Authinx 1000A Charger / Finder User Manual MK15A OM H14988D rev

Authinx Inc. Charger / Finder MK15A OM H14988D rev

User Manual

NOTE:The remote control will only control thedevice which is selected by theappropriate mode key (AT&T, TV, DVD,and AUX).  The mode key light for theselected device flashes each time a validkey is pressed.Controlling Other DevicesIn order to control other devices with your4:1 Universal Remote Control, you needto tell the remote control what types ofdevices you have.  Sections A and B bringyou through the steps needed to do this.The volume controls will work for thedevice mode you are in. If you want tochange this, you should follow the stepsin Section F.Programming the remote to controlother devicesTo use the U-verse remote control for yourother devices, you will need to set up theTV, DVD and AUX mode keys to controlthe devices (Section A).Please refer to the code list for a list ofsupported brands and models.  If you donot find the brand of your device on thesupported code list, please refer to sectionB for the search function or you may usesection C for instructions on the learningfeature of your remote control.  If youhave an integrated or combination unitsuch as a TV/DVD, each component ofthe unit may require being set upseparately by setting up both the TV andDVD mode keys.NOTE: The DVD and AUX mode keyscan be set up with any code. The TV modekey can only be set up with TV codes.AT&T U-verseAdvanced SeriesA10 Remote ControlA. Manual ProgrammingUse the following steps to set up the TV,DVD or AUX mode keys:1. Power on the device you want toprogram and locate the 4-digit codefrom the code list.2. Press and hold the mode key (TV,DVD, or AUX) and while holding itpressed, press the OK key for onesecond.3. Release both keys and all of themode keys will flash then theselected mode key light will stay lit.4. Enter the 4-digit code by pressing thenumerical keys (0-9). The selectedmode key light will blink for each digitentry and will remain off after the entryof the fourth digit - indicating asuccessful set up.5. Point the remote control at the selecteddevice and press the power key once.The device should turn off. If thedevice stayed on, repeat the steps 1thru 4 trying each code for your branduntil you find the correct code.Repeat above steps to set up anotherdevice.To use the remote control for your U-verseunit, press the AT&T mode key.NOTE: If an invalid code is entered or nokey is pressed at all for 30 seconds, themode key light flashes for 3 seconds andturns off. The remote control returns tonormal operation and you will need tostart over from step A2 to set up thedevice.B. Using the Search FunctionTo search for a particular device code forDVD or AUX e.g. VCR, use the ManualProgramming for section A and programDVD or AUX with any VCR code priorto starting a search.1. Turn on the device you want to controland point the remote at that device.2. Press and hold the mode key (TV,DVD, or AUX) and while holding itpressed, press the OK key for onesecond.3. Release both keys and all of themode keys will flash then theselected mode key light will stay lit.4. Press the power button repetitivelyuntil the selected device responds.Once your device has responded, pressOK to save the code.5. To indicate a successful set up, theselected mode key will turn off and youare ready to set up another device byfollowing steps 1 thru 3 of this section.C. LearningIf the code for your device is not found inthe code list and the search feature doesnot work with your device, then thelearning feature may be your best option.The learning feature lets you "learn"functions from your original remotecontrol.C-I. Learning Commands1. Press and hold the mode key (TV,DVD, or AUX) and while holding itpressed, press the LEARN key for onesecond then release both keys.2. All of the mode keys will flash andthen the selected mode key light willremain on.3. On your U-verse remote control, pressand release the key that you want toteach.4. While pointing your original remote atthe bottom of your U-verse remoteapproximately 1 inch apart, press andhold the original remote key until themode key light blinks once and stayson. (If there is a learning problem, themode key light blinks for three secondsand stays on. If this happens, repeatthe steps above.)4. Press and release the DELETE key.The TV mode key light turns off.  