Authinx UR91A Universal Remote with PC Control User Manual 97685 manual 6 12 03 QK

Authinx Inc. Universal Remote with PC Control 97685 manual 6 12 03 QK

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Universal Remote with PC ControlUser’s Manualwww.jascoproducts.com97685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:48 PM  Page 1
FCC CautionTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15OF THE FCC RULES.OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOL-LOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSEHARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANYINTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUD-ING INTERFERENCE THAT MAYCAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.This equipment generates and usesradio frequency energy, and if notinstalled and used properly, that is, instrict accordance with the manufactur-ers instructions, it may cause interfer-ence to radio and television reception.It has been type tested and found tocomply with the limits for remote con-trol devices in accordance with thespecifications in Sub-Parts B and C ofPart 15 of FCC Rules, which aredesigned to provide reasonable protec-tion against such interference in a resi-dential installation. However, there isno guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause interference toradio or television reception, which canbe determined by unplugging the equip-ment, try to correct the interference byone or more of the following measures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TVexperiencing the interference.• Relocate the product with respect tothe radio/TV.• Move the product away from theradio/TV.• Plug the product into an outlet on adifferent electrical circuit from theradio/TV experiencing the interfer-ence.• If necessary, consult your localDealer for additional suggestions.NOTE: Modifications to this product willvoid the user’s authority to operate thisproduct.97685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:48 PM  Page 2
ContentsIntroduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Setting Up your Remote  . . . . . . . . . . .2Button Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Setting up the Remote  . . . . . . . . . . . .4Setting up the Receiver  . . . . . . . . . . .4Setting up the Software  . . . . . . . . . . .5Setting up for TV, DVD, VCR, Cable, orSatellite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Searching For Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Identifying Codes found using the Search Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Troubleshooting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10IMPORTANT NOTE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Warranty  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1197685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:48 PM  Page 3
IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase ofthe GE branded HO97685 remote andreceiver.This remote lets you play MP3 filesDVDs and CDs in your PC. Now youdon’t have to be sitting at your PC toplay your MP3 files. Just a click of abutton on the remote from across theremote does the trick!The HO97685 remote is also a Universalremote so you can use it to controlyour TV, DVD, cable box, etc.It’s easy to set up. Within minutes, youcan be using your Remote to play yourfavorite MP3 files and relax to yourfavorite music.Here are just some of the things youcan do with your HO97685 Remote...• Play your favorite MP3 files on yourPC without having to be in the sameroom.• Play DVDs on your PC from the com-fort of your armchair.• Play CDs in your PC at the touch of abutton.• Control all your A/V equipment, TVs,VCRs, cable boxes, etc.Use this manual to become familiarwith your HO97685 Remote....First, it explains how to set up yourHO97685 remote to play MP3 files,DVDs, music CDs or control your TVtuner on your PC.Next, it shows you how to set up theremote to control your TV, cable box,etc.Lastly, the manual shows you how youcan expand your system with some ofthe additional GE branded products youcan buy.197685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:48 PM  Page 4
