Authinx IR32A IR32A Icon Remote User Manual IR27A iconRemote OM pmd

Authinx Inc. IR32A Icon Remote IR27A iconRemote OM pmd

Users Manual

Model IR32AIconRemote ™Owner’s Manual
32THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THEFCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THEFOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFULINTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANYINTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDINGINTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIREDOPERATION.This equipment generates and uses radio frequencyenergy, and if not installed and used properly, that is, instrict accordance with the manufacturers instructions, itmay cause interference to radio and televisionreception. It has been type tested and found to complywith the limits for remote control devices in accordancewith the specifications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15of FCC Rules, which are designed to providereasonable protection against such interference in aresidential installation. However, there is no guaranteethat interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause interference toradio or television reception, which can be determinedby unplugging the equipment, try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencingthe interference.• Relocate the interface with respect to the radio/TV.• Move the interface away from the radio/TV.• Plug the interface into an outlet on a differentelectrical circuit from the radio/TV experiencing theinterference.• If necessary, consult your local Dealer for additionalsuggestions.NOTE: Modifications to any of the components in thiskit will void the user’s authority to operate thisequipment.   FCC CautionsRemember to exercise good common sensewhen using the Home Automation features ofyour remote - especially when schedulingunattended devices. There can be someunexpected consequences if not used withcare. For example, an empty coffee pot can beremotely turned on. If that should happen,your coffee pot could be damaged fromoverheating. If an electric heater is turned onby remote control while clothing is drapedover it, a fire could result.DO NOT USE the remote for the control ofhigh power heating appliances such asportable heaters.Caution:     To reduce the risk of electric shock, donot disassemble any part of the HomeAutomation System’s plug-in Modules orControllers. No user serviceable parts are inside.If you spill liquid on a unit, disconnect the unitfrom the AC outlet to prevent possible fire orshock hazard and consult authorized servicepersonnel. Powerline operated equipment oraccessories connected to any of these unitsshould bear the UL listing or CSA certificationmark and should not have been modified in anyway that might defeat their safety features.Warning:     To prevent electric shock hazard, donot expose any part of the Home AutomationSystem to rain or moisture. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS
54Congratulations on your purchase of the IR32AIconRemote. The IR32A IconRemote has thecapability to combine many types of remotes into asingle remote. This remote has many uniquefeatures, all available through the high quality colorscreen and the configurable menus.  The screendisplays icons that are easy to set up to representyour favorite channels. You can then select anychannel by simply pressing the key next to the iconthat represents the channel.The IR32A IconRemote can also control X10 RFdevices, which allows you to control differentelectrical devices located in various physicallocations around the house. This remote is capableof many other features that are also described in thismanual.This remote control operates the common features ofmost but not all models and brands of Infrared (IR)Controlled devices. This remote may providefunctions that are not available on your device. Somefunctions of your particular device (e.g., menufunctions) may not be controlled by this remote. Insuch cases, you can learn the commands from youroriginal remote. Please use this manual to becomefamiliar with your IconRemote. After you arefamiliar with this owner’s manual, the first thing youneed to do is to install batteries and setup yourremote following the on-screen instructions.Thank you for buying this remote and we hope itwill give you many years of service.IntroductionAll trademarks or registered trademarks used in this product are trademarks orregistered trademarks of their respective owners.Introduction ........................................................................ 5Hard Key Functions ............................................................ 6Setup .................................................................................. 8Battery Installation ........................................................ 8Battery Saver ................................................................. 8Permanent Memory ....................................................... 8Using the Wizard ................................................................ 9Setting Up Your Devices .................................................. 10Setting Up Your Favorites ................................................ 12Setting Up X10 Devices ................................................... 15Setting Up Your Remote to Send RF .......................... 15Using The Remote ............................................................ 19Favorite Key ..................................................................... 20Mode Key ......................................................................... 21X10 RF Devices .......................................................... 21QuickPower ...................................................................... 22Sleep ................................................................................ 23Learning ............................................................................ 24Tips On Learning ........................................................ 24Learning Main Keys .................................................... 26Learning Macros - Main Keys .................................... 27Learning Side Keys ..................................................... 29Learning Macros - Side Keys ...................................... 32Setting Up More ............................................................... 35Setting Up More Devices ............................................ 35Setting Up More Favorites .......................................... 36Adding/Editing Favorites ............................................ 37Reordering Favorites ................................................... 38Deleting Favorites ....................................................... 39Renaming Favorite Groups ......................................... 40Clearing Settings ......................................................... 41Advanced Settings ............................................................ 42Options ........................................................................ 42Device Codes .............................................................. 42Programming Combo Device Codes .......................... 43Punchthrough .............................................................. 43KidSafe ........................................................................ 45X10 Home Control ........................................................... 46Audio & Video Compatibility .......................................... 47Troubleshooting ................................................................ 49Table of Contents
76Hard Key Functions, cont.1. HIS/HERS - Quick access keys for favorites stored under His/Hersgroups.2. SIDE KEYS - Used to access on-screen features.3. LCD - (Liquid Crystal Display).4. MODE - Selects mode (TV, VCR, etc.) for the remote.5. HOME - The starting screen on the LCD for most operations.6. VOLUME UP/DOWN - Changes the volume level of the device,normally the TV.7. OK/SELECT - Selects menu items for the device you are controlling,or confirms selections on the screen.8. GUIDE - Displays on-screen program or channel guides.9. MENU - Brings up the Menu screen - use with the UP, DOWN, LEFT& RIGHT navigation keys (26).T-CENTRAL - The TiVo key for TiVo Central.10. +100 - Used for channels greater than 100.(-) Used for digital channels, e.g., 2-3.11. CC (SUBTITLE) - TV Closed Caption (if your TV has this feature) orDVD Subtitle toggle.12. SAP - Selects Secondary Audio Program channel if available.13. THUMBS DOWN - Sets your TiVo Thumbs ratings.14. REPLAY - Replays the last 8 seconds of a program.15. ADVANCE - Catches you up to the live broadcast.16. THUMBS UP - sets your TiVo Thumbs ratings.17. INPUT - Brings up the DVD Player’s Setup Menu. Or acts as TV/VCRselect. LIVE TV goes to Live TV broadcast.18. RECORD, PLAY, STOP, REW, FF, PAUSE - Operates your VCR,DVR, or DVD Player. Also operates DVD Scan -/+. Note, the Recordkey needs pressed twice to operate.19. LAST - Returns to the previously selected channel, or DVD repeat toggle.REPEAT performs DVD players “A-B Repeat” (or RPT A.B) function forrepeat play of current Chapter or Track.20. ZOOM - Zooms or enlarges a specific area of the screen.ARC - Aspect Ratio Control selects viewing format for the displayedpicture, e.g., Wide, Zoom, etc.21. ENTER - Used after direct channel number entry (if required) toimmediately change to the selected channel.22. MUTE - Turns off the TV sound, while the picture remains.23. NUMBERS - Enter numbers for direct channel selection. Functions in redare available in Audio Mode.24. QUIT/RETURN - Exits On-Screen Menus/Returns to previous On-Screen selection.25. INFO - Displays/selects on-screen channel information.26. UP, DOWN, LEFT & RIGHT - Used to Navigate menus.27. CHANNEL UP/DOWN - Changes the channels. CHAPTER +/-controls DVD/CD track selection, i.e., DVD/CD Track Skip Up/Down(in DVD and SAT modes).28. FAVORITE - Used to access favorites groups on the LCD.29. POWER - Turns device for remote’s current Mode On or Off .Hard Key Functions1. Blue text on the remote corresponds to DVD functions,green text are TiVo functions, and red text is for audiofunctions.