Alllearned Commands in the remote arenow cleared.E. Resetting the remote control to theFactory Default Settings1. Press and hold the TV key and whileholding it pressed, press the OK keyfor one second and release both keysat the same time.2. All the mode keys will flash and theTV mode key light will stay on.3. Press and hold the DELETE key for 3seconds until the TV mode LED blinksand stays off. The remote control isnow reset to factory default settings.If you want to use the remote controlfor your TV and other devices, you willneed to set up the TV, DVD and AUXmode keys.4. If no key is pressed within 30 seconds,the remote control times out. Theselected mode key light flashes for 3seconds and turns off. The remotecontrol returns to normal operationand you will need to start over.F. Volume Control Set Up OptionsThe volume controls will work for thedevice mode you are in, e.g. if AT&Tmode is selected then volume controlsyour AT&T U-verse unit, if TV mode isselected then volume controls your TV,etc. If you'd like the volume commandsto operate from just one device, e.g.always TV, then follow the instructionsin Section F-I.  If you'd like the volumecommands to be sent to different devicesdepending which mode you are in(Factory Default), then follow theinstructions in Section F-II.F-I. Volume Always Controls the sameDevice1. Press and hold the TV key and whileholding it pressed, press the OK keyfor 1 full second.2. Release both keys and all of the modekeys will flash followed by the TVmode key light remaining on.3. Press and hold the MUTE key for 3seconds until the TV mode key lightbriefly turns off then remains on.  Pressand release the mode key that youalways want to operate the volumecommands (AT&T, TV, DVD, andAUX). The selected mode key lightwill remain on.4. Press and release the MUTE key tosave the setting. The selected mode keylight will turn off indicating asuccessful initial set up. The volumecommands will be set up for theselected device despite what mode isselected.  If the selected mode key lightflashes for 3 seconds and turns off,then the selected mode will have novolume commands of its own and willneed to start over from step 1 aboveand select a different mode to programthe device.F-II. Volume Control Depends onDevice Selected (Factory Default)1. Press and hold the TV key and whileholding it pressed, press the OK keyfor one second.2. Release both keys and all of the modekeys will flash followed by the TVmode key light remaining on.3. Press and hold the MUTE key for 3seconds until the TV mode key lightbriefly turns off then stays on.Caring for the environment byrecyclingThis symbol on an AT&Tproduct means the productshould not be disposed ofwith household waste.Disposal of your charging base, powersupply or remote control.Please do not dispose of any of the itemsin this package with your householdwaste. These items should be disposed ofaccordance with the national collectionand recycling schemes operated by yourlocal or regional authority. Alternativelyyou may return unwanted items to anyapproved AT&T Service Center in yourregion.yFCC CautionTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART15 OF THE FCC RULES.OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOL-LOWING TWO CONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSEHARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANYINTERFERENCE RECEIVED,  INCLUD-ING INTERFERENCE THAT MAYCAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.This equipment generates and uses radiofrequency energy, and if not installed andused properly, that is, in strict accordancewith the manufacturers instructions, it maycause interference to radio and televisionreception. It has been type tested and foundto comply with the limits for remote con-trol devices in accordance with the speci-fications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15of FCC Rules, which are designed to pro-vide reasonable protection against such in-terference in a residential installation.However, there is no guarantee that inter-ference will not occur in a particular in-stallation. If this equipment does cause in-terference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by unpluggingthe equipment, try to correct the interfer-ence by one or more of the following mea-sures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TVexperiencing the interference.• Relocate the equipment with respect tothe radio/TV.• Move the equipment away from the ra-dio/TV.• Plug the equipment into an outlet on adifferent electrical circuit from the ra-dio/TV experiencing the interference.• If necessary, consult your local dealerfor additional suggestions.The manufacturer is not responsible forany radio or TV interference caused by un-authorized modifications to this equipment.Such modifications could void the user'sauthority to operate the equipment.Code List  TVAbex 0185Acme 0010Admiral 0020 0226 0001Advent 0116 0176 0922Adventura 0174Aiko 0058Aiwa 0195 0196 0227 0269Alleron 0051Amark 0020Amtron 0053Akai 0105 0002 0077 11371138 0254 1105 1113 1139Anam National 0053 00030025 0042 0193AOC 0004 0005 0009 10090014 0156 0175 0187Apex 0214 0216 0215 1132Archer 0020Aspect 0059Audiovox 0053 1019 1117Axion 0177Bang & Olufsen 0190Belcor 0004Bell & Howell 0031 0049 0000 0001Benq 0081 0083 0101Bluesky 1155 0144Bradford 0053Broksonic 0147 0135 0310Brokwood 0004Candle 0004 0009 0174 0008Capehart 0175CCE 1153Celera 0214Celebrity 0002Centrios 0169Centurion 0009Cetronic 0042Changhong 0214 0401Cineral 0058 0144Citizen 0004 0009 0053 0105 01090189 0135 0001 0008 0042 0058Clairtone 0014Classic 0214 0401 0042Coby 1091 1124Color Voice 0010Colortyme 0004 0009 0010Concerto 0004 0009Concierge 0121Contec/Cony 0053 0012 0014 0042Cornea 0050Craig 0053 0042Crosley 0062Crown 0053 0042Curtis Mathes 0031 0105 0130 00040009 0000 0049 0109 0358 0001 0015CTX 0020CXC 0053 0042Cybervision 0144Daewoo 0130 0004 0009 0100 00050138 0043 0140 0039 0444 0080 00420058 0017 0010 0126 0018 0127 0019Daytron 0004 0009Dell 0209 0028 0132Diamond Vision 0210 0948 0092Digimate 1017Digistar 1019 0165 0118 01160167 0132 1020 1151 1152Dimensia 0031 00005. Repeat Steps above for each key youwant the U-verse remote to learn.Press and release the LEARN key whenall desired remote commands have beenlearned.NOTE:It is not necessary to have your U-verseremote control learn every key from youroriginal remote since most of the keys willnot be used under normal daily use.  Bestpractice is to teach only the keys that helpyou navigate for the best experience, likeyour volume up and down, channel upand down, and DVR functions.D. Clearing CommandsD-I. To Clear all Learned Commands(under a single mode)1. Press and hold the mode key (TV,DVD, or AUX) and while holding itpressed, press the LEARN key for onesecond then release both keys.2. All the mode keys will flash and theselected mode key light will stay on.3. Press and release the LEARN keyonce. The mode key light blinks off.4. Press and release the DELETE key.The mode key light turns off. Alllearned Commands under that modeare now cleared.D-II. To Clear all learned Commands(under ALL modes)1. Press and hold the mode key (TV,DVD, or AUX) and while holding itpressed, press the LEARN key for onesecond then release both keys.2. All the mode keys will flash and theselected mode key light will stay on.3. Press and release the LEARN key twice.The TV mode key light blinks off.4. Release the MUTE key to save thesetting. The TV mode key light willturn off indicating successful set up.The volume commands will now workfor different devices.NOTE:If a programmed mode key has no volumecommands of its own, then the volumecontrol will normally operate the TV.  