Askey Computer BTM800W Wireless Cable Router User Manual

Askey Computer Corp Wireless Cable Router Users Manual

Users Manual

Wireless Cable ModemUser ManualRev 01
TABLE OF CONTENTS1. PRODUCT OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................................11.1 CHECKLIST ............................................................................................................................................11.2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................11.3 FEATURES ..............................................................................................................................................22. HARDWARE INSTALLATION ..............................................................................................................42.1 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................42.1.1 Front Panel Indicators ...................................................................................................................42.1.2 Rear Panel Connectors ..................................................................................................................52.2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ...................................................................................................................62.2.1 Installation Procedure for Ethernet Interface ................................................................................62.2.2 Installation Procedure for USB Interface ......................................................................................72.2.3 Connecting the Cable Modem to Your Computer.........................................................................83. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION................................................................................................................93.1 FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS 98/ME USERS ............................................................................................93.2 FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000/XP USERS ......................................................................................123.3 CONFIGURING THE TCP/IP PROTOCOL ................................................................................................143.3.1 Configuration on Windows 98/Me..............................................................................................153.3.2 Configuration on Windows 2000/XP..........................................................................................234. UNINSTALL THE USB DRIVER .........................................................................................................274.1 FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS 98/ME USERS ..........................................................................................274.2 FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000/XP USERS ......................................................................................295. DHCP SERVER.......................................................................................................................................315.1 FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS 98/ME USERS ..........................................................................................315.2 FOR MICROSOFT NT 4.0/WINDOWS 2000/XP USERS..........................................................................325.3 FOR APPLE MACINTOSH USERS ...........................................................................................................345.4 RENEW PC IP ADDRESS ......................................................................................................................356. WEB SERVER.........................................................................................................................................376.1 SYSTEM ...............................................................................................................................................376.2 STARTUP ..............................................................................................................................................376.3 SIGNAL ................................................................................................................................................386.4 STATUS ................................................................................................................................................396.5 LOG .....................................................................................................................................................396.6 WIRELESS............................................................................................................................................406.7 WEP....................................................................................................................................................416.8 OPERATION ..........................................................................................................................................426.9 LANIP..................................................................................................................................................436.10 NAT IP..............................................................................................................................................436.11 DHCP SVR ........................................................................................................................................446.12 MAPPING ...........................................................................................................................................456.13 FILTER ...............................................................................................................................................466.14 SAV E CFG ..........................................................................................................................................477. FAQ...........................................................................................................................................................48
PRODUCT OVERVIEW11. PRODUCT OVERVIEWThe wireless cable modem is a DOCSIS compliant wireless cable routerthat provides high-speed connectivity to residential, commercial, andeducation subscribers on public and private networks via an existing cableinfrastructure. The wireless cable modem is equipped with IEEE802.11bwireless AP, and can inter-operate with the Wi-Fi compliant IEEE 802.11bwireless LAN card. The wireless cable modem can inter-operate anyDOCSIS compliant headend equipment. The IP traffic can transfer betweenthe wireless cable modem and DOCSIS compliant headend equipment. Thedata security secures upstream and downstream communications.1.1 ChecklistBefore installation, please check the items of the carton. The carton shouldcontain the following items:1. Cable Modem2.  Twisted Pair Ethernet Cable (CAT5/RJ-45)3. USB Cable4.  Power Adapter & Power Cord5.  This User Manual6.  USB Driver Disk1.2 System RequirementsBefore installation, please check the following requirements with yourcomputer.This cable modem equips ETHERNET and USB interfaces. You can chooseeither one to connect to the cable modem.z System Requirement of Ethernet Connection
PRODUCT OVERVIEW21. IBM compatible PC, Apple Macintosh or other workstation supportsTCP/IP protocol.2. An Ethernet port supports 10/100BaseT Ethernet connection.3. Subscribe to a Cable Television Company for cable modem service.z System Requirement of USB Connection1. IBM compatible PC with Microsoft Windows 98/Me or Windows 2000/XP.2. Available USB port.3. Subscribe to a Cable Television company for cable modem service.1.3 Features1.  Up to 42.88 Mbps downstream and up to 10.24 Mbps upstream, two-waycable router.2.  F-Connector for the cable interface.3.  Build-in IEEE 802.11b Wireless Access Point function.4.  Bridging wired & wireless segments of network.5.  Provide 11 / 5.5 / 2 / 1 Mbps wireless connectivity to the wireless clients.6.  Support Wired Equivalent Privacy Algorithm (WEP).7.  Roaming by Association/Re-association/De-association.8.  Support 802.11b Power Saving function.9.  Standard RJ-45 connector for 10/100BaseT Ethernet with auto-negotiationfunction and auto-media dependent interface crossover (MDIX).10. USB Connector for USB interfaces.11. Frequency agility.12. NAT (Network Address Translation) to support multiple users with one IPaccount for routing mode.13. Interoperable with any DOCSIS compatible cable routers and headendequipment.14. SNMP network management support.
