Audio Technica T1801C WIRELESS MICROPHONE User Manual Layout 1

Audio-Technica Corporation WIRELESS MICROPHONE Layout 1

Users Manual

1800 Series
Camera-mount UHF Wireless
Microphone Systems (single-channel)
UniPak®Body-pack Transmitter System
Plug-on Transmitter System
Plug-on and Body-pack Transmitter System
Set-up and Operation
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.
This device complies with INDUSTRY CANADA R.S.S. 210, en conformité avec IC: RSS-210/CNR210.
Operation is subject to the following conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference and 2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference which may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Audio-Technica could
void your authority to operate this equipment.
Notice to individuals with implanted cardiac pacemakers or AICD devices:
Any source of RF (radio frequency) energy may interfere with normal functioning of the implanted device. All wireless microphones have
low-power transmitters (less than 0.05 watts output) which are unlikely to cause difficulty, especially if they are at least a few inches away.
However, since a “body-pack” mic transmitter typically is placed against the body, we suggest attaching it at the belt, rather than in a shirt pocket
where it may be immediately adjacent to the medical device. Note also that any medical-device disruption will cease when the RF transmitting
source is turned off. Please contact your physician or medical-device provider if you have any questions, or experience any problems with the
use of this or any other RF equipment.
CAUTION! The circuits inside the receiver and transmitter have been precisely adjusted for optimum performance and compliance with federal
regulations. Do not attempt to open the receiver or transmitter. To do so will void the warranty, and may cause improper operation.
Warning: To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture.
Attention: Pour prévenir feu ou choc électrique, ne pas exposé l'appareil à la pluie ou à l'humidité.
About RF Interference
Please note that wireless frequencies are shared with other radio services. According to Federal Communications Commission regulations,
“Wireless microphone operations are unprotected from interference from other licensed operations in the band. If any interference is received
by any Government or non-Government operation, the wireless microphone must cease operation...”
If you need help with operation or frequency selection, please contact your local dealer or Audio-Technica. Extensive wireless information
also is available at
Components and System Configurations 3
System Features 4
Quick Overview of System Operation 5
Receiver Controls 6
Operating the Receiver 9
Transmitter Controls 10
Operating the Transmitter 11
Tips for Best Results 13
Available Accessories 14
Specifications 15
Warranty 16
1800 Series Components (single-channel)
Receiver and Included Components/Accessories
AT W -1813
Camera-mount UHF Wireless
Microphone System (single-channel)
with Body-pack and Plug-on Transmitters
Single-channel receiver
Two detachable
18" output cable,
Pouch with belt clip
(holds receiver)
UniPak®transmitter with included omnidirectional lavalier microphone
Plug-on transmitter
AT W -1811
Camera-mount UHF Wireless
Microphone System (single-channel)
with Body-pack Transmitter
AT W -1812
Camera-mount UHF Wireless
Microphone System (single-channel)
with Plug-on Transmitter
System Configurations
Note: All model numbers have an additional letter at the end to indicate frequency band.
System Features (single-channel)
True Diversity operation for resistance to multi-path interference and dropouts
UHF reception with 996 frequencies selectable in 25 kHz steps
Automatic frequency scanning for easy selection of open channels
Tone Locksquelch system eliminates interference when transmitter is off
Balanced output on receiver allows connection to a balanced microphone-level
input on camera, mixer or amplifier
Headphone monitor output with independent level control
Battery fuel-level indicators on transmitters and receiver
Soft-touch controls for easy frequency selection
LCD frequency and battery status display with backlight on receiver and
Antenna and AF Peak LED indicators
Compact receiver ideal for on-camera use
Transmitters operate in low or high transmission modes to conserve battery
life/maximize power
Easy, user-friendly operation
Clear, natural sound quality
Powered by AA batteries or external 12V DC power (not included)
System components of the 1800 Series and 3000 Series UHF Wireless Systems
can be used interchangeably*
* NOTE: The 1800 Series offers operating frequencies in 25 kHz steps, while the 3000 Series
offers operating frequencies in 125 kHz steps. This means that not every frequency
selectable on the 1800 Series components will be selectable on the 3000 Series components.
Set each transmitter-receiver pair to identical frequencies.
