ARRIS SD20X SD200 Access Appliance User Manual Manual

Arris International, Inc. SD200 Access Appliance Manual


Installation GuideP/N 601002-001SD200 Access ApplianceThis document is intended to provide instructions on installing the coaXmedia SD200 AccessAppliance. Through the use of our SD200 Access Appliance and your PC, you can takeadvantage of the many high-speed Internet services which are available.The SD200 Access Appliance is designed to insure a fast, easy installation. Once this product isinstalled, using this product is as easy as clicking on an icon. A more detailed version of theInstallation Guide is available on the Install CD.Introduction1220 Oak industrial Lane, Suite B,Cumming, GA 30041, USAPort SelectionSetup WizardLaunchpadThe computer port you select for connectionto the SD200 Access Appliance depends onyour computer’s Operating System and theavailable ports. Check which ports are not inuse and refer to the table below whenmaking your selection.USB Windows 98, Me, 2000, XPParallel Windows 98, ME, 2000, XPThe CD supplied with your SD200 AccessAppliance contains a Setup Wizard tosimplify the setup process. Use the followingprocedure to use the Setup Wizard:1. Switch your computer ON.2. Load the coaXmedia Setup Wizard CDinto your CD ROM drive.3. Follow the Setup Wizard instructions. Oncethe Setup Wizard starts, follow the on-screeninstructions. The Wizard sets up the necessaryPC interface support, as well as installs aLaunchpad application.End of ProcedureOnce the Setup Wizard runs successfully tocompletion, your computer reboots. Whenthe system restarts, there is a coaXmediaicon added to your desktop.The Access Appliance has been designedto use serial, parallel, and USB interfaces. TheSetup Wizard provides the option of installingsoftware support for each of these porttypes.If you have chosen USB to use withthe Access Appliance, you canconnect the PC cable at this time.Launchpad is a connection manager whichprovides a central location that controls andconfigures your Access Appliance Internetconnection.The Launchpad user interface allows you toconnect or disconnect from the Internet,modify Internet connection parameters,and provides up-to-date connectioninformation, as shown below.The following table explains the Launchpadscreen selections.Port OSChanging Port Type Persistent ConnectionTo change the port type used byLaunchpad, use the following procedure:1. Double-click on the coaXmedia icon onyour desktop. Notice the icon in the tray.2. Right-click on the icon in the systemtray.3. Select from the menu. Thefollowing screen is displayed.4. Select the tab.5. Click on the desired radiobutton. In the example, parallel is selected.6. Click to save the port selection andto close the dialog box.If the new device type is displayed as thecurrent in Launchpad’s maindialog, the port was properly selected, asshown below.End of ProcedureThe Launchpad option can be used to helpmaintain an active connection to theInternet. When the option is selected,Launchpad automatically attempts toreconnect your session to the Internet, if forany reason it goes down.1.Right-click the X icon and select2. Select the tab.3. Check the box.End of ProcedureXXPropertiesDevice TypeDevice TypeOKDevice TypePropertiesUsersPersistent ConnectionSDSERIESPSTRDConnectionStatusConnected - connectionto Internet is active.Idle - you are notconnected to Internet.Up TimeDeviceHow long a connection hasbeen active.The currently selected PCinterface device type.ConnectDisconnectHelpThis button is availablewhen the current ConnectionStatus is Idle. Use this buttonto establish an Internetconnection. The buttonchanges toonce a connection isestablished.DisconnectThis button is availablewhen the current ConnectionStatus is Connected. Use this buttonto disconnect from the Internet.The button should be usedevery time you are finished usingthe Internet, as a security measureagainst unauthorized access.Displays helpful information aboutusing Launchpad.!XLaunchpadConnection StatusIdle...ConnectUp Time: 00:00:00 Device: ParallelHelpxXLaunchpadConnection StatusConnectedConnectUp Time: 10:01:30 Device: ParallelHelpxDevice TypeDevice Type UserOK Cancel ApplyApply HelpDebug RASParallel PortUSB PortLaunchpad Properties x
