Alvarion Technologies ESA-PC Wireless LAN User Manual 53393

Alvarion Ltd. Wireless LAN 53393


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Document ID53393
Application ID7scya3GqqT0eUJsyRsVKRg==
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize8.14kB (101727 bits)
Date Submitted1999-08-11 00:00:00
Date Available1998-08-25 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-31 18:59:24
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-31 18:59:27
Document Title53393.pdf
Document Author: jsoscia

FCC requirements 5 2.1033 (b)(3)
Installatlon Instructions furmshed to the user of the raw: transmimng device follow this
page and contain 4 pages:
Prujccl number: 12638
Page 4 of 17
Drivers and Applications
Quick lnstallntinn & Operation Guide
1. Introduction
l.t Patkage Contents
When you first upen the SA—PCR PRO.l 1, the
package contains the fulluwing
‘r SA-PCR PRO 11 PCMCIA card.
h SA-PCR PRO 11 Drivers and Applications.
Quick installation and Operation Guide,
)' Three diskettes:
1 Windows 95 Drivers
1 Installation and configuration
application Disk 1 an
3. installation and configuration
application Disk 2 hr:
1.2 Known thlems
1 Slight performance degradation w1th RX can be
detected in hmvy loaded traffic.
2. The mechanics are nut the final version It has
been noted in some circumstances ihar the outer
cover ni the PCMCIA minutely sepmtes from
each other, Tins has not caused any problems but
will be corrected in the final versmn.
2, General Information
Turn an the AP before installing the SA»PCR PRO 1 l
”more than Dl’lE Type II PCMCIA slot is available; it
IS preferable to use the top slot for the SA—PCR
PRO 1] card. so the antennas will not be in the way
lnscn the card and pullout the integrated antennas
li’prcvmus Wireless LAN drivers are installed in your
pc thcy should bi: removed before proceeding With the
new Installation Dn nni forget to restart your
notebook after removing previous drivers After
insrallaiion of drivers lS completed, verify proper
operation by using the LED‘s Sec section 5 for
explanation of the LED's The units can work Only
with AP-lO PROM (which hav: the 80211 software
version 4.1134 or later).
Please always note the version of driver files you are
using Tc set: the Version of.SYS or tVXD file. slink
on it with nghi button then Select
The current drivers are: BRZCOMVXD,
3. Installation tor Windows 95
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you have success to
the Win?!» CAB flies (installation CD)
1 While Windows 9515 fuming, insert the SA-PCR
P110,“ card min the PCMCIA slot
In Windows 95 detects the adapiar and dlsplays 1h:
dialog box "New Hardware Found".
3. Windows 95A then prompls to dclm the driver to
be installed
(continue to 3.1 Windows 95A)
4. Windows 9513 than displays the "Updalc Devlce
Driver Wizard" dlalug bnx.
(lump to 11 Windows 95 n)
3.) Windows 95A
1. Select "Driver from dlsk provided by hardware
manufacturer", and rlien cllck OK.
2. ln rhe "lnsnrll from disk " dialng box:
Type " insen diskene pmvidcd by
BreezeCOM. ilrerr click OK
The PC Copies ilre necessary files from the
3 The dlalog lm “Please lnsefl disk labeled
Windows 95 CD-ROM" appears men click OK [fit 15
OEM Windows rr can be found all the followlng pnlh
NOTE: lfn is lhefim time a network card is installed,
usual network selup dialog will be displayed
(Machine name. warlrgmup name, etc)
4 The installation is done. Irpmmpled to restan
Windows do so,
NOTE' Dejaull ESSID is ESSIDI In capital [errerr Be
sure that [he AP 15 set correctly or run the
canfigumrar to change the ESS ID in lhe
SA-PCR PRO II 4 See section a
3.2 Windows 95 B (05112)
1. lnscrl the disk provided by BreechOM.
2. Cllck "Next"
3. When (he dlalng box notifying flint Windows
found the driver " ErceuCOM Wireless LAN
Adapter", cllck "Flnlsh".
4 If I'll: BRZCOM VXD Is no! found a dialog bax
Wlll appear requesting the file. Direcl ll to lnok in
“A:\" agnn and \l will find n this rime.
5. Windows prompts you lo rnsen rlre Wlndows 95
lnsen ii and then click "OK“.
If verslon Conflict dialog box appears fellow in
s. "Copying files" dlalog box is displayed. ln the
field "Copy files from“ type "a:\". Ihen click “OK?
9. Cnnllnue with N0 3 cf'ff.‘ For Windows 95A"
