JBL Pond Fish Diseases


: Aquarium Jbl-Pond-Fish-Diseases JBL-Pond-Fish-Diseases s

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Objects (parasites) on the body
and fins
Ulcers, open wounds on the
Fins rot away
Bulging eyes
Bloated or emaciated body
Fungal infections on the skin
and fins
Frayed mouth, rot
Pond fish
Which type of problem do your
pond fish show signs of?
Objects (parasites) on the body and fins (Page 4 - 6)
Ulcers, open wounds on the body (Page 7 – 9)
Fins rot away (Page 6 – 7)
Bulging eyes (Page 9)
Bloated or emaciated body (Page 11 – 12)
Fungal infections on the skin and fins (Page 6)
Frayed mouth, rot (Page 6)
Page 7
Page 7
Page 8 Page 9Page 9
Ulcers, open wounds on the body
Frayed mouth,
rot Bulging eyes
Page 6 Page 9
Bloated or emaciated body
Page 11 Page 12 Page 12 Page 12
Page 7 Page 6
Fins rot away
Fungal infections on the skin
and fins
Page 6 Page 6
Page 5 Page 4 Page 5 Page 4
Page 6
Objects (parasites) on the body and fins
Pond fish diseases | Causes ∙ Diagnosis ∙ Treatment
Pond fish diseases | Causes ∙ Diagnosis ∙ Treatment
A: : Spot disease, scientific term: Ichthyoph-
thirius multifiliis, also known as white spot,
ichthyo or white spot disease.
This is a parasite from the ciliate group which can
be quickly and successfully eliminated with JBL
MedoPond. This parasite has a life-cycle which
includes several stages at which the parasite
cannot be eliminated. Successful elimination is
only possible in the free-swimming “swarming”
stage. Treatment must therefore be carried out
over a period of a week and
should be rounded off
with JBL AccliPond to
build up the damaged
mucous membrane of
the fish and provide
long-term protection.
Can be mistaken for:
- Spawning rash
B: Fish leech, Hirudinea, Piscicola geometra
The leeches, up to 5 cm long, attach themselves
to the skin of the fish, suck blood and subse-
quently cause bacterial or fungal infections.
Leeches cannot be combated with conventional
medication. Even prescription medicines do not
destroy leech eggs. Mechani-
cally removing the eggs with
tweezers is one possibility. The
water should then be treated
with JBL FuraPond against a
probable bacterial secondary
Alternatively the fish can be
bathed in a 2 to 3 % solution
of sodium chloride (cooking
salt) for a few minutes. This
will detach the leeches from
the fish. Follow-up treatment to
prevent a bacterial infection is
C: Lernaea, Anchor worm, Copepodes
Although this 20 mm long parasite is called a
“worm“ it belongs to the crustacea family. In the
young stages, this parasite can survive for about
5 days without a host. Treatment with
JBL ArguPond is fast and highly
effective. To follow up, the application
of an anti-bacterial medication such
as JBL FuraPond is recommended
to prevent bacterial infection of the
„wound“. Infection with Lernaea
crustacean weakens the host fish and
involves a danger of a fungal or bacterial infection.
D: Carp louse, Argulus
Argulus, the carp louse, can be easily identified
on the infected fish. The parasite can grow up to
one centimeter long with a flat, round body. The
carp louse is one of the approx. 70 species of fish
louse (Brachiura) which are parasitic. They tunnel
into the fish to suck blood. The puncture wound
can become inflamed and infected. Fish
which are heavily infected may become
emaciated. At night the fish can often be
observed leaping.
Vitamin supplements should be given in
autumn in order that the fish can store en-
ergy reserves for the winter. Fish never stop
eating – they just eat less in winter! When
selecting food, the fact that metabolism is
slower in the cold season should be taken
into account and special low-temperature
food such as JBL PondEnergil should be
Treatment: JBL ArguPond was specially de-
veloped to combat carp louse and lernaea. Bath-
ing in cooking salt or potassium permanganate
both have practically no effect. Carp louse may
also be removed from the fish using tweezers.
