Authinx SRF2 Universal Remote Control User Manual Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Authinx Inc. Universal Remote Control Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

32IntroductionTable of ContentsCongratulations on your purchase of a SamsungUniversal Remote Control. Samsung Universal Remoteslet you replace a broken or lost remote or combine morethan one remote into one.This remote control operates the common features ofmost but not all models and brands of IR InfraredControlled Video Equipment. This remote may providefunctions that are not available on your equipment.Some functions of your particular equipment (e.g. menufunctions) may not be controlled by this remote.In such cases, use the original remote control for yourequipment. Please use this manual to become familiarwith your Samsung Universal Remote. After you arefamiliar with your remote the first thing you need to do isto install batteries and setup your remote for yourparticular product and brand.Introduction ...................................................... 3Setup ............................................................... 4Battery Installation ....................................... 4Battery Saver............................................... 4Code Saver ................................................. 4Power-On default ........................................ 4TV Punch Through Feature .......................... 5VCR/DVD Punch Through Feature .............. 5Code Setup ................................................. 5Button Functions ............................................... 6Advanced Functions ......................................... 8DirecTV Functions ....................................... 8DVD Functions ............................................ 9VCR/DVD Punch Through Feature .............. 9TV/VCR/INPUT ....................................... 10TV/VCR and TV/DVD Combo units ......... 10Code Entry..................................................... 11Direct Code Entry...................................... 11Code Search ............................................. 12Brand Search............................................. 13Code Identification Feature ........................ 15Product Operation .......................................... 16RF Receiver ................................................... 17Troubleshooting .............................................. 18The remote also transmits wireless Radio Frequency(RF) commands. The wireless receiver (included)receives these commands and converts them to regularInfrared (IR) commands. These IR commands are thenemitted from the IR Extender (also included) to controlyour A/V components. This lets you control your A/Vcomponents from ANY room in your home - you don’tneed to aim the remote at your component!Thank you for buying a Samsung remote and we hope itwill give you many years of service.FCC CautionTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCCRULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOW-ING TWO CONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFULINTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFER-ENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THATMAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.This equipment generates and uses radio frequencyenergy, and if not installed and used properly, that is, instrict accordance with the manufacturers instructions, itmay cause interference to radio and television reception.It has been type tested and found to comply with thelimits for remote control devices in accordance with thespecifications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15 of FCCRules, which are designed to provide reasonableprotection against such interference in a residentialinstallation. However, there is no guarantee that interfer-ence will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by unplugging theequipment, try to correct the interference by one or moreof the following measures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencing theinterference.• Relocate the interface with respect to the radio/TV.• Move the interface away from the radio/TV.• Plug the interface into an outlet on a different electricalcircuit from the radio/TVexperiencing the interference.• If necessary, consult your local Dealer for additionalsuggestions.NOTE: Modifications to any of the components in thiskit will void the user’s authority to operate thisequipment.
