Asis Technologies ALT102 Smart Card Terminal User Manual 2

Asis Technologies Pte Ltd Smart Card Terminal Users Manual 2


Users Manual 2

               ALT102 Terminal    4h January 2005   SAVVY Loyalty Programs  User Manual     Release 1.4.4   (firmware ver. 2.14A)
                  Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  -  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
                   Page 1   SAVVY – Getting Started User Guide  Contents  Introduction to SAVVY Loyalty programs................................................................. 2  Definitions of keys and How to present a SAVVY card to the Terminal................... 6  1. Powering up ....................................................................................................... 8 2.  Ready Mode Operation – after power up (without cashier/manager login)........ 9 a) How to Register a new customer card ........................................................... 9 b) For Customer to Check their previous or last Loyalty Amount and Purchase Date without purchase.................................................................. 9 c) For customers to Preview discount level prior to purchase............................ 9 3.  Cashier or Manager login and logout ............................................................... 10 4.  Change Loyalty Schemes (Manager login) ...................................................... 11 5.  Gift Token Loyalty Scheme before any other scheme operation ..................... 12 a)   Add Gift to SAVVY card (Manager login only) ........................................... 12 b)  Redeem Gift token from SAVVY Card (Cashier/Manager login)................. 13 6.  Cash Discount Program operations (Cashier/Manager login).......................... 13 a) Give Customer Cash Discount..................................................................... 13 b) Reverse or Deduct Cash amount from SAVVY card.................................... 14 7.  Point Accumulation Program operations (Cashier/Manager login) .................. 14 a) Give Customer Points on purchase ............................................................. 14 b) View and Claim Reward............................................................................... 14 c) Reverse Entry or Deduct Points after max. reward level.............................. 15 8.  Point Redemption Program operations (Cashier/Manager login)..................... 15 a) Give customer Loyalty Points on Purchase ................................................. 15 b) Redeem or Reverse Entry of Points from SAVVY card ............................... 15 9.  Change “Cash Discount Plan” (with Manager login) ........................................ 16 a) Change the “Regular Discount and % Discount Plan” ................................. 16 b) Change “Bonus Discount Plan”.................................................................... 17 c) Change “Shopping Period”........................................................................... 17 d) Change “% Cash to expire”.......................................................................... 18 10. Change “Points Accumulation Plan” (with Manager login)............................... 18 a) Change the Point Accumulation Plan........................................................... 19 b) Change “Shopping Period”........................................................................... 19 c) Change “% Point to expire” .......................................................................... 19 d) Change “$Spend to Point” conversion factor ............................................... 20 11. Miscellaneous Operations................................................................................ 21 a) Change “Calendar/Clock” settings (Manager Login).................................... 21 b) De-register a SAVVY card from Shop (Cashier/Manager login) .................. 21 c) View Transaction Records (Cashier/Manager login).................................... 22  Appendix – Terminal operation settings................................................................. 23  1. Menu Operations.......................................................................................... 23 2. View/Change Loyalty Program Parameters ................................................. 23 3. Other Terminal parameters set via PC software .......................................... 25
                   Page 2  Introduction to SAVVY Loyalty programs   (You may skip to Section 1. Powering Up; if you are already familiar with SAVVY concepts)  Many large business establishments use loyalty programs as part of their customer relationship building process. Commonly it is in the form of giving rewards points for accumulated purchases. Reward points may then redeem for rewards or cash and expires after certain period when unused.  SAVVY’s objective is to make loyalty programs affordable to small and medium businesses. A SAVVY loyalty terminal is all that required to operate a simple loyalty program. Merchants have full control of their loyalty program from the shop floor. Sophisticated loyalty program capabilities are available if operates with a PC e.g. trading reports, audit trials, contest or lucky draw for most loyal customers etc.  SAVVY’s distinctive capabilities - more than a shop’s loyalty!  1)  SAVVY also provides fours levels of loyalty benefits to consumers, such as Brands, Shopping Malls and SAVVY loyalty too! 2) A SAVVY loyalty card may be use at any participating merchants. Registration is so simple – by presenting the card and a push of button. The SAVVY loyalty software can generate reports for new customers. Each card can register at up to 48 shops (and Brands/Mall combined)  The SAVVY loyalty terminal provides a choice of 3 loyalty programs namely: 1) Cash Discount program 2) Point Redemption program 3) Point Accumulation program  Each of the programs has additional “Free Gift” tokens option to entice customers’ patronage once a month.