PRODUCT OVERVIEW315. Remote operating firmware downloading16. Support Web pages and private DHCP server for status monitoring17. Clear LED display18. Plug and Play
HARDWARE INSTALLATION42. HARDWARE INSTALLATIONThis section includes physical description and installation procedure of thecable modem.2.1 Physical Description2.1.1 Front Panel IndicatorsFigure 2-1: Front Panel LEDsFour LEDs on the front panel (as figure 2-1) provide status indication of cablemodem operation. They are listed in the table below in order as viewed fromupper to under.LEDs Function Color Active DescriptionPOWER Power Green On Power is being applied to CM.On Ethernet/USB carrier is present.PC Link/PCDataGreenBlinking To indicate Ethernet or USB data.CABLE RF Data Green Blinking To indicate transmit RF US traffic.STATUS Link Green On Modem registration completed.
HARDWARE INSTALLATION5Blinking To indicate RF link status at differentspeed.1.  Scan downstream channel. (2sec cycle)2.  Downstream sync O.K andreceiving US parameters. (1 seccycle)3.  US ranging is O.K and receivingIP and TFTP configuration.(0.125 sec cycle)4.  Registration successfully. (KeepOn)5.  If cable lost sync happens afterregistration, cable LED will keepblinking (2sec cycle) until itrecovers again.On To indicate wireless link is present.Wireless WirelessLink/DataGreenBlinking To indicate Wireless AP data.2.1.2 Rear Panel ConnectorsFigure 2-2: Rear Panel
HARDWARE INSTALLATION6The connectors and switch on the rear panel from right to left are:z CABLE: F-Connectorz USB: USB Connectorz ETHERNET: Ethernet 10/100BaseT RJ-45 connectorz RST: Reset-to-Default push buttonz 12VDC: Power connector2.2 Installation ProcedureThis cable modem equips USB and Ethernet interfaces. You can chooseeither one to connect to the cable modem. Go to Section 2.2.1, if yourcomputer has installed TCP/IP and Ethernet card with 10/100BaseTcapability. Go to Section 2.2.2, if your PC has USB port and the operatingsystem is Microsoft Windows 98/Me or Windows 2000/XP.2.2.1 Installation Procedure for Ethernet InterfaceFollow the following instructions for proper installation:Step 1:Make sure your computer meets the system requirements in Section1.2.Step 2:Connect a coaxial cable (supplied by the local Cable TelevisionCompany) to the CABLE connector on the modem.NOTE: To speed up the initial cable modem registration process, the coaxialcable should be connected to the modem prior to the powerconnector.Step 3:Connect the RJ45 Ethernet cable to the ETHERNET connector on themodem, connect the other end with the 10/100BaseT Ethernet porton your computer.Step 4: Plug the power adapter into the POWER connector of the modem.Step 5: Plug the other end of the power adapter into a power outlet.
HARDWARE INSTALLATION7The cable modem will look for the proper cable modem signal in the CableTelevision network and process the initial registration. The cable modem isready for data transfer after the LED “STATUS” is in solid green.NOTE: The RST button at the rear panel is for maintenance purpose only.2.2.2 Installation Procedure for USB InterfaceFollow the following instructions for proper installation:Step 1:Make sure your computer meets the system requirements in Section1.2.Step 2:Connect a coaxial cable (supplied by the local Cable TelevisionCompany) to the CABLE connector on the modem. NOTE: To speedup the initial cable modem registration process, the coaxial cableshould be connected to the modem prior to the power connector.Step 3: Connect the USB cable to the USB connector on the modem.Step 4: Plug the power adapter into the POWER connector of the modem.Step 5: Plug the other end of the power adapter into a power outlet.The cable modem will look for the proper cable modem signal in the CableTelevision network and process the initial registration. The cable modem isready for data transfer after the LED “STATUS” is in solid green.NOTE: The RST button at the rear panel is for maintenance purpose only.
