Anker Innovations A3163 Soundcore Flare S+ Bluetooth Speaker User Manual II

Anker Innovations Limited Soundcore Flare S+ Bluetooth Speaker II


user manual II

© Anker Innovations Limited. All rights reserved. Soundcore
and the Soundcore logo are trademarks of Anker Innovations
Limited, registered in the United States and other countries.
Model: A3163 51005001253 V01
EN 01 02 EN
Important Safety Information
• Avoid dropping.
• Do not disassemble.
• Do not install near any heat sources.
• Do not place any sources of danger on this device (e.g. liquid filled objects, lit candles).
• Clean with a dry, so lint-free cloth. Do not use any corrosive cleaner or oil.
This product complies with the radio interference requirements of the European
This symbol means the product must not be discarded as household waste, and
should be delivered to an appropriate collection facility for recycling. Follow local
rules and never dispose of the product and rechargeable batteries with normal
household waste. Correct disposal of old products and rechargeable batteries helps
prevent negative consequences for the environment and human health.
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) This device
must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of
the device. This device complies with RSS-247 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the
condition that this device does not cause harmful interference. This Class B digital apparatus
complies with Canadian ICES-003 (Cet appareil numérique de la Classe B conforme à la norme
NMB-003 du Canada).
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)
l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout
brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le
FCC Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
(1) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. (2) Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver. (3) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that
to which the receiver is connected. (4) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
for help.
The following importer is the responsible party
Company Name: Fantasia Trading LLC
Address: 9155 Archibald Avenue, Suite 202, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, 91730, US
Telephone: +1 (909) 484 1530
04 DEEN 03
Wichtige Sicherheitsinformationen
• Nicht fallenlassen.
• Nicht zerlegen.
• Nicht in der Nähe von Wärmequellen installieren.
• Keine Gefahrenquellen auf dieses Gerät stellen (z.B. mit einer Flüssigkeit gefüllte Gegenstände,
brennende Kerzen, usw.).
• Mit einem trockenen, weichen, fusselfreien Tuch reinigen. Weder scharfe Reinigungsmittel,
noch Öl verwenden.
Dieses Produkt entspricht den EU-Bestimmungen zur Störfestigkeit.
Dieses Symbol bedeutet, dass das Produkt nicht als Hausmüll entsorgt werden
darf, sondern einer angemessenen Sammelstelle für das Recycling zugeführt
werden muss. Beachten Sie die örtlichen Bestimmungen und entsorgen Sie das
Produkt und die Akkus nicht im normalen Hausmüll. Durch die ordnungsgemäße
Entsorgung von Altprodukten und Akkus tragen Sie zur Vermeidung von Umwelt-
und Gesundheitsschäden bei.
* Weitere Verbraucherrechte
Für Kunden, die durch Verbraucherschutzgesetze oder -bestimmungen im Land des Kaufs bzw.
im Land ihres Wohnsitzes geschützt sind, verstehen sich die durch die eingeschränkte Garantie
von Soundcore gewährten Vorteile zusätzlich zu allen Rechten und Rechtsbehelfen unter den
einschlägigen Verbraucherschutzgesetze und -bestimmungen, einschließlich, jedoch nicht
beschränkt auf, diese zusätzlichen Rechte.
Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen und weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://www.
RF Warning Statement
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirements. The device can be used
in portable exposure conditions without restriction.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth
SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Anker Innovations Limited. is under license.
Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
* Additional Legal Rights for Consumers
For consumers, who are covered by consumer protection laws or regulations in their country
of purchase or, if dierent, their country of residence, the benefits conferred by Soundcore's
Limited Warranty are in addition to all rights and remedies conveyed by such consumer
protection laws and regulations, including but not limited to these additional rights.
For FAQs and more information, please visit
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Anker Innovations Limited declares that the product type A3163 is in compliance
with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the
following internet address:
Maximum output power: 4.0dBm
Frequency band: 2.4G band(2.4000GHz-2.4835GHz)
Anker Innovations Limited
Room 1318-19, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
06 FRES 05
Consignes importantes de sécurité
• Ne pas faire tomber.
• Ne pas démonter.
• Ne pas installer près d'une source de chaleur.
• Ne pas placer d'éléments dangereux sur cet appareil (par exemple, objets remplis de liquide
ou bougies allumées).
• Nettoyer à sec avec un chion doux non pelucheux. Ne pas utiliser de nettoyant corrosif ni
Ce produit est conforme aux exigences en matière d'interférences radio de la
Communauté européenne.
Ce symbole signifie que le produit ne doit pas être jeté avec les déchets ménagers,
mais doit être transmis à un établissement de collecte adapté pour permettre son
recyclage. Respecter les règles de votre collectivité et ne jamais jeter le produit et
les batteries rechargeables avec les déchets ménagers. La mise au rebut appropriée
des produits et des batteries rechargeables usagés contribue à réduire les
conséquences négatives pour l'environnement et la santé humaine.
* Droits supplémentaires du consommateur
Pour les consommateurs qui sont couverts par des lois ou règlements de protection des
consommateurs dans leur pays d'achat ou, s'il s'agit d'un autre pays, dans leur pays de résidence,
les avantages conférés par la garantie limitée de Soundcore s'ajoutent à tous les droits et recours
prévus par lesdits lois et règlements de protection des consommateurs, y compris mais sans pour
autant s'y limiter, les présents droits supplémentaires.
Pour plus d'informations et afin de consulter la FAQ, veuillez vous rendre à l'adresse: https://
Instrucciones de seguridad importantes
• Evite las caídas.
• No desmonte el producto.
• No instale la unidad cerca de fuentes de calor.
• No coloque ninguna fuente de peligro cerca del dispositivo (líquidos, velas encendidas, etc.).
• Límpielo con un trapo limpio, suave y sin pelusas. No utilice ningún aceite o limpiador
Este producto cumple los requisitos de interferencias radioeléctricas de la
Comunidad Europea.
Este símbolo indica que el producto no debe desecharse como residuo doméstico,
sino que debe depositarse en un lugar de recogida adecuado para su reciclaje. Siga
las normativas locales y no deseche nunca ni el producto ni las pilas recargables
con residuos domésticos normales. La correcta eliminación de los productos y
pilas recargables ayuda a evitar posibles consecuencias negativas para el medio
ambiente y la salud humana.
* Derechos legales adicionales para consumidores
Los consumidores están protegidos por las leyes o normativas de protección del consumidor
vigentes en el país de compra del producto o, si es diferente, en su país de residencia. A las
ventajas proporcionadas por la garantía limitada de Soundcore se suman los derechos y
recursos que otorgan dichas leyes y normativas de protección del consumidor, entre los que se
incluyen, sin limitación, estos derechos adicionales.
Para consultar las preguntas frecuentes u obtener más información, visite https://www.
08 PTIT 07
Informazioni importanti sulla sicurezza
• Non fare cadere il prodotto.
• Non smontare il prodotto.
• Non posizionare vicino a fonti di calore.
• Non posizionare eventuali fonti di pericolo sopra questo dispositivo (ad esempio, oggetti
contenenti liquido, candele accese).
• Pulire con un panno asciutto e morbido. Non usare detergenti corrosivi o olio.
Il prodotto rispetta i requisiti relativi alle perturbazioni radioelettriche della
Comunità Europea.
Questo simbolo indica che il prodotto non deve essere smaltito tra i rifiuti domestici
e deve essere consegnato presso un centro di raccolta per il riciclo. Seguire le
normative locali e non smaltire il prodotto e le batterie ricaricabili tra i rifiuti
domestici. Il corretto smaltimento dei prodotti usurati e delle batterie ricaricabili
scariche aiuterà a prevenire potenziali conseguenze negative sull'ambiente e sulla
salute umana.
* Diritti aggiuntivi del consumatore
Per i consumatori che beneficiano delle norme o dei regolamenti a tutela del consumatore
nella nazione di acquisto, ovvero, se dierente, nel Paese di residenza, i benefici conferiti dalle
garanzie limitate di Soundcore si considerano integrativi dei diritti e dei rimedi previsti da tali
leggi e regolamenti a tutela dei consumatori, inclusi senza alcuna limitazione.
Per consultare le domande frequenti e ottenere ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito Web https://
Instruções importantes de segurança
• Evite deixar cair.
• Não desmonte.
• Não instale próximo a fontes de calor.
• Não coloque fontes de perigo neste dispositivo (por exemplo, objetos com líquidos e velas
• Limpe com um pano seco, macio e sem fiapos. Não limpe com limpadores ou óleos corrosivos.
Este produto cumpre os requisitos da União Europeia relativos às interferências
Este símbolo indica que o produto não pode ser eliminado juntamente com os
resíduos domésticos, devendo ser depositado num centro de recolha adequado
para reciclagem. Respeite as regras locais e nunca elimine o produto e as pilhas
recarregáveis juntamente com os seus resíduos domésticos. A correta eliminação
de produtos antigos e pilhas recarregáveis ajuda a evitar consequências negativas
para o ambiente e para a saúde pública.
* Direitos adicionais dos consumidores
Para os consumidores que estão cobertos pela legislação de defesa do consumidor aplicável
no respetivo país de compra, ou país de residência, os benefícios da garantia limitada da
Soundcore são complementares aos direitos e vias de recurso previstos pela respetiva legislação
e regulamentos de defesa do consumidor aplicáveis, incluindo, mas não se limitando aos
presentes direitos adicionais.
Consulte as perguntas frequentes (FAQ) e obtenha mais informações em https://www.soundcore.
10 KOJP 09
• 過度な衝撃を与えないでください。
• 危険ですので分解しないでください。
• 熱源の近くに設置しないでください。
• 液体で満たされたものや火のついたろうそくなどは危険なため、本製品の上に置かない
• お手入れには乾いた柔らかいクロスを使用し、腐食防止剤や消毒用オイルは使用しない
* 消費者の法的権利
ていない国であっても、Soundcore’s Limited Warranty の下、消費者保護法によってこれ
중요한 안전 정보
• 󺩷󻪃󺯷󺹻󻺏󽴔󺺗󻞼󻞫󻫳 
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14 RU
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Важные инструкции по технике безопасности
• Избегайте падений.
• Не разбирайте устройство.
• Не ставьте устройство возле источников тепла.
• Не ставьте на устройство потенциально опасные предметы (к примеру, объекты с жидкостью
внутри или зажженные свечи).
• Выполняйте очистку сухой мягкой безворсовой тканью. Не используйте для очистки масло
или чистящие средства, вызывающие коррозию.
Это изделие соответствует требованиям по радиоинтерференции Европейского
Этот символ означает, что изделие нельзя утилизировать как бытовые отходы.
Его необходимо доставить в соответствующий пункт сбора для утилизации.
Действуйте в соответствии с местным законодательством и не выбрасывайте
изделие и аккумуляторные батареи вместе с обычными бытовыми отходами.
Правильная утилизация устаревших изделий и аккумуляторных батарей помогает
предотвратить негативные последствия для окружающей среды и здоровья
* Дополнительные юридические права потребителей
Для потребителей, защищенных законом или нормативными актами о правах потребителей в
стране приобретения изделия или в стране их пребывания (если они различаются), привилегии,
предоставленные Ограниченной гарантией Soundcore, действуют в дополнение ко всем правам
и средствам правовой защиты, предоставляемым подобными законами и нормативными актами
о защите прав потребителей, включая, помимо прочего, эти дополнительные права.
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16 HEAR 15
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