                   Page 3  SAVVY loyalty program builds on “accumulated purchases” and “when the last purchase” was made. The concept is simple: 1)  More purchase builds to higher discount/reward. 2)  Frequent shopping incentive (as in Cash Discount program): If subsequent purchase is within stipulated “Bonus” periods, additional discount is given. 3) Less frequent shopping leads to lower incentives (for all 3 programs): If subsequent purchase is made after a “Shopping Period” (set in days), certain percentage of the accumulated amount (either cash or points) expires before the cash discount is calculated or reward points added. e.g. You set 50% of the accumulated amount to expire every 30 days. Graph below shows amount of 100 (either in $ or points) expires over several months of no shopping.    50% amount expiry every month0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
                   Page 4   1. Cash Discount Program This provides a 2-tier incentive - Regular and Bonus Discount  Regular Discount - more spending builds to higher discount. $ Spend are accumulated for every purchase. Accumulated amount is compared to a discount plan for cash discount calculation. Discount plan consist of a table with 21 preset % discount levels (smallest step being 0.1%).       Example: Accumulated purchase between $100 and $200 has 0.5% discount  Bonus Discount – incentive to frequent shoppers: If a customer shops again within set periods, additional bonus discount is given. 3 steps of Bonus discount can be set.       Reduced discount if shopping is infrequent: When the “shopping period” becomes less frequent, the accumulated amount is reduced by a certain set percentage for every “Shopping Period” (set in days).  N.B. 1)  Range of accumulated purchase is $1 to $8,000 2) A SAVVY simulator is available to “test drive” the incentive plans – Regular, Bonus and % amount expiry combined.  2. Point Redemption Program Levels Accumulated Purchases - $  % Discount 1 100 0.5 2 200 1.0 … …  … 21 4000 10.5 Levels  Shop again within (…) days  Bonus Discount (%) 1 7  2 2 14  1.5 3 21  1.0
                   Page 5  This is the most familiar and common form of loyalty programs. $ Spend is converted to loyalty points by a conversion factor (e.g. $10 for one point with factor of 10). Loyalty points are accumulated for every purchase and customer may redeem for cash or goods. Range of points is 1 to 8000.  3.  Point Accumulation Program – with multi-level rewards In this program, you can set up multiple rewards (up to 21) for different accumulated point levels. Each level has a reward e.g. higher reward levels has increasing value; or you can have small rewards along the way leading to a “super reward” at the highest level. Range of points is 1 to 8000.  When accumulated point reaches the next level, the terminal displays “R” to inform the cashier a reward is due for claim. After reaching the highest reward level, reward points can be reset and the Point accumulation process can repeat again.  4. “Free Gift” tokens Free Gift is an additional feature to the Loyalty Programs. Free gifts are intended as incentives to claim once per month. It is not link to accumulated purchases. Entitlements are recorded on SAVVY cards, up to 7 free gift tokens for each shop. Remaining Gift tokens is displayed as “f5” for 5 tokens for example.  This feature can be enabled or disabled.  Note: 1)  Value less the $1 are drop off before adding to the accumulated amount in the SAVVY card e.g. if purchase amount is $50.85, it will be round down at $50 before adding to the accumulated purchase. 2) Hence when viewing accumulated purchase, it will be rounded to the dollar.