HARDWARE INSTALLATION82.2.3 Connecting the Cable Modem to Your Computer
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION93. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION3.1 For Microsoft Windows 98/Me UsersSteps 1:Wait for the cable modems is running in the operational state(registration O.K.), and then plug the USB cable into your PC USBport. You will see the next page. Click the “Next” button.Step 2:Select “Search for the best drivers for your device“ and click the“Next” button.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION10Step 3: Check Floppy disk drives. Click the “Next” button.Step 4: Select “The updated driver...” and click the “Next” button.Step 5: Insert the driver disk into floppy drives A. Click the “Next” button.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION11Step 6: Installation has been completed here. Click the “Finish” button.Step 7: The system will ask you to restart your computer. Remove the floppydisk from the floppy drives and click “Yes” to complete theinstallation.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION123.2 For Microsoft Windows 2000/XP UsersSteps 1:Wait for the cable modems is running in the operational state(registration O.K.), and then plug the USB cable into your PC USBport.Step 2:You will see the next page. Click the “Next” button.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION13Step 3:Select “Search for a suitable driver for my device“ and click the“Next” button. Step 4: Insert the driver disk into floppy drives A. Select “Floppy diskdrives” and clicks the “Next” button.Step 5: Click the “Next” button.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION14Step 6: Installation has been completed here. Click the “Finish” button.3.3 Configuring the TCP/IP ProtocolAfter you successfully complete the network interface card (Ethernet card)installation task, you need to make sure the TCP/IP communications
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION15protocol used by the Ethernet card is installed and correctly configured onyour system.3.3.1 Configuration on Windows 98/MeStep 1:Click “Start” button on your computer’s taskbar, point to “Settings”,and then click “Control Panel”.Step 2: The Control Panel window will show up. Double-click the “Network”icon in the Control Panel window.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION16Step 3: Windows will appear the Network dialog box. Click “Configuration”tab to bring it to the front, and on this tab, a list of installed networkcomponents appears. Look for an entry that includes TCP/IP->followed by the Ethernet card installed in your computer.If the entry is not present, click ”Add”.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION17Step 4:The Select Network Component Type dialog box will show up.Click ”Protocol”, and then click ”Add”.Step 5:You will see the Select Network Protocol dialog box. Click“Microsoft” in the “Manufactures:” list, and then click “TCP/IP” inthe “Network Protocols:” list. Click “OK”.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION18You will be directed back to the Network dialog box, and on the“Configuration” tab, the entry that includes TCP/IP -> followed by theEthernet card installed in your computer will appear in the list of installednetwork components.Step 6:Click TCP/IP -> followed by the Ethernet card installed in yourcomputer, and then click ”Properties”. The TCP/IP Propertiesdialog box will appear.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION19Step 7:In the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, please follow the directionsbelow: Click “IP Address” tab to bring it to the front, and then click“Obtain an IP address automatically” on the tab.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION20Step 8:Click “Gateway” tab to bring it to the front. On this tab, leave the“New gateway:” blank. If there is the entry in the “Installedgateway:” list, click it and then click “Remove” to remove allinstalled gateways.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION21Step 9:Click “DNS Configuration” tabs to bring it to the front, and click“Disable DNS”, then click “OK” to close the dialog box.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION22Step 10:The Copying Files dialog box will pop up and the system will startcopying files from Windows. At the first time you will be asked toinsert the Windows 98 CD-ROM (or diskette) into the CD-ROMdrive (or floppy diskette drive) during the files copying, and followthe instructions when they show up, then click “OK”. You will beprompted by another Copying Files dialog box. Please type thecommand line that Windows 98/Me files located in the dialog box(For example, D:\win98). Click “OK” to continue the files copying.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION23Step 11:Windows will appear the System Settings Change dialog box andask you if you would like to restart your computer. Click “Yes”.3.3.2 Configuration on Windows 2000/XP Step 1:Click “Start” button on your computer’s taskbar, point to “Settings”,and then click ”Network and Dial-up Connections”.Step 2:The Network and Dial-up Connections window will show up. Double-click “Local Area Connection” icon in the Network and Dial-upConnections window.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION24Step 3: The Local Area Connection status window will show up. Click the“Properties” button.Step 4:Click “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and then click “Properties”.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION25Step 5:The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box appears. Click“Obtain an IP address automatically”. Click “Obtain DNS serveraddress automatically”. Click “OK” to close the dialog box.
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION26Step 6: Windows will appear the System Settings Change dialog box andask you if you would like to restart your computer. Click “Yes”.
UNINSTALL THE USB DRIVER274. UNINSTALL THE USB DRIVER4.1 For Microsoft Windows 98/Me UsersStep 1:Click the “Start” button on your computer’s taskbar, point toSettings”, and then click ”Control Panel”.Step 2: The Control Panel window will show up. Double-click the“Add/Remove Programs” icon in the Control Panel window.
UNINSTALL THE USB DRIVER28Step 3: Select “USB Cable Modem Adapter”. Click the “Add/Remove”button.Step 4: Click the “Yes” button.Step 5: Unplug the USB cable and click the “OK” button.
