Audiovox 3.1 Avaya Business Advocate Release User Guide Manual To The F72edcc5 C438 44e1 81f0 Dfaa23c665ec
User Manual: Audiovox 3.1 to the manual
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- Avaya Business Advocate Release 3.1 User Guide
- Contents
- Preface
- Overview of Business Advocate
- Overview
- Introduction to Business Advocate
- Selecting calls
- Selecting agents
- Automated agent staffing adjustments
- Developing your strategy
- Business Advocate solution examples
- Administering Business Advocate on Communication Manager
- Requirements for setting up Business Advocate
- Administration procedures
- Administering Least Occupied Agent
- Administering Most Idle Agent
- Administering Greatest Need
- Administering Skill Level
- Administering Percent Allocation for call and agent selection
- Administering Service Objective
- Administering Predicted Wait Time or Current Wait Time
- Administering Dynamic Queue Position
- Administering Service Level Supervisor
- Feature interactions
- Administering Business Advocate through CMS Supervisor
- Agent administration
- Using the Change Agent Skills dialog box
- Accessing the Change Agent Skills dialog box
- Working with agent skills
- Administering call handling preferences
- Using an agent template
- Accessing the Multi-Agent Skill Change dialog box
- Adding agents to a skill
- Removing agents from a skill
- Moving agents between skills
- Administering acceptable service levels
- Agent administration
- Appendix A: Business Advocate database items and calculations
- Glossary
- Index