Ifan invalid key is pressed, the selectedmode key light flashes for 3 seconds andturns off.  The remote control returns tonormal operation and you will need tostart over.  If no key is pressed within 30seconds, the remote control times out, theselected mode key light flashes for 3seconds and turns off. The remote controlreturns to normal operation at which timeyou can start over.G. Battery saving backlightcancellation featureIn order to extend the life of your batterybetween charges, your U-verse remotecontrol has the ability to toggle betweenturning the backlights on or off.  If youwish to use this feature, follow these in-structions.1. Press and hold the TV key and whileholding it pressed, press the OK keyfor one second and release both keysat the same time.2. All the mode keys flash and the TVmode key light stays on.3. Press the GUIDE key and all back-lights will no longer turn on.To reverse this process so that the back-lights turn on when the remote control isbeing used, simply follow the same stepsof this section one more time.H. Charging Base setupConnect the Charging Base to the backof your U-verse set top box via thesupplied USB connector or by using theincluded plug-in power supply.  Place theremote into the Charging Base to chargethe rechargeable battery in the remotecontrol. It takes approximately 12 hoursto fully charge the battery in the remotebut you will be able to use your newremote control within 30 minutes ofcharging.  To ensure that you have placedthe remote control on the charging base,the charging indicator located next to theclock will show that the battery is beingcharged.H. Find featureNever lose your remote again!  If you havemisplaced the remote control and can notlocate it, simply press the AT&T globe onthe Charging Base and the remote controlwill play the AT&T ring tone as well asflash several of the remote keys. Thisshould help you locate your lost remotecontrol.H-I. Setting the ClockUse the +H and +M buttons to set theHours and Minutes for the clock. Boththe +H and +M buttons are located at thebottom on your new Charging Base.H-II. Finding more than one remoteIf there is more than one remote andCharging Base, you can set each ChargingBase to find only its own remote with 16unique codes. With the first power up ofthe Charging Base, it will be set to findALL remotes.To set the Charging Base so that it findsa specific remote when there are multipleremote in the household, follow theseinstructions:1. Press and hold both clock setting keys(+H and +M) at the same time for 3seconds. The display shows thecurrent ID, from 1 to 16 or ALL.2. Press the +M key to cycle from 1 to16 including a selection for all remotesin the household.3. Then press the +H key to confirm theselection.To set the remote to the same ID as theCharging Base, follow these instructions:1. Press and hold the TV key and whileholding it pressed, press the OK keyfor one second and release both keysat the same time. Next press theMENU key to enter ID learn mode(both the AT&T and AUX lightsremain on).2. Press the Find key on the ChargingBase – the remote will accept the newID and the lights will flash once andthen turn off.3. To exit this mode without changing thecode, simply press any key.H-III.  