                   Page 6  Definitions of keys and How to present a SAVVY card to the Terminal  (You may skip to Section 1. Powering Up; if you are already familiar with presenting SAVVY card; display messages and keypad operations)  IMPORTANT:   Please read appendix for meaning to SAVVY terms.                      Definitions :  [f1], [f2], [X], [√] are function keys on the right column of the keypad       Function keys          ALT102 TERMINAL   [f1] key: 1) Enter Menu mode to View/Change settings of Loyalty program                    2) In Menu mode to scroll Menu up   [f2] key: 1)  login/logout/Top Up               2)  In Menu mode to scroll Menu down             [√]  key is to confirm operation/Menu selection  [X]  key to cancel operation, delete last digit or return to Ready mode        NOTE: Hold this key for more than 3 seconds will reset the Terminal.   [1], [2], [3], … , [8], [9], [0] are numeric keys   9,999.99 is the maximum entry value  [#] is for function select and SAVVY Card Status Viewing.  [*] is for Special Card Operations.
                   Page 7   “Reward” and “Free Gift” tokens indicators  Terminal LCD Display      “R” indicates there is a reward to claim (only in Point Accumulation operation)  “f2” indicates 2 (f)ree Gift remains to claim “F” denotes free Gift to claim this month   (Refers to Section 5 for more details)  How to use a SAVVY LOYALTY CARD:         Hold card above the Keypad and watch the Display of the Terminal.    More messages will be shown upon removing the SAVVY card                           Rf2
                   Page 8   1. Powering up  When the SAVVY Terminal is switch on,   A sequence of messages will be displayed;   an audio Beep will be heard and  it goes into a Ready mode for operation.               Firmware version in use              Terminal Address for PC software                                                                 Your Shop Code ID                                                                 Unique Terminal Serial ID                                                                                                  Valid Rental time period before renewal                                                                               It is now in the operation Ready mode          Date & Time Loyalty Scheme in use         NOTE: Press [X] once or more times will bring you back to Ready mode.                  Welcome to SAVVY ALT102 ver. 2.0 31-03-2004  hh:mm Cash discount Cash Discount Terminal Addr: 1 Shop Code: 800 TSN is 98AB4568 Expiry date is 31 Dec 2004
                   Page 9  2.  Ready Mode Operation – after power up (before cashier/manager login)  a) How to Register a new customer card  If the card has not been registered, the display message shows:                                                                Press  [√]   to register the customer   Upon successful registration     b) For Customer to Check their previous or last Loyalty Amount and Purchase Date without purchase        Hold card over keypad Unique Card ID no. is shown f0 means no free gift token in card Accumulated cash purchase of $150 (Amount will be reduced when period since “last purchase” is longer than the “Shopping Period”)  More messages upon card removal                                                               Last Date of your purchase                                                             Current discount enjoyed at 0.5% Next discount level is 1.0% at $200 (Includes “Bonus” discount if applicable)  Previous accumulated purchase & Current accumulated purchase (Both have same value as there is no purchase)  c) For customers to Preview discount level prior to purchase  Key purchase amount $234.50, e.g. [2] [3] [4] [5] [0] [#]  to confirm.  Place card over keypad, display will show the % discount and amount.  f0 means no free gift token in card discount is $7.03 at 3%    ID: 60E90796    f0 Cash:   150.00 Last transaction on 31 Mar 2004 150.00   at   0.5% 200.00   at   1.0% Last:  150.00 Cash: 150.00  f0              234.50 - 3%               7.03 New customer Register?     √ : Yes Card registered