FCC StatementIndustry CanadaStatementNEC StatementSupport InformationWarningNoticeThe coaXmedia SD200 Access Appliance hasbeen tested and found to comply with the limitsfor a Class B personal computer and peripherals,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipmentgenerates, uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy, and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation. If thisunit does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined byturning the unit off and on, the user is encouragedto try to correct the interference by one of more ofthe following measures: reorient or relocate thereceiving antenna, increase the separationbetween the equipment and the receiver, connectthe equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected, orconsult the dealer or experienced radio/TVtechnician for help."This Class B digital apparatus complies withCanadian ICES-003.""Cet appareil numérique de la classe B estconforme la norme NMB-003 du Canada."The is intended to beconnected to a cable system which has beenproperly grounded in accordance with theNational Electric Code.If you require technical support, contact yourequipment dealer or coaXmedia . The Supportstaff can be reached by phone at the followingnumbers, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Easterntime, Monday through Friday.coaXmedia and the coaXmedia logo aretrademarks of coaXmedia All trademarkedproducts mentioned in this document aretrademarks of their respective companies.This product may not be exported outside theUnited States and Canada without authorizationfrom the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureauof Export Administration. Any export or re-export by the purchaser, directly or indirectly, incontravention of U.S. Export AdministrationRegulation is prohibited.This document may not be reproduced, in wholeor part, without the written permission ofcoaXmedia . The contents of this document aresubject to change without notice. coaXmedia ,Inc. assumes no liability for damages resultingfrom the use of this product or for the informationcontained in this manual.®à®®®®®®877-885-COAX(2629) Toll Free.SD200 Access ApplianceTrademarksUse the following procedure to install theAccess Appliance and refer to the1. Disconnect the TV from the Cable TVoutlet. Unscrew the end from the wallconnector but leave the other endconnected to the TV/VCR.2. Connect the TV to the provided Diplex-filterTV port . If a TV is not being used, leave the TVport unconnected.Do not substitute a generic cablesplitter for the Diplex-filter. Althoughdoing so will not damage the TV orAccess Appliance, the Diplex-filter improves performance.If you use one or more cable splitters in theroom, you may continue to use them.However, you should install the Diplex-filter sothat it is the first device connected to theCable TV outlet.Connection Diagram:3. Connect the Diplex-filter to the Cable TVoutlet.3a. Locate the shortest coaxial cableincluded with the Access Applianceand connect one end to the port ofthe Diplex-filter.3b. Connect the other end of the cableto the Cable TV outlet.4. Connect the Access Appliance to thediplexer-filter.4a. Locate the remaining coaxialcable and connect one end to theport of the Diplex-filter.4b. Connect the other end of the cableto the port of the Access Appliance.If longer cables are required, they canbe obtained from an electronics supplyshop.Do not use any devicesbetween the cable from theAccess Appliance and thecomputer.Disable any active port monitoringservices because some of these caninterfere with proper operation of theAccess Appliance.Don’t connect the PC cable if you willbe using USB. It is necessary to connectthis cable after running the SetupWizard.If you do not have the correct cable forthe interface you want to use, callcoaXmedia at:6. Verify that the power available at thenearest AC receptacle matches therequirements of the SD200 AccessAppliance.7. Connect the power adapter outputconnector to the connector on theAccess Appliance.8. Plug the power module into the AC outlet.The P indicator on the Access Appliancelights when power is applied.End of ProcedureINXRFNOTE:PWR5. Connect the PC cable.5a. Locate the PC cable included withthe Access Appliance5b. Connect the other cable end to theappropriate interface port on your PC.Phone: 1-877-885-2629E-mail: support@coaXmedia.comLegal NoticesInstalling the Hardware!!LZRelectronics, inc.PART NO: AD121A-7MODEL NO: 481210003C0INPUT: 120VAC 60Hz 18WOUTPUT: 12VDC @1AAC ADAPTORcoa mediaX509001-001DIPLEXERTVXINCable TVOutletAC OutletPower ModuleDiplex-filterTVxIN12345AULT INCORPORATEDP/N:SS203TA0000B03I.T.E. POWER SUPPLYMODEL:SA210A-35-KINPUT: 120V ~ 60Hz 250mAOUTPUT: 5V=800mA3.3V=700mA1,5: COM2,4: 3.3V 3: 5.0VMADE IN TAIWANSD200ETHERNETRFPWR USBConnection Diagram

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