Airspan Networks AU540ENB25 LTE base station module User Manual AU540 eNB B41 Module User Guide

Airspan Networks Inc LTE base station module AU540 eNB B41 Module User Guide

Users Manual

AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
Part Number: UGD-D01112
System Release: 15.0
Revision: A
Published: June 2016
© Copyright by Airspan Networks Inc., 2016. All rights reserved worldwide.
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UGD-D01083 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use i
Table of Contents
Document Information ............................................................................. 2
Abstract .................................................................................................................. 2
Revision History ..................................................................................................... 2
Warnings and Cautions ........................................................................... 3
Human Exposure to Radio Frequencies ................................................................ 3
Radio Interference ................................................................................................. 3
Modifications .......................................................................................................... 3
General .................................................................................................................. 3
Important Safety Instructions ............................................................................ 3
Safety ..................................................................................................................... 3
Warning of Hazardous Voltages ............................................................................ 4
Adherence to European Directive 1999/5/EC ........................................................ 5
Warning Symbols ................................................................................................... 5
Service Information ................................................................................................ 5
UL Information ....................................................................................................... 6
Lightning Protection ............................................................................................... 6
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY....................................................................... 6
FCC Notice ............................................................................................................ 7
Federal Communication Commission Notice .......................................... 7
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: ...................................................... 8
Labeling Requirement ............................................................................. 8
Maximum Output TX Total Power ........................................................... 9
Power Consumption ............................................................................................... 9
Antenna Usage .................................................................................................... 10
Antenna Types ..................................................................................................... 10
About This Document ........................................................................... 11
Purpose ................................................................................................................ 11
Intended Audience ............................................................................................... 11
Document Conventions ........................................................................................ 11
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use ii
Customer Care Help Desk .................................................................... 12
Airspan Encourages Comments .......................................................................... 12
1 Overview ........................................................................................... 13
1.1 Management ................................................................................................. 13
1.2 AU540 eNB B41 Block Diagram .................................................................... 13
1.3 AU540 eNB Module Frequency Ranges ....................................................... 13
2 Physical Description .......................................................................... 14
2.1 AU540 eNB B41 ............................................................................................ 14
2.1.1 Physical Dimensions .................................................................................... 15
2.1.2 Connector .................................................................................................... 15
3 Configuration ..................................................................................... 16
3.1 Node Management ........................................................................................ 16
Figure 1: Simplified Block Diagram ....................................................................................................... 13
Figure 2: AU540 eNB B41 both sides ................................................................................................ 14
Figure 3: AU540 eNB B41 module inside housousing (w/o cover) ....................................................... 14
Figure 4: 14 pin Connector.................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 5: Node Management Node Properties .................................................................................. 16
Figure 6: Node Management Cell Properties..................................................................................... 17
Figure 7: Node Management - Enable LED .......................................................................................... 17
Figure 8: Network Profile - Edit ............................................................................................................. 18
Figure 9: Network Profile VoLTE Configuration ................................................................................. 18
Figure 10: Cell Radio Profile - Edit ........................................................................................................ 19
Table 1: AU540 eNB FCC Maximum Output TX Total Power ................................................................ 9
Table 2: Power Consumption .................................................................................................................. 9
Table 3: Antenna Types - Technical ..................................................................................................... 10
Table 4: Typographic Conventions ....................................................................................................... 11
Table 5: Frequency Ranges .................................................................................................................. 13
Table 6: AU540 eNB B41 Physical Dimentions .................................................................................... 15
Table 7: Connector 14 pin, Pinouts ....................................................................................................... 15
AU540eNB Module User Guide
UGD-D01083 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 1
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 2
Document Information
This document details a description of and initial configuration of Airspan’s AU540 eNB B41 (LTE)
Revision History
Revision Details
Summary of Changes
June 2016
Initial draft document & comments
A+ A1
July 2016
After comments
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 3
Warnings and Cautions
Human Exposure to Radio Frequencies
The AU540 eNB B41 antennas should be installed with a minimum distance of 20 CM from your body.
Radio Interference
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to internal vehicle radio
Please ensure a maximum separation between the AU540 eNB B41’s antenna and other antennas.
Any changes and modifications to this device that are not expressly approved by Airspan Networks
may void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Only qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, and service the equipment.
The device cannot be sold retail, to the general public or by mail order. It must be sold to
Installation must be controlled.
Installation must be performed by licensed professionals.
