Agrident AIR200 Proximity Reader User Manual AIR man e

AGRIDENT GmbH Proximity Reader AIR man e


User Manual 1

 Agrident GmbH, Steinklippenstr. 10, D-30890 Barsinghausen Phone +49 5105 520614  - Fax +49 5105 520616     AIR200 Reader Operation Manual    V10/07/06
   AIR200 - manual 10.07.06    Page 2 of 19                                        © Copyright 2006 by Agrident GmbH  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of Agrident GmbH.  Agrident reserves the right to make changes to any and all parts of this documentation without obligation to notify any person or entity of such changes.  July 2006 HRU/BUS  Agrident GmbH Steinklippenstr. 10 30890 Barsinghausen Germany Phone +49 51 05 520614 Fax     +49 51 05 520616 E-Mail:
   AIR200 - manual 10.07.06    Page 3 of 19 Contents  1. Introduction.......................................................................................................... 4 2. Operating Mode................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Read Mode / Default Setting ........................................................................ 4 2.2 Request Mode.............................................................................................. 5 2.3 Description of Record................................................................................... 5 2.3.1 Data Transmission ................................................................................ 5 2.3.2 Frame configuration .............................................................................. 6 2.3.3 Stuffing Byte.......................................................................................... 6 2.3.4 Addresses ............................................................................................. 6 2.3.5 CRC ...................................................................................................... 6 2.4 Commands and Acknowledgements............................................................ 7 2.5 ID Output...................................................................................................... 9 2.6 Output formats for the ID Field ................................................................... 10 2.6.1 ASCII Output (Default Setting) ............................................................ 10 2.6.2 Compact Coding Output...................................................................... 11 2.6.3 Transponder Byte Structure Output .................................................... 11 2.6.4 Raw Data Output................................................................................. 12 2.6.5 ID Type Field....................................................................................... 12 2.7 Optional Configurations.............................................................................. 13 2.7.1 Activation of the external antenna ....................................................... 14 2.8 Examples of ID -Messages ........................................................................ 15 2.8.1 ISO-FDX-B and HDX .......................................................................... 15 2.8.2 H 4002 and Compatibles..................................................................... 16 3. Trouble shooting................................................................................................ 17
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 4 of 19 1. Introduction The reader module AIR200 for the PSION TEKLOGIX is a high quality component from AGRIDENT.  Together with the programmable PSION TEKLOGIX -workabout PRO handheld computer you have a powerful mobile RF-ID-system which can easily adapt to your application.  Please read this manual carefully before using the system for the first time. The following descriptions will help you using the full efficiency of the system. A description of the protocols will give you some information for embedding the reader into your own application on the PSION TEKLOGIX -workabout PRO to profit from all benefits and features the system offers to you. 2. Operating Mode The reader modules support two operating modes, selectable as per configuration.  2.1  Read Mode / Default Setting The AIR200 reader modules are set to the read mode (default mode) by the manufacturer of the equipment. The reader module starts a reading cycle as soon as the supply voltage is applied (controlled by the PSION´s application software; LOPEN TTY:G). When a transponder is detected, the acquired and processed transponder data are ASCII coded as an „ID output“ and transferred to the serial interface. The ID output is repeated for as long as the transponder is located within the acquisition range.   The format of the ID output is described at chapter 5.3. The communication is unidirectional from the reader to the PSION-workabout, with no response required. It is not required that the entire record of the reader module be implemented into the application software, when limited to the read mode. The ID output may be received as a simple ASCII string and the frame may be cut off.   Power ON AIR200  Psion  Reading f. activated ID-OUTPUT Lopen TTY: GTransponder grasped
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 5 of 19  When receiving a command, the reading cycle is interrupted for processing of the command. Should the reader module be busy with an ID output, then the command will be neglected and must be repeated.  2.2 Request Mode While the AIR200 operates as a mere data sensor in the Read Mode under chapter 4.1, it will also allow bi-directional communication with the PSION-workabout in the Request Mode.  The WIN CE software may control the reading function. The „Get_Single_ID“ command will start a reading cycle based on the programmed configuration. The ID output of a recognized transponder will be transferred once to the interface in the respective format. The reading function terminates after such recognition of a transponder and transmission of the ID output or after expiration of a preset timeout.                                                              Power ON AIR200  Psion Reading f. activated„ID-OUTPUT Lopen TTY: G „Get Single ID“Transponder grasped The reading cycle is repeated when a new „Get_Single_ID“ command is transmitted. In this mode, the interface record is a bi-directional one. In this context, the PSION-workabout serves as a command transmitter and the reader module as a responding „partner“. The commands are confirmed by the receiver. A change to the configuration (see chapter 2.7) will allow adoption of the following characteristics to the required application:  •  Readable types of transponder, e.g. FDX only, will increase the reading speed. •  Reading characteristics, e.g. lower repeat rate of the ID output, if a transponder continues to stay within the acquisition range. •  Output format, e.g. binary output/Compact Coding reduces the space  required  for  storing the IDs.  2.3  Description of Record The following description for record contains the complete information required for integration of the AIR200 into an application software.  2.3.1 Data Transmission Asynchronous semi-duplex transmission: 9600 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit via TTL port of the PSION-workabout, TTL level negated.