As a follow-up, the use of an anti-bacterial medi-
cation such as JBL FuraPond is recommended to
prevent any bacterial infection of the „wound“.
Spawning rash
Pond fish diseases | Causes ∙ Diagnosis ∙ Treatment
Pond fish diseases | Causes ∙ Diagnosis ∙ Treatment
Fungal infections:
Fungal infections are easily identified on fish
by the cotton wool-like growths. Fungal infec-
tions can be easily and successfully treated with
JBL MedoPond It is important that treatment is
started promptly, as the fungus releases toxic
metabolic substances into the organism of the
fish. This toxic contamination is actually the main
problem. The fish is able to regenerate, repairing
the destruction of the skin
and surrounding tissues in
the course of healing. Often
the visible fungal infection
is a secondary one. The
primary infection may be
of a bacterial nature, for example. So combina-
tion treatment is recommended: JBL FuraPond
against the primary bacterial infection, rounded
off with JBL AccliPond to build up the damaged
mucous membrane of the fish and provide long-
term protection.
Can be mistaken for:
- Mouth rot
combat the disease, it is not only necessary to
administer the correct remedy, but also to improve
the water values. The most important values
which need to be corrected are:
carbonate hardness (CH), pH
(pH level), ammonium (NH4) /
ammonia (NH3) and nitrite (NO2).
Information on these water
values and instructions on how to
improve them can be found in the
JBL Online Laboratory (www.
jbl.de )
Can be mistaken for:
- Fungal infection
Open sores, ulcers etc.
A: Bacterial infections
Internal and external bacterial infections can
show a wide range of symptoms which can be
combated very quickly and successfully with JBL
Fura-Pond. Often a whitish coating is visible on
the skin, or bloodshot patches or completely
different symptoms may occur. A clear diagnosis
can practically only be made with a microscope.
The initial assumption is often a parasitic infec-
tion, a suitable remedy such as JBL MedoPond
is selected and, if no improvement appears,
treatment is continued with JBL FuraPond
against bacterial infections, rounded off with
JBL AccliPond to build up the damaged mucous
membrane of the fish and provide long-term
B: Spring viraemia, SVC / Viraemia / Erythro-
These are virus infections of fish (particularly in
carp species, such as koi). The trigger is a virus
Mouth and fin rot:
These two infections can be identified by the
fraying, rotting away and later the complete loss
of the part of the body affected by this extremely
disfiguring disease. The disease can be quickly
halted by the application of JBL FuraPond and
the fish is able to fully regenerate the parts of
the body infected. In order to build up sufficient
energy reserves, we recommend giving the fish
JBL KoiVitol twice a week on the food.
Mouth and fin rot are caused by
problems in the quality of the
water, even if the pathogen is a
bacteria. The bacteria from the
aeromonas and pseudomonas
group which are responsible for
this infection increase dramatically
in the pond if the water quality
is poor. In order to permanently
Pond fish diseases | Causes ∙ Diagnosis ∙ Treatment
Pond fish diseases | Causes ∙ Diagnosis ∙ Treatment
called Rhabdovirus carpio (RNS virus). The disease
occurs mostly in spring in ponds with water tem-
peratures between 10 and 20 °C. The symptoms
are: bloodshot areas of skin (at the base of the
fins), apathetic behavior and distended abdo-
mens. Fish which survive the disease can remain
carriers of the illness for life, without displaying
any symptoms themselves. At present, direct
treatment with medication is not possible. It is
important that the conditions under which the fish
are kept are improved. Adding vitamins to the food
with JBL KoiVitol is very beneficial and treatment
should be rounded off with JBL AccliPond to
build up the damaged mucous membrane of the
fish and provide long-term protection.
Increasing the temperature of the water to 20 °C
is also reported to be of benefit (Dr. Sandra Lech-
leiter: Krankheiten der Koi, DATZ Aquarienbücher).
