final
value. When the applied voltage is 10 V.
4. When four modules have been installed in the mainframe. And when only
one input-output path is made.
5. For the measurement less than 1000 pF at the frequency 1 kHz to 1 MHz,
using the Agilent 4284A with 3 m cable. After the compensation using the
capacitance compensation algorithm (a function of VXIplug&play driver).
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 1-15
Accessories and Options
Accessories and Options
Agilent B2200 is furnished with the following accessories.
Power cable, 1 ea.
Operation summary sheet, 1 ea.
Manual CD-ROM, 1 ea.
Software CD-ROM, 1 ea.
Stores the Agilent B2200 VXIplug&play driver.
The Agilent B2200 VXIplug&play driver supports Windows XP Professional,
Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows 95.
Moisture-proof and dehumidifying packing kit, 1 set
Table 1-2 lists the options and accessories available for the Agilent B2200.
1-16 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Accessories and Options
Table 1-2 Options and Accessories
Number Option Item Description
B2200A fA Leakage Switch Mainframe
B2200A-UK6 Commercial cal. certificate w/ test data
B2200A-ABA Manual set, English
B2200A-ABJ Manual set, Japanese
B2201A 14ch Low Leakage Switch Mainframe
B2201A-UK6 Commercial cal. certificate w/ test data
B2201A-ABA Manual set, English
B2201A-ABJ Manual set, Japanese
B2210A fA Leakage Switch Module (for B2200A)
B2211A 14ch Low Leakage Switch Module (for B2201A)
16443A Light pen
16493H GNDU cable (between 41501/4142 and 16495F/G)
16493H-001 1.5 m length
16493H-002 3 m length
16493J Interlock cable
(between E5260/E5270/4155/4156 and 16495F/G)
16493J-001 1.5 m length
16493J-002 3 m length
16493J-003 5 m length
16493K Kelvin triaxial cable
(between B2200 inputs and E5260/E5270/4156/41501)
16493K-001 1.5 m length
16493K-002 3 m length
16493L GNDU cable (between E5260/E5270 and 16495F/G)
16493L-001 1.5 m length
16493L-002 3 m length
16493L-003 5 m length
16493N GNDU cable for Kelvin connection
(between B2200 inputs and E5260/E5270/41501/4142)
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 1-17
Accessories and Options
16494A Triaxial cable
16494A-001 1.5 m length
16494A-002 3 m length
16494A-003 80 cm length
16494A-005 4 m length
16494B Kelvin triaxial cable
(between B2200 inputs and 4142B, between B2210/B2211
outputs and 16495F/G)
16494B-001 1.5 m length
16494B-002 3 m length
16494B-003 80 cm length
16494C Kelvin triaxial cable
(between B2210/B2211 outputs and B2220A)
16494C-001 1.5 m length
16494C-002 3 m length
16494C-005 4 m length
16494F CMU Input cable, 2 m
(between B2200 CMH/CML and 4-terminal pairs connectors)
16495E Half size blank plate
16495F Half size connector plate with 12×triaxial, intlk, GNDU
16495F-001 Bulkhead feedthrough connectors (female to female)
16495F-002 Connectors to contacts for soldering
16495G Full size connector plate with 24×triaxial, intlk, GNDU
16495G-001 Bulkhead feedthrough connectors (female to female)
16495G-002 Connectors to contacts for soldering
Number Option Item Description
1-18 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Accessories and Options
2 Installation
2-2 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
This chapter describes requirements to install Agilent B2200 and the tasks for
installation, and is organized into the following three sections:
• “Requirements”
• “Inspection”
“Installing the B2200”
• “Self-Test”
“Output Connections”
“Input Connections”
“Measurement Cable Length”
• “Maintenance”
WARNING The maximum input voltage of the Agilent B2200 is ±200 V. And dangerous
voltages may be present at the output terminals. To prevent electric shock, you
must observe the following safety precautions when using the Agilent B2200.
Use a three-conductor ac power cable to connect cabinet (if used) and the
Agilent B2200 to an electric ground (safety ground).
If you need to touch the force and guard terminals of the output connector,
turn off the Agilent B2200 and discharge any capacitors whenever possible.
Warn workers around the B2200 about dangerous conditions.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-3
This section describes the following requirements for the Agilent B2200.
“Power Requirements”
•“Power Cable
“Operating Environment”
“Storage and Shipping Environment”
Power Requirements
CAUTION Before applying ac line power to the Agilent B2200, ensure that the correct power
cable is used.
The Agilent B2200 can operate from any single-phase ac power source supplying 90
to 264 V in the frequency range from 47 to 63 Hz. The maximum power
consumption is 2 A/200 VA.
Power Cable
In accordance with international safety standards, this instrument is equipped with a
three-wire power cable. When connected to an appropriate ac power outlet, this
cable grounds the instrument frame. The type of power cable shipped with each
instrument depends on the country of destination. See Table 2-1 for the part numbers
of the power cables available.
If the plug on the cable does not fit the power outlet, or the cable is to be attached to
a terminal block, cut the cable at the plug end and re-wire it. This work should be
performed by a qualified electrician all local electrical codes being strictly observed.
The color coding used in the cable will depend on the cable supplied. If a new plug
is to be connected, it must meet local safety requirements and include the following
Adequate load-carrying capacity.
Ground connection.
Cable clamp.
2-4 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Table 2-1 Power Cable
Plug: BS 1363/A,
250 V, 10 A
Cable: 8120-1351
Plug: AS 3112, 250 V,
10 A
Cable: 8120-1369
Plug: CEE 7 Standard
Sheet VII, 250 V, 10 A
Cable: 8120-1689
Plug: NEMA 5-15P,
125 V, 10 A
Cable: 8120-1378
Plug: NEMA 6-15P,
250 V, 6 A
Cable: 8120-0698
Plug: SEV Type 12,
250 V, 10 A
Cable: 8120-2104
Plug: SR 107-2-D,
250 V, 10 A
Cable: 8120-2956
Plug: IEC 83-B1,
250 V, 10 A
Cable: 8120-4211
Plug: JIS C 8303,
125 V, 12 A
Cable: 8120-4753
Plug: Argentine
Resolution 63, Annex
IV, 250 V, 10 A
Cable: 8120-6870
Plug: CEI 23-16, 250 V,
10 A
Cable: 8120-6978
Plug: GB 1002, 250 V,
10 A
Cable: 8120-8376
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-5
WARNING For protection from electrical shock, the power cable ground must not be
Operating Environment
The Agilent B2200 must be operated within the following environmental
Temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C
Humidity: 5 % to 70 % R.H., non-condensing
Altitude: 0 m to 2,000 m
Storage and Shipping Environment
The Agilent B2200 should be stored or shipped in environments within the
following limits:
Temperature: -20 °C to 70 °C
< 80 % R.H. (at 35 °C), < 60 % R.H. (at 65 °C), non-condensing
< 80 % R.H. (at 65 °C), non-condensing
Altitude: 0 m to 15,240 m
CAUTION When storing the Agilent B2200
Protect the Agilent B2200 from temperature extremes to prevent condensation from
forming inside the Agilent B2200. If condensation occurs, the Agilent B2200 may
damage or may not satisfy the specifications. If the Agilent B2200 was placed at the
high temperature and high humidity environment long time, the Agilent B2200 may
degrade its performance.
NOTE When shipping the Agilent B2200
The Agilent B2200 must be packed in the certain packing materials for protection
from damage when it is shipped. Cover the Agilent B2200 by using the
moisture-proof and dehumidifying packing material (furnished), and pack it by
using packing materials such as carton box and cushioning materials.
2-6 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
CAUTION Before Opening Packing Materials
The Agilent B2200 contains the condensation sensitive electronic parts. The
condensation will have a negative impact on the Agilent B2200 to operate normally.
Do not open the packing materials, and leave the Agilent B2200 to acclimate it to
the installation environment (temperature and humidity). If it is opened without
enough acclimation, the Agilent B2200 may damage.
When you open the box that contains the Agilent B2200, check the following:
1. Before unpacking any components, inspect all boxes for any signs of damage
that might have occurred during shipment such as:
• Scratches
Water marks
2. When you open the boxes that contain the Agilent B2200, check the components
against the contents lists that are attached to the boxes.
If anything is wrong, notify your local Agilent Technologies sales office.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-7
Installing the B2200
Installing the B2200
This section describes how to install the Agilent B2200.
1. See “Requirements” on page 2-3, and determine the installation location.
2. Unpack the Agilent B2200 and place it at the installation site.
3. Plug the power cable into the Line input receptacle at the rear panel.
4. Plug the power cable into the power receptacle.
5. Perform the self-test. See “Self-Test” on page 2-10.
6. If you control the Agilent B2200 by using an external computer:
Set the GPIB address. See “To Set the GPIB Address” on page 2-8 and “To
Connect the GPIB Cable” on page 2-8.
7. If you have to add or replace the switch module:
Turn the Agilent B2200 off, remove the power cable, and install the switch
module. See “To Install the Switch Module” on page 2-9 and “To Install the
Blank Panel” on page 2-9.
NOTE Plug-in module is shipped from the factory after the specifications are confirmed.
Agilent can guarantee that the modules will function and that the module
performance is designed to meet its specifications. However, if you have any
trouble, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies service center.
If you require that the modules be guaranteed to their specifications (for ISO
compliance, etc.), then you must perform a calibration on the instrument (modules
and mainframe together). For calibration, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies
service center.
2-8 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Installing the B2200
To Set the GPIB Address
Every device on the GPIB bus must have a unique address. If you need to change
the GPIB address, turn the Agilent B2200 on and perform the following procedure.
The new GPIB address is recognized only at power on. The Agilent B2200 leaves
the factory with the GPIB address set to 22.
1. Press the Menu key.
2. Move the cursor to CONFIG, then press the Enter key.
3. Move the cursor to ADDRESS, then press the Enter key. The following message
will appear on the LCD. XX will be 0 to 30.
GPIB Address = XX
4. Press the arrow key (up or down) to specify the desired GPIB address, then press
the Enter key.
5. Press the Enter key twice.
6. Turn the Agilent B2200 off, and then turn it on again.
To Connect the GPIB Cable
To connect the instrument with a computer or peripheral device via GPIB (IEEE
Std. 488), connect an GPIB cable between the GPIB connector on the instrument
rear panel and the GPIB connector on the peripheral device.
Including the controller, a total of 15 GPIB interfaces can be connected on the same
GPIB bus. The following are rules for connecting GPIB interfaces:
If total number of interfaces 10:
Max. total cable length = number of interfaces × 2 m.
If total number of interfaces > 10:
Max. total cable length = 20 m.
Maximum cable length between interfaces is 4 m.
Star connection and cascade connection are allowed. Loop connection is not
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-9
Installing the B2200
To Install the Switch Module
WARNING To prevent electrical shock, turn off the mainframe and remove the power
cable before starting the instruction.
CAUTION Be careful about the module pins used for internal connection to the Agilent B2200.
The pins can be damaged easily.
Use clean handling and anti-static procedures when removing, configuring, and
installing the switch modules. The modules contain components that can be
damaged by static electricity.
The following procedure explains the module installation and removal.
1. Turn off the Agilent B2200, then wait at least 10 seconds before you remove or
install a module.
2. Loosen the screws on both the left and right edges of a blank panel or a module
attached to the slot you want to install a new module.
3. Remove the blank panel or the module.
4. Align the new module with the left and right slot guide rails. Then the
component side should be facing up.
5. Push the module into the slot until you feel it seat firmly into the connector at the
back of the slot.
6. Screw in the screws on the left and right edges of the module.
7. Execute the self-test and the relay test. See “Self-Test” on page 2-10.
To Install the Blank Panel
CAUTION To prevent thermal damage to the module, be sure that blank panels are installed in
all unused slots.
If the blank panel is not installed to cover an unused slot, install the blank panel as
1. Align the blank panel over the unused slot.
2. Screw in the screws on the left and right edges of the blank panel.
2-10 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
NOTE To confirm the specifications
The self-test and diagnostics checks the operation of the mainframe and the
modules. However they cannot confirm if the Agilent B2200 satisfies its
For verifying the specifications, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Service
Center. Trained service personnel will perform calibration (performance
It is recommended to perform calibration once a year at least.
The following procedure performs the self-test and diagnostics.
1. Turn on the Agilent B2200.
The controller test will be performed. If the Agilent B2200 fails the test, contact
your nearest Agilent Technologies Service Center.
2. Press the Shift key and the Menu key in this order. Self-test menu will appear on
the LCD.
SELF_TEST Controller test
RELAY_TEST Relay test
KEY Front panel interface test
BEEPER Beeper test
LED LED matrix test
PEN Light pen test
3. Move the cursor to the test item to perform, then press Enter key.
4. To start the test, move the cursor to EXECUTE, then press Enter key.
To display the previous test result, move the cursor to RESULT, then press Enter
For the details of each test, see “Selftest Menu” on page 3-34.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-11
Output Connections
Output Connections
This section describes how to connect the Agilent B2200 outputs to prober,
connector plate, test fixture, and so on (DUT interface).
“Output Connectors”
“Connector Plates”
“To Make Connections to DUT Interface”
“To Make Interlock Circuit”
“To Mount Connectors”
NOTE Output Connections
If you do not use the connector plate for the connection between the output and the
DUT interface, see “To Mount Connectors” on page 2-18.
WARNING Turn off the Agilent B2200 and all instruments connected. And do not turn
them on until the connection described in this section is completed. If you
ignore this warning, you may be exposed to dangerous voltage.
Output Connectors
The Agilent B2200 output connectors are the triaxial BNC connector. The input
signals appears at the output as shown in Figure 2-1 when input-output switching
path is made. Figure 2-1 shows signals appear on the output connectors with
non-Kelvin connection. If you make Kelvin connection, the signal of the even
output connectors is Sense, not Force.
Figure 2-1 Output Connector and Output Signal
(a) When SMU is connected (b) When AUX is connected
Signal (force)
Signal (force)
2-12 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Output Connections
Connector Plates
Connector plates (Table 2-2) are used for the connection between the Agilent B2200
outputs and the DUT interface (prober and so on). To connect to the connector plate,
use the cable shown in Table 2-3.
Table 2-2 Connector Plate
Table 2-3 Output Cable
NOTE Installing Connector Plate
To install the connector plate, refer to Agilent 16495 Installation Guide.
Agilent Model No. Description
16495F Half size connector plate
16495F-001 has 12 triaxial through connectors (female to female), an Intlk
connector, and a GNDU connector (triaxial through, female to female). The back
of the Intlk connector is designed for soldering.
16495F-002 has 12 triaxial connectors, an Intlk connector, and a GNDU
connector. The back of each connector is designed for soldering.
16495G Full size connector plate
16495G-001 has 24 triaxial through connectors (female to female), an Intlk
connector, and a GNDU connector (triaxial through, female to female). The back
of the Intlk connector is designed for soldering.
16495G-002 has 24 triaxial connectors, an Intlk connector, and a GNDU
connector. The back of each connector is designed for soldering.
16495E Blank plate
This plate is used to cover openings when you made too big openings for
mounting the connector plate. You will use this plate to cover openings if you
mount the half size connector plate in openings made for the full size connector
Agilent Model No. Description
16494A Triaxial cable (for non-Kelvin connection)
16494B Kelvin Triaxial cable (for Kelvin connection)
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-13
Output Connections
For Kelvin connection, use Kelvin triaxial cable listed in Table 2-3. To make a
Kelvin output port (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11), couple two E5252A output ports as follows:
To Make Connections to DUT Interface
This section describes for the connections between the DUT interface and the
connectors connected to the Agilent B2200 output cables. See Table 2-4.
NOTE Low-Noise Coaxial Cable
For the extended measurement paths over the connector plate, use low-noise coaxial
cable (Agilent part number 8121-1191). This cable can maximize the guard effects
and minimize the impression of the external noise.
Figure 2-2 shows the cutting example of this cable. Key point is the isolation
between the conductive layer and the center conductor. So, cut and trim the end of
the cable as shown in this figure by using a cutter and so on.
Figure 2-2 Coaxial Cable Cutting Example
Kelvin Output Port Output Port Number
1 1 (Force) and 2 (Sense)
3 3 (Force) and 4 (Sense)
5 5 (Force) and 6 (Sense)
7 7 (Force) and 8 (Sense)
9 9 (Force) and 10 (Sense)
11 11 (Force) and 12 (Sense)
Insulator (black)
Outer conductor
(for Guard signal) Insulator (clear)
Conductive layer (black)
Center conductor
(for Force/Sense signal)
approx. 10 to 15 mm
min 2 mm
Cover here using sleeve
2-14 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Output Connections
Table 2-4 Connection to the DUT Interface
CAUTION Never connect the guard terminal to any output, including circuit common, chassis
ground, or the guard terminal of any other unit. Doing so may result in an
emergency condition.
For highly accurate current forcing and measurements while minimizing leakage,
surround all force and sense lines from SMU by a guard as far as possible, and make
cables stable by taping.
For reducing capacitance measurement error, tape the cables to any grounded
materials such as shielding box. If you use probe card, grounding the probe card also
reduces capacitance measurement error.
Kelvin connections non-Kelvin connections
This connection is available only for the
Kelvin connectors.
This connection can cancel effects of cable
resistance by connect sense line and force line
as close as possible to DUT terminal.
Following connection is for the Kelvin
connectors. For the triaxial connectors,
ignore SENSE terminal, and make
connection only for FORCE terminal.
Measurement data will include residual
resistance from the connection cable.
Coaxial cable
Coaxial cable
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-15
Output Connections
To Make Interlock Circuit
The interlock circuit is to prevent electric shock when touching measurement
terminals. You must install an interlock circuit on shielding box to prevent
dangerous voltages when door of the shielding box is open.
Figure 2-3 shows the pin assignments of the interlock connector.
Figure 2-3 Interlock Connector Pin Assignments
WARNING Dangerous voltages of up to the maximum voltage of SMUs may be present at
force, guard, and sense terminals when the interlock terminals are shorted.
To Install Interlock Circuit
Install the interlock circuit as follows.
1. Mount two mechanical switches on your shielding box, so that the switches
close when the door of the shielding box is closed, and open when the door is
opened. For the recommended parts and the dimensions of the switch, see Figure
2-4 and Figure 2-5.
2. Use wire to connect the two switches in series between pin number 1 and 2 (or
3) of the interlock connector. See Figure 2-3.
For example, Agilent 4155/4156 is connected to the interlock circuit, it cannot force
more than ±40 V when the door is open. When door is closed, it can force more than
±40 V.
2-16 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Output Connections
Figure 2-4 Dimensions of Interlock Switch (Agilent part number 3101-0302)
Figure 2-5 Dimensions of Interlock Switch (Agilent part number 3101-3241)
To Install LED Circuit
To install LED circuit on your shielding box, do following:
1. Mount LED on your shielding box. For the recommended parts and the
dimensions of the LED, see Figure 2-6.
2. Use wire to connect the LED between pin 4 and pin 5 (or 6) of the interlock
connector. See Figure 2-3.
Switch on
Units: mm
6.5 5.5
Switch off
Max 9
10.3 2.8
Switch off
Switch on
27.5 10.9
27.8 6.8
10.2 4.3
Units: mm
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-17
Output Connections
The 4155/4156 semiconductor parameter analyzer's Intlk connector provides the
interlock signal and a LED drive signal. If a LED is connected between pin 4 and
pin 5 (or 6) of the interlock connector, the LED lights to indicate high voltage output
when more than ±40 V is forced from an SMU in the 4155/4156.
Figure 2-6 Dimensions of LED (Agilent part number 1450-0641)
To Connect Interlock Circuit to Instrument
Before beginning the measurement, connect the interlock circuit to the instrument’s
interlock connector as follows.
For the instruments which has a BNC-Type interlock connector:
1. Get the following parts.
Agilent 16493J Interlock cable, 1 ea.
Agilent 16435A Interlock cable adapter, 1 ea.
2. Connect the 16493J interlock cable between the interlock circuit and the
16435A adapter.
3. Connect the BNC cable (furnished with the adapter) between the adapter and
the instrument’s interlock connector.
For Agilent 4155/4156/E5260/E5270:
Connect the 16493J interlock cable between the interlock circuit and the
instrument’s interlock connector. You can connect it directly without using any
Units: mm
2-18 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Output Connections
NOTE To Check Interlock Circuit
If you use the 4155/4156, you can easily check the interlock circuit as follows:
1. Connect the Intlk connector of the 4155/4156 to your interlock circuit.
2. Press System front-panel key, then select CALIB/DIAG primary softkey to
3. In the CALIB/DIAG field, select DIAG secondary softkey.
4. In the CATEGORY field, select I/O PERIPH secondary softkey.
5. Move pointer to the 403 (INT.) Interlock LED field.
6. Select EXECUTE secondary softkey.
7. Confirm the following:
LED turns on within 1 sec from when interlock circuit is shorted.
LED turns off within 1 sec from when interlock circuit is open.
To stop the interlock test, select STOP secondary softkey.
To Mount Connectors
This section provides the information needed to mount connectors for the Agilent
B2200 output cable connections on the shielding panel. See this section if you do
not use the connector plate.
1. Get the appropriate parts for your situation. Refer to Table 2-5.
2. Make holes and mount the connectors. Refer to Table 2-6.
For kelvin connections, use the Kelvin cables. The Kelvin cable requires the
kelvin triaxial connector which has two connector holes and three screw holes.
3. Make an interlock circuit as shown in “To Make Interlock Circuit” on page 2-15.
4. Make cable connections to the DUT interface. Refer to “To Make Connections
to DUT Interface” on page 2-13.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-19
Output Connections
Table 2-5 Recommended Parts
Table 2-6 Dimensions of Connector Holes
Description Agilent Part No.
Interlock Connector (6 pin, female) 1252-1419C
Switch 3101-0302 or 3101-3241
LED (VF @ 2.1 V @ IF = 10 mA) 1450-0641
Wire 8150-5680
Triaxial Connector (female) 1250-2457
Low Noise Coaxial Cable 8121-1191
Triaxial Connector (in mm) Interlock Connector (in mm)
Kelvin Triaxial Connector (in mm)
2 − ∅11.3 3.2 2 M3 x 0.5
14 11 11 14
2-20 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Input Connections
Input Connections
This section explains how to connect instruments to the Agilent B2200.
WARNING Turn off all instruments that will be connected to the Agilent B2200. And do
not turn them on until the connection described in this section is completed. If
you ignore this warning, you may be exposed to dangerous voltage.
The Agilent B2200 input connector has eight SMU input connectors and six AUX
input connectors. Table 2-7 shows cables used to connect the instrument for typical
applications using the Agilent B2200.
You can make the Kelvin connections when using the E5260/E5270/4142/4156
SMU or 41501 HPSMU. Then use cables as follows:
Agilent 16493K Kelvin triaxial cable for Agilent E5260/E5270/4156/41501
Agilent 16494B Kelvin triaxial cable for Agilent 4142B
To connect the Kelvin triaxial cable to the Agilent B2200 input, use pairs (couple
ports) of the SMU input connectors (1&2, 3&4, 5&6, or 7&8). The input signal for
each Kelvin input is as follows:
Odd input port number: Force
Even input port number: Sense
Ground Unit (GNDU) can sink over 1 A. For the measurement over 1 A, connect the
GNDU to the connector plate directly by using the Agilent 16493H GNDU cable.
