1 Set Up And Maintain A Freshwater Aquarium How To


: Aquarium How-To-Set-Up-And-Maintain-A-Freshwater-Aquarium How-to-set-up-and-maintain-a-freshwater-aquarium s

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Transporting & releasing
your fish
Water quality needs to be monitored all of the time, especially
during initial set-up and when stocking the tank. This helps to
reduce the chance of causing any damage to the animals
because of the build up of high ammonia (NH3) and nitrite
(NO2-) levels. It is also advisable to test for nitrate (NO3-), pH
and hardness. Don’t forget to monitor the temperature of the
aquarium too.
Regular partial water changes are required to remove excess
nitrate. This should be carried out as often as required.
Remember smaller fish tanks will require more regular
maintenance as the water is less stable than in larger
Filters need to be checked for clogging and waste build up. If
they require cleaning, NEVER rinse them under a tap as this
washes away the beneficial bacteria. If clogged, rinse the filter
media in some of the waste tank water during a routine water
Fish are easily stressed for instance by excessive lights,
vibrations, noise and movement. When transporting your fish
home try to reduce the stressors your fish are subjected to.
Your OATA retailer will usually sell you your fish in a plastic
bag. Try not to keep them in this too long. It is best that once
purchased, the fish should be taken home straight away to
avoid any changes in the chemistry and temperature of the
water in the bag.
Once home, your fish will need to acclimatise to their new
environment. It is best to switch off aquarium lights and float
the bag in the water of your tank for up to 30 minutes to
ensure the temperature in the bag is the same as the aquarium
water. Slowly add small volumes of aquarium water to the bag.
This allows the fish to acclimatise to any differences between
the retailer’s water and your own. This can take up to half an
hour. Once complete, slowly release the fish into the aquarium
adding as little of the shop water as possible and discard the
bag and excess water (Note: this process may take longer with
more specialised species like Discus). Ask your OATA retailer
for any more advice you need regarding the species you have
How to...
Set up & maintain
a freshwater
1 General maintenance
Before you buy make sure:
You have the appropriate equipment and position for the
You have researched all the species you are interested in
and your final choices are all compatible.
You are familiar with how to transport and release your
You are aware of the daily, weekly and monthly
maintenance your aquarium will need.
You are prepared to look after your fish properly for the
duration of their life.
© Copyright OATA Ltd 2010 May 2013
Never release your aquarium
animals or plants into the wild
Never release an animal or plant bought for a
home aquarium into the wild. It is illegal and for
most fish species this will lead to an untimely and
possibly lingering death because they are not
native to this country. Any animals or plants that
do survive might be harmful to the environment.
If in doubt contact
your OATA
retail member
for further
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download an
electronic copy
Maturing your tank
Adding your fish
Stocking levels
Positioning your tank
Setting up an aquarium can be an enjoyable and rewarding
hobby for adults and children alike. It has been shown that
watching fish in a healthy and well maintained aquarium can
reduce your stress levels.
But before purchasing an aquarium, you should consider all the
aspects raised in this leaflet to ensure the underwater
community which you choose to create is looked after properly,
and that the fish remain healthy.
As a general rule you should, within reason, buy an aquarium
as big as possible. Larger aquariums contain more water and it
easier to maintain a healthy environment in it for your fish.
Once all of the equipment is ready, the tank should be positioned
carefully so it is:
1. Out of direct sunlight and away from sources of heat.
2. On a perfectly flat level surface or stand which can
indefinitely support the weight of the tank when it is filled
with water.
For help choosing the type of tank that you would like to keep
ask your retailer. There are also a range of OATA care leaflets
covering the majority of species commercially available.
Before adding any fish, get some advice from your OATA
retailer about the species in which you are interested. As with
the rest of the animal kingdom, not all fish species will
peacefully cohabit. Different species may also prefer different
water types.
Patience is a virtue, add fish slowly. Overstocking or stocking
too quickly may cause ‘new tank syndrome’ when the filter is
not capable of coping with the increased waste load. Ammonia
and nitrite can quickly build up to unhealthy levels and often
fish will not survive.
Healthy fish have clear bright eyes, undamaged fins, intact
scales, no ulcerations or bumps, appropriate swimming and
steady breathing. Do not purchase a seemingly healthy fish if
sickly fish are present in the tank with it. Fish diseases can be
easily carried without showing any symptoms. If in doubt ask
your OATA retailer for advice.
It is not possible to say exactly how many fish your aquarium
can hold. The differences in size, species requirements, water
parameters and compatibility of fish available are vast. Ask your
OATA retailer for advice on stocking densities for your chosen
Aim to create as natural a set up as possible, for example
shoaling fish need to be kept in numbers. Remember that
decoration and plants take up space, however these are
recommended additions. Live plants help to remove nitrate,
and ornaments can provide less boisterous and reclusive fish
with a safe retreat.
The diet and feeding requirements vary between species. Some
feed at the surface, others will be found throughout the water,
while others will spend most time at the bottom of the tank.
Be sure to have suitable food to cater for all of your fishes
Do not expect to fill your tank with as many fish as your OATA
retailer. They are able to stock tanks more heavily than home
aquariums due to their management expertise and advanced
filtration systems.
Freshwater fish have little or no tolerance of ammonia (NH3) or
nitrites (NO2-) therefore the aquarium needs to be ‘matured’ before
being fully stocked. Maturing a tank involves growing a population
of nitrifying bacteria in the filter media. These bacteria are
responsible for quickly breaking down fish waste into ammonia,
nitrites (both of which are dangerous to fish) and then to much less
toxic nitrates.
Once the aquarium has been filled and the water has been
dechlorinated, switch on your equipment. It is advisable to leave
the aquarium for at day or two. This ensures that the temperature
is reached if it is a tropical set-up, as well as ensuring that the
equipment is working correctly.
Following this process there are two commonly used methods to
mature the aquarium’s filter. A commercially available bacterial
supplement can be added, following the manufacturer’s
instructions, or a small number of fish can be added to the
aquarium. Whichever method you use, the ammonia and nitrite
levels should initially successively rise and then fall while the nitrate
(the end product of filtration) levels will usually continue to rise.
It is important if you have added fish that the levels of these waste
products do NOT rise above the guidelines below. Regular partial
water changes will be required. You should use test kits regularly to
monitor any changes in water quality and take action as necessary.
Once these levels have dropped to a safe level (preferably zero)
permanently, the tank is mature and stocking can continue slowly.
Each time you add more fish or increase feeding, a ‘mini’
maturation process will take place. The time for maturation will
vary from aquarium to aquarium and therefore needs patience.
The equipment required depends upon the type of set up that is
chosen. Freshwater aquaria can be used to keep either
coldwater species e.g. goldfish which must be kept at room
temperature or tropical species which must be kept in heated
A generalised checklist for a freshwater aquarium should
include the following:
1. Glass or acrylic aquarium
2. Suitable stand (if appropriate)
3. Gravel
4. Filtration
5. Lighting
6. Secure lid
7. Siphon cleaning device (recommended)
8. Ornaments
9. Plants
10. Heater (tropical set-ups)
11. Water conditioner/dechlorinator
12. Thermometer
13. Water testing kits
14. Food
Coldwater/Tropical freshwater
Ammonia (NH3) 0.02mg/l
Nitrite (NO2-) 0.2mg/l

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