98Using the WizardAfter you insert the batteries and choose“English” the Setup Wizard screen (1)appears. You can exit the Wizard at anytime by pressing the HOME key (locatedjust below the screen). Press any key atscreen (1) to continue and follow theinstructions on the screens.Pressing OK at screen (2) takes you to thenext screen (3). Pressing the Leftnavigation key (Back key) on the remoteat screen (3) takes you to screen (4) thathas 10 yellow arrows. This is anexception to the rule because we’reteaching you how to use the remote. Butpressing Back again at this point doestake you “back.”Try pressing the Back key a few times togo back through the Wizard and thenfollow the instructions on the screensagain to familiarize yourself with how tostep through the screens and go back. Youcan go back and forth through the Wizardbut once you’ve set up your devices andquit to save the settings, you won’t see theWizard again unless you do a MasterReset.To do a Master Reset: Press the HOMEkey, then select Setup, then select ClearSettings, then select Master Clear. Notethis will erase everything you have set upin the remote.(1)(2)(3)(4)Pressing any of the 10 SideKeys (K1 thru K10) at screen(4) takes you to the screenwhere you set up your firstdevice (TV). See next page.K1K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9K10SetupBattery Installation•On the back of the remote, push downon the tab and lift the cover off.•Match the batteries to the + and -marks inside the battery case, theninsert 3 AA Alkaline batteries. Makesure you use new batteries. You canhave problems with learning codesif your batteries are old.•Press the battery cover back intoplace.Battery SaverYour remote automatically turns off if the keys are depressedfor more than 30 seconds. This will save your batteries shouldyour remote get stuck in a place where the keys remaindepressed (e.g., between the sofa cushions). Also, the screenturns off a short time after no keys have been pressed for awhile (or a short time after a key has been stuck for 30seconds). The duration before the screen turns off can beadjusted from about 2 seconds to about 35 seconds from theSetup, Advanced, and Options menu (see page 42).Permanent MemoryAll the devices you set up, their codes, punchthrough settings,and all your favorites, etc., are stored in permanent memorywhile you are changing batteries so you will not lose any codesor settings stored in the remote while you are changingbatteries.AAAAAAAfter you insert the batteries you’ll see a screen asking you tochoose your language (English, Spanish, or French (Canadian).Let’s assume you choose English; proceed topage 9.
1110Setting Up Your Devices, cont.Pressing Save displays screen (5) thatinstructs you to try a few other keys onthe remote to make sure you’ve found thecorrect code. Tip: try keys like Menu,and Guide. Power might work yet youstill might not have the correct code. Ifseveral keys seem to work fine, pressSave Code. If some keys don’t work,select Change Code (or press Back) to goback and find another code that worksbetter. Selecting Label lets you renamethe device, e.g., you could call it My TV.You can ignore this for now and try itlater if you like. See pages 13, 14, and 31for more details on entering text tochange labels.Pressing Save Code at screen (5) takesyou to screen (6) where you set up aCable box. You can quit at this point and(5)(6)set up other devices later, or you can continue and set up otherdevices - SAT, DVR, DVD, VCR, Audio, CD Player, or eitherof the 2 AUX devices.Let’s assume for now that you go ahead and set up a TV,Cable, and SAT.If you select No at screen (1) on the previous page theprocedure will be similar to the above, except that you will besearching through the entire library of codes for your device tofind the one that works best (instead of just searching throughthe codes for your brand of device, e.g., Philips).If you say Yes when asked if you know your Brand, butsubsequently don’t find a code that works, you are asked if youwant to try again (in case you missed it), or try all the codes foryour device. If you try all codes for your device type, and stilldon’t find a code that works, you can skip it, or selected Learn.If you select Learn you can later learn the commands you wantfor that device type.Setting Up Your DevicesHow to set up a TVAfter you’ve been through the Wizard forthe first time, the screen (1) shown to theright appears. This is the start of theWizard to set up your devices (TV beingthe first one). Manually turn on thedevice(s) to be set up (TV, VCR, etc.).If you know your brand of TV, select Yes,which results in a faster search for yourTV’s code. (Selecting No searches thecomplete library of TV codes, rather thanjust the codes for your brand of TV).Pressing the Side Key next to Yes atscreen (1) takes you to a screen (2) wherethe most common brands are shown nextto the Side Keys. If your brand isn’tshown you can press the Side Keyadjacent to Next to show more brands,(shown alphabetically) or press the SideKey adjacent to Back to go back to theprevious screen of brands. Note, on thevery first screen of brands, the Side Keyadjacent to Back takes you to the lastscreen of brands (so you can go backthrough the list instead of forward throughit if you prefer). In this case we  selectedPhilips.Screen (3) tells you to point the remotedirectly at your TV and repeatedly press(but not hold) Power (or Chan Up/Down,or Play for VCRs etc.) until your deviceresponds. Pressing Power sends the Powercommand to your TV and screen (4)shows that you’ve selected code 1 of xx(xx will vary by brand). Keep pressingPower until your TV responds and thenpress Save.(1)(2)(3)(4)
