Applied Wireless Identifications Group M32EA MODULE User Manual USERS MANUAL

Applied Wireless Identifications Group Inc. MODULE USERS MANUAL


MPR-1510 3.2x - 1 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARYSENTINEL-SENSE MPR-15103.2xInstallation & Operation Manual
MPR-1510 3.2x - 2 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARYCOPYRIGHT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe contents of this document are the property of Applied Wireless Identifications Group, Inc.(AWID) and are copyrighted. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, isstrictly prohibited. For additional copies of this document please contact:AWID18300 Sutter BlvdMorgan Hill, CA 95037www.sales-ast@AWID.comThe information contained herein has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate,no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. AWID reserves the right to make changeswithout prior notice. This document is not covered by any warranty either expressed orimplied. Any comments, corrections or additions to the contents of this document should bedirected to AWID at the above address.Copyright 2006 AWID, Printed in USA.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.FCC COMPLIANCEThis equipment has been tested and found to be in compliance with the limits for FCC Part 15,Class A digital device. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with instruction manual, may cause harmful interference with radiocommunications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmfulinterference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his ownexpense.The users are prohibited from making any change or modification to this product, anymodification to this product shall voids the users authority to operate under FCC Part 15Subpart A Section 15.21 regulations.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and, (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating inconjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.INDUSTRY C ANADA C OMPLIANCEOperation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation of the device.
MPR-1510 3.2x - 3 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARYThis device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below, and havinga maximum gain of 10 dBi. Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greaterthan 10 dB are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antennaimpedance is 50 ohms.1) Mti, model MT-263003/N; 10 dBi Linear polarization directional antenna(Patch)2) Snyder Antenna Systems, part # ANT-UHF-1x4-SMA; 2 dBi Dipole antenna(Dipole)3) AWID, model HYBRID 915MHz; 6 dBi Circular polarized antenna (Patch)4) Mti, model MT-262002/N/A; 8 dBi Linear polarization directional antenna(Patch)To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gainshould be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is notmore than that required for successful communication.C AUTION:Reader should be positioned so that personnel in the area for prolonged periods maysafely remain at least 23 cm (9 in) in an uncontrolled environment from the readers surface.Observe FCC OET Bulletin 56 Hazards of radio frequency and electromagnetic fields andBulletin 65 Human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields.
MPR-1510 3.2x - 4 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARY Table of Contents1INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................51.1 Special  Features ................................................................................................ 52SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................62.1 Channel Frequency Table..................................................................................62.2 Connector  Pin  Assignment.................................................................................62.3 Measuring Read Distance..................................................................................63INSTALLATION & OPERATION GUIDELINES .......................................................83.1 Site  Survey.........................................................................................................83.2 Preferred Reader Installation Practices .............................................................83.3 Mounting  Preference.......................................................................................... 83.4 General Wiring Requirements............................................................................83.5 Grounding ..........................................................................................................93.6 Wiring  Diagrams ................................................................................................94INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ..............................................................................104.1 Parts  List.......................................................................................................... 104.2 Preparation for Installation ...............................................................................104.2.1 Bench Top Verification..............................................................................104.2.2 Antenna  Pattern ........................................................................................105SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING AND SYSTEM OPERATION NOTES...................125.1 System  Operation ............................................................................................ 125.1.1 Running a Custom Software Application or the AWID Demo Program.....125.1.2 Operating  Modes ......................................................................................125.2 Users  Note....................................................................................................... 126MPR 3014 PROTOCOL..........................................................................................13NOTE:  READ AND USE THIS MANUAL.FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION GUIDE MAY RESULT IN POORPERFORMANCE OR EVEN CAUSE PERMANENT DAMAGE TO THE READER,THUS VOIDS THE PRODUCT WARRANTY.
