Airspan Networks MMAX0707 Base station User Manual MacroMAXe Installation Guide

Airspan Networks Inc Base station MacroMAXe Installation Guide


UGD-D00181 Rev F2
Installation Guide
System Release 9.01
MacroMAXe-4RX Installation Guide
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© Copyright by Airspan Networks Inc., 2010. All rights reserved worldwide.
The information contained within this document is proprietary and is subject to all relevant copyright,
patent and other laws protecting intellectual property, as well as any specific agreements protecting
Airspan Networks Inc. rights in the aforesaid information. Neither this document nor the information
contained herein may be published, reproduced or disclosed to third parties, in whole or in part,
without the express, prior, written permission of Airspan Networks Inc. In addition, any use of this
document or the information contained herein for the purposes other than those for which it is
disclosed is strictly forbidden.
Airspan Networks Inc. reserves the right, without prior notice or liability, to make changes in
equipment design or specifications.
Information supplied by Airspan Networks Inc. is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed by Airspan Networks Inc. for the use thereof nor for the rights of third parties
which may be effected in any way by the use of thereof.
Any representation(s) in this document concerning performance of Airspan Networks Inc. product(s)
are for informational purposes only and are not warranties of future performance, either expressed or
implied. Airspan Networks Inc. standard limited warranty, stated in its sales contract or order
confirmation form, is the only warranty offered by Airspan Networks Inc. in relation thereto.
This document may contain flaws, omissions or typesetting errors; no warranty is granted nor liability
assumed in relation thereto unless specifically undertaken in Airspan Networks Inc. sales contract or
order confirmation. Information contained herein is periodically updated and changes will be
incorporated into subsequent editions. If you have encountered an error, please notify Airspan
Networks Inc. All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Product performance figures quoted within this document are indicative and for information purposes
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Table of Contents
Copyright ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 3
Summary of Figures ................................................................................................................................ 5
Summary of Tables ................................................................................................................................. 7
Warnings and Cautions ........................................................................................................................... 8
Human Exposure to Radio Frequencies ............................................................................................. 8
Radio Interference ............................................................................................................................... 8
Avoiding Radio Interference ................................................................................................................ 8
Modifications ....................................................................................................................................... 8
General ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Safety .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Warning Symbols ................................................................................................................................ 9
Service Information ............................................................................................................................. 9
UL Information ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Lightning Protection .......................................................................................................................... 10
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ..................................................................................................... 11
FCC Notice ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Federal Communication Commission Notice .................................................................................... 12
GPS Compliance ............................................................................................................................... 12
Maximum Output TX Power .................................................................................................................. 13
Antenna Types .................................................................................................................................. 13
MacroMAXe Antenna Usage ......................................................................................................... 14
1 About this Guide ............................................................................................................................ 17
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 17
1.2 Intended Audience ................................................................................................................ 17
1.3 Conventions .......................................................................................................................... 17
1.4 Referenced Documentation .................................................................................................. 17
1.5 Organization of this Guide ..................................................................................................... 17
2 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 19
2.1 MacroMAXe ........................................................................................................................... 19
2.2 MacroMAXe Frequency Ranges ........................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Architecture ................................................................................................................... 20
3 Getting Started .............................................................................................................................. 23
3.1 Workflow of Installation ......................................................................................................... 23
3.2 MacroMAXe Installation Checklist ........................................................................................ 24
4 Verify Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................... 25
4.1 Verify Safety Requirements .................................................................................................. 25
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4.1.1 Warning of Hazardous Voltages ................................................................................... 25
4.2 Verify Installation Requirements ........................................................................................... 26
4.2.1 Verify the Tools ............................................................................................................. 26
4.2.2 Verify the Parts and Kits ................................................................................................ 26
4.2.3 Verify Components ........................................................................................................ 31
5 Install MacroMAXe ........................................................................................................................ 34
5.1 Pole mount configuration ...................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Wall mount configuration ....................................................................................................... 35
5.3 Install MacroMAXe Antennas ................................................................................................ 37
5.3.1 Install Dual Slant Antenna ............................................................................................. 38
5.3.2 Install Quad Slant Antenna ........................................................................................... 39
5.3.3 Antenna Mounting Clamps for Dual and Quad Slant Antennae ................................... 39
5.4 Optional Mounting Antenna on MacroMAXe ......................................................................... 41
5.4.1 Variable Tilt Antenna ..................................................................................................... 41
5.5 Antenna Connection .............................................................................................................. 42
5.6 GPS Antenna Assembly ........................................................................................................ 43
5.7 Install Junction Box (Optional) .............................................................................................. 44
5.7.1 Junction Box Installation ............................................................................................... 45
6 Connect and Manage Cables ........................................................................................................ 47
6.1 Assemble Ethernet Connector .............................................................................................. 47
7 Set Power System ......................................................................................................................... 48
7.1 Power Input - DC ................................................................................................................... 48
8 Appendix A .................................................................................................................................... 49
8.1 Review Job Sheet ................................................................................................................. 49
8.2 Securing Fiber-optic Cable .................................................................................................... 49
8.3 Connecting the Fiber-optic Cable ......................................................................................... 51
9 Appendix C Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................. 53
10 Appendix D Installation Checklist ........................................................................................... 55
11 Appendix E ................................................................................................................................ 56
11.1 Revision History .................................................................................................................... 56
11.2 31BContact Information ............................................................................................................... 56
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Summary of Figures
Figure 1 MacroMAXe Hardware Components ................................................................................... 21
Figure 2 MacroMAXe Functional Components .................................................................................. 22
Figure 3 Workflow of Installation ........................................................................................................ 23
Figure 4 - PS MacroMAXe ................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 5 MacroMAXe Base Station Unit, Ethernet termination.......................................................... 31
Figure 6 MacroMAXe Base Station Unit, RF ports ............................................................................ 32
Figure 7 MacroMAXe Cable Assembly for GPS Antenna .................................................................. 33
Figure 8 - Lightning/Surge protector ..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 9 - Junction box with pole assembly .......................................................................................... 33
Figure 10 Pole Mounted MacroMAXe Assembly ............................................................................... 34
Figure 11 Pole Mounted MacroMAXe ................................................................................................ 35
Figure 12 Wall Mounted MacroMAXe ................................................................................................ 35