3.3 Tronhleshnniing
lflhc card does noi functlcm properly, check Devree
Manager for confllcls wllh other devices and drivers,
I In (h: Network dlalcg box’ cllck [he Adapters tab
to verify the slams ofthe WLAN network An
exclamanofl mark next to lhe card indicates a
2. Look for device drivers or lines containing dcvice
or call commands in clthcr auloexecbm OI
configeys .
1 Disable the conflicting drivers and dcvlczs and
reinstall the card
In the evenl you have a Resource Confllcl do the
l. nghi click on the man "My Compnrer".
2. Charm Network adapter, and press Properties
3 Select Resources lab.
4 Edit the Memory Range and Interrupt in values
than do no! rails: confirms.
4. Un-installinn in Windows 95
1 Select Start=>CuntroI Panel=>Network, select the
WLAN adapter, and press lhe REMOVE button.
Z.To remove the driver delete the following files if
they exist:
- Delete "/awindows%\system\bi7‘.vxd
a Delete %Windows%\systcm\brz".sys
0 Delete %wmdows%\lNF\brz‘ vxd
5. LED Indlcators
The LED indicators are very useful for checking on
acuvi'thn the SA-PCR PRO.“
Colnr iri Slau- Meaning
Yellow Link sianis Blink Scanning
Yellow Link Slxlus Solid Authenticated .’
Green Dara Traffic Blink According It)
6. Installan the Installation and application
1. Insert diskette labeled “Installation and
Configumlion Application Disk] of 1" Select
Siart=>Run and type az‘seiup and press enter.
2. A screen With the text “BreezeCOM PCMCIA
Application ram)" will be displayed Press Next
3. When requested inseri diskette number 2 and press
4. When the dialog box notifying that the installation
is finished press Finish.
7. Running the Configuration Application.
1. Select Smn=>ngTanF>BreezeCOM PCMCIA
2 SelectAcces: Right: tab,
Select mode to installer, enter password “super"
and press button “Set Mode".
. Select WLAN Parameter—stab,
. Enler the E55 ld as defined in the AP.
. Perform reset by either restarting the computer or
stopping the PCMCIA card and then pull out and
rem-ism rire snrc mm i card.
Running the Site Survey Applicalion.
. Select Start:>ngTam:>BrvezzCOM PCMCIA
. The AP yau are associated with IS displayed in the
top section oftlte screen.
In the table below appears aii your neighboring
Pressing the Alias button opens a dialog Window
where you can enter aliases rnr your AP's instead
of trying to remember and identify them by there
MAC address.
The Survey Log button opens a table in the present
dialog screen‘ which contains all prevmusly
recorded AP’s with the relevant informalmn
. When you press on the Record button your
associated AP is recorded with their signal strength
min the Survey Log
. Before they are acruaiiy copied a dialog box is
opened enabling you in enter data into two free
lexl fields
Location ~ Where you performed the record
Remarks ~ Any free text of upto 32 ehxraclers,
Electronic Emisxion Natius
Thlfi dtvxoe nymphs; wllh pm 15 nflhc FCC rules
opmuon \s Subjccl lo the fulluwmg two condmons
1 nus devme may not cause harmful mlflfmncc
z Thls deme mus| mew any mlcrfcmnc: rzczWCd.
mmfmnce 1ha\ may (mused undeswed Upcmunn
FCC Rmm Fraquzllcy Inheritance Sulemmt.
Thls zqmpmem has been lcslcd and found m comply wnh
1h: Ivmm for a class A d|gnal dewcc, pursunnl m pm Is of
lh: FCC Rulcs These hmus are desvgncd ID prmfldt
remnable yrmccnon agamst harmful Imcrfcrence Wm. (hc
eumpmem .s npsmlcd m u cammrr131env1ronmzn! 11m
eqmpmenl gcnersles. uses. and can ram“: mam frequency
energy and, vfncl msnlled and used m accurdancz wnh lhc
instrucllon manual. may cause him-hm mlerfcrencc to man)
cummumeauons Opemlmn 0mm cqulpmem m u res|denunl
men \s I|kcly I0 cause harmful mlerferencc |n whlch casc Ihc
user WV” be reqmrcd m cancel th lmcrfcmncz; at hws own
Chang=s or mndificalionslo misunilnol expressly fippruved I») the pun) mp0"; lur
mmpuam mum vmd m nwr's nun-mu Io upum lln- equipment,
Revismn [3

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Create Date                     : 2001:05:31 18:59:24
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Author                          : jsoscia
Title                           : 53393.pdf
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Page Count                      : 5
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