MPR-1510 3.2x - 5 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARY1 INTRODUCTIONAWID's Sentinel-Sense MPR-1510 3.2x is a long-range (12 to 15 feet) Radio FrequencyIDentification (RFID) reader module with RS-232 I/O interface that works with mostleading passive UHF passive tags. This reader comes with a unique combination of longread range, small size, and low power consumption. The reader module has an internalpower converter, allowing it to work with a wide range of supply inputs without affectingits performance. Its primary applications are asset management and tracking, and fleetmanagement applications.The MPR-1510 3.2x reader modules are delivered with the following:qMPR-1510-RM 3.2x REV: E with firmware version 5.xxNIn order to operate an MPR-1510 3.2x you will need the following:qStandard antenna(s) each with 10dBi gain or lessqPC running Windows1 98 or higher, CD-ROM drive and one RS-232 serial port.qHost software (AWIDs demo software or your own custom software)qRFID Tags (EPC Class 0, 1, ISO Type B, etc)1.1  SPECIAL FEATURES·  Multi-Protocol: ISO-18000-6 Type A/B, EPC Class 12, Gen 1 & 2, EPC Class03,EPC V1.19 Rev.2·  Thin passive tags with long-range performance·  RS-232 outputs·1 Though MPR-1510 3.2x can also be controlled from a non-Windows programming platform, AWID demoand FW upgrade programs are applications to run in Windows.2 Both 64- and 96-bit3 Both 64- and 96-bit
MPR-1510 3.2x - 6 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARY2 SPECIFICATIONSInput voltage +7.0 VDC to +15 VDCInput current 1.0 A (7.0 V) to 0.40 A (15 V) typicalProtocol language ISO Type B, EPC Class 1 Gen 1 & 2, EPC Class 0,EPC V1.19 Rev.2Read range Depends on type & size of labels usedOutput power 0.383 Watt into 10 dBi antennaTransmit frequency 902-928 MHzReceiver frequency 902-928 MHz (Amplitude Modulated)Hopping channels 50 ChannelsChannel spacing 500 kHzHopping sequence Pseudo randomOperating temperature range  -30° C to +65° C (-22° F to 149° F)Output data formats RS-232 Version:I/O Connector DB-9 connectorDimension x6x0.252.1  CHANNEL FREQUENCY TABLEFrequency range: 902 ~ 928 MHzMinimum Number of frequency channels: 50CH 902~928 MHz CH 902~928 MHz CH 902~928 MHz CH 902~928 MHz CH 902~928 MHz0 902.75 MHz 10 907.75  MHz 20 912.75  MHz 30 917.75  MHz 40 922.75  MHz1 903.25 MHz 11 908.25  MHz 21 913.25  MHz 31 918.25  MHz 41 923.25  MHz2 903.75 MHz 12 908.75  MHz 22 913.75  MHz 32 918.75  MHz 42 923.75  MHz3 904.25 MHz 13 909.25  MHz 23 914.25  MHz 33 919.25  MHz 43 924.25  MHz4 904.75 MHz 14 909.75  MHz 24 914.75  MHz 34 919.75  MHz 44 924.75  MHz5 905.25 MHz 15 910.25  MHz 25 915.25  MHz 35 920.25  MHz 45 925.25  MHz6 905.75 MHz 16 910.75  MHz 26 915.75  MHz 36 920.75  MHz 46 925.75  MHz7 906.25 MHz 17 911.25  MHz 27 916.25  MHz 37 921.25  MHz 47 926.25  MHz8 906.75 MHz 18 911.75  MHz 28 916.75  MHz 38 921.75  MHz 48 926.75  MHz9 907.25 MHz 19 912.25  MHz 29 917.25  MHz 39 922.25  MHz 49 927.25  MHz2.2  CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTPin# Function   Pin# Function1  Data 1     6  Enable RFID2  Ext Data in    7  Ground3  RS232 Tx    8  +7V/+15V4  Data 0     9  Ground5  RS232 Rx    10 +7V/+15V2.3  MEASURING READ DISTANCE
MPR-1510 3.2x - 7 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARYMake sure you know the tag types. For certain readers and tags, user must also bemindful of the tags orientation and the readers antenna orientation, what mountingsurface the tags are designed for and how the tags are supposed to be mounted. Anydeparture from its intended purpose will drastically affect the readers ability to energizethe tag and its read range.When measuring the readers read range, make sure that the tag is properly oriented tothe reader antenna, and for optimum performance, be sure the operators finger is notwithin three (3) inches of the tags antenna surface.