54TV Volume/Mute Punch-Through FeatureThe TV Volume/Mute punch-through feature lets youcontrol the Volume and Mute function of your TV in anymode programmed to be a VCR, DVD, CABLE or SATdevice, without needing to change to TV mode.VCR/DVD Punch-Through FeaturePunch-through to VCR/DVD mode i.e. the 6 keys (PLAY,PAUSE, STOP, FF, REWIND, and REC) is only allowedin modes programmed for TV or Cable codes.Code SetupThe SET button is used to setup the remote. You caneither setup the remote using the code for your brand ofproduct, from the code tables (on separate sheet), oryou can search through the library of codes until youfind a code that works for your product.Please refer to “Programming with Code Search” on page12 for more information on using the code search featureto learn how to search through the library of codes foryour products.NOTE: You can store any kind of code under any mode(except TV). I.E. you can store a VCR code under theDVD button, or a DVD code under the VCR button, etc.However, you can only store TV codes under the TVbutton.SETBattery Installation1. On the back of the remote,push down on the tab andlift the cover off.2. Match the batteries to the+ and - marks inside thebattery case, then insert 2AAA Alkaline batteries.3. Press the battery coverback into place.Battery SaverYour remote automaticallyturns off if the buttons aredepressed more than 30seconds. This will save yourbatteries should your remoteget stuck in a place where thebuttons remain depressed(e.g., between the sofacushions).Code SaverYou will have up to 10 minutes to change the batteriesin your remote without losing codes you haveprogrammed. However, do not press any buttons untilbatteries are installed in the remote. If buttons arepressed without batteries in the remote, all codes will belost.Power-On DefaultThe remote powers on in DirecTV mode.Setup Setup, cont.Back of RemotePOWERRGIDFREEZEAUDIOSEARCHCALLERYBTV/VIDEOINPUTOK/ITV DVD AUXGUIDEEXITMENUSETDIRECT VINFOVCR
76PLAYSTOP PAUSERECPOWERSCAN SCANGAMEVOLWHO quickBACKPAGECHANVOLCHANRGIDFREEZEAUDIOSEARCHCALLERYBTV/VIDEOINPUTOK/ITV DVD AUXGUIDEEXITMENUSETDIRECT VINFOVCRHELPPAGEPLAYSTOP PAUSERECPOWERSCAN SCANGAMEVOLWHO quickBACKPAGECHANVOLCHANRGIDFREEZEAUDIOSEARCHCALLERYBTV/VIDEOINPUTOK/ITV DVD AUXGUIDEEXITMENUSETDIRECT VINFOVCRHELPPAGERECORD, PLAY, STOP,REW, FF, PAUSE VCRcontrol buttons operateyour VCR even when theremote is set to operate theTV. Also operates DVDScan -/+.TV/VIDEO/INPUTFor some TVs, pressrepeatedly to selectfrom available viewingsources (antenna,cable box, VCR, etc.).EXIT Used to exitmenu functions.Button Functions, cont.GUIDE Displays on-screen program guideSome buttons on the remote might have functions thatare referred to by different names on the device you arecontrolling. E.G.  BACK may be called RECALL, or ENTERmay be called DISPLAY. These differences depend on thebrand and model of your product. Also, this remote canonly operate features that exist on your product. E.G.,your product must have BACK  ability for the BACKbutton to operate this feature.TV, VCR, DirecTV ®DVD, AUX  Selectsproduct to be operated.NUMBERSEnter numbers for directchannel selection. Someproducts require Enter tobe pressed after channelselection.POWER Turnsproduct On or Off.MUTE Turns off the TVsound while the pictureremains.MENU Access theMenu functions ofthe device you arecontrolling.SETFor setup.Note: The REC button must be pressed TWICE torecord from your VCR. For some brands of VCRs, youmight need to press the REC button once, then press itagain for three seconds.Button FunctionsRed Indicator Lights whenany button is pressed.OK/I Press this buttonto select highlighteditems in the on-screenMenu or Guide.INFO DisplaysChannel Bannerinformation inDirecTV mode.BACKReturns to the previouslyselected channel, or DVDrepeat toggle.GAME (ENTER)Used after directchannel numberentry to immediatelychange to theselected channel.HELP (CC /SUBTITLE)TV Closed Caption (ifyour TV has this feature)or DVD Subtitle toggle.VOLUME UP/DOWN Changesthe volume levelof the product,normally the TV.CHANNEL UP/DOWNChanges the channels.
