Ascion WFBT-REV-12 Managing Member User Manual 20120614 BT wifi manual V11
Ascion, LLC Managing Member 20120614 BT wifi manual V11
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User manual
Bluetooth‘ l w Ft‘ Mnduleowner's Manual 2ni2nszz v12 fil‘Mfi THEM SIZE: 720 X H105 MM Reverie” taluetoothG Iwi-Fi‘“ Module Owner's Manual Model Nurnbcr AsABrAtBVWWsMHsBAMrl vtadc tor Poo much" (3rd and 4th general n'il Phone“ 48 Prone” A Phone“ 355 Prone” so Pad» 2 Pad' mm» nrai. s-aimsv. iader‘rtififivrtllrz acniasinirsus incar'é' ixti-iii iv o . warn “amt or war in a. irxiwi» im , sparicuitprptd cc mm m csp my 1 is IIADDlIF “paras Analsis'aliéwan si scamaismwiiis. try rtrd son. an x rtndrtrfls Please no scriy xi r rim int-r rim.» or ii mystics cirrus rooms» seer rarities by iiic urui-m on no“ and bus. no car cu m tic aiuirucii sis iic m drv tear no we system LLC sugarcane C‘hc"iddcmdik541l'acc'amcs .v. rem revrstsaiastisi. w n is. hnkmrs t’.‘i n xiim How to install the BluetoothEIWisFiN Module .. .. laiuetooth‘a / wi-Fi" Connection instructions rPad0 Remote. . rPhonew Remote Outlet Pairing Troubleshooting .. .. .. . FCC Compliance IntalPa’tNtz pm in‘ AllRivthmm Ev no as as CcvrwrtlczCiZAmdnLLC Reverie“ For technical support or service. 1-800-973-8374 or visi't TABLE OF CONTENTS How to download the App Software moo: Operating instructions 12 Remote Operation Tips.. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. ..14 15 17 How to download the App Soltware STEP 1 Please use your iPod Touch“ (3rd and 4th generation). iPhone“ 45. iPhone‘” 4 iPhone“ 365. iPhorieG‘ 3G. rPadct 2. or iPad‘E to log into the App store STEP 2 Type “Reverie Remote" in the search column STEP 3 Select the Reverie icon ior app best suited to your device chct‘ic' STEP 4 Click lnstall to download the app. WIRELESS HANDHELD CONTROL FOR REVERIEWDELUXE How to install the Bluetooth'lwi Fi" Module STEP 1 Careruiiy remove your module irom the packaging STEP 2 Plug the module cord into the control box (Pl C) under the bed The connector siot tor the module is on the control box (Pl C) next to the slot where the head iiit motor is plugged in STEP 3 Both the green standby (the green light will stay on ior about 20 seconds alter the module has been plugged into the PLC) and red power lights will light on it the module has been plugged into the control box (PLC) correctly. Operating Instructions A. E Head and Foot adjustment ' Raise arid lower head and toot section 0t base C Zero Gravity - Legs slightly above the chest. ior better circulation D Bed “Flat" Euttor’i . Levels the bed Press and hold tor 3 seconds to activate button Note:'ro cancel. press buttons A or a E Two programmable memory buttons - You can store 2 personallzed memory positions - To set a memory position. press the “set" button when you are in your desired position. then press the i or 2 memory button to look in the position F AntrSnore - Raises head ror better breathing. less snoring G. H Head and foot massage controls - Starts at intensity 5 ol to - To increase massage intensity. press (, J button - To decrease massage intensity press (V) button. Note:The lowest setting will turn on the corresponding massage un . STEP 4 Aner the standby light goes out. you can initiate the connection between your rPad® / iPod" / iPhoneP and the adlustable bed per the instructions below (Place Accessory module near the edge or the bed tor the best reception DO NOT place Accessory module in an area where rt can easily be kicked or stepped on Place the module and cable on the iert hand side or the middle bar) moors bur i Full body massage iunction . Turns on both head and root massage motors and alternates between Wave mode i. 2 and 3 Note:Vou must stop the massage betore you can switch to another wave tunction or to the toll body massage. J Massage stop button . Press tor 2 seconds to stop all massage teatures K Wave massage mode ' Turns on both head and foot massage motors to one of the 3 wave lunct'ioris ATTENTION: If FLAT EuTroN (D) is pushed, massage motors will stop until bed is "at. Massage resumes in 30 seconds. L Wi—Pi set up iunctiori M Outlet switch tunction Plug in the outlet . The indicator light wrii tiash around 3 seconds Please choose “Outlet A / B / c“ to set up . it you don‘t reset the memory buttons while the light is hashing. the outlet will maintain its prevrousiy set memory position N instructions 13 t Press the home key to exrt the app 2 Go go to settings a General a Bluetooth a Look tor the device it) code. which should be the number / letter combination that appears on the side or the module 4 ihe devicc code will show “Not Paired iap the code on the screen to start the pairing process 5 Arter a short time. rt will show “Connected“ a Press the home key and run the app again 7 Status at the bottom should indicate “Connected“alter a low moments mote Operat on T i To set a memory position first use the remote control to position the bed in the position you would like to program Then press the “set“ button. (The set button will become highlighted when you have pressed rt l Then press the memory button number of your choice (i or 2) An alert box will appear asking it you are sure you want to set the memory position. 