Figure 13 Wall Mounted MacroMAXe Wall Plate Details ................................................................... 36
Figure 14 MacroMAXe External Antenna Configuration .................................................................... 37
Figure 15 - MacroMAXe Antenna Dual Slant Mast Mount Configuration ............................................. 38
Figure 16 MacroMAXe Antenna Quad Slant Mast Mount Configuration ........................................... 39
Figure 17 - Adjustable Mounting Kit, with Snaplock Stainless Steel Bands ......................................... 40
Figure 18 - Adjustable Mounting Kit, with „V‟ Blocks ............................................................................. 41
Figure 19 - Variable tilt antenna ............................................................................................................ 42
Figure 20 - Antenna mounted on MacroMAXe ..................................................................................... 42
Figure 21 - GPS cable assembly prior to mounting .............................................................................. 43
Figure 22 - Attach GPS antenna to RG58 cable ................................................................................... 43
Figure 23 - GPS antenna assembled on bracket .................................................................................. 44
Figure 24 - Junction box with mounting brackets assembled ............................................................... 44
Figure 25 - mounting bracket (2 required) ............................................................................................ 44
Figure 26 - MacroMAXe assembly with optional junction box .............................................................. 46
Figure 27 Ethernet connector cable termination ................................................................................ 47
Figure 28 Ethernet environmental connector assembly .................................................................... 47
Figure 29 DC Power connector cable ................................................................................................ 48
Figure 30 - Secure fiber-optic cable, place tie ...................................................................................... 50
Figure 31 Secure fiber-optic cable, pull tie......................................................................................... 50
Figure 32 Secure fiber-optic cable, snug tie ...................................................................................... 50
Figure 33 Secure fiber-optic cable, cut excess tie ............................................................................. 50
Figure 34 Secure fiber-optic cable, use excess tie ............................................................................ 51
Figure 35 Secure fiber-optic cable, re-use excess tie ........................................................................ 51
Figure 36 - fiber-optic connector with dust cover .................................................................................. 51
Figure 37 dust cover removed ........................................................................................................... 51
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Figure 38 - Fiber-Optic Outdoor Connector Plug (multimode) .............................................................. 52
Figure 39 - screw hand-tight ................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 40 - Fiber-optic cable connected ............................................................................................... 52
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Summary of Tables
Table 1 - MacroMAXe FCC Maximum Output TX Power ..................................................................... 13
Table 2 - MacroMAXe ETSI Maximum Output TX Power ..................................................................... 13
Table 3 - 700 MHz Antenna Types -Technical...................................................................................... 13
Table 4 - 2.x GHz Antenna Types - Technical ...................................................................................... 14
Table 5 - 3.x GHz Antenna Types - Technical ...................................................................................... 14
Table 6 - Antenna arrays ....................................................................................................................... 15
Table 7 - MacroMAXe frequency ranges .............................................................................................. 19
Table 8 - MacroMAXe installation tools ................................................................................................ 26
Table 9 - MacroMAXe installation parts and kits .................................................................................. 26
Table 10 - Input Power for MacroMAXe ................................................................................................ 28
Table 11 - MacroMAXe wall mount installation parts ............................................................................ 29
Table 12 - MacroMAXe pole mount installation parts ........................................................................... 29
Table 13 - MacroMAXe additional parts and kits .................................................................................. 29
Table 14 - Junction box (optional) ......................................................................................................... 30
Table 15 - MacroMAXe 3x05 physical dimensions ............................................................................... 32
Table 16 - MacroMAXe 2x10-4 & 0707 physical dimensions .............................................................. 32
Table 17 - Antenna connection ............................................................................................................. 43
Table 18 - Cable hole sizes................................................................................................................... 45
Table 19 - DC Power input .................................................................................................................... 48
Table 20 - Checklist for Procedure ....................................................................................................... 55
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Warnings and Cautions
Human Exposure to Radio Frequencies
The MacroMAXe antennas should be installed and operated from a minimum distance of 2.4 meters
from your body.
Radio Interference
This MacroMAXe generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment on and off, the technician is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
performing one or more of the following measures:
Re-orientate or relocate the antenna
Increase separation between the BSs and/or End Device
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the power
source is connected
Avoiding Radio Interference
The MacroMAXe must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any antenna or
other transmitter.
Ensure a minimum of 1-meter separation between co-located antennas of MacroMAXe
Any changes and modifications to this device that are not expressly approved by Airspan Networks
may void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Only qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, and service the equipment.
The device cannot be sold retail, to the general public or by mail order. It must be sold to
Installation must be controlled.
Installation must be performed by licensed professionals.
Installation requires special training. The MacroMAXe radio and antenna should be
installed ONLY by experienced installation professionals who are familiar with local
building and safety codes and, wherever applicable, are licensed by the appropriate
government regulatory authorities. Failure to do so may void Airspan's WiMAX product
warranty and may expose the end user or the service provider to legal and financial
liabilities. Airspan and its resellers or distributors are not liable for injury, damage or
violation of regulations associated with the installation of outdoor units or antennas.
1. Read this User Manual and follow all operating and safety instructions.
2. Keep all product information for future reference.
3. This product is supplied with a grounding power plug. Do not defeat this important safety
4. Warning: High voltages exist inside the product - do not remove the lid or base: No user
serviceable parts inside.
5. Position the power cord to avoid possible damage; do not overload wall outlets.
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6. Do not place this product on or near a direct heat source, and avoid placing objects on the
7. Do not operate this device near water or in a wet location.
8. Use only a damp cloth for cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Disconnect the
power before cleaning.
9. The units should not be located near power lines or other electrical power circuits.
10. The radio transceiver must be properly grounded to protect against power surges and
accumulated static electricity. It is the user‟s responsibility to install this device in accordance
with the local electrical codes.
11. Installation of the MacroMAXe must be contracted to a professional installer.
12. Disconnect Device. The socket outlet should be easily accessible in case you have to
disconnect the device.
13. When installed in the final configuration, the product must comply with the applicable Safety
Standards and regulatory requirements of the country in which it is installed. If necessary,
consult with the appropriate regulatory agencies and inspection authorities to ensure
Warning Symbols
The following symbols may be encountered during installation or troubleshooting. These warning
symbols mean danger. Bodily injury may result if you are not aware of the safety hazards involved in
working with electrical equipment and radio transmitters. Familiarize yourself with standard safety
practices before continuing.
Electro-Magnetic Radiation
High Voltage
Service Information
Refer all repairs to qualified service personnel. Do not remove the covers or modify any part of
this device, as this will void the warranty.
Disconnect the power to this product and return it for service if the following conditions apply:
a. The terminal does not function after following the operating instructions outlined in
this manual.
b. Liquid has been spilled, a foreign object is inside, or the terminal has been exposed
to rain.
c. The product has been dropped or the housing is damaged.
Locate the serial number of the terminal, antenna, and transceiver and record these on your
registration card for future reference. Use the space below to affix serial number stickers. Also
record the MAC address, located on the back of the terminal.
UL Information
- The equipment must be properly grounded according with NEC and other local safety code
- Reminder to all the BWA system installers: Attention to Section 820-40 of the NEC which provides
guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected
to the grounding system of the building, as close to the point of cable entry as is practical.
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Lightning Protection
WARNING: The following notes are general recommendations for the system. The wireless
equipment should be installed by a qualified professional installer and must follow local and national
codes for electrical grounding and safety. Failure to meet safety requirements and/or use of non-
standard practices and procedures could result in personal injury and damage to equipment. A direct
lightning strike may cause serious damage even if these guidelines are followed.
All outdoor wireless equipment is susceptible to lightning damage from a direct hit or induced current
from a near strike. Lightning protection and grounding practices in local and national electrical codes
serve to minimize equipment damage, service outages, and serious injury. Reasons for lightning
damage are summarized as:
- Poorly grounded tower/antenna sites that can conduct high lightning strike energy into equipment.
- Lack of properly installed lightning protection equipment that can cause equipment failures from
lightning induced currents.