Quick Overview of System Operation
Thank you for purchasing this Audio-Technica 1800 Series Single-channel Camera-mount
UHF Wireless Microphone System. All 1800 Series Single-channel systems are designed
primarily to be used with video cameras, with the ATW-R1810 Receiver mounted on a camera
and connected to the camera's audio input; they may also be used with other components
equipped with microphone-level input.
First, insert batteries. (See Receiver Battery Installation, page 8.) Note: The ATW-R1810
Single-channel Receiver also functions without batteries if connected to an external
power supply (12V DC source, 500 mA nominal current, not included).
Next, attach the antennas to the antenna input jacks, and mount the ATW-R1810 Receiver to
your camera (mounting hardware not included); or use the included pouch with belt clip to
attach the ATW-R1810 to your belt. Connect the output cable to the ATW-R1810 and your video
camera (or audio mixer). (See Output callout, page 7).
Turn the ATW-R1810 on: Press and hold the Power/Set button until the Power LED lights red.
Select an operating frequency. (See Selecting Frequencies on your Receiver, page 9.)
NOTE: Transmitter-Receiver pairs must be set to identical frequencies.
IF your system is equipped with a UniPak®Body-pack Transmitter and lavalier microphone:
Plug the included lavalier microphone into the UniPak®body-pack transmitter and position
microphone on your subject about six inches below the chin. Anticipate movements that may
cause the microphone to rub against or be covered by clothing, and position the microphone to
avoid it. Turn the power on (See Operating the Transmitter, page 11). Select a frequency and
choose other settings. (See Operating the Transmitter and How to Set Frequencies on your
Transmitter, page 11.)
IF your system is equipped with a Plug-on Transmitter: Attach a microphone (dynamic or
condenser) to the Plug-on Transmitter's input connector (See Microphone Input, page, 10 ).
Turn the power on (See Operating the Transmitter, page 11 ). Select a frequency and choose
other settings. (See Operating the Transmitter and How to Set Frequencies on your Transmitter,
page 11.)
ATW-R1810 Single-channel Receiver Controls (front panel)
Liquid Crystal Display shows battery status and frequency settings.
BNC-type antenna connectors. Attach the antennas to the antenna input jacks. Make certain
that during operation there is a clear open-air path between the receiver antennas and the
True Diversity operation: two antennas feed two completely independent RF sections on the
same frequency; automatic logic circuitry selects the superior signal.
Diversity Indicators A and B show which tuner has the better reception and is in operation.
Turns the unit on and off. Use with the Up/Down arrows to choose operating frequencies
manually or automatically (using your choice of three automatic scan groups).
Indicates when the unit is on. Also indicates receiver overload by turning off; too much signal
will cause blinking LED (off during peaks). To correct overload, adjust audio gain on transmitter.
(See Audio Input Level (Gain) Adjustments on your transmitter, page 12.)
Press Up or Down arrows, in conjunction with the Power/Set button, to choose operating
frequencies manually or automatically (using your choice of three automatic scan groups).
Antenna Input Jacks
Diversity Indicators
Power / Set Button
Power/Peak LED
Up/Down Arrows
Receiver Level Control
Monitor Level Control
DC Input
Monitor Output
(rear panel)
Balanced Audio Output Jack: TA3M-type connector. Pin 1: ground (shield); Pin 2: “audio +”;
Pin 3: “audio –”. A standard 2-conductor shielded cable can be used to connect the receiver
output to a balanced microphone-level input on a camera, mixer or integrated amplifier.
Controls the output level of the receiver. Turn clockwise to increase output level.
The level control (volume control) for headphones is independent of other level controls. Turn to
the right to increase output (turn up the volume).
You may connect the unit to an external power supply (12V DC source, 500 mA nominal
current, not included.)
3.5 mm TRS headphone jack.
1110 8
ATW-R1810 Single-channel Receiver Batteries
Each ATW-R1810 Single-channel Receiver uses four 1.5V AA batteries, not included. Alkaline
type is recommended. Always replace all batteries. Make certain the receiver power is Off
before replacing batteries. Note: The ATW-R1810 receiver also functions without batteries
if connected to an external power supply (12V DC source, 500 mA nominal current,
not included).
1. Open the battery compartment door by pushing the catch back.
2. Observe correct polarity as marked and carefully insert four fresh 1.5V AA alkaline batteries
(see above).