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 6 of 19 2.3.2 Frame configuration All messages are packed into frames, the frame is configured as follows:  STX  DestrAdr  Source Adr  Message  CRC 8  ETX  The messages may be commands from the PSION-workabout or replies or ID outputs from the reader module. For the following description of messages please note that they should be considered as a frame segment.  2.3.3 Stuffing Byte Data bytes may be differentiate from the control characters STX, ETX DLE (0x02, 0x03, 0x10) is possible, if required, by using an upstream DLE stuffing byte (0x10, Esc character).  2.3.4 Addresses Adr for PSION-workabout:   const. 0x F0 Adr for reader module AIR200      const. 0x F3 Adr for broadcast:        const. ox FF  2.3.5 CRC  The check sum is computed automatically according to the CCITT-CRC-8 Polynom x8 + x4 + x3 + x2 + 1 thru all bytes of the frame up to (but excluding) the checksum itself. the stuffing character possibly used in front of the checksum must also be included in the checksum computation. For the transmission form the DHP 101/102 to the PSION-workabout there will always be a DLE added in front of the CRC. The following formula may be used to compute the checksum:  /* CalcCRC8():  Computes the CCITT-CRC-8 of the indicated character, the starting value will be the indicated CRC value. The function must be called up, for every byte of the string, using the value of the preceding call as a starting value. The starting value of the first call is always 0x00.  static char CalcCRC8 ( char CRC, char character )   {  unsigned char Count;     for ( Count = 0; Count < 8; ++ Count )     {  if ( (CRC & 0x01)  ^  (character & 0x01) !=  0 )       {  CRC ^=  0x70;         CRC >> = 1;     CRC |= 0x80;      }      else       {  CRC >>= 1;         CRC &=  0x7F;      }       Zeichen  >>=  1;    }     return ( CRC );  }
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 7 of 19 2.4  Commands and Acknowledgements The following commands are supported by the reader module (to be transmitted in the „Message“ segment of a frame).  Command Coding Additional Data Function Get_Single_Id  0x22  -  Start a reading cycle in the Requ_ Mode. Autom. shut- down after acquisition process Set_Config  0x28 cfg_new  Adopt new Configuration Get_Config  0x29  -  Show present Configuration Reset_All  0x18 -  Default-Configuration into EEPROM Get_Version  0x09  -  Show Reader and Software version Get_SNR  0x0A  -  Show Reader serial number   Get_ Single_ID: Starts a reading cycle in the Request Mode. The reading cycle will be interrupted after acquisition of a transponder or after timeout. Response in the Read Mode is by means of a NACK.  Byte position in the Message segment Value Meaning  Remarks 0  0x22  Get_Single_ID  Starts a reading cycle in the Request_Mode  Frame: STX FF  F0  22 DLE** CRC 8 ETX  DLE**: if required  Set_Config:  Programs a configuration register using the new values as follows:  Byte position in the Message segment Value Meaning  Remarks 0  0x28  Set_Cfg  Programming of new config. data 1  xx  Cfg_Adr  Address of the config. register 2  yy  Cfg  New content of the config. register  Frame: STX FF  F0  28  xx  yy DLE** CRC 8 ETX  Get_Config: Reads the content of a configuration register  Byte position in the Message segment Value Meaning  Remarks 0 0x29 Get_Cfg Show current configuration data on interface 1    Cfg_Adr  Address of the config. register  Frame: STX FF  F0  29  32 DLE** CRC 8 ETX
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 8 of 19 Reset_All: Recovers the Read Mode (Default) overwriting all configuration registers  Byte position in the Message segment Value Meaning  Remarks 0  0x18  Reset_All  Set configuration data to de-fault values  Frame: STX FF  F0  18 DLE* CRC 8 ETX  Get_ Version Show the Reader and Software Version  Byte position in the Message segment Value Meaning  Remarks 0 0x09 Get_Version Show version  Frame: STX FF  F0  09 DLE* CRC 8 ETX *DLE if required  Get_ SNR: Show Reader serial number    Frame: STX FF  F0  0A DLE* CRC 8 ETX  Acknowledgements the following acknowledgements are used by the Reader (transmitted in the „Message“ segment of a frame):  Acknowledgements Code  Arguments  Remarks ACK  0x06  cmd  last cmd was successfully performed NAK  0x15  cmd  couldn´t perform last cmd Frame Error  0x08    receive damaged frame  ACK: Correctly received data and processed commands are acknowledged by means of an ACK  Byte position in the Message segment Value Meaning  Remarks 0 0x06 ACK Command was successfully performed 1    Cmd  Command to which this ACK relates2 and greater    Data  additional data, if applicable  Frame: STX F0  F3  06  Cmd  Data 0  ..  