Installation requires special training. The AU540 eNB B41 module and antenna should be
installed ONLY by experienced installation professionals who are familiar with local building
and safety codes and, wherever applicable, are licensed by the appropriate government
regulatory authorities. Failure to do so may void Airspan's product warranty and may expose
the end user or the service provider to legal and financial liabilities. Airspan and its resellers
or distributors are not liable for injury, damage or violation of regulations associated with the
installation of outdoor units or antennas.
The AU540 eNB B41 module does not provide protection from hazard energy in case of
single fault condition.
Power supply shall be limited up to 4A in normal and single fault condition.
Important Safety Instructions
Read and Save these instructions
This Installation Guide contains instructions and warnings that should be followed during
installation, and operation.
Failure to follow these instructions could cause bodily injury and/or product failure
1. Read this guide and follow all operating and safety instructions.
2. Supply cord is not shipped with the unit and is to be provided by user. Installation is to be
performed by a qualified electrician according to local codes. Installation to be done in
accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), ANSI/NFPA 70, the Canadian
Electrical Code (CEC), Part I, CAN/CSA C22.1, and when applicable, the National
Electrical Safety Code, IEEE C2.
3. Static sensitive components inside - do not remove the lid or base: No user serviceable
parts inside.
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UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 4
4. Position the power cord to avoid possible damage; do not overload circuits.
5. Do not place this product on or near a direct heat source, and avoid placing objects on
the terminal.
6. To avoid electrical shock do not install this device during adverse conditions such as rain
or inclement weather.
7. Use only a damp cloth for cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Disconnect the
power before cleaning.
8. The units should not be located too near power lines or other electrical power circuits,
where it can come into contact with such power lines or circuits.
9. The radio transceiver must be properly grounded to protect against power surges and
accumulated static electricity. It is the user’s responsibility to install this device in
accordance with the local electrical codes.
10. Installation of the AU540 eNB Module must be contracted to a professional installer.
11. The circuit breaker should be easily accessible in case you have to disconnect the
12. When installed in the final configuration, the product must comply with the applicable
Safety Standards and regulatory requirements of the country in which it is installed. If
necessary, consult with the appropriate regulatory agencies and inspection authorities to
ensure compliance.
Warning of Hazardous Voltages
On DC sections, short-circuiting the low voltage, low impedance circuits can cause severe arcing that
may result in burns or eye damage. Remove rings, watches etc. to avoid shorting DC circuits.
Note: Airspan products do not contain hazardous substances (as defined in UK Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1989 and the Dangerous Substances Regulations
1990). At the end of any Airspan products life cycle, the customer should consult with Airspan to
ensure that the product is disposed of in conformance with the relevant regulatory requirements.
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 5
Adherence to European Directive 1999/5/EC
European Council Recommendation 1999/5/EC details basic restrictions and reference levels on
human exposure to electromagnetic fields as advised by the ICNIRP. Adherence to these
recommended restrictions and reference levels should provide a high level of protection as regards
the established health effects that may result from exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Airspan equipment is compliant with CE and R&TTE regulations and be operated in all EU (European
Union) locations listed below:
Warning Symbols
The following symbols may be encountered during installation or troubleshooting. These warning
symbols mean danger. Bodily injury may result if you are not aware of the safety hazards involved in
working with electrical equipment and radio transmitters. Familiarize yourself with standard safety
practices before continuing.
Caution, hot surface
High Voltage
Service Information
Refer all repairs to qualified service personnel. Do not modify any part of this device, as this will void
the warranty.
Disconnect the power to this product and return it for service if the following conditions apply:
a. The terminal does not function after following the operating instructions outlined in this
b. The product has been dropped or the housing is damaged.
Locate the serial number of the terminal and record this on your registration card for future reference.
Also record the MAC address, located on the product sticker.
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 6
UL Information
- The circuit where the equipment is connected must be properly grounded according with NEC and
other local safety code requirements.
- Reminder to all the BWA system installers: Attention to Section 820-40 of the NEC which provides
guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected
to the grounding system of the building, as close to the point of cable entry as is practical.
Lightning Protection
WARNING: The following notes are general recommendations for the system. The wireless equipment
should be installed by a qualified professional installer and must follow local and national codes for
electrical grounding and safety. Failure to meet safety requirements and/or use of non-standard
practices and procedures could result in personal injury and damage to equipment. A direct lightning
strike may cause serious damage even if these guidelines are followed.
All outdoor wireless equipment is susceptible to lightning damage from a direct hit or induced current
from a near strike. Lightning protection and grounding practices in local and national electrical codes
serve to minimize equipment damage, service outages, and serious injury. The antennas are to be DC
grounded, so surge protection is not required. Reasons for lightning damage are summarized as:
- Poorly grounded tower/antenna sites that can conduct high lightning strike energy into equipment.