1312Setting Up Your Favorites, cont.If you want to add a label to the logo press the Side Key nextto Label. This is optional so if you don’t want to add a label tothe logo you can just select Save to save the setting for thisfavorite. If you save this favorite, Set Favorite 2 of 10 is nowshown at the bottom of the screen to indicate that you can addanother favorite channel. Again just press a channel numberkey on the remote, choose a logo and change the Device Type(if you want to). Add a few more favorites (up to 10). You canadd more later, or delete or edit them later, or even reordertheir positions. Select Done when you’re finished setting upfavorites.If you select Label, you see the screen tothe right with a small label on top of thelogo. Initially the label will be the channelnumber for that logo. If you Save this, thelogo will have a small label representingthe channel number for that logo in it’sbottom right hand corner, see screen (5).(5)But you can type in a new label if youwant one. You enter the new name for thekey using the numeric keys on theremote, in a similar fashion to typing intext on a cell phone.E.g., in this example we pressed the 5key twice to enter the letter K. Then wewaited a second and pressed the 4 keyrepeatedly until the letter I wasdisplayed. Then we waited a second andpressed 6 to select N. Then we waited asecond and pressed the 4 key to selectG. See next page.Once you’ve gone through the Wizardand set up at least a TV, and set up moredevices, or skipped the rest of them, youarrive at screen (1) to the right.Setting Up Your Favorites(1)(2)(3)(4)Press any digit key, say digit 4, to enter achannel number. This takes you to screen(2). You can enter more digits if desired.The channel number can include a dash(-) for digital channels, e.g., 2-3, or caninclude ENTER, or OK, if your devicerequires it to change channels, e.g.,472Ok, or 550Ent.Now you press the Side Key next toPick Logo on screen (2). You are showna screen (3) of popular channel logos.You can select Next (Side Key 10) orBack (Side Key 5) to see more logos. Inthis example we pressed the NBC logo(Side Key 4). Screen (4) now shows thatwe’ve chosen channel 4 and the NBClogo. Note, you could also select the topleft position which would display “4” asthe favorite rather than a logo.The Default device in this case was Sat,but you can select Pick Device tochange it. In this case we changed it toCable. Make sure you select thedevice that you want each favorite tocontrol, e.g., TV, Cable, or Sat.
1514Setting Up X10 DevicesThe IR32A IconRemote - coupled with other X10 HomeAutomation Modules - gives you the ability to control every-thing electrical in your home. Once you set up your remote, youcan control most any electrical devicefrom the remote, using the buttons thathave been configured for X10 HomeAutomation Modules.DescriptionX10 Home Automation systems usethree types of signals - Infrared (IR),Radio Frequency (RF), and Power LineCarrier (PLC). The IR32A remote cansend either IR or RF signals depending on how you’ve set upthe remote to control different equipment.The following example describes how to set up your TV forRF control. (Setting your TV for IR control is described onpage 10.)Setting Up Your Remote to Send RF• Press Home.• Select Setup using the side key.• At the following screen select Moreusing the side key.• At the following screen select Wireless.• The Mode screen appears; select theDevice you want to set for RF bypressing its side key. (In this example,it’s TV.) The RF symbol appears onthe TV icon.Note: When you make selections in TVMode you will notice that the transmitsignals at the bottom of the screen arenow Green. This indicates that it issending RF to the TV. If the signals are inRed, it means that the remote is transmit-ting IR.(6)(7)Setting Up Your Favorites, cont.Note: “Triple tap” name entry works in a similar fashion to textentry on a cell phone. Tap each numeric key to cycle throughALL caps, numbers, and lower case letters. E.g., repeatedlypressing the number 2 key cycles through A, B, C, 2, a, b, c.Pressing the 9 key cycles through W, X, Y, Z, 9, w, x, y, z. A“space” can be selected with the 0 (zero) key. The number 1key selects 1 . @ ? ! - & and :  You can backspace an entrywith the key to the left of the 0 (zero) key. Press OK (or theEnter “E” key) to confirm your new name.You can continue to add favorites, up toa total of 10 (You can add more later; seepage 37.) At screen (6) you choose if thefavorites you just set up are stored in the“His” group or the “Hers” group. Lateryou can set up favorites in lots ofdifferent Groups, not just His and Hers.Selecting His takes you to screen (7)showing that you now have NBC set asthe first favorite in the His Group (at thelocation next to Side Key K1), as well asany other favorites you set up. (Note,you can reorder, i.e., move the positionsof the logos later).When you’re finished setting up yourfavorites, press the HOME key (locatedto the left below the screen) to go backto the Home screen.At any time you can press the FAVORITE keyand then select His, or press the His keyat the top left hand side of the remote togo to screen (7) above. Pressing the keynext to the NBC logo will (in this case)change the channel on your Cable box toNBC (in this case channel 4).Note: See page 19, Using the Remote,for related His and Hers features.
1716Setting Up X10 Devices, cont.In the following example we’ll set up the remote for a LM465Lamp Module located in the “Basement.”•Press the HOME key to display the setup screen. SelectSetup.•Select Devices at the new screen.•At the Device screen, select X10.•Select Add/Edit at the next screen.•Select Basement (for this example).•Press OK on the remote to continue.•Select Address.•Use the side buttons to set the valuesto B3.•Note: The values in the Addressscreen must match the physicalhardware settings for the LM465Lamp Module. In this example, thesettings are set at B3. This meansthat B3 matches the physical settingsat the Lamp Module. (See thefollowing example on how to set up a Lamp Module for aB3 setting.)•Press Save to save the values.•Select Pick Logo and choose an appropriate image.•Press Pick Device and go through the screens to select thecorrect module.•Press Done.When triggering an X10 module or wall switch from a remotecontrol, the signal is typically sent from the remote using RFon a specific house code. (IR can also be used if you are usingan UX24A device.) The RF signal is received by the trans-ceiver (either TM751, RR501, CM15A, or security console)on the matching house code. The transceiver then forwards thesignal onto the house wiring. This is now a PLC signal. Anymodules that match the house and unit code transmitted willeither turn on or off, depending on the signal sent.In the following example we’ll set up the remote for a TM751Lamp Module using Housecode “B.”•Press the HOME key to display the setup screen. SelectSetup.•Select Devices at the new screen.•At the Device screen, select X10.•Select Add/Edit at the next screen.•Choose the room where you will locate the TM751. Forthis example choose All Rooms.•At the add an X10 device screen, press OK.•Select Pick Device.•Select Appliances and then scroll until you see the TM751icon. Select TM751 using the appropriate side-key.•At the following screen selectAddress.•Using the side buttons, select “B”but leave the bottom number to “1,”making the address B1. (Note: Alltransceiver devices must end in “1.”•Select Save using the side key.•The following screen will show theTM751 icon. Select Done using theside key.•The Saving Settings screen appears.Setting Up X10 Devices, cont.
