Authinx R24945 FIND ONE FIND ALL (FOFA) REMOTE User Manual FOFA IS pmd



Your FOFA Remote requires only 2 simple steps tobegin using it:If you just inserted the batteries, you are already insetup mode. To enter the setup mode at any othertime, press and hold the FIND button, then press andrelease button # 1, then release the FIND button. TheFOFA is in setup mode when the LED flashescontinuously and a warble beep is emitted.To set:• Press and release the FIND button.• Press the button (1 thru 6) to program the SET#.The FOFA will beep and the LED will flash morequickly.• Press the button (1 thru 6) to program the ITEM#.The FOFA Remote will beep to confirm your settings.The FOFA Remote beeps the number correspondingto the SET # and then, after a brief pause, beeps thenumber of times corresponding to the ITEM #.To program FOFA as Set 2, Item 5, for example, youwould:• Press and release the FIND button.• Press 2. This programs the SET number to 2. TheLED flashes quickly.• Press 5. This programs the ITEM number to 5. TheFOFA Remote beeps and flashes 2 times, pauses,and then beeps 5 times to confirm the setting.Important Notes:Removing the batteries will cause your FOFA Remoteto lose its setting. You will need to reprogram it usingthe steps above.If you do not program the FOFA Remote, it willrespond to every key press from another FOFA unit.However, the unprogrammed FOFA Remote willenter setup mode when you press FIND, then any #button on it.Using the FOFA Remote to Find Lost ItemsTo find an object with a missing FOFA Keyfobattached, simply press FIND on your FOFA Remote,then press the # key corresponding to the missing unitin that set.If the object is in range, the FOFA Keyfob on themissing object will begin to flash and beep. You canuse any FOFA to locate any other FOFA; hence thename, Find One, Find All!To find a missing item in another set of FOFAs, youwill need to reprogram one of your FOFAs to that set.Please see Programming your FOFA Remote.For best results, hold FOFA Remote with the LEDpointing away from you. Walk around while trying tofind the item you’re looking for while repeatedlypressing the appropriate button on the FOFA Remote.Reduce or eliminate noises so you can hear thebeeping FOFA Keyfob you are looking for.Keep FOFA Remote away from large metal objectsand other radios sources that might reduce its range,as do weak batteries also.Checking Your SetupYou can verify the SET and ITEM numbers of eachFOFA at any time. Press and hold the FIND button,then press and release button # 2, then release theFIND button. The LED flashes and beeps first toindicate the SET number, pauses, and then flashes andbeeps to indicate the ITEM number. For example, ifthe FOFA Remote you are checking is defined as SET1, ITEM 2, you would hear 1 beep, a pause, then 2more beeps.Care Instructions- Do not allow FOFA to become wet. Wipe dryimmediately if it gets wet.- FOFA may be wiped with a damp cloth to clean.- Handle FOFA with care. Do not drop.The FCC wants you to knowThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following conditions: 1.This device may not cause harmful interference; 2.This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesiredoperation. This equipment generates and uses radiofrequency energy, and if not installed and usedproperly, that is, in strict accordance with themanufacturers instructions, it may cause interferenceto radio and television reception. It has been typetested and found to comply with the limits for remotecontrol devices in accordance with the specificationsin Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15 of FCC Rules, whichare designed to provide reasonable protection againstsuch interference in a residential installation.However, there is no guarantee that interference willnot occur in a particular installation. If this equipmentdoes cause interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by unpluggingthe equipment, try to correct the interference by oneor more of the following measures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencingthe interference.• Relocate the equipment with respect to the radio/TV.• Move the equipment away from the radio/TV.• Plug the equipment into an outlet on a differentelectrical circuit from the radio/TV experiencing theinterference.• If necessary, consult your local dealer for additionalsuggestions.The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio orTV interference caused by unauthorized modifica-tions to this equipment. Such modifications couldvoid the user’s authority to operate the equipment.2. Programming your FOFA RemoteFOFA locators are expandable to 36 unique locators.How is this possible with only 6 buttons? You have 6sets of 6 items. This gives you the flexibility tocustomize your FOFA locators so that each person inthe family has a different set of FOFA’s.To set the FOFA Remote, you must first decide on the“SET” number and the “ITEM” number of eachFOFA Remote. Most first-time users select SET 1 andITEMS 1-6.1. Insert the BatteriesInsert 2 AAA alkalinebatteries in the batterycompartment on the backof the FOFA Remote. TheFOFA Remote will beepand immediately go intosetup mode. The LEDwill begin flashing toindicate that the FOFARemote is ready to beprogrammed. See step 2below, Programmingyour FOFA Remote.For setup and for findingup to 6 items.FIND1. Insert the batteries.2. Program the FOFASET and ITEMnumbers.FOFA R24945 1-2 FOFA R24945 2-2Find One Find All (FOFA) Remote, Model R24945          P 1/2 Find One Find All (FOFA) Remote, Model R24945          P 2/2

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