If you never perform the measurement over 1 A, you can connect the GNDU to the
Agilent B2200 inputs. Then use the Agilent 16493N GNDU cable. This cable
requires the Kelvin connection.
CAUTION Make sure current to the GNDU is less than 1 A if you connect GNDU to the
Agilent B2200 inputs. The maximum input current of the Agilent B2200 is 1A.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-21
Input Connections
Table 2-7 B2200 Input Connections
Instrument B2200
Cable Required
Model No.
4155 MPSMU SMU1 to 8 16494A triaxial cable
VSU AUX1 to 6 BNC cable
VMU AUX1 to 6 BNC cable
Intlk 16493J interlock cable
(for direct connection to connector plate)
4156 HRSMU SMU1 to 8 16493K Kelvin triaxial cable or
16494A triaxial cable
VSU AUX1 to 6 BNC cable
VMU AUX1 to 6 BNC cable
Intlk 16493J interlock cable
(for direct connection to connector plate)
41501 HPSMU SMU1 to 8 16493K Kelvin triaxial cable or
16494A triaxial cable
MPSMU SMU1 to 8 16494A triaxial cable
PGU AUX1 to 6 BNC cable
GNDU SMU1 to 8 16493N GNDU Kelvin cable
16493H GNDU cable
(for direct connection to connector plate)
4142B SMU SMU1 to 8 16494B Kelvin triaxial cable or
16494A triaxial cable
VSU AUX1 to 6 BNC cable
VMU AUX1 to 6 BNC cable
GNDU SMU1 to 8 16493HN GNDU Kelvin cable
16493H GNDU cable
(for direct connection to connector plate)
Intlk 16435A interlock cable adapter
and 16493J interlock cable
(for direct connection to Connector Plate)
2-22 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Input Connections
In the table above,
CMH/CML connectors are a pair of the AUX inputs.
The Agilent B2200 does not have the interlock connector. Connect directly from
instrument to the connector plate which has an interlock connector.
The Agilent 41422A/41423A (HCU/HVU) of the Agilent 4142B cannot be used
with the Agilent B2200.
To connect instrument output that uses banana plug to the AUX connector, use
the dual banana plug to BNC adapter (Agilent part number 1251-2277).
SMU SMU1 to 8 16493K Kelvin triaxial cable or
16494A triaxial cable
GNDU SMU1 to 8 16493N GNDU Kelvin cable
16493H GNDU cable
(for direct connection to connector plate)
Interlock 16493J interlock cable
(for direct connection to connector plate)
C Meter High, Low CMH/CML 16494F CMU cable for 4 terminal pairs
Pulse Input Pulse
Output AUX1 to 6 BNC cable
Bias Input Power
Output AUX1 to 6 BNC cable
Instrument B2200
Cable Required
Model No.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-23
Measurement Cable Length
Measurement Cable Length
This section describes how to calculate the total guard capacitance when using an
SMU (source monitor unit). When using an SMU, the length of measurement cables
is limited by the guard capacitance of the cables. The guard capacitance means the
capacitance between the signal line (Force or Sense) and the Guard line.
Table 2-8 lists the guard capacitance for each element of the Agilent B2200’s
measurement environment.
When using the 4155/4156/4142B/E5260/E5270, the maximum limit of the guard
capacitance is approximately 900 pF. So, you add the following and total must be
less than 900 pF:
Guard capacitance of cable from SMU to B2200 inputs.
Guard capacitance of mainframe and modules.
Guard capacitance of cable from B2200 outputs.
Guard capacitance of cable from connector plate to DUT.
Other capacitances, such as for probe card.
The following is an example to calculate the guard capacitance of a measurement
Installed Plug-in cards: Four B2210As (145 pF + 8 pF × 3)
Input Cable: 16494A-003 (75 pF)
Output Cable: 16494A-001 (130 pF)
Cable from Connector
Plate to DUT: 8121-1191, 1 m (130 pF)
Probe Card: Guard Capacitance approximately 10 pF (example)
In this environment, the total guard capacitance (Cg-total) is as follows.
Cg-total = 145+(8×3)+75+130+130+10 pF = 514 pF < 900 pF
Even if you use other instruments, you can use the table for reference about the
measurement cable length and capacitance.
2-24 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Measurement Cable Length
Table 2-8 Guard Capacitances of B2200 Measurement Environment (Typical)
Connection Agilent Model/Part No. Cable
from SMU to B2200
16494A-003 (for non-Kelvin) 80 cm 75 pF
16494A-001 (for non-Kelvin) 1.5 m 130 pF
16494B-003 (for Kelvin, 4142B) 80 cm 90 pF
16493K-001 (for Kelvin) 1.5 m 150 pF
mainframe and
B2210A (only 1 card is installed) 145 pF
B2210A (more 1 card) 8 pF/extra card
B2211A (only 1 card is installed) 145 pF
B2211A (more 1 card) 8 pF/extra card
from B2200 outputs
to connector plate or
probe card interface
16494A-001 (for non-Kelvin) 1.5 m 130 pF
16494A-002 (for non-Kelvin) 3 m 240 pF
16494A-003 (for non-Kelvin) 4 m 340 pF
16494B/C-001 (for Kelvin) 1.5 m 140 pF
16494B/C-002 (for Kelvin) 3 m 260 pF
16494C-003 (for Kelvin) 4 m 340 pF
from connector
plate to DUT
Agilent Part No. 8121-1191 X m 130 pF per m
probe card interface B2220A 70 pF
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 2-25
Maintenance should be performed periodically to keep the B2200 in good condition.
Calibration must be performed periodically so that the instruments satisfy the
specifications, and keep a good condition. It is recommended to perform a
calibration once a year at least. For calibration, contact your nearest Agilent
Technologies Service Center. Trained service personnel will perform calibration
(performance verification).
Before performing cleaning, turn off the instrument, and disconnect power cable
from the rear panel. Use a dry cloth to clean the external case parts.
To prevent electrical shock, do not perform cleaning when the instrument is turned
on, and do not use a wet cloth.
2-26 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
3 Front Panel Operation
3-2 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
This chapter explains the front panel operation and the switch control functions of
the Agilent B2200, also provides the reference information of the front panel keys
and display.
• “Operation”
“Switch Control Functions”
“Display Functions”
“Front Panel Keys”
“Setup Menus
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-3
Front Panel Operation
This section describes operations of the Agilent B2200.
“To Initialize Agilent B2200”
“To Enable Light Pen”
“To Change Channel Configuration Mode”
“To Change Connection Rule”
“To Change Connection Sequence”
“To Control Switch Condition”
“To Open All Switches”
“To Save/Load Setup Data”
“To Use Bias Mode”
“To Use Ground Mode
“To Use Couple Mode”
“To Display Firmware Revision”
“To Display Module Information”
“To Read Error Message”
“To Set Beeper”
“To Set GPIB Address”
“To Set Remote Display Mode
“To Return to Local Mode”
NOTE About moving cursor, selecting value, and changing display
Use the right/left arrow key to move the cursor to the desired function name. Use the
up/down arrow key to select the value for the setup item.
The Enter key makes the setup effective, and returns the display to the previous
menu or display.
The Exit key returns the display to the previous menu or display without making the
setup effective.
3-4 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
To Initialize Agilent B2200
1. Press the Shift key and the Local key. Then the LCD will display NO.
2. Press the arrow key to displays YES, then press the Enter key to initialize the
Agilent B2200, or press the Exit key to cancel initialization.
To Enable Light Pen
Turn the Agilent B2200 off, and connect the light pen to the Light Pen connector at
the right down corner of the front panel. After that, perform the following procedure
to enable the light pen.
1. Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD.
2. Press the arrow key to move the cursor to PEN, then press the Enter key.
3. Press the arrow key to display ENABLE, then press the Enter key to enable the
light pen, or press the Exit key to cancel changing the setup.
NOTE Light Pen
You can control the Agilent B2200 functions and the switch connections by using
the front panel keys. And the Agilent B2200 allows you to use the Agilent 16443A
Light Pen to control the switch connections.
Pointing a LED on the LED matrix by using the light pen controls the setting of the
switch specified by the LED.
To Change Channel Configuration Mode
1. Press the Shift key and the Bias Mode key. The LCD displays the present setting
2. Press the arrow key to select the mode, then press the Enter key. The LCD
displays NO.
3. Press the arrow key to display YES, then press the Enter key. Or press the Exit
key to cancel this operation.
Changing the channel configuration mode resets the Agilent B2200.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-5
Front Panel Operation
To Change Connection Rule
1. Press the Rule key. The LCD displays the present setting (FREE or SINGLE).
2. Press the arrow key to select the connection rule, then press the Enter key. Or
press the Exit key to cancel this operation.
To Change Connection Sequence
1. Press the Shift key and the Rule key. The LCD displays the present setting
(Break_Before_Make, Make_Before_Break, or No_Sequence).
2. Press the arrow key to select the connection sequence, then press the Enter key.
Or press the Exit key to cancel this operation.
To Control Switch Condition
If you use the light pen, you do not need the following instruction to control the
switch condition.
1. If you are NOT watching the orange-blink-LED on the LED matrix, press the
Open/Close key. The blink-LED will appear.
2. Press the arrow keys to move the blink-point.
3. Press the Open/Close key to open/close the switch specified by the blink-LED.
The green-LEDs indicate the switches that are closed now.
4. Repeat 2 and 3 until the switch setup is completed.
Blinking of LED will be stopped by pressing the front panel key other than the
Open/Close, Fast, or arrow keys.
NOTE When Kelvin cables are connected to Outputs
For the Kelvin outputs, the input-output paths must be controlled as shown below.
For the input couple port:
Control the switches to connect the input couple port to the Kelvin output.
For the single input port:
Control the switches to connect the input port to two ports of the Kelvin output.
If you do not comply with this note, leakage current between the Kelvin paths will
cause measurement error.
3-6 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
To Open All Switches
1. Press the Open All key.
2. Press the arrow key to display YES, then press the Enter key.
NOTE Status after this operation
When the bias mode is ON, the bias-enabled output ports will be connected to the
input bias port.
When the ground mode is ON, the ground-enabled input/output ports will be
connected to the input ground port.
To Save/Load Setup Data
The Agilent B2200 provides the internal memory used to save the setup condition.
Eight setup conditions can be saved into the memory.
To save the setup
1. Press the Shift key and the Load Memory key.
2. Press the arrow key to select the internal memory (01 to 08).
3. Press the Enter key to save the setup. Or press the Exit key to cancel this
Wait until the save operation is completed. Then, the LCD displays the status
and setup conditions.
To load the setup
1. Press the Load Memory key.
2. Press the arrow key to select the internal memory (01 to 08).
3. Press the Enter key to load the setup. Or press the Exit key to cancel this
operation. Wait until the load operation is completed. Then, the LCD displays
the status and setup conditions.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-7
Front Panel Operation
To Use Bias Mode
Bias mode cannot be set to ON when the ground mode is ON.
1. Change the bias-enabled output ports.
a. Press the Shift key and the Port Function key.
b. Move the cursor to SET, then press the Enter key.
c. Move the cursor to DISABLE, then press the Enter key.
The LCD displays one of the bias-enabled output port numbers which can be
changed to the bias-disabled. Or if there is no bias-enabled output port, the
LCD displays Channel: No Channel. Press the arrow key to select the
output port to be changed to the bias-disabled, then press the Enter key.
d. Move the cursor to ENABLE, then press the Enter key.
The LCD displays one of the bias-disabled output port numbers which can
be changed to the bias-enabled. Or if there is no bias-disabled output ports,
the LCD displays Channel: No Channel. Press the arrow key to select
the output port to be changed to the bias-enabled, then press the Enter key.
e. Repeat c and d until the bias-enabled port setup is completed. After that,
press the Exit key more than once to display the status and setup conditions.
2. Press the Bias Mode key to set the bias mode ON. Pressing the key again sets the
mode OFF.
3. Change the bias port (default setting: 10).
a. When the bias mode is ON, press the Port Function key. The blink-cursor
appears on the first line of the LCD.
b. Press the right/left arrow key to move the cursor on the input port number
(01 to 14) that will be set to the input bias port.
c. Press the up/down key to display B, then press the Enter key.
3-8 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
To Use Ground Mode
Ground mode cannot be set to ON when the bias mode is ON.
1. Change the ground-enabled output ports.
a. Press the Shift key and the Open All key.
b. Move the cursor to SET, then press the Enter key.
c. Move the cursor to ENABLE, then press the Enter key.
The LCD displays one of the ground-disabled output port numbers which
can be changed to the ground-enabled. Or if there is no ground-disabled
output ports, the LCD displays Channel: No Channel. Press the arrow
key to select the output port to be changed to the ground-enabled, then press
the Enter key.
d. Move the cursor to DISABLE, then press the Enter key.
The LCD displays one of the ground-enabled output port numbers which can
be changed to the ground-disabled. Or if there is no ground-enabled output
port, the LCD displays Channel: No Channel. Press the arrow key to
select the port to be changed to the ground-disabled, then press the Enter key.
e. Repeat c and d until the ground-enabled port setup is completed. After that,
press the Exit key more than once to display the status and setup conditions.
2. Press the Shift key and the Couple Mode key to set the ground mode ON.
Performing this operation again sets the mode OFF.
3. Change the ground port (default setting: 12).
a. When the ground mode is ON, press the Port Function key. The blink-cursor
appears on the first line of the LCD.
b. Press the right/left arrow key to move the cursor on the input port number
(01 to 14) that will be set to the input ground port.
c. Press the up/down key to display G.
4. Change the ground-enabled input ports (multiple ports can be set). Repeat a and
b for the all ground-enabled input ports, then press the Enter key.
a. Press the right/left arrow key to move the cursor on the input port number
(01 to 08) that will be set to the ground-enabled input port.
b. Press the up/down key to display -.
Open the ground-enabled input ports to prevent the instrument from damage.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-9
Front Panel Operation
To Use Couple Mode
1. Press the Couple Mode key to set the couple mode ON. Pressing the key again
sets the mode OFF.
2. Perform the input couple port detection.
a. Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD.
b. Move the cursor to SCAN, then press the Enter key. The LCD displays NO.
c. Press the arrow key to display YES, then press the Enter key.
d. Press the Exit key.
3. Change the couple ports (multiple ports can be set).
a. When the couple mode is ON, press the Port Function key. The blink-cursor
appears on the first line of the LCD.
b. Press the right/left arrow key to move the cursor on the input port number
(01 to 14) that will be set to the input couple port.
c. Press the up/down key to display C.
d. Repeat b and c for the all couple ports, then press the Enter key.
To Display Firmware Revision
1. Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD.
2. Move the cursor to CONFIG, then press the Enter key.
3. Move the cursor to REVISION, then press the Enter key. The firmware revision
is displayed.
To Display Module Information
1. Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD.
2. Move the cursor to CONFIG, then press the Enter key.
3. Move the cursor to UNIT, then press the Enter key. The module information is
4. Press the arrow keys to display another module information item.
3-10 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
To Read Error Message
1. Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD.
2. Move the cursor to ERROR, then press the Enter key.
3. Move the cursor to DISPLAY, then press the Enter key to display the message.
4. Press the arrow keys to read another error message. A maximum of four error
messages can be stored.
To clear error buffer
1. Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD.
2. Move the cursor to ERROR, then press the Enter key.
3. Move the cursor to CLEAR, then press the Enter key. The LCD displays NO.
4. Press the arrow key to display YES, then press the Enter key to clear the error
buffer, or press the Exit key to cancel operation.
To Set Beeper
1. Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD.
2. Move the cursor to BEEP, then press the Enter key.
3. Press the arrow keys to select the beep ON or OFF.
4. Press the Enter key to make the setup effective, or press the Exit key to cancel
changing the setup.
To Set GPIB Address
1. Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD.
2. Move the cursor to CONFIG, then press the Enter key.
3. Move the cursor to ADDRESS, then press the Enter key.
4. Press the arrow keys to set the GPIB address.
5. Press the Enter key to make the setup effective, or press the Exit key to cancel
changing the setup. To be effective the new address, reboot the Agilent B2200.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-11
Front Panel Operation
To Set Remote Display Mode
This instruction enables or disables the data display in the GPIB remote condition.
See “RMT_DSPL” on page 3-33.
1. Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD.
2. Move the cursor to RMT_DSPL, then press the Enter key.
3. Move the cursor to LCD, then press the Enter key.
4. Press the arrow keys to set the remote display mode ON or OFF.
5. Press the Enter key to make the setup effective, or press the Exit key to cancel
changing the setup.
LED matrix
1. Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD.
2. Move the cursor to RMT_DSPL, then press the Enter key.
3. Move the cursor to LED, then press the Enter key.
4. Press the arrow keys to set the remote display mode ON or OFF.
5. Press the Enter key to make the setup effective, or press the Exit key to cancel
changing the setup.
To Return to Local Mode
Press the Local key. If the front panel keys are locked, send the :SYST:KLC
command from an external computer, then press the Local key.
3-12 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Switch Control Functions
Switch Control Functions
This section introduces the switch control functions of the Agilent B2200.
“Channel Configuration Mode”
“Connection Rule”
“Connection Sequence”
•“Bias Mode
“Ground Mode”
“Couple Mode”
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-13
Front Panel Operation
Switch Control Functions
Channel Configuration Mode
The Agilent B2200 provides the two channel configuration modes, Normal and
Auto. The configuration mode defines the way to control multiple switch modules
installed in the mainframe.
Normal Each module is considered independently. So each module is
always a 12 output switching matrix.
The switch control functions need to be defined for each
Auto Default mode at Power On or *RST command.
To use this mode, the same type of module must be installed in
the mainframe from slot number 1 continuously (slots 1 to 2; or
slots 1 to 3; or slots 1 to 4).
The installed modules are treated as one switching matrix. For
example, if the modules are installed in slots 1 to 3, the Agilent
B2200 works as a 36 output switching matrix.
The switch control functions are available for the switching
3-14 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Switch Control Functions
Connection Rule
Connection rule is used to specify if an input or output port can have multiple
connections. For each module installed in the mainframe (for auto configuration
mode, installed modules are treated as one module), you can specify one of the
following connection rules:
Single: Each input port can be connected to only one output port, and
each output port can be connected to only one input port. So,
existing connection to a port will be disconnected when a new
connection is made.
If normal configuration mode is set to the Agilent B2200 with
multiple modules, an input/output path is effective for each
module. For example, if normal configuration mode is set to the
Agilent B2200 with two modules, and single rule is set to both
modules, the following connection is possible.
Free: Each input port can be connected to multiple output ports, and
each output port can be connected to multiple input ports.
CAUTION If the Free connection rule has been specified, ensure multiple input ports are not
connected to the same output port. Such configurations can cause damage.
Module 1 Output
Module 2 Output
12 1233
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-15
Front Panel Operation
Switch Control Functions
Connection Sequence
NOTE This is only for modules that are set to the single connection rule. Refer to
“Connection Rule” on page 3-14.
Connection sequence specifies the open/close sequence of the relays when changing
from an existing connection to a new connection.
You can select one of the three connection sequences shown in Table 3-1 for each
module installed in the Agilent B2200.
When an existing connection is changed to a new connection, the relays are
opened/closed as follows:
Table 3-1 Connection Sequence
Sequence Relay Operation
Break Before Make 1. Disconnect previous route.
2. Wait for relays to open.
3. Connect new route.
Make Before Break 1. Connect new route.
2. Wait for relays to close.
3. Disconnect previous route.
No Sequence 1. Disconnect previous route.
2. Connect new route.
3-16 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Switch Control Functions
Bias Mode
Bias mode is useful for connecting the same input to multiple channels (output
ports) simultaneously. And the connections will be kept until the other input port
connection will be changed.
When the bias mode is ON, the input bias port is connected to all bias enabled
output ports that are not connected to any other input ports. You cannot directly
control which output ports are connected to the input bias port:
If another input port is disconnected from a bias enabled output port, the output
port is automatically connected to the input bias port.
If another input port is connected to a bias enabled output port, the output port is
automatically disconnected from the input bias port.
Bias disabled output ports are never connected to the input bias port when the
bias mode is ON.
You can independently set the bias port and control the bias mode for each
module when the configuration mode is normal.
When the bias mode is OFF, the input bias port is the same as the other input ports,
so relays can be controlled directly to connect to output ports.
Figure 3-1 shows an example. Input 2 is the input bias port. When the bias mode is
turned ON, all bias enabled output ports (that are not connected to other input ports)
are connected to the input bias port. So, the output ports that are connected to input
port 1 and 3 are not connected to the input bias port.
Figure 3-1 Example of Bias Mode
Open Connects to bias port Connects to input 01
Connects to input 03
Bias port
Input 01
Input 03
Input 02
Input 14
Output port
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-17
Front Panel Operation
Switch Control Functions
NOTE Connection rule cannot be specified for the input bias port, which can always be
connected to multiple output ports.
Connection sequence (to connect input bias port to output ports) is always
Bias mode cannot be set to ON when the ground mode is ON.
If the bias input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port, the
bias mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
3-18 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Switch Control Functions
Ground Mode
Ground mode operation is similar to the bias mode operation. The ground mode is
useful for connecting the same input to multiple channels (output ports) and the
unused input ports simultaneously. And the connections will be kept until the other
input port connection will be changed. The ground mode is especially useful for
settling the potential of the unused input/output paths.
If you assign the input port 12 (AUX Input 12) as the ground port, open the input
port 12. This ground port will be internally connected to the ground when the
ground mode is set to ON.
When the ground mode is ON, the input ground port is connected to all ground
enabled input ports (unused ports) and the ground enabled output ports that are not
connected to any other input ports. You cannot directly control which output ports
are connected to the input ground port:
If another input port is disconnected from a ground enabled output port, the
output port is automatically connected to the input ground port.
If another input port is connected to a ground enabled output port, the output
port is automatically disconnected from the input ground port.
Ground disabled output ports are never connected to the input ground port when
the ground mode is ON.
You can independently set the ground port and control the ground mode for each
module when the configuration mode is normal.
When the ground mode is OFF, the input ground port is the same as the other input
ports, so relays can be controlled directly to connect to output ports.
NOTE Connection rule cannot be specified for the input ground port, which can always be
connected to multiple output ports.
Connection sequence (to connect input ground port to output ports) is always
Ground mode cannot be set to ON when the bias mode is ON.
The input ground port and a ground enabled input port cannot be assigned to the
same input port.
If the ground input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port,
the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
If a ground enabled input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same
input port, the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-19
Front Panel Operation
Switch Control Functions
CAUTION Opening the ground enabled input ports
Open the ground enabled input ports (unused input ports). If any equipment is
connected to the ground enabled input ports, turning the ground mode ON may
cause damage in the equipment.
3-20 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Switch Control Functions
Couple Mode
Couple mode is useful for making the Kelvin connections. When the couple mode is
ON, the input couple ports will be connected to the output couple ports. For the
available couple ports, see Table 3-2.
For the couple port connections, the odd/even number of the input port will be
connected to the odd/even number of the output port respectively. Then the even
number is always the odd number plus 1.
You can independently specify the same or different couple ports and control the
couple mode for each module when the configuration mode is normal.