MPR-1510 3.2x - 8 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARY3  INSTALLATION & OPERATION GUIDELINESFor ease of explanation, MPR reader in this section refers to an MPR-3014 readermodel, i.e., a unit that consists of MPR-1510 (3.2e) inside a splash proof, UVstabilized housing case and high performance circular polarized antenna(s).3.1  SITE SURVEYAlways conduct a site survey before starting installation. Avoid any possible sources ofinterference.  For best result, use a spectrum analyzer with a wideband antenna and setthe spectrum analyzer in Max Hold mode to gain measurement of the maximum signalstrength on the airwave. If the MPR reader is not installed properly, the performance willbe degraded.  Listed below are steps that should be followed during installation:·  Do not install the MPR reader in an area where sources of broadband noise mayexist. Avoid mounting the reader facing a cellular phone tower or in close proximityto the base station of a 900 MHz wireless telephone.·  Keep all of the MPR reader wiring a safe distance from all other wiring, including,but not limited to, AC power, computer data wiring, and telephone wiring, and wiringto electrical locking devices.·  Avoid operating the MPR reader in close proximity to other 900 MHz wirelesslocal area networking (WLAN) equipment. It should be noted that MPR-2010s (, etc.are known to work in electromagnetic crowded areas, such as trade shows.3.2  PREFERRED READER INSTALLATION PRACTICES·  Avoid mounting the MPR reader under direct sunlight.  Exposure to direct sunlightmay cause the reader to operate at a temperature above the 65 degrees Celsiusupper limit.·  Make sure that the supply voltage of the MPR reader is within specification·  Use cables with over-all shield (screen)·  For best results, avoid bundling data cable with AC power and computer cables·  Use the largest wire gauge where feasible·  Use dedicated power supply, where necessary·  Use Single Point Grounding, and avoid ground loops3.3  MOUNTING PREFERENCEAn MPR-3014 reader uses uni-directional antennas each with an antenna beam width ofabout 60-70 degrees.  The radiation pattern is an oval-shaped beam, which should beaimed toward where the transponders will pass.3.4  GENERAL WIRING REQUIREMENTSAll the MPR reader wiring should be continuously shielded.  AWID recommends using#24 AWG up to #22 AWG, longer distances and higher current consumption on the
MPR-1510 3.2x - 9 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARYpower supply line will require larger gauge wires. PG I/O output are standard accessindustry Wiegand drivers, which is capable of 500 feet driving distance.TABLE 3.4-1: Data Lines Wiring RequirementWIRE SIZE #22 AWG (0.6 mm Dia.) #24 AWG (0.5 mm Dia.)RS-232 50 ft (15 meters) 50 ft (15 meters)3.5 GROUNDINGGrounding is critical for proper operation of MPR-1510.  When installing the readers, it iscrucial to assure that the earth ground is the best ground available.  If you elect to usethe 120 VAC power ground, conduct a test by measuring its resistance relative to aknown good ground, such as a cold water pipe or structural steel that is in direct contactwith the ground. The resistance should be less than 50 ohms.3.6  WIRING DIAGRAMSSee section 2.1 for pin assignment for the RS-232 connector of an MPR-1510 3.2x.The MPR RS-232 interface is a short distance serial interface, a full command set forthe standard serial interface is not necessary, therefore only transmit, receive andground wires are used. Sense input is an enable input, which is traditionally used toactivate the RF energy of the reader and to start the read functions.