Dimming and brightening theclock on the Charging Base:Simply pressing and holding the ChargingBase find key while the remote is in theCharging Base causes the display to dim.Holding down the find key until fully dimfollowed by releasing the find key andholding it down again causes the clock tobe brighter and return to its originalillumination.I. Troubleshooting LearningYou can only learn one device type underany one mode key.  For example, onlylearn TV codes under the TV mode, DVDcodes under the DVD mode, etc.  If youare trying to learn from a "Universal"remote, it might have more than one codetype stored under a mode.a. No functions may be stored under theLEARN key in the AT&T mode.b. Depending on the remote you aretrying to learn, some keys may not belearnable.c. Only one original device type can belearned per individual mode.d. Use fresh batteries for your originalremote, and make sure the batteries inyour U-verse remote are fully charged.e. Keep at least three feet away fromincandescent or low-energy lightswhen learning.f. Before learning, clear all learnedcommands (refer to Section D-II) thentry learning 2 or 3 commands initially.g. Point your original remote at thebottom end of your U-verse remote sothe IR elements on both remotes aredirectly in line with each other (seediagram to the right). You may needto adjust the height of either remote toachieve this.h. Avoid learning your original remote'sVolume/Mute keys unless you are surethese operate the same device.i. Avoid learning your original remote'sVCR or DVD transport keys unlessyou’re sure these operate the samedevice.j. If learning the first or second keys fora mode results in continuous errorsthen try the following:i. End the learn session by pressing theLEARN key.ii. Clear out the learned commands forthat mode.iii. Check the IR elements are correctlyaligned between the two remotes.iv. Adjust the distance between the tworemotes to be closer (e.g. half an inch)or a further away (e.g. 2 inches) fromeach other.v. Try learning the original remote forthat mode again. If problems reoccurwith the same key check the originalremote key being learned – does ittransmit? Does it operate the targetdevice? Try learning that key under adifferent clear mode. If it learns OKthen it is likely to be a different codetype from the others and cannot belearned under the same mode.AT&T U-verseremoteYouroriginalremote1 inchapart
TV (continued)Disney 0158 0135Dukane 0059 0072Dumont 0121 0004Durabrand 0189 0135 01530217 0157 1135Dynasty 0042Elektra 0001Electroband 0002 0014Electrohome 0004 00090254 0003 0022Elite Video 0197Emerson 0004 0009 0044 01350049 0051 0189 0053 0147 00390130 0210 0456 0040 0041 00420021 0023 0024 0179 0045 00250027 0030 0032 0034 0035 0037Envision 0004 0009 0074 1009ESA 0189Fisher 0049 0110 0268 0180 0012Fujitsu 0197 0051 1006Funai 0051 0189 00530227 0456 0042Futuretec 0053 0042Gateway 0046GE 0031 0107 0164 0004 00090044 0054 0000 0342 00030125 0015 0022 0052 0087Gibralter 0121 0004Goldstar 0004 0009 0005 02270338 0012 0057 0080 0156Gradiente 1013 0004 0153 1160 1159Grundy 0051 0053Guestvision 0201Gvision 1005Haier 0081 0216 0217 0157 1147Hallmark 0004 0009Harley Davidson 0153Harvard 0053Hewlett Packard 1015 1004Hisense 0073 0182 0216 1016Hitachi 0088 0059 0142 0060 00720004 0009 0091 1002 0001 00120061 0137 0139 0141 0179 0227Hyundai 1134ILO 0198 1070 10241023 0146 0189 1139IMA 0053Infinity 0062 0288In Focus 0000Initial 1070 0146 1085 1109Insignia 0103 0189 0217 01350133 0116 0167 1148 0456 0029Integra 0181Inteq 0121Janeil 0174JBL 0062JCB 0002JC Penney 0031 0004 0005 00090105 0107 0109 0054 0000 00870008 0012 0015 0022 0030 0052Jensen 0004 0009 0133JVC 0060 0026 0197 0069 01600247 0923 0012 0065 0067 0141Kawasho 0004 0009 0002Kaypani 0175KEC 0042 0053Kenwood 0004 0009KLH 0214Kloss Novabeam 0068 0174Kogi 1005Konka 0053 0011 0016 00470066 0103 0412 0413 0029KTV 0053 0014 0021 0042 