C: Ulcerous growths on the body, skin ulcers
Ulcers and open sores on the body of the fish are
triggered by bacteria which are always latent in
the water or in the body of the fish. Under suitable
conditions, these can explode in number, leading
to problems. An anti-bacterial remedy such as
JBL FuraPond is extremely effective against
the bacteria, but not against the cause. It is vital
that the causes are identified: water pollution,
fish stocking, planting, food and oxygen content
should all be checked.
In the garden pond these problems often occur
D: Koi herpes virus, KHV, Koi pox
Often occurs in summer, even amongst fish kept
under the best conditions, and is highly conta-
gious. It is caused by a virus which only multiplies
at temperatures above 10 and below 30°C and
which only affects koi. The fish exhibit serious
changes in their mucous membrane and die
within a few days. The gills show clear signs of
necrosis (whitening and decay). As a result, the
fish rise to the surface of the water and gasp for
“air”. Sunken eyes are often observed. There is no
effective method of treatment. Any surviving fish
remain carriers of the virus for the rest of their
lives and are therefore infectious.
Popeyes , Exopthalmus:
One or both of the eyes protrude unnaturally from
the head. The reasons for this clearly identifi-
able disease can be many. In most cases, the
disease is due to deterioration in the water
quality. Checking the pH, KH,
ammonium, nitrite and nitrate
is urgently recommended. It
has also been observed that
vitamin deficiency can lead to
protruding eyes. Please check whether the fish
are getting a varied diet and whether open cans of
food are used up within a maximum of 3 months.
Hardly any vitamins remain in a can of food 3
months after being opened. Vitamin supplements
should be added to the food with JBL KoiVitol.
If only one single fish is affected, it may be a
bacterial infection. In this case, prompt treat-
ment with JBL FuraPond is necessary to combat
the disease and prevent it spreading further.
Unfortunately it could also be an incurable fish
in spring. Increasing temperatures coupled with
increasing activity in the fish and a lack of energy
reserves often lead to an outbreak of the disease.
Help and prevention is very simple: as soon as
the fish start feeding again after the winter rest,
the correct low-temperature food should be given
(JBL Pond Energil). A weekly supplement of JBL
KoiVitol provides the fish
with the restorative vitamins
required to prevent an out-
break of the disease.
Pond fish diseases | Causes ∙ Diagnosis ∙ Treatment
Pond fish diseases | Causes ∙ Diagnosis ∙ Treatment
Poisoning, water problems:
A: Oxygen deficiency
Fish breathing heavily at the surface of the water
may be a sign of a lack of oxygen or symptoms
of poisoning. Many pond owners mistakenly
believe that the fish are gasping for air. This is not
correct. The fish are snapping at the thin layer
of water directly under the surface because this
layer has the highest oxygen
content. Using an oxygen test
(JBL O2-Test) you can quickly
and simply establish whether
there is an oxygen problem. In-
creased breathing activity can be
observed in most fish only when
the oxygen content drops below
4 mg/l. Help is relatively simple.
The oxygen level can be raised
within a few hours using an aerating pump and
airstones (JBL PondOxi-Set). The oxygen level
can also be raised
with the aid of the
water flowback
from the filter. As
a basic principle:
the stronger the
movement at the
surface of the
water, the more
oxygen can be
absorbed by the water. At the same time, the
warmer the water, the less oxygen that can be
Identifying why the oxygen level is so low is more
difficult. Dead organisms (fish, algae, plants) use
up large quantities of oxygen when they are bro-
ken down by bacteria. Measures to combat algae
often lead to rapidly decreasing oxygen levels,
which have to be counteracted.
B: Metal poisoning
As a basic principle, pond water is no place
for metal! Many metals release free metal ions
(charged particles) into the water which act as a
poison to invertebrates, fish and microorganisms.
The more acidic the water (pH-level below 7) the
higher the percentage of soluble metal ions in
the water. An extreme situation occurs with (acid)
rain, when the rainwater is collected from roofs
and is used: the low pH level of the rainwater
dissolves large amounts of copper ions from the
drainpipes, which often
contain copper, which can
then lead to symptoms of
copper poisoning.