- Lack of properly installed lightning protection equipment that can cause equipment failures from
lightning induced currents.
A lighting protection system provides a means by which the energy may enter earth without passing
through and damaging parts of a structure. A lightning protection system does not prevent lightning
from striking; it provides a means for controlling it and preventing damage by providing a low resistance
path for the discharge of energy to travel safely to ground. Improperly grounded connections are also a
source of noise that can cause sensitive equipment to malfunction.
A good tower grounding system disperses most of the surge energy from a tower strike away from the
building and equipment.
To limit the equipment damage due to a lightning strike, the following practices are recommended for
the wireless system:
- Provide direct grounding from the antenna mounting bracket, the radio and antenna and the
lightning/surge protectors to the same ground point at the base of the tower or a ground bus on the
building. Use the grounding screws on the antenna bracket and the radio and antenna for terminating
the ground wires.
- The circuit ground must be connected to the same grounding system as the eNodeB.
European Community, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein
Declaration of Conformity with Regard to the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
This equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC.
Dieses Gerät entspricht den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den weiteren entsprecheneden
Vorgaben der Richtlinie 1999/5/EU.
Dette udstyr er i overensstemmelse med de væsentlige krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i Directiv
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 7
Este equipo cumple con los requisitos esenciales asi como con otras disposiciones de la Directive
Cet appareil est conforme aux exigencies essentialles et aux autres dispositions pertinantes de la
Directive 1999/5/EC.
Þessi búnaður samrýmist lögboðnum kröfum og öðrum ákvæðum tilskipunar 1999/5/ESB.
Questo apparato é conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed agli altri principi sanciti dalla Direttiva 1999/5/EC.
Deze apparatuur voldoet aan de belangrijkste eisen en andere voorzieningen van richtlijn 1999/5/EC.
Dette utstyret er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i EU-directiv
Este equipamento satisfaz os requisitos essenciais e outras provisões da Directiva 1999/5/EC.
Tämä laite yttää direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleelliset vaatimukset ja on siinä asetettujen muidenkin ehtojen
Denna utrustning är i överensstämmelse med de väsentliga kraven och andra relevanta bestämmelser
i Direktiv 1999/5/EC.
Acest echipament este în conformitate cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale Directivei
The Declaration of Conformity related to this product can be obtained from
FCC Notice
Federal Communication Commission Notice
The United States Federal Communication Commission (FCC) and the Canadian Department of
Communications have established certain rules governing the use of electronic equipment. Part 15,
Class B.
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 8
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced technician for help.
Note: The AU540 eNB B41 module is intended for use internally in the Airspan products.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm between the
radiator & your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any
other antenna or transmitter.
This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following conditions:
1) The antenna must be installed such that 20 cm is maintained between the antenna and users,
2) The transmitter module may not be co-located with any other transmitter or antenna.
As long as the two (2) conditions above are met, further transmitter testing will not be required.
However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional
compliance requirements required with this module installed.
In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for example certain laptop configurations or co-
location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longer considered valid and the
FCC ID cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be
responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC
The OEM integrator must not provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove
this RF module.
Labeling Requirement
When the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the module
is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module.
This exterior label must include wording similar to the following:
‘‘Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: PIDAU540ENB25’’
‘‘Contains FCC ID: PIDAU540ENB25’’
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 9
Maximum Output TX Total Power
Table 1: AU540 eNB FCC Maximum Output TX Total Power
Frequency Band
TX (dBm)
EIRP (dBm)
Antenna Gain
Caution: Do not set maximum output TX power to higher than local regulations.
Power Consumption
AU540 eNB B41 has a Max nominal power consumption of 24W. AU540 eNB B41 power
consumption is described in the following table:
Table 2: Power Consumption
Tx Total Power at RF Port
Nominal Power Consumption (W)
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UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 10
Antenna Usage
AU540 eNB B41 module has four (4) RF ports that are connected to two (2) dual-port antennas arrays.
Each antenna array is mounted on opposite sides internally within the Airspan product housing. This is
so that one antenna array faces forwards and one antenna array faces outwards for optimized
Antenna Types
There are internally mounted antennas connected to the AU540 eNB B41 module which are designed
specifically for this use and are specified below.
Table 3: Antenna Types - Technical
Antenna Array Type
LTE Band
Frequency Range
Part number
Dual Slant ±45° - Antenna A
2496 2690
Dual Slant ±45° - Antenna B
2496 2690
Note: The antennas are assembled and connected internally in the factory during installation into
the Airspan product unit.