98Advanced Functions Advanced Functions, cont.DVD FunctionsSCAN+ and SCAN- buttons control the speed of FastForward and Reverse Playback respectively.CHANNEL+ and CHANNEL- buttons respectivelylocate the succeeding or preceding Chapters or Trackson a disc.SUBTITLE (HELP) button turns the subtitles on or off.REPEAT (BACK) button performs DVD players “A-BRepeat” (or RPT A.B) function for repeat play of currentChapter or Track.MENU brings up the DVD disc Menu screen - use withthe UP, DOWN, LEFT & RIGHT navigation buttons.OK button is used for on-screen Menu selection. Notesome DVD players require the PLAY button to be used.EXIT button is used to Exit or Clear on-screen Menudisplays.PLAY button is used to start Disc playback and forMenu selection on some DVD players.STOP button stops Disc playback.PAUSE button pauses Disc playback - press PLAY toresume.INPUT (TV/VIDEO/INPUT) activates the DVD Player’sSETUP Menu.VCR/DVD Punch Through FeatureThis remote lets you Punch-through to the last VCR orDVD device used. Normally other types of remotes onlypunch-through (from another Mode) on the 6 VCRbuttons, to the device programmed under the VCRMode button. This is not much use if you are using aDVD programmed under a Mode other than VCR. Thisremote punches-through to the last VCR or DVD deviceyou used. For example, if you have 3 DVD/VCR devicesprogrammed into this remote, the last one you accessedon the remote will be the one that has control of the 6VCR/DVD buttons when in any other mode.INFO Press this button when you are watchingDirecTV® programming to display the Channel Bannerinformation and information about the current program.HELP Displays instructions about the screen or menucurrently displayed.WHO Press to change the current user profile.QUICK Press this button to view the Quick Guide.MENU Press this button to display the on-screen menu.GUIDE Press to view the on-screen program guide.BACK Press this button to return to the previouschannel you were watching, or to return to a previousMenu screen.OK/I Press this button to select highlighted items in theon-screen Menu or Guide.CALLER ID (red button) Displays the phone numbers ofcallers who phoned you on the telephone line connectedto your DirecTV Receiver (works only if you subscribeto your local telephone service’s Caller ID service).While in the Guide, this button lets you change theGuide style.FREEZE (green button) Press this button to take a stillpicture of the TV screen. Press it again to resume theprogram you were watching. While in the Guide, thisbutton lets you see program listings for a different time.AUDIO (yellow button) While watching TV, press thisbutton to select an alternate audio track. While in theGuide, this button lets you view programs in selectedcategories.SEARCH (blue button) Press this button to search for aprogram listing in the Guide.Number and dash buttons (0-9, -) Press the numberbuttons to tune directly to a particular channel or toenter numeric values in the Menu system. Press thedash (-) to enter a separator between parts of a number.GAME Accesses games you can play.
1110POWERRGIDFREEZEAUDIOSEARCHCALLERYBTV/VIDEOINPUTOK/ITV DVD AUXGUIDEEXITMENUSETDIRECTVINFOVCRDirect Code Entry1. Press and hold the SET button until the red indicatorstays on, then release the SET button.2. Press and release the desired mode button (TV, VCR,etc.). The red indicator blinks, then stays lit.3. Enter the 3 digit code from the code tables (onseparate sheet). Note: after a valid code entry, thered indicator turns off.  For an invalid code, the redindicator flashes.4. With your device on, press CHANNEL UP. If thedevice responds, no further programming isrequired. Note: If some buttons do not operate yourequipment, try one of the other codes for yourbrand.Code Entry1.2.3.Write your codes down here for easy reference later.Type Type stored CodeTV TVVCRDirecTV 263DVDAdvanced Functions, cont.TV/VCR/INPUTWhen in TV mode the TV/VIDEO/INPUT buttonperforms the  INPUT source switch function.When in a mode that has been programmed for VCR theTV/VIDEO/INPUT button performs the TV/VCRantenna switch function.When in a mode that has been programmed for Cable theTV/VIDEO/INPUT button performs the A.B switchfunction.When in a mode that has been programmed for SAT theTV/VIDEO/INPUT button performs the TV/SAT switchfunction.When in a mode that has been programmed for DVD theTV/VIDEO/INPUT button performs the DVD Setupfunction.TV/VCR and TV/DVD Combo unitsNote that for some TV/VCR and TV/DVD combo unitsyou might need to set up two different buttons tocontrol both parts of the combo unit. E.G., (referring tothe  Direct Code Entry section on the following page)you might need to set up a code under the TV button tocontrol the TV part of the combo unit AND a separatecode for the VCR or DVD under any other button youchoose.