A lighting protection system provides a means by which the energy may enter earth without passing
through and damaging parts of a structure. A lightning protection system does not prevent lightning
from striking; it provides a means for controlling it and preventing damage by providing a low
resistance path for the discharge of energy to travel safely to ground. Improperly grounded
connections are also a source of noise that can cause sensitive equipment to malfunction.
A good tower grounding system disperses most of the surge energy from a tower strike away from the
building and equipment.
To limit the equipment damage due to a lightning strike, the following practices are recommended for
the wireless system:
- Provide direct grounding from the antenna mounting bracket, the radio and antenna and the
lightning arrestors to the same ground point at the base of the tower or a ground bus on the building.
Use the grounding screws on the antenna bracket and the radio and antenna for terminating the
ground wires.
- The AC wall outlet ground must be connected to the same grounding system as the BS.
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European Community, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein
Declaration of Conformity with Regard to the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
This equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC.
Dieses Gerät entspricht den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den weiteren entsprecheneden
Vorgaben der Richtlinie 1999/5/EU.
Dette udstyr er i overensstemmelse med de væsentlige krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i
Directiv 1999/5/EF.
Este equipo cumple con los requisitos esenciales asi como con otras disposiciones de la Directive
Cet appareil est conforme aux exigencies essentialles et aux autres dispositions pertinantes de la
Directive 1999/5/EC.
Þessi búnaður samrýmist lögboðnum kröfum og öðrum ákvæðum tilskipunar 1999/5/ESB.
Questo apparato é conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed agli altri principi sanciti dalla Direttiva
Deze apparatuur voldoet aan de belangrijkste eisen en andere voorzieningen van richtlijn
Dette utstyret er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i EU-
directiv 1999/5/EC.
Este equipamento satisfaz os requisitos essenciais e outras provisões da Directiva 1999/5/EC.
Tämä laite täyttää direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleelliset vaatimukset ja on siinä asetettujen muidenkin
ehtojen mukainen.
Denna utrustning är i överensstämmelse med de väsentliga kraven och andra relevanta
bestämmelser i Direktiv 1999/5/EC.
Acest echipament este în conformitate cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale Directivei
The Declaration of Conformity related to this product can be obtained
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FCC Notice
Federal Communication Commission Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case
the user will be required to correct the interference at his/her own expense.
Fixed and base stations transmitting a signal with an emission bandwidth greater than 1 MHz must
not exceed an ERP of 1000 watts/MHz and an antenna height of 305 m HAAT, except that antenna
heights greater than 305 m HAAT are permitted if power levels are reduced below 1000 watts/MHz
GPS Compliance
The GPS is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
The GPS complies with the following EMC Common Regulatory Testing standards:
EN55022: Radiated and Conducted Emissions
CISPR 22: Class B
EN 50081-1: Generic Emissions Class B
EN 50082-1: Generic Immunity Class B
EN 61000-4-2: Electrostatic Discharge Immunity
EN 61000-4-3: Radiated RF EM Field Immunity Test
EN 61000-4-4: Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Test
EN 61000-4-6: Conducted Immunity
EN 61000-4-8: Magnetic Field Immunity
Note: A GPS is required for synchronizing between TDD sectors.
Note: A GPS Lightning/Surge protector is required. (ordered separately)
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Maximum Output TX Power
Table 1 - MacroMAXe FCC Maximum Output TX Power
Frequency Band
Rest of the World
698-746 MHz
41.6 dBm
55.1 dBm
41.6 dBm
55.1 dBm
3650-3675 MHz
36.88 dBm
38.88 dBm
37 dBm
39 dBm
Table 2 - MacroMAXe ETSI Maximum Output TX Power
Frequency Band
Rest of the World
Antenna Gain
698-746 MHz
41.6 dBm
55.1 dBm
41.6 dBm
55.1 dBm
13.5 dBi
2290-2350 MHz
40 dBm
52.5 dBm
40 dBm
52.5 dBm
12.5 dBi
2340-2400 MHz
40 dBm
52.5 dBm
40 dBm
52.5 dBm
10.0 dBi
2496-2570 MHz
40 dBm
52.5 dBm
40 dBm
52.5 dBm
18.0 dBi
2560-2630 MHz
40 dBm
52.5 dBm
40 dBm
52.5 dBm
18.0 dBi
2620-2690 MHz
40 dBm
52.5 dBm
40 dBm
52.5 dBm
18.0 dBi
3300-3400 MHz
37 dBm
55.0 dBm
37 dBm
52.5 dBm
18.0 dBi
3400-3500 MHz
37 dBm
55.0 dBm
37 dBm
52.5 dBm
18.0 dBi
3500-3600 MHz
37 dBm
55.0 dBm
37 dBm
52.5 dBm
18.0 dBi
3600-3700 MHz
37 dBm
55.0 dBm
37 dBm
52.5 dBm
18.0 dBi
3650-3675 MHz
37 dBm
39 dBm
37 dBm
39 dBm
2 dBi
3700-3800 MHz
37 dBm
55.0 dBm
37 dBm
52.5 dBm
18.0 dBi
Caution: Do not set maximum output TX power to higher than local regulations.
Antenna Types
Table 3 - 700 MHz Antenna Types -Technical
Part number
60° 13.5 dBi Dual X-Polar
698 - 806 MHz
13.5 dBi
90° 12.5 dBi Dual X-Polar
698 - 806 MHz
12.5 dBi
OMNI Directional
698-746 MHz
6 dBi
MT- NV
OMNI Directional
746-806 MHz
6.5 dBi
Mounting kit for Dual X-Polar Antennas
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Table 4 - 2.x GHz Antenna Types - Technical
Part number
60° Quad X-Polar
2.3-2.7 GHz
18.0 dBi
90° Quad X-Polar
2.3-2.7 GHz
17.0 dBi
Mounting kit for Quad X-Polar Antennas
60° Dual Slant X-Polar
2.3-2.7 GHz
18.0 dBi
90° Dual Slant X-Polar
2.3-2.7 GHz
17.0 dBi
Mounting kit for Dual X-Polar Antennas
Omni 10dBi Vertical External
2.3-2.49 GHz
10 dBi
Table 5 - 3.x GHz Antenna Types - Technical
Part number
60° Quad X-Polar
3.3 - 3.8 GHz
18.0 dBi
90° Quad X-Polar
3.3 - 3.8 GHz
17.0 dBi
Mounting kit for Quad X-Polar Antennas
60° Dual Slant X-Polar
3.3 - 3.8 GHz
18.0 dBi
90° Dual Slant X-Polar
3.3-3.8 GHz
17.0 dBi
Mounting kit for Dual X-Polar Antennas
Omni Reg Compl Vertical Sector
3.3 3.5 GHz
10.0 dBi
MacroMAXe Antenna Usage
MacroMAXe has four (4) RF ports that can be connected to either:
A single four-port antenna
Two two-port antennas
Four single-port antennas
Note: Appropriate mounting kit for the dual and quad port antennas are
required (ordered separately).
Quad port cross polarized (X-Pol) antenna with four (4) ports connected via 4 RF
jumper cables to MacroMAXe.
Dual slant cross polarized (X-Pol) antenna with two (2) ports - connected via 2 RF
jumper cables to MacroMAXe.
Omni antennas for 360 degree coverage using a single MacroMAXe - requires an
Omni antenna for each receiver 2 or 4 Omni antennas.
