Alcatel Canada 24T07A01D22D 7390 24 GHz Co-Pol RT User Manual

Alcatel Canada Inc 7390 24 GHz Co-Pol RT NT Manual pages 1 to 25

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NT Manual pages 76 to 100

76/ 114 Issue 01 - March 2001 - Draft 03 3CC12423AAAA TQ BJA 01784.5.2   G703 connector (120 ohm E1 and 100 ohm T1 standards)Figure 60 – Affectation of G703 access points at NT back4.6  Initiating servicesOnce RT and NT are installed and in operational status, service initiation requires a further step: theBase Station operator must activate the cross-connections (see User Manual 3CC 12424 Axxx BaseStation § Client Services and § 6.2 Implementation of client services of the present document).4.7  Filling in the installation sheetThe installation sheet (Appendix 1 – 7390 TS installation sheet) is initially issued by Radio Planning. Itcontains all the data needed by the installer for successful programming of the RT.The installer must complete this sheet by supplying the requested information, in particular the serialnumbers of the installed equipment, then submit it to the supervisor. The information in the sheetensures the traceability of the customer installation equipment, to facilitate subsequent interventions.The sheet should be signed by the client and the installer. It allows with the customer, the effectivecommissionings to be validated.The sheet consists of three parts:–7390 RT installation sheet,–7390 NT installation sheet–7390 RT/NT connections sheet.4.7.1   7390 RT installation sheetThis part contains all the information necessary for the configuration. The installer must have thisinformation to configure the radio part (see Configuration setting of the 7390RT parameters).For each parameter to be entered according to the Radio Planning, the installer must if appropriateindicate the real input value if this differs from the value on the sheet. He must also provide the followinginformation: site and operator co-ordinates.Pin 1: Rx_Ring Pin 5: Tx_TipPin 2: Rx_Tip Pin 6:  Not connected or equiment groundPin 3:  Not connected or equipment ground Pin 7: Not connectedPin 4:  Tx_Ring Pin 8: Not connected SHIELDED CABLES MANDATORYFront view soket
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Document ID157136
Application IDtaStWdlWicoQFVGz2yXEBg==
Document DescriptionNT Manual pages 76 to 100
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize132.02kB (1650204 bits)
Date Submitted2001-06-28 00:00:00
Date Available2001-08-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-27 12:10:14
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.05 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-27 12:10:51
Document TitleNT Manual pages 76 to 100
FCC ID Filing: F9R24T07A01D22D

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