Table 3-2 Input Couple Port Numbers and Output Couple Port Numbers
For example, if you specify the SMU input 1 for the couple port and set the couple
mode ON, the input 1 will be connected to an odd number of the output port and the
input 2 will connected to the next number of the output port. And if you specify to
connect the input 1 to the output 10, the input 1 will be connected to the output 9 and
the input 2 will be connected to the output 10.
NOTE If the bias input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port, the
bias mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
If the ground input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port,
the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
If a ground enabled input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same
input port, the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
Available input
couple port No. Input ports Available output couple port No.
1 SMU 1, 2 1 and 2, 3 and 4, . . . , 11 and 12
(for normal configuration mode)
1 and 2, 3 and 4, . . . , 47 and 48
(for auto configuration mode)
3SMU 3, 4
5SMU 5, 6
7SMU 7, 8
9 AUX 9, 10
11 AUX 11, 12
13 AUX 13, 14
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-21
Front Panel Operation
Switch Control Functions
NOTE Couple Port Detection Function
The Agilent B2200 provides the function to detect the input ports that connect the
Kelvin triaxial cable and set the ports as the couple port automatically. See “SCAN”
on page 3-32
3-22 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Display Functions
Display Functions
The Agilent B2200 provides LED matrix, LCD, and 18 front panel keys for front
panel operation. This section explains the display of the LED matrix and the LCD.
“LED Matrix”
LED Matrix
Agilent B2200 has four blocks of 14 × 12 LED matrix. They display the switch
condition of the switch modules installed in the slot 1 to slot 4. See Table 3-3.
Also LEDs labeled Card 1 to Card 4 are located above the LED matrices. They
indicate the status of the module installed in the slot 1 to 4, respectively. See Table
Tab le 3- 3 LED Matrix
Table 3-4 Card 1/2/3/4 LED
LED color Explanation
Green The switch has been closed to connect the output channel to the
input port.
Red The switch has been closed to connect the output channel to the
input bias port or the input ground port.
Orange The LED also blinks. The switch condition can be changed by the
Open/Close key.
-The LED lights out. The switch has been opened.
LED color Explanation
Red The switch module has failed the selftest or the diagnostics.
Green The switch module has operated normally.
-The LED lights out. No switch module has been installed in this
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-23
Front Panel Operation
Display Functions
The LCD displays the setup information and the status information as shown in
Table 3-5. Display example is shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2 LCD Display Example
The first line shows the input port status, couple port, bias port, ground port, or
ground enabled port.
The second line shows the instrument status and the mode status.
The example of Figure 3-2 notifies you the following information.
Input 5 and 6 are a couple port.
Input 12 is the input ground port.
Input 4 and 7 are the ground enabled input port.
Channel configuration mode is auto.
Couple mode is ON.
Ground mode is ON.
Connection rule is free.
Connection sequence is break before make.
GndLock Error GndBias
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Shift
CCG- -
3-24 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Display Functions
Table 3-5 LCD Display Items
NOTE In the remote mode and the default setting, only the Remote, Lock, and Error
indicators are available. To display all information, set the RMT_DSPL function
ON. Refer to “RMT_DSPL” on page 3-33.
Label Description
01 to 14 Port function assigned to the input ports 1 to 14. B (bias port), C (couple port),
G(ground port), - (ground enabled port), or blank (no function).
Shift Shift key status indicator. The triangle mark appears when the sub key is active.
Remote Remote status indicator. The triangle mark appears when the Agilent B2200 is in
the GPIB remote condition.
Lock Key status indicator. The triangle mark appears when the front panel keys are
locked by an external computer.
Error Error status indicator. The triangle mark appears when any error has occurred.
Card# Slot number of the switch module to be monitored. Displays A when the channel
configuration mode is Auto. In the auto mode, the modules installed in the
mainframe from slot number 1 continuously will be controlled as one module. Or
displays 1 to 4 when the channel configuration mode is Normal. The module can
be selected by the Card Selection key.
Bias Bias mode status indicator. The triangle mark appears when the mode is ON.
Couple Couple mode status indicator. The triangle mark appears when the mode is ON.
Gnd Ground mode status indicator. The triangle mark appears when the mode is ON.
Rule Connection rule, FREE (plural route mode) or SINGLE (single route mode).
Sequence Connection sequence, BBM (Break Before Make), MBBR (Make Before Break), or
NO_SEQ (No Sequence).
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-25
Front Panel Operation
Front Panel Keys
Front Panel Keys
The Agilent B2200 provides LED matrix, LCD, and 18 front panel keys for front
panel operation. The front panel keys are used to change the instrument settings, the
switch conditions, and so on.
Local Sets the Agilent B2200 to the local condition.
Used to reset the Agilent B2200.
Displays the following message. Press the arrow key to set YES, and then press the
Enter key to reset the instrument.
Menu Displays the setup menu. See “Setup Menu” on page 3-30.
Displays the selftest menu. See “Selftest Menu” on page 3-34.
Function Edit
3-26 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Front Panel Keys
Function key group
The Function key group is used to change the input ports and modes.
Port Function Enters into the port function selection mode. In this mode, the arrow keys, Fast key,
Exit key, and Enter key are available. Other keys will work to exit this mode.
In this mode, move cursor right or left to specify the input port, and press the up or
down arrow key to select the port function, B (bias port), C (couple port), G (ground
port), or - (ground enable port). The port function can be selected when the
corresponding port operation mode (bias mode, couple mode, or ground mode) is set
to ON. The bias mode and the ground mode cannot be set to ON simultaneously.
Bias Ch (Shift+
Port Function)
Displays the following menu.
SET displays the following menu. The following functions are used to set the
bias-enabled or bias-disabled channel (output port).
The function displays the following message for example. And then press Enter
to bias-enable or bias-disable the channel.
Channel: 01
If there is no enabled or disabled channel, the following message will appear.
Channel: No Channel
VIEW displays the following message for example, and is used to see the bias
status of the channel.
Channel 01: ENABLED
Function Edit
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-27
Front Panel Operation
Front Panel Keys
Bias Mode Sets the bias mode ON or OFF.
When the bias mode is set to ON, the LCD shows which input port is the bias port,
and the input bias port will be connected to the bias-enabled channels that are not
connected to other input port. And LEDs will be turned red to show the bias port
Ch Mode (Shift+
Bias Mode)
Sets the channel configuration mode AUTO or NORMAL.
Changing the mode will reset the Agilent B2200 settings.
Couple Mode Sets the couple mode ON or OFF.
When the couple mode is set to ON, the LCD shows which input ports are the
couple port.
Gnd Mode (Shift+
Couple Mode)
Sets the ground mode ON or OFF.
When the ground mode is set to ON, the LCD shows which input port is the ground
port, and the input ground port will be connected to the ground-enabled channels
that are not connected to other input port. And LEDs will be turned red to show the
ground port connections. The ground enabled input ports are also connected to the
input ground port. Nothing must be connected to the ground enabled input ports.
Rule Displays the following message. Selects the connection rule FREE (plural route
connections) or SINGLE (single route connection).
Displays the following message. Selects the connection sequence
Break_Before_Make, Make_Before_Break, or No_Sequence.
Load Memory Displays the following message. Used to select the Agilent B2200 setup data stored
in the internal memory, and loads the data.
Settings: 01 [ ]
Save Memory
Load Memory)
Displays the following message. Used to select the internal memory to store the
Agilent B2200 setup data, and stores the data. Up to eight setup data can be saved.
Settings: 01 [ ]
Open All Displays the following message. Press the arrow key to set YES, and then press the
Enter key to open all relays.
3-28 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Front Panel Keys
Gnd Ch
(Shift+Open All)
Displays the following menu.
SET displays the following menu. The following functions are used to set the
ground-enabled or ground-disabled channel (output port).
The function displays the following message for example. And then press Enter
to ground-enable or ground-disable the channel.
Channel: 01
If there is no enabled or disabled channel, the following message will appear.
Channel: No Channel
VIEW displays the following message for example, and is used to see the ground
status of the channel.
Channel 01: ENABLED
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-29
Front Panel Operation
Front Panel Keys
Edit key group
The Edit key group is used to select the switch module to be monitored, move the
cursor in the display, make the setup value effective, return to the previous menu or
display, and so on.
Card Selection Selects the switch module to be monitored on the LCD. The Card# status indicator
will change the slot number (card number) when the Card Selection key is pressed.
This key is not effective when the Card# indicator shows A (auto configuration
Shift Enables the sub key function. The sub key label has been printed on the front panel
above the key. The label color is blue.
Exit Returns the display to the previous menu or display without making the setup
Enter Makes the setup effective, and returns the display to the previous menu or display.
Fast Used with the arrow key. Pressing the Fast key and an arrow key speeds up changing
the setting value.
arrow keys Moves the cursor on the display, displays another selection for a setup message, or
changes the value of the digit specified by the cursor.
For the LED matrix, moves the blink-LED.
Open/Close When no blink-LED is on the LED matrix, enters into the LED matrix based switch
control mode. The blink-LED will appear. In this mode, the arrow keys and Fast key
are available. Other keys will work to exit this mode.
When the blink-LED is on the LED matrix, changes the condition, open or close, of
the switch specified by the blink-LED.
Function Edit
3-30 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Setup Menus
Setup Menus
This section explains the following setup menus displayed by pressing the Menu key
or Selftest key.
“Setup Menu”
“Selftest Menu”
Setup Menu
Press the Menu key. The setup menu will be displayed on the LCD as shown in the
following example. The setup menu is used to change the GPIB address, detect the
couple port automatically, and so on.
Press the arrow key to move the cursor to the desired function name. Then, press the
Enter key. The setup message or the sub menu will be displayed. To return to the
previous menu, press the Exit key.
[Hardware Configuration]
[Hardware Configuration]
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-31
Front Panel Operation
Setup Menus
Function Tree The setup menu provides the following functions.
ADDRESS Sets the GPIB address.
REVISION Displays the firmware revision.
UNIT Displays the module information of each slot.
SCAN Detects and sets the input couple ports automatically.
DISPLAY Displays the error code and error message.
CLEAR Clears the error buffer.
LCD Selects on or off for the LCD display in the remote mode.
LED Selects on or off for the LED matrix in the remote mode.
BEEP Selects on or off for the beeper.
PEN Enables or disables the light pen.
3-32 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Setup Menus
CONFIG Displays the sub menu that provides the following functions.
Displays the following message.
GPIB Address = Address
Press the arrow key to set the desired GPIB address. Then, press the Enter key to
make the setup effective, or press the Exit key to cancel changing the setup.
Displays the following message.
where X.XX.XX shows the firmware revision.
To return to the previous menu, press the Exit key.
Displays the following message.
Slot#: model, X
where # is 1, 2, 3, or 4, model is the model number of the module, X is the
revision of the module.
To display another message, press the arrow key.
To return to the previous menu, press the Exit key.
SCAN Displays the following message.
Press the arrow key to set YES. Then, press the Enter key to detect and set the input
couple ports automatically, or press the Exit key to cancel this operation. The input
couple ports will be the input ports the Kelvin cable is connected.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-33
Front Panel Operation
Setup Menus
ERROR Displays the sub menu that provides the following functions.
Displays the error code and error message, or No Error.
To return to the previous menu, press the Exit key.
Displays the following message. Press the arrow key to set YES. Then, press the
Enter key to clear the error buffer, or press the Exit key to cancel this operation.
RMT_DSPL Displays the sub menu that provides the following functions.
Displays the following message. Press the arrow key to set ON (displays all
status information in the GPIB remote mode) or OFF (displays Remote, Lock,
and Error only). Then, press the Enter key to make the setup effective, or press
the Exit key to cancel changing the setup.
Displays the following message. Press the arrow key to set ON (enables LED
matrix in the GPIB remote mode) or OFF (disables it). Then, press the Enter key
to make the setup effective, or press the Exit key to cancel changing the setup.
BEEP Displays the following message. Press the arrow key to set the beeper ON or OFF.
Then, press the Enter key to make the setup effective, or press the Exit key to cancel
changing the setup.
PEN Displays the following message. Press the arrow key to enable or disable the light
pen. Then, press the Enter key to make the setup effective, or press the Exit key to
cancel changing the setup.
3-34 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Setup Menus
Selftest Menu
Press the Shift key and the Menu key. The selftest menu is displayed. The menu is
used to execute the selftest and diagnostics.
Press the arrow key to move the cursor to the desired function name. Then, press the
Enter key. The setup message or the sub menu will be displayed. To return to the
previous menu, press the Exit key.
Function Tree This menu provides the following functions.
SELFTEST Executes the controller test or displays test result.
RELAY_TEST Executes the relay test or displays test result.
KEY Executes the front panel interface test or displays test result.
BEEPER Executes the beeper test or displays test result.
LED Executes the LED matrix test or displays test result.
PEN Executes the light pen test or displays test result.
GPIB Executes the GPIB test or displays test result.
[Execute Diagnostics]
[Execute Diagnostics]
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-35
Front Panel Operation
Setup Menus
SELF_TEST Displays the sub menu that provides the following functions.
Starts the controller test. Wait until PASS or FAIL is displayed. Then press the
Exit key to return to the previous menu.
Displays the test result. Press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
RELAY_TEST Displays the sub menu that provides the following functions.
Before starting the relay test, disconnect cables from the input connectors. And open
the outputs (end of cable is OK). For the Kelvin cable, disconnect it from the output
Displays the following message.
Press the up or down arrow key to select the module to be tested. Then press the
Enter key to start the relay test, or press the Exit key to cancel this operation.
Number of modules is 2 or more, the relay test will be automatically completed.
However, if the only one module is installed, the following message will appear.
Connect IV1 and 2. Press [Enter].
Then connect a cable between the input 1 and 2, and press Enter key.
After that, change the cable connection as shown in the displayed message and
repeat this for the other input connections (input 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and
10, 11 and 12, 13 and 14). Do not forget to open the connectors other than the
specified pair.
Displays the following message (example). Press the up or down arrow key to
display the test result for each module. Press the Exit key to return to the
previous menu.
Slot1: Not performed yet
3-36 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Setup Menus
KEY Displays the sub menu that provides the following functions.
Displays the following message.
DIAG:KEY Press any key.
Press any front panel key and confirm the LCD display. For example, if you
press the Port Function key, the following message must be displayed.
DIAG:KEY [Port Function]
Continue this for all keys. After that, press the Enter key twice for the normal
operation. The test result will be PASS.
If you find any wrong response, press the Exit key twice. The test result will be
Finally, press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
Displays the test result. Press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
BEEPER Displays the sub menu that provides the following functions.
Starts the beeper test, and displays the following message.
DIAG:BEEP Is beeper making 2 sounds?
Press the Enter key if the beeper works correctly. The test result will be recorded
as PASS.
If you find any problem, press the Exit key. The test result will be recorded as
Finally, press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
Displays the test result. Press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 3-37
Front Panel Operation
Setup Menus
LED Displays the sub menu that provides the following functions.
Starts the LED matrix test, and displays the following message.
DIAG:LED All LED in Orange?
Press the Enter key if the all LEDs are lighted in orange. The test result will be
recorded as PASS.
If you find any problem, press the Exit key. The test result will be recorded as
Finally, press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
Displays the test result. Press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
PEN Displays the sub menu that provides the following functions.
Before starting the light pen test, connect the light pen to the Agilent B2200.
Starts the light pen test, and displays the following message.
DIAG:PEN Point any cross point
Point the light pen to the point you desire and confirm the LCD display. For
example, if you point the input 5-to-output 10 cross point of the Agilent B2200
in the auto configuration mode, the following message must be displayed.
Continue this for all cross points. After that, press the Enter key for the normal
operation. The test result will be recorded as PASS.
If you find any wrong response, press the Exit key. The test result will be
recorded as FAIL.
Finally, press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
Displays the test result. Press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
3-38 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Front Panel Operation
Setup Menus
GPIB Displays the sub menu that provides the following functions.
Displays the following message.
Open GPIB, then press [Enter]
Disconnect the cable from the GPIB connector on the rear panel, and open it.
Press the Enter key to start the GPIB test, and wait until PASS or FAIL is
displayed. Then press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
Displays the test result. Press the Exit key to return to the previous menu.
4 Programming
4-2 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
This chapter describes the automatic control programming of the Agilent B2200.
•“Programming Basics
Explains the commands for the fundamental switch control of the Agilent
“Programming Examples
Provides some examples of the programming.
“Capacitance Compensation”
Explains how to use the capacitance compensation routine. The routine is a
function of the Agilent B2200 VXIplug&play driver.
For the details about SCPI commands, see Chapter 5.
For the details about VXIplug&play driver, see Chapter 6.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-3
Programming Basics
Programming Basics
This section explains the commands used for the fundamental switch control of the
Agilent B2200.
“SCPI Command Hierarchy
“Fundamental Commands
•“Switch Control
SCPI Command Hierarchy
The SCPI commands use a hierarchical structure for subsystem commands similar
to a file system. For example, in :ROUT:CONN:RULE command, the hierarchy is
as follows:
ROUT root
CONN sub-level 1
RULE sub-level 2
The colon at the beginning of the command means root.
The colons between two command keywords means moving down to a lower level.
A semicolon enables two commands to be sent on the same line.
For example, :ROUT:CONN:RULE ALL,FREE;SEQ ALL,BBM is the same as
the following two commands:
So, using a semicolon reduces typing and simplifies the program.
A command terminator (such as carriage return) resets the path to root.
4-4 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Programming Basics
Fundamental Commands
The following commands are used to set the fundamental switch control functions
of the Agilent B2200. The commands should be entered before performing the
open/close operation. For the functions, see “Switch Control Functions” on page
Table 4-1 Fundamental Commands
Functions Commands
Sets the channel configuration
Sets the connection rule. :ROUT:CONN:RULE card_no,FREE
Sets the connection sequence. :ROUT:CONN:SEQ card_no,NSEQ
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-5
Programming Basics
Switch Control
The following commands are used to control open/close of the specified switch.
Table 4-2 Switch Control Commands
The channel_list is the parameter which determines the input-output cross points to
open/close. Figure 4-1 shows the basic syntax of the channel_list parameter.
In the channel_list, you can specify one or more channels. Each specified channel
consists of five digits.
Card No.: One digit. 0 when the channel configuration mode is AUTO. Or
the slot number (1 to 4) that installs the switch module when the
mode is NORMAL.
Channel No.: First two digits: specifies input port. 01 to 14.
Last two digits: specifies output port. 01 to 12, 01 to 24, 01 to
36, or 01 to 48 for the AUTO mode. It depends on the number
of modules installed in the mainframe from slot number 1
continuously. Or 01 to 12 for the NORMAL mode
See Figure 1-4.
Figure 4-1 Syntax of channel_list Parameter
Functions Commands
Closes the relays specified by channel_list.:ROUT:CLOS channel_list
Opens the relays specified by channel_list.:ROUT:OPEN channel_list
Opens the all relays on the card specified
by card_no.
Channel No.
(4 digits)
Card No.
@Channel No.
(4 digits)
Card No.
Channel No.
(4 digits)
Card No.
@Channel No.
(4 digits)
Card No.
4-6 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Programming Basics
In the channel_list, you can specify multiple channels by using comma (,) or colon
(:) as follows:
Comma: use between each specified channel as in following examples:
(@10101,10102,10103) means 10101, 10102 and 10103.
(@10112,10202) means 10112 and 10202.
(@11412,20102) means 11412 and 20102.
Colon: use to specify a range of channels as in following examples:
(@10101:10103) means 10101, 10102, and 10103.
(@10112:10202) means 10112, 10201, and 10202.
(@11412:20102) means 11412, 20101, and 20102.
As shown in last two examples, you can specify a range across input ports and card
NOTE Channel numbers for Auto configuration mode
In the Auto Configuration mode, you can omit any zeros at beginning of channel.
For example, channel 00101 can be expressed by 101.
NOTE When Kelvin cables are connected to Outputs
For the Kelvin outputs, the input-output paths must be controlled as shown below.
For the input couple port:
Control the switches to connect the input couple port to the Kelvin output.
For the single input port:
Control the switches to connect the input port to two ports of the Kelvin output.
If you do not comply with this note, leakage current between the Kelvin paths will
cause measurement error.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-7
Programming Examples
Programming Examples
This section provides examples of control programs for the Agilent B2200.
“Connecting Input-Output Paths
“Using Bias Mode”
“Using Ground Mode”
“Using Couple Mode”
“Saving Input/Output Labels”
“Defining Comment for Internal Memory”
NOTE Executing the program
Example programs use the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and the Agilent T&M
Programmers Toolkit.
The program examples do not include instrument control routines, so to make a
measurement, you need to add the desired routines.
NOTE Input port 12 (AUX Input 12)
If you assign the input port 12 to the ground port, the input port 12 will be connected
to the ground internally when the ground mode is ON. In this case, leave open the
input port 12.
4-8 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Programming Examples
Connecting Input-Output Paths
The following example connects instrument output to DUT as shown in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2 Input-Output Connection Example
Setup: Channel configuration mode: Normal
Connection rule: Single
Connection sequence: Break_Before_Make
Display strings: “Connecting MOSFET AG002201”
Used module: Switch module installed in the slot 1.
Connection paths:
from SMU1 to Output 1 (channel list 10101)
from SMU2 to Output 2 (channel list 10202)
from SMU3 to Output 3 (channel list 10303)
from SMU4 to Output 4 (channel list 10404)
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-9
Programming Examples
Table 4-3 Input-Output Connection Example
Imports Agilent.TMFramework '1
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentIO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim B2200 As New DirectIO("GPIB0::22::INSTR") '6
Dim channels As String = "(@10101,10202,10303,10404)"
B2200.WriteLine("*RST") '8
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:FUNC NCON")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:CONN:SEQ ALL,BBM")
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:DISP:STR 'Connecting MOSFET AG002201'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:CLOS " & channels) '13
MsgBox("Click OK to start measurement.", vbOKOnly, "")
Console.WriteLine("Measurement in progress. . ." & Chr(10))
'insert the code for measurement
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:OPEN:CARD ALL") '17
MsgBox("Click OK to stop the program.", vbOKOnly, "")
Console.WriteLine("Measurement completed." & Chr(10))
End Sub '21
End Module
Line Description
1 to 6 The above example is for the B2200 of the GPIB address 22 on the interface GPIB0.
“GPIB0” is the VISA name. Confirm your GPIB settings, and set them properly.
7 Defines the channel list in the channels variable (string).
8 to 12 Resets the Agilent B2200, sets the Normal configuration mode, the Single connection rule,
and the Break_Before_Make connection sequence. And displays the string on the LCD.
13 Closes switches to connect the input-output paths specified by channels.
14 to 16 Opens a message box to confirm the start of measurement. And clicking OK on the
message box displays a message on the console window.
Insert measurement control program code at the line 16.
17 Opens all relays on the all modules installed in the Agilent B2200.
18 to 22 Disables the software connection with the Agilent B2200, and opens a message box to
confirm the end of the program. Finally, clicking OK on the message box displays a
message on the console window.
4-10 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Programming Examples
Using Bias Mode
The following example uses the bias mode.
Figure 4-3 Bias Mode Example
Setup: Channel configuration mode: Auto
Connection rule: Single. Multiple connection is available for the bias port.
Connection sequence: Break_Before_Make
Used module: All switch modules installed in the mainframe.