Note: The Omni antennas must be separated with at least one meter
separation from each other (in 2.X and in 3.X GHz)
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Fixed tilt dual/quad port antennas (where the tilt is set by the way the mounting kit is
Note: Required mounting kits for fixed tilt dual/quad port antennas are
ordered separately.
Manual Electric Tilt (MET) dual/quad antennas - a variable tilt antenna available for
mounting directly on the MacroMAXe with no need for physical tilting of the antenna.
The following table describes different antenna arrays when using either two (2) receivers or four (4)
Table 6 - Antenna arrays
Frequency Band
# of Receivers
Antenna Type
# of Antennas
700 MHz
698 - 806 MHz 60º 13.5 dBi
Dual X-Polar
700 MHz
698 - 806 MHz 60º 13.5 dBi
Dual X-Polar
2.3 GHz
2.3-2.7 GHz 60º Dual Slant X-
2.3 GHz
2.3-2.7 GHz 60º Quad X-Polar
2.5 GHz
2.3-2.7 GHz 60º Dual Slant X-
Polar Antenna
2.5 GHz
2.3-2.7 GHz 60º Quad X-Polar
3.3-3.8 GHz
3.3-3.8 GHz 60º Dual Slant X-
3.3-3.8 GHz
3.3-3.8 GHz 60° Quad X-Polar
700 MHz
698 - 806 MHz 90° 12.5 dBi
Dual X-Polar
700 MHz
698 - 806 MHz 90° 12.5 dBi
Dual X-Polar
2.3 GHz
2.3-2.7 GHz 90° Dual Slant X-
2.3 GHz
2.3-2.7 GHz 90° Quad X-Polar
2.5 GHz
2.3-2.7 GHz 90° Dual Slant X-
2.5 GHz
2.3-2.7 GHz 90° Quad X-Polar
3.3-3.8 GHz
3.3-3.8 GHz 90° Dual Slant X-
3.3-3.8 GHz
3.3-3.8 GHz 90° Quad X-Polar
2.3 GHz
2.3-2.49 GHz Omni 10 dBi
Vertical External Antenna
2.3 GHz
2.3-2.49 GHz Omni 10 dBi
Vertical External Antenna
2.5 GHz
Generic Omni
2.5 GHz
Generic Omni
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3.3-3.4 GHz
3.3-3.5 GHz Omni Reg Compl
Vertical Sector
3.3-3.4 GHz
3.3-3.5 GHz Omni Reg Compl
Vertical Sector
3.4-3.6 GHz
3.4-3.6 GHz Omni Reg Compl
Vertical Sector
3.4-3.6 GHz
3.4-3.6 GHz Omni Reg Compl
Vertical Sector
3.6-3.8 GHz
3.6-3.8 GHz Omni Reg Compl
Vertical Sector
3.6-3.8 GHz
3.6-3.8 GHz Omni Reg Compl
Vertical Sector
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1 About this Guide
This section discusses the purpose, intended audience, conventions, referenced documentation and
organization for this guide.
1.1 Purpose
This guide provides the workflow and step-by-step procedures for Installing the MacroMAXe. These
procedures include:
Verify Prerequisites
Install the MacroMAXe
Connect and Manage Cables
Set Power System
1.2 Intended Audience
This guide is intended for persons who are responsible for Installing the MacroMAXe. These persons
should have a working knowledge of the WiMAX system.
1.3 Conventions
This document uses the following informational conventions.
Checkpoint: Marks a point in the workflow where there may be an exit or branch
to some other procedure. At each Checkpoint the reason for an exit or branch is
given along with specific directions to locate the entry point in the other
Reference: Gives a resource in the workflow that may be needed to complete a
procedure along with specific directions to use the resource.
Caution: Describes a possible risk and how to lessen or avoid the risk.
Advice: Provides a recommendation based on best practice.
Note: Provides useful information.
1.4 Referenced Documentation
MacroMAXe Product Description
1.5 Organization of this Guide
This guide is organized into the following Sections:
About this Guide
Get Started
Verify Prerequisites
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Install the MacroMAXe
Connect and Manage Cables
Set Power System
Appendixes [Review Job Sheet, Securing & Connecting the Fiber-Optic cable, Glossary of
Terms, Installation Checklist, Contact information and Revision history]
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2 Introduction
This section provides a descriptive overview of the MacroMAXe (3x05, 2x10-4 and 0707) and its
place in the product suite.
2.1 MacroMAXe
MacroMAXe is a highly integrated macro-cell base station with all-in-one packaging of RF and
baseband components. MacroMAXe includes integrated quad RF transceivers to support four
channel diversity and MIMO. It is available as an all outdoor solution for Mobile WiMAX applications to
minimize physical footprint and operator OPEX.
MacroMAXe fully supports the interoperable R6 reference point for interworking with ASN Gateways.
MacroMAXe also has a “Stand Alone” mode for fixed/nomadic applications which do not require
seamless handover. When MacroMAXe is used in “Stand Alone” mode there is no need for an ASN
Gateway. MacroMAXe supports IP CS and Ethernet CS. It even supports a hybrid mode where both
IP CS and Ethernet CS (including VLAN support) are supported. MacroMAXe implements dual
40dBm (10W) transmitters in 2.x GHz, dual 38 dBm (6.3W) in 700MHz and dual 37dBm (5W)
transmitters in 3.x GHz band.
MacroMAXe is an outdoor radio that is mounted outside on a pole or wall. MacroMAXe is available in
numerous frequency bands and in numerous channels see: MacroMAXe Frequency Ranges.
MacroMAXe is managed by an SNMP-based network management system (Netspan) using standard
and proprietary MIBs. Basic management can be performed using any standard Web browser.
Note: For management refer to MacroMAXe Commissioning documentation.
2.2 MacroMAXe Frequency Ranges
The table below lists the frequency range of MacroMAXe variants currently available. This table will
grow as more variants become available.
Table 7 - MacroMAXe frequency ranges
Lower Frequency
Upper Frequency
Channel Bandwidth
700 MHz
698 MHz
746 MHz
2.3 GHz
2310 Lo
2290 MHz
2350 MHz
2310 Hi
2340 MHz
2400 MHz
2.5 GHz
2510 Lo
2496 MHZ
2570 MHz
2510 Mid
2560 MHz
2630 MHz
2510 Hi
2620 MHz
2690 MHz
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Lower Frequency
Upper Frequency
Channel Bandwidth
3.x GHZ
3300 MHZ
3400 MHz
3400 MHz
3500 MHz
3500 MHz
3600 MHz
3600 MHz
3700 MHz
3700 MHz
3800 MHz
2.2.1 Architecture
A highly flexible and scalable WiMAX Base Station, the MacroMAXe is capable of supporting Mobile
WiMAX profiles across multiple frequency bands.
Note: The following is for illustration only; actual layout may differ as
infrastructure is installation-specific.
Note: MacroMAXe must be properly grounded according with NEC and other
local safety code requirements.
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Figure 1 MacroMAXe Hardware Components
Note: MacroMAXe can also be connected via a LAN Switch for greater Failsafe
Note: Illustration above is of single Ethernet cable or Fiber-Optic cable for
Note: When the Fiber-Optic cable connection is employed the Ethernet cable
connection (Eth 1) is disabled.