Data n  DLE  CRC 8  ETX  Byte position in the Message segment Value Meaning  Remarks 0  0x0A  Get_SNR  Show serial number
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 9 of 19 Example: Content of the Data field: after the Get_Version command:   DHP101V1.05“     (ASCII) after the Get_SNR command:   000023        (ASCII)  NACK: No correct data received, unknown commands or „not able to process commands“ results in a NACK  Byte position in the Message segment Value Meaning  Remarks 0  0x15  NACK  Unable to process command 1    Command  Command to which this NACK relates 2     Error  Error Code, e.g. 01=unknown command  Frame: STX F0  F3  15  Cmd  01 DLE CRC 8 ETX           2.5 ID Output After recognition of a transponder, the related ID is transmitted according to the pre-set format as an Output ID.  Message Code Arguments Remarks ID_Output  0x23  ID  ID received follows in the frame  Frame: STX F0  F3  23  ID 0  .....  ID n  DLE  CRC 8  ETX  Due to the different lengths (depending on type of transponder and on output format) an interlaced string is used as an ID output structure. This list contains the ID field with the transponder identification and the „type“ field with the transponder type.  Construction of the ID output:  Byte position in the Message segment Value Meaning  Remarks 0  0x23  ID Output  Identification: This is an ID Output 1  Ptr1    Length of the ID field incl. Ptr 1 2   ID Field  ID Field  Data of length „n Bytes“ 2+n  Ptr2    Length of the Type Field incl. Ptr2 3+n  Type Field  Type Field  Data of length „m Bytes“ 3+n+m  0x00    0-Ptr as a termination mark  Message (ID): 23  Ptr1  ID field 0  .  ID Field n  Ptr2 Type Field 0  ..  Type Field M  00
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 10 of 19 2.6 Output formats for the ID Field The output format is defined by the configuration of the Cfg_Format“ Register by means of a „Set_Config“ command. The following formats are supported:  Output Format Value of Cfg Format Fmt_ Deziso Fmt_Bin Fmt_ Raw Data Remarks Bytes for ISO Bytes for 4002 ASCII (default) 0x01  1  0  0  ID field is ASCII coded for FDX-B and HDX ID and Country Code I.A.W. ISO 11784 for  H 4002 data 16 10 Com-pact Coding (binary) 0x03  1  1  0  ID field is binary coded for FDX-B and DDX: ID and Country Code I.A.W. ISO 11784 for H 4002 data 8 5 Trans. Byte Struct. 0x02  0  1  0  Data I.A.W. ISO are binary coded for FDX and HDX: Data (ID, Country Code, reserv. data field, Animalflag) + CRC + Trailer for H 4002 correspond to „Compact Coding“ 13 5 Transp. „Raw Data“ 0x06  or  0x07 don´t care 1  1  Raw Data: binary coded for FDX-B: 128 bit raw data for HDX: 104 bit raw data (w/o header, prebits) for  H 4002 64 bit raw data 16 HDX: 13 8  2.6.1  ASCII Output (Default Setting)  The ID output comprised of ID and Country Code as per ISO is transferred in the ASCII format. Transponders with invalid CRC or parity bits are rejected. The reserved data field, CRC and Trailer are not transferred under this format.  • FDX-B and HDX Transponders:    16 ASCII coded characters (16 Bytes), MSDigit first.  Cty_ ASCII_Char_3  ...  Cty_ ASCII_Char_0 ID_ ASCII_Char_12 ... ID_ ASCII_Char_0  Cty_ASCII_Char_n:  The number „n“ byte of the Country Code according to ISO ( consists of 4 digits 0-9) coded in ASCII.  ID_ASCII_Char_n:  Number „n“ byte of the ID code (consists of 12 digits 0-9) coded in ASCII.  • H 4002 transponders and compatibles:   10 ASCII coded characters (10 Bytes) MSDigit first.  ASCII_Char_9 ... ... ... ASCII_Char_0  ASCII_Char_n:  Number „n“ byte of the ID code (consists of 10 digits 0-9) coded in ASCII.
