Alco Electronics 4L92960 CB/Multiband Receiver User Manual 8
Alco Electronics Ltd CB/Multiband Receiver 8
FCC ID: A2HUL9296® —EI,I ,IfI — MULTIBAND RADIO RECEIVER OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK. DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE 4, 53mg PMs 1 smss 2 AG m FCC ID: A2H4L92950 WARNING RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN CAUTlON: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC sHOCKt DO NOT REMOVE COVER OF! SACK. N0 USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL The lrgmnrng flash wnh an arrowhead symeel, wlthln the enurlateral mangle ls lnXEfldEd IO alert the user ID the presence OI unlnsulated ‘cangerous vuIIage' wllhln the product‘s enclosure that may be ol sufllclent magmlude I0 consmu‘e an elecmc Shock (0 psrsuns, The exclamarlon polnt wlmln the equrlateral mangle ls Intended to alert the user to the presence at rmponant operaan and rnalntenanee lservrcrngl mstvuctlons ln the merature accompanylng the applranee TEMPERAYURE Keep your radre away frcm areas at excessive heat such as radlalors, cooklng appllancss. wtnuows Or trunks DI cars parked lfl bilgm sunllght lnr long pencds BATTERIES When the radle will not be used tor a substanhal length OHlmer remove the benerres ld averd damage that can result lrnm eorrosron M the cells ANTENNA Ee caleIul not (D bend the antenna untll lts length rs lully extended so that the swwel lornt ls vislble Ahel the antenna is Iully extended lt can then be rotated 360” lo glve the clearest suund DIRECTION FINDER The dlrectron lrnder rotates up K) 210’ Drlly. Do NOT lorce rotatron beyond Ihts angle, DO NOT carry the wt try thrs drreerron Imder. CAUTIONS INTERFERENCE Shortwave reception are sensrtlve lo lnlellsvence irom atmflspherlc condlllons and cenarn solar phenomena called 'sun spots" Fluorescent lrghtrng nxtures and televrsion sets may also allect receptlnn, It ls suggested that these latter sources at lnlerIerence Elmer be lumed 0" when using these bands or that the radlo be at least 12 to 25 teel away "om them. ln melaI frams or lelnIorCed concrete bulldmgs. the radre should be placed near a wrndow or used wlm an external an- tenna NOTE Alf Ilansmlssinn ls no! Continuous bmad- casts llke AM and FM Nothing will be heard untlI Ihe 59nder transmlls. : PANAE ms 2 time new FCC ID: A2HUL9296G m! 1 sis-AN} ms somwswfw-m— FUNCTIONS & CONTROL r & , W 15 g 9,5 Duectlon Finder Te!escop>c Antenna Tunmg Control Fme-tumng Carmel Rotary Band Sewecwr TuningEattery Indicamr AFC On/Ofl Swncn HadleALlNE IN Switch Power OmON Swwch _ _ 2&4 10. 11. 12 13 14; 15. 15. 11 17 Volume Control squelch Cannot Microphone mam Jack LINE IN Jack Earphone Jack AC/DC Swnch DC 12V Jack Banery/AC Cord Comps nmem 5/7/53 2 46 FM FCC ID: A2HNL92960 Ill— } l ‘ DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS I 1. Direction Finder Flolale lhls llrlder to lmpruve AM recepllon 2. Telescopic Antenna Extend thrs antenna lor better reeeotron 3. Tuning Control Turn tnrs canllol to select the desrred stanon or frequency usmg the dral marklngs as a leierence 4. Fine-tuning Control Turn the Flue-Tune control to lrnnrove recephon on Shortwave l lswtl and Shorlwave 2 (SW zl and to oorarn a more accurate irequency The hne tonmg teature ol lms radlo aoenes only to the sw bands 5, Rotary Band Selector The lunclrun ol the rotary band selectar rs as lollows AM Standard AM broadcast cand. used to recelve AM statrdns swr: Shonwave band I —-lD:céOMHz swz. Shortwave name 2 ~ 7 o to l? 0 MHz TVl: Audlo porllon cl televrsron broadcasls, channels 2 through 5. TV2’ Audlo pomon ol televrslcn bluadcasls, channels 7 through T3 FM FM broadcast band used to recerver FM statrons Alrcran Allcrall band used to lrsten to alrpon control towers and nearoy alrplanes PE. Public Servlce band used to Ilslen to Pollce. Fne Clvl! Delenoe Rall road