Apple A1197 Apple Bluetooth Mouse User Manual

Apple Inc. Apple Bluetooth Mouse Users Manual

Users Manual

Download: Apple A1197 Apple Bluetooth Mouse User Manual
Mirror Download []Apple A1197 Apple Bluetooth Mouse User Manual
Document ID685429
Application ID384QXM8wl5gwRZVB4h4y8A==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize93.96kB (1174559 bits)
Date Submitted2006-07-24 00:00:00
Date Available2006-07-24 00:00:00
Creation Date0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUsers Manual

User’s Guide
mm- mm
Apple Need-mm” confidennaw
Getting Started with Your 
Congratulations on purchasing the ! Use this
booklet to quickly set up and start usan your new
Your  mmnim lass (lacking and Blugwom'wrralss technnlngyin a
programmable mullibumm mom
To uszywr mom and taken," advantage of rtslmmrzs you nem:
- A aluuoom Enabled mums" mpuwv
- Mac os xvmb or law
‘ To insult me snnwm from m > am: on your Mat
- 1mm mum rm nmrechalguble lrmrum batteries are in dudad)
- A usa mom and keybolrumhith you'll use (0 sq up your us
More: Ifyuur mmpurev ism amalgam enabled, you can purchase an sauna!
Bluzmom use arr-pm from the my: smear norupplzmmr
Your  wells with my union nfMuOSX bul m mlmmlzeywl satinnsyw
need meos Xv10.4.6 and me lullvare from thelnslzlleu on yum
Mar. ll your Mac ll run ning m ealllelveulml mm as xyuu all St!" use me (M6)
m mulllbuaon scrolling mouse. mm will name tblflo uke awanugt ofnll of its
(mules. lnduumg:
- enable nl mum vatial and horizontal mung
~ set mllmg speed
. emu: me mummy bum“
' levels! In: funmuns Dim! Izflznfl "gm bums
- mgn nmedunclionm me mom (mime awn: allplay Dam board. open
Spotlight, lwllm appllmlms, am open appfial‘imls)
see “Cumming vour Mousefim page 9 for more iMofmmon about Keybolrd 4.
mm: pla‘elenm for «J»,
Setting Up Your Mouse
10 set up your mouse, mm“ me nudism smith: wit-mu (mm m:  Syslzm
Prefermtes no use Software Updue to upgrade (on-e rrmx recent version of was“
snfthl! Then uselhz (MfiSoflv/we CD> disqwhith was induced with ynur .m
insull andrzional what! on your Mac
lmpman: Th: mm”!!! on the  wim your mmpulqyw navero pair the mouse and
mpurzl. Pairing auomynur mouse and mmpum mmmmuniarewmr sch omer.
Von only hm m plirlhem mm.
| Sling (h! switch (M! (M81!!! [156 [alum I"! rmumm.
m laser user! byme  i; nuuide mevinblz spemmA mu green murmur
Iightonm! bottom om: mouse Hinls to let you know that the mums are
suffinenfiy cmrgeu mu m; mousg isruoy M pairing.
mama-m ligrurrm
rpm the muse Is an
Slide me wiuhdonm m
mm the mmse an
z ChoouAppl: (e) > Syn!“ Puma! came an mom a Mouse
3 Clitkme Blutmom an an Set up New Dem. and aimconnnue
a sum Mnuxefmm mg list And did Comm;
5 Folluwthe unmet" in munionun pair you! mwxeanfl rumpus,
Using Your Mouse
The duo» use; Ineruacking (echn Nagy so yvu can use it on mm surface
The <|vn> comes with m and fight humans: mo“ NILand a pair of side mum. 1a
use your (M6):
- uickmelen o! the right bumm.
- mum: yde bumms simulflneoufly.
- flick m mum: mo" mnv
amevme left or fight button an funmon zsme pvinury bmn. Use me pvimary