3. Replace the door, making certain the latch clicks securely in place.
After the batteries are installed, turn the power on. The small red power-on LED (see a at left)
should light and the LCD window should come on. If this does not happen, the batteries are
installed incorrectly or they are dead.
The receiver's “fuel gauge” battery indicator (see b at left) displays a maximum of four bar
segments. When LCD flashes LOW.BAT, the batteries should be replaced immediately to
ensure continued operation.
Battery Selection
Battery Installation
Battery Condition Indicator
Operating the Receiver
NOTE: Transmitter-Receiver pairs must be set to identical frequencies.
1. To turn the receiver on, press and hold the Power/Set button until the Power LED lights, and
the LCD window comes on (about 2-3 seconds). The operating frequency will show in the
window after the power-up sequence.
2. Press the Power/Set button to enter the Frequency Selection Menu mode; the word
“MENU” will appear in the upper left corner of the LCD window.
3. Use the Up/Down arrows to cycle through functions:
– first arrow up is Automatic Scan Group 1;
– second arrow up is Automatic Scan Group 2;
– third arrow up is Automatic Scan Group 3;
– fourth arrow up is Quit, allowing exit from Menu mode.
1. Press Power/Set button to enter Menu mode. The word “MENU” will appear in the upper
left corner of the LCD window. The current frequency will be displayed in the LCD window.
Press Power/Set button and frequency will begin to flash and the word “EDIT” will appear
above the frequency display; use up and down arrows to adjust the frequency. Frequency
changes in 25k steps. To increase scroll speed, hold the up or down arrow for more than
4 seconds.
2. When you arrive at desired frequency, press and hold the Power/Set button until the word
“STORED” appears. Frequency (which appears on the screen) is now set.
3. To “back out” of the Manual Frequency Set mode without making a frequency choice,
simply press the Power/Set button once to exit the menu. The word “ESCAPE” will appear
in the window, and no changes in frequency setting will be made; the receiver's audio
output will again be enabled.
1. Press the Power/Set button to enter the Frequency Selection Menu mode; the word
“Menu” will appear in the upper left corner of the LCD window.
2. Use the Up or Down arrow to reach Scan 1, Scan 2, or Scan 3. Press the Power/Set button
once to select one of these three Scan groups. The word “SCAN1”, “SCAN2” or “SCAN3”
will flash in the LCD window.
3. Press the Up or Down arrow to begin the scan. Press the Up arrow to scan up from the
lowest frequency in the group; press the Down arrow to scan down from the highest
frequency in the group
4. The first available frequency will flash in the LCD window. To activate this frequency
selection, press and hold the Power/Set button until the word “STORED” appears in the LCD
5. If you do not wish to use the frequency found, you may press the Up or Down arrow. The Up
arrow with scan upwards, the Down arrow will scan downwards, from the frequency you are on.
6. To “back out” without making a frequency choice, simply press the Power/Set button once
to exit the menu. The word “ESCAPE” will appear in the window, and no changes in frequency
setting will be made; the receiver's audio output will again be enabled.
Selecting Frequencies
on your Receiver
Setting Receiver Frequency Manually
Using the Automatic Scan Function
to Set Receiver Frequency
Power-on LED
Audio Input Jack
Microphone Input
Power/Mute Button
Up/Down Arrows
Set Button
Sliding Control Cover
Sliding Control Cover
Battery Door
Mounting Clip
AT W -T1801 UniPak®Body-pack &
AT W -T1802 Plug-on Transmitter Controls
The ATW-T1801 UniPak®body-pack transmitter includes a field-replaceable flexible antenna. For
best results, allow the antenna to hang freely and full length from the bottom of the transmitter.
If the received signal is marginal, experiment with different transmitter positions or try reposi-
tioning the receiver. Since the transmitter antenna simply screws in, check to make certain it is
snugly attached (finger-tight). Do not change the length of the transmitting antenna.
Green light indicates power is on and un-muted; red light indicates that audio is muted.
The light will blink when the batteries are low.
Liquid Crystal Display presents setup and operating information. The LCD in the transmitters is
designed for greatest contrast and best viewing with the window rotated somewhat away from
the viewer (about 30 degrees), not straight-on, for a more convenient holding/viewing
position. The display is illuminated with a backlight when you press Set to access transmitter
functions. The backlight will automatically turn off within a set period of time.