1918Using The RemoteAssuming you followed the steps on the previous pages andhave set up some devices and some favorites, you can now usethe remote. See the sections that follow to set up more devicesand/or favorites, and to set up other functions. (See page 36 tolearn how to set up more favorites.)Using the RemotePressing the HIS or HERS buttonsonce at any time accesses the favoritesthat you’ve set up. You can select any ofyour favorites by pressing the buttonnext to the icon you want.Pressing either HIS or HERS button asecond time accesses the X10 HomeAutomation modules that you’ve set up.This is an example screen of two X10Home Automation devices, a camerabase (VK74A Robotic Mount) and amodule that turns outside lights on andoff. Pressing the side key next to thecamera icon displays an additional screento control the actions of the camera(shown below).Use the side keys to operate the cameraby pressing the button and holding itdown for actions that require movement.Pressing the side key next to the Houseicon turns the lights on and off; the iconchanges showing a light on or off as wellas the word appearing at the bottom ofthe screen.Note:  Icons that have additional featureswill display a screen(s) that allow you to use those additionalfeatures. Some icons will only provide On or Off functions,some may provide dimming. It depends on the device’scapabilities.•Set the House Code to ‘B’ and theUnit Code to ‘3.’ (In this example, B3matches the remote’s address forthis device.)•Plug a lamp into the Lamp Module.•Plug the Lamp Module into a conve-nient AC outlet.Setting Up X10 Devices, cont.Setting up a LM465 Lamp Module (example)The following is a basic example of how to set up an X10Lamp  Module (sold separately). See X10’s Internet HomePage for a complete catalogue of Home Automation Modules at ModuleThe Lamp Module may be used to control any incandescentlamp rated up to 300W. It is not suitable for other types oflamps such as fluorescent, energy saving lamps, or lamps thatinclude a dimmer control.Caution: Do not connect an appliance such as a coffee pot orheater to the Lamp Module. It may damage the module and theappliance and could cause a fire hazard.
2120Mode KeyPress the MODE key, then select adevice type to change the mode that theremote is in. E.g., if the remote is inCable mode then the hard keys such asChannel Up/Down, Volume Up/Down,numbers, etc., operate your cable box.Also, when you select a mode, any extrakeys for that mode and any keys you’velearned for that mode are displayed. Thecurrent mode that the remote is in is shown by an icon in thelower-left portion of the screen. (The remote screen shownabove is in TV mode.)X10 RF DevicesSelecting X10 from the MODE keyscreen displays the Pick Group screen.•Press the Side key for the room thathas the device that you want tocontrol. (For this example “Master”was selected. The device icondisplays according to the way“Master” was set up.)•Press the Side key to send a com-mand to the device. The status of thedevice changes. You can see thestatus of the device at the bottom ofthe screen; and the icon also changesin appearance.Press the FAVORITE key to select yourfavorites group. Then press the SideKey next to the logo to change yourdevice to that channel. Selecting afavorite group that has not yet been setup, takes you to the setup Wizard.Important: Make sure you point theremote at your device until the channelchanges. Pressing a favorite key mightsend the commands for say channel162, but if you don’t point the remote at your device until allthree digits are sent you might just get channel 16, or evenchannel 1.Watch the flickering halo at the bottom left of the screen, itflickers for each digit sent. It also shows what device is beingcontrolled.Press the HOME key at any time to access the screen to dosetups, or access other features.Before you continue, press Side Key K5 next to the Help iconand follow the prompts to get an idea of how to use the remote.Only Devices you’ve previously set up are displayed. Theothers are grayed out.Favorite Key
2322SleepSleep lets you set any device to turn off apreset time from now. You can set the offtime in increments of 15 minutes, up to aMaximum of 90 minutes.Press the HOME key to go to the HomeScreen, then press the Side Key next toSleep.You can set a sleep timer for any or allof the devices that you’ve set up, i.e.,any that are not grayed out.In this example we only have a TV,Cable Box and Satellite Receiver set up.Below, we pressed Side Key K1 next tothe TV icon once, to set a sleep timer of15 minutes.We pressed Side Key K2 next to theCable Box icon twice, to set a sleep timerof 30 minutes.And we press Side Key K7 next to theSat icon five times to set a sleep timer of1 hour and 30 minutes.Pressing OK takes you back to the Homescreen with your sleep timers saved. Thenext time you select the Sleep screenyou’ll see that the sleep timers havestarted to count down.Make sure you leave the remotepointing at the device(s) you’ve setSleep Timers for so it can send thePower command to the device(s) at thetime(s) you’ve set.QuickPowerQuickPower is a way of quickly turningall your devices on or off from one easyto use screen.Press the HOME Key to go to the Homescreen.Then press the Side Key next toQuickPower.Only Devices you’ve previously set upare displayed. The others are grayed out.Press any key that isn’t grayed out tosend the “Power” command for thatdevice.