Note: Illustration above displays remote GPS antennae option.
The MacroMAXe is a fully integrated all outdoor base station sector that contains all RF, Baseband,
GPS Synchronization and 3-sector aggregation functionality. In one box it comprises the following
functional elements:
Quad Receiver / Dual Transmitter
SDR Card
Ethernet Switch
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Figure 2 MacroMAXe Functional Components
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3 Getting Started
3.1 Workflow of Installation
The Workflow to install the MacroMAXe is shown in the following diagram:
Figure 3 Workflow of Installation
Caution: Antennas 1 & 2 Tx/Rx must be connected and attached before
MacroMAXe is powered on.
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3.2 MacroMAXe Installation Checklist
Plan the installation of the MacroMAXe by using the Installation Checklist, which you can find as a
removable job aid in Appendix A for this guide.
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4 Verify Prerequisites
Prior to installing the MacroMAXe, verify the required safety, power, tools, parts and components.
Reference: Set up requirements for the installation is detailed in the Job Sheet,
see Appendix A for this guide
4.1 Verify Safety Requirements
Read and follow all warning notices and instructions marked on the product or included in this manual.
When installed in the final configuration, the product must comply with the applicable Safety
Standards and regulatory requirements of the country in which it is installed. If necessary, consult
with the appropriate regulatory agencies and inspection authorities to ensure compliance.
Ascertain the radiation hazards when working in an environment close to other antennas and
Electromagnetic fields, e.g. working on towers with other microwave transmitters etc. and act
4.1.1 Warning of Hazardous Voltages
On AC installations, hazardous voltages exist. Use caution when verifying or working with AC power.
Remove metal jewelry that could come into contact with AC power.
On DC sections, short circuiting the low voltage, low impedance circuits can cause severe arcing that
may result in burns or eye damage. Remove rings, watches etc. to avoid shorting DC circuits.
Note: Airspan products do not contain hazardous substances (as defined in UK
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1989 and the Dangerous
Substances Regulations 1990). At the end of any Airspan products life cycle, the
customer should consult with Airspan to ensure that the product is disposed of in
conformance with the relevant regulatory requirements.
Caution: Any modifications to this device not expressly authorized by the
manufacturer could void the users authority to operate this device.
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4.2 Verify Installation Requirements
4.2.1 Verify the Tools
Table 8 - MacroMAXe installation tools
Large Crosshead Screw driver Phillips # 3 or Pozidrive # 3
Small flat blade screwdriver
Medium flat blade screwdriver
13mm or 1/2 inch open ended spanner
10mm or 13/32 inch open ended spanner
Wire strippers
Wire cutters
Ring terminals crimp tool
RJ45 crimp tool
4.2.2 Verify the Parts and Kits
Table 9 - MacroMAXe installation parts and kits
MacroMAXe Base
Station parts
Consisting of
1 x MacroMAXe unit
Base station unit
3 x RJ45 Weatherproof
Connector Covers
Weatherproof connector covers for use with standard cat 5 RJ45
network connections.
1 x mains cable 14AWG
x2 (ordered separately)
30 meter lead with M17 3 pole plug
When distance from outdoor Power supply to Base Station is over 30 meters additional power cable
must be connected via a junction box (ordered separately) for total distance of up to 130 meters.
14AWG x2 (ordered separately) up to 40 meters
12AWG x6 (ordered separately) up to 100 meters
1 x Ethernet RJ45
environmental shroud
LTW IP68 or Amphenol environmental connector
1 x Sunshield fixing kit
(optional) (ordered
separately) including quad
antenna adaptor brackets
(x 2).
M8 x 20 Hex Cap screws - 12
M8 plain washers - 12
M8 spring washers 12
M8 Hex nuts - 4
M12 x 20 screws 4
M12 nuts 4
M12 flat washers 4
M12 spring washers - 4
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MacroMAXe Base
Station parts
Consisting of
Note: The Sunshield brackets are only applicable for antennas that utilize
Mechanical Electric Tilt (MET). i.e. Argus-SSPX310F.
Warning: A Sunshield is mandatory for temperatures of above 45°.
1 x MacroMAXe
installation mount kit
(ordered separately)
M8 x 20 Hex Cap screws 8
M8 Hex nuts - 4
M8 plain washers 8
M8 spring washers - 8
Pole Mount Bracket
Dia. 120-230 mm top &
bottom plus fixing
(ordered separately)
Accessories included
Pole Mount Bracket
Dia. 60-120 mm top &
bottom plus fixing
(ordered separately)
Accessories included
1 x earth kit
1 x M5 screws
1 x M5 washers
1 x M5 spring washers
Alternative: SEMS screw (includes 2 washers)
1 x GPS antenna kit
(ordered separately)
1x GPS Antenna. An active GPS antenna which, by using the
appropriate mounting bracket, can be used with MacroMAXe for
network synchronization.
For mounting directly to the top of MacroMAXe, this GPS Antenna
should be used in conjunction with MacroMAXe GPS Antenna mounting
bracket w/Handle.
When mounting remotely from the base station units, this antenna
should be used in conjunction with the Remote GPS Antenna Mounting
Bracket & 5m or 16m GPS Cable RG58 TNC-TNC.
80cm or 16m Cable Assembly. 80cm or 16m RG58 cable. 16m
connects remote mounted GPS Antenna (GPS-ANT-1) to the
MacroMAXe via TNC connectors. 80cm, cable for mounting GPS
directly to the top of MacroMAXe.
GPS Lightning/Surge
protector (ordered
1x Lightning/Surge protector
AC/DC Power Supply (PS)
Indoor power converter for 700 MHz
Indoor power converter for 2.xGHz
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MacroMAXe Base
Station parts
Consisting of
Outdoor power converter for 3.xGHz
Type-IC DC Power Cable
Available either in - 10, 15 or 30 meter lengths.
ODC Twin Fiber Cable
(Multimode) (optional)
(ordered separately)
Available either in - 10, 15, 30, 50, 75 or 100 meter lengths.
Note: Maximum up to 500 meters as this is a
multimode interface.
Multimode fiber pigtail
cable (not included)
(optional) (ordered
Multimode fiber pigtail cable ODC - LC connector. Terminates the
outdoor fiber cable and provides an indoor LC connector. 2 meter
Grounding Cable
(required) (not included)
Circular earth braid, 120A current (16 mm²), jacketed or not with cable
size = AWG 4 6 with lug (terminal) on enclosure side with hole M6
The MacroMAXe power supply (PS) can be installed with various cable lengths according to the site
requirements. The cable lengths are determined by the length of the run between the PS and the
MacroMAXe. Use the following table to determine the required power supply output to ensure proper
operation of the MacroMAXe.