0070Kurazai 0001Lasonic 0210 0948Legend 0116LG 0004 0009 0005 0132 02270338 0012 0057 0080 0156Liquidvideo 0177 0168Lloyd 0153Lodgenet 0031 0202 0000 0001Loewe 0211 0062Logik 0031 0000 0001Luce 0055Luxman 0004 0009LXI 0031 0004 0009 0049 00620107 0109 0000 0227 0015Magnasonic 0051Magnavox 0062 0004 0009 01831133 0008 0068 0075 0141Majestic 0031 0000 0001Marantz 0062 0181 0004 0009Maxent 0046Medion 0213 0198 0158Megatron 0004 0009 0059MEI 0014Memorex 0004 0009 0049 0051 01350031 0000 1007 0268 0310 0001MGA 0004 0005 0009 00510012 0022 0141 0180Midland 0031 0121 0054 0107 0015Mintek 0146Minutz 0052Mitsubishi 0005 0151 0051 00040009 0022 0141 0180Monivision 0036Montgomery Ward 0031 0001 0000Moteva 0049 1013Motorola 0020 0003MTC 0004 0005 00090105 0109 0014Multitech 0053Multivision 0084Myron & Davis 0212NAD 0004 0009 0109 0185NEC 0181 0004 0005 00090003 0010 0095 0141NET-TV 0046 0124Nexxtech 1052 0167Nikei 0042Nikko 0004 0009 0058Niko 1143Norcent 0216 0043 0056NTC 0058Olevia 1027 1012 1140 1142 1156Oncommand 0201Onking 0042Onwa 0053 0042Optimus 0170 0185Optoma 1028Optonica 0020 0095Orion 0121 0135 0035Panasonic 0171 0148 00540170 0062 0003 0070Philco 0062 0004 0005 00090183 0011 1158 00680075 0141 0003 0008Philips 0062 0204 0184 0205 02070004 0189 0183 0199 02000081 1149 1154 0003 00080068 0075 0086 0087 0141Philips-Magnavox 0062 0204 02070183 0226 0288Pilot 0004Pioneer 0185 0181 00720004 0009 0090 0179Piva 1075Planar 1007Polaroid 0182 0173 01331019 1136 0029Portland 0004 00050009 0138 0130Precision 0166Price Club 0105Prima 1019 0165 0116 0167 0176Princeton Graphics 0020  0099Prism 0054Proscan 0031 0107 0015 0162 0163Proton 0192 0004 00091010 0093 0175 0186Protron 1017 1157Proview 1025 1026 1027Pulsar 0121 0004Quasar 0171 0148 00540170 0062 0003 0070Radio Shack 0031 0004 0048 00490053 0170 0009 0227 03420000 0012 0041 0042 0095RCA 0031 0004 0048 0054 00940100 0102 0107 0129 0191 00050009 0000 0162 0163 0003 00150022 0096 0113 0125 0179 0187 0188Realistic 0031 0004 0048 00490053 0170 0009 00000227 0012 0041 0042 0095Rhapsody 0014Runco 0121 0181 0111Sampo 0124 0046 00040009 0175 0012Samsung 0105 0077 0076 01090007 0009 0004 0005 01720012 0015 0080 0104 0106Samsux 0009Samtron 0105Sansui 0135Santeca 0194Sanyo 0049 0097 01100004 0012 0108 0180Sceptre 0149 1132Scotch 0004 0009Scott 0004 0009 00510053 0024 0035 0042Sears 0031 0062 0049 00510105 0004 0009 0107 01090110 0189 0000 0112 00790394 0456 0012 0015 0180Selectron 1022 1020 1021Semp 1001Sharp 0079 0123 0063 0020 00040009 0226 0266 0006 0095 0122Shogun 0004Signature 0031 0000 0001 0023Simpson 0008Sonic 0014Sony 0128 0013 00020071 0380 0152Sova 1003 1095Soyo 1130 1131Soundesign 0004 0009 00510053 0008 0042Spectra 0210Spectravision 0203Squareview 0189SSS 0004 0053 0042Starlite 0053Star Sight 0064Supra 0004 0082Superscan 0112 0079 0456Supersonic 0944Supremacy 0174Supreme 0002SVA 0216 0212Sylvania 0062 0004 0009 0135 01890183 0008 0068 0075 0141 0161Symphonic 0053 01890227 0456 0024Syntax 1027 1140 1142Tandy 0020Tashiko 0153Tatung 0081 0198 0003Technics 0054Techwood 0004 0009 0054Teknika 0031 0004 0005 0009 00510053 0105 0109 0170 00000174 0001 0008 0012 0042Telecaption 0117Telerent 0031 0000 0001Tera 0004 0186Tevion 0198TMK 0004 0009Toshiba 0159 0178 0109 0120 01810105 0049 0095 0170 0012 0117 0141Totevision 0153Trutech 1029 1145 1121Universal 0052 0087Victor 0060Vidtech 0004 0005 0009Viewsonic 0046 0072 1014 1144Viking 0174Viore 1018Vizio 0081 1011Wards 0031 0062 0004 00050009 0051 0000 0068 0075 00870095 0119 0052 0001 0008 0024Westinghouse 0143 0114 1146White Westinghouse 0100 0130 01380136 1008 0227 0080Yamaha 0170 0004 0005 0009Zenith 0121 0009 0050 0078 00910138 0059 0131 0038 0111 0134 01530064 0004 0135 0023 0039 0001 0058HDTVSony 0071 0152Mitsubishi 0146 1024Proscan 0000RCA 0031 0000Samsung 0105Dell 0209 0028 0132Zenith 0121 