Bias port: AUX Input 10
Bias enabled output port: All output ports
Connection paths (connected when the bias mode is ON):
from bias port to all bias enabled output ports
Connection paths (connected by the :ROUT:CLOS command):
The following output ports will be disconnected from the bias port, and the
following input-output connections will be made.
from SMU1 to Output 1 (channel list 00101)
from SMU2 to Output 2 (channel list 00202)
from SMU3 to Output 3 (channel list 00303)
from SMU4 to Output 4 (channel list 00404)
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-11
Programming Examples
Table 4-4 Bias Mode Example
Imports Agilent.TMFramework
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataAnalysis
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataVisualization
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentIO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim B2200 As New DirectIO("GPIB0::22::INSTR")
Dim channels As String = "(@101,202,303,404)" '8
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:FUNC ACON") '10
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:CONN:SEQ ALL,BBM")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:BIAS:PORT ALL,10")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:BIAS:STAT ALL,ON")
MsgBox("Click OK to start stress output.", vbOKOnly, "") '16
'insert the code for stress output
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:BIAS:STAT ALL,OFF")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:CLOS " & channels) '19
MsgBox("Click OK to start measurement.", vbOKOnly, "")
Console.WriteLine("Measurement in progress. . ." & Chr(10))
'insert the code for measurement
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:OPEN:CARD ALL")
MsgBox("Click OK to stop the program.", vbOKOnly, "")
Console.WriteLine("Measurement completed." & Chr(10))
End Sub '27
End Module
Line Description
8 Defines the channel list in the channels variable (string).
9 to 12 Resets the Agilent B2200. And sets the Auto configuration mode, the Single connection
rule, and the Break_Before_Make connection sequence.
13 to 15 Sets the bias port and the bias enabled output ports. And turns the bias mode ON.
16 to 17 Opens a message box to confirm the start of measurement. And clicking OK on the
message box displays a message on the console window.
Insert bias source control program code at the line 17.
18 Turns the bias mode OFF.
19 to 28 Same as the code shown in the lines 13 to 22 of Table 4-3.
4-12 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Programming Examples
Using Ground Mode
The following example uses the ground mode.
Figure 4-4 Ground Mode Example
Setup: Channel configuration mode: Auto
Connection rule: Single. Multiple connection is available for the ground port.
Connection sequence: Break_Before_Make
Used module: All switch modules installed in the mainframe.
Ground port: AUX Input 12
Ground enabled input port: SMU Input 5 to 8
Ground enabled output port: All output ports
Connection paths (connected when the ground mode is ON):
from ground port to all ground enabled input/output ports
Connection paths (connected by the :ROUT:CLOS command):
The following output ports will be disconnected from the ground port, and the
following input-output connections will be made.
from SMU1 to Output 1 (channel list 00101)
from SMU2 to Output 2 (channel list 00202)
from SMU3 to Output 3 (channel list 00303)
from SMU4 to Output 4 (channel list 00404)
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-13
Programming Examples
Table 4-5 Ground Mode Example
Imports Agilent.TMFramework
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataAnalysis
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataVisualization
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentIO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim B2200 As New DirectIO("GPIB0::22::INSTR")
Dim channels As String = "(@101,202,303,404)" '8
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:FUNC ACON") '10
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:CONN:SEQ ALL,BBM")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:AGND:PORT ALL,12") '13
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:AGND:UNUSED ALL,'5,6,7,8'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:AGND:STAT ALL,ON")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:CLOS " & channels) '17
MsgBox("Click OK to start measurement.", vbOKOnly, "")
Console.WriteLine("Measurement in progress. . ." & Chr(10))
'insert the code for measurement
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:AGND:STAT ALL,OFF") '21
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:OPEN:CARD ALL")
MsgBox("Click OK to stop the program.", vbOKOnly, "")
Console.WriteLine("Measurement completed." & Chr(10))
End Sub '26
End Module
Line Description
8 Defines the channel list in the channels variable (string).
9 to 12 Resets the Agilent B2200. And sets the Auto configuration mode, the Single connection
rule, and the Break_Before_Make connection sequence.
13 to 16 Sets the ground port and the ground enabled input/output ports. And turns the ground mode
ON. Open the ground enabled input ports to prevent the instruments from damage.
17 Closes switches to connect the input-output paths specified by channels.
17 to 27 Almost same as the code shown in the lines 13 to 22 of Table 4-3. The command used to
turn the ground mode OFF has been inserted to the line 21.
4-14 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Programming Examples
Using Couple Mode
The following example uses the couple mode.
Figure 4-5 Couple Mode Example
Setup: Channel configuration mode: Auto
Connection rule: Single
Connection sequence: Break_Before_Make
Used module: All switch modules installed in the mainframe.
Couple port: SMU Input 3-4 and 5-6
Connection paths:
from SMU1 to Output 1 (channel list 00101)
from SMU2 to Output 2 (channel list 00202)
from SMU3 to Output 3 (channel list 00303)
from SMU4 to Output 4 (coupled with the channel list 00303)
from SMU5 to Output 5 (channel list 00505)
from SMU6 to Output 6 (coupled with the channel list 00505)
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-15
Programming Examples
Table 4-6 Couple Mode Example
Imports Agilent.TMFramework
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataAnalysis
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataVisualization
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentIO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim B2200 As New DirectIO("GPIB0::22::INSTR")
Dim channels As String = "(@101,202,303,505)" '8
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:FUNC ACON") '10
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:CONN:SEQ ALL,BBM")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:COUP:PORT ALL,'3,5'") '13
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:COUP:STAT ALL,ON")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:CLOS " & channels) '15
MsgBox("Click OK to start measurement.", vbOKOnly, "")
Console.WriteLine("Measurement in progress. . ." & Chr(10))
'insert the code for measurement
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:COUP:STAT ALL,OFF") '19
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:OPEN:CARD ALL")
MsgBox("Click OK to stop the program.", vbOKOnly, "")
Console.WriteLine("Measurement completed." & Chr(10))
End Sub '24
End Module
Line Description
8 Defines the channel list in the channels variable (string).
9 to 12 Resets the Agilent B2200. And sets the Auto configuration mode, the Single connection
rule, and the Break_Before_Make connection sequence.
13 to 14 Sets the couple ports, and turns the couple mode ON.
15 Closes switches to connect the input-output paths specified by channels.
15 to 25 Almost same as the code shown in the lines 13 to 22 of Table 4-3. The command used to
turn the couple mode OFF has been inserted to the line 19.
4-16 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Programming Examples
Saving Input/Output Labels
You can define labels to use for the input/output ports when you control the switch
in the GPIB local mode. The labels are cleared by *RST. So it is recommended to
save the labels into the internal memory and define a comment for the memory data.
You can see the comment when you load/save the memory data in the GPIB local
Setup: Channel configuration mode: Auto
Label for input 1: SMU1
Label for input 2: SMU2
Label for input 3: SMU3
Label for input 4: UNUSED
Label for input 5: SMU4-F
Label for input 6: SMU4-S
Label for input 7: SMU5-F
Label for input 8: SMU5-S
Label for input 9: OPEN
Label for input 10: BIAS
Label for input 11: OPEN
Label for input 12: GROUND
Label for input 13: CMU-H
Label for input 14: CMU-L
Label for output 1: BULK
Label for output 2: SOURCE
Label for output 3: GATE
Label for output 4: DRAIN
Label for output 5: GROUND
Comment for memory 1: Port label info
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-17
Programming Examples
Table 4-7 Label Definition and Data Save Example
Imports Agilent.TMFramework
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentIO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim B2200 As New DirectIO("GPIB0::22::INSTR")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:FUNC ACON")
Console.WriteLine("Starts labeling." & Chr(10))
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:DISP:STR 'Updating memory 1 data.'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 1,'SMU1 '") '10
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 2,'SMU2 '")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 3,'SMU3 '")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 4,'UNUSED'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 5,'SMU4-F'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 6,'SMU4-S'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 7,'SMU5-F'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 8,'SMU5-S'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 9,'OPEN '")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 10,'BIAS '")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 11,'OPEN '")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 12,'GROUND'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 13,'CMU-H '")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 14,'CMU-L '")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:CHAN ALL,1,'BULK '")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:CHAN ALL,2,'SOURCE'")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:CHAN ALL,3,'GATE '")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:CHAN ALL,4,'DRAIN '")
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:SYMB:CHAN ALL,5,'GROUND'") '28
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:MEMO:SAVE 1")
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:MEMO:COMM 1,'Port label info '")
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:DISP:STR 'Memory 1 data was updated.'")
Console.WriteLine("Labeling completed." & Chr(10))
End Sub '34
End Module
Line Description
9, 31 Displays message on the LCD.
10 to 28 Defines labels for the inputs 1 to 14 and the outputs 1 to 5.
29 Saves the switch module setup including the labels into the internal memory 1.
30 Defines the comment “Port label info” for the memory 1.
4-18 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Programming Examples
Defining Comment for Internal Memory
You can define comments for the internal memories. You can see the comment when
you load/save the memory data in the GPIB local mode.
Setup: Channel configuration mode: Auto
Comment for memory 1: 1-1,2-2,3-3,5-15
Comment for memory 2: 1-1,2-2,3-4,5-17
Comment for memory 3: 1-1,2-2,3-5,5-19
Comment for memory 4: 1-1,2-2,3-7,5-21
Comment for memory 5: 1-1,2-2,3-9,5-23
Comment for memory 6: 10-BIAS
Comment for memory 7: 12-GROUND
Comment for memory 8: CMH-10,CML-11
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-19
Programming Examples
Table 4-8 Memory Comment Definition Example
Imports Agilent.TMFramework
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataAnalysis
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataVisualization
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentIO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim B2200 As New DirectIO("GPIB0::22::INSTR")
B2200.WriteLine("*RST") '8
B2200.WriteLine(":ROUT:FUNC ACON")
Console.WriteLine("Starts labeling." & Chr(10))
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:DISP:STR 'Updating memory comment.'")
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:MEMO:COMM 1,'1-1,2-2,3-3,5-15'") '12
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:MEMO:COMM 2,'1-1,2-2,3-4,5-17'")
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:MEMO:COMM 3,'1-1,2-2,3-5,5-19'")
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:MEMO:COMM 4,'1-1,2-2,5-7,7-21'")
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:MEMO:COMM 5,'1-1,2-2,5-9,7-23'")
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:MEMO:COMM 6,'10-BIAS '")
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:MEMO:COMM 7,'12-GROUND '")
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:MEMO:COMM 8,'CMH-10,CML-11 '") '19
B2200.WriteLine(":SYST:DISP:STR 'Memory comment was updated.'")
Console.WriteLine("Labeling completed." & Chr(10))
End Sub '23
End Module
Line Description
8 Resets the Agilent B2200.
9 Sets the channel configuration mode to Auto.
12 to 19 Defines the comments for the internal memory 1 to 8.
4-20 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Capacitance Compensation
Capacitance Compensation
When the capacitance/conductance measurement is performed through the Agilent
B2200, LCR meter measures the capacitance/conductance of the path including a
device under test (DUT), matrix switches, extension cables and so on. So, the data
measured by the LCR meter is far from the DUT’s capacitance/conductance.
The Agilent B2200 VXIplug&play driver provides the functions used to
compensate the capacitance/conductance measured by the Agilent 4284A LCR
meter in the measurement environments described in “Required Conditions” on
page 4-21.
This section explains how to use the capacitance compensation function.
“Capacitance Compensation Function”
“Required Conditions”
“To Create Compensation Data File”
“To Perform Measurement and Compensation”
Capacitance Compensation Function
Driver functions used for the capacitance compensation are listed below.
agb220xa_selectCompenFile function
agb220xa_compenC function
NOTE Corrected data by the function is not guaranteed. But typical data (supplemental
data) is as follows.
Capacitance measurement accuracy (typical): ±1 % ±0.5 pF
This typical data is for the following measurement conditions:
Measurement frequency: 1 kHz to 1 MHz
Measurement range: Maximum 1000 pF
Measurement terminal: At the end of the Agilent 16494A/B/C cable connected
to the switch module output terminals.
The typical data does not apply to anything extended from the 16494A/B/C cable.
The conditions described in “Required Conditions” on page 4-21 must be satisfied.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-21
Capacitance Compensation
Required Conditions
The following conditions must be satisfied to use the capacitance compensation
function. For the instrument connections, see Figure 4-6.
Setting of the 4284A
Option required: 4284A-006
Range of the measurement frequency: 1 kHz to 1 MHz
Measurement function: Cp-G
Connection to Agilent B2200
Use the Agilent 16494F CMU cable or the Agilent 16048D/E test leads to
connect between the Agilent 4284A and the Agilent B2200 inputs.
If the 16048D/E is used, the BNC-T adapters (2 ea., Agilent part number
1250-2405 for each) are required to connect between the Hc and Hp
terminals and between the Lc and Lp terminals.
• Calibration
Perform the 4284A open calibration at the end of the measurement paths in
front of the B2200 inputs. If you also perform the short calibration
(optional), prepare the BNC thru adapter (Agilent part number 1250-0080,
1 ea.).
Total cable length of both Hc-Hp side and Lc-Lp side must be the same.
Agilent B2200 input ports
AUX Input 13 (CMH, for 4284A Hc-Hp) and 14 (CML, for 4284A Lc-Lp)
Connection from the Agilent B2200 outputs to the connector plate or the Agilent
B2220A probe card interface
Use the Agilent 16494A triaxial cable or Agilent 16494B/C Kelvin triaxial
Ahead of the connector plate
Recommended cable: Agilent part number 8121-1191 Triaxial cable
You can also use another type of triaxial cable, coaxial cable, or combination of
To approximate the capacitance/conductance of the DUT, you need to obtain the
appropriate compensation coefficients for your measurement environment, and
create your compensation data file. See Figure 4-6.
4-22 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Capacitance Compensation
In Figure 4-6, C2H, C2L, C3H, C3L are the compensation coefficients defined in
the compensation data file. where, CxH is for the path connected to the Agilent
4284A Hc-Hp terminal, and CxL is for the path connected to the Agilent 4284A
Lc-Lp terminal.
When the Agilent B2220A probe card interface is used, obtain the coefficients for
C3x, and create your compensation data file. In this case, probe card will be used for
the C3x path.
When the connector plate is used, obtain the coefficients for C2x and C3x, and
create your compensation data file. In this case, triaxial cable with connector plate
will be used for the C2x path. And coaxial cable with positioner will be used for the
C3x path.
For obtaining the compensation coefficients and creating the compensation data file,
see “To Create Compensation Data File” on page 4-23.
Figure 4-6 Extension Cables and Compensation Coefficients
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-23
Capacitance Compensation
To Create Compensation Data File
This section explains how to create the compensation data file.
1. Select one of the compensation data files (template, 20 files) installed when the
Agilent B2200 VXIplug&play driver is installed.
To select the most appropriate template for your measurement environment, see
Table 4-9 that lists the file name and the measurement environment where the
template targets. Each template is a text file that contains the information as
shown below.
# Compensation data file for B2210A/Probecard I/F/3m triax cable
# MB Mother Board
# MH Matrix Path High
# ML Matrix Path Low
# C1 Agilent Triax Cable
# C2H Probe card I/F or User Triax cable High
# C2L Probe card I/F or User Triax cable Low
# C3H Probe card or User Coax cable High
# C3L Probe card or User Coax cable Low
format version 1.0
# R[Ohm] L[H] C[F]
MB 0.000000e+00 5.250000e-08 2.940000e-11
MH 2.430000e+00 6.310000e-07 1.930000e-10
ML 2.490000e+00 5.970000e-07 1.920000e-10
C1 6.300000e-01 1.250000e-06 1.600000e-10
C2H 2.988000e-01 5.090000e-07 7.000000e-11
C2L 2.988000e-01 5.090000e-07 7.000000e-11
C3H 0.000000e+00 8.000000e-08 1.500000e-13
C3L 0.000000e+00 8.000000e-08 1.500000e-13
The 15th line specifies the used switch module, B2210A or B2211A.
The 16th line specifies the DUT interface, PCIF or CABLE. PCIF indicates that
the Agilent B2220A probe card interface is used. CABLE indicates that the
connector plate is used.
The lines C2H to C3L should be modified for each measurement environment.
See Table 4-9 and Table 4-10. Do not modify the other lines.
4-24 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Capacitance Compensation
Table 4-9 Template Compensation Data Files
File namea
a. <path>: driver_install_folder\AGB220XA\ccdata (e.g. C:\temp\AGB220XA\ccdata)
Measurement environment that template targets
module Cableb
b. Model number of the cable connected between the switch module and the DUT interface.
c. Agilent B2220A probe card interface or Agilent 16495F/G connector plate.
Coefficients to
be modified
<path>\B2210A\pcif\triax\ B2210A 16494A-002 B2220A C3H and C3L
<path>\B2210A\pcif\triax\ 16494A-005
<path>\B2210A\pcif\kelvin\ 16494C-002
<path>\B2210A\pcif\kelvin\ 16494C-005
<path>\B2210A\cable\triax\ 16494A-001 16495F/G C2H, C2L,
C3H, and C3L
<path>\B2210A\cable\triax\ 16494A-002
<path>\B2210A\cable\triax\ 16494A-005
<path>\B2210A\cable\kelvin\ 16494B-001
<path>\B2210A\cable\kelvin\ 16494B-002
<path>\B2210A\cable\kelvin\ 16494C-005
<path>\B2211A\pcif\triax\ B2211A 16494A-002 B2220A C3H and C3L
<path>\B2211A\pcif\triax\ 16494A-005
<path>\B2211A\pcif\kelvin\ 16494C-002
<path>\B2211A\pcif\kelvin\ 16494C-005
<path>\B2211A\cable\triax\ 16494A-001 16495F/G C2H, C2L,
C3H, and C3L
<path>\B2211A\cable\triax\ 16494A-002
<path>\B2211A\cable\triax\ 16494A-005
<path>\B2211A\cable\kelvin\ 16494B-001
<path>\B2211A\cable\kelvin\ 16494B-002
<path>\B2211A\cable\kelvin\ 16494C-005
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-25
Capacitance Compensation
Table 4-10 Compensation Coefficients and Modifications
2. Measure the R, L, C values of the C2x or C3x path by using the Agilent 4284A.
See “To obtain compensation coefficients” on page 4-26.
After the measurements, calculate the per meter value of the R, L, C, and record
them into the following table.
3. Open the template file selected at step 1 by using a text editor. Exchange the R,
L, C values of C2x/C3x with the values recorded at step 2. And save the file as
your compensation data file (e.g. C:\temp\my_env_1.txt).
Do not change any other lines. Also do not change the value for the coefficients
that should not be modified.
coefficients Modifications of data file
For the Agilent B2220A probe card interface, do not modify
the lines.
For the connector plate, change the R, L, C values in the lines.
The value must be changed to the R, L, C values of the C2x
path (triaxial cable with connector plate) shown in Figure 4-6.
Change the R, L, C values in the lines. The value must be
changed to the R, L, C values of the C3x path.
For the Agilent B2220A probe card interface, probe card will
be used for the C3x path.
For the connector plate, coaxial cable with positioner will be
used for the C3x path.
R ()L (H)C (F)
4-26 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Capacitance Compensation
To obtain compensation coefficients
Obtain the compensation coefficients as shown below.
1. Select the measurement frequency (Fmeas) used for the capacitance
measurement of a device under test (DUT), and set it to the Agilent 4284A. The
coefficients must be measured at the same frequency.
2. Perform the Agilent 4284A open calibration at the measurement terminal.
Optionally, perform short calibration if you want.
3. See Table 4-11 and Figure 4-7, and set the Agilent 4284A.
4. Connect the path/cable corresponding to C3H shown in Figure 4-6 to the Agilent
4284A. Then measure and record the R, L, and C values.
5. Connect the path/cable corresponding to C3L to the Agilent 4284A. Then
measure and record the R, L, and C values.
6. If you use the connector plate, perform the following procedure.
a. Connect the path/cable corresponding to C2H to the Agilent 4284A. Then
measure and record the R, L, and C values.
b. Connect the path/cable corresponding to C2L to the Agilent 4284A. Then
measure and record the R, L, and C values.
Table 4-11 R, L, C Measurement Conditions
Figure 4-7 Measurement Terminals of C2H/C2L/C3H/C3L Path
Parameter Frequency Function Terminals
R 1 kHz to 1 MHz a
a. Select 1 point. Do not change while measurements of all coefficients.
A and B
see note b
b. For triaxial cable, connect B to F directly, and measure L between A
and E. For coaxial cable, connect B to D directly, and measure L
between A and C. Ignore E and F.
Triaxial Cable
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 4-27
Capacitance Compensation
To Perform Measurement and Compensation
Perform the capacitance measurement and compensation as shown below.
1. Set the Agilent 4284A measurement condition. Then the frequency must be the
value (Fmeas) used when the compensation coefficients are measured.
2. Before contacting the device under test (DUT), perform the Cp-G measurement
in the open condition at the end of the measurement path including positioner or
probe card, and record the measurement data (C1 and G1). See Table 4-12.
3. Perform the compensation by using the capacitance compensation function, and
record the result data (C1r and G1r).
See Table 4-13 for the example to use the capacitance compensation function.
This example uses Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Agilent T&M
Programmers Toolkit. And the Agilent B2200 controlled by the program is
defined as AGB2200 at the 10th line. So, the function names are changed as
shown below.
agb220xa_selectCompenFile --> Agb2200.SelectCompenFile
agb220xa_compenC --> Agb2200.CompenC
Also, agb220xa_reset and agb220xa_close have been changed.
4. Contact the DUT, perform the Cp-G measurement, and record the measurement
data (C2 and G2).
5. Perform the compensation and record the result data (C2r and G2r).
6. Perform the following calculation and record it as the capacitance value.
C = C2r - C1r
Table 4-12 Recording Measurement/Compensation Data
Measurement/Compensation Data
C (F) G (S)
2 (measured) C1 = G1 =
3 (compensated) C1r = G1r =
4 (measured) C2 = G2 =
5 (compensated) C2r = G2r =
6 (calculated) C =
4-28 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Capacitance Compensation
Table 4-13 Capacitance Compensation Program Example
Imports Agilent.TMFramework
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataAnalysis
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.DataVisualization
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentIO
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentDriverInterop
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentDriverInterop.Design
Imports Agilent.TMFramework.InstrumentDriverInterop.VxipnpWrappers
Module Module1
Sub Main() ’9
Dim Agb2200 As Agb220xa = New Agb220xa("GPIB0::22::INSTR", True, True)
Dim f_com as String = "C:\temp\my_env_1.txt" ’12
Dim freq As Double = 1000000 ’measurement frequency: 1 (MHz) 15
Dim data_c As Double = 0.0000000001 ’C measured by 4284A: 100 (pF)
Dim data_g As Double = 0.0005 ’G measured by 4284A: 0.5 (mS)
Dim res_c As Double
Dim res_g As Double
Agb2200.CompenC(freq, data_c, data_g, res_c, res_g) ’20
Dim result As String = "C = " & res_c * 1000000000000.0 & " (pF)" ’22
result = result & Chr(10) & "G = " & res_g * 1000 & " (mS)" & Chr(10)
End Sub
End Module
Line Description
1 to 11 The above example is for the B2200 of the GPIB address 22 on the interface GPIB0.
“GPIB0” is the VISA name. Confirm your GPIB settings, and set them properly.