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 11
About This Document
This User Guide is intended as an instruction manual for professional system integrators to provide
step-by-step factory integration instructions for setting up and initial configuration of the AU540 eNB
B41 module.
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for persons who are responsible for installing and performing initial configuration
of the AU540 eNB B41 module.
These persons should have a working knowledge of the equipment.
Document Conventions
This document uses the following typographic conventions.
Table 4: Typographic Conventions
Blue underlined text
Cross-reference links.
Bold text
Keyboard buttons and GUI elements.
Command names or phrases.
Computer output
Text displayed by the computer.
Website and e-mail addresses.
Signifies a hazardous situationif not avoidedwill
cause death or serious injury. Describes how to avoid
Signifies a hazardous situationif not avoidedcan
cause death or serious personal injury. Describes
how to avoid it.
Signifies a hazardous situationif not avoidedcan
void the product warranty, and cause property
damage. Describes how to avoid it.
Provides necessary information to explain a task.
Provides additional information.
Provides helpful hints.
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 12
Customer Care Help Desk
Airspan’s Customer Care Help Desk offers prompt and efficient customer support services.
Note: To avail Airspan’s Customer Care Help Desk support, you must be a registered user and must
have a valid support contract. To register, click here and fill the Registration form.
To create and update issue logs, send e-mails to Customer Care Help Desk. Once you submit your
issue, the system generates a new issue and sends an issue number for your reference. The system
uses this issue number to categorize and store e-mails under the appropriate issue.
To help Customer Care Help Desk identify your issue, include the issue number and your Customer
Care Helpdesk account details in all further communications.
Main Operations
Airspan Communications Ltd.
Capital Point
33 Bath Road
Slough, Berkshire
SL1 3UF, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-1895-467-100
Worldwide Headquarters
Airspan Networks Inc.
777, Yamato Road, Suite 105
Boca Raton, FL 3341-4408, USA
Tel: +1 561 893 8670
Airspan Encourages Comments
Airspan welcomes any feedback and suggestions that help to improve the quality of the documentation.
Send your feedback to
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 13
1 Overview
The Airspan AU540 eNB B41 module is a product specific module designed to be embedded in
Airspan products. The Wireless protocols that come with this product ensure data security and
isolation from interference generated by other radio frequencies.
The AU540 eNB B41 module supports MIMO antenna technology and high power output.
1.1 Management
Software is upgraded locally and remotely.
Designed for local and remote management via TBD
1.2 AU540 eNB B41 Block Diagram
The figure below displays a high level (simplified) block diagram of the software architecture:
Figure 1: Simplified Block Diagram
1.3 AU540 eNB Module Frequency Ranges
The table below lists the frequency range of AU540 eNB modules currently available. This table will
grow as more models become available.
Table 5: Frequency Ranges
Frequency Band
Channel Bandwidth
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
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2 Physical Description
This section provides a description of the components of the AU540 eNB B41:
2.1 AU540 eNB B41
The AU540 eNB B41.
Figure 2: AU540 eNB B41 both sides
Figure 3: AU540 eNB B41 module inside housousing (w/o cover)
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
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2.1.1 Physical Dimensions
The table below lists the physical dimensions of the AU540 eNB B41.
Table 6: AU540 eNB B41 Physical Dimentions
W x L
149.9 mm (5.0 in) x 159.7 mm (6.29 in)
157 g (5.54 oz)
2.1.2 Connector
The connector is described below:
Figure 4: 14 pin Connector
Table 7: Connector 14 pin, Pinouts
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
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3 Configuration
3.1 Node Management
This section pertains to Provider configuration which is performed during initial installation and setup of
the unit.
Note: Access to the AU540 eNB module is by Telnet or SSH or secure WEB only
Note: Only the Service Provider can control the module SW and host SW. Other parties
have no means to modify the SW
The following screen captures display recommended configuration setting (only Service Provider has
access) using Airspan’s NMS (network management service) Netspan.
Figure 5: Node Management Node Properties
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
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Figure 6: Node Management Cell Properties
Figure 7: Node Management - Enable LED
AU540 eNB B41 User Guide
UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 18
Figure 8: Network Profile - Edit
Figure 9: Network Profile VoLTE Configuration
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UGD-D01112 Airspan Commercial and Internal Use 19
Note: The Frequency range and the Maximum Total Tx Power is limited by the AU540
eNB’s software is in full compliance with to the FCC’s requirements.
Figure 10: Cell Radio Profile - Edit

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