1312GAMEVOLWHO quickBACKPAGECHANVOLCHANHELPPAGEPOWERTV DVD AUXGUIDEEXITMENUSETDIRECT VINFOVCRCode Search by BrandLets you search for a code for a specific Brand withinthe Code Library for a particular manufacturer.1. Turn on the device (TV, VCR, etc.) to be controlled.2. Press and hold the SET button until the red indicatorremains on, then release CODE SEARCH button.3. Press and quickly release the desired mode button(TV, VCR, etc.). The red indicator blinks off once.4. Press and release the numeric button (0-9)corresponding to desired Manufacturer (see table onnext page).  The red indicator blinks off once. Note,pressing “0” performs a full library search same asnormal Code Search Method on previous page.5. Press the CHANNEL UP button ((or POWER  or PLAY(VCR only)) repeatedly until the device to becontrolled changes channel. The red indicator blinksoff with each button press. If you accidentallyovershoot the code required, press the CHANNELDOWN button to backtrack through the library untilthe device changes channel. Pressing CHANNEL UPchanges direction to forward again.6. Press and release MUTE to install the code.Brand Search Method entry is now complete.Note: When all codes under a Brand have been searchedthe red indicator flashes rapidly for 3 seconds.Code Entry, cont.4.Programming with Code SearchIf your product does not respond after you have tried allthe codes for your brand, or if your brand is not listed,try searching for your code by following these steps.1. Manually turn on the device (TV, VCR, etc.) to becontrolled.2. Press and hold the SET button until the red indicatorstays on, then release the SET button.3. Press and quickly release the desired mode button(TV, VCR, etc.). The red indicator blinks off once.4. Press the CHANNEL UP button repeatedly (up to 300times) until the device to be controlled changeschannel. The red indicator blinks off with eachbutton press.  If you accidentally overshoot thecode required, press the CHANNEL DOWN buttonto backtrack through the library until the devicechanges channel. Pressing CHANNEL UP changesdirection to forward again.5. Press and release MUTE to install the code.Most users will store VCR codes under the VCR button,DVD codes under DVD, etc. If (for example) you want tostore a VCR code under DVD, first follow the procedurefor Direct Code Entry (page 11) and press DVD in step 2of Direct Code Entry, then enter ANY VCR code in step 3of Direct Code Entry. Then follow the steps above forCode Search (or Brand Search, next page).Note:  If the device does not have a CHANNEL UPbutton, use PLAY (VCR only) or POWER  instead. CodeSearch starts from the currently stored three digitnumber under that mode.3.4.Code Entry, cont.5.2.GAMEVOLWHO quickBACKPAGECHANVOLCHANHELPPAGEPOWERTV DVD AUXGUIDEEXITMENUSETDIRECTVINFOVCR3.5.6.2.
1514POWERRGIDFREEZEAUDIOSEARCHCALLERYBTV/VIDEOINPUTOK/ITV DVD AUXGUIDEEXITMENUSETDIRECTVINFOVCRCode Identification FeatureThe Code Identification Feature allows you to identifythe three digit library code stored under your device key.For example, if you want to find out what three digitcode is stored under your TV device key, follow the sixsteps below:1. Press and hold the SET button until the red indicatorstays on. Release the SET button.2. Press and release the desired mode button (TV,VCR, etc.). The red indicator blinks, then stays lit.3. Press and release the SET button. The red indicatorblinks off.4. To find the first digit for the code stored under themode key pressed in step 2, press each numeric keyfrom 0-9 in turn. When the red indicator blinks offthe number you pressed is the first digit for the codeyou are searching for.5. To find the second digit, repeat step 4, this timewhen the red indicator blinks off this is the seconddigit.6. Repeat step 4 again to find the third digit.Code Identification1, 3.2.4, 5, 6.Code Entry, cont.Brand Search TableLook up your brand in the appropriate column (TV, VCR,etc.). Look to see what digit (1, 2, 3, etc.) applies to yourbrand, and enter it in step 4 of “Code Search by Brand”on the previous