Connect an audio input device (microphone or guitar cable) to the audio input jack on the bottom
of the ATW-T1801 UniPak®Body-pack Transmitter. A number of Audio -Technica professional
microphones and cables are available separately, pre-terminated with a compatible input
connector (see page 14 ). The cable connector latches automatically when inserted into the
transmitter jack. To unlatch and remove the connector, pull up on the connector’s knurled
metal collar.
The ATW-T1802 plug-on transmitter has a 3-pin XLRF-type input connector with a locking collar.
Use either a dynamic or a condenser microphone. The transmitter provides power to condenser
microphones rated to operate on 12V phantom power or less. To attach the microphone, rotate
the threaded locking collar fully clockwise (“down”) until it reaches the transmitter housing (see
aat right). Press the microphone and transmitter together (see bat right). Rotate the thread-
ed collar “up” until it is firmly against the end of the mic (see cat right). Make certain the mic
is securely attached before use. To detach the microphone, reverse the steps above. Always
loosen the threaded collar fully before attempting to disconnect the mic.
For on/off and mute functions.
Press Up or Down arrows, in conjunction with the Set button, to choose operating frequencies
and access transmitter functions.
Use in conjunction with the Up/Down arrows, to choose operating frequencies and access
transmitter functions.
This 3-position sliding cover on the body-pack transmitter’s control panel prevents accidental
shut-off or channel-switching.
This sliding cover on the plug-on transmitter’s control panel helps to prevent accidental shut-off
or channel-switching.
Open by sliding the catch down (on body-pack) or pushing in direction of arrow (on plug-on transmitter).
The ATW-T1801 UniPak®transmitter’s mounting clip may be installed with the case positioned
either “up” or “down,” depending upon which is preferred for the application. To turn the clip
around, spring the ends of the clip out of the two holes on the sides of the transmitter case and
reinstall it facing in the opposite direction.
Transmitter Batteries
Each transmitter uses two 1.5V AA batteries, not included. Alkaline type is recommended.
Always replace both batteries. Make certain the transmitter power is Off before replacing batteries.
1. Open the battery compartment door by sliding the catch down (on body-pack) or pushing in
direction of arrow (on plug-on transmitter).
2. Observe correct polarity as marked on the metal contacts on the door and carefully insert
two fresh 1.5V AA alkaline batteries.
3. Close the door, making certain the latch clicks securely in place.
After the batteries are installed, turn the power on by pressing and holding the Power/Mute
button. The small power-on LED (see aat left ) should light green and the LCD window should
come on. If this does not happen, the batteries are installed incorrectly or they are depleted.
The transmitter’s “fuel gauge” battery indicator in the LCD displays a maximum of four bar seg-
ments. When it flashes “LOW.BAT”, the batteries should be replaced immediately to ensure
continued operation. (Additionally, the power-on LED will flash when the batteries are low.)
Operating the Transmitter
To turn the transmitter on, press and hold the Power/Mute button until the power indicator
lights green, and the LCD window comes on (about 1-2 seconds). The operating frequency will
show in the window after the power-up sequence.
To turn the transmitter off, press and hold the Power/Mute button again, until the power indicator
and the LCD window are extinguished (about 1-2 seconds). The LCD window will show
“PWR.OFF” before shutdown.
NOTE: Set your transmitter and receiver to identical frequencies.
1. Turn transmitter on.
2. Press the Set button once and the small word “MENU” will appear above the frequency.
3. Press the Set button again and the small flashing word “EDIT” will appear to the right
of “MENU”.
4. Use the Up/Down arrows to change the transmitter frequency. Press either arrow for 25 kHz
steps, or hold down either arrow for rapid cycling through the range. Frequencies “wrap
around” when the top or bottom of the band is reached. Select the exact frequency
displayed on the receiver.
5. To activate this frequency selection, press and hold the Set button until the word “STORED”
appears in the transmitter’s window. (If you do not wish to complete this selection, just
press the Set button once: the word “ESCAPE” will appear briefly in the window and the
transmitter will return to the Menu mode.)
6. When finished entering a frequency, press the Up arrow once to move to “QUIT”. Then press
the Set button once to exit the menu. The word “MENU” in the transmitter window will
go off, indicating the return to normal operation.