Setting Up Your HO97685RemoteThe HO97685 remote lets you play MP3files DVDs and CDs on your PC. It’s alsoa Universal Remote.Button DescriptionsIndicator LightThe indicator light flashes when youpress any button.PowerWorks the same as your originalremote.TV, DVD, VCR, CBL/SAT, PCUsed to select the device to control. PClets you select an MP3, DVD, CD or TVtuner on your PC, when used with thewireless receiver and PC software.SetupUsed for programming the remote.LastSelects the last channel viewed onyour TV, VCR, or Cable Box.Volume +/-Works like your original remote. Also,after you first press PC followed by but-ton 1, 2, or 3, VOL+ increases volumeand VOL- decreases volume on yourPC’s MP3, DVD, CD player or TV tuner,when used with the wireless receiverand PC software.Channel +/-Works like your original remote.  Skipsto the next or previous track in PCmode depending on which applicationyou use.MuteWorks the same as your originalremote. Also, after you first press PCfollowed by button 1, 2, or 3 mutes thevolume in your PC’s MP3, DVD, CDplayer, or TV tuner when used with thewireless receiver and PC software.0-9Used as with your original remote, andto enter X10 device codes. Also, afteryou first press PC, buttons 1, 2, and 3perform as function buttons to selectMP3, DVD/CD or TV tuner respectivelywhen used with the wireless receiverand PC software.297685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:48 PM  Page 5
EnterSame as your original remote.A-BToggles between TV and Video Mode.MenuAccess the Menu function of thedevice you are controlling (if available).ExitUsed to exit Menu functions.Navigation ArrowsUsed to navigate and adjust menuitems of the device you are controlling. OKSelects menu items of the device youare controlling. PLAY, REW, FF, STOP, PAUSE, RECWork the same as on your originalremote. You must press the REC buttontwice to begin recording. Also, afteryou first press PC followed by button 1,2, or 3, controls your PC’s MP3, DVDplayer, CD player, or TV tuner whenused with the wireless receiver and PCsoftware.A, B, C, DUsed for extra functions in certainmodes.397685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:48 PM  Page 6
Setting up the Remote1.Push the tab and lift off thebattery cover.2.Fit four AAA batteries, takingcare to match the + and -marks in the battery com-partment.Battery SaverYour remote automatically “times-out”if the keys are pressed for more thantwo minutes. This will save your batter-ies should your remote get stuck in aplace where the keys remaindepressed (e.g., between the sofacushions).Code Saver (Important)You have up to 90 seconds to changethe batteries in your remote withoutlosing codes you have programmed.However, do not press any buttons untilbatteries are installed in the remote. Ifbuttons are pressed without batteriesin the remote, all codes will be lost.Setting up the ReceiverYou must install BOOM Software beforeconnecting the receiver to your PC.Plug the cord on the receiver into theUSB port on your PC. Locate thereceiver as far away from your PC andyour monitor as its cord allows. The redLED power indicator on the receivershould be on.497685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:48 PM  Page 7
Setting up the softwareNOTE: BOOM software lets you controlan MP3 player application from theremote. It works with WinAmp,RealJukeBox, MusicMatch, WindowsMedia Player, etc., which you must pre-viously have installed. It also controls aDVD player, CD player, or TV tuner onyour PC.1. Download the BOOM software. Pointyour web browser (Explorer,Netscape, etc.) on “Download Boom SoftwareNow.” Select “Save” to download toyour computer. You will then be askedwhere you want to save the docu-ment. Select Desktop, or other loca-tion you will remember and then click“Save.”2. Launch the installer by double click-ing on “boom” in the location youchoose to save it.3. It is recommended that you installinto the default “Program Files” loca-tion and that you choose to run Boomat start-up. Restart your computer tocomplete set up.4. Open Boom. If you shoose to haveboom run at start-up, click on thegreen “Boom” icon in the system trayin the lower right corner of yourscreen. If you choose not to openBoom at start-up, open by selectingboom from the programs section inyour start menu.5. Right- click on the BOOM window,and select applications for each ofthe modes (i.e. MP3, CD/DVD, andTV). 6. Click the OK button to save thechoices.Using the PC RemoteYou are now ready to use the PCremote.To launch an application:Press the PC button. Then select the appropriate mode(MP3, DVD/CD or TV) by pressing 1, 2,or 3. The Media shown in the Boomwindow changes to MP3, DVD, or CD,depending on which button youpressed. 597685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:48 PM  Page 8