page.DIGIT1234567890TVRCA, GE, PROSCANZENITHPHILIPS, MAGNAVOXSONY, PANASONIC,SHARP, TOSHIBA,DAEWOOHITACHI, SANYO,JVC, LG-GOLDSTAR,SAMSUNG,MITSUBISHISYLVANIA, CURTIS-MATHES, FISHER,EMERSONN/AN/AN/AALLVCR/DVD/DVRRCA, GE, PROSCANZENITH, APEXPHILIPS, MAGNAVOX,MARANTZSONY, PANASONIC,SHARP, TOSHIBA,DAEWOO, YAMAHA,DENONHITACHI, SANYO,JVC, LG-GOLDSTAR,SAMSUNG,MITSUBISHISYLVANIA, CURTIS-MATHES, FISHER,EMERSONN/AN/AN/AALLCABLESCIENTIFIC ATLANTAJERROLDGENERALINSTRUMENT, TOCOMRCA, GE, PROSCAN,PIONEERZENITH, GEMINIPHILIPS, MAGNAVOXN/AN/AN/AALLSAT/DBSRCA, GE, PROSCAN,PIONEERZENITH, GEMINIPHILIPS, MAGNAVOXSONY, PANASONIC,TOSHIBA, SHARPHITACHI, JVC,SAMSUNGGENERALINSTRUMENT,ECHOSTAR, DISH,HUGHES, PRIMESTARN/AN/AN/AALLCD/AUDIORCA, GE, PROSCANZENITHPHILIPS, MAGNAVOX,MARANTZSONY, PANASONIC,TECHNICS, SHARP,TOSHIBAHITACHI, SANYO, JVC,LG-GOLDSTAR,SAMSUNG, MITSUBISHISYLVANIA, CURTIS-MATHES, FISHER,EMERSON, OPTIMUSPIONEER, TEAC, NADKENWOOD, YAMAHA,DENON, ONKYON/AALL
1716Wireless ReceiverThe remote transmits wireless Radio Frequency (RF)commands. The wireless receiver (included) receivesthese commands and converts them to regular Infrared(IR) commands. These IR commands are then emittedfrom the IR Extender (also included) to control your A/Vcomponents. This lets you control your A/Vcomponents from ANY room in your home - you don’tneed to aim the remote at your component!Connect the plug-in powersupply (included) to this jackand plug the power supplyinto any 120V AC outlet.Connect the IR Extender cord(included) to this socket andattach the IR emitters to thefront of the components youwant to control.AntennaIR emittersTo Operate:1. Press the TV, VCR, DVD, etc.button (depending on whichproduct you want to operate).2. Aim the remote at the product.3. Press POWER to turn on theproduct.4. Press other buttons to operatethe features of your product.After the batteries are installed and you haveprogrammed the remote for the codes that operate yourproducts, you can use your remote to operate a TV, VCR,DirecTV, DVD Player, etc.TV (Press TV First)VCR(Press VCR First) DirecTV(Press DirecTV first)Product OperationDVD Player(Press DVD first)PLAYSTO PPAUSERECPOWERSC ANSC ANGAMEVO LWHOquickBA C K PA G ECHANVOLCHANRGIDFR EEZEAU D IOSEA RC HCALLE RYBTV /VID EOIN PU TOK/ITV DVD AUXGU IDEEX I TMENUSE TDIRECTVIN F OVCRHELPPAGESatellite Box(Press DirecTV first)
1918NotesTroubleshootingRemote does not operate your product.• Press the mode button of the product you want tocontrol.• Program the remote with a new code.• Install new batteries. (You might have to reprogramyour remote after installing new batteries.)• Remote may not be compatible with your product.Remote does not operate some features of your product.• Program remote with a new code.• Remote may not be able to operate all features ofyour product or button names might be differentthan your product.Red Indicator blinks after you program a product code.• Remote did not accept the code.• Try to program the code again or try a differentcode.
This product is manufactured to SAMSUNG specifica-tions and is free from defects in material, workmanshipand assembly. This warranty extends only to the originalpurchaser and is nontransferable. Should a defect occurunder normal operating conditions within 90 days fromthe date of purchase, SAMSUNG will provide a compa-rable replacement free of charge within the warrantyperiod, to the original purchaser. Defective product mustbe returned, with the dated proof of purchase, to theplace of purchase for replacement. This warranty doesnot extend to the product if it has been damaged orrendered defective as a result of accident, misuse, abuse,tampering with or modification. THIS WARRANTY IS INLIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PAR-TICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SAMSUNGBE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTALOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER INCONTRACT, TORT OR NEGLIGENCE. Some States donot allow limitations on how long an implied warrantylasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.Some States do not allow exclusion or limitation ofincidental or consequential damages, so the abovelimitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Thiswarranty gives you specific rights and you may alsohave other rights, which vary from State to State.Made in China-TC, Quality Assured in USAClifton, NJ 07014-111590 Day Warranty

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