2524Learning, cont.You can learn commands from an existingremote and store them under the “Main”keys on the IR32A IconRemote, or learncommands from an existing remote andstore them under any of the 10 Side Keys.At the Home screen press the Side Keynext to Learn.At this screen you press any of the 5Side Keys K1-K5 on the left to learncommands under a Side Key, or pressany of the top 4 Side Keys K6-K9 on theright to learn commands under the mainkeys on the remote.If you press a right Side Key (to select Main Keys) you aregoing to learn, say, the Chan Up key from an existing remoteand store it under the Chan Up key on the IR32A IconRemote.Or learn the Power key from an existing remote and store itunder the Power key on the IR32A IconRemote, etc.If you press a left Side Key (to select Side Keys) you are goingto learn, say, the “DVD Zoom” function from an existingremote and store it under a Side Key on the IR32AIconRemote. You will then be able to name the key “DVDZoom” and access this “DVD Zoom” function from the Modescreen when the remote is in the mode that you selected whenyou learned this “DVD Zoom” command.• Check the IR transmitters/sensors are correctly alignedbetween the two remotes.• Adjust the distance between the two remotes to be closer(e.g. half an inch) or a further away (e.g., 2 inches) fromeach other.• Try learning the original remote keys again.• If problems reoccur with the same key, check the originalremote key being learned – does it transmit? Does itoperate the target device?Tips On Learninga. Some functions from some types of remotes might notbe able to be learned.b. No functions may be learned under the HOME, MODE,FAVORITE, HIS, or HERS (hard) keys.c. Use fresh batteries for both the IR32A remote and yourOriginal Remote.d. Keep at least three feet away from incandescent or low-energy lights when learning.e. Place the original remote end-to-end with the IR32Aremote so the IR transmitter (at the top) on your originalremote points at the IR learning device on the bottom of theIR32A IconRemote.f. Keep the distance between the two remotes toapproximately 1 inch.g. Line up the remotes and then press the key you want tolearn. To get the correct range, press the key on the remoteyou are learning and you will see a “red halo” around thetransmit icon at the bottom left of the screen starts toflicker. The best range for learning is when it flickers mostrapidly. Move the position of the 2 remotes to achieve this.Do not change this “best distance” between the tworemotes until you have learned all the required keys.h. When Learning, you should  normally not release the keybeing learned until the display prompts you to do so.However, some keys might be learned multiple times if youdo this. If this happens just “tap” the key you want to learn,rather than press and hold it. For example, keys that younormally hold down for a while (like volume up or down)will likely require a long press when learning. Keys thatyou normally give a quick press (like the numbers, andchannel up/down) will likely require a quick press whenlearning. If after learning say the channel up key, you findthat it changes multiple channels when pressed once, tryrelearning it with a short key press.i. If learning the first or second keys results in continuouserrors then try the following:Learning
2726Learning Main Keys, cont.You then press and hold (in this example)the Power key on the other remote, untilthe display shows that the command hasbeen successfully learned. Note for sometypes of key you might need to hold thekey pressed, but for other types a quickpress is sufficient. Experiment a bit. Ifkeys you learn are sent multiple times trylearning them with just a quick press. (SeeTips on Learning on page 24).At this screen you can select Add Key toa Macro. Then instead of learninganother “separate” key, the next key youlearn will be added to a Macro. ThisMacro will be activated by the key thatyou learned the first command under.E.g., you could press Power and learn thepower command from your TV’s remote,then select Add Key to Macro, and pressthe 3 key and learn the channel 3 keyfrom your TV’s remote. Then the Macrostored under the Power key will turn onthe TV and change the channel tonumber 3.Learning a Macro - Main KeysIf the screen says Failure, you can pressthe key and try again.You can continue learning moreindividual keys by following theinstructions on the screen, and then pressDone when you’re finished. Or you canpress Add Key to Macro, (see below andnext page).Learning Main KeysAt the Home screen press the Side Keynext to Learn.Then press one of the top 4 Side KeysK6-K9 to the right of the screen.Select the Device you want to learn keysfor. In this example we only have a TV,Cable Box and Satellite Receiver set up,so the rest are grayed out, but you canstill select any of the devices to learncommands for. You are then instructedto line up the remotes, and press the keyon the IR32A remote that you want tolearn.You then point the remote you want tolearn commands from at the bottom ofthe IR32A IconRemote, and press thekey on the IR32A IconRemote that youwant to learn a command under, e.g.,the Power key.
2928Learning Side KeysAt the Home screen press the Side Keynext to Learn.Then press any of the Side Keys K1-K5to the left of the screen.Select the device you want to learn keysfor. In this example we only have a TV,Cable Box and Satellite Receiver set up,so the rest are grayed out, but you canstill select any of the devices to learncommands for. In this case we selectedTV.Some typical “extra” keys are already setup, (depending on the Mode you se-lected), the rest of them are called L6,L7, L8, etc., 27 keys in total. (You canrename them later). Press the Side Keythat you want to learn a command under.(Note can choose one that already has aname, so as to “learn over it” and thenlater rename it). Let’s select L7.Before learning the second key in theMacro, you can if desired, set a delay(1-10 secs) after which the commandstored in the Macro will be sent. Forexample your TV might require a fewseconds after turning it on before it willrespond to a Channel Up/Downcommand. (Repeatedly press the SideKey next to Set Delay, or enter the delaydirectly with the numeric keys, 0-9).Macros - Main Keys, cont.In this case let’s set a 1 second delaybetween commands. Then point yourexisting remote at the bottom of theIR32A remote and press OK whenyou’re ready.You then press the second key on youroriginal remote that you want to add tothe Macro.When success is displayed you cancontinue adding keys to the Macro, andthen press Done when you’re finished.
3130Learning Side Keys, cont.E.g., in this example we pressed the 3key on the remote to enter the letter D.Then we pressed the 8 key repeatedlyuntil the letter V was displayed. Then wewaited a second and pressed 3 to selectD. Then we pressed the 0 (zero) keytwice until we selected a space. Wecontinued this process until we had“DVD Zoom” displayed.Note: “Triple tap” name entry works in a similar fashion to textentry on a cell phone. Tap each numeric key to cycle throughALL caps, numbers, and lower case letters. E.g., repeatedlypressing the number 2 key cycles through A, B, C, 2, a, b, c.Pressing the 9 key cycles through W, X, Y, Z, 9, w, x, y, z. A“space” can be selected with the 0 (zero) key. The number 1key selects 1 . @ ? ! - & : and back to 1. And you canbackspace an entry with the key to the left of the 0 (zero) key.Press OK (or the Enter “E” key) to confirm your new name.Then we pressed OK to save the newlabel for the key we had learned.The next time you set the remote to themode that you learned this key underyou’ll see a screen where you canselect this, and any other functionsyou’ve learned under that mode.Pressing the MODE key and then selecting a device typeshows the “extra” keys and learned keys for that mode. Note,you can learn keys from any kind of remote under any mode.You could for example learn the power keys for your TV, andyour audio system and extra keys for your DVD player underthe DVD mode. Then when you press the MODE key andselect DVD, you’ll be able to turn on your TV, turn on youraudio system, and control your DVD player, all from the SideKeys on this one screen.Next point the remote you want to learncommands from at the bottom of theIR32A IconRemote, and press OK whenyou’re ready. (See Tips on Learning onpage 24.)Next press the key (on the other remote)Learning Side Keys, cont.for the function you want to learn.Hold the key pressed until the screen saysthat the command was successfullylearned. Note for some types of key youmight need to hold the key pressed, but forother types a quick press is sufficient.Experiment a bit. If keys you learn aresent multiple times try learning them withjust a quick press.You can change the label for the key (inthis case L7) and/or add the key to aMacro. (See page 32 for Macros.)If you select Change Label, by pressingSide Key K9, you can change the nameto anything you want. For exampleyou’ll likely want to rename it with thename of the function that you learned.After you select Change Label you seethe screen to the right. You enter thenew name for the key using the numerickeys on the remote, in a similar fashionto typing in text on a cell phone. Seenext page.