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 11 of 19 2.6.2  Compact Coding Output The ID Output comprised of the ID and the Country Code is tranferred in the binary format. ID outputs with an invalid CRC or parity bit will be rejected. The reserved data field, CRC and Trailer are not transferred under this format.  • FDX-B and HDX transponders:    16 BCD coded numbers (8 Bytes), MSDigit first  Cty_BCD_3 : Cty_BCD_2 Cty_BCD_1 : Cty_BCD_0 ID_BCD_11 : ID_BCD_10 ... ID_BCD_1 : ID_BCD_0  Cty_BCD_n:  The number „n“ half-byte of the Country Code according to ISO (consists of 4 digits 0-9) coded in BCD. ID_BCD_n:  Number „n“ half-byte of the ID code (consists of 12 digits 0-9) coded in BCD.  • H 4002 transponders and compatibles:   10 hex-coded numbers (5 Bytes), MSDigit first  Hex_9 : Hex_8  ...  ...  ...  Hex_1 : Hex_0  Hex_n:   The number „n“ half-byte of the ID Code (consists of 10 hexa-digits 0-9) coded in BCD. 2.6.3  Transponder Byte Structure Output The useful data from ISO - FDX-B/HDX transponders (ID, Country Code, reserved data field, Animal Flag) are outputted in a bibary format according to the sequence of receipt, including the CRC and trailer.The LSBit of an output Byte is the Bit first received by the transponder. ID outputs with an invalid CRC according to ISO will be rejected.  • FDX-B and HDX transponders:    13 Bytes  ID_ Byte_0 .. ID_ Byte_7 CRC_ Byte_0 CRC_ Byte_1 Trail_ Byte_0 .. Trail_ Byte_2  ID_Byte_n:  Number „n“ Byte of the Bit structure according to ISO (consists of 64 bit), binary coded with reserved data field. CRC_Byte_n:  Number „n“ Byte of the CRC according to ISO (consists of two Byte), binary coded, Trail_Byte_n:  Number „n“ Byte of the Trailer according to ISO (consists of 3 Byte), binary coded.  • H 4002 transponder and compatibles:    in conformance with the „Compact Coding“ format.
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 12 of 19 2.6.4 Raw Data Output The complete set of raw data from a transponder are outputted in a binary format, in the sequence of receipt. The LSBit of an outputted Byte is the first bit received from the transponder. For ISO transponders, the useful data (ID, Countra Code, reserve data field, Animal Flag) CRC and Trailer are included. For FDX-B transponders, the header and control bits are included.  ID Outputs with an invalid CRC according to ISO (or an incorrect parity bit for H 4002) are not rejected, which allows reading of transponders with a different structure. (for HDX only in case the header is identical). the absence of error check will also lead to an output of data received with bit errors.  • FDX-B transponders, 16 Bytes:   Useful data (starting with Byte 0), CRC and Trailer (with control bits   each), Header,  Byte_0 ...  ...  ...  Byte_15   Byte_n:  Number „n“ Byte of the ID Code   • HDX- transponders, 13 Bytes:   Useful data CRC and Trailer without Header (01111110)  Byte_0 ...  ...  ...  Byte_13   Byte_n_  Number „n“ Byte of the ID Code  • H 4002 transponders and compatibles:   8 Bytes: with Header and Parity Bits  Byte_0 ...  ...  ... Byte_7   Byte_n:  Number „n“ Byte of the ID Code (Byte 0= Header)   2.6.5  ID Type Field The “type field“ designates the type of transponder. The „ID type“ field output takes place in the ASCII Mode with 2 ASCII characters, or else with a Byte (binary).  Transponder Type  Value  Remarks HDX  01  HDX transponder according to ISO H 4002  02  applies also to compatibles (H 4001/3/ electrical difference) FDX-B  05  FDX-B transponders according to ISO unknown 7F non-decodable data no transponder  FF  no transponder within the active field  If a „Get single ID“ is interrupted in the Request Mode due to timeout, then an empty „ID Output“ without ID Field is outputted, with ID Field Type „FF“.