0091 0111Daewoo 0100Philips 0205 0204 0208Sampo 0124Apex 0215Hitachi 0088JVC 0160Panasonic 0170 0171Sharp 0063  LCD TVNET-TV 0124Sharp 0079 0020 00040009 0006 0095 0122Benq 1150Hitachi 1002Sylvania 1141Magnavox 0204 1133Panasonic 0148Philips 0206 0208Polaroid 0182 0173 0133 1019 1136Samsung 0007 0085Sony 0128 0013 0152Toshiba 0159 0178 0105Viewsonic 1144 1019 0074 10160198 1024 0168 0177 1025 1026Zenith 0050 0059 0078PLASMA TVAcer 0081 0083Fujitsu 0197 1006Gateway 0046Hitachi 0059 0072LG 0050Magnavox 1133NEC 0181Panasonic 0170Pioneer 0072 0090RCA 0000Samsung 0076 0077Toshiba 0170 0181Viewsonic 0046 1019 0050 0198Zenith 0131  PROJECTION TVHitachi 0059 0091 0061 00880060 0072 0137 0139 0141 0179Pioneer 0185 0181Sony 0002 0128 0013 0071Toshiba 0109 0117 0141Panasonic 0171 0054JVC 0060 0069LG 0155Mitsubishi 0051Samsung 0007 0105Zenith 0091  DIGITAL TVSamsung 0085  TV/DVD COMBOApex 0214 0401Broksonic 0394Hitachi 0935JVC 0923Panasonic 0437 0950Philips 0456 0189 0458RCA 0031 0409Sansui 0394Sylvania 0456 0189 0458Toshiba 0394 0924  TV/DVD/VCR COMBOMagnavox 0456Panasonic 0437RCA 0031 0409 0225Samsung 0942Sears 0456Sylvania 0456Toshiba 0924  TV/VCR COMBOBroksonic 0147 02500147 0257 0310Daewoo 0039 0252 0138 0279Emerson 0227 0233 0039 02520147 0250 0254 02570265 0266 0310 0325JVC 0247Magnavox 0226 0288 0456Magnin 0268MGA 0268Mitsubishi 0254Optimus 0374 0381Panasonic 0374 0381Penney 0268Philips 0288 0456Quasar 0374 0381RCA 0342Samsung 0358 0942Sansui 0310Sanyo 0268Sharp 0226 0266Sylvania 0227Toshiba 0260 0358Zenith 0226 0227 0039 02520153 0245 0247 0266 02880310 0338 0358 0138 0279  TV/VCR TUNER COMBOPanasonic 0950 0374Philips 0153 0245  TV/DVD/VCR TUNER  COMBOPanasonic 0148 0437 0381DVDAiwa 0414Apex 0386 0390 0391 03920424 0430 0439 0445 04570459 0938 0913 0401 0949Audiovox 0921 1117Blaupunkt 0430BOSE 0672Broksonic 0932 0967 0394Cinevision 0405Clarion 1073Classic 0431 1051 0401Daewoo 0440 0441 0444 0971 0965Denon 0400 0421Emerson 0405 0940 0899 0456 0458Fisher 0416Funai 0456 0458 0899GE 0409 0430Go-Video 0937 0971 04540407 0426 0455GPX 0936 0944Harman Kardon 0427Hitachi 0404 0407 0428 0419 0387Irradio 0417JVC 0398 0406 0408 09640900 1072 0418 0923Kenwood 0400 0429Konka 0410 0411 0412 0413 0905Koss 0415 0388Lasonic 0451 0948LG 0405 0972 0907Magnavox 0398 0408 0458 09810456 0915 0914 0969Marantz 0398 0405 0408 0423 0981Memorex 0446 1050 1118 1123Mintek 0430Mitsubishi 0402NAD 0405 0433Nakamichi 0432Nexxtech 0952 0954 0955 09560934 1052 1054 1055 10561057 1063 1064 0449 0949Norcent 0926 0982 0927 0925 0928Onkyo 0398 0422 0975Oritron 0415 1060Panasonic 0396 0400 09740970 0437 0950Philips 0398 0408 0423 07550981 0456 0458 0969 1126Pioneer 0403 0404 0976 0968Polaroid 0385 0957 0949 1122Proscan 0409 0890Qwestar 0415RCA 0409 0415 04300449 0453 0920 1123Sampo 0417Samsung 0407 0454 09420963 1099 0455Sansui 0394 0967Sanyo 0904 0449 0416Sharp 0397 0897Sherwood 0425Sony 0987 0988 09890399 0986 0389Sylvania 0456 0458 1106 0899Techwood 0433 1071 0408Toshiba 1110 1120 0924 0983Venturer 0449Yamaha 0400 0420 0408Zenith 0398 0405 0907  NETWORK DVDGo-Video 1100  PORTABLE DVDCyberhome 0985RCA 0890Sharp 0908Toshiba 0398  DVD RECORDERGo-Video 0431 0902 0901Irradio 0912Magnavox 0979 0980Panasonic 0387Philips 0979 0980 1096Pioneer 0977 0909 1084RCA 0409Samsung 0891Sony 0987 0988 0989Toshiba 0973 0398 1114Yamaha 0979 0980  DVD-DVRHumax 0912ILO 0959JVC 1072Liteon 0959Medion 0959Panasonic 0387Pioneer 0909 0977Polaroid 1122Sony 0987 0988 0989TiVo 0912 0909Toshiba 0983 0973 1114CDBOSE 0672  DVD/VCR COMBOApex 0949Broksonic 0394 0967Daewoo 0971Emerson 0456 0458 0227Go-Video 0407 0426 0455 0971Hitachi 0419 0227JVC 0418 0900Magnavox 0456 0914 0286 0969Panasonic 0437Philips 0456 0969 0286Polaroid 0949RCA 0409 0225Samsung 0455 0963Sanyo 0416 0267Sharp 0394Sony 0389Toshiba 0924Zenith 0405 0245VCRAdmiral 0226Adventura 0251Aiwa 