2 To call a memory position. simply press and hold the numbered memory button you desire ior at least one second The bed will respond by moving into the posrtion you programmed it you are using an iPod Touch“ or iPhoneE. you can scroll between screens by swrprng the screen. as you would or any other app. or by touching the arrow buttons on the side or the screen There are three screens on therPod Touch® / iPhorie® application , one tor Lit’t one tor Massage and one tor Remote Outlets and WlsFl setup 8. Press arid hold Head or Foot buttons to raise arid lower the head and foot to Contirrri the rernDte is tunctional Wi- Setup: 9. To setup WisFi connection. press “setup WisFi" and the onboard wiii module will start to scan available networks. to When networks are received. a iistwiii appear it Select your prererred network i2 Enter the password tor the network. it there is one. and press return ii there is no password. then simply press return ‘3 when the status indicates “WisFi Setup Complete“ the iPOd” and iritertace will be Connected through WisFi and Bluetooth At this point you can drsconneet your Bluetooth module it you choose and the WisFi will stay connected as long as the WlsFl is on Outlet Pairing Plug in the remote outlet and press and hold any outlet button (either A. B or C) on the control interiace on your iPod touch. iPhone or rPad within 3 seconds Release the outlet button when you hear the outlet Click or the LED on the outlet iiickering You can pair multiple outlets to one remote control outlet button (A. B. or C) [IL-J map—d Meta: turm- outlet ll nptlartll Icmwry 15 A. Raise/ Lower head Section at the base c. Zero Gravity E Program upto 2 memory positions G increase/ Reduce massage intensity on head K Alternate: between massage wave speeds i, z and 3 i Select t or 3 Massage wave speeds Troubleshaoting it your iPod touchP / iPhone” / iPad“ cannot connect to the accessory box via WlsFl or Bluetooth. try the ioiiowing - The green light on your module should not be lit up when the device screen shows “connected“ it the light is still on you may have to reset the device - To do this. press the home button and power button at the same time and then ‘Slide to Power on" - When the device is on press and hole the power button to power it on again - Alternatively. try closing and reopening the app and checking tor the connected screen B Raise / Lower root sedion ot the base D Return bed to the not positron r AntisSnore position H increase r Reduce massage intensity ror teet l. Stop all massage teatures L win set up tunction M SWitch i 0‘3 outlets swrtches N instruct ans FCC Compliance rcc COMPLlANCE Federal CDi-iinu" caibns Commission (FCC) Sta-enient i5 2i You are cautioned that changes or modiiications not expressly approved by the part responsible ior compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment lb iobtb> This equipment "as been tested and ‘ound to comply wrth tne iimi-s 'pr a Class a digital device. pursuant to part is at :he FCC rules ihcse limits are dcsrgnco to provide reasonable protection aga "st hainitvl interferewe in a residential iris: a:ion This Ella pment generates. uses and can radiate radio treudency energy and. ii not installed and used c accordance with the instruct ons may cause "armrui inle"crcncc :o radio communications Howcvci. tnorc is no guarantee that intc"crcricc will not occur n a particular installation ii th s equipmen: does cause "arrritul inter‘erei'ce ’0 radio or teievisipn reception. wt'ic" can be determined by tur" "g the equipmect o‘r and on the user is ancou'agcd :o try to corrcct :hc intcrtorcncc by one o' morc oi the toiiowing measures . Pteorient or relocate the receiving antenna - increase the separation between the Cquip'ricn' ano 'Cccivcr - Connect the equipment into an outietori a circuit d nerent irom that to which the receiver s connected - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio lTVtec"'i c an ior help This device complies with Part lb ot the FCC Rules Operation is subiect to :he toiipwing two conditions i this device may not cause harn—iui in-erierence. and 2 this device must accept any intcc‘crcncc rcccivcd including interierence that may cause undesired operation oi the device 17 ,__
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