UNINSTALL THE USB DRIVER294.2 For Microsoft Windows 2000/XP UsersStep 1:Click the “Start” button on your computer’s taskbar, point toSettings”, and then click ”Control Panel”.Step 2: The Control Panel window will show up. Double-click the“Add/Remove Programs” icon in the Control Panel window.Step 3: Select “USB Cable Modem Adapter”. Click the “Change/Remove”button.
UNINSTALL THE USB DRIVER30Step 4: Click the “Yes” button.Step 4: Unplug the USB cable and click the “OK” button.
DHCP SERVER 315. DHCP SERVERPC connected to the cable modem can automatically get a private IPaddress from the DHCP server of cable modem before cable modem is online.The following steps will show you how to get an IP address from DHCPserver of cable modem before cable modem is on line.5.1 For Microsoft Windows 98/Me UsersStep 1: Click “Start“, point to “Run“, and click to open the “Run“ windows.Step 2: Enter “winipcfg“ in the “Open“ field. Click “OK“ to execute thewinipcfg and show the “IP Configuration“ window.
DHCP SERVER 32Step 3: Select the “Ethernet adapter“ to show the IP address. Press“Release“ and “Renew“ if the PC is not accessing the Internet. Afterthe cable modem is on line, you need to press the “Release“ and“Renew“ to get a new IP address from your ISP’s server.5.2 For Microsoft NT 4.0/Windows 2000/XP UsersStep 1: Click “Start“, point to “Run“, and click to open the “Run“ windows.Step 2:The Run dialog box appears. Type “cmd” in the “Open” field, andthen click “OK” to execute the command.
DHCP SERVER 33Step 3: You will enter the dos mode, type “ipconfig”, press “Enter” on yourkeyboard, and you will see the IP address your computer get fromthe cable modem.Step 4: If PC is not access Internet, type “ipconfig /release”, and press“Enter” on your keyboard to release the IP.
DHCP SERVER 34Step 5:Type “ipconfig /renew”, and press “Enter” on your keyboard torenew the IP. You can repeat the steps until your computer get thecorrect IP.5.3 For Apple Macintosh UsersStep 1: Click “Apple menu“, point to “Control Panels“, and click “TCP/IP”  to open the “TCP/IP” window.
DHCP SERVER 35Step 2:If the iMac get an invalid IP, select “Using DHCP Server” in“Configure” field.Click the “Close box” at the upper left corner to close the “TCP/IP”windowStep 3: Click the  “Save” in the prompted message box.Step 4: You need to wait about 2 minutes and open “TCP/IP” window to see             the new TCP/IP status…5.4 Renew PC IP AddressThere is a chance that your PC does not renew its IP address after cablemodem is on line and the PC cannot access the Internet. Please follow theprocedures below to renew PC’s IP address after the cable modem is online.Step 1: Click “Start“, point to “Run“, and click to open the “Run“ windows.
DHCP SERVER36Step 2: Enter winipcfg in the “Open“ field. Click “OK“ to execute the winipcfgand show the “IP Configuration“ window.Step 3: Select the “Ethernet adapter“ to show the IP address. Press“Release“ and “Renew“ to get a new IP address from your ISP’sserver.Step 4: Select the “OK“ to close the IP Configuration window.
WEB SERVER37 6. WEB SERVER6.1 SystemThis page shows the basic information about your cable modem. You canget the H/W and S/W version of the cable modem. It also shows theEthernet MAC address of the cable modem.6.2 StartupThis page provides information about the startup process of the cablemodem. You may check this connection sequence to know the currentstatus of your cable modem. It will display the current downstreamfrequency the cable modem locks on.
WEB SERVER386.3 SignalThis page provides important information about the status and quality ofthe communications between your cable modem and the cable modemnetwork.
WEB SERVER396.4 StatusThis page provides important information about the operational status ofyour cable modem and the devices that you have connected to it.6.5 LogThis page provides important information that can be used to resolveproblems with your cable modem.
WEB SERVER406.6 WirelessThis page provides wireless connectivity within a range of several hundredsfeet and acts as a bridge between your wired LAN and wireless PCs. Thissection shows you how to configure the wireless LAN setting.Wireless SSID (Service Set Identity): A name that uniquely identifies awireless network. All clients that want to communicate with the BroadbandWireless Router (AP) must have the same SSID as it.Desired Channel: The frequency in which the radio links are about to beestablished. Usually the clients will scan the whole operable channels andthen select the desired communications channel automatically.