12 to 13 The lines specify the compensation data file. The file name must specify your
compensation data file.
15 to 20 Compensates the data measured by the Agilent 4284A. In this example, the measurement
frequency is 1 MHz, the capacitance data is 100 pF, and the conductance data is 0.5 mS.
Change freq, data_c, data_g values for your measurement results.
22 to 24 Displays the compensation result data on the console window. Record the values as C1r and
G1r, or C2r and G2r.
5 SCPI Command Reference
5-2 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This chapter describes the following for Agilent B2200:
SCPI commands available to control the B2200 via GPIB interface.
SCPI is a universal programming language for electronic test and measurement
instruments, and is based on IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2.
SCPI commands are divided into two types: common commands and subsystem
Common commands are generally not measurement related, but are used to
manage status registers, data storage, and so on. Common commands are
defined by IEEE 488.2. All common commands begin with an asterisk, such as
Subsystem commands are mostly measurement related and some are general
purpose. Subsystem commands have a hierarchical structure that uses a colon
between mnemonics (keywords), such as :DIAG:TEST:CARD:CLE.
Commands for the following subsystems are available for the B2200:
DIAGnostic commands for performing self-test.
ROUTe commands for signal routing.
SYSTem commands for controlling other functions that are not related
to instrument performance.
Commands are listed in alphabetical order in this chapter.
Status reporting structure
These are IEEE 488.2 status structures (registers), which can be set or read by
the common commands.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-3
SCPI Command Reference
Textual Notation for Subsystem Commands
LETTERS Capital letters are the minimally required letters of the
command header. Lowercase letters are the long form
(complete spelling), which you can omit if desired.
For example, for :SYSTem:CCONfig?, you only need to
specify :SYST:CCON?.
[ ] Square brackets are used to enclose optional information not
required for execution of the command sequence.
For example, for the [:ROUTe]:BIAS:PORT command, you can
execute :ROUT:BIAS:PORT or :BIAS:PORT, which are
exactly the same.
italic font Text you supply. For example, for card_number, you enter an
allowed card number. Also, used to represent response data.
| Vertical bar can be read as “or” and is used to separate
alternative parameter options.
{ } Braces (curly brackets) are used to enclose one or more
parameters that may be included zero or more times.
< > Angular brackets indicate that the word or words enclosed
represent something other than themselves. For example,
5-4 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Commands Summary
Common Commands
This section describes common commands and queries, which are commands
defined by IEEE 488.2.
Commands Summary
The following table shows some common commands that are supported for the
Mnemonic Name
*CLS Clear Status
*ESE(?) Standard Event Status Enable Command (Query)
*ESR? Standard Event Status Register Query
*IDN? Identification Query
*OPC(?) Operation Complete Command (Query)
*RST Reset Command
*SRE(?) Service Request Enable Command (Query)
*STB? Read Status Byte Query
*TST? Self-Test Query
*WAI Wait-to-Continue Command
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-5
SCPI Command Reference
This command clears the Status Byte Register, the Standard Event Status Register,
and the Error Queue. This command does not clear the enable registers. See “Status
Reporting Structure” on page 5-53.
Also, this command stops the monitoring of pending operations by the *OPC
This command does not have query form.
Syntax *CLS
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*CLS"
This command sets the bits of the Standard Event Status “Enable” Register.
1 enables, 0 masks.
Syntax *ESE enable_number
Query response enable_number <newline><^END>
enable_number is decimal integer value that is the sum of the binary-weighted
values of the “Enable” register bits.
Semantics The Standard Event Status “Enable” Register determines which bits of the Standard
Event Status Register are enabled. Enabled bits are ORed together, and the result is
reported to bit5 of the Status Byte Register.
The Standard Event Status “Enable” Register consists of 16 bits, but only the lower
8 bits are used, which correspond to the bits of the Standard Event Status Register.
For details, see “Standard Event Status Enable Register” on page 5-59.
Parameter Explanation
enable_number decimal integer (that is the sum of the binary-weighted values
for the desired bits), hexadecimal, octal, or binary value
5-6 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
The following table shows the bits of the Standard Event Status Register and
binary-weighted decimal value of each bit.
Example The following four lines enable the same bit (CME bit):
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*ESE 32" using decimal numeric
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*ESE #B100000" using binary numeric
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*ESE #Q40" using octal numeric
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*ESE #H20" using hexadecimal numeric
The following is example for query:
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*ESE?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
This query command returns the present contents of the Standard Event Status
Syntax *ESR?
Query response register <newline><^END>
bit binary-weight description
0 1 OPC (Operation Complete)
1 2 not used
2 4 QYE (Query ERROR)
3 8 DDE (Device-Dependent ERROR)
4 16 EXE (Execution ERROR)
5 32 CME (Command ERROR)
6 64 not used
7 128 PON (Power on)
Parameter Explanation
register decimal integer value that is the sum of the binary-weighted values
for the set bits
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-7
SCPI Command Reference
Semantics The following table shows the bits of the Standard Event Status Register, and the
binary-weighted decimal value of each bit.
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*ESR?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
This query command returns the ID of your B2200.
Syntax *IDN?
Query response AGILENT,model,0,revision <newline><^END>
Example DIM A$[50]
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*IDN?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
An example result of above program is:
bit binary-weight description
0 1 OPC (Operation Complete)
1 2 not used. always 0.
2 4 QYE (Query ERROR)
3 8 DDE (Device-Dependent ERROR)
4 16 EXE (Execution ERROR)
5 32 CME (Command ERROR)
6 64 not used. always 0.
7 128 PON (Power on)
Response Type Explanation
model character model number. B2200A or B2201A
revision character revision number. A.01.00 or later
5-8 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command starts to monitor pending operations, and sets/clears the Operation
Complete (OPC) bit in the Standard Event Status Register as follows:
If there is no pending operation, sets the OPC bit to 1.
If there are any pending operations, sets the OPC bit to 0. The bit will be set to 1
again when all pending operations are completed.
So, *OPC command is required to enable the OPC bit. To stop monitoring pending
operations (disable OPC bit), execute the *CLS command.
For details about the Standard Event Status Register, see “Standard Event Status
Register” on page 5-58. Also, see *WAI command.
Syntax *OPC
Query response 1 <newline><^END>
*OPC? places ASCII character 1 into the Output Queue when all pending
operations are completed. For details, see “Output Queue” on page 5-60.
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*OPC"
The following example is for query:
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*OPC?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-9
SCPI Command Reference
This command performs an instrument reset. Status after *RST is shown below:
Channel Configuration: Auto configuration mode
Connection Rule: Free
Connection Sequence: Break Before Make
Bias Mode: Off
Bias Input Port: 10
Bias-enabled Channels: All channels (output ports) are bias-enabled.
Couple Mode: Off
Couple Input Port: Cleared.
Ground Mode: Off
Ground Input Port: 12
Ground-enabled Channels: Cleared.
Ground-enabled Ports: Cleared.
Card Channel Status: All relays are opened.
Self-Test Result: Not changed.
Input Port Symbol String: Cleared.
Output Port Symbol String: Cleared.
Beeper: On
LCD in remote mode: Off
LED in remote mode: On
Light Pen: Enabled.
Syntax *RST
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*RST"
NOTE This command does not change the self-test result.
For the power-on settings, see :SYSTem:CPON.
5-10 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command sets the Service Request “Enable” Register bits.
1enables, 0masks.
Syntax *SRE enable_number
Query response enable_number <newline><^END>
Semantics The Service Request “Enable” Register consists of 8 bits: Bit0 to Bit7. Bit6 is not
defined, and is always 0. The Service Request “Enable” Register determines which
bits of the Status Byte Register are enabled.
The status of the enabled bits are ORed together, and the result of OR is output to
bit6 (Master Summary Status bit) of Status Byte Register. For details, see “Status
Reporting Structure” on page 5-53.
The following table shows the bits of the Status Byte Register, and the
binary-weighted decimal value of each bit.
Example The following four lines enable the same bits (bit 4 and 5):
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*SRE 48" using decimal numeric
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*SRE #B110000" using binary numeric
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*SRE #Q60" using octal numeric
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*SRE #H30" using hexadecimal numeric
Parameter Explanation
enable_number decimal integer (that is the sum of the binary-weighted values
for the desired bits), hexadecimal, octal, or binary value
bit binary-weight description
01not used
12not used
24not used
38not used
4 16 MAV (Message Available summary-message)
5 32 ESB (Event Status Bit)
6 64 MSS (Master Summary Status)
7 128 not used
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-11
SCPI Command Reference
The following is example for query:
OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*SRE?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
This query command reads the Status Byte Register (reads Master Summary Status
bit, not Request for Service Message).
For bit6, this command reads MSS, not Request for Service (RQS). See “Status
Reporting Structure” on page 5-53.
Syntax *STB?
Query response register <newline><^END>
Semantics The following table shows the bits of the Status Byte Register, and the
binary-weighted decimal value of each bit.
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*STB?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
Parameter Explanation
register decimal integer value that is the sum of the binary-weighted values
for the set bits
bit binary-weight description
0 1 not used. always 0.
1 2 not used. always 0.
2 4 not used. always 0.
3 8 not used. always 0.
4 16 MAV (Message Available summary-message)
5 32 ESB (Event Status Bit)
6 64 MSS (Master Summary Status)
7 128 not used. always 0.
5-12 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This query command executes an internal self-test, then returns the result. After this
command execution, the B2200 becomes same status as after *RST command
Syntax *TST?
Query response test_result <newline><^END>
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*TST?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
This command stops execution of any commands until the Operation Complete
(OPC) bit is set to 1, which means there is no pending operation. See *OPC
Syntax *WAI
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;"*WAI"
test_result Explanation
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-13
SCPI Command Reference
Command Summary
Subsystem Commands
Command Summary
ROUT subsystem :ROUTe subsystem has commands for controlling the signal routing.
Open a channel”: opens relays to disconnect the channel (that is, disconnects input
port from output port).
Close a channel”: closes relays to connect the channel (that is, connects input port
to output port).
Command Description
[:ROUT]:FUNC channel_config
Sets the channel configuration mode.
ACON: Auto Config Mode
NCON: Normal Config Mode
Query returns the present channel configuration:
[:ROUT]:CONN:RULE card_number,rule
[:ROUT]:CONN:RULE? card_number
Sets the connection rule for the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
rule: FREE (free) or SROUte (single)
Query returns the connection rule of the specified
card: FREE or SROU.
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
[:ROUT]:CONN:SEQ card_number,sequence
[:ROUT]:CONN:SEQ? card_number
Specifies the connection sequence mode for the
specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
NSEQ: No-Sequence mode
BBM: Break-Before-Make mode
MBBR: Make-Before-Break mode
Query returns the connections sequence mode of
the specified card: NSEQ, BBM, or MBBR.
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
5-14 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Command Summary
[:ROUT]:SYMB:CHAN card_number,channel,'string'
[:ROUT]:SYMB:CHAN? card_number,channel
Defines a string for the specified channel.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
channel: channel number, 1 to 48 for Auto, 1 to
12 for Normal
Query returns the symbol string set to the specified
[:ROUT]:SYMB:PORT port,'string'
Defines a string for the specified input port.
port: input port number, 1 to 14
Query returns the symbol string set to the specified
input port.
Relay Control Commands
[:ROUT]:OPEN:CARD card_number Disconnects all input ports from all output ports for
the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
[:ROUT]:OPEN[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUT]:OPEN[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Disconnects the input ports from output ports as
specified in channel_list.
channel_list: Channels to open.
Query returns the status of the specified channels:
0 (closed) or 1 (opened).
channel_list: Channels to check.
[:ROUT]:CLOS:CARD? card_number Returns channel_list of all closed channels for the
specified card. “closed channel” means an input
port connected to an output port.
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
[:ROUT]:CLOS[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUT]:CLOS[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Connects the input ports to the output ports as
specified in channel_list.
channel_list: Channels to close.
Query returns the status of the specified channels:
1 (closed) or 0 (opened).
channel_list: Channels to check.
Command Description
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-15
SCPI Command Reference
Command Summary
Command Description
Bias Mode Commands
[:ROUT]:BIAS:CHAN:DIS:CARD card_number Bias-disables the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
[:ROUT]:BIAS:CHAN:DIS[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUT]:BIAS:CHAN:DIS[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Bias-disables the specified channels.
channel_list: Channels to bias-disable.
Query returns the status of the specified channels:
1 (disabled) or 0 (enabled).
channel_list: Channels to check.
[:ROUT]:BIAS:CHAN:ENAB:CARD card_number Bias-enables the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
[:ROUT]:BIAS:CHAN:ENAB[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUT]:BIAS:CHAN:ENAB[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Bias-enables the specified channels.
channel_list: Channels to bias-enable.
Query returns the status of the specified channels:
1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled).
channel_list: Channels to check.
[:ROUT]:BIAS:PORT card_number,bias_port
[:ROUT]:BIAS:PORT? card_number
Specifies the input Bias Port for the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
bias_port: 1 to 14 or -1
Query returns the input Bias Port number for the
specified card.
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
[:ROUT]:BIAS[:STAT] card_number,state
[:ROUT]:BIAS[:STAT]? card_number
Sets the bias mode for the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
state: ON / 1 (mode ON) or OFF / 0 (mode OFF)
Query returns the mode status of the specified card:
0 (OFF) or 1 (ON).
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
5-16 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Command Summary
Ground Mode Commands
[:ROUT]:AGND:CHAN:DIS:CARD card_number Ground-disables the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
[:ROUT]:AGND:CHAN:DIS[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUT]:AGND:CHAN:DIS[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Ground-disables the specified channels.
channel_list: Channels to ground-disable.
Query returns the status of the specified channels:
1 (disabled) or 0 (enabled).
channel_list: Channels to check.
[:ROUT]:AGND:CHAN:ENAB:CARD card_number Ground-enables the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
[:ROUT]:AGND:CHAN:ENAB[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUT]:AGND:CHAN:ENAB[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Ground-enables the specified channels.
channel_list: Channels to ground-enable.
Query returns the status of the specified channels:
1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled).
channel_list: Channels to check.
[:ROUT]:AGND:PORT card_number,ground_port
[:ROUT]:AGND:PORT? card_number
Specifies the input Ground Port for the specified
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
ground_port: 1 to 14 or -1
Query returns the input Ground Port number for the
specified card.
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
[:ROUT]:AGND[:STAT] card_number,state
[:ROUT]:AGND[:STAT]? card_number
Sets the ground mode for the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
state: ON / 1 (mode ON) or OFF / 0 (mode OFF)
Query returns the mode status of the specified card:
0 (OFF) or 1 (ON).
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
Command Description
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-17
SCPI Command Reference
Command Summary
[:ROUT]:AGND:UNUSED card_number,'enable_port'
[:ROUT]:AGND:UNUSED? card_number
Ground-enables the specified input ports for the
specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
enable_port: One or more input port numbers: 1 to
8. Enclose by single quotation marks. Separate
multiple input port numbers by comma. For
example: '1,5'
Query returns the ground-enabled input port
numbers for the specified card.
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
Couple Mode Commands
[:ROUT]:COUP:PORT card_number,'couple_port'
[:ROUT]:COUP:PORT? card_number
Specifies the input couple ports for the specified
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
couple_port: One or more input port numbers: 1, 3,
5, 7, 9, 11, or 13. Enclose by single quotation
marks. Separate multiple input port numbers by
comma. For example: '1,5'
Query returns the lower input port number of each
couple pair for the specified card.
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
[:ROUT]:COUP:PORT:DET Detects the input ports connected to Kelvin cable,
and assigns them as the input couple ports for the
all cards.
[:ROUT]:COUP[:STAT] card_number,state
[:ROUT]:COUP[:STAT]? card_number
Sets the couple mode for the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
state: ON / 1 (mode ON) or OFF / 0 (mode OFF)
Query returns the mode status of the specified card:
0 (OFF) or 1 (ON).
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
Command Description
5-18 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Command Summary
DIAG subsystem :DIAGnostic subsystem has commands for executing the self-test function. For
more info, see “Selftest Menu” on page 3-34.
The :DIAGnostic subsystem commands ignore the B2200 channel configuration
mode. For :DIAG commands that require a card number, you specify 1, 2, 3, 4, or
Command Description
:DIAG:TEST:CARD:CLE card_number Clears relay test result (pass/fail) of the specified card.
card_number: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
:DIAG:TEST:CARD[:EXEC]? card_number Executes relay test, then returns result: 1 (fail card exists), 0
card_number: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
:DIAG:TEST:CARD:STAT? card_number Returns most recent relay test result: 1 (fail), 0 (pass), -1 (not
card_number: 1, 2, 3, 4
:DIAG:TEST:FRAM:CLE item Clears specified test result.
item: CONT (controller test), FPAN (front panel interface test),
:DIAG:TEST:FRAM[:EXEC]? item Executes specified test, then returns test result: 1 (fail), 0
item: CONT (controller test), FPAN (front panel interface test),
:DIAG:TEST:FRAM:STAT? item Returns most recent test result of the specified test: 1 (fail), 0
(pass), -1 (not tested).
item: CONT (controller test), FPAN (front panel interface test),
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-19
SCPI Command Reference
Command Summary
:SYSTem subsystem is a collection of functions that are not related to instrument
Command Description
:SYST:BEEP state Enables/disables the beeper.
state: ON / 1 (enable) or OFF / 0 (disable)
:SYST:CCON? card_number Returns the card configuration information. This command
is just to keep compatibility with the Agilent E5250A.
card_number: 1, 2, 3, or 4
:SYST:CDES? card_number Returns a description of the specified card: model number
and input/output port information.
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
:SYST:CPON card_number Resets the specified card to the power-on state.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
:SYST:CTYP? card_number Returns ID of the specified card: model number and
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
:SYST:DISP:LCD state Enables/disables the front panel LCD when the B2200 is
in the GPIB remote mode. state: ON / 1 (enable) or OFF / 0
:SYST:DISP:LED state Enables/disables the front panel LED.
state: ON / 1 (enable) or OFF / 0 (disable)
:SYST:DISP:STR string Specifies a string displayed on the LCD in the GPIB
remote mode.
:SYST:ERR? Reads error from head of error queue, and removes it from
the queue.
:SYST:KLC state Locks/unlocks the front panel keys.
state: ON / 1 (lock) or OFF / 0 (unlock)
:SYST:MEMO:SAVE memory_number
:SYST:MEMO:LOAD memory_number
Saves a setup information into the internal memory, or
loads a setup information.
memory_number: 1 to 8
5-20 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Command Summary
:SYST:MEMO:COMM memory_number,'comment'
:SYST:MEMO:COMM? memory_number
Memorizes the comment for the B2200 setup information
specified by memory_number.
memory_number: 1 to 8
:SYST:MEMO:DEL memory_number Deletes the B2200 setup information and the comment
specified by memory_number.
memory_number: 1 to 8
:SYST:PEN state Enables/disables the light pen.
state: ON / 1 (enable) or OFF / 0 (disable)
:SYST:VERS? Returns SCPI version number for which the B2200
Command Description
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-21
SCPI Command Reference
This command clears the relay test result (pass/fail result) of the specified card.
Syntax :DIAGnostic:TEST:CARD:CLEar card_number
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":DIAG:TEST:CARD:CLE 1"
This command executes the relay test for specified card, then returns the pass/fail
result. Before starting the relay test, open the input/output terminals (end of cable is
OK, Kelvin cable must be removed). For more information, see “RELAY_TEST”
on page 3-35.
NOTE This command changes all settings of card to same state as after executing
:SYST:CPON command.
Syntax :DIAGnostic:TEST:CARD[:EXECute]? card_number
Query response test_result <newline><^END>
1: failure card exists
0: pass
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":DIAG:TEST:CARD? ALL"
Parameter Explanation
card_number card number: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
Parameter Explanation
card_number card number: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
5-22 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command returns the most recent relay test result for the specified card.
Syntax :DIAGnostic:TEST:CARD:STATe? card_number
Query response test_result <newline><^END>
1: fail
0: pass
-1: not tested
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":DIAG:TEST:CARD:STAT? 1"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
This command clears test result of the specified B2200 test.
Syntax :DIAGnostic:TEST:FRAMe:CLEar CONTroller | FPANel | LED |
Parameter Explanation
card_number card number: 1, 2, 3, 4
Parameter Explanation
CONTroller Controller test
FPANel Front panel interface test
LED LED matrix test
PEN Light pen test
BEEPer Beeper test
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-23
SCPI Command Reference
This command executes the specified B2200 test, then returns the test result. See
“Selftest Menu” on page 3-34 to perform the test.
After the controller test, the B2200 status becomes same as after *RST command
Syntax :DIAGnostic:TEST:FRAMe[:EXECute]? CONTroller | FPANel |
Query response test_result <newline><^END>
1: fail
0: pass
Parameter Explanation
CONTroller Controller test
FPANel Front panel interface test
LED LED matrix test
PEN Light pen test
BEEPer Beeper test
5-24 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command returns the most recent test result (pass/fail) of the specified test.
Syntax :DIAGnostic:TEST:FRAMe:STATe? CONTroller | FPANel | LED
| PEN | BEEPer
Query response test_result <newline><^END>
1: fail
0: pass
-1: not tested
ENTER @Agb2200;A
This command ground-disables the all output ports (channels) for the specified card.
When the Ground Mode is ON, the ground-disabled output ports are disconnected
from the input Ground Port. At *RST, no channel is ground-enabled. The ground
mode is set by “[:ROUTe]:AGND[:STATe]”.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:DISable:CARD card_number
Parameter Explanation
CONTroller Controller test
FPANel Front panel interface test
LED LED matrix test
PEN Light pen test
BEEPer Beeper test
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-25
SCPI Command Reference
This command specifies the ground-disabled output ports (channels). When the
Ground Mode is ON, the ground-disabled output ports are disconnected from the
input Ground Port. At *RST, no channel is ground-enabled. The ground mode is set
by “[:ROUTe]:AGND[:STATe]”.
The query returns whether the specified channels are ground-disabled or not.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:DISable[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:DISable[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Input port is always the input Ground Port. So, the input ports in channel_list are
ignored. However, you cannot abbreviate the input port.
Query response disable_status{, disable_status} <newline><^END>
1: ground disabled
0: ground enabled
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:AGND:CHAN:DIS (@10101)"
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:AGND:CHAN:DIS? (@10101,10102,10201)"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
This example ground-disables the output port 1 on the card 1. In this example, A$
will be 1,0,1.
This command ground-enables the all output ports (channels) for the specified card.
When the Ground Mode is ON, the ground-enabled output ports that have not been
connected to any other input port are connected to the input Ground Port. This
command is available only for the specified card. At *RST, no channel is
ground-enabled. The ground mode is set by “[:ROUTe]:AGND[:STATe]”.
Parameter Explanation
channel_list Channels to ground-disable or to check.
For channel_list, see “Switch Control” on page 4-5.
5-26 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Syntax [:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:ENABle:CARD card_number
This command specifies the ground-enabled output ports (channels). When the
Ground Mode is ON, the ground-enabled output ports that have not been connected
to any other input port are connected to the input Ground Port. Then, the input
Ground Port will not be connected to the output ports that have been connected to
any other input port. At *RST, no channel is ground-enabled. The ground mode is
set by “[:ROUTe]:AGND[:STATe]”.