Table 10 - Input Power for MacroMAXe
MacroMAXe 2x10
(2.3-2.7 GHZ)
MacroMAXe 0707
(698-746 MHz)
MacroMAXe 3x05
(3.3-3.38 GHZ)
Input Voltage to MacroMAXe (1)
-38 VDC to -60 VDC
-38 VDC to -60 VDC
PS output Voltage 30 meter cable
-42 VDC min
-41 VDC min
PS output Voltage 75 meter cable
-50 VDC min
-46 VDC min
PS output Voltage 100 meter
cable (2)
-53 VDC min
-49 VDC min
Figure 4 - PS MacroMAXe
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Table 11 - MacroMAXe wall mount installation parts
Wall Plate
Top Hanger
Lower Hanger
GPS Antenna
Table 12 - MacroMAXe pole mount installation parts
Note: in addition to the Wall
mounting kit.
Top & Lower
Pole Strap
(x2) for 120 >
230 MM
Note: in addition to the Wall
mounting kit.
Pole bracket
for 60 > 120
Table 13 - MacroMAXe additional parts and kits
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Additional Common Accessories
(not provided by Airspan)
Spare RJ45 connectors
Cable ties
Ring terminal for earth strap. M5 / M6
Earth strap cable (4-6 mm) (yellow and green cable)
Weatherproof / Outdoor mains cable splice kit or
termination box.
Table 14 - Junction box (optional)
Optional Junction Box
Consisting of
1 x Junction box (ordered separately)
Junction box
1 x PG11 Weatherproof gland (connector),
included with junction box
Weatherproof connector
1 x PG16 Weatherproof gland (connector) ),
included with junction box
Weatherproof connector
1 x PG29 Weatherproof gland (connector) ),
included with junction box
Weatherproof connector
Additional power cable
14AWG x2 (ordered separately) up to 40
12AWG x6 (ordered separately) up to 100
2x mounting bracket(s) for pole and wall
Bracket (x2)
2x pole bands (stainless steel), as required,
60 80 mm (2 ¼”)
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Optional Junction Box
Consisting of
2x pole bands (stainless steel), as required,
80 100 mm (3 1/2”)
Mounting screws for mounting brackets to
junction box.
EJOT WN1412 K50 x 12 4 supplied.
Wall mounting fasteners
Hole size = 7 mm (not supplied - customer
Sufficient cable wires ties, as required
(not supplied - customer responsibility)
4.2.3 Verify Components
MacroMAXe is shown below from the Ethernet termination and RF port end views respectively.
Figure 5 MacroMAXe Base Station Unit, Ethernet termination
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Figure 6 MacroMAXe Base Station Unit, RF ports Physical Dimensions
MacroMAXe -4 BS is in an all outdoor enclosure.
Table 15 - MacroMAXe 3x05 physical dimensions
410 mm (16.14 inches)
The physical dimensions exclude handles and
350 mm (13.78 inches)
155 mm (6.10 inches)
Aprox. 17 kg (37.47 lbs.)
Table 16 - MacroMAXe 2x10-4 & 0707 physical dimensions
410 mm (16.14 inches)
The physical dimensions exclude handles and
350 mm (13.78 inches)
170 mm (6.69 inches)
Aprox. 17.6 kg (38.80 lbs.)
RF Ports for antenna connections are N-Type Female connectors located on the top of the
MacroMAXe enclosure. Adjacent to these are SMA connectors used for RF monitoring purposes
during installation / maintenance. For normal operation, these are covered with a weatherproof cap.
A 16m RG58 cable connects a remote mounted GPS antenna to the MacroMAXe or 80cm cable for
connection directly on the MacroMAXe by way of TNC connectors. Alternatively, an 80cm, cable
connects the GPS directly to the top of MacroMAXe. The cable assembly for the remote GPS antenna
is shown below.
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Figure 7 MacroMAXe Cable Assembly for GPS Antenna
Figure 8 - Lightning/Surge protector Junction Box (Optional)
The Junction box (optional) is an outdoor enclosure that measures 152 mm (6 in.) in height, 170 mm
(6.70 in.) in width and 95 mm (3.74 in.) in depth. The unit is shown below with the pole mounting
bands assembled. The Junction box is required when the distance from the outdoor Power supply to
Base Station is over 30 meters for total distance of up to 130 meters.
Note: If 48 volt DC can be verified and guaranteed the Junction box may not be
required. Contact customer support to determine.
Figure 9 - Junction box with pole assembly
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5 Install MacroMAXe
Install the MacroMAXe base station by pole mount, wall mount, or single point. The MacroMAXe can
be deployed as a remote radio head (RRH) connected to a pair of single (usually vertically polarized)
or single dual independently mounted antennas via standard RF coaxial cables. Antennas are
positioned with up to 10 wavelengths horizontal separation to give optimal Downlink and Uplink MIMO
5.1 Pole mount configuration
The following image shows the pole mount assembly.
Figure 10 Pole Mounted MacroMAXe Assembly
To mount the MacroMAXe in the pole mount configuration (for poles 120 > 230 mm), perform
the following steps:
1. Attach the two (2) PMK pole straps to the pole at the heights required to attach the
2. Fasten the mounting brackets to the pole straps; position the tabbed strap lower on the pole
with the tab facing down.
3. Lift the enclosure and place the screws through the head clearance holes and position the
unit so that the top mounting holes retain the unit.
Caution: These units weigh 17 kg 17.6 kg, take care when lifting.
4. Screw the bottom two the M8 screws and washers into the two standoff fittings at the bottom
of the MacroMAXe enclosure.
5. Attach Base Station and loosely tighten all screws.
6. Tighten all fixing screws.
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Figure 11 Pole Mounted MacroMAXe
To mount the MacroMAXe in the pole mount configuration (for poles 60 > 120 mm), perform
the following steps:
1. Attach the two (2) pole brackets (shown above in Table 6) to the pole (with the threaded holes
facing up) at the heights required to attach the MacroMAXe.
2. Tighten upper pole bracket and hand tighten (loosely) the lower pole bracket for later
Caution: These units weigh 17 kg 17.6 kg, take care when lifting.
3. Lift and align the MacroMAXe unit and place the screws through the head clearance holes
and position the unit so that the top mounting holes retain the unit and loosely tighten all
4. Tighten all fixing screws.
5.2 Wall mount configuration
The following image shows the wall mount assembly.
Figure 12 Wall Mounted MacroMAXe
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The following diagram depicts the Wall Plate Details.
Figure 13 Wall Mounted MacroMAXe Wall Plate Details
To mount the MacroMAXe in the wall mount configuration, perform the following steps:
1. Attach the Wall Plate to the wall at the height required to attach the MacroMAXe.
2. Fasten the Hangars to the rear side of the MacroMAXe enclosure, position the niched Hangar
so it is lower on the wall with the niche facing down.
3. Lift the enclosure and place the screws through the head clearance holes and position the
unit so that the top mounting holes retain the unit.
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Caution: This unit weighs 17 kg 17.6 kg, take care when lifting.
4. Screw the bottom two screws and washers into the two standoff fittings at the bottom of the
MacroMAXe enclosure.
5. Tighten all fixing screws.
5.3 Install MacroMAXe Antennas
Use this procedure to install a linear dual slant antenna for the MacroMAXe in the mast mount
Figure 14 MacroMAXe External Antenna Configuration
Note: Separate antenna distance according to RF planning.