bulum to click, dnuNe—rlim and drag items Emer hunon an alsn tunuion ls me
secondary buuoansun: semadany human to display an item mancu: (comma!)
menu You can mign a funmon tome mi: mums wmm wurkmgemel an angle
button and in me mnll ball.whb:h an zlso function 15 a button.
LM: bitten ngl" bulwn
Scrdl ball (bmon)
Side hundn Slde hum-m
Customizing Your Mouse
uyau hm mcosx mm o: my installed on you: mam un mmmize your
 using me Mouse pan! anzybnard LMouu prams-m
j. a ,--,-.-..._.
w- .. ..~ 1-
v ChmeApple (t) > Gym mfmnm
2 an Keyoocru Evans;
3 cm Mme
use the pop—up menus on assign actions to each mm.m an set any armebumms
m zmvam Bcposemspuy Dashboard, open Spodigm, swimuppfimimwv open an
appliulinn.\‘uu an zlm gable nr dinbl: vau'nl ma hmimnlal sunning mo zdjust
me speeds hr 111 (king, mulling, and doubledicking,
More Information
For more infummim about unngyoul , open Mac Help and seems 1br‘,"
Renaming Your Mouse
Your computer gvvs your-nausea umque nan: mefim nme it is panama an
1mm: your mouse using xeybosm L Mons! wdunmchom Apple (c) > 9,313"
mieren eesand tlick Keyboard & Moumclidt me mum uh and Enter a mme In
(I1! rhmefiem.
For iniomunon about emunum‘rs. hulm. an a safety, vim the Apple ugnnomm
websure at wwwzpple mm/zbouxlergrm nmusl
Oeaning Your Mouse
Follomnese gu-ddmeswhefl clanmn the amide ofywrmouse:
' KEMOV! l"! Darlene; fmm [he amuse
- U1: 3 amp, son, lint—fie! mm m dun me exmriol oflhe mouseAvmd getting
moisture m myopenings.
- Dfm’tuse aerosol sprxyxsowents, Mabrzsives.
About Your Batteries
Vour Apple Mules; mule comes with two nonremamuble M llm ium bauerlee
You can alm use alkaline ur remargeableM names
Warnmg When you replarerlle batteries, repute man all atme um! rime Also.
Horn mix battery lyps. Dom open or punmrre ore mueneg marge mom, lnslau
mem momma, or expose them to firemiqh temperature, or water. keep buttelles
out aft": mm of mildmn
Battary Dlsaosal
Buyers: of bauerieurcovding to ywrloral erlvironmerwal lawsarru guiddines
Buttery Indicator
Use Keyboam Gr Mouse prlfumts no checker e battery ImeL choose
lople (a) > System Prelerenrerflick mum a Mouse and dick alueroom.
More to conserve battery power, mm your muuseoffwhen you are not using it lfyou
are not phnnin g to u}! your mouse tor an enemies period, remove the batteries.
For support and troubleshooting irrformnon, user summon boards am! the latest
Apple softmre download M10 to wwmppCetorrl/suppvrtl.
Engllm 11
Communications hwmion InformIion
TNsdcvhecomfihi-olh pm “were:
lulu Mum Lunhkcl n we mtg-w m
mun-w ("mm M m (use
hamlnl lumen-awn) mime/m mu
me;- my “grievance mu: Induarq
Mantegna m mymx mum
wen-um See Imlmfliom ”Influence m
ndoorlembn mun" sumac.
L’lullmlondece amm- mum
xulunuu m common sum-151111 m
m on want-me mum a mmulum
m mm" am é!!! um x macaw
wmmwmam m Musing
mama muiwummug is
minimum on Mr.
Inflow-«Mutual! Imrurmu
mewIWImmmmm mwnl
gem-Alex mum-Ame nmmqumy
M n: ism unsunmmuw
ma minsmmmwmmm
mmabm I map/mu- burn-u mu
TN; woman: m mm mm and foam: m
mnpywmm imsmacm sagul