The query returns whether the specified channels are ground-enabled or not.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:ENABle[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:ENABle[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Input port is always the input Ground Port. So, the input ports in channel_list are
ignored. However, you cannot abbreviate the input port number.
Query response enable_status{, enable_status} <newline><^END>
1: ground enabled
0: ground disabled
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:AGND:CHAN:ENAB (@10101)"
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:AGND:CHAN:ENAB? (@10101,10102,10201)"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
This example ground-enables the output port 1 on the card 1. In this example, A$
will be 1,0,1.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
Parameter Explanation
channel_list Channels to ground-enable or to check.
For channel_list, see “Switch Control” on page 4-5.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-27
SCPI Command Reference
This command specifies the input Ground Port for the specified card. For each card,
you can specify the same or different Ground Port. At *RST, the Ground Port is 12.
The ground mode is set by “[:ROUTe]:AGND[:STATe]”.
The query returns the input port number of the Ground Port.
NOTE The input ground port and a ground enabled input port cannot be assigned to the
same input port.
If the input ground port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port,
the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
0 V output voltage source should be connected to the input Ground Port. Or set
ground_port to 12, and open the input port 12 that is the default ground port. If you
assign the input 12 as the ground port, this ground port will be internally connected
to the ground when the ground mode is set to ON.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:AGND:PORT card_number,ground_port
[:ROUTe]:AGND:PORT? card_number
Query response port_number <newline><^END>
port_number = 1 to 14 or -1. Number set to ground_port.
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:AGND:PORT 0,13"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
In this example, A will be 13.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
ground_port Input port number: 1 to 14. Or -1 to disable ground
5-28 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
NOTE You cannot set the Ground Mode to ON when the Bias Mode is ON.
This command controls the Ground Mode for the specified card. When the Ground
Mode is ON, the input Ground Port is connected to the all ground-enabled input
ports/output ports that have not been connected to any other port. At *RST, the
Ground Mode is OFF.
The query returns the mode status.
The input Ground Port is set by “[:ROUTe]:AGND:PORT”. The ground-enabled
input ports are set by “[:ROUTe]:AGND:UNUSED”. And the ground-enabled
output ports are set by “[:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:ENABle[:LIST]” or
When the Ground Mode is ON, you cannot directly control the Ground Port
connections. However, they can be indirectly controlled when the connections of the
other input port are controlled.
When the Ground Mode is OFF, the input Ground Port is the same as the other input
ports, so relays can be controlled directly to connect to output ports.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:AGND[:STATe] card_number,state
[:ROUTe]:AGND[:STATe]? card_number
Query response state <newline><^END>
0: OFF or 1: ON
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:AGND:STAT 0,ON"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
In this example, A will be 1.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
state ON or 1: sets the Ground Mode ON
OFF or 0: sets the Ground Mode OFF
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-29
SCPI Command Reference
This command specifies the ground-enabled input ports for the specified card.
When the Ground Mode is ON, the ground-enabled input ports that have not been
connected to any other port are connected to the input Ground Port. At *RST, no
input port is ground-enabled. The ground mode is set by
The query returns which input ports are ground-enabled.
NOTE The input ground port and a ground enabled input port cannot be assigned to the
same input port.
If the ground enabled input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same
input port, the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
CAUTION Open the input ports set to this command. If any equipment is connected to the
ground-enabled input ports, turning the Ground Mode ON may cause damage in the
Syntax [:ROUTe]:AGND:UNUSED card_number,'port_number'
[:ROUTe]:AGND:UNUSED? card_number
Query response port_number{, port_number} <newline><^END>
port_number = 1 to 8
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:AGND:UNUSED 0,'5,6,7,8'"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be 5,6,7,8.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
port_number Input port number: 1 to 8.
Enclose by single quotation marks. Separate multiple
input port numbers by comma. For example: '1,5'
5-30 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command bias-disables the all output ports (channels) for the specified card.
When the Bias Mode is ON, the bias-disabled output ports are disconnected from
the input Bias Port. At *RST, all cards are bias-enabled. The bias mode is set by
Syntax [:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:DISable:CARD card_number
This command specifies the bias-disabled output ports (channels). When the Bias
Mode is ON, the bias-disabled output ports are disconnected from the input Bias
Port. At *RST, all channels are bias-enabled. The bias mode is set by
The query returns whether the specified channels are bias-disabled or not.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:DISable[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:DISable[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Input port is always the input Bias Port. So, the input ports in channel_list are
ignored. However, you cannot abbreviate the input port.
Query response disable_status{, disable_status} <newline><^END>
1: bias disabled
0: bias enabled
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
Parameter Explanation
channel_list Channels to bias-disable or to check.
For channel_list, see “Switch Control” on page 4-5.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-31
SCPI Command Reference
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:BIAS:CHAN:DIS (@10101)"
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:BIAS:CHAN:DIS? (@10101,10102,10201)"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
This example bias-disables the output port 1 on the card 1. In this example, A$ will
be 1,0,1.
This command bias-enables the all output ports (channels) for the specified card.
When the Bias Mode is ON, the bias-enabled output ports that have not been
connected to any other input port are connected to the input Bias Port. This
command is available only for the specified card. At *RST, all cards are
bias-enabled. The bias mode is set by “[:ROUTe]:BIAS[:STATe]”.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:ENABle:CARD card_number
This command specifies the bias-enabled output ports (channels). When the Bias
Mode is ON, the bias-enabled output ports that have not been connected to any
other input port are connected to the input Bias Port. Then, the input Bias Port will
not be connected to the output ports that have been connected to any other input
port. At *RST, all channels are bias-enabled. The bias mode is set by
The query returns whether the specified channels are bias-enabled or not.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:ENABle[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:ENABle[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
Parameter Explanation
channel_list Channels to bias-enable or to check.
For channel_list, see “Switch Control” on page 4-5.
5-32 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Input port is always the input Bias Port. So, the input ports in channel_list are
ignored. However, you cannot abbreviate the input port.
Query response enable_status{, enable_status} <newline><^END>
1: bias enabled
0: bias disabled
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:BIAS:CHAN:ENAB (@10101)"
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:BIAS:CHAN:ENAB? (@10101,10102,10201)"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
This example bias enables the output port 1 on the card 1. In this example, A$ will
be 1,0,1.
NOTE If the input bias port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port, the
bias mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
This command specifies the input Bias Port for the specified card. For each card,
you can specify the same or different Bias Port. At *RST, Bias Port is set to 10. The
bias mode is set by “[:ROUTe]:BIAS[:STATe]”. The query returns the input Bias
Port number for the specified card.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:BIAS:PORT card_number,bias_port
[:ROUTe]:BIAS:PORT? card_number
Query response port_number <newline><^END>
port_number = 1 to 14 or -1. Number set to bias_port.
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:BIAS:PORT ALL,4"
ENTER @Agb2200;A
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
bias_port Input port number: 1 to 14. Or -1 to disable bias port.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-33
SCPI Command Reference
In this example, A will be 4.
NOTE You cannot set the Bias Mode to ON when the Ground Mode is ON.
This command controls the Bias Mode for the specified card. When the Bias Mode
is ON, the input Bias Port is connected to the all bias-enabled output ports that have
not been connected to any other input port. At *RST, the Bias Mode is OFF.
The query returns the mode status of the specified card.
The input Bias Port is set by “[:ROUTe]:BIAS:PORT”. The bias-enabled output
ports (channels) are set by “[:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:ENABle[:LIST]” or
When the Bias Mode is ON, you cannot directly control the Bias Port connections.
However, they can be indirectly controlled when the connections of the other input
port are controlled.
When the Bias Mode is OFF, the input Bias Port is the same as the other input ports,
so relays can be controlled directly to connect to output ports.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:BIAS[:STATe] card_number,state
[:ROUTe]:BIAS[:STATe]? card_number
Query response 0 or 1 <newline><^END>
0: OFF
1: ON
ENTER @Agb2200;A
In this example, A will be 1.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
state ON or 1: sets the Bias Mode ON
OFF or 0: sets the Bias Mode OFF
5-34 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This query command returns channel_list of all closed (connected) channels for the
specified card.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:CLOSe:CARD? card_number
Query response channel_list <newline><^END>
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:CLOS (@10101,10202)"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
A$ will be @10101,10202. For channel_list, see “Switch Control” on page 4-5.
This command connects the input ports to the output ports (channels) as specified in
channel_list. The query returns 0 or 1 for each channel specified by channel_list, in
same order as specified by channel_list.
For some modes (such as Single Route Mode, Couple Mode, Ground Mode, and
Bias Mode), more complex connections may occur.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:CLOSe[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUTe]:CLOSe[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Query response close_status{, close_status} <newline><^END>
1: closed
0: opened
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, or 4
Parameter Explanation
channel_list Channels to close or to check.
For channel_list, see “Switch Control” on page 4-5.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-35
SCPI Command Reference
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:CLOS (@10101,10202)"
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:CLOS? (@10101,10102,10201,10202)"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be 1,0,0,1.
This command sets the connection rule (Free or Single Route) for the specified card.
The query returns the connection rule of the specified card. At *RST, all cards are
set to FREE. See “Connection Rule” on page 3-14.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:CONNection:RULE card_number,rule
[:ROUTe]:CONNection:RULE? card_number
Query response FREE or SROU <newline><^END>
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be SROU.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
rule FREE (free route) or SROUte (single route).
In the free route, multiple channel connections are
available for all input ports.
In the single route, only 1 channel connection is available
for each input port.
5-36 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command specifies the connection sequence mode, which is the open/close
sequence of the relays when connection route is changed from an existing
connection to a new connection. The query returns the connection sequence mode of
the specified card. At *RST, BBMake is selected. See “Connection Sequence” on
page 3-15.
The connection sequence is used only for cards that have been set to SROUte
connection rule. Also see “[:ROUTe]:CONNection:RULE”.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:CONNection:SEQuence card_number,sequence
[:ROUTe]:CONNection:SEQuence? card_number
Query response NSEQ or BBM or MBBR <newline><^END>
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be MBBR.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
sequence NSEQ: No-Sequence mode
BBM: Break-Before-Make mode
MBBR: Make-Before-Break mode
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-37
SCPI Command Reference
NOTE If the input bias port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port, the
bias mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
If the input ground port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port,
the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
If the ground enabled input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same
input port, the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
This command is used to set up input couple ports, which are used for the Kelvin
connections. The couple mode is set by “[:ROUTe]:COUPle[:STATe]”.
For each card, you can set up the same or different input couple ports.
This command overwrites the previous couple port setting. The couple port setting
will be cleared and updated by “[:ROUTe]:COUPle:PORT:DETect”.
The query returns the odd input port number of each coupled pair.
At *RST, no input ports are coupled.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:COUPle:PORT card_number,'couple_port'
[:ROUTe]:COUPle:PORT? card_number
Query response port_number{, port_number} <newline><^END>
port_number = 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 or 9 or 11 or 13
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:COUP:PORT ALL,'1,3'"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be 1,3.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
couple_port One or more input port numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 or 13.
Enclose by single quotation marks. Separate multiple input
port numbers by comma. For example: '1,5'
5-38 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command detects the input ports connected to the Kelvin cable, and assigns
them as the input couple ports that will be used for the Kelvin connection. The input
couple port setting is effective for the all cards. This command overwrites the
previous couple port setting.
The couple mode is set by “[:ROUTe]:COUPle[:STATe]”. The couple port setting
will be cleared and updated by “[:ROUTe]:COUPle:PORT”.
The input port numbers of the couple ports can be got by
After this command is executed, the all relay settings will be the same as after the
:ROUT:OPEN:CARD ALL command execution.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:COUPle:PORT:DETect
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-39
SCPI Command Reference
This command controls the Couple Mode for the specified card. The query returns
the mode status of the specified card. At *RST, the Couple Mode is OFF.
The input couple ports are set by “[:ROUTe]:COUPle:PORT:DETect” or
If you specify a connection from a couple input port to an output port when the
couple mode is ON, the B2200 automatically controls relays to connect the input
ports n-1 and n to the output ports m-1 and m respectively (n: an even number from
2 to 14, m: an even number from 2 to 12, 2 to 24, 2 to 36, or 2 to 48 depends on the
B2200 configuration). See example below.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:COUPle[:STATe] card_number,state
[:ROUTe]:COUPle[:STATe]? card_number
Query response state <newline><^END>
0: OFF
1: ON
ENTER @Agb2200;A
In this example, A will be 1.
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:CLOS (@10103)"
This example controls the card 1 relays and connects the inputs 1 and 2 to the
outputs 3 and 4 respectively. :ROUT:CLOS (@10104) will make the same result.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
state ON or 1: sets the Couple Mode ON
OFF or 0: sets the Couple Mode OFF
5-40 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command sets the channel configuration, which determines how you specify
the channel_list or card_number in other commands. The query returns the present
channel configuration. At *RST, this parameter is set to ACONfig. See “Channel
Configuration Mode” on page 3-13.
When configuration is changed by this command, all channels are opened
(disconnected) and become same status as after :SYSTem:CPON ALL execution.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:FUNCtion channel_config
Query response ACON or NCON <newline><^END>
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:FUNC ACON"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be ACON.
This command disconnects all input ports from all output ports for the specified
card. For some modes (such as Single Route Mode, Couple Mode, Ground Mode,
and Bias Mode), more complex disconnections may occur.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:OPEN:CARD card_number
Parameter Explanation
channel_config ACONfig: Auto Config Mode
NCONfig: Normal Config Mode
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-41
SCPI Command Reference
This command disconnects the input ports from output ports as specified in
channel_list. The query returns 0 or 1 for each channel specified by channel_list, in
same order as specified by channel_list.
For some modes (such as Single Route Mode, Couple Mode, Ground Mode, and
Bias Mode), more complex disconnections may occur.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:OPEN[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUTe]:OPEN[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Query response open_status{, open_status} <newline><^END>
1 : opened
0 : closed
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:CLOS (@10101,10202)"
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:OPEN? (@10101,10102,10201,10202)"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be 0,1,1,0.
Parameter Explanation
channel_list Channels to open (disconnect) or to check.
For channel_list, see “Switch Control” on page 4-5.
5-42 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
In the GPIB local mode, the B2200 uses 01 to 48 (two digits numbers) to specify the
output ports (channels) 1 to 48 respectively. This command specifies a symbol string
and lets the B2200 use the specified string instead of the two digits number. The
query returns the symbol string.
Maximum value of the two digits number depends on the B2200 configuration. It is
12 for the normal configuration mode or the auto configuration mode with one
matrix card, 24 for the auto configuration mode with two matrix cards, 36 for the
auto configuration mode with three matrix cards, or 48 for the auto configuration
mode with four matrix cards.
Reboot, *RST, and :SYSTem:CPON clear the symbol strings. After that, the initial
symbol string (two digits numbers 01 to 48) will be set.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:SYMBol:CHANnel card_number,channel_number,'string'
[:ROUTe]:SYMBol:CHANnel? card_number,channel_number
Query response string <newline><^END>
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:SYMB:CHAN 0,10,'GATE'"
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:SYMB:CHAN? 0,10"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
This example assigns the string GATE to the output port 10. After that, GATE is used
instead of 10. In this example, A$ will be GATE.
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.
channel_number Output port number: 1 to 48 for Auto, 1 to 12 for Normal.
string Symbol string set to the specified output port (channel).
Maximum 6 characters.
Numeric characters, alphabetic characters; upper case and
lower case, space, and the following symbols are available.
! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / > ? : ~ ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ‘ { | } ^ _
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-43
SCPI Command Reference
In the GPIB local mode, the B2200 uses 01 to 14 (two digits numbers) to specify the
input ports 1 to 14 respectively. This command specifies a symbol string and lets the
B2200 use the specified string instead of the two digits number. The query returns
the symbol string.
Reboot and *RST clear the symbol strings. After that, the initial symbol string (two
digits numbers 01 to 14) will be set.
:SYSTem:CPON does not clear the symbol strings.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:SYMBol:PORT port_number,'symbol_string'
[:ROUTe]:SYMBol:PORT? port_number
Query response symbol_string <newline><^END>
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:SYMB:PORT 1,'SMU1'"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
This example assigns the string SMU1 to the input port 1. After that, SMU1 is used
instead of 01. In this example, A$ will be SMU1.
Parameter Explanation
port_number Input port number: 1 to 14.
symbol_string Symbol string set to the specified input port. Maximum 6
Numeric characters, alphabetic characters; upper case and
lower case, space, and the following symbols are available.
! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / > ? : ~ ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ‘ { | } ^ _
5-44 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command enables/disables the beeper.
Syntax :SYSTem:BEEP state
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:BEEP ON"
This query command is just to keep compatibility with the Agilent E5250A Low
Leakage Switch Mainframe. This query command returns the card configuration
Syntax :SYSTem:CCONfig? card_number
Query response card_configuration <newline><^END>
Always returns #10.
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:CCON? 1"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
PRINT "Card configuration = ";A$
Parameter Explanation
state ON or 1: enables the beeper
OFF or 0: disables the beeper
Parameter Explanation
card_number card number: 1, 2, 3, or 4
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-45
SCPI Command Reference
This query command returns a description of the specified card.
Syntax :SYSTem:CDEScription? card_number
Query response "card_description" <newline><^END>
If the designated card is not installed or initialize failed, this command returns
"No Card".
For B2200A:
In the Auto Config mode, "card_description" response is one of following:
"B2210A 14x12 Femto Leakage Switch Module"
"B2210A 14x24 Femto Leakage Switch Module"
"B2210A 14x36 Femto Leakage Switch Module"
"B2210A 14x48 Femto Leakage Switch Module"
In the Normal Config mode:
"B2210A 14x12 Femto Leakage Switch Module"
For B2201A:
In the Auto Config mode, "card_description" response is one of following:
"B2211A 14x12 Low Leakage Switch Module"
"B2211A 14x24 Low Leakage Switch Module"
"B2211A 14x36 Low Leakage Switch Module"
"B2211A 14x48 Low Leakage Switch Module"
In the Normal Config mode:
"B2211A 14x12 Low Leakage Switch Module"
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:CDES? 1"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, or 4
5-46 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command resets the specified card. Status after this command is shown below:
Channel Configuration: Not changed.
Connection Rule: Free
Connection Sequence: Break Before Make
Bias Mode: Off
Bias Input Port: 10
Bias-enabled Channels: All channels (output ports) are bias-enabled.
Couple Mode: Off
Couple Input Port: Cleared.
Ground Mode: Off
Ground Input Port: 12
Ground-enabled Channels: Cleared.
Ground-enabled Ports: Cleared.
Card Channel Status: All relays are opened.
Self-Test Result: Not changed.
Input Port Symbol String: Not changed.
Output Port Symbol String: Cleared.
For the device reset state, see *RST.
Syntax :SYSTem:CPON card_number
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:CPON ALL"
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-47
SCPI Command Reference
This query command returns the ID of the specified card.
Syntax :SYSTem:CTYPe? card_number
Query response AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES,model,0,revision <newline><^END>
model = B2210A or B2211A
revision = 1 or later version
If designated card is not installed or initialize failed, this command returns
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:CTYPE? 1"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
This command enables/disables the front panel Liquid Crystal Display when the
B2200 is in the GPIB remote mode. The front panel LCD will be automatically set
to ON by the mode transition from GPIB remote to GPIB local.
Syntax :SYSTem:DISPlay:LCD state
Even though state is OFF, some status indicators on the LCD will be effective.
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:DISP:LCD 1"
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, or 4
Parameter Explanation
state ON or 1: enables the LCD
OFF or 0: disables the LCD (initial setting)
5-48 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command enables/disables the front panel Light Emitting Diodes matrix when
the B2200 is in the GPIB remote mode. The front panel LED matrix will be
automatically set to ON by the mode transition from GPIB remote to GPIB local.
Syntax :SYSTem:DISPlay:LED state
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:DISP:LED 1"
When the B2200 is in the GPIB remote mode, you can display a string (maximum
39 characters) on the front panel LCD. This command specifies the string and
displays it on the LCD.
The specified string data is only displayed on the front panel LCD. It is not
memorized. So a display-change operation will clear and delete the string data.
Syntax :SYSTem:DISPlay:STRing 'string'
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:DISP:STR 'E:SMU1,B:SMU2,C:SMU3'"
This example displays E:SMU1,B:SMU2,C:SMU3 on the front panel LCD.
Parameter Explanation
state ON or 1: enables the LEDs (initial setting)
OFF or 0: disables the LEDs
Parameter Explanation
string String to be displayed on the front panel LCD. Maximum
38 characters.
Numeric characters, alphabetic characters; upper case and
lower case, space, and the following symbols are available.
! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / > ? : ~ ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ‘ { | } ^ _
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-49
SCPI Command Reference
This query command reads the error from the head of the error queue and removes
that error from the queue.
Syntax :SYSTem:ERRor?
Query response err_no,"message" <newline><^END>
err_no is numeric response data, and message is string response data.
If there has been no error (error queue is empty), the response to this query is as
0,"No error"
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:ERR?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A,B$
This command locks/unlocks the front panel keys.
Syntax :SYSTem:KLC state
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:KLC ON"
Parameter Explanation
state ON or 1: lock
OFF or 0: unlock
5-50 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command memorizes the comment for the B2200 setup information specified
by memory_number. The previous comment will be deleted. The query returns the
comment for the specified setup.
Syntax :SYSTem:MEMOry:COMMent memory_number,'comment'
:SYSTem:MEMOry:COMMent? memory_number
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:MEMO:COMM 1,'1-1,2-13,3-25'"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be 1-1,2-13,3-25.
This command deletes the B2200 setup information and the comment specified by
Syntax :SYSTem:MEMOry:DELete memory_number
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:MEMO:DEL 1"
Parameter Explanation
memory_number memory number: 1 to 8.
comment Comment. Maximum 16 characters. If this command is
entered with empty comment, the comment will be cleared.
Numeric characters, alphabetic characters; upper case and
lower case, space, and the following symbols are available.
! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / > ? : ~ ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ‘ { | } ^ _
Parameter Explanation
memory_number memory number: 1 to 8.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-51
SCPI Command Reference
This command restores the B2200 setup information specified by memory_number.
It must be already saved by “:SYSTem:MEMOry:SAVE”.
Syntax :SYSTem:MEMOry:LOAD memory_number
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:MEMO:SAVE 1"
This command saves the present setup information of the B2200 into the internal
memory specified by memory_number. The previous setup will be deleted. To
memorize the comment for the setup information, use
The following setup information will be saved.
Configuration mode
Connection rule, connection sequence
Bias mode status, bias ports, bias-enabled channels
Couple mode status, couple ports
Ground mode status, ground ports, ground-enabled channels, ground-enabled
Connection status of all switches
Symbol string of all input ports and output ports
Syntax :SYSTem:MEMOry:SAVE memory_number
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:MEMO:SAVE 1"
Parameter Explanation
memory_number memory number: 1 to 8.
Parameter Explanation
memory_number memory number: 1 to 8.
5-52 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command enables/disables the light pen.
Syntax :SYSTem:PEN state
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:PEN ON"
This query command returns the SCPI version number for which the B2200
Syntax :SYSTem:VERSion?
Query response YYYY.V <newline><^END>
YYYY is the year (for example, 2004).
V is the approved revision number for that year.