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5.3.1 Install Dual Slant Antenna
Figure 15 - MacroMAXe Antenna Dual Slant Mast Mount Configuration
To mount the dual slant antenna for the MacroMAXe in the mast mount configuration, perform
the following steps:
1. Attach the Antenna brackets to the top and bottom of the radome.
2. Attach the tilt arm to the top bracket of the radome.
3. Fasten the ends of the adjustable pipe mounts to the top and bottom brackets of the radome.
4. Lift the radome and place the screws through the adjustable pipe mounts and position the
radome so that the top mounting holes retain the unit.
5. Screw the bottom two screws and washers into the two standoff fittings at the bottom of the
radome assembly.
6. Tighten all fixing screws.
7. Attach, connect and secure antenna RF cable between the antenna and the appropriate
MacroMAXe Antenna RF connection on the top of the unit.
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5.3.2 Install Quad Slant Antenna
Figure 16 MacroMAXe Antenna Quad Slant Mast Mount Configuration
To mount the Quad slant antenna for the MacroMAXe in the mast mount configuration,
perform the following steps:
1. Attach the Antenna brackets to the top and bottom of the radome.
2. Attach to the top bracket of the radome.
3. Fasten the ends of the adjustable pipe mounts to the top and bottom brackets of the radome.
4. Lift the radome and place the screws through the adjustable pipe mounts and position the
radome so that the top mounting holes retain the unit.
5. Screw the bottom two screws and washers into the two standoff fittings at the bottom of the
radome assembly.
6. Tighten all fixing screws.
7. Attach, connect and secure antenna RF cable between the antenna and the appropriate
MacroMAXe Antenna RF connection on the top of the unit.
5.3.3 Antenna Mounting Clamps for Dual and Quad Slant Antennae
The following are some adjustable antenna mounting clamp options for both Dual and Quad Slant
antenna scenarios.
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Figure 17 - Adjustable Mounting Kit, with Snaplock Stainless Steel Bands
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Figure 18 - Adjustable Mounting Kit, with ‘V’ Blocks
5.4 Optional Mounting Antenna on MacroMAXe
Either Antenna shown can be mounted on the MacroMAXe unit or mast mounted.
Note: The sunshield kit is required for this type of assembly. Contact your
supplier to order.
5.4.1 Variable Tilt Antenna
There is a Variable Tilt Antenna available for mounting on the MacroMAXe. The antenna maybe
connected directly to the MacroMAXe with no need for physical tilting of the antenna.The Manual
Electric Tilt (MET) antenna has a rotating nut that adjusts a threaded rod which moves in and out
while displaying a tilt scale, as shown below.
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Figure 19 - Variable tilt antenna
Figure 20 - Antenna mounted on MacroMAXe
5.5 Antenna Connection
Caution: Antennas 1 & 2 Tx/Rx must be connected and attached before
MacroMAXe is powered on.
Caution: Power down MacroMAXe prior to disconnecting antenna.
The following describes the antenna connection:
Note: Some antennas are labeled 1, 2, 3, 4 and some are labeled „+‟, „–„, „+‟, „–„.
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Caution: 1 & 2 Tx/Rx must be „+‟ & „–or „–„ & „+‟ and the same for 3 & 4.
Table 17 - Antenna connection
MacroMAXe port
Port Label
Antenna port
1 or „+‟
2 or „–‟
3 or „+‟
4 or „–‟
5.6 GPS Antenna Assembly
To mount the GPS antenna directly on the MacroMAXe:
1. Route the RG58 cable through the flat washer and the 2 nuts (supplied).
2. Position the RG58 cable below the mounting hole on the GPS antenna mounting bracket, as
shown below:
Figure 21 - GPS cable assembly prior to mounting
3. Hand-tighten the RG58 cable TNC (90°) connector to the mating connector on the GPS
Figure 22 - Attach GPS antenna to RG58 cable
4. Slide the flat washer up to the underside of the mounting bracket, then thread 1 nut onto the
GPS antenna threaded base and tightened.
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5. The second nut is then secured and tightened against the first nut to create a clamp load
against the first nut, as shown below:
Figure 23 - GPS antenna assembled on bracket
5.7 Install Junction Box (Optional)
Note: Contact Airspan customer-service to determine whether junction box
installation is required. Installation may be required, depending on the distance
between the external power-supply and the BS, as well as the minimum voltage
supplied by the power-supply.
The Junction box (optional) can be pole-mounted or wall-mounted.
Warning: Mount the junction box in an orientation such that the cable ports
(located on the bottom) face downwards. This prevents rain water from
settling on the ports, and thereby, avoiding damage.
Figure 24 - Junction box with mounting brackets assembled
For either mounting method, the mounting bracket provides mounting holes (displayed below):
Figure 25 - mounting bracket (2 required)
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5.7.1 Junction Box Installation
To install the junction box:
1. Prior to installation connect the 2 mounting brackets to the back of the junction box fastening
to the provided holes. The wall mounting hole orientation should be towards the outer edges
of the junction box.
2. Remove the junction box‟s cover, leaving the rubber gasket in place.
3. Prepare the cables for connection by performing the following:
a. Strip about 25.4 mm (1 inch) of the outer jacket of the cable to expose the wires.
b. Using a wire-stripping tool, expose about 6.3 mm (0.25 inch) of each of the wires by
stripping the wires‟ insulation.
4. Determine which cable entry holes are to be used and remove the appropriate plug.
Table 18 - Cable hole sizes
Cable Entry hole determination
Gland hole PG11 (M18) for cable terminating at MicroMAXe
Gland hole PG29 (M36) for cable 12AWG x6
Gland hole PG16 (M22) for cable 14AWG x2
Note: Save the rubber grommets from the plugs to be used on the weatherproof
glands (connectors).
5. Remove the nut on the weatherproof connector and slide the rubber grommet onto the
threaded shaft.
6. Set the weatherproof connector into the hole and from inside the box, thread the included nut
onto the shaft until tight.
7. Insert the exposed wires into the relevant screw-type terminal block (+ to + and to ) and
then secure them in place by tightening the screw of each terminal.
8. Fasten the Junction box onto the pole or wall as required within the required distance of the
MacroMAXe enclosure.
9. Perform the same procedure (steps 3-7) with the cable terminating in the in the MacroMAXe
10. Open the connector clamp collar and feed about 101.6 mm (4 inches) of cable from the
MacroMAXe through it and into the box. Tighten the collar around the cable, forcing the seal
to compress around the cable.
11. Replace the cover by using the four (4) screws, ensuring the gasket (for weatherproofing) is
firmly in place on the rim of the cover.
Note: It is important to provide strain relief and drip loop for the cables. Create a
drip loop and strain relief using cable tie, to tie cable to pole, as displayed in the
figure below:
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Figure 26 - MacroMAXe assembly with optional junction box
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6 Connect and Manage Cables
The Ethernet cable is connected to the MacroMAXe using a standard RJ45 connector protected by a
harsh environment protective casing.
Figure 27 Ethernet connector cable termination
6.1 Assemble Ethernet Connector
1. Pass the Cat 5 cable through the seal, front connector, body and tail nut of the environmental
connector casing as shown above.
2. Paste the front seal on the collar of the connector body.
3. Terminate the Ethernet cable with an RJ45 connector plug.
4. Seat the RJ45 connector plug securely into the body cavity.
5. Tighten the tail nut on to the body forcing the seal to compress around the cable.
Figure 28 Ethernet environmental connector assembly
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7 Set Power System
Hazardous voltage! Before working, ensure that the power is removed from the
power connection cables. When the system is powered on, do not touch the
power terminals.