1. Turn transmitter on.
2. Press the Set button once; the small word “MENU” will appear above the frequency.
3. When in the Menu mode, use the Up and Down arrows to cycle through the following functions:
Frequency Input Select (body-pack only)
RF Power Reset to Defaults
Audio Input Level Quit (exit menu)
Power/Mute Locks
4. To make a change in the default setting:
Press Set button once;
Press Up or Down arrow until you reach desired setting;
Press and hold Set button until the word “STORED” appears in the LCD window.
(If you do not wish to complete this selection, just press the Set button once: the word
“ESCAPE” will appear briefly in the window and the transmitter will return to the Menu mode.)
ATW-T1801 ATW-T1802
Battery Selection
Transmitter Battery
Battery Condition
Turning your Transmitter On & Off
How to Set Frequencies
on your Transmitter
How to Access & Use the Function Menu
on your Transmitter
Transmitter Functions
RF Power Adjustments on your Transmitter
Audio Input Level (Gain) Adjustments
on your Transmitter
Using the Mute and Un-Mute Functions
on your Transmitter
Power/Mute Locks
Audio Input Selector
(continued on page 13)
Function Menu Default Setting Choices (Edit) Wrap-around*
Frequency Lowest in band 996 frequencies Yes
(25 kHz steps)
Audio Input Level +6 dB -6 dB, 0 dB, +6 dB, No
+12 dB, +18
Power/Mute Locks NO.LOC NO.LOC, ALL.LOC, Yes
Input Select** MIC MIC, INST Yes
Reset to Defaults PRESET See Restore Default
Settings, page 13
Quit QUIT Press Set to exit
* Continue in the same Up/Down direction and choices “wrap around” to the other end
of the range.
** On UniPak®transmitter only
RF power may be set to “RF HI” (30 mW nominal) or “RF LOW” (10 mW nominal) through the
function menu. The default setting is “RF LOW”. While the High setting normally provides
maximum operating range, the Low setting will help extend battery life. The Low setting may
also be preferred in multichannel systems, or when operating very close to the receiver, to
reduce the possibility of interference or receiver RF overload.
Correct adjustment of transmitter audio input, receiver audio output, and mixer/amplifier input
and output levels is important for best performance.
A 5-position audio input gain setting, selected through the function menu, allows you to match
the audio input level to the transmitter for best modulation with minimum distortion. The choices
are +18, +12 dB, +6 dB, 0 dB and -6 dB. The default value is +6 dB. Select the highest setting
that does not result in over-modulation with the highest audio/instrument input levels (an AF
indication on the receiver no higher than “0”).
When the transmitter is muted, it produces RF with no audio. When the transmitter is
un-muted, it produces both RF and audio. To mute the transmitter (cut off the audio, but
continue the RF output), press and release the Power/Mute button once. The word “MUTE”
will appear in the LCD window, just below the frequency, and the Power-on LED will turn red.
To un-mute the transmitter (restore the audio), press and release the Power/Mute button once
again. The “MUTE” will disappear from the LCD window, and the Power-on LED will turn green.
The Power/Mute button can be programmed (through the function menu): power can be locked
On; Mute can be locked either On or Off.
Setting Description
NO.LOC The Power and Mute functions operate normally.
ALL.LOC Both the Power and Mute functions are locked into their status as of the time
“ALL.LOC” is applied. (Power On, and Mute either On or Off.) Note: “ALL.LOC”
must be re-accessed and the setting changed to turn the transmitter off.
MUT.LOC In “MUT.LOC” mode, the audio cannot be muted. The Power functioning is
unaffected. (If “MUT.LOC” is applied while the transmitter is muted, pressing the
Power/Mute button once will return to un-muted operation; thereafter the Mute
function is disabled until the setting is changed again.)
PWR.LOC Power is locked On as of the time “PWR.LOC”is applied. The Mute functioning
is unaffected. Note: When in the “PWR.LOC” mode, the transmitter may be
turned off by: (1) Re-accessing the .LOC Menu and changing the setting, or
(2) Removing and re-installing the batteries. When the transmitter is
turned on again, it will power-up in the “NO.LOC” mode. (Only the “PWR.LOC”
function will change when batteries are removed; all other settings remain stored
in memory.)
If an attempt is made to take an action that currently is locked out, the LCD will
display “LOC.KED” briefly, then return to its previously-displayed contents.