can In 8:0me Mm Msned’nlhm In
Pm s 01 5c: mum spamminmm
mum: (a grown mug magnum
mm m lmnaere m mum
install-um mmmm k mama: nun
mammal m occur h x pammlu
You an men-m mmeryourmmvmu
symrn Is unsung lueflerelvx by mining in
on mac Manama no»; u mummy
um bylmmwmcmomonk
pmpmm m.
Wynmmlrmngr mm mu m
luau-mam nab orldevldon rempllcn, xry
locum (M Inklkrmb/nslnqofie ovum:
MM Inlmnq mums
- 11mm mmnnovudamnma mum
- rum-u mmmnnomemeuneom
Mme «mm M Mo.
4 MMIM mmuvnflmuvny mun mg
mm or nub.
- mam mmerlnmmmteum mm a
menu clam mm m lekvulm in mm.
mu 1; mm cammm cmnlenndlm
“mum of mom on was com-om a;
«mum mun mum ormx-fl
l Maryamun an Awe Amman
Servk: wmrovmgsee mew-(ix and
suppofl lmmmlbmlm mew'lbyonmwb
mm 0mm: u» mum nao/
ammo“ mmmummm summons
mpomm (rumor mam-bu n mu
aroma m-mmmd bywl: cnmunemm,
mauvomre WC mmxm xylem:
mummy mopeme (he umnmu pm
mined in: rcc Cambium: unsuccmbm
mu museum: In: 07le wflvhelal
an“ an: tau: smug ubiex and
common between yum comm“ n a
mum-«um: you useAwte Macadam
ms mama uhhnndmmveflm between
9mm" mmrmo mix: the Mb“, 0!
unshg hurkum 10 mm mam ms
and anus ekclrank m in m mam
Davie perished device: name paper
welded uh!“ m1 mums mam m
tantra-Amaze «seam non-lam
penpwuaevmesmxum mmbclnnru
use: (or Mum!
new only)
flank canon-u Inc
mam comp-hm
1 Inflme mp ms in
Cumin, ca 9mm“
le'uwltmheomdhn (mm my a
mama-mm wt! Mmfi'lflflfi u
an: lesmlonmxlnnmn man
msamom mm: equmnemonu
mam Nekkmmhgequlwm
ca wane" Mmerlquedehcmsvupeue
mm is mum an anurle
mum hmlkur mom-dz,
Emu/in (math-nu smmm
m: mam may mane aqua-new cl
tumwm Dumlve: 72123154: mine/Ea: and
alumnm Fume an murmur
TN: "indent dfih Mfluwlh I?!
swhbm EN m m m was...“ EN
mama-mm slop/Islam Mme mm
 0am mew-«mumm-
m mm “cm“ nrmmun
xmldahce mm (c 60854 A! 52
azurim Modmaflnn mmame may mu!
n mucus Malian name roryourm-y
m xmemlmmsmudomy DyanAwte
Mmonzed Sewn mwuu
brawn-less Snnmm
'61 40.1th n l all! M II’
Kan (Inc a sun-mm
Bi ml m“ “Mam
m m». ”c“.- w
nun-u: “ nanny“ o nun
strut-pm Wuzhn (mmannn
Inwa- wmzss Shannen:
I mm mm:
“mum“..- mun
nzwm- gum-Ann»
Val-m (us a sum-m
2- l mu.-
vm um Bsnumu:
- «loco mow-1:10”
1’- taunt-um l 20“!
mm zomiw was»!
nan vat.
“manna-u lfih.
Disposal and Recycling information
wnenms mam m mmmngena mu
mm m pane dkmsen" mmiwwyw
loulelwlmwnmflms and guldelhfiv
For War-mm mm prs lezyclhg
pngrungow wwwk convelwllolvneml
anon" mm
m1 Imsbwmgnmbmyownmmfl mould
mumkddmneylm Mum
mgwremm pmdua maths Luna um,
um mmmmnpnmwmb/ml
mmfimsomumam Doll-um
ruydlnqdyournnmd lmellm: Mum:
Ml MlD cm mmnl MMCMR
m n s mkdlnamlmwmem
human Mnlhandlh: mmmu.
nanny Dismal
DIM umummcqmywnm
emu-mun hm anuldeNngs
Minna-Genuine mum kuMen
worm momma; mmmuamm
sped“ MIGMMIMYW kkln mmh
mu (ha women owepomem
amt-v4; Du Germans: mm Due
mm Mm m an rfiunfllljk mm“
wanna“ mum barn mm ode! b=l den
Kan-munch Magnum mama Um
m-umnmmvsmgktn unease dc PM:
Muenmvommm mh eingm
kwmmum-gh-u‘hm unman-
way-quanta: ”mum...“-
mmm mummmummm
mumnrm mum mm mum in
~phcm|lnlmu m w...
www. appke.c’nm

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