Taxrs, nghway Twoks, Prwate Moblie Telephone etc CB: Frll 40 Channel Clllzens band receotron, we Conrlnuous 24»HR receonan ol u.5 Weather Bureau broadcasts. Gr Tuning/Baherylndicator The needle wlII move lrom rignt to lelt as slgrlal strength rncreases, The extreme lelt needle posltan lndlcates the best oossrole signal reoeptron ln all oands Battery conditron ls read when the radro Is not receivrng a srgnal Extreme rrght indlcales strong battenes Extreme lelt readlng lndlcales batterles are weak. 7. AFC Switch Set (his swrtcn to 'ON‘ to enjoy amt—tree FM Ilslenlng 8. Radio/P.AJLINE IN Switch Use this Switch lo choose Delween Hadlo and Pubilc address/Lme ln system or other auxlllary audlo eoulomenr 9. Power OnIOlf Switch Turn Power On or Oil with this swrtch 10. Volume Control Volume is controlled by rotatmg lhls Control lrcm the extreme lelt position tome extreme rlghl positron. Make your volume ad|us|mem5 slowly and gradually, .4. 257=AN7£ ms 4 err-ad z 45 m FCC ID: A2HUL9296¢ [ ; 11. Squelch Contro| "Brass sou as — myymurg senmu 3];ng scum; , maymumgflng 12. Microphone Jack Insen a microphone mot mcmdea) for Puma Address System. 13. Line In Jack Connect Ms yack m the Lme Out Jack 01 any auma equwpmemv Tms unit men becomes a menu amuhlrer 14. Earphone Jack When the germane rs msened me me earphonsjack, the speaker will be automah cafly cu( otf 15. AC/DC Switch Swmch belween AC and DC no match the power supply used AC . House Cunem DC > Bananas 12~VOK Ear adap'cY 16. DC 12V Jack Attach «ms 10 a can uga, hgmgv mm a car adapter when necessary; CAR ADAPTOR , Use only wzrvmt 1 Amp DC supply neganve ground. model no :DC-912 17. Battery/AC Curd Compartment Pm banenes fer DC operahcn and szcrags 0! the AC cord 257mm; ms 5 5/7/55 : as PM FCC ID: A2HNL92960} _@Jl III-T- | POWER SUPPLY I Ac Operation Beiare use. check that the rated vullage of me unll malches me local voltagee The AC/DC swltch (at the back cl me unrll controls me power supply. Be sure AC/ DC swilcn ls or me plopsr pusmcm , no lor household currenl‘ DC lor battery and |27V0lt euaplor currem AC/DC switch DC 12V Jack compartment Batteries compartment zv Bauery lnsrallelion lnserl loul D SIZE batterles ln the battery compartment. 59 sure mm the batterles are lnserlsd collectlv lo avald damage lo the wt Always remove mem when me unit le not be useo for along pence or me, as mrs wrll cause leakage and subsequenl damage to your set. The Tunmgrsanery rndlcalor wlll Show me namely slrengm when lne unxt ls lurneo on so ballenes can oe replaced ll necessary. 3l 12-Volt Car Adaplnr Operation: Connec: me adapml properly lo a worklng12»Vcllclgalllgh|er receplecle and firmly insen me adapmr corc plug lo me Dc 12V Jack located on me back olthe radlo caolnel, Be sure AC/DC 5mm» ls m at DC poslllon CAR ADAPTOR {Ootluflal eccessolyl: Use only 12—VOH, 1 Amp DC supply‘ negatlve ground. The Elgarel' llgnrer slug ls equrppea wrln aluse lo proleclme raulo To replacemls ruse unscrew me no or me plug. CAR ADAPTOR USE um oc lz VOLTv lAMP ADAPYOR EDRD 12 - VOLT CAR CIGAR LIGHTER 253m; PMS 9 5/7/95 2 4s m FCC ID: A2HHL9296® I??? In BASIC RAmo OPERATIONS I. Swnch the POWER 2 Swltcn to RADIO 10 "ON“ on POWER RADIO Nola: Select the correct we NW 5 (AC/DC) first or; P -\ 3 Sewecr a BAND 4, Tune to me desned statron mm _ _ Swimmnu Note: For snonwave band n ma receptmn ws not wear Enough CI! {he desired stations canna! be natamen. admit the FINE TUNE button TON E mums wx NOTE: 1. WhEn FM recepnon ls weak. set the AFC Swwtch to 'ON" to obtain a clearer sauna. 2, For AM recepuon me telescoplc antenna may not as essential, Howsven the direcnnn finder can be relate to lmprcve recepnon when necessary. 