The UniPak®body-pack transmitter provides input connections for both low-impedance (Lo-Z)
microphones and high-impedance (Hi-Z) instruments. A wide range of Audio-Technica Wireless
Essentialsmicrophones and cables are available pre-terminated with the appropriate
professional latching connector (see page 13 ).
Select the desired input – microphone or instrument – through the function menu; “MIC” or
“INST” will show in the LCD window, just below the frequency.
Operating the Transmitter (continued)
1. A “PRESET” selection in the menu allows you to reset all transmitter functions to their
factory-default values.
2. Press the Set button once to move to Menu mode.
3. Press the Up arrow twice to move to “PRESET” in the LCD window.
4. Press the Set button once and “LOAD” will appear in the LCD.
5. Press and hold the Set button until “DEF” appears in the LCD.
6. Press and hold the Set button until “LOADED” appears briefly in the LCD. The window will
then revert to “PRESET”.
7. Press the Down arrow once to move to “QUIT”.
8. Press the Set button once to exit the Menu mode and return to normal operation, with all
factory-default settings restored.
Tips for Best Results
1. Use only fresh alkaline batteries. Always replace all batteries.
Do not use “general purpose” (carbon-zinc) batteries.
2. Position the receiver so that it has the fewest possible obstructions between it and the
normal location of the transmitters. Line-of-sight is best.
3. The transmitters and the receiver should be as close together as conveniently possible, but
no closer together than three feet.
4. The receiver antennas should be in the open and away from any metal.
5. Each transmitter-receiver pair must be set to the same frequency.
6. When using multiple systems, only one transmitter on a given frequency should be “on” at
a time.
7. If the “Out Level” of the receiver is set too high, it may over-drive the input of the
camera/mixer or clip the output of the receiver, causing distortion. Conversely, if the receiver
output is set too low, the overall signal-to-noise ratio of the system may be reduced.
8. You need to change channels 1) when a strong interference signal is received, 2) when the
channel breaks down, or 3) during multiple-system operation in order to select an interference-
free channel. Always turn the units off before changing frequencies.
9. Turn the receiver and transmitter off when not in use. Remove the batteries during long-term storage.
Restore Default Settings
Available Accessories
AT829cW Cardioid condenser lavalier microphone
MT830cW Omnidirectional condenser lavalier microphone
MT830cW-TH “Theater” model, same as MT830cW except beige-color mic and cable
AT831cW Cardioid condenser lavalier microphone
AT889cW Headworn noise-cancelling condenser microphone
AT892cW MicroSet®headworn omnidirectional condenser microphone
AT892cW-CO Same as AT892cW except cocoa-color mic, earset and cable
AT892cW-TH “Theater” model, same as AT892cW except beige-color mic, earset and cable
AT898cW Subminiature cardioid condenser lavalier microphone
AT899cW Subminiature omnidirectional condenser lavalier microphone
AT899cW-TH “Theater” model, same as AT899cW except beige-color mic and cable
ATM350cW Cardioid condenser instrument microphone
ATM73cW Headworn cardioid condenser microphone
ATM75cW Headworn cardioid condenser microphone
PRO 8HEcW Headworn hypercardioid dynamic microphone
PRO 35cW Cardioid condenser instrument microphone
U851cW Cardioid condenser boundary microphone
U857ALcW Cardioid condenser gooseneck microphone
AT-GCW Hi-Z instrument/guitar cable with 1/4" phone plug
XLRW Connecting cable for UniPak®transmitter with an XLRF-type input connector,
for Lo-Z microphones with XLRM-type output terminations
ATW-RMS1 Remote mute switch designed to be installed between a wireless microphone
using an HRS-type connector and its associated body-pack wireless transmitter
ATW-RCS1 Remote momentary-mute/cough switch designed to be installed between a
wireless microphone using an HRS-type connector and its associated body-pack
wireless transmitter
Visit for detailed information on all of our wireless accessories.