0245 0227 0269 0251Akai 0227 0229 0228 02300231 0254 0303 0337Apex 0949Audio Dynamics 0376 0377 0234Bell & Howell 0268Broksonic 0256 0250 02570310 0237 0289Candle 0240 0245 03540234 0242 0244Carver 0287Citizen 0240 0245 02520354 0234 0242 0244Colortyme 0234Curtis Mathes 0225 0287 0227 03340354 0358 0234 0249 0292Daewoo 0279 0240 0250 02520334 0242 0244 0251DBX 0376 0377 0234Dimensia 0225Dynatech 0227 0251Electrohome 0245 0254Emerson 0250 0245 0252 02560257 0290 0354 0240 02330268 0269 0231 0237 02490251 0254 0259 0262 02630270 0289 0292 0301 0330 0341Fisher 0304 0268 0267 02870234 0248 0273 0274Fuji 0229 0292Funai 0227 0456 0458 0251Garrard 0251GE 0225 0311 03350342 0354 0278 0292Goldstar 0227 0245 03380329 0346 0234Go-Video 0354 0375 0407 0368Gradiente 0251 0245Harley 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0292RadioShack 0225 0226 02270239 0245 0268 03420354 0361 0363 0248 02510254 0274 0292 0300 0337RCA 0225 0245 0308 0309 03110312 0313 0314 0315 0316 03350354 0369 0228 0278 0292 0332Realistic 0225 0226 0227 02450268 0354 0361 0363 02480251 0254 0274 0292 0300 0337Ricoh 0353Runco 0329Samsung 0354 0240 0369 0230 0337Sanky 0226 0329Sansui 0376 0377 03940256 0967 0303Sanyo 0232 0304 0354 0248Scott 0240 0250 02570290 0341 0237 0263Sears 0363 0245 0268 02870369 0456 0248 02730274 0292 0332 0343Sharp 0360 0361 02270242 0254 0300Shintom 0229 0353 0369 0356 0357Signature 0227Singer 0292 0356Sony 0379 0324 0229 0323 03530372 0364 0365 0366 0380STS 0369 0292 0332Sylvania 0227 0287 0290 02250456 0251 0292 0236 0458 1106Symphonic 0227 0236 0456 0251Tandy 0227 0268Tatung 0303Teac 0227 0251 0303Technics 0292Teknika 0227 0245 0325 0251 0292Thomas 1071Tivo 0371 0372Toshiba 0240 0261 0287 02900369 0924 0398 0274 0341Vector Research 0240 03760377 0234Victor 0376 0377Video Concepts 0240 03760377 0234 0254Wards 0225 0226 0227 0240 02450354 0369 0248 0251 02540292 0300 0326 0332 0341 0356White Westinghouse 0227 0279XR-1000 0251 0292 0356Yamaha 0234 0303 0376 0377Zenith 0329 0247 0252 02660288 0226 0227 0338 03470353 0358 0229 0310 02320376 0377 0279 0368 0243  HOME THEATER IN A BOX (HTIB)Apex 0436 0459BOSE 0672 1098Denon 1089 0852JBL 0427JVC 0964 1099Koss 0415 0388LG 0972Magnavox 0915 0969 0756 0408Onkyo 0975 0422Panasonic 0974 0437Philips 0755 1126 09690756 0408 0757Pioneer 0976 0968RCA 0449 0453 0879 0920Samsung 0454 0942 1099Sony 0986Venturer 0449  RECEIVER (HTIB)Aiwa 0414 0839Apex 0457Onkyo 0975Philips 1126Pioneer 0837Yamaha 0846  RECEIVER/TUNER (HTIB)Denon 0852JVC 0964 1099LG 0972Magnavox 0756Onkyo 0975 0422Panasonic 0974 0437Philips 0755 0756 0757Pioneer 0976 0968RCA 0879Samsung 0942 1099Sony 0779 0799 0833 0834 0843Toshiba 1089 1090Zenith 0787  TUNER (HTIB)Koss 0415AMPLIFIERAiwa 0839 0860Carver 0825Citizen 0826Denon 0803 0852Fisher 0814 0821GE 0870Goldstar 0766Harman Kardon 0804Hitachi 0768JVC 0790Kenwood 0808 0869Magnavox 0796Marantz 0688Nakamichi 0721NEC 0822Onkyo 0805 0811 0812Optimus 0754Panasonic 0791 0815Pioneer 0866 0867Proton 0448Quasar 0810RCA 0879Sharp 0671 0679 0809Sherwood 0706Sony 0798 0799 0835Teac 0855 0710 0807Technic 0791Technics 0791 0815NAD 0743Victor 0787Yamaha 0802 08400841 0848 0849RECEIVER/AMPLIFIERYamaha 0840 0841 08460847 0848 0849  RECEIVER/TUNERAiwa 0842 0851 0839 0860BOSE 0672Carver 0825Denon 0852 0803Harman Kardon 0804JVC 0790 0813Kenwood 0683 0828 0832 0869Magnavox 0814Marantz 0824Mitsubishi 0877Onkyo 0805 0811 0812Panasonic 0810 0863Philips 0814 0824 0825 0756 0757Pioneer 0837 0878 0976RCA 0717 0726 0772 07950827 0845 0866 0867 0875Samsung 0454Sansui 0705Sherwood 0806 0859Sony 0779 0797 0835 0836 0843Technics 0810 0815 0863Wards 0745Yamaha 0846 08470848 0849 0767  AUDIO CASSETTEAkai 0715Harmon/Kardon 0818TUNERPanasonic 0736 0815 0863Philips 0824 0825Polaroid 1122  TUNER/CD COMBOBOSE 0774

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