                   Page 10  Accumulated purchase will be $384 Next level 3.5% discount if accumulated purchase reaches $400  Messages will scroll for few seconds until next operation or press [X] to Ready mode   3.  Cashier or Manager login and logout                To login:  press  [f2]  to select login/logout Menu   login Menu                   press  [√]   to select login  Present Cashier/Manager  Card over the keypad   a) For Cashier Operation  - present Cashier’s card  Cashier’s Card ID is shown   b) For Manager Operation – present Manager’s card  Manager’s Card ID is shown                To logout:  press  [f2]  to select login/logout Menu                     press  [#]  to select logout                                                    following messages show summaries   Total purchase amount  Total discount given  Total of purchase reversed Total of Cash value add to SAVVY cards    Logout success  Amt = 671.00 Dis = 7.50 - Cash = 0.00 + Cash = 671.00 - Free = 6 + Free = 0 Place your Card  Manager Card ID = 12345678 Cashier Card ID = 12345678 √:Login    #:logout *: TopUp X:Cancel384.00    at   3.0% 400.00    at   3.5%    √:Login    #:logout *: TopUp X:Cancel
                   Page 11  Total of Gifts claimed Total of Gifts added to SAVVY cards  Press  [X]  to exit to READY mode  NOTE:  1)  Always logout when not in use for extended period 2)  In Point Redemption/Accumulation schemes, displays show Points instead of Cash.   4.  Change Loyalty Schemes (Manager login)                NOTE: login with Manager Card to access this function (Start from Ready mode, otherwise press [X] to READY mode)  Press  [f1]  to enter Menu     Press  [f2]  to scroll down to “View/Change parameter” Menu     Press  [√]  to enter View/Change Menu     Press  [f1]  [f1] [f1] (three times) to scroll up to “Loyalty Program” Menu:     Press  [√]  to enter this scheme change function  Shows current Cash Discount scheme   Press  [√]  to scroll next to Point Accumulate scheme     Press  [√]  to scroll to next Point Redemption scheme   View  expiry date TSN/Shop code View/Change parameter View/Change date Login record View/Change Loyalty program Loyalty program = Cash Discount Loyalty program = Point Accum. Loyalty program = Point Redemp.
                   Page 12     Once you scroll to the chosen loyalty scheme Press  [X]  three times to return to Ready mode (or wait a few seconds to time out)  IMPORTANT:  Manager must not forget to logout after use  5.  Gift Token Loyalty Scheme Operation  a)   Add Gift Token to SAVVY card (Manager login only)  Note: Up to 7 Gift tokens can be registered on card  Example: Add 5 gifts to SAVVY card  Press  [#]  [6]                                                Add free gift mode   Press  [5]  [√]  and place card over keypad                                                 5 free gift added         Press  [X]  to return to Ready mode         NOTE:  Alternately if customer wants to claim a gift on same day of gift token purchase, shop can subtract one free gift and enter only 4 gift tokens.  Add free gift ? Old free  = 0 New free = 5
                   Page 13  b)  Redeem Gift token from SAVVY Card (Cashier/Manager login)  Press [#]  [5]       and place card over keypad  This message may appear if gift is claimed or purchase has been made before Gift claim during the month   Allows claim if Always Claim Mode is ON  Press  [√]  to continue with Gift claim      Press  [X]  to return to Ready mode   6.  Cash Discount Program operations (Cashier/Manager login)  Login with Cashier/Manager Card to perform the following:  a) Give Customer Cash Discount    Example: Purchase amount of $300.35   Press [3] [0] [0] [3] [5] [√]  4 Gift tokens remains, purchase $300.35 with 3.5% discount amount of $10.51  accumulated amount $450 next discount level of 4.0% at $600  Display messages will scroll until [X]  is press or perform other operation  450.00    at     3.5% 600.00    at     4.0% f4               300.35 - 3.5%          10.51 Allow claim anyway?       √: Yes Press √ to Claim free gift No claim this month Old free  = 5 New free = 4