7.1 Power Input - DC
Each unit is provided with a 3/10/30 meter 48 volt power cable terminated with a male connector at
one end and a female connector at the other.
Table 19 - DC Power input
Live (Hot)
Caution: It is important that the power connector is attached at the correct end
(see illustration below) or damage to the connector/equipment will result.
Figure 29 DC Power connector cable
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8 Appendix A
8.1 Review Job Sheet
The Job Sheet should include the following information:
BS location and identity.
Whether the system is required to be locked to a GPS timing reference.
A BSID is required for each BS TRx. This should be in a format xxxxxx:xxxxxx where x
is a decimal digit.
Network configuration information for the BS TRx.
Traffic Port: Not applicable.
IP Address: Should only be set if Management IP Mode is set to Static IP Address. See
below for Management IP Mode parameter.
Netmask: Should only be set if Management IP Mode is set to Static IP Address. See below
for Management IP Mode parameter.
Default Gateway: Should only be set if Management IP Mode is set to Static IP Address.
See below for Management IP Mode parameter.
Management VLAN: Specified as either Untagged or Tagged
Management VLAN Tag: Should only be set if Management VLAN is set to Tagged
Management IP Mode: Specified as Static IP Address or Obtain IP Address via DHCP
Ethernet Mode: Specified as Auto-negotiate or Fixed
Ethernet Rate: Need only be configured if Ethernet Mode is set to Fixed, specified as 10M or
Ethernet Duplex: Need only be configured if Ethernet Mode is set to Fixed, specified as Full
or Half.
SNMP configuration information. This will allow events from the BS to arrive at the
specified Netspan server. This will include the following information:
Read Only Community: This should be specified to the same value as in Netspan Discovery
Parameters (found under Server on Netspan left hand panel).
Read Write Community: This should be specified to the same value as in Netspan
Discovery Parameters (found under "Server" on Netspan left hand panel).
SNMP Port Number: This should be specified to the same value as in Netspan Discovery
Parameters (found under "Server" on Netspan left hand panel).
IP Address: This specifies Netspan IP address (found under Server Global Configuration,
which is under Server on Netspan left hand panel).
Community: Normally specified to the same value as for Read Only Community.
Port Number: Normally specified to a value of 9023.
NTP configuration. This specifies a list of NTP servers.
8.2 Securing Fiber-optic Cable
The Milli-Tie can be used to secure cables in the same manner as normally used for nylon straps.
The steps below show the basic use of the product.
Caution: Over-tightening of cable ties may causes damage and degrade system
To secure fiber-optic cables, perform the following steps:
1. Place the Millie-Tie around the target, and thread the tongue through the last large aperture in
the rearmost cell.
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Figure 30 - Secure fiber-optic cable, place tie
2. Pull or slide the Millie-Tie onto the target. Note that the Millie Tie stretches to cushion the
Figure 31 Secure fiber-optic cable, pull tie
3. Release the tension when snug, then cut and remove any excess strip. Always cut through
the square sections, not the wider cells.
Figure 32 Secure fiber-optic cable, snug tie
Note: Millie-Tie is efficient, and simply gets a little shorter after each use. The
remaining strip can be kept and reused.
Figure 33 Secure fiber-optic cable, cut excess tie
6. Repeat these steps for each use.
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Figure 34 Secure fiber-optic cable, use excess tie
Figure 35 Secure fiber-optic cable, re-use excess tie
8.3 Connecting the Fiber-optic Cable
To secure fiber-optic cable to the MacroMAXe, perform the following steps:
1. Remove the dust cover from end of a panel connector:
Figure 36 - fiber-optic connector with dust cover
Figure 37 dust cover removed
7. Remove the protective cover from the fiber-optical cable.
8. Align the fiber-optical cable connector and line up the groove on the cable connector with the
pin on the panel connector.
9. Screw the connecter cover nut until hand-tight.
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Figure 38 - Fiber-Optic Outdoor Connector Plug (multimode)
Figure 39 - screw hand-tight
Figure 40 - Fiber-optic cable connected
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9 Appendix C Glossary of Terms
Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
Advanced Antenna System
Application Function
Automatic Repeat reQuest
Access Service Network
ASN Gateway
Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture
Base Station
Broadband Wireless Access
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
Customer Premises Equipment
Channel Quality Indicator
Connectivity Service Network
Digital Surface Model
Digital Terrain Model
Extensible Authentication Protocol
Foreign Agent
Fast Base Station Switching
Graphical User Interface
Home Agent
Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest
IP Multimedia Subsystem
Internet Protocol
IP security
Location Register
Media Access Control
Macro Diversity Handover
Multiple Input Multiple Output
Mobile IP
Maximal Ratio Combining
Mobile Station
Network Access Provider
Network Access Server
Non Line of Sight
Network Service Provider
Network Working Group
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Open Base Station Standard Initiative
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (Multiple Access)
Paging Agent
Proxy AAA
Paging Controller
Policy Function
PHYsical Layer
Proxy MIP
Point-to-Point Protocol
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
Radio Resource Agent
Radio Resource Controller
Radio Resource Management
Smart Antenna System
Software Defined Radio
Service Flow Authorization
Service Flow Management
Subscriber Identity Module
Session Initiation Protocol
Scalable Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (Multiple Access)
Space Time Coding
Time Division Duplex
Voice over IP
ITU-T standard for PKI digital certificates
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10 Appendix D Installation Checklist
The Checklist below gives the high-level steps in the Workflow for this procedure. Detach or print this
page to use as a job-aid for completing the actions this procedure requires.
Table 20 - Checklist for Procedure
1. Verify Prerequisites
Verify safety
Verify installation
All requirements are in
place for a successful
commissioning of
2. Install MacroMAXe
Pole mount configuration
Wall mount configuration
Install MacroMAXe
3. Connect and manage
Assemble Ethernet
connector or
Disassemble Ethernet
connector, then
Assemble LTW Ethernet
4. Set power system
Power input
Power output
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11 Appendix E
11.1 Revision History
Draft 1
D. Cann
Initial document
Draft B
M. Falik
Additional content &
template changes
Rev A
M. Falik
Additional content
Rev B
M. Falik
Corrected Graphics +
Additional content
Rev C
M. Falik
Added Junction box
Rev D
M. Falik
Additional content
Rev E
M. Falik
Frequency ranges and
latest support
Rev E1
M. Falik
Added antenna
Rev E2 + 3
M. Falik
Antenna connection
table correction
Rev F, F1 & F3
M. Falik
Added 2x10-4, 0707
variants - PS cable
lengths MAX output
11.2 31BContact Information
Customer Service Help-Desk for customer service emergency
Airspan Networks have introduced the Airspan Tracker application to enable prompt and efficient
Customer Support services.
If you do not have an Airspan Tracker account, please obtain login credentials by filling-in the form in
the main page Register New Account
Worldwide Headquarters:
Airspan Networks Inc.
777, Yamato Road, Suite 310,
Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA
Tel: +1 561 893 8670
To provide feedback on this document, please send comments to the following email

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