WEB SERVER416.7 WEPThe privacy security function can enhance media security by encryption technology. Allclients must set the same encryption key to maintain the tightened communication withthe Broadband Wireless Router (AP) properly. To turn on the privacy function:Authentication Algorithm: Select Enable WEP as the authentication type.Select Enable WEP: Open KeyIf Open Key is selected as the authentication type, a wireless station canassociate to any wireless network available in the air and receive anymessages that are not encrypted.Note: Open Key is also referred as Open System in some models.Disable WEP: Shared KeyWith shared key authentication, only those wireless stations that possess thecorrect WEP keys can join the wireless network.WEP EncryptionTo enable WEP encryption function, select your encryption length as 64-Bit or 128-Bit.When entering your WEP keys, notice that your WEP keys must be comprised ofhexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F, and a-f) and must contain 10 characters for 64-bit WEPKeys or 26 characters for 128-bit WEP keys.Default Tx Key: Select one WEP key from the four keys to encrypt the data you transmit.
WEB SERVER426.8 OperationSetting the run mode, save configuration parameter and roboot.Cable modem operation mode default is router mode.
WEB SERVER436.9 LanIPThis page let the administrator to manage the private LAN interface.6.10 NAT IPThis page shows NAT IP Address, NAT MAC Address and Subnet Mask.The LAN configuration allows you to set the private IP address andSubnet mask information of Ethernet side.
WEB SERVER446.11 DHCP SvrThis page let the administrator to manage the build in DHCP server inCable SOHO Gateway.Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) dynamically assigns privateIP addresses within its local network. It can lease the IP addresses for auser-defined amount of time.In our DHCP server, we can provide the information with lease time,domain name, client, DNS, and WINS server IP for local CPEs. We canalso reserve some specific IP for the use of internal servers.
WEB SERVER456.12 MappingThe page provides the administrator to set up the virtual server in theCable SOHO Gateway. It provides the user of public network to accessthe certain service (such as FTP, Web, Telnet by utilizing application view)within private network.It also provides the function of IP and Port redirection. For example, weset up web server in internal server (IP: and redirect theweb server from TCP/8080 port as following setting:User defined port (8080) is virtual port.IP ( is internal server IP.Port (80) is internal server port.
WEB SERVER466.13 FilterThe IP packet filters allow you to filter outbound packets that leave fromthe Cable SOHO Gateway.Basic Setting can let you do the filtering according to applicationprotocol types, such as HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SMTP, POP3, DNS, NNTP,and RealAudio.Advance Setting can be set to check packets according to thecombination of destination IP, netmask, port, and protocol type.
WEB SERVER476.14 SaveCFGYou can save configuration parameter to FLASH.
FAQ487. FAQQ1.Can I switch between a notebook and PC using the same cablemodem? Will there be a problem to obtain a DHCP IP address?A. This issue depends on how your cable modem service provider managesthe modems. If you are using one of the cable modem service providersthat register your PC based on the MAC address of the Ethernet card inthe PC, then you will have to call them and have them change that entryevery time you switch between the two. Ask them if you have problemon this issue.Q2.Can I use the same cable line for TV and cable modem?A.  Yes, the TV and cable modem uses the cable line. You need a splitter touse them at the same time. Ask Cable Company to install the splitter foryou to avoid signal degradation.Q3. My cable modem cannot get a solid green light on the Status LEDwhen I connect the cable back.A. The cable modem lost the signal during the disconnection period and itwill keeps scanning other available signal. When you connect the cableback, it might take a while to find the correct channel. You can powercycle the modem to speedup the process since modem will rememberthe channel last time and it will start from that channel at startup.Q4. Which port of the Ethernet hub should I connect to the modem if Ineed to connect multiple PC to the modem?A. You should connect the modem to the up-link port of the hub. The linkLED of the hub will be on.Q5. How do I see my IP address?A. If you are using Windows 95/98/Me, the winipcfg command will show youto IP address of the PC connected to the cable modem. Notice that eventhough you seem get the same address all the time, it may still be adynamic address.Q6. Can I just connect the cable modem and two computers to a hub?A. Yes. You need to make sure you can get two IP addresses from yourcable modem service provider. Connect the modem to the up-link port ofthe hub.
FAQ49Q7. I have a cable modem. How can I make it work?A.  Basically, modem is plug and play. You can just connect the modem andyou are ready to go if you have the subscription. For ensure good signalfor your cable modem, you should ask your cable provider to install thecable modem for you.FCC Caution1. The device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause harmful interference.(2)This device must accept any interference received,   including interference that may cause undesired operation.2.   FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: The equipment complies with     FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled     environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a     minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body.3.   This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with     any other antenna or transmitter.4.  Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party     responsible for compliance could void the user authority to operate the     equipment.

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