Wireless Essentials®Microphones and Cables
(all Wireless Essentials accessories are
terminated for use with UniPak®transmitters)
Transmitter Accessories
Overall System
ATW-R1810 Single-channel Receiver
ATW-T1801 UniPak ®Body-pack Transmitter
ATW-T1802 Plug-on Transmitter
UHF Operating Frequencies
Band C: 541.500 to 566.375 MHz
Band D: 655.500 to 680.375 MHz
Number of Operating Frequencies 996 total per band (25 kHz increments)
Frequency Stability ±0.005%, Phase Lock Loop frequency control
Modulation Mode FM
Normal Deviation ±10 kHz
Operating Range 100 m (300') typical
Operating Temperature Range 23˚ F (-5˚ C) to 113˚ F (45˚ C)
Frequency Response 70 Hz to 15 kHz
Receiving System Dual independent RF sections,
automatic-switching diversity
Image Rejection >50 dB typical
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 104 dB at 30 kHz deviation (A-weighted),
maximum modulation 37 kHz
Total Harmonic Distortion <1% (±10 kHz deviation at 1 kHz)
Sensitivity 25 dBµV, (S/N 60 dB at 5 kHz deviation, A-weighted)
Audio Output (balanced) 27 mV (at 1 kHz, ±5 kHz deviation)
Output Connector 3- pin mini XLR (TA3M-type)
Monitor Headphone Output (typical) 35 mW max., 32 ohm load
Monitor Headphone Jack 3.5 mm TRS, signals on both Tip and Ring
External Power Requirements 12V DC nominal, 500 mA
Batteries (not included) Four 1.5V AA alkaline
Current Consumption (battery) 315 mA typical
Battery Life 10 hours typical,
depending on battery type and use pattern
Dimensions 75.0 mm (2.95") W x 125.0 mm (4.92") H x 32.0 mm (1.25") D
Net Weight (without batteries) 300 grams (10.5 oz)
Accessories Included Two flexible UHF antennas; one 18" TA3F to XLRM
output cable; belt pouch
RF Power Output High: 30 mW; Low: 10 mW, nominal
Spurious Emissions Under federal regulations
Dynamic Range >105 dB, A-weighted
Input Connections High impedance, low impedance, bias
Batteries (not included) Two 1.5V AA alkaline
Current Consumption High: 180 mA; Low: 160 mA, typical
Battery Life Approximately 6 hours (High); 8 hours (Low),
depending on battery type and use pattern
Dimensions 66.0 mm (2.60") W x 87.0 mm (3.43") H x 24.0 mm (0.94") D
Net Weight (without batteries) 80 grams (2.8 oz)
RF Power Output High: 30 mW; Low: 10 mW, nominal
Spurious Emissions Under federal regulations
Dynamic Range >105 dB, A-weighted
Input Connector 3-pin locking XLRF-type
Microphone Power Provides power to condenser microphones rated to
operate on 12V phantom power or less.
Batteries (not included) Two 1.5V AA alkaline
Current Consumption High: 180 mA; Low: 160 mA, typical
Battery Life Approximately 6 hours (High); 8 hours (Low),
depending on battery type and use pattern
Dimensions 40.0 mm (1.57") x 111.0 mm (4.37") x 40.0 mm (1.57")
Net Weight (without batteries) 199 grams (7.0 oz)
† Specifications are subject to change without notice.
One-Year Limited Warranty
Audio-Technica professional wireless systems purchased in the U.S.A. are warranted for one
year from date of purchase by Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. (A.T.U.S.) to be free of defects in
materials and workmanship. In event of such defect, product will be repaired promptly without
charge or, at our option, replaced with a new product of equal or superior value if delivered to
A.T.U.S. or an Authorized Service Center, prepaid, together with the sales slip or other proof of
purchase date. Prior approval from A.T.U.S. is required for return. This warranty excludes defects
due to normal wear, abuse, shipping damage, or failure to use product in accordance with the
instructions. This warranty is void in the event of unauthorized repair or modification, or removal
or defacing of the product labeling.
For return approval and shipping information, contact the Service Dept., Audio-Technica U.S.,
Inc., 1221 Commerce Drive, Stow, Ohio 44224.
Except to the extent precluded by applicable state law, A.T.U.S. will have no liability for any
consequential, incidental, or special damages; any warranty of merchantability or fitness for
particular purpose expires when this warranty expires.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from
state to state.
Outside the U.S.A., please contact your local dealer for warranty details.
Audio-Technica U.S., Inc.
1221 Commerce Drive, Stow, Ohio 44224 (330) 686-2600
P52015 ©2007 Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

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