3332Line up the remotes and press OK whenyou’re ready.Learning Macros, cont.Press Side Key K8 next to “Add Key toMacro” to add more keys.You can set a delay (1-10 secs) after whichthe command stored in the Macro will besent. (Repeatedly press Side Key K9 nextto Set Delay, or enter the delay directlywith the numeric keys, 0-9).In this case we set a 2 second delay.Next press the key (on the other remote)for the function you want to learn. Holdthe key pressed until the screen says thatthe command was successfully learned.Note for some types of key you mightneed to hold the key pressed, but forother types a quick press is sufficient.Experiment a bit. If keys you learn aresent multiple times try learning them withjust a quick press.A Macro could include the Power key foryour TV, followed by the Power key foryour Cable box, followed (after a 2second delay), by digit 4 from your cableremote. Then when you later activate thisMacro it will turn on your TV, turn onyour cable box, wait 2 seconds, and thenset the cable box to channel 4.At the Home screen press the Side Keynext to Learn.Then press any Side Key K1-K5 to theleft to learn a Macro that you’ll save to aSide Key (and later rename it if desired).Learning Macros (Side Keys)Select the device you want to learn keysfor. In this example we only have a TV,Cable Box and Satellite Receiver set up,so the rest are grayed out, but you canstill select any of the devices to learncommands for. E.g., in this case weselected DVR.Then select the Side Key that you want tostore the Macro under, for example, L3.
3534Setting up moreSetting up more DevicesWhen you first inserted the batteries in theremote you likely went through theWizard and set up a few devices. Here’show to set up more devices. Press theHOME key to display the Home screen.Then press the Side Key next to Setup.Then press the Side Key next to Devices.Pick a device you want to set up. Itdoesn’t have to be a device that is grayedout. You can also select any device that’salready set up (not grayed out) andchange its settings. From this point,setting up a device is the same as youlearned in the Wizard. (See page 9.) Note,you can select Aux 1 or Aux 2 from theDevices screen and then select any type ofdevice to set up under either Aux key.Or, you could select any device, and thenpress Change Type repeatedly, on screen(1) above, to scroll through the devicesand change to TV (for example) to set upa second TV. Selecting Label, on screen(2) lets you rename the device, e.g., youcould call it Den TV and have anothercalled Liv Rm TV.Note: “Triple tap” name entry works in asimilar fashion as text entry on a cellphone. Tap each numeric key to cyclethrough ALL caps, numbers, and lowercase letters. So at screen (3) you couldpress the 6 key to enter M, then the 9 key8 times for a lower case y, then the zerokey twice for a space, then the 8 key forT, then the 8 key three times for a V, toenter My TV. See pages 13, 14, and 30for more details on entering text tochange labels.(1)(2)(3)Learning Macros, cont.Point your existing remote at the bottomof the IR32A IconRemote and press OKwhen you’re ready. Then press your nextkey.After adding more keys you can keep thelabel for the key (in this example L1) orselect Change Label, by pressing SideKey K9.If you select Change Label you canchange the name to anything you want.For example you could call it My Macro,or Macro 1.After you select Change Label you seethe screen below to the right.You enter the new name for the key usingthe numeric keys, in a similar fashion totyping in text on a cell phone. E.g., inthis example we pressed the 6 key on theremote to enter the letter “M.” Then wepressed the 2 key repeatedly until theletter “a” was displayed. Then we waiteda second and repeatedly pressed 2 toselect “c.” Then we waited a second andrepeatedly pressed the number 7 keyuntil we selected “r.” Then the 6 key toselect “o.” Then the 0 (zero) key twice toselect a space, and then 1 to select 1.Macro 1 is then displayed.Press Done to save the new label for theMacro you learned and stored under theL1 key.The next time you select the Mode thatthe Macro was learned in (in this caseDVR), you’ll see that you can press theSide Key next to “Macro 1” to activatethe Macro.
3736Adding/Editing FavoritesThis lets you add favorites to an existinggroup, edit favorites in an existing group,or add favorites to a new group.Press the HOME key, select Setup, andthen select Favorites. Then at the screento the right select Add/Edit.Setting up more, cont.Select any group to add favorites to oredit existing favorites.Pressing the Side Key next to an existinggroup (in this case His) shows thefavorites that you’ve previously set up inthat group.You can press a Side Key next to anexisting logo (to edit/change it), or press aSide Key next to a blank location to add anew favorite, or press More to add or editicons on a new page. For example, youmight only want to have four favorites onthis page and put some other favorites ontheir own separate page. Or you can fillup this page and add more to the nextpage (up to 10 pages of favorites).From this point on adding favorites isthe same as you learned in the Wizard,so follow the directions on the screen.(See also pages 9-10.)Setting up more, cont.Setting up more FavoritesWhen you first inserted the batteries in theremote you likely went through theWizard and set up a few favorites. Youcould only set up 10 favorites at that time.Here’s how to set up more favorites. Pressthe HOME key to display the Homescreen. Then press the Side Key next toSetup.Then press the Side Key next toFavorites.Then press the Side Key next to Wizard.Then pick the group that you want to setup favorites in, (or add more favorites to).If you pick an existing group that youpreviously set up favorites in, say His, anynew favorites will be added to the onesyou already set up. If you’ve already setup 10 favorites, a new page will be added.(You can have 10 pages of favorites.)Groups that have not yet had anyfavorites added to them are grayed out,but can still be selected. From thispoint adding favorites is the same asyou learned in the Wizard, so followthe directions on the screen. (See alsopages 9-10.)