MPR-1510 3.2x - 10 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARY4  Installation ProcedureThis section provides installation and operation information for MPR readers.4.1  PARTS LISTVerify that all items listed below are present before starting the installation.o Sentinel-Sense MPR-1510 reader module 3.2x     Qty=1o Documentation and Demo Program CD      Qty=14.2  PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATIONFamiliarize yourself with the connectors and pin out assignment of each I/O connectors.4.2.1  Bench Top VerificationIt is always a good idea to verify system operation before committing to a full-scaleinstallation. The following are the necessary steps to test the readers operation in astatic environment.qConnect MPR reader module to the RS-232 port of a PCqConnect power (via the power jack from a wall plug power supply) to the MPRreader moduleqConnect Antenna(s)qPower up PCqInstall demo software on PCqActivate demo software and verify performance of the reader.qSelect COM port 1 on top page then click Connect. Follow with somecommands.qPlace the RFID tags at the exact same locations as the final configurationqMeasure tags read distance and confirm that read distance is correct.4.2.2  Antenna PatternMPR-1510 performs best with a circular polarized antenna to ensure reading tag withrandom orientation. Most circular polarized antenna has a horizontal to verticaldifferential of up to 3 dB, this will cause the antenna pattern to deviate from a true circle.AWIDs antenna used with MPR-3014 readers has a horizontal to vertical differential oftypically less than 0.5 dB, making its pattern as near to a circle as possible.·  Antenna pattern measurements represent both horizontal and vertical polarizedplanes of the read area transmitted by the reader.·  In the drawing below, R = approximately 12 feet to 15 feet with Alien free spacetags.·  Antenna pattern can be affected by RFI and other environmental conditions.
MPR-1510 3.2x - 11 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARY0.15 00.25 0.50.75R0Distance (R)Width(W)W (0.72R)Figure 3  Antenna Pattern
MPR-1510 3.2x - 12 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARY5  SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING AND SYSTEM OPERATION NOTES5.1  SYSTEM OPERATION5.1.1  Running a Custom Software Application or the AWID Demo ProgramIf AWID Demo Program is not used, it is expected user will launch a Custom SoftwareApplication developed using the MPR 3014 Protocol for issuing commands as specifiedto the reader.5.1.2  Operating ModesTypical operating modes for MPR readers can be grouped into the following modes:Search ModeThis mode is used when operator or user is not certain what family of tags are placed onthe items to be tracked. Since most tags are deterministic in nature, MPR reader mustcycle through each and every protocol, issue a protocol specific inquiry, to hail and towait for a response from tags of that specific protocol. Therefore, if there are manydifferent protocols, for an untrained observer, the reader response will appear sluggish.Mixed ModeThis mode assumes the user is aware of the types of protocol in use, and furthermore, theuser made a determined effort to operate the reader in a mixed protocol mode. In thismode, the user can decide how many and which specific protocols to be selected. OnceMix Protocol Mode is selected, the reader will routinely cycle through each protocol, dwelllong enough for the reader to wait for a response and then move on to the next protocol. Itshould be noted that in a mixed protocol mode, the tag must have sufficient time torespond to the reader, and therefore, it can only be used on a conveyor belt arrangement,with specific speed restrictions.Single Protocol ModeSingle protocol is the normal mode of operation, where the protocol type is known andmany tags are expected to pass through the readers.5.2  USERS NOTEFor System Integrators and/or Software DevelopersSystem Integrators and/or Software developers should get familiar with the MPR 3014Protocol specifications for developing applications that control MPR-1510 3.2x modules.For Custom System UsersFor custom system user, please refer to your host software user guide for informationregarding system and software operationsFor Demo Software Users
MPR-1510 3.2x - 13 - Doc# 041313AWID PROPRIETARYIf you are using the AWID RFID demonstration software application which is .NET basedwith easy-to-follow GUI operations, simply select the COM port for which the MPRreader module is configured then click Connect should get you started.6  MPR 3014 PROTOCOLSee MPR 3014 Protocol Manual - 041310

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