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 13 of 19 2.7 Optional Configurations This chapter describes the use of the configuration register. The configuration commands enable the purposeful configuring of the DHP 101/102 Reader Module according to the desired application.  Register  Cfg_Adr  Bit No. (0...7) of Register: Name Meaning of the Bit when set to „1“  Def.-Value Cfg_ mode 0x31   Operating Mode  0x00     1: Mode-Requ  Request Mode: After switch-on wait for command (otherwise „Read Mode“)  Cfg_ Format 0x32    Format of the ID Output  0x01     0: Fmt_Deziso  Decoding of the trans-ponder data for FDX-B I.A.W. ISO 11784 (otherwise: output Trans-ponder Byte Structure) 1     1: Fmt_Bin  Output is binary (otherwise ASCII)  0     2: Fmt_Raw_Data  Output Raw Data w/o CRC or Parity Check (otherwise done only if check is OK) 0 Cfg_Rf 0x33   Configuration of the RF Interface  0x0E     1: Rf_FDXB_on  FDXB Reception activated (otherwise (FDXB and H4002 Reception off-line) 1     2: Rf_HDX_on  HDX Reception activated (otherwise HDX Reception off-line) 1     3: Rf_H4002_on  H4002 Reception activated (only if FDX-B is active, otherwise offline 1 Cfg_ Timeout 0x34    Read function switch-off time for a „Get_Single_ID in the Request Mode if no ID was received until then: Time=Register Value x appr. 50 ms (Register Value 0x00also yields appr. 50 ms) 0x00 Cfg_ Delay time 0x35    Waiting Time for Repeat of ID Output already transmitted in the Read Mode: Time= Register Value x appr. 50 ms (Register Value 0x00 means no repeat of same ID) 0x01 Cfg_IO Function 0x37   External Antenna  0x00   0: external antenna on External Antenna activated (otherwise external antenna deactivated) 0   The Configuration Register Cfg_Mode defines the Read- or Request Mode.   The Cfg_Format Configuration Register is used for setting the output format of the transponder ID.   The Cfg_RF determines the type of transponder to be read.   The Configuration Register Cfg_Timeout defines the switch-off time for a reading cycle in the Request Mode.  By means of the Configuration Register Cfg_Delaytime, you may determine the repeat rate for the same ID Output.
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 14 of 19  The Cfg_IOFunction determines whether the external antenna is activated or not.  The configuration data are stored in an EEPROM and are preserved also after power shut down.  If a „Set_Conf“ command is applied to a non-defined register, the system will respond with a NACK message. Non-defined bits within a configuration register will be suppressed.  2.7.1 Activation of the external antenna In order to activate the external antenna, the 'Set_Config' request has to be used. The following command sequence has to be send to the AIR200:  Request:  STX  DST  SRC  CMD  ADR  CFG  CRC 8  ETX 0x02 0xFF 0xF0 0x28 0x37 0x01 0x73 0x03  ADR:  Address of the configuration register (in this example 0x37 => IOFunction) CFG:  Configuration data to program into selected configuration register (in this example 0x01 => external antenna activated)  Answer:  STX  DST  SRC  ACK  CMD  DLE  CRC 8  ETX 0x02 0xF0 0x01 0x06 0x28 0x10 0x1C 0x03  Save the current configuration by sending 'Save_Config' request:  Request:  STX  DST  SRC  CMD  CRC 8  ETX 0x02 0xFF 0xF0 0x2A 0xC9 0x03  Answer:  STX  DST  SRC  ACK  CMD  DLE  CRC 8  ETX 0x02 0xF0  0x01  0x06  0x2A 0x10 0x4B 0x03
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 15 of 19 2.8  Examples of ID -Messages 2.8.1  ISO-FDX-B and HDX a) ASCII Output  Pos  0  1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18  19  20 21 22 Re-mark ID  Len1  ID 16 Byte  DLE  Len2  Type  NULAscii  ‘#’  11  ‘0’ ‘9’ ‘8’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘9’ ‘9’ ‘7’ ‘0’ ‘8’ 10  03  ‘0’ ‘5’ 00   b) Compact Coding Output  Pos  0  1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  10  11  12  13 Re-mark ID  Len1  ID 8 Byte  DLE Len2  Type  NUL Bin  23  09  09 80 00 00 00 09 97 08 10  02  05  00   c) Transponder