                   Page 14  b) Reverse or Deduct Cash amount from SAVVY card  This is to reverse Loyalty purchase in case of entry error  Example: Reverse purchase amount of $300.00   Press  [#]  [3]                                                   Deduct Cash mode   Press [3] [0] [0] [√] and place card over keypad                                                  Cash amount in Card                                                 New Cash amount in Card       Press [X] to return to Ready mode or you may perform other operation e.g. another customer purchase   7.  Point Accumulation Program operations (Cashier/Manager login) (Follow Section 4 to Change to Point Accumulation Program)  a) Give Customer Points on purchase Note: Example below has “$1 to one Point” setting (i.e. $Spend to Point conversion factor of 1)  Purchase amount of $150.35  Press  [1] [5] [0] [3] [5]  [√]  “R” indicates there is a reward to claim and “f4” means 4 free gift tokens remain     Press  [X]  to return to Ready mode  b) View and Claim Reward  Press  [#]  [4] and place card over keypad    Level 2 is reward level set at row 2 of Accumulate Point table    Old  = 450.00 New = 150.00 Deduct cash ? Rf4             150.35 New point : 300 Old point:     150 New point:    300 Reward level 2 Claim reward ? View Reward Place your card
                   Page 15  Press  [√]  to register reward claimed      Press  [X]  to return to Ready mode  c) Reverse Entry or Deduct Points after max. reward level  Example: Card has 8,000 points. Deduct 8,000 points to start again Press  [#]  [3]      Press [8] [0] [0] [0] [√]  and place SAVVY card over keypad     Press  [X]  to return to Ready mode   8.  Point Redemption Program operations (Cashier/Manager login) (Follow Section 4 to Change to Point Redemption Program)  a) Give customer Loyalty Points on Purchase Note: Example below has “$1 to one Point” setting (i.e. $Spend to Point conversion factor of 1) Purchase amount of $300.35  Press  [3] [0] [0] [3] [5]  [√]  “last purchase date” will also be updated        Press  [X]  to return to Ready mode b) Redeem or Reverse Entry of Points from SAVVY card (Applicable to reverse an entry error)  Example: To redeem 300 points Press  [#]  [3]   Old point:        0 New point:   300 f0             300.35 New point : 300 Deduct point ? Old  point = 8000 New point = 0 Deduct point ? Reward claimed ! Reward level 2
                   Page 16    Press  [3] [0] [0] [√]  and place SAVVY card over keypad      Press  [X]  to return to Ready mode   9.  Change “Cash Discount Plan” (with Manager login) (Note: Follow Section 4 to select Cash Discount Program)  There are 3 groups of settings: 1) Regular Discount Plan 2)  Bonus Discount Plan (encourage frequent shoppers) 3) “% to expire” for each defined “shopping period”  (to reduce accumulated amount for long period of no shopping)   Regular Discount: There are 21 levels for Accumulated purchases and % Discount.    Steps need not be equal. As shown in above example, you can have $200 step for lower levels and $400 step at higher levels. Terminal default setting is $200 per step.  Note: Smallest % Discount is 0.1% and steps need not be equal. Default setting is 0.5% per step. a) Change the “Regular Discount and % Discount Plan”  Starting from Ready mode: (otherwise press [X] to Ready mode) Press  [f1]  [f2]  [√]   to enter “View/Change” Menu          Press  [f2]   [√]   to enter” View/Change - Discount Plan” Menu  Level 1 is for 0.5% discount for $100 and more in accumulated purchases Levels Accumulated Purchases - $  % Discount 1 100 0.5 2 200 1.0 3 400 1.5 4 600 2.0 5 1600 2.5 … … … 20 3600 10.0 21 4000 10.5 View/Change Login record Old  point = 300 New point = 0 Discount level 1 100.00              0.5
                   Page 17   Press [√]  to make changes; [X] when finish  Press   [f1]  to scroll up;  [f2]  to scroll down to different levels to make further changes  b) Change “Bonus Discount Plan”  There are 3 Bonus levels that can be set Go to “View/Change – Bonus disc plan” Menu Press [√] to and another [√] to edit;   Shop again within 7 days will have 2% additional Bonus discount  Enter new setting and [X] when finish  Press   [f1] and  [f2] will scroll to other levels to make further changes  c) Change “Shopping Period”  Go to “View/Change – Shopping period” Menu Press [√] to view                                                    Set to 30 days   E.g. Change to 35 days; Press [√] [3] [5]      Bonus  level  1 7                  2.0 Shopping period = 30 Shopping period ? 35