3. Be sure to iuny exiend me (ewescopm antenna and rotate (a a unecnon that gives me cwearesx sounn. When recelvmg strung or nearby sxauons u may be desuable to shone" (he antenna to prevent dwsrorted sound - 5mm 2 45 PM FCC ID: A2HHL9296® _I Ml}— f— MIC, LINE IN AND EAR Funcnous MICROPHONES (not included) LINE |N Function ThIs radio can aIso be used as a Pub“: This WI can be used as a menu Address System ampIIIier 1. SImpIy INSEH me mIchphone mm me 1. Connect anv audIo eqqumem to me MIcropI—Ione InnuI Jack on the (run! LINE IN Jack MIC LINE IN 1 Select me P A LINE IN Iuncnon NOTE: Power swnch must be a\ “ON" pcsmon PA 3. Ad|su1 the vqume to a dssrred level vowms FOH PRIVATE LISTENING 1. Insert an earphone plug into me EAR Jack 2. NI sound WI“ be dlveneo vIa the earphone and the speaker WI” (um DH automatl Daily 3. AGIUSI me vqume by usmg the vqume cannot CAUTION: When usmg earphone mm the vorume on mgn may namage your ears! 3, zsfmj PMS a FCC ID: A2HHL9296® ROTARY BAND SELECTOR To play the retina on a pamcular band relate lhe selector knob whlch ls located on the lrom 0! the case to one at the stx posttlans 14 AM and FM Listenlrlg When plavlng the radio on the AM band rt ts not necessary to e the TELESCOPlC ANTENNA since there is a burll—ln antenna lor receptton However radlos are senst tlve to ntrecttcn tnerelore recsptlon may be Improved by rotetw the otrectton llnoer (u dlfierenl posmons Fol FM listenmg. It may be necessary re 55 [he TELESCOPKC ANTENNA lor rnaxlmum perlbrrnance Be sure that the rector uned prectsely to the FM statloh cesrrea otherwtse a howllng or htsstng nbtse may clstcrt the sound, Put the AFC swnch to 'ON‘ posmon to enloy urtlt-lree FM llstefllng unsatlslactury receplton even tvlth the antenna raised may mean that me bazerles should be replaceo. 2. Aerand [AIR] The Aircratt band permits the conversatlons between air planes and cum")? towers lrl the nearby area to be heard Again. the TELESCOF’IC ANTENNA should be hilly extended. and :unrng should be done very slowly and earetutly re pick up these Slgnals, Slr‘rce alVCr‘a" lrahsmlssmns are not Commuous. there MN be ttmes when my signal is reaerveo on a glven treouency a. shortwave Bands (SW‘I, swzl To operate the radln on Shortwave (SW1 and SW?) bands extends and rotates the TELESCOPlC ANTENNA. and hmmg should be done very slowly and caretully lo plck up these signals. When tuning to various lrequenctes. rememcer that very small movement at the Tumng Control result in a relatrvely large lrecuency change. Move the control slowly and cautiously to [Jle up all Slgnals wrrnrn the range at your radio The best ttrne lor Ilslenlng lo shortwave oroadcasts IS durlng the evehlng ano night (“718 hours Folalgn statlons generally schedule their transmissions ln this period. Brnadcasls Iror'l Australla and the South Paclhc are ollerl best W the early momlng hours The quallly o1shonwaverecepnon Wlll vary accordan to the ason ol the year. prevatltng weather ennelttbns. changes tn the atmosphere, an e frequency to which you are ltstentng Fall and wlnrer are generally the best seasons lOV shortwave receptlon, especially tor European and Far East stations, while Australian and South Pacific statlons are strongest tn the sprlng. ln any case. tnlenerehce and intruswe nalse are to be expected wrth any shortwave reception The racro rs equtbped With a tone control to help eliminate these tntrustve noises, 4. Weather Band Operation The ablhly to pull m clear slgnals wtlt vary dependan upon yuur rocattbn in relahon to the broadcast locatlun These signals are somewhat llke (leVKSlon slgnals. in that when you are 40-50 miles truth the broadcast palm your Slgflal ts lessened ConSldEr ably (Especlally rl there are obstructions, llke mountains elc.l ,9. zs_wa~_e ms 5 FCC ID: A2H4L9296w -li]_ 54 citizen Band Your CB band Will allow ynu lo hear lull AO-Channel communicatians. The versatility of your new multi~band Will give you lull listening capabilities, including all the highway action. You Cart now be aware of