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":SYST:VERS?"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
Parameter Explanation
state ON or 1: enables the light pen
OFF or 0: disables the light pen
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-53
SCPI Command Reference
Status Reporting Structure
Status Reporting Structure
This section describes the status reporting structure used in the B2200. These are
IEEE 488.2 status structures that can be set and read by the SCPI Common
Commands as described in “Common Commands” on page 5-4.
Status Reporting Structure
The status reporting structure consists of the following:
Status Byte Register
Service Request “Enable” Register
Standard Event Status Register
Standard Event Status “Enable” Register
•Output Queue
In general, the status reporting structure is used to request service via Service
Request (SRQ) or to indicate a specific condition, such as operation complete.
See the following figures for a model of the B2200 status reporting structure.
5-54 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Status Reporting Structure
Figure 5-1 Status Reporting Structure of B2200
The above figure shows Service Request Generation. When a condition occurs that
requires service, the instrument sets Request Service bit (RQS bit6) of Status
Byte, and sends a Service Request (SRQ) via GPIB bus to the controller. So, the
controller can execute an interrupt service routine (must be in the program) that uses
a Serial Poll to read Status Byte of each instrument to determine which instrument
requested service. See “Status Byte Register” on page 5-55.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-55
SCPI Command Reference
Status Byte Register
Status Byte Register
The B2200 Status Byte Register contains bits (ESB and MAV) for status summary
messages from other registers. The status of these bits depends on the condition of
the Standard Event Status Register and the Output Queue. If service request occurs,
Bit6 (RQS) of Status Byte Register is set.
See Figure 5-2 and Table 5-1 for the B2200 Status Byte Register.
Figure 5-2 Status Byte Register of B2200
The Status Byte Register can be read with either a serial poll or the *STB? common
query command (see “Common Commands” on page 5-4).
Serial poll is a low-level GPIB command that can be executed by SPOLL in HP
BASIC, such as the following:
Both serial poll and STB? read the Status Byte Register identically, but have
following difference:
SPOLL returns RQS for bit6
*STB? returns MSS for bit6
RQS and MSS are always the same value, so returned Status Byte value is always
the same for these two methods.
5-56 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Status Byte Register
In general, use serial polling (not *STB?) inside interrupt service routines. Use
*STB? in other cases (not in interrupt service routine) when you want to know the
value of Status Byte.
Table 5-1 Status Byte Register of B2200
Bit Definition Explanation
0 Not Used. Always zero.
1 Not Used. Always zero.
2 Not Used. Always zero.
3 Not Used. Always zero.
4 Message Available
(MAV) Queue Summary
Indicates whether Output Queue is empty. If
unread message exists, this bit is set to 1.
Otherwise, this bit is set to 0. See “Output
Queue” on page 5-60.
5 Standard Event Status
Bit (ESB) Summary
Indicates whether one or more of the enabled
Standard Events Status Register bits is set.
6 Request Service (RQS)
Indicates whether a SRQ (Service Request)
has occurred. Read by Serial Poll.
Master Summary Status
(MSS) Summary
Indicates that the instrument has at least one
reason for requesting service. Read by
7 Not Used. Always zero.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-57
SCPI Command Reference
Service Request Enable Register
Service Request Enable Register
The Service Request Enable Register is an 8-bit register that can be used by the
programmer to select which summary messages in the Status Byte Register may
cause service requests. See Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-3 Service Request Enable Register of B2200
5-58 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Standard Event Status Register
Standard Event Status Register
The Standard Event Status Register has specific events assigned to specific bits. See
Figure 5-4 and Table 5-2.
Figure 5-4 Standard Event Status Register of B2200
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 5-59
SCPI Command Reference
Standard Event Status Enable Register
Table 5-2 Standard Event Status Register of B2200
Standard Event Status Enable Register
The Standard Event Status “Enable” Register is an 8-bit register that can be used by
the programmer to select which bits of Standard Event Status Register are enabled.
The status of the enabled bits are ORed together, and result of OR will be reported to
the ESB bit (Bit5) of the Status Byte Register.
The 8 bits of this register correspond to the 8 bits of the Standard Event Status
Register. See Figure 5-4.
Bit Definition Explanation
0 Operation Complete
This event bit has meaning only if a request
to monitor is set by the *OPC command.
See “*OPC” on page 5-8. This bit is set to 1
if there are no pending operations.
1 Not Used Always 0.
2 Query Error (QYE) An attempt is being made to read data
from the Output Queue when no data is
present or pending.
Data in the Output Queue has been lost.
3 Device Dependent
Error (DDE)
This event bit indicates that an error has
occurred which is not a Command Error, a
Query Error, or an Execution Error.
4 Execution Error (EXE) Syntax of command is correct, but cannot be
executed due to some condition of the
5 Command Error
A command syntax error has been detected.
6 Not Used Always 0.
7 Power On (PON) This event bit indicates that an off-to-on
transition has occurred in instrument's
power supply.
8 to 15 Not used Always 0.
5-60 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Output Queue
Output Queue
The Output Queue stores response messages until they are read. If an unread
message exists, Bit4 (Message Available MAV) of the Status Byte Register is set
to 1. So, Bit4 is used to synchronize information exchange with the controller. See
Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5 Output Queue of B2200
The Response Formatter places Data Byte Messages and END messages into the
Output Queue in response to query commands. These messages are removed from
the Output Queue as they are read by the controller. As long as the Output Queue
contains an unread message, MAV is 1.
6 VXI plug&play Driver
6-2 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
This chapter introduces the VXI plug&play driver available for Agilent B2200, and
consists of the following sections:
“System Requirements”
“Installing VXIplug&play Driver”
“Driver Functions”
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-3
VXI plug&play Driver
System Requirements
System Requirements
The following system environments are required.
•Operating System
Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, or
Windows 95. It must be supported by the application development environment.
Application Development Environment (programming environment)
Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++Builder, National
Instruments LabWindows or LabVIEW, or Agilent VEE.
Agilent T&M Programmers Toolkit for Visual Studio .NET
Agilent W1140A or equivalent. Needed for Visual Basic .NET users.
GPIB (IEEE 488) Interface and 32-bit VISA I/O Library
Agilent 82357A USB/GPIB interface, E5810A LAN/GPIB gateway, 82350B
GPIB interface, or equivalent. These models include Agilent VISA and SICL
I/O libraries.
Computer and peripherals
Required specifications depend on the application development environment.
See manual of the application development environment. The flexible disk drive
is required to install the VXIplug&play driver. The CD-ROM drive is required
to install the software needed to use driver.
Minimum disk space
1 MB for the Agilent B2200 VXIplug&play driver
6-4 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Installing VXIplug&play Driver
Installing VXIplug&play Driver
The installation flow is shown below. If you have already installed the GPIB
interface card, VISA I/O library, and programming software on your PC, skip steps
1 through 5.
1. Install the GPIB interface card into your PC.
See the interface card manual. Note the model number of the interface card, as
you may need it to configure the interface (in step 3).
2. Install VISA I/O library.
Follow the instructions in the I/O library’s setup program.
3. Configure and check the GPIB interface.
See the I/O library manual.
4. Install the programming software.
Follow the setup program instructions.
5. If you use Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, install the Agilent T&M Programmers
6. Install the VXIplug&play driver as shown below.
a. Insert the Agilent B2200 Plug&Play Driver Disk into the flexible disk drive
connected to your PC.
b. Execute the SETUP.EXE program on the diskette. The program
automatically installs the following files.
Directory: \Program Files\VISA\winxx\agb220xa (xx depends on OS)
• agb220xa.bas
• agb220xa.c
• agb220xa.def
• agb220xa.fp
• agb220xa.GID
• agb220xa.h
• agb220xa.hlp
• readme.txt
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-5
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
Driver Functions
Table 6-1 lists all the functions for the Agilent B2200. You will see a brief
description of the functions in the table.
For the description, syntax and parameters of the function, refer to the reference
section following this table. The driver functions in the reference section will appear
in the alphabetical order.
Table 6-1 Agilent B2200 Driver Function Lists
Category Function Description
Miscellaneous agb220xa_init Initializes the B2200.
agb220xa_close Closes the connection with the B2200.
agb220xa_reset Executes the B2200 reset.
agb220xa_self_test Executes the B2200 self-test.
agb220xa_error_query Queries for the B2200 error code/message.
agb220xa_error_message Queries for the driver error.
agb220xa_revision_query Queries for the B2200 firmware/driver revisions.
agb220xa_timeOut Sets the timeout.
agb220xa_timeOut_Q Queries for the timeout setting.
agb220xa_errorQueryDetect Sets the automatic error checking.
agb220xa_errorQueryDetect_Q Queries for the automatic error checking setting.
agb220xa_dcl Sends the Device Clear.
agb220xa_esr_Q Queries for the ESR status.
agb220xa_readStatusByte_Q Reads the B2200 status byte.
agb220xa_opc_Q Checks the B2200 operation completion status.
Mode Control agb220xa_func Sets the configuration mode.
agb220xa_connRuleSeq Sets the connection rule/sequence.
Couple Mode agb220xa_couplePort Selects the couple ports of the specified card.
agb220xa_coupleState Sets the couple mode ON or OFF for the specified card.
agb220xa_detectCouplePort Detects and sets the couple ports for all cards.
Bias Mode agb220xa_biasPort Selects the input bias port of the specified card.
agb220xa_biasChanCard Bias-enables all output ports of the specified card.
agb220xa_biasChanList Bias-enables all output ports of the specified channel list.
agb220xa_biasState Sets the bias mode ON or OFF for the specified card.
agb220xa_biasChanList_Q Queries for the bias channel list.
6-6 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
Ground Mode agb220xa_groundPort Selects the input ground port of the specified card.
agb220xa_groundChanCard Ground-enables all output ports of the specified card.
agb220xa_groundChanList Ground-enables all output ports of the specified channel list.
agb220xa_unusedPort Ground-enables the specified input ports of the specified
agb220xa_groundState Sets the ground mode ON or OFF for the specified card.
agb220xa_groundChanList_Q Queries for the ground channel list.
Route Control agb220xa_closeList Closes the channel list.
agb220xa_openList Opens the channel list.
agb220xa_openCard Opens all output on the card.
agb220xa_closeList_Q Queries for the channel list status.
agb220xa_closeCard_Q Queries for the closed channel list on the card.
agb220xa_compenC Performs the compensation for the C/G data measured by
the Agilent 4284A.
agb220xa_selectCompenFile Selects the compensation data file used by the
agb220xa_compenC function.
Diagnostics agb220xa_testExec_Q Performs diagnostics and returns the test result.
agb220xa_testClear Clears the specified test result.
agb220xa_cmd Sends a command.
agb220xa_cmdInt Sends a command with an integer parameter.
agb220xa_cmdReal Sends a command with a real parameter.
agb220xa_cmdData_Q Sends a command to read any data.
agb220xa_cmdString_Q Sends a command to read string response.
agb220xa_cmdInt16_Q Sends a command to read 16 bit integer response.
agb220xa_cmdInt16Arr_Q Sends a command to read 16 bit integer array response.
agb220xa_cmdInt32_Q Sends a command to read 32 bit integer response.
agb220xa_cmdInt32Arr_Q Sends a command to read 32 bit integer array response.
agb220xa_cmdReal64_Q Sends a command to read 64 bit real response.
agb220xa_cmdReal64Arr_Q Sends a command to read 64 bit real array response.
Category Function Description
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-7
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function bias-enables or disables all the output ports of the specified card.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_biasChanCard(ViSession vi,
ViInt16 disable_enable, ViInt16 bias_cardno);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
disable_enable Status of the card, bias enabled or bias disabled.
0 : sets bias enabled card.
1 : sets bias disabled card.
bias_cardno Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
This function bias-enables or disables all the output ports specified by the
The parameter “biaschan_list” is an array of integers with each integer representing
one channel. The last number of the “biaschan_list” should be “0” (numeric zero) to
identify the end of the list. The maximum number of channels that can be specified
by the list is 100.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_biasChanList(ViSession vi,
ViInt16 biaschan_disen, ViInt32_VI_FAR biaschan_list[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
biaschan_disen Status of the port, bias enabled or bias disabled.
0 : sets bias enabled port.
1 : sets bias disabled port.
biaschan_list[ ] Channel numbers. 5 digits integer. ABCDE. where A: card
number, BC: input port number, DE: output port number.
Top zero(s) can be ignored. For example, if A=0, BC=01, and
DE=01, channel number should be 101 instead of 00101.
6-8 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function will query the instrument for the status, bias enabled or bias disabled,
for the channels given in the list.
The parameter “biaschan_list” is an array of integers with each integer representing
one channel. The last number of the “biaschan_list” should be “0” (numeric zero) to
identify the end of the list. The maximum number of channels that can be specified
by the list is 100.
The “bias_status” parameter is an array of integers containing the return values of
the query. The “bias_status” array returned will correspond one to one with
“biaschan_list” parameter.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_biasChanList_Q(ViSession vi, ViInt16 bias_disen,
ViInt32_VI_FAR biaschan_list[ ], ViInt32_VI_FAR bias_status[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
bias_disen Query type.
0 : checks if the port is the bias enabled.
1 : checks if the port is the bias disabled.
biaschan_list[ ] Channel numbers to check the status. 5 digits integer. ABCDE.
where A: card number, BC: input port number, DE: output port
number. Top zero(s) can be ignored. For example, if A=0,
BC=01, and DE=01, channel number should be 101 instead of
bias_status[ ] Status of the channels given in the biaschan_list. Returned
value depends on the setting of bias_disen as shown below:
when bias_disen=0, 0 means bias disabled, 1 means enabled.
when bias_disen=1, 0 means bias enabled, 1 means disabled.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-9
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function will select which input port is the bias port on the specified card. For
each card, you can specify the same or different bias port.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_biasPort(ViSession vi, ViInt16 bport_cardno,
ViInt16 bias_port);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
bport_cardno Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
bias_port Input port number to be set to the bias port. 1 to 14 (input port 1
to input port 14).
If the bias input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port, the
bias mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
This function controls the bias mode for the specified card. When bias mode is ON,
the input bias port is connected to all bias enabled output ports that are not
connected to any other input ports. Bias disabled output ports are never connected to
the input bias port when bias mode is ON.
The bias mode cannot be set to ON when the ground mode is ON.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_biasState(ViSession vi, ViInt16 bstate_cardno,
ViInt16 state);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
bstate_cardno Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
state Bias mode. 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON).
6-10 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function terminates the software connection to the instrument and deallocates
system resources. It is generally a good programming habit to close the instrument
handle when the program is done using the instrument.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_close(ViSession vi);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
This function will query the card for the channels closed of the specified card.
The parameter “closechan_list” contains the channel numbers returned by the
instrument. This will be an array of integers terminated by “zero” to identify the end
of the list. Array of enough length should be passed to the function.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_closeCard_Q(ViSession vi, ViInt16 close_card,
ViInt32_VI_FAR closechan_list[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
close_card Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), or 4 (card 4) in
the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the auto
configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
closechan_list[ ] Channels closed of the specified card.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-11
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function will connect the input ports to the output ports specified by the
channel list.
The parameter “closechan_list” is an array of integers with each integer representing
one channel. The last number of the “closechan_list” should be “0” (numeric zero)
to identify the end of the list. The maximum number of channels that can be
specified by the list is 100.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_closeList(ViSession vi,
ViInt32_VI_FAR closechan_list[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
closechan_list[ ] Channel numbers to connect. 5 digits integer. ABCDE. where
A: card number, BC: input port number, DE: output port
number. Top zero(s) can be ignored. For example, if A=0,
BC=01, and DE=01, channel number should be 101 instead of
6-12 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function will query the instrument for the channels closed given in the
The parameter “closechan_list” is an array of integers with each integer representing
one channel. The last number of the “closechan_list” should be “0” (numeric zero)
to identify the end of the list. The maximum number of channels that can be
specified by the list is 100.
The “close_status” parameter is an array of integers containing the return values of
the query. The “close_status” array returned will correspond one to one with
“closechan_list” parameter.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_closeList_Q(ViSession vi,
ViInt32_VI_FAR closechan_list[ ], ViInt32_VI_FAR close_status[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
closechan_list[ ] Channel numbers to know the close status. 5 digits integer.
ABCDE. where A: card number, BC: input port number, DE:
output port number. Top zero(s) can be ignored. For example, if
A=0, BC=01, and DE=01, channel number should be 101
instead of 00101.
close_status[ ] Status of the channels given in the closechan_list.
0 (opened) or 1 (closed).
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. Must be a NULL
terminated C string.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmd(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-13
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This entry point will wait
for a response which may be any data. You specify the cmd_str and size parameters,
and get result[ ].
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmdData_Q(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViInt32 size, ViChar_VI_FAR result[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
size Length of result in bytes. 2 to 32767.
result[ ] Response from instrument.
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This entry point passes the
string in cmd_str followed by a space and then the integer in value. Note that either
an Int16 or 32 can be passed as the Int16 will be promoted.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmdInt(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViInt32 value);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
value Parameter for command. -2147483647 to 2147483647.
6-14 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This command expects a
response that is a definite arbitrary block of 16 bit integers. You specify the cmd_str
and size parameters, and get result[ ] and count.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmdInt16Arr_Q(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViInt32 size, ViInt16_VI_FAR result[ ], ViPInt32 count);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
size Size of result[ ] (number of items in the array).
1 to 2147483647.
result[ ] Response from instrument.
count Count of valid items in result[ ].
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This command expects a
response that can be returned as a 16 bit integer.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmdInt16_Q(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViPInt16 result);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
result Response from instrument.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-15
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This command expects a
response that is a definite arbitrary block of 32 bit integers. You specify the cmd_str
and size parameters, and get result[ ] and count.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmdInt32Arr_Q(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViInt32 size, ViInt32_VI_FAR result[ ], ViPInt32 count);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
size Size of result[ ] (number of items in the array).
1 to 2147483647.
result[ ] Response from instrument.
count Count of valid items in result[ ].
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This command expects a
response that can be returned as a 32 bit integer.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmdInt32_Q(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViPInt32 result);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
result Response from instrument.
6-16 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This entry point passes the
string in cmd_str followed by a space and then the real in value. Note that either an
Real32 or 64 can be passed as the Real32 will be promoted.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmdReal(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViReal64 value);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
value Parameter for command. -1E+300 to 1E+300.
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This command expects a
response that is a definite arbitrary block of 64 bit real. You specify the cmd_str and
size parameters, and get result[ ] and count.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmdReal64Arr_Q(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViInt32 size, ViReal64_VI_FAR result[ ], ViPInt32 count);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
size Size of result[ ] (number of items in the array).
1 to 2147483647.
result[ ] Response from instrument.
count Count of valid items in result[ ].
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-17
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This command expects a
response that can be returned as a 64 bit real.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmdReal64_Q(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViPReal64 result);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
result Response from instrument.
This function passes the cmd_str string to the instrument. This entry point will wait
for a response which must be a string (character data). You specify the cmd_str and
size parameters, and get result[ ].
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_cmdString_Q(ViSession vi, ViString cmd_str,
ViInt32 size, ViChar_VI_FAR result[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cmd_str Instrument command (cannot exceed 256 bytes in length).
size Length of result in bytes. 2 to 32767.
result[ ] Response from instrument.
6-18 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function compensates capacitance/conductance data measured by the Agilent
4284A LCR meter, and returns compensation results. Before this function is
executed, a compensation data file must be specified by using the
agb220xa_selectCompenFile function. The file must contain the appropriate
compensation coefficients for your measurement environment. For obtaining the
compensation coefficients for your environment and creating the compensation data
file, see “Capacitance Compensation” on page 4-20.
Syntax agb220xa_compenC(ViSession vi, ViReal64 frequency, ViReal64 raw_c,
ViReal64 raw_g, ViPReal64 compen_c, ViPReal64 compen_g);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
frequency Measurement frequency (in Hz). 1E3 (1 kHz) to 1E6 (1 MHz).
raw_c Capacitance (in F) measured by the 4284A.
raw_g Conductance (in S) measured by the 4284A.
compen_c Capacitance compensation result (in F). Returned value.
compen_g Conductance compensation result (in S). Returned value.
The function sets connection rule and connection sequence for the specified card.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_connRuleSeq(ViSession vi,
ViInt16 cardno_ruleseq, ViInt16 rule, ViInt16 sequence);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cardno_ruleseq Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
rule Connection rule. 0 (free route) or 1 (single route).
sequence Connection sequence. 0, 1, or 2. See below.
0 (no sequence)
1 (break before make)
2 (make before break)
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-19
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function sets the couple ports which are used for making kelvin connections on
the specified card. The specified input port number will be coupled with the next
input port and two output ports. For each card, you may setup the same or different
couple ports. This command overwrites the previous couple port setting for the card.
The couple mode is controlled by the agb220xa_coupleState function.
If the bias input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port, the
bias mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
If the ground input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port,
the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
If a ground enabled input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same
input port, the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_couplePort(ViSession vi, ViInt16 cport_cardno,
ViInt16 port1, ViInt16 port3, ViInt16 port5, ViInt16 port7, ViInt16 port9,
ViInt16 port11, ViInt16 port13);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cport_cardno Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
port1 Couple port by the input ports 1 and 2.
0 (disable) or 1 (enable).
port3 Couple port by the input ports 3 and 4.
0 (disable) or 1 (enable).
port5 Couple port by the input ports 5 and 6.
0 (disable) or 1 (enable).
port7 Couple port by the input ports 7 and 8.
0 (disable) or 1 (enable).
port9 Couple port by the input ports 9 and 10.
0 (disable) or 1 (enable).
port11 Couple port by the input ports 11 and 12.
0 (disable) or 1 (enable).
6-20 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
port13 Couple port by the input ports 13 and 14.
0 (disable) or 1 (enable).
This function controls the couple mode for the specified card.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_coupleState(ViSession vi, ViInt16 cstate_cardno,
ViInt16 couple_state);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
cstate_cardno Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
couple_state Couple mode. 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON).
This function sends a device clear (DCL) to the instrument.
A device clear will abort the present operation and enable the instrument to accept a
new command or query.
This is particularly useful in situations where it is not possible to determine the
instrument state. In this case, it is customary to send a device clear before issuing a
new instrument driver function. The device clear ensures that the instrument will be
able to begin processing the new commands.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_dcl(ViSession vi);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
This function detects the input ports connected to the Kelvin cable, and assigns them
as the input couple ports that will be used for the Kelvin connection. The input
couple port setting is effective for the all cards. This command overwrites the
previous couple port setting.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_detectCouplePort(ViSession vi);
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-21
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
This function translates the error return value from an instrument driver function to
a readable string.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_error_message(ViSession vi, ViStatus
error_number, ViChar_VI_FAR message[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
error_number Error return value from the driver function.
message[ ] Error message string. This is limited to 256 characters.
This function returns the error numbers and corresponding error messages in the
error queue of a instrument. See Chapter 9 for a listing of the instrument error
numbers and messages.
Instrument errors may occur when you places the instrument in a bad state such as
sending an invalid sequence of coupled commands. Instrument errors can be
detected by polling. Automatic polling can be accomplished by using the
agb220xa_errorQueryDetect function.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_error_query(ViSession vi, ViPInt32 error_number,
ViChar_VI_FAR error_message[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
error_number Instrument’s error code.
error_message[ ] Instrument’s error message. This is limited to 256 characters.
