Authinx FWMR Remote Control Transmitter User Manual Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Authinx Inc. Remote Control Transmitter Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

FWMROwner’s Manual
32IntroductionTable of ContentsCongratulations on your purchase of Black & DeckerUniversal Remote Control. Black & Decker UniversalRemotes let you replace a broken or lost remote orcombine more than one remote into one.This remote control operates the common features ofmost but not all models and brands of Infrared (IR)Controlled Video Equipment. This remote may providefunctions that are not available on your equipment.Some functions of your particular equipment (e.g. menufunctions) may not be controlled by this remote. In suchcases, use the original remote control for yourequipment.This remote also operates lights and appliances aroundyour home when used with Freewire Home AutomationModules.Please use this manual to become familiar with yourBlack & Decker Universal Remote. After you are familiarwith your remote the first thing you need to do is toinstall batteries and setup your remote for yourparticular product and brand.Thank you for buying a Black & Decker remote and wehope it will give you many years of service.Introduction................................................................... 2FCC Caution .................................................................. 3Button Functions........................................................... 4Setup.............................................................................. 6Battery Installation................................................... 6Battery Saver............................................................ 6Code Saver ............................................................... 6Power-On default ..................................................... 6TV Punch Through Feature ..................................... 6VCR/DVD Punch Through Feature .......................... 6Code Setup............................................................... 7DVD Button Functions .................................................. 8TV/VCR/INPUT ............................................................. 8TV/VCR and TV/DVD Combo units ............................... 8Code Entry..................................................................... 9Direct Code Entry..................................................... 9Code Search ........................................................... 10Brand Search .......................................................... 11Code Identification Feature ................................... 13Freewire Setup and operation...................................... 14Troubleshooting.......................................................... 19FCC CautionTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCCRULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOW-ING TWO CONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFULINTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFER-ENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THATMAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.This equipment generates and uses radio frequencyenergy, and if not installed and used properly, that is, instrict accordance with the manufacturers instructions, itmay cause interference to radio and television reception.It has been type tested and found to comply with thelimits for remote control devices in accordance with thespecifications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15 of FCCRules, which are designed to provide reasonableprotection against such interference in a residentialinstallation. However, there is no guarantee that interfer-ence will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by unplugging theequipment, try to correct the interference by one or moreof the following measures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencing theinterference.• Relocate the interface with respect to the radio/TV.• Move the interface away from the radio/TV.• Plug the interface into an outlet on a different electricalcircuit from the radio/TVexperiencing the interference.• If necessary, consult your local Dealer for additionalsuggestions.NOTE: Modifications to any of the components in thiskit will void the user’s authority to operate thisequipment.
54RECORD, PLAY, STOP,REW, FF, PAUSE VCRcontrol buttons operateyour VCR even when theremote is set to operatethe TV. Also operatesDVD Scan -/+.TV/VCR/INPUTFor some TVs, pressrepeatedly to selectfrom available viewingsources (antenna,cable box, VCR, etc.).LASTReturns to thepreviouslyselected channel.Button Functions, cont.ENTERUsed after directchannel numberentry to immediatelychange to theselected channel.VCR, DVD, TV, CBL/SATSelects product to be operated.Mode Indicator Lights whenmode buttons are pressed.NUMBERSEnter numbers for directchannel selection. Someproducts require Enter tobe pressed after channelselection.POWER Turnsproduct On or Off.MUTE Turns offthe TV soundwhile thepicture remains.SETUPFor setup.Note: The REC button must be pressed TWICE torecord from your VCR. For some brands of VCRs, youmight need to press the REC button once, then press itagain for three seconds.Button FunctionsVOLUME UP/DOWN Changesthe volume levelof the product,normally the TV.CHANNEL UP/DOWN Changesthe channels.MENU Access theMenu functions ofthe device you arecontrolling.EXIT Used to exitmenu functions.INFO displays/selectson-screen channelinformation, etc.SCAN buttonsselect the next orprevious FreewireCamera.MOODS 1 and 2ON and OFFselect thepreviously setupFreewire moodsThree ON/OFF buttonsThese three buttons turn on and offFreewire Modules set to the roomcolor numbers show through theopening on the lid below. In thisexample 11, 12, and 13.Room ON/OFF buttonsThese two buttons turn on and offall three Freewire Modules set to theroom color numbers shown throughthe opening on the lid below. Lidshown here removed.