3938Setting up more, cont.Deleting FavoritesThis lets you delete favorites that youpreviously set up in a group.Press the HOME key, select Setup,and then select Favorites. Then at thescreen to the right select Delete.Pick the group in which you want todelete the favorites. Groups that don’thave any favorites in them yet aregrayed out and can’t be selected.When your favorites are displayed,select the one(s) you want to delete,e.g., FOX and ABC. The favorites aremarked for deletion with a red X.You can press the Back key if you changeyour mind, otherwise pressing OK deletesthe selected favorites. (There is a warningdisplayed first allowing you to changeyour mind.)Setting up more, cont.Reordering FavoritesThis lets you move the favorites that youpreviously set up in a group, to differentlocations on the screen, i.e., reorderthem.Press the HOME key, select Setup, andthen select Favorites. Then at the screento the right select Reorder.Pick the group in which you want toreorder the favorites. Groups that don’thave any favorites in them yet aregrayed out, and can’t be selected.When your favorites are displayed,select the one you want to move, e.g.,ABC. It is then marked with a green box.Press the Side Key next to the locationthat you want to move the favorite to.The favorite moves to the new location.Try moving favorites around to see howthis works. Note, if you move a favoriteto a location that already has a favoritethere, the two favorites swap locations.
4140Setting up more, cont.Clearing Settings in the RemoteThis lets you clear (erase) various thingsyou’ve set up in the remote.Press the HOME key; select Setup. Thenat the screen to the right select ClearSettings.Pressing the Side Key next to Devices letsyou clear the settings, i.e., codes forvarious Devices (TV, VCR, etc.). Afterselecting Devices, you select the deviceyou want to clear. Only devices that youhave set up are shown. All other devicesthat have not been set up are grayed out.Pressing the Side Key next to Favorites lets you select a group,e.g., His, Hers, etc., and then clear ALL the favorites you hadset up in that group of favorites. Only groups that you have setup favorites in are shown. All other groups are grayed out.Pressing the Side Key next to Learned lets you select a device(TV, VCR, etc.) that you had previously learned commandsand/or Macros under and clear everything that was learned.Only devices that you have learned commands and/or Macrosunder are shown. All other devices are grayed out.Pressing the Side Key next to Punchthrough lets you clear anyPunchthrough commands you had set up for a device. Onlydevices that you have set up Punchthrough for are shown. Allother devices are grayed out.Pressing the Side Key next to Master Clear lets you clearEVERYTHING in the remote. Be careful when selecting this.Note however that ALL the sections above display a warningscreen allowing you to change your mind before actuallyclearing anything.Setting up more, cont.Renaming Favorite GroupsThis lets you Rename the groups that yousave your favorites in. For example youmight want to rename His to Dave, or Hersto Isabel.Press the HOME key, select Setup, andthen select Favorites. Then at the screen tothe right select Rename.Note, none of the groups are grayed outso you can even rename groups that don’tyet have any favorites set up in them.Pick the group that you want to Rename,e.g., His.You enter the new name for the favoritesgroup using the numeric keys on theremote, in a similar fashion to typing intext on a cell phone. E.g., in this examplewe pressed the 3 key on the remote toenter the letter “D.” Then we pressed the2 key repeatedly until the letter “a” wasdisplayed. Then we waited a second andrepeatedly pressed 8 to select “v.” Thenwe waited a second and repeatedlypressed the number 3 key until “e” wasselected.When you’ve entered the new name,press OK to save the new name for thefavorites group.
4342Advanced Settings, cont.PunchthroughThis lets you set up how various keys on the remote operate invarious modes. For example you might want the Volume Up/Down and Mute keys to ALWAYS operate your TV, no matterwhat mode the remote is in. Or you might want the Play, Stop,Pause REW, FF, and Record keys to ALWAYS operate yourVCR no matter what mode the remote is in.Press the HOME key, then select Setup, then select Advanced,then Punchthrough.Then select the device you want to setup Punchthrough, e.g., TV.You can also change the device type by pressing the key onscreen (1) next to the device that you are editing the code for.Pressing this key repeatedly cycles through all available devicetypes.Programming Combo Device CodesSome Combo devices (e.g., TV/VCR, TV/DVD, DVD/VCR,etc.) will require you to set up two different Mode keys tocontrol both parts of the Combo device. For example, if youhave a TV/DVD Combo, you might need to set up one codeunder the TV key to control the TV part AND a separate code(under any other Mode key) to control the DVD part. OtherCombo devices have one code that will control both parts ofthe device.To set up a combo device, press the HOME key, then selectSetup, then select Advanced then Device Codes, as describedon previous page.Advanced SettingsPress the HOME key, then select Setup,then select Advanced.The screen to the right lets you change thebacklight delay; enter codes for devicesdirectly from the printed code list thatcame with the remote; set uppunchthrough for various devices; andlimit the channels that young children canaccess.OptionsSelect Options, then press a Side Key tothe left or the right of the option to adjustthe setting. Then press OK. Backlightadjusts how long it takes before thescreen goes black (approx 2-35 seconds)if you don’t press any keys.Device CodesSelect Device Codes. Then Select a device.Devices that have not yet been set up aregrayed out. You can select them here andset them up by entering the device codefrom the printed code list. Or, you canchange the code for a device that hadalready been set up by simply entering thenew code.This screen also lets you view the codes for any device that hasbeen set up. In the above example you can see the codes thatare set for TV, Cable, and SAT. We’ve selected CD and canthen enter its 4-digit code from the code list, using the numberkeys on the remote. The above also shows that we’ve learnedcodes under the AUX1 key in DVD mode.Key Transmit Time changes the delay between digits whensending favorites, e.g., 1–6–2. This can be used in situationswhere the channels are not accepted by the set-top box.