traffic and mad conditions, you can hear what the truckers say and how they say it. and you can plan your lrtps to avoid trafttc tle~up5 and make your long road trips more enjuyable. CB recaplion tS on a limiteu range basis and some conditions that may limit range ol reception are as (allows a Electncai interlerence. Power lines and some vehicle Ignltlon system may cause temporary interference with reception. b Obstructions Natural terrain such as mcunlains‘ hills, trees or tall buildings. c Weather conctttons Humldlly and extreme temperatures a Atmosphen Candluflns Change ntay cause a broadcast to "Skin" CE transmissions ate not continuous and there are times when there will be no signal on the CB llecuenmes The lElESCODlC antenna Should be fully axlenced arid rotated lor nest ieceumn When used inside a vehicley the telescopic antenna Should be exposed to the outsrue No FCC license is required to operate the cs hano on your radio 6. Public Service unlike AM ano =M broadcasts. police transmissmn is not continuous and there are times when there is no Signal on a given lrequency These are tuncnonai broadcasts and are useo ohtv when necessary tor the exchange or tntormattonl A cenain amount at patience will say art In much listening en,oyment, The Public Service band will enable you I” near conversations between squad cars and heaoouaners as well as We lightlrig calls taxi truck and other private mobile transmissmn The telescopic antenna shouio oe lully extended. and turltng should be done very slowly and eareluiiv to pick up all the neis ahove 7. Television Channel Bands 243 TVl & TV2 permit you to hear the audio portion ol your tavourtte Tv favourite Tv news. daytime drama talk of game shows. channels 2-13, Simply extend the tel escoptc antenna and dial the show you wtsnv Both high—frequency police (HP) and shortwave reception are SerlSillve to tnterterence irom atmospheric conditions ano cerlairt solar phenomena catieo 'sun sports'. Fluorescent lighting fixtures and television sets may also allect reception It is suggested it‘al znese latter sources at tnterterence either be turned on when using these bands or that the radio be at least 12 to 25 leet away lrom them in metal trams or reinforced Concrete buildings the radio should be placed near a window, um. zsyanj m5 to 5/7 se : as m FCC ID: A2HML92960 W Ill-J— | TROUBLE SHOOTER I u no srgnars can be received on me radm, check the urn! by ranewrng me procedures deserrned berow |. w banery operaled, check me lollowing: AC/DC swltch set (0 “DC“ positron Baneries are sarrecuy msen‘ed. and rurry charged m.- u. u house current is belng used, check the renewing: 1 AC/DC sercn sex m “AC' posmon m u DC 12-vult adaptor operated. check me |ollowing: r Cigar ugmer aaapror cord rs pvopeHy connected to a workmg 12 van receptacre anc rrrmly msened m me Do xzv Jack located on me back 0! me “acre cabmsl 2 AC/DC swncn set to ‘DC“ posmon. W. u the procedure descrmea above have been checked and are correct, check me renewing; LPower swrlch set 10 'ON’ pcsmun, 2. Ream? A LINE IN swuch Se! no ‘Radio 3 VOLUME Se! to an audmle level. 4. SW 3. Au transmrssions are nut ccnstafll — set radro at desrrea sans wnh volume contrm nrgh and wan rur lransmvssmns posmon, v. u an me procedures have been checked and there rs sun no sgna.’ 1 Sena me um! to a quawred personnel for reparannn TECHNICAL DATA J Frequency Range: AM 535 » rsos kHz AM 3|0uvlm SW1~ SW? 3 Q » 12 5 MHZ SW‘. , SW2 190uV’m FMvTVW 55 - 108 MHZ PM ~ TV1 11pV TVZ 176 — 218 MHZ TVE 3DuV AIR-PE-WB 105 - i75 MHZ A‘R—DSJNE SOVV CB 26.94 ~ 27 45 MHZ CE lOuV Mains Power Suppryrzsov 500-41 Banery Power Supply: av. 4x1 5v (HPZ) Power Output: |w Power Consumptionfiw Dimensions: 369W) x 27301) x (321mmm Weigm: 2 Gkg {withoul eenerre51 5112960314” 41. 353m; PMs v1
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