Then press the Power button. The redLED on the receiver flickers and theapplication (MP3, DVD/CD, or TV) islaunched.You can press Play, Stop, FF, Rew,Pause, Mute, Vol Up, Vol Down, etc.,on the remote and it operates your on-screen MP3 player, PC-DVD player, PC-CD player, or PC-TV Player, just as ifyou were clicking the buttons on yourmonitor screen. Note: buttons work dif-ferently depending on which applica-tion you are attempting to control withthe remote. For example, in windowsMedia Player “Chan +” skips to nexttrack and “Chan -” skips to previoustrack. Note, in addition to letting you controlan MP3 player installed in your PC, theBOOM program also lets you control aDVD, CD player, or TV tuner installed onyour PC. If you press PC, then DVD (the number2 button), the Play, Stop, Pause buttons,etc. on the remote operate a DVD play-er installedon your PC. Likewise, If you press PC, then TV (thenumber 3 button), the Play, Stop, Pausebuttons, etc. on the remote operate TVtuner installed on your PC. Boom automatically recognizes moremedia applications that are installed onyour computer and displays them asoptions in the “Select Players” menu.However, if your preferred media appli-cation is not shown, you can configureit as a custom application by rightclicking  on the Boom window, select-ing “customize”, assigning your appli-cation a name, and specifying the pathto locate the application on your PC.For more information on using theremote and Boom with your PC, rightclick on Boom and select “Help.”The HO97685 Remote is also aUniversal Remote so you can use it tocontrol a TV, DVD, VCR, cables box,etc. To do this see the following sec-tion.697685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:48 PM  Page 9
Setting up for TV, VCR, Cable , orSatellite1. Turn on the device you want to con-trol (TV, VCR, cable box, etc.).2. Press and hold SETUP until the LEDindicator lights steadily. Release theSETUP button.3. Press and release mode button forthe device you want to control (TV,DVD,  VCR, Cable or Satellite). TheLED blinks once. (See notes on nextpage).4. Enter the 3 digit Code from the LibraryCode Table (separate sheet). The LEDturns off after the last digit entered. 5. Point the remote at the device andpress the POWER button. Your deviceshould turn off.6. Turn your device on and press CHAN-NEL+. If the device responds, setup iscomplete.56324797685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:49 PM  Page 10
Note:1. The TV mode key can only be usedto store TV codes but you can storea code for ANY device under eitherthe DVD, VCR, or CBL/SAT mode key.E.G., you can store a Cable codeunder the VCR key. 2. If your TV/DVD/VCR/Cable Box doesnot respond, try the other codes foryour brand. If it still doesn’t respond,try the Code Search method below.3. If the LED blinked rapidly when youentered the code, you may haveentered an invalid code. Recheckthe code in the code list (separatesheet) and try again.4. If some buttons do not operate yourequipment, try one of the othercodes for your brand.5. When searching for a code (asdescribed below) you might have topress CHANNEL+ many times (50+).If the device does not have aChannel Up function, use the PLAYbutton (VCR only) or the POWER but-ton.Searching For Codes1. Turn on the device you want to con-trol.2. Press and hold SETUP until the LEDindicator lights steadily. Release theSetup button.3. Press the mode button that matchesthe equipment you want to control(TV, DVD, VCR, Cable/Satellite). TheLED blinks once.4. Press CHANNEL + repeatedly (note5, above) until the device to be con-trolled changes channel. If you accidentally go past the code,press CHANNEL - repeatedly untilthe channel changes again. 5. Press and release the ENTER buttonto complete the setup.5423897685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:49 PM  Page 11
The procedure on page 9 assumes thatyou want to store VCR codes under theVCR button, Cable codes under CBL,etc. If you want to store a VCR codeunder CBL, etc., first follow the proce-dure on page 8 and try ANY CBL codefrom the code tables, e.g. press CBL instep 3, page 8, and then enter ANY VCRcode. Then follow the steps on page 9.Identifying Codes found usingthe Search Procedure1. Press and hold SETUP until the LEDindicator lights steadily. Release theSetup button.2.  Press the mode button that matchesthe equipment you want to identify(TV, DVD, VCR, CBL). The LED blinksonce.3.  Press and release SETUP. The LEDblinks once.4.  To find the first digit, press eachnumber button from 0 to 9 until theLED blinks. The number you pressedis the first digit of the code.5. Press each number button from 0 to9 again as above to find the seconddigit. 6. Press each number button in turn tofind the third digit. When the thirddigit has been found, the LED goesout.997685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:49 PM  Page 12
TroubleshootingIf the remote doesn’t do anything (nored light when you press any buttons)• Check that the batteries are fittedproperly (observe polarity). Replacewith fresh alkaline AAA type.If you cannot control your MP3, DVD,CD player or TV tuner, on your PC (butcan control other items, such as a TV,VCR, etc.).• Check that you pressