Aodelan Technology MINI Mini Wireless Flash Trigger Transmitter User Manual 1
Shenzhen Aodelan Technology Co., Ltd. Mini Wireless Flash Trigger Transmitter 1
Users Manual - 1 of 4
2’- 4’ H w 2015 5-15 w- \; a» u 5 D4 033 0001 VI rm Hagar w v: m I; m: mmoKmm Mini Wireless Flash Trigger fii’fiififiglpflifi Thank you for purchasing an Aodelan product: No": Betare usmg tneAedeIan Miniwiretesstrrggen ptease read tnrs msvumion manuat caretuny Mrnr wrretess tngger rs composed ettrahsmrtteranu receiver rerwrretess sneetrhg The receiver can he sunneetee tu flash thruugh hat shee or sync part so as to reahze aflacamera Manuat made flash firing Warnings: 1 When the wrretess tngger rndicates madequale banery powen please rem-ace the batterywtlh new ones to ensure praperwcrkmg. Remove the baltenes N the wiretess triggerwm name used toran extended pennd 2 Do not expose the product to mgh temperature, or use the preduct m not ptace such as dosed car In dtred sunnght 3 Mass keep the productury Du netteueh the predestwrtn wet hands, \mmerse H mm waternerexpese .tte ram‘ ertne predustwru getdamaged A Do not use tne wrretess mgger m flammable environments Vtalalmn cf tms warning may cause exp‘asmn nrfire nazare 5 WhHe usmg the producL please Keep tl away tram other 2 AGHZ praaucts Ic- avcm rntenerence FCC Interference Statement: This device compiies with pants otthe FCC Rules. Operation is suhiect to theioiiowtng two conditions (1 ) This device may not cause harmtui interterence, and (2)this device must accept any interterence received. inciuding interrerence that maycause undesired operation Fcc Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipmentcomphes wtth FCC RF radiation expuswe iimits setionh ior an uhcontroiied environment. This device and its antenna must not he co-iocated oroperating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and iound to compiy with the hmits for a ciass B digitai deVice. pursuantto Parl15 aithe FCC Ruies These hmits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmiui ihterterence in a residential instaiiatioh This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio trequency energy and, it not instaiieo and used in ancomanoe With the instructions may cause harmtui interterence to radio communications However. there is no guarantee that interierence wtii not occur in a PanicularinstaHation it‘this equipmentdoes cause harmrui interierence to radio or teievision reception. which can be determined hyturning the equipment ortand on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interterence by one or more or the ieiiovving measures iReanentarreiacate the receiving antenna ilncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver. 7Connectthe equipment into an outiet on a circuit diflerenttrom that to which the receiver is connected 7Consultthe dealeroran experienced radio/TVtechniciantorheip .2. Parts and Functions Trans er(See right) 1 Slaluslnalcalor 2 Teslaunon 3 Holshoe A Ballery Campaflmenl mm lam Receivensee nghl) Flash HotShce Mount Power Swncll Stems Indlcalor 3 5mm Oulpul Purl Cude Se|llrlg Hale Ballery Camparlmenl Cam Shoe/Tripad Lug 2 34 Back lwm mm, mum.” From my flelamsfl] wa>ulud To Use the Mini Wireless Trigger Installing the Batteries Installing the haneryfnnransmiller (1 piece olchozz battery) 1 Pull oul me ballery companmenl 2 Place the button baflery into the compartment accordlng to Its “ w poles 3 Push me campanmenl hack in the luck pasltlan Transmitter does net come With a power switch. Once the battery is property instatied, the transmitter wiit turn on eutomaticaiiy. The stalus tndtcalorth tight up once installing the batteries tor receiver (2 pieces atAAA eatteries) Beiere instaiiing the banery, set the power swttch to OFF 1 Press the battery compartment cover and slide it open ta detach the cover. 2 Insen the batteries and make sure the “w and hallery contacts are correctiy oriented 3 Replace the battery cover and push back into the tack position 4 Setthe pewer sWitch to ON The status indicator Witt tight up ence Attaching the Transmitter to Camera 1 Turn omhe camera 2 siide the transmitter 3“ the way into the camera's hot shoe mount 3 Turn on the camera Attaching Flashtothe Receiver t Tum cmhe tiash 2 Shae the flash ail the way into the receiver's hot shoe mount 3 Lock the hash With the tiash's locking mechanism Turn on the flash ana receiver Set the flash mode to Manuai. Attaching the Receiver to studiu Lights or Flashes by Cable 1 Turn ct't‘lhe tlash. 2 Connect a came to the receiver‘s 3 5mm output port. and connect the DpDDSIte end etthe cahie m a tiash er a studio strepe 3 set the flash er strobe te Manuai made Senirrg me man Code The rrequencywru be preset m praducimn Van can use me Ingger msrarmy To comm ore recewerwrm mumvle ‘ransmitlersr D‘ease Icucwme procedures 1 Remove the battery cumparlmem ceveror recewer 2.Use a neeere-hke omecr m press mic me code semng here on recewermmch wru cause the rnmcamr an recewer (a blmk connnuausly arm qmck‘y for 55 Press me test hultun an ‘ransm‘fler tn reset the cude When the code ‘5 successVtu set, me mdrcatorcn receiverwrubemcr1~2s Afler that me marcamr wiH ge an blmkmg quick‘y‘ mdmanng Ihanhe recewer remems m nude semng state You can cunllnue In set the code tn paw up th ulhertmnsmmers Note' A recerverm code semng state can memorrze up to 5 codes consecutive/y. When a recerver Ill cade Setting stale recerves (he first new code 1mm transnm‘ler, all the cades memorrzeubefore that Wm be deleted autamatlcaI/y A recerver can be controlled by up re 5 rrensmr‘rrers srmu/rerrecus/y. A rrensmr‘rrer can comer multiple recervers srmu/zerrecusly TestFlash Aflerseflmg the smart code‘ the hansmmerand recewerwm be m connecmm Pressmg les( burtorr arr metransmmerwm lviggermeflash anached m receiverm fire The slams marcamrs err me (ransmmer and recewer bclh bunk once Take «he Picture 1 When may are m acme or shoonng‘ me scams mmcamrs on me rrerrsmmer arm recewer wru earn blink cube 2 Al \aw power wammg stare (ballery vaHage 2 uv—z 3v)‘ me stems mmcamr on recewer wru bhnk er a ceflaln irequency 3 Ar \ow vokage (ba\(eryvaHage< 2 W), me mdinamrs on rrensmmerand recewerwrn mm em and me wrreress mggerwm nnlmncunn Prease reprace me ballenes wrm new ones ,5‘ Troubleshooting Guide Power doesn‘t mm on Trouble shooting 1 Reversed battery polartty Remstau the battery accurdmg iolhe palanly oi the bauety compartment 2 The battery mns outotpawer Replace the bauery 3 Powerswttch setto OFF Selthe power swttch to ON Flash doesn‘t fire/ In: Trouble shooling 1 Abnarmal connectton between trans rmtter and recewer Reset the codes (or (ransmmer amt recewer. 2 Transmmer/Recewerlow battery Replace the transmitter and reeewer's battenes 3 Wtreless radto merierence orlarge huttdmg Shutdown me mterterence source and relocate. 4 Slaw flash recycilng and low battery Repiace uasn's baflertes Specification Frequency 2 mm Transmlmng power AdEm Operaimg Voltage TX 2.2v~3 uvtt pc atCRzoazbattery) RX 2 1V-3 2V(2 pcs MAAA batlefles) Transmitter Current Standby Current SIDmA‘ Max Operatmg Currenisi 5mA Recetver Current standby Current SBUmA‘ Max Operattng Current saamA Tlansmtsslan utetance Apprux 80m (Open spacewtthcuttntenerence) Tx L35 o'wau 2'H15 7mm. RX L98 o'wst 3'H24 9mm Dtmenstun Wetght TX‘Bg‘ RX 55g (Excludtngthe battertes) Please note Praducrspecmeatrcn and externat destgn are sun/ect to change wtlhou! Iunhernauce Warranty Term t tn case at product mattuncttans, the Three Guarantees servtce ( tar retundmg, tree repatr, replacement) WIH be avatlable an sandman that customer prautdes uahd purchase Invutce and the Three Guarantees certmcate t the Three Guarantee certmcate shautd be ntted by customer m the purchase and sealed by the deatertcr .tta |ake ettectt 2 The mat" untt olprcduct comes wtth 51 year warranty from the date of purchase 3.For other terms atease reter ta detatts otthe Three Guarantees pottcy The Warranty Daes NoIApply ta: 1 Fatture ta praytde tnvolce‘ |he Three Guarantee cenmcate, and ether praetto prove that the product ts wtthtn warranty (We at the Three Guarantee seNtce 2 The math untt, Invmce orthe content atthe Three Guarantees cemncate ts .neanststentwttn the phystcal goods or has been attered 3 The mam untt and accessones had been subten to abnormat usage or mlsuse Atmarmat sttuattons tnctude but not hmited to tmaroper storage unauthgnzed demehtten er afleraham tmpmper .nstattattan and damages due to elements not caused by the product ttsett 4 Damage caused by mtsuses such as water or extemat tmce damage and etc. 5 Damage caused by trnproper usage mamtenance m transpcnatton m tatlure to tcltow the product‘s manual tnstructtons 5 Damage caused by lorce malsure suen as earthquake flocd‘ war and em 7 sllualldns lnal dd ndl cunlurm to me anee Guaranlees pullcy‘ or erner relevanl nallonal laws and vegulalinns. In ease ol preducl mallunelions, plus: handle by following the procedurli: I Lag lnwww addelan neland eenlaeleoELAN CusldmerSeryrce oenlerle cennrrn wnelnerrne preduer needs la be relurned lar repa-r The snlpplng cost la send backlhe pmduclwlll he el euslorners expense (AODELAN CuslomerServlce Garner‘s reply snall preyarls) 2 llydu nave problems concernlng lne produel usage, please subm websne, Technlcal advlsory servlce wlll be provlded 3 wnen lne preduel ls cenlrrmed lo requlre repalr‘ lne preducls should be preperly packaged and senl back rdAodelan company or aulncnzed servlce center (find lne mallmg address on Me websne) Delalled desenpuen ol lne lssue cuslcmer‘s neme, cenlael number and pdslal address sneuld he preyrded along wlm lne package nqulry on me The AODELAN Cuslomer Sen/lee Center reserves all me ngnls la explaln me above aner-salea warranly lerrns. Please pay allenlmn to me lalesrwebsne announcemenl Accessory List Transmmer we Recelyer 1P0 AAA Ballerles ZPCS CR 2032 Ballery 1P0 35mm|cSUmmAdapler 1P0 Sync Cable 1P0 Manual 1P0 QC Cenllcale 1P0 ‘Plcasc check me packauc eeedrdnd ld lne accnssnry llsl .3 . Mini Wireless Trigger Compatibility Chart Mini Wireless Trigger/Transmitier Comnaiibie Camuas Sony Canon Nikon Oiympus Minoila iso 1D in: Dsz, 02x E75, Ha|Shne HmShne msMami. sz5 DE Emu Mniiaiaisu 1DSMaYkiii ms, nsx ans Minimum mx‘ 94 aw “in "u“"m 1DMarkii DMJXV 1DMarkiii m‘ m m a7, iDMarkiV mm an ass um 1DMarkiiN m .157, .155, i175 55‘ was an «55‘ 5mm mm ' WU a77ii, SDMarkiii 390‘ am “230 uaouu an m m‘u “29" “W1 u99 iOD. mu “33° «1350, RM 300 00D mm uaao mu m m' was H450 (150i). 700 (Gui) D500 DE‘iD‘ asst) «1560, 300D 350‘) Dmu DTSD‘ am .1700 mm' mm Daao min, asst} (150i). 550D EDDD‘ D3000 NEXJK D3100 65m 7mm , moan “32°“ Hum ”33““ 12mm D5000 £0er Damn, EDSVMZ D5200 51X GB D5300 eiz, Kiss x2 moon KiSSXS mmo Mum Wireless Trigger/Receiver Sony Canan leon {)‘ympus ssuEx‘ 5591a mm. ssuExH, 539mm mean aqux‘ saeua‘ image 5324, cm, suaExrRT sazs, Flashes AaaExH, sazanx‘ AsaEx‘ sama azaEx‘ sasna 27aEx‘ 27aE>11» EWFEKF 225m: ( NEE ) 1.17%??5315 zflflififfifi 3 $5M mama 4.3 5mmfi§$§fl “965% . age 7.79WE%§€[§EEE§D lifii’ilfi 525%; Efiflfifififiifl I ificazaazam) 1 fifilfifififl zv‘fiEfififi "+/-" mfiflffiz’fiAfi‘mfiVfl 3.%¥mfi§@§flifig ’fififiéSiQEfilmfii. Qinmimaammm M .12. fiifiuififififim (Zia/«Awake ) Eififlmifi , Efifiiii’rilfiEOFFfii 1 ifdifiufiéfiififiaffij§ , #fifi%§§LlEE'FEftE§. mam “Mr“th/‘xAAAaitfl 3 mlfilfihflfi§¥fiifikififlémfi§ ”fififlfifiifiEON , Eta? dfirfldéfi isfifilfifi—‘ilfim «SEPMEM 2 fimaamwggimmmmmg afififim EEEWiI—fiwflfl' 1 39‘ @790 may ’flflfilfififiAifitlQESflfilE 33§W¥éflaflmflfififiwfififlifii§wfi 4 fififgflfififflwfifl , 1%Wi‘éflififi7fl?ifl (M ) git. filfiéfifiififilflflflfiwfifl naemmsekr 2.133 smrnIEJzfififiAfilfiSBflfilzfififli , fi’fikEWi‘éflffiifi. 3 FEgLBléfifflflfi‘éfl , 1§W¥6¥Ii9§7a¥ifl (M ) flit. 1m €WE§W$§E$FE§£§EE , EL1E§1EfiE. fin§§2¥afi§92§lfifld§fl ENEES , iéfiLl'FfiEiéfiefi’fi . 1.W‘F3§NSI§§EI1E§ zfiifllEWMfiAELfiéfiiflEfl ,fiwalEiWfi‘Efli‘RWifikfiEfifiSs)‘ nwaavsmgmmaesflazfim. $W§Ei§fifi§f§$fl “2% £33665 .‘3. :III —7A‘. 5m. ZEEWEE!EE tfifi ,fiwifififl . ngasig gmmmfiémw; . EgfififflgtfilfiifiiflfififlVEfiim. HIE kfimfiffififififl’ffifl‘ , fififlefififlfiflifisifififiIfiSflWW—‘h. 23§W§Sffififififlfl ( mama 0-2.3V) , fififififlufiifiiwfl. 3 (EEK (EfififléEQ 0V) Ed fi%§§im§flfl§§fi§fi§¥fifim§fl fiéfiwfi $11? . Eiifiiififiitfi. ummzwamme mmm "‘B’«J1§‘&$|& ammemaagmx B‘JWFEfiE ismiss fif’fififlfififlffxfiifififlgé‘ELSRS- 3mm; mm film: 1 Emmi mamawmkfigam 2 aiming»: EMMA 3 mafifltazomm fimaafixmiimmm mama: 32mm 1 mwfiiugmsizagai massiuwssififixm 2 mmx/waamamz Eminzfi/fiwfiw z xxag§¥maxm§m Xm¥fiiml§iflfii 4 wamwfiameimxfi ( Satan Efimmmm ~u~ flffi§fl IVE’fiEQ 2 4GHz may]: AdBm 3253?; :2 zv-a ov ( memoszam): IVEQE gm: :21v~3 2v ( ZfiAAAam) fififléfiaifi 1§m$fi £10uA , IVEEka-fi s15mA gwam «ma-m SSOmA ; Imgxfifi S 35M Ekfiéfi E§EFE¥WWEHFQSIH< @ILWR 353$ : L35 o‘wao 2'H15 7mm $4113 : L98 o'wm 3'H24 9mm ENE; fififiéfi : Sg ; §W§§ : 569 (113%!!!) 71 é’l.‘fix&9i§x‘ififl)fl4§fi’3§kfif flKSGM’fl. fififlfi : lé’lFaflam'flEflfiW , EF‘fiEs‘aBflmmfiiEb‘iEEfifl ( EEfiiEfiEEP mefifimfigfifi , gfiéfififififififitfl ) §§E€flfi%. Zffizimififi ag—smgww. 3.E4t§flii¥m§] 7 fifléflilflfl. .‘5. *flfiiflflfifi’ . «Ffifflflmfifi :fl%ifl , fifiéfifimfifliflfiiflfifiFfiEifilfifififlm. 2 $mfiflfi§fi£fl%iflifi§fififififiimxfi‘fimfifl. 3.Ffifmifl!fl1¢‘¥§éfiiift%‘fl€§i§fifi. iiii§f¢flfi¢fl$fl§f 31% 893363 , ifiififififléfififliflflm $ax_ Kfiéififlffi§itFEéK§l§Elifi fiififiififi. 4.33%P1ififiéiififiszfig , SID‘EW‘EA\ 5r71§3fi$ sffiFfififiiiflfifififi‘JEmififififii fiwfififiimféfiimfifi. SEIKfifitISflJfitEE~ IKfi‘ £36??? Efiififlfifi. 7 KEAEilfiééflimiifiééifliflififl’Efl. NSEFEDEB‘JFEEEME . fiufiflfilflTEfiflE : 1Eigfiéfifififié www aoda‘an net 5E€E§PEE§WDK§. 33% FfiEéfiEIEEEUQEEQEiflfiéfiM , §4¢Efiifi§§PEFn¥Wfi( LXWMQfiEEPEEi‘WIDEEmfi) . zflflfiffiigiueflfifzfizfifififlfi , éififlfififlififfifi , EEfiAfiWfiEEm fifligififlfia‘h aflflfiéfiifizfiaggififififi, E1E§§E$H§i£1gmfzfi , Ewififlfii’é Ffia’flfifiwfimfi ‘ I .A’Jfifi. Kfifiififlmflmwzifi , fiFflilfiifiifi @223EEEWE‘JEE%WWM§@WW£§{% , W§ifisflfi§éfflfiififl%. ‘KEEWWFBMU m; 1&6. ’ mart-uwmmfifigmwx 13%;?Wiééflfifi .15. Eifiwi £593: 1P0 EMS 1P0 AAAgim ZPCS cmuazmfig 1pc a,5mm$§e 0mm§§fl7§§£ 1pc raw 1% mama 1pc éfifiE 1 PC ‘ ifififfiflawflfififi’figflifiwfifi. .q. fiblfilffiglfifififigfi fiiflv’ckfifl WIS/fit!“ EB «£3: rm imam wwmw ammw m ms Dsz, 02x E75, H; mm «usmwu. sz5 DE emu fiifimuw «as Mavkm 535, max Err—ms WWW 10x .24 mm mm AMT-flail 1DMarkH DMJXV mmmm am an ass a7, ”WWW mm an ass, um 1DMarkHN m Q57 a65 H75 59‘ ms :17? (158‘ snmmu‘ mm ' 0100‘ anu, son/mm 390‘ “2” “230 uaouu an m ‘ sign "2% am .199 mu. m “2°“ mm "33“ ”5° RM 300 mu, ”3““ a man, mu m m was E mm mm 700 mi) nauo Dam 0550‘ a560 (Hum 350‘) D700 DTSD‘ a530, umo ' Daao mm, mm suan. am new moon “EX” 550D suun WW 6500‘ 7mm , WOOD‘ D3200 MUDD‘ D3300 1200B D5000 £0er Damn, EDSVMZ “520° 51x 55 0530“ m2, ms: x2 moon mssxz umo .m. #WfifiEWIi/mfll EE (2%: BE ¥MEWE ssuEx‘ some men. ssuExH, mm man aqux‘ sam ssaEx‘ 5324, is” SHOEXVRT SE25, 93:6” mm, sazanx‘ as asaEx‘ mm mg 53an 27OEX‘ mm snEx HVL-FSEAM mm same / wmssw aanx mm wmw / my” vaozw / mg WWW / wmsw / mmw .‘g. www.aode|an net
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