6-22 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function enables or disables automatic instrument error checking.
If automatic error checking is enabled then the driver will query the instrument for
an error at the end of each function call.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_errorQueryDetect(ViSession vi,
ViBoolean errorQueryDetect);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
errorQueryDetect Error checking enable (VI_TRUE) or disable (VI_FALSE).
This function indicates if automatic instrument error detection is enabled or
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_errorQueryDetect_Q(ViSession vi,
ViPBoolean pErrDetect);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
pErrDetect Error checking enable (VI_TRUE) or disable (VI_FALSE).
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-23
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function returns the contents of the ESR register. The driver returns the
equivalent messages (see Parameters).
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_esr_Q(ViSession vi, ViChar_VI_FAR errstr[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
errstr[ ] Response from instrument.
Bit Value Message
64 “ESR_URQ”
128 “ESR_PON”
This function is used to set the channel configuration to the auto configuration mode
or the normal configuration mode.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_func(ViSession vi, ViInt16 channel_config);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
channel_config Configuration mode. 0 (auto) or 1 (normal).
6-24 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function ground-enables or disables all the output ports of the specified card.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_groundChanCard(ViSession vi,
ViInt16 disable_enable, ViInt16 gnd_cardno);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
disable_enable Status of the card, ground enabled or ground disabled.
0 : sets ground enabled card.
1 : sets ground disabled card.
gnd_cardno Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
This function ground-enables or disables all the output ports specified by the
The parameter “gndchan_list” is an array of integers with each integer representing
one channel. The last number of the “gndchan_list” should be “0” (numeric zero) to
identify the end of the list. The maximum number of channels that can be specified
by the list is 100.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_groundChanList(ViSession vi,
ViInt16 gndchan_disen, ViInt32_VI_FAR gndchan_list[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
gndchan_disen Status of the port, ground enabled or ground disabled.
0 : sets ground enabled port.
1 : sets ground disabled port.
gndchan_list[ ] Channel numbers. 5 digits integer. ABCDE. where A: card
number, BC: input port number, DE: output port number.
Top zero(s) can be ignored. For example, if A=0, BC=01, and
DE=01, channel number should be 101 instead of 00101.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-25
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function will query the instrument for the status, ground enabled or disabled,
for the channels given in the list.
The parameter “gndchan_list” is an array of integers with each integer representing
one channel. The last number of the “gndchan_list” should be “0” (numeric zero) to
identify the end of the list. The maximum number of channels that can be specified
by the list is 100.
The “gnd_status” parameter is an array of integers containing the return values of
the query. The “gnd_status” array returned will correspond one to one with
“gndchan_list” parameter.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_groundChanList_Q(ViSession vi,
ViInt16 gnd_disen, ViInt32_VI_FAR gndchan_list[ ],
ViInt32_VI_FAR gnd_status[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
gnd_disen Query type.
0 : checks if the port is the ground enabled.
1 : checks if the port is the ground disabled.
gndchan_list[ ] Channel numbers to check the status. 5 digits integer. ABCDE.
where A: card number, BC: input port number, DE: output port
number. Top zero(s) can be ignored. For example, if A=0,
BC=01, and DE=01, channel number should be 101 instead of
gnd_status[ ] Status of the channels given in the gndchan_list. Returned value
depends on the setting of gnd_disen as shown below:
when gnd_disen=0, 0 means ground disabled, 1 means enabled.
when gnd_disen=1, 0 means ground enabled, 1 means disabled.
6-26 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function will select which input port is the ground port on the specified card.
For each card, you can specify the same or different ground port.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_groundPort(ViSession vi, ViInt16 gport_cardno,
ViInt16 gnd_port);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
gport_cardno Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
gnd_port Input port number to be set to the ground port. 1 to 14 (input
port 1 to input port 14).
The input ground port and a ground enabled input port cannot be assigned to the
same input port.
If the ground input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same input port,
the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
This function controls the ground mode for the specified card. When ground mode is
ON, the input ground port is connected to all ground enabled input ports and output
ports that are not connected to any other input ports. Ground disabled output ports
are never connected to the input ground port when ground mode is ON.
The ground mode cannot be set to ON when the bias mode is ON.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_groundState(ViSession vi, ViInt16 gstate_cardno,
ViInt16 state);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
gstate_cardno Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
state Ground mode. 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON).
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-27
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function initializes the software connection to the instrument and optionally
verifies that instrument is in the system. In addition, it may perform any necessary
actions to place the instrument in its reset state.
If the agb220xa_init function encounters an error, then the value of the vi output
parameter will be VI_NULL.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_init(ViRsrc InstrDesc, ViBoolean id_query,
ViBoolean do_reset, ViPSession vi);
Parameters InstrDesc Instrument description. Examples; GPIB0::1::INSTR.
id_query VI_TRUE (to perform In-System Verification), or
VI_FALSE (do not perform In-System Verification).
do_reset VI_TRUE (to perform reset operation), or
VI_FALSE (do not perform reset operation).
vi Instrument handle. This is VI_NULL if an error occurred
during the initialization.
This function does the *OPC? common command.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_opc_Q(ViSession vi, ViPBoolean result);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
result VI_TRUE (Operation complete), or
VI_FALSE (Operation is pending).
6-28 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function will disconnect all input ports from all output ports for the specified
If bias mode is ON, the input bias port is connected to all bias enabled output ports.
If ground mode is ON, the input ground port is connected to all ground enabled
input ports and output ports.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_openCard(ViSession vi, ViInt16 open_cardno);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
open_cardno Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
This function will disconnect the input ports from the output ports specified by the
channel list.
The parameter “openchan_list” is an array of integers with each integer representing
one channel. The last number of the “openchan_list” should be “0” (numeric zero)
to identify the end of the list. The maximum number of channels that can be
specified by the list is 100.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_openList(ViSession vi,
ViInt32_VI_FAR openchan_list[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
openchan_list[ ] Channel numbers to disconnect. 5 digits integer. ABCDE.
where A: card number, BC: input port number, DE: output port
number. Top zero(s) can be ignored. For example, if A=0,
BC=01, and DE=01, channel number should be 101 instead of
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-29
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function will query the instrument for the channels open given in the
The parameter “openchan_list” is an array of integers with each integer representing
one channel. The last number of the “openchan_list” should be “0” (numeric zero)
to identify the end of the list. The maximum number of channels that can be
specified by the list is 100.
The “open_status” parameter is an array of integers containing the return values of
the query. The “open_status” array returned will correspond one to one with
“openchan_list” parameter.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_openList_Q(ViSession vi,
ViInt32_VI_FAR openchan_list[ ], ViInt32_VI_FAR open_status[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
openchan_list[ ] Channel numbers to know the open status. 5 digits integer.
ABCDE. where A: card number, BC: input port number, DE:
output port number. Top zero(s) can be ignored. For example, if
A=0, BC=01, and DE=01, channel number should be 101
instead of 00101.
open_status[ ] Status of the channels given in the openchan_list.
1 (opened) or 0 (closed).
This function returns the contents of the status byte register.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_readStatusByte_Q(ViSession vi,
ViPInt16 statusByte);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
statusByte The contents of the status byte are returned in this parameter.
6-30 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function places the instrument in a default state. Before issuing this function, it
may be necessary to send a device clear to ensure that the instrument can execute a
reset. A device clear can be issued by invoking agb220xa_dcl function.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_reset(ViSession vi);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
This function returns the driver revision and the instrument firmware revision.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_revision_query(ViSession vi,
ViChar_VI_FAR driver_rev[ ] , ViChar_VI_FAR instr_rev[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
driver_rev[ ] Instrument driver revision. This is limited to 256 characters.
instr_rev[ ] Instrument firmware revision. This is limited to 256 characters.
This function specifies the compensation data file used by the agb220xa_compenC
function. The file must contain the appropriate compensation coefficients for your
measurement environment.
For obtaining the compensation coefficients for your environment and creating the
compensation data file, see “Capacitance Compensation” on page 4-20.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_selectCompenFile(ViSession vi,
ViString file_name);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
file_name Compensation data file name. Use absolute path. If the value is
NULL string, the default data is used.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-31
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function causes the instrument to perform a self-test and returns the result of
that self-test. This is used to verify that an instrument is operating properly. A failure
may indicate a potential hardware problem.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_self_test(ViSession vi, ViPInt16 test_result,
ViChar_VI_FAR test_message[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
test_result Numeric result from self-test operation. 0: No error.
test_message[ ] Self-test status message. This is limited to 256 characters.
This function clears the test result of the specified diagnostics item.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_testClear(ViSession vi, ViInt16 framecard_clear);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
framecard_clear Test result to clear. 0 to 10. See below.
0: Test result of all test items
1: Card 1 relay test result
2: Card 2 relay test result
3: Card 3 relay test result
4: Card 4 relay test result
5: Relay test result of all cards
6: Front panel key test result
7: Controller test result
8: Light pen test result
9: LED matrix test result
10: Beeper test result
6-32 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function performs the diagnostics and returns the test result.
For details of each test, see “Selftest Menu” on page 3-34.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_testExec_Q(ViSession vi, ViInt16 framecard_exec,
ViPInt16 exec_result);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
framecard_exec Test item to perform. 1 to 10. See below.
1: Card 1 relay test
2: Card 2 relay test
3: Card 3 relay test
4: Card 4 relay test
5: Relay test of all cards
6: Front panel key test
7: Controller test
8: Light pen test
9: LED matrix test
10: Beeper test
exec_result Test result. 0: pass, 1: fail.
This function sets a minimum timeout value for driver I/O transactions in
milliseconds. The default timeout period is 2 seconds.
Syntax ViStatus_VI_FUNC agb220xa_timeOut(ViSession vi, ViInt32 timeOut);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
timeOut I/O timeout value for all functions in the driver. in milliseconds.
0 to 2147483647.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 6-33
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function returns the timeout value for driver I/O transactions in milliseconds.
Syntax ViStatus_VI_FUNC agb220xa_timeOut_Q(ViSession vi, ViPInt32 pTimeOut);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
pTimeOut Minimum timeout period that the driver can be set to, in
This function ground-enables the specified input ports of the specified card.
The parameter “unused_port” is an array of integers with each integer representing
one port. The last number of the “unused_port” should be “0” (numeric zero) to
identify the end of the array. The maximum number of ports that can be specified by
the array is agb220xa_UNUSEDPORT_MAX.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC agb220xa_unusedPort(ViSession vi, ViInt16 unused_cardno,
ViInt32_VI_FAR unused_port[ ] );
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from agb220xa_init( ).
unused_cardno Card number. 1 (card 1), 2 (card 2), 3 (card 3), 4 (card 4), or 5
(all card) in the normal configuration mode, or 0 (all card in the
auto configuration mode). For the configuration mode, see
unused_port[ ] Input ports to be ground enabled. 1 to 9 are available. Multiple
port numbers can be set.
The input ground port and a ground enabled input port cannot be assigned to the
same input port.
If the ground enabled input port and a couple port have been assigned to the same
input port, the ground mode and the couple mode cannot be used in parallel.
NOTE The ground enabled input ports are connected to the input ground port when the
ground mode is ON. So the ground enabled input connectors must be opened to
prevent the instrument from damage.
6-34 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
7 Error Messages
7-2 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Error Messages
This chapter lists and describes the error messages for Agilent B2200. An error
message consists of an error number and message.
There are two types of error messages:
Standard SCPI Error Messages
Negative error numbers (Command Error, Execution Error, Device-Dependent
Error, and Query Error) are standard SCPI errors.
B2200 Specific Error Messages
Positive error numbers are the B2200 specific errors.
Error messages are classified by error number as listed in the following table:
When an error occurs, the corresponding bit is set in the Standard Event Status
Register (see Chapter 5):
Also, the error number and message are placed in the error queue, which can be read
by the :SYSTem:ERRor? query command. The error queue is cleared by the
common command *CLS, and when power is turned on. For these commands, see
Chapter 5.
Error Range Error Category
0No error
-100 to -199 Command Error
-200 to -299 Execution Error
-300 to -399 Device-Dependent Error
-400 to -499 Query Error
100 to 32767 B2200 Specific Error
Error Category Standard Event
Status Register Bit
Command Error bit5
Execution Error bit4
Device-Dependent Error bit3
Query Error bit2
B2200 Specific Error bit3
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 7-3
Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
Standard SCPI error messages have negative error numbers. The following are the
standard SCPI error messages for the B2200:
Command Error
If syntax of SCPI command is not valid, a -1XX error occurs. The error number and
message are placed in the error queue, and bit5 of the Standard Event Status
Register is set.
A SCPI command consists of a command header and zero or more parameters.
The following are example SCPI commands:
Subsystem command: :ROUT:OPEN:CARD 1
:ROUT:OPEN:CARD is the command header, and 1 is the parameter.
A subsystem command header consists of mnemonics (keywords) separated by
colons. Query commands have a question mark (?) at end of last mnemonic.
Common command: *SRE 48
*SRE is the command header, and 48 is the parameter.
A common command header consists of an asterisk (*) followed by 3
characters. Query commands have a question mark (?) at end of header.
Number Error Message and Description
-100 Command error
Generic syntax error that cannot be determined more specifically.
-101 Invalid character
A syntax element contains a character that is invalid for that type of
element; for example, a header containing an ampersand.
-102 Syntax error
An unrecognized command or data type was received; for example, a
string was received when the B2200 does not accept strings.
7-4 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
-103 Invalid separator
An illegal character was received when a separator was expected; for
example, the semicolon was omitted between multiple commands in
a program message.
-104 Data type error
An improper data type was received; for example, numeric data was
expected but string data was received.
-105 GET not allowed
A group execute trigger was received within a program message.
-108 Parameter not allowed
Too many parameters for the command were received.
-109 Missing parameter
Fewer parameters were received than required for the command.
-110 Command header error
An error was detected in the header. This error message is reported if
the B2200 cannot determine the more specific header errors -111
through -114.
-111 Header separator error
An illegal character for a header separator was received; for
example, no white space between the command header and
-112 Program mnemonic too long
A keyword in the command header contains more than twelve
-113 Undefined header
An undefined command header was received; for example, *XYZ or
Number Error Message and Description
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 7-5
Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
-120 Numeric data error
An error was detected in a numeric parameter (including the
non-decimal numeric types). This error message is reported when the
B2200 cannot determine the more specific errors -121 through
-121 Invalid character in number
An invalid character for the parameter was received; for example, an
alphacharacter was received when the parameter type was decimal
-123 Exponent too large
The magnitude of the exponent for a numeric parameter was larger
than 32000.
-124 Too many digits
The mantissa of a decimal numeric parameter contained more than
255 digits excluding leading zeros.
-128 Numeric data not allowed
Numeric data is not allowed in this position for this command.
-138 Suffix not allowed
A suffix was received after a numeric parameter. For the B2200, no
parameters have suffix.
-140 Character data error
An error was detected in a character parameter. This error message is
reported if the B2200 cannot determine the more specific errors
-141 through -148.
-141 Invalid character data
Either the character parameter contains an invalid character or the
particular element received is not valid for the command.
-144 Character data too long
The character parameter contains more than 12 characters.
Number Error Message and Description
7-6 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
-148 Character data not allowed
A character parameter is not allowed for this position.
-150 String data error
An error was detected in a string parameter. This error is reported if
the B2200 cannot determine a more specific error -151 and -158.
-151 Invalid string data
An invalid string parameter data was received; for example, an END
message was received before the terminal quote character.
-158 String data not allowed
A string parameter data was received but was not allowed at this
-160 Block data error
An error was detected in a block data. This error is reported if the
B2200 cannot determine more specific errors -161 and -168.
-161 Invalid block data
An invalid block data was received; for example, an END message
was received before the length was satisfied.
-168 Block data not allowed
A legal block data was received but was not allowed at this point.
-170 Expression error
An error was detected in an expression. This error is reported if the
B2200 cannot determine more specific errors -171 and -178.
-171 Invalid expression
The expression was invalid; for example, unmatched parentheses or
an illegal character.
-178 Expression data not allowed
An expression was received but was not allowed at this point.
Number Error Message and Description
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 7-7
Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
Execution Error
If syntax of a SCPI command header and parameter is valid, but the command
cannot be executed due to some condition of the B2200, a -2XX error occurs. The
error number and message are placed in the error queue, and bit4 of the Standard
Event Status Register is set.
Number Error Message and Description
-200 Execution error
Generic execution error that cannot be determined more
-220 Parameter error
The parameter value is valid, but not executable due to some
condition of the B2200. This error occurs if more specific errors
-221 through -224 cannot be determined.
-222 Data out of range
A valid parameter setting could not be executed because interpreted
value was out of range as defined by the B2200.
-223 Too much data
A valid parameter setting (block, expression, or string type) could
not be executed because parameter contained more data than the
B2200 could handle due to insufficient memory or other
-224 Illegal parameter value
A valid parameter setting (where exact value from list of possibles
was expected) could not be executed due to present B2200 state.
-260 Expression error
An expression related error occurred.
7-8 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
Device-Dependent Errors
-3XX errors indicate that an B2200 operation did not properly complete, possibly
due to an abnormal hardware or firmware condition. These negative codes are SCPI
defined. For the device-dependent positive error codes, see “B2200 Specific Error
Messages” on page 7-10. The positive codes are not SCPI defined.
For these errors, an error number and message are placed in the error queue, and bit3
of the Standard Event Status Register is set.
Number Error Message and Description
-300 Device-specific error
Generic device-dependent error for the B2200 that cannot be
determined more specifically.
-311 Memory error
An error was detected in the B2200's memory.
-350 Queue overflow
If error queue is full, this code is entered into the error queue instead
of the code that caused the error. This code indicates that there was
no room in the error queue, so an error occurred but was not
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 7-9
Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
Query Errors
If the output queue control of the B2200 detects one of following problems, a -4XX
error occurs:.
An attempt was made to read data from the output queue when no output data is
present or pending.
Data in the output queue has been lost.
If this type of error occurs, the error number and message are placed in the error
queue, and bit2 of the Standard Event Status Register is set.
Number Error Message and Description
-400 Query error
Generic query error for the B2200 that cannot be determined more
A condition causing an INTERRUPTED query error occurred; for
example, a query followed by DAB or GET before a response was
completely sent.
A condition causing an UNTERMINATED query error occurred; for
example, the B2200 was addressed to talk and an incomplete
program message was received.
A condition causing a DEADLOCKED query error occurred; for
example, both input buffer and output buffer are full and the B2200
cannot continue.
-440 Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response
A query was received in the same program message after a query
requesting an indefinite length response was executed.
7-10 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Error Messages
B2200 Specific Error Messages
B2200 Specific Error Messages
These are the B2200-specific errors that are not defined by SCPI. These errors
indicate that an B2200 operation did not properly complete due to card, channel,
port, or mode errors.
For the SCPI defined device-dependent codes, see “Device-Dependent Errors” on
page 7-8.
For these errors, an error number and message are placed in the error queue, and bit3
of the Standard Event Status Register is set.
The B2200 specific error messages have positive error numbers.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 7-11
Error Messages
B2200 Specific Error Messages
B2200 Channel Related Errors
Number Error Message and Description
2000 Invalid card number
Wrong card number is specified in card number or channel list
parameter. Make sure card is properly installed in the correct
B2200 slot.
2001 Invalid channel number
Wrong channel number is specified in the channel list. Confirm the
channel number, the card configuration, and the configuration
mode of the B2200.
2002 Unsupported Module
2003 Unsupported Configuration
2006 Command not supported on this card
Command was used that is not supported by the card.
2009 Too many channels in channel list
Too many channels are specified in the channel list (maximum
2011 Empty channel list
No channel list is specified.
2012 Invalid channel range
Wrong channel list is defined. Confirm the syntax of the channel
list, the card configuration, and the configuration mode of the
7-12 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Error Messages
B2200 Specific Error Messages
B2200 Card/Mode/Port Related Errors
Number Error Message and Description
3000 Card0 initialization fail
The B2200 may be defective. Contact your nearest Agilent
Technologies service center.
3001 Card1 initialization fail
The B2200 or card installed in slot 1 of the B2200 may be defective.
3002 Card2 initialization fail
The B2200 or card installed in slot 2 of the B2200 may be defective.
3003 Card3 initialization fail
The B2200 or card installed in slot 3 of the B2200 may be defective.
3004 Card4 initialization fail
The B2200 or card installed in slot 4 of the B2200 may be defective.
3011 Bad couple port number
For the Input Port No. for the couple port, only 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 are
3012 Bad bias port number
For Input Port No. for Bias Port, only 1 to 10 are allowed.
3013 Cannot connect multiple channels in SROUTe mode
For the single connection rule, an input port can be connected to only
one output port, and an output port can be connected to only one
input port.
3014 Cannot directly specify Bias Port channel
Relays on the input bias port cannot be controlled directly when the
bias mode is ON.
Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2 7-13
Error Messages
B2200 Specific Error Messages
3017 Too many relays closed. Max 52 relays/card.
Too many relays have been closed. To close new relays, open some
relays. Maximum 52 relays can be closed for each module.
3018 Can't change to ACONfig mode. Check card config.
The present card configuration of the B2200 does not allow the auto
configuration mode. Change the module configuration.
3019 Cannot use same port for Couple and Bias
The couple mode and the bias mode cannot be used in parallel when
a couple port and the input bias port have been assigned to the same
input port.
3020 Bad auto ground port number
Specify the output ports effective for the input ground port. The port
number must be 1 to 14
3021 Bad unused port number
Specify the input ports effective for the ground enabled input port
(unused port). The port number must be 1 to 9.
3022 Cannot directly specify auto ground port channel
Relays on the input ground port cannot be controlled directly when
the ground mode is ON.
3023 Cannot directly specify unused port channel
Relays on the ground enabled input port (unused port) cannot be
controlled directly when the ground mode is ON.
3024 Cannot use same port for Couple and Auto Ground
The couple mode and the ground mode cannot be used in parallel
when a couple port and the input ground port have been assigned to
the same input port.
3025 Cannot use same port for Unused and Auto Ground
The input ground port and the ground enabled input port (unused
port) cannot be assigned to the same input port.
Number Error Message and Description
7-14 Agilent B2200 Users Guide, Edition 2
Error Messages
B2200 Specific Error Messages
3026 Cannot use same port for Unused and Couple
The couple mode and the ground mode cannot be used in parallel
when a couple port and the ground enabled input port (unused port)
have been assigned to the same input port.
3027 Cannot use Unused Port during Auto Ground Mode ON
The ground enabled input port (unused port) must be opened during
the ground mode is ON.
3030 Bad input port number
The input port number must be 1 to 14.
3031 Bad output port number
The output port number must be 1 to 12, 24, 36, or 48. Maximum
number depends on the switch module configuration.
3032 Bad setting memory number
The internal memory number for the setup data must be 1 to 8.
3033 EEPROM programming failure
Cannot change the GPIB address or update internal memory data.
Contact your nearest Agilent Technologies service center.
3034 EEPROM reading failure
Cannot read the GPIB address or internal memory data. Contact your
nearest Agilent Technologies service center.
3035 Setting memory data is invalid
Cannot read the setup data in the internal memory. The data has been
broken. Delete the data.
3036 Cannot load this setting data in this configuration
Cannot read the setup data in the internal memory due to the
configuration mismatch. Delete the data or leave it until restoring the
module configuration.
Number Error Message and Description

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