76Code SetupThe SETUP button is used to setup the remote tooperate your TV, VCR, etc. You can either setup theremote using the code for your brand of product, fromthe code tables (on separate sheet), or you can searchthrough the library of codes until you find a code thatworks for your product.Please refer to “Programming with Code Search” on page10 for more information on using the code search featureto learn how to search through the library of codes foryour products.NOTE: You can store any kind of code under any mode(except TV). I.E. you can store a VCR code under theDVD button, or a DVD code under the CBL/SATbutton, etc. However, you can only store TV codesunder the TV button.SETUPBattery Installation1. On the back of the remote,push down on the tab andlift the cover off.2. Match the batteries to the+ and - marks inside thebattery case, then insert 2AAA Alkaline batteries.3. Press the battery coverback into place.Setup Setup, cont.To operate buttonsbelow this line youmust Initialize theremote into a FreewireMessenger Hub. Seepage 14.Power-On DefaultThe remote powers on in TV mode.Battery SaverYour remote automatically turns off if the buttons aredepressed more than 30 seconds. This will save yourbatteries should your remote get stuck in a place wherethe buttons remain depressed (e.g., between the sofacushions).Code SaverYou will have up to 10 minutes to change the batteriesin your remote without losing codes you haveprogrammed. However, do not press any buttons untilbatteries are installed in the remote. If buttons arepressed without batteries in the remote, all codes will belost.TV Volume/Mute Punch Through FeatureThe TV Volume/Mute punch through feature lets youcontrol the Volume and Mute function of your TV in anymode programmed to be a VCR, DVD, CABLE or SATdevice, without needing to change to TV mode.VCR/DVD Punch Through FeatureThis remote lets you Punch through to the last VCR orDVD device used. Normally other types of remotes onlypunch-through (from another Mode) on the 6 VCRbuttons, to the device programmed under the VCRMode button. This is not much use if you are using aDVD programmed under a Mode other than VCR. Thisremote punches-through to the last VCR or DVD deviceyou used. For example, if you have 3 DVD/VCR devicesprogrammed into this remote, the last one you accessedon the remote will be the one that has control of the 6VCR/DVD buttons when in any other mode.
98Direct Code Entry1. Press and quickly release the desired mode button(TV, VCR, etc.).2. Press and hold the SETUP button until the Modebuttons blink green, then the button you pressed instep 1 stays on, then release the SETUP button.3. Enter the 3 digit code from the code tables (onseparate sheet). Note: after a valid code entry, thegreen indicator turns off.  For an invalid code, thegreen indicator flashes.4. With your device on, press CHANNEL UP. If thedevice responds, no further programming isrequired. Note: If some buttons do not operate yourequipment, try one of the other codes for yourbrand.Code Entry2.1.3.Write your codes down here for easy reference later.Type Type stored CodeVCRDVDTV TVCableSATAdvanced FunctionsDVD FunctionsPLAY button is used to start Disc playback and forMenu selection on some DVD players.STOP button stops Disc playback.PAUSE button pauses Disc playback - press PLAY toresume.INPUT activates the DVD Player’s SETUP Menu.INFO button brings up DVD Display or Control Menufor Chapter/Track/Title number, Time remaining/elapsedindication, system information, etc.MENU brings up the DVD disc Menu screen - use withthe UP, DOWN, LEFT & RIGHT navigation buttons.OK button is used for on-screen Menu selection. Notesome DVD players require the PLAY button to be used.OK means same as SELECT - some manufacturers useOK label and others use SELECT label on their remotes.EXIT button is used to Exit or Clear on-screen Menudisplays.TV/VCR/INPUTWhen in TV mode the TV/VCR/INPUT button performsthe  INPUT source switch function.When in a mode that has been programmed for VCR theTV/VCR/INPUT button performs the TV/VCR antennaswitch function.When in a mode that has been programmed for Cable theTV/VCR/INPUT button performs the A.B switchfunction.When in a mode that has been programmed for SAT theTV/VCR/INPUT button performs the TV/SAT switchfunction.When in a mode that has been programmed for DVD theTV/VCR/INPUT button performs the DVD Setupfunction.TV/VCR and TV/DVD Combo unitsNote that for some TV/VCR and TV/DVD combo unitsyou might need to set up two different buttons tocontrol both parts of the combo unit. E.G., (referring tothe  Direct Code Entry section on the following page)you might need to set up a code under the TV button tocontrol the TV part of the combo unit AND a separatecode for the VCR or DVD under any other button youchoose.
1110Code Search by BrandLets you search for a code for a specific Brand withinthe Code Library for a particular manufacturer.1. Turn on the device (TV, VCR, etc.) to be controlled.2. Press and quickly release the desired mode button(TV, VCR, etc.).3. Press and hold the SETUP button until the Modebuttons blink green, then the button you pressed instep 2 stays on, then release the SETUP button.4. Press and release the numeric button (0-9)corresponding to desired Manufacturer (see table onnext page).  The green indicator blinks off once.Note, pressing “0” performs a full library search sameas normal Code Search Method on previous page.5. Press the CHANNEL UP button ((or POWER  or PLAY(VCR only)) repeatedly until the device to becontrolled changes channel. The green indicatorblinks off with each button press. If you accidentallyovershoot the code required, press the CHANNELDOWN button to backtrack through the library untilthe device changes channel. Pressing CHANNEL UPchanges direction to forward again.6. Press and release MUTE to install the code.Brand Search Method entry is now complete.Note: When all codes under a Brand have been searchedthe red indicator flashes rapidly for 3 seconds.Code Entry, cont. with Code SearchIf your product does not respond after you have tried allthe codes for your brand, or if your brand is not listed,try searching for your code by following these steps.1. Turn on the device (TV, VCR, etc.) to be controlled.2. Press and quickly release the desired mode button(TV, VCR, etc.).3. Press and hold the SETUP button until the Modebuttons blink green, then the button you pressed instep 2 stays on, then release the SETUP button.4. Press the CHANNEL UP button repeatedly (up to 300times) until the device to be controlled changeschannel. The green indicator blinks off with eachbutton press.  If you accidentally overshoot thecode required, press the CHANNEL DOWN buttonto backtrack through the library until the devicechanges channel. Pressing CHANNEL UP changesdirection to forward again.5. Press and release MUTE to install the code.Most users will store VCR codes under the VCR button,DVD codes under DVD, etc. If (for example) you want tostore a VCR code under DVD, first follow the procedurefor Direct Code Entry (page 10) and press DVD in step 2of Direct Code Entry, then enter ANY VCR code in step 3of Direct Code Entry. Then follow the steps above forCode Search (or Brand Search, page 12).Note:  If the device does not have a CHANNEL UPbutton, use PLAY (VCR only) or POWER  instead. CodeSearch starts from the currently stored three digitnumber under that mode.3.2.5.Code Entry, cont.4.
1312Code Identification FeatureThe Code Identification Feature allows you to identifythe three digit library code stored under your device key.For example, if you want to find out what three digitcode is stored under your TV device key, follow the sixsteps below:1. Press and quickly release the desired mode button(TV, VCR, etc.).2. Press and hold the SETUP button until the Modebuttons blink green, then the button you pressed instep 1 stays on, then release the SETUP button.3. Press and release the SETUP button. The greenindicator blinks off.4. To find the first digit for the code stored under themode key pressed in step 2, press each numeric keyfrom 0-9 in turn. When the green indicator blinks offthe number you pressed is the first digit for the codeyou are searching for.5. To find the second digit, repeat step 4, this timewhen the green indicator blinks off this is thesecond digit.6. Repeat step 4 again to find the third digit.Code Identification1, 3.2.4, 5, 6.Code Entry, cont.Brand Search TableLook up your brand in the appropriate column (TV, VCR,etc.). Look to see what digit (1, 2, 3, etc.) applies to yourbrand, and enter it in step 4 of “Code Search by Brand”on the previous page.DIGIT1234567890TVRCA, GE, PROSCANZENITHPHILIPS, MAGNAVOXSONY, PANASONIC,SHARP, TOSHIBA,DAEWOOHITACHI, SANYO,JVC, LG-GOLDSTAR,SAMSUNG,MITSUBISHISYLVANIA, CURTIS-MATHES, FISHER,EMERSONN/AN/AN/AALLVCR/DVD/DVRRCA, GE, PROSCANZENITH, APEXPHILIPS, MAGNAVOX,MARANTZSONY, PANASONIC,SHARP, TOSHIBA,DAEWOO, YAMAHA,DENONHITACHI, SANYO,JVC, LG-GOLDSTAR,SAMSUNG,MITSUBISHISYLVANIA, CURTIS-MATHES, FISHER,EMERSONN/AN/AN/AALLCABLESCIENTIFIC ATLANTAJERROLDGENERALINSTRUMENT, TOCOMRCA, GE, PROSCAN,PIONEERZENITH, GEMINIPHILIPS, MAGNAVOXN/AN/AN/AALLSAT/DBSRCA, GE, PROSCAN,PIONEERZENITH, GEMINIPHILIPS, MAGNAVOXSONY, PANASONIC,TOSHIBA, SHARPHITACHI, JVC,SAMSUNGGENERALINSTRUMENT,ECHOSTAR, DISH,HUGHES, PRIMESTARN/AN/AN/AALLCD/AUDIORCA, GE, PROSCANZENITHPHILIPS, MAGNAVOX,MARANTZSONY, PANASONIC,TECHNICS, SHARP,TOSHIBAHITACHI, SANYO, JVC,LG-GOLDSTAR,SAMSUNG, MITSUBISHISYLVANIA, CURTIS-MATHES, FISHER,EMERSON, OPTIMUSPIONEER, TEAC, NADKENWOOD, YAMAHA,DENON, ONKYON/AALL
1514Freewire Operation, cont.Freewire OperationInitializing the remote into the MessengerHubA Quick Note Before You Set Up The MESSENGERHUB:WARNING: For indoor use only.Each receiver has a specific address made up of aHOUSE CODE (bottom dial) and a Unit Code (upperdial) which is used to communicate with theMESSENGER HUB.The function of the HOUSE CODE is to preventinterference from another FREEWIRE system.  If at anytime, you experience interference with another systemplease choose another setting for your HOUSE CODEA - P.  The letter selected must be the same on allRECEIVERS and the MESSENGER HUB.Step 1:Plug MESSENGER HUB into any operational AC outletwithin your home.  Rotate antenna to the uprightposition.  Open the front door to expose control panel.NOTE:  Placing the MESSENGER HUB on the insidewall closest to driveway or entry way, will oftenmaximize range of the TV REMOTE.Step 2:Select a HOUSE CODE on the MESSENGER HUB, anyletter A - P.  (Note: The house code you select for theMESSENGER HUB will dictate what letter you will selectfor all of the RECEIVERS you plan to control with thisMESSENGER HUB.)Step 3:Select a UNIT CODE on the MESSENGER HUB, anynumber 1 - 16. The number and corresponding coloryou pick will control the lamp outlet located on theunderside of this MESSENGER HUB.  (If you select thesame number and same house code for any additionalreceivers on this system they will operate inconjunction with this hub.)Step 4:Synchronize your TV REMOTE with your MESSENGERHUB so they understand how to communicate witheach other.  (Note:  Any additional remote that isintroduced to the system must also be synchronized.)To synchronize, move the MESSENGER HUB slideswitch to LEARN.While facing the MESSENGER HUB, press and hold anyof the three “ON” buttons on the TV REMOTE for 5seconds - Figure 1.  Be sure to see the green light flashon the MESSENGER HUB.  The flash will indicate thatthe TV REMOTE is now synchronized with theMESSENGER HUB.Now, move the slide switch on the MESSENGER HUBto RUN.(Note: Door cannot be closed while MESSENGER HUBis in the LEARN mode.)Step 5:Turn lamp on first, then plug into the receptacle on theunderside of the MESSENGER HUB. Use onlyincandescent bulbs up to 500W. Be sure the Lamp hasbeen turned on prior to plugging into MESSENGERHUB.Press the Local Lamp “ON/OFF” button on theMESSENGER HUB to check that the MESSENGER HUBis operating correctly. You will hear a “click” when theMESSENGER HUB turns this lamp on and off.You are now ready to operate the lamp connected tothis MESSENGER HUB with the TV REMOTE.Figure 1.
1716Freewire Operation, cont.Freewire Operation, cont.A Quick Note before You Set Up the TVREMOTE:WARNING: For indoor use only.Open door to the TV REMOTE to expose the coloreddial shown in Figure 2 below.Figure 3Step 1:Set the dial on your TV REMOTE to the same Unit Code(color) that you selected on the MESSENGER HUB.Step 2:Each of the 3 individual codes on that color can beturned on and off individually, using the 3 white ON/OFF buttons located just above the dial as shown inFigure 2 on the previous page.Example: Blue 11 - Controlled by the top row, left switchBlue 12 - Controlled by the top row, center switchBlue 13 - Controlled by the top row, right switch.The small round ON button and OFF buttons shown inFigure 3 let you  turn on or off ALL Receivers set tothat color.You should now be able to turn the lamp on and offwith the corresponding button on the TV REMOTE.Note: You may have to press and momentarily hold thebutton before it activates.Figure 2The numbers and colors on the TV REMOTE’s dialmatch the numbers and colors on the MESSENGERHUB and LAMP RECEIVERS.The colors on the dial for the Unit Code can be used todivide your home into zones with up to 3 dedicated UnitCodes per color (except red which only has one UnitCode.)  (e.g. Green = Living Room)The numbers are used to differentiate one receiver fromanother in each color/zone.Reference Label Set UpFor your convenience, a blank reference label is locatedon the back of your TV REMOTE. Write your owncustomized applications on this label.Example: Red Unit Codes have been selected for theBULB RECEIVER in the EntranceGray Unit Codes have been selected for theRECEIVERS in the Dining RoomGreen Unit Codes have been selected for the RECEIVERin the Living Room etc.
1918Freewire Operation, cont.MoodsA Quick Note before You Program the Mood Settings:In the Lamp Receiver section you learned how to set upindividual LAMP RECEIVERs. These LAMPRECEIVERs are turned on and off by pressing theappropriate rocker switch that corresponds to thereceivers unique UNIT CODE. The purpose of theMOOD buttons are to link multiple receivers (up to 4)so that they can be turned on or off by the MOODbuttons.Example: If you have a LAMP RECEIVER in one roomand it is set to the number 7 on its UNIT CODE and youhave another LAMP RECEIVER in another room and itis set up to the number 13 on its UNIT CODE, the twolamps can be turned on at the same time using aMOOD.Step 1:With the MESSENGER HUB still plugged into an ACoutlet, set the slide switch to LEARN.Step 2:While facing the MESSENGER HUB, press MOOD 1 ONswitch on the TV REMOTE. The MESSENGER HUB’sgreen indicator light will flash.Step 3:Set the UNIT CODE dial on the TV REMOTE to matchthe UNIT CODE on the LAMP RECEIVER that you wantto turn on and off. Press on the rocker switchcorresponding to that LAMP RECEIVER. Wait for theMESSENGER HUB indicator to flash indicating the codehas been stored in the MOOD function.Step 4:Repeat step 3 a maximum of 3 more times to link up to 4LAMP RECEIVERs / BULB RECEIVERs with that MOODkey. The 4 LAMP RECEIVERs can be in any combinationof UNIT CODES.Step 5:Return the slide switch on the MESSENGER HUB toRUN. The ON/OFF button of MOOD1 will now turn onand off all of the LAMP RECEIVERs / BULB RECEIVERsthat were linked in Step 4. There may be up to a 3 seconddelay between the time that you press the button andthe time that the lights respond.Step 6:To set up MOOD 2 key, repeat steps 1 thru 5substituting MOOD 2 key for MOOD 1.NOTE: Pressing either MOOD ON key while in LEARNmode clears all stored codes for that MOOD.Freewire Operation, cont.Camera operationSee the setup instructions that come with Freewirecameras and follow the instructions to install your firstcamera. As soon as you install your first camera andconnect the receiver to your TV, you will see a pictureon your TV (the camera powers up in the ON state whenyou first plug it in). You can then try it out with theFWMR remote, as described below, to see that you canturn it off and on by remote control, before continuingwith the installation of additional cameras.Freewire cameras work like regular Freewire LampReceivers and Appliance Receivers so you can turnthem on and off by using the dial on the remote toselect the color and number for the power supply thatthe camera is connected to, and then press the ON andOFF buttons above the colored wheel to turn theselected camera on and off.However, you can have more than one camera installed,and since the cameras transmit the video and sound tothe same receiver that’s connected to your TV, youmust ensure that you only ever have one camera turnedon at the same time. To ensure this happens the camerapower supplies are “smart.” You set them in groups ofthree numbers corresponding to the colors on theremote’s dial. Then when you turn on one of thecameras in the group of three, any camera in that groupthat was presently on automatically turns off - so youdon’t have to remember to turn off one camera beforeyou turn on another camera, (as long as they are set tothe same color).You can have cameras set to different colors but in thatcase you must remember tun turn one camera off beforeyou turn another camera on.Also, setting cameras in groups of three on the samecolor lets you use the Camera Scan buttons. To use thisfeature you first turn on any camera in the selectedcolor, using one of the three ON buttons above thecolor wheel, then press the Scan forward (or backward)button. Each time you press the Scan button the next(or previous) camera in the selected color turns on (andthe previously on camera in that group automaticallyturns off).
2120Freewire Operation, cont. Freewire Operation, cont.
2322TroubleshootingRemote does not operate your A/V product.• Press the mode button of the product you want tocontrol.• Program the remote with a new code.• Install new batteries. (You might have to reprogramyour remote after installing new batteries.)• Remote may not be compatible with your product.Remote does not operate some features of your product.• Program remote with a new code.• Remote may not be able to operate all features ofyour product or button names might be differentthan your product.Red Indicator blinks after you program a product code.• Remote did not accept the code.• Try to program the code again or try a differentcode.DIFFICULTY PROGRAMMING RECEIVERSIf you are experiencing problems when programming theBULB RECEIVER, it may be due to electrical interferenceon the power lines caused by large appliances such asrefrigerators or TV’s. To avoid the interference, move theReceiver while it is being programmed to a different walloutlet that is further away from large appliances.SOME RECEIVERS DON’T RESPONDMost houses are fed from a 240 volt service which isthen split into two phases of 120 volts each in the circuitbreaker panel. The most commonly encountered problemwith systems which use the existing house wiring totransmit signals is that the signals are received by someReceivers, but not by others. For example, theMESSENGER HUB controls some lights but not othersor controls some lights intermittently.This can happen sometimes when the Receiver to becontrolled is on the opposite phase of the house wiringto the phase which the MESSENGER HUB is connectedto. If some of the Receivers are not working it may benecessary to:• move the Receiver to a different wall outlet to test thatit works. If it still doesn’t work:• move the Receiver to a different room. If it still doesn’twork:• move the Receiver to the closest outlet that theMESSENGER HUB is plugged into or move theMESSENGER HUB to the closest outlet to the Receiverthat is not working.RECEIVERS TURN ON BY THEMSELVESIf it is suspected that Receivers have turned on or off bythemselves, it is possible that a neighbor has aFREEWIRE or compatible system, which could result inunexpected operation of both systems. Unplug allFREEWIRE devices immediately until (1) the interferenceis identified and eliminated through selection of adifferent HOUSE CODE to ensure that neither systemcauses unintended operation of the other system or (2) ablocking filter, Black and Decker Model number PZZ01,is installed. Call 1-888-678-7278 to order. Professionalinstallation recommended. If you cannot identify thesource of interference by talking with neighbors who areusing a FREEWIRE or compatible system and you donot want to install a blocking filter, or if you have anyquestions about identifying or eliminating interference,please call 1-800544-6986 before plugging in or usingany FREEWIRE device.THREE WAY BULBSThree way bulbs may be used, however, only one levelof brightness can be activated using the Freewiresystem. To change brightness level you will need to turnthe switch at the lamp to the desired level of brightness.NOTE: When using the BULB RECEIVER, you cannotcontrol the lamp by the lamps switch. Turning the lampswitch off will cause the BULB RECEIVER to go intoprogram mode and will need to be reprogrammed.WIRELESS INTERCOMS AND BABY MONITORSIntercom and monitoring systems, including babymonitors, that use the house wiring to transmit signalscan “block out” FREEWIRE transmissions while theintercom or monitoring system is in “permanenttransmit” or “talk” mode. It is NOT possible to have awireless intercom or monitoring system and aMESSENGER HUB operating in the same house. It ispossible that a neighbor’s wireless intercom ormonitoring system could cause unexpected operation,including failure to operate, of your FREEWIRE system,or that your FREEWIRE SYSTEM could causeunexpected operation, including failure to operate, ofyour neighbors intercom or monitoring system.KEY CHAIN REMOTE RANGE OF USEPlacing the MESSENGER HUB on the inside wall closetto driveway or entry way, will often maximize range ofKEY CHAIN REMOTE.Troubleshooting, cont.
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