Authinx UR-73A R F Remote Control User Manual Section 2 1033 b 3 Users Manual UR73A IS pdf

Authinx Inc. R F Remote Control Section 2 1033 b 3 Users Manual UR73A IS pdf


Section 2 1033 b 3 Users Manual UR73A IS pdf

Set Up and Operating Instructions for Remote Control Model UR73ATo setup for A/V functions:Press and hold SETUP until the red lights stays on. Press and release TV, VCR, CBL, or AUX. Enterthe three digit code for your TV, VCR, etc., from the code list.Home Control operation:Plug in an X10 Transceiver (sold separately) and set it to Housecode A. You can control it and otherX10 modules (set to Housecode A) as follows:Press and release any of the 4 ON-OFF rocker buttons at the bottom corresponding to the X10Module you want to control. Set the slide switch on the side of the remote to control Modules set toUnit Codes 1-4 OR 5-8.To change the X10 Housecode:The UR73A Remote defaults to Housecode A, to change this:1. Press and hold SETUP until the red light stays on.2. Press and release the number button corresponding to the Housecode you want:(01=A, 02=B, 03=C .....16=P).Note: The Housecode you choose must match the Housecode on the Transceiver and X10 Modulesyou are using it with.F.C.C. CAUTION - THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATIONIS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSEHARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCERECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used properly, thatis, in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions, may cause interference to radio and televisionreception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for remote control security devicesin accordance with the specifications in Sub-Part B of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed toprovide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there isno guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does causeinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by unplugging the equipment, tryto correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.o Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencing the interference.o Relocate the product with respect to the radio/TV.o Move the product away from the radio/TV.o Plug the product into an outlet on a different electrical circuit from the radio/TV experiencing theinterference. If necessary, consult your local dealer for additional suggestions.NOTE: NO CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS MAY BE MADE TO THE UNITS.  ANYCHANGES MADE TO THE UNITS WILL VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THEEQUIPMENT.X10 (USA) Inc., 91 Ruckman Rd., Closter, NJ 07624. www.x10.comUR73A-8/00

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