                   Page 18  Press [√] to confirm new “Shopping period”     Press [X] to exit  d) Change “% Cash to expire”  Go to “View/Change – % cash to expire” Menu Press [√] to view  % to expire for each shopping period   E.g. To change to 20%; Press [√] [2] [0]     Press [√] again to confirm change     Press [X] to exit   10. Change “Points Accumulation Plan” (with Manager login) (Note: Follow Section 4 to select Cash Discount Program)  There are 2 groups of settings: 1) Accumulation Point table (21 levels) 2) “% Points to expire” for each defined “shopping period” (to reduce accumulated amount for long period of no shopping)  There are 21 reward levels for Accumulated points    Steps need not be equal. As shown in above example, you can have 200 point step for lower levels and 400 point step at higher levels. Terminal default setting is 200 point per step. Levels Accumulated Point 1 100 2 200 3 400 4 600 5 1600 … … 20 3600 21 4000 % cash to expire = 50 % pts to expire ? 20 % pts to expire = 20 Shopping period = 35
                   Page 19   a) Change the Point Accumulation Plan  Starting from Ready mode: (otherwise press [X] to Ready mode) Press  [f1]  [f2]  [√]   to enter “View/Change” Menu          Press  [f2]   [√]   to enter “View/Change – Reward Plan” Menu  Level 1 reward is at 100 points   Example: Change to 150 points for Reward level 1  Press  [√] , cursor blinks to await new entry Press [1] [5] [0] [√] Press [X]  to continue  Press   [f1]  to scroll up;  [f2]  to scroll down to different levels to make changes  Press  [√]  to edit;  [X]  to exit  b) Change “Shopping Period”  Go to “View/Change – Shopping period” Menu Press [√] to view     Press [√] [3] [5] to make changes; e.g. 35 days     Press [√] to confirm new “Shopping period”     Press [X] to exit  c) Change “% Point to expire”  Go to “View/Change – % pts to expire” Menu Press [√] to view    View/Change Login record Reward level 1 100 Shopping period = 30 % pts to expire = 50 Shopping period ? 35 Shopping period = 35
                   Page 20   E.g. Change to 20%; Press [√] [2] [0]     Press [√] again to confirm change     Press [X] to exit  d) Change “$Spend to Point” conversion factor  Go to “View/Change –  $Spend to point” Menu Press [√] to view  This is for $1 to one point  E.g. Change to $10 to one point; Press [√] [1] [0]     Press [√] again to confirm change     Press [X] to exit $Spend to point = 1 % pts to expire ? 20 % pts to expire = 20 % pts to expire ? 10 % pts to expire = 10
                   Page 21   11. Miscellaneous Operations   a) Change “Calendar/Clock” settings (Manager Login)  Starting from Ready mode (with Manager login); Press  [f1]  (to enter Menu); [f1]  [f1]  (2 more times to Change Clock Menu);  and  [√]  to confirm     Enter new date, time and  [√]  to confirm  YY   is year (04.. 99) MM   is month (01…12) DD   is date (01…31) WW   is day of week (01…07) hh   is hour (01… 23) mm   is min (00… 59) ss   is sec (00… 59)  Press  [X]  to return to Ready mode   b) De-register a SAVVY card from Shop (Cashier/Manager login)  Starting from Ready mode; Press  [f1]  (to enter Menu); [f1]  [f1]  [f1]  (3 more times to Delete Shop Menu);  and  [√]  to confirm          Press √ to deregister another card   Press  [X]  to return to Ready mode  YYMMDDWWhhmmss  ?     ------------------------------ Delete shop Code Place Your Card Delete shop Code success Press √ to Delete shop Code
                   Page 22   c) View Transaction Records (Cashier/Manager login)  Starting from Ready mode; Press  [f1]  (to enter Menu); [f2]   [f2]  to scroll down to      Press  [√] to view details Use   [f1]  and  [f2]  to scroll through 20 transaction records  Press  [√]  to select individual record for viewing Subsequent  [√]  scroll through record details  Press  [X]  to return to Ready mode  View transaction record