Byte Structure Output  Pos  0  1  2 3 4 5  6  7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15  16  17  18 Re-mark ID Len1  13 Byte  DLE Len2  Type NUL Bin  23 0E  7C 85 01 00 00  F5 00 80 0F F0 81 C4 A2 10  02  05  00      8 Databytes + ID, Country, reserv. Data  Animal flag CRC Trailer           d) Transponder Raw Data Output for FDX-B Transponder  Pos  0  1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18  19  20  21 Re-mark ID  Len1  Raw Data incl. Header, Yield Data ,CRC, Trailer (+Controllbits) = 128 Bits  DLE  Len2  Type NUL Bin  23 11  7C 0B 07 04 08 B0 3E 40 C0 0F E1 07 26 2E 1A 80 10  02  05  00   e) Transponder Raw Data Output for HDX Transponder corresponds to  (c) for this type of Transponder)  Pos  0  1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15  16  17  18 Re-mark ID  Len1  Raw Data incl. Header, Yield Data ,CRC, Trailer = 104 Bits  DLE  Len2  Type  NUL Bin  23 0E  2F A7 0F 00 80 F5 00 80 A2 04 7E 00 01 10  02  01  00      8 Data Bytes + ID, Country, reserv. Data, Animal flag CRC Trailer or Stopbyte
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 16 of 19 2.8.2  H 4002 and Compatibles a) ASCII Output  Pos  0  1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  13  14 15  16 Re-mark ID  Len1  ID 10 Byte  DLE  Len2  Type  NUL Ascii  ‘#’ 0B  ‘0’ ‘4’ ‘6’ ‘0’ ‘2’ ‘0’ ‘9’ ‘B’ ‘2’ ‘E’ 10  03  ‘0’  ‘2’  00   b) Compact Coding Output  Pos  0  1  2 3 4 5 6 7  8  9  10  11  12 Re-mark ID  Len1  ID 5 Byte  DLE  Len2  DLE  Type  NUL Hex  23 06  04 60 09 A8 F1 39 10  02  10  02  00   c) Transponder Raw Data Output  Pos  0  1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  10 11 12  13  14 Re-mark ID  Len1  Raw-ID incl. Header, Data, Trailer = 64 Bits  DLE  Len2 DLE Type  NUL Bin  23 09  FF 81 34 80 82 D4 E9 3D 10  02  10  02  00
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 17 of 19 3.  FCC digital device limitations Radio and Television Interference This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  In order to maintain compliance with FCC regulations, shielded cables must be used with this equipment. Operation with non-approved equipment or unshielded cables is likely to result in interference to radio and television reception.  Caution! Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. 4.  CANADIAN RADIO EMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.  Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits radioelectriques depassant les limites applicables aux appareils numeriques de la class A prescrites dans le Reglement sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des Communications du Canada.  *  Industry Canada: Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below, and having a maximum gain of 1.8 dB. Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greater than 1.8 dB are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 2.8 ohms. - Stick Antenna AEA080 - Stick Antenna AEA120  To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication. 5. CE MARKING Hereby, Agrident BV declares that this equipment, if used according to the instructions, is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the RTTE Directive 1999/5/EC. For use in all countries of the EU.
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 18 of 19  To obtain a copy, contact Agrident BV and request the “Declaration of Conformity” document for Multi-technology readers.  Agrident BV  In case of alteration of the product, not agreed to by us, this declaration will lose its validity.  This symbol indicates proof of conformity to applicable European Economic Community Council directives and harmonized standards published in the official journal of the European Communities.
   AIR200 - protocol  10.07.06    Page 19 of 19 6. Trouble shooting For any problem please contact us:  Agrident GmbH Steinklippenstr. 10 30890 Barsinghausen Germany  Telephone   +49 5105 520614 FAX  +49 5105 520616 e-mail

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