Using a good water con-
ditioner (JBL CondiPond)
binds (chelates) the metal
ions. The water should be
changed when symptoms
of poisoning are observed.
Care should be taken with
mains water: lead, copper
or zinc (from the pipes) is
often to be found in mains
water. Therefore it
is important
to use a good
water conditioner when
changing the water. The use of
warm water boilers can also be a
problem if there is metal piping.
C: Nitrite poisoning
External symptoms are similar to those of oxygen
deficiency, with rapid breathing, vigorous gill
movements and hanging around at the surface
of the water. Rubbing is also a frequent symp-
tom! The reason is the toxicity of the nitrite (NO2)
(measured using a JBL Nitrite Test Set) which
leads to the fish suffocating internally. It blocks
the transport of oxygen in the blood. Nitrite levels
above 0.1 mg/ l are critical
and should be corrected.
The reasons for increased
nitrite levels are: an imbal-
ance in the bacteria in the
aquarium due to bactericide
medications, very low or high pH levels (below 6
or over 8), over-stocking with
fish, insufficient filter capacity
or overfeeding.
Remedy: Immediately change
1/3 water, never at the same
time as cleaning the filter, but
not until a week later (add
JBL ActivoPond), add JBL
BactoPond (nitrite eliminating
bacteria) to the water.
Nutritional problems:
A: “Head-stands”
This head-down position often occurs in goldfish,
fan-tails and other varieties of goldfish for the fol-
lowing reason: when feeding at the surface of the
water they often swallow air, causing their body
to float upwards. Since this is not an illness, it is
sufficient to feed the fish sinking food e.g. JBL
GoldPearls. The fish should not be fed floating
B: Vitamin deficiency
It is not only people who struggle with this
problem. In the case of fish, the greatest risk is
that they are fed with only one sort of food for a
long period or that the food has been open for a
long time and the vitamin content has shrunk to
zero. Please check whether the fish are receiving
an adequate diet and whether open food cans are
used up within a max. of 3 months. Hardly any
vitamins remain in a can of food 3 months after
being opened. Vitamin supplements should be
added to the food with JBL KoiVitol.
There is no objection to additional feeding with
vegetables such as lettuce, cucumber or peas.
Pond fish diseases | Causes ∙ Diagnosis ∙ Treatment
Feeding this “unaccustomed” food too often is
not recommended as deficiency symptoms will
eventually appear. It has been proved that algae
and aquatic plants have a different composition to
garden vegetables which are therefore unsuit-
able as long-term food for fish. Gardens are not
the natural habitat of fish!
C: Over- or under-feeding
Feeding fish is often so much fun that it is done
to excess. Unlike humans, fish continue to feed
even though they have actually had enough food.
Regular overfeeding leads to an accumulation of
fat, recognisable by corpulence. The distended
body is often mistakenly diagnosed as dropsy
(which is incurable). Incorrect feeding can also
cause the same problems. Goldfish and koi are
not predators and therefore require the correct
food for their species. Cheap food and large packs
from non-specialist retailers often contain food for
trout farms. This food is cheap, but is designed to
fatten trout (= predators) quickly. Fed to pond fish,
it results in fatty livers and death! JBL Koi mini,
midi and maxi have been designed to meet the
specific needs of koi at different stages of life and
contain the optimum protein-
fat ratio of
4:1. Varieties
of sturgeon require special
sturgeon food such as JBL Pond Sterlet.
Pond fish can starve in some
circumstances. Particularly
in spring and autumn when
temperatures are still low, owners
are often incorrectly (!) advised not
to feed the fish. By feeding your
fish with the correct low-tem-
perature food (JBL Pond Energil)
you can give your fish the energy they
desperately need for the beginning of
the warmer season. Only give the fish
as much food as they can eat up in a
few minutes. It is better to feed small
amounts three times a day than a large
amount once a day!
This brochure has been given to you by your JBL partner:
JBL GmbH & Co. KG
67141 Neuhofen
Opened abdominal cavity from a Koi who has
suffered from a strong fatty degeneration (due to
inappropriate feed).

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