                   Page 23   Appendix – Terminal operation settings  Login with Cashier/Manager Card allow access to Menus by pressing f1. Cashier can view settings only. Manager login required to change settings  1. Menu Operations Pressing [f1] will scroll up through Menus 1 to 6 below. Pressing [f2] scrolls down in reverse order. Press [X] to exit and return to Ready mode Press to [√] select function or confirm selection 1.  View expiry date / TSN / Shop Code View the terminal expires dates, Terminal Serial Number and Shop Code.   2. Terminal address Terminal address setting is for communication with PC software. One PC can communicate with up to 16 Terminals. Address range is 1 to 16. 3. Change Clock This is to set date and time 4.  Delete shop code This is to de-register a SAVVY card for the shop 5.  View transaction record This is to view last 20 transactions at the Terminal 6. Parameters This is to change Loyalty Program parameters Press [√] will enter next level Menu to view/change operating parameters (see next section).  2. View/Change Loyalty Program Parameters Pressing [f2] will scroll down through Menus 1 to 12 below. Pressing [f1] scrolls up in reverse order. Press [X] [X] (twice) to exit and return to Ready mode Press to [√] select function or confirm selection  1) Login record This is to view the most recent 20 login/logout records. 2) Discount Plan TSN:    F919973E 65000   31 DEC 04
                   Page 24  The Loyalty terminal uses the new accumulated point to look up the discount percentage to compute discount. It consists of 21 steps of table for $ Spend peg to a discount level. Each discount % can be as small as 0.1%. 3) Bonus Discount Plan This has 3 additional discount level incentives to reward regular shoppers.  4) Free gift mode Feature to attract customers visit every month. 5) Maximum Cash If the new accumulate purchase exceeds the set “maximum cash”, the new accumulated purchase will be set at this amount. Maximum value is 8000. 6) Shopping Period This is period (in days) set to “expire” a certain % of accumulated purchase when next purchase is made after the “Shopping period”. The last accumulated purchase will be reduced by a set “% cash to expire” before adding new purchase for discount calculation  7) % Cash to expire This is set in conjunction to “Shopping period” above. Formula for calculation: Last accumulate cash x (100 - % to expire) ^ ((Present date - last purchase date) / “Shopping period”) The same applies to Point Redemption and Accumulation Program  8) Scroll time  This is to set message display time (in seconds) before scrolling to next message.          9) Event no This shows the number of transaction events stored. This is cleared when events are sent to PC or by manager.
                   Page 25  10) Loyalty Program This is change to other Loyalty Program – Point Redemption and Point Accumulation. Operation under these programs has a setting:  $ Spend to Point (conversion factor) This is conversion factor for converting purchase $ to points. Default setting is $1 to 1 point.  11) Maximum key in amount This the maximum entry allowed for single transaction entry, useful to prevent extra “0” digit entry error.  12) Claim free gift This is to allow “monthly” or “always” gift claim. Monthly  – allows monthly claim. The terminal checks on “last purchase date” on SAVVY card to decide if gift can be claimed for the month.  Note  1) When gift tokens are just added to card, immediate claim is disallowed 2) If there is prior transaction within the month, gift claim is disallowed  3. Other Terminal parameters set via PC software 1) Transaction logging This is to enable/disable transaction reporting to PC. 2) LCD back light normal This is LCD back light level when terminal is in standby. Value range – 0 to 50 3) LCD back light active This is LCD back light level during terminal operations. Value range – 0 to 100 4) Claim free gift Always – allows claims anytime (default setting)  5) Terminal Mute Terminal “beep” is muted during key press; will still “beeps” when a SAVVY card is presented.

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