4544Advanced Settings, cont.KidSafePress the HOME key, then select Setup,then select Advanced, then KidSafe.The first time you access the KidSafemenu you are asked if you want to set upa KidSafe Code. If you select Yes, yousee this screen. You enter a 4-digit codethat you will easily remember but thatyour Kid(s) won’t guess.After you enter a 4-digit code and pressOK, you see a screen that lets you pick anew KidSafe code, i.e., change it. And/orset the group of favorites that your Kidshave access to (the default group is Kidsbut is grayed out if you haven’t set thatgroup up yet).You can press the Side Key next to PickFavorites and choose a differentfavorites group that you want your Kidsto have access to, e.g., any otherfavorites group you’ve set up.After you’ve done this you now have theoption to Turn KidSafe On. If you turnKidSafe On everything in the remoteexcept access to the KidSafe group (andVolume/Mute keys) is locked out. Nosettings can be changed, and Channel Up/Down, and numberkeys will not work.If you try to access any other favorite group, change a setting,or access any forbidden menu, you are asked to enter theKidSafe code. You cannot continue unless you enter the correctKidSafe code. See the Troubleshooting section if you forgetyour KidSafe code - but don’t let your kids read this owner’smanual!Advanced Settings, cont.Here we’ve set the Volume and Mute tooperate the TV; and Chan Up/Down tooperate the Cable Box; - even though theremote is in DVD mode. Play, Stop,Pause, etc., will operate the DVD (i.e.,Punchthrough Not Set for Play, etc.).You need to set up Punchthrough for eachdevice you’ve set up in the remote. I.e.,you need to set up how you want the“Volume Up/Down and Mute” “Chan Up/Down” and “Play,Stop, Pause REW, FF, and Record” keys to operate for eachdevice that you have set up in whatever mode the remote is setto.Note also that if you want some other keys to operate in adifferent mode from what they normally operate in, you can“learn” the key(s). E.g., if you want you TV’s INPUT key tostill switch the TV’s input when you’re in cable mode, you canlearn your TV’s INPUT key under cable mode.Punchthrough, cont.At this screen you set how you want theVolume Up/Down and Mute keys tooperate when the remote is in TV mode.Then select how you want the Channel Up/Down keys to operate when the remote isin TV mode.Then select how you want the Play, Stop,Pause, REW, FF, and Record keys tooperate when the remote is in TV mode.For example, here we’ve set the Volumeand Mute keys to operate the TV in TVmode (i.e., Punchthrough Not Set); ChanUp/Down to operate the Cable Box; andPlay, Stop, Pause, etc., to operate the DVDPlayer - even though the remote is in TVmode.
4746The IR32A IconRemote used in conjunction with the UX25Areceiver gives you control of Audio and Video components -even if they are in a different room from the remote.Description:The idea on how to do this is shown in the figure below. Followthese basic steps:•Plug the UX25A receiver’s power supply jack into the backof the UX25A and plug the power supply into an AC walloutlet in the room where your TV, VCR, stereo components,etc., are located.•Plug the IR extender cable into the back of the UX25A.•Attach the IR emitters on the cable facing the front of up totwo A/V devices that you want to control.• Point the IR32A in the general direction of the UX25Areceiver and press any button. The UX25A receives the RadioFrequency (RF) signals and sends the IR signals through theemitter to control your IR compatible devices (TV, VCR, CD,etc.).Note: The IR32A IconRemote and the UX25A can be in differentrooms up to 50 feet away from each other. Add more receivers tocontrol A/V equipment in more than one room.Setting Up X10 Devices, cont.Audio and Video CompatibilityX10 Home ControlIf you own or have purchased the Model IR543 CommandCenter, and you have compatible X10 Lamp, Appliance, andWall Switch modules, you will also be able to control lightsand appliances from your IR32A IconRemote. You must setup the remote with the 0999 device code in order for theIR32A to communicate to the IR543 Command Center.When you point the IR32A toward the IR543, it understandsthe IR commands and converts them to PLC signals. Anymodules that match the house and unit code transmitted willeither turn on or off, depending on the signal.To see how to enter a device code, refer to page 42. Set upthe code under AUX mode, but you can choose another modeif you prefer. Then in AUX mode (for example), press anumber button on the IR32A corresponding to the X10Module you want to control. Press CHANNEL + to turn themodule on, CHANNEL – turns it off; VOLUME + to brightenLamp and Wall Switch Modules, and VOLUME – to dimthem.If you own or have purchased the TM751 RF TransceiverModule, your IR32A IconRemote communicates using its RFsignal. The remote transmits the RF signal on a specifichouse code. This signal is received by the transceiver (eitherTM751, RR501, CM15A, or security console) on a matchinghouse code. (See pages 15 through 18 on how to set up theremote and modules.) The transceiver then forwards thesignal onto the house wiring. This is now a PLC signal. Anymodules that match the house and unit code transmitted willeither turn on or off, depending on the signal sent. Camerapower supplies are addressable and act just like lamp orappliance modules., a division of X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. (X10)warrants X10 products to be free from defective material andworkmanship for a period of one (1) year from the original date ofpurchase at retail. X10 agrees to repair or replace, at its solediscretion, a defective X10 product if returned to X10 within thewarranty period and with proof of purchase. If service is requiredunder this warranty:Call 1-800-442-5065, or visit, or help or more information on setup, please visit: Month Limited WarrantyThe Favorites you set up don’t operate your device.• Make sure you selected the correct device (TV, Cable, Sat,etc., when you set up each favorite. See Add/Edit Favoritespage 37 to change the device type for your favorite(s).The Remote’s hard keys do not operate your product.• Make sure the remote is set to the correct Mode bypressing the MODE key follow by the appropriate SideKey for the device mode that you want.• Program the remote with a new code.• The remote may not contain the code for your device. Trylearning the codes you need from your old remote.• Install new batteries.The remote does not operate some features of your product.• Program the remote with a new code.• The remote may not be able to operate all features of yourproduct or key names might be different than your product.Try learning codes from your old remote.Having problems with learning?• See Learning Tips on page 24.• If some learned keys transmit multiple times, e.g., if alearned Channel Up key changes more than one channelwhen you press it, or Up/Down/Left/Right navigation keysmove more than one step when you press the learned key;try just giving the key to be learned a quick press (whenyou learn it) rather than holding the key pressed until thescreen displays Success.Your TV turns on when you press a Favorite key.• Some types of TV, e.g., Philips flat panel TVs turn on andgo to the selected channel when you press a channelnumber while the TV is off. So for this type of TV pressinga favorite key will do the same thing (but it might not workfor 3-digit channels, e.g., 550).Forgot your KidSafe code?• Just remove and reinsert the batteries to reset KidSafe (butdon’t let your Kids see this Owner’s Manual).Troubleshooting48 49
 IR32A-8/, a Division ofX10 Wireless Technology, Inc.3824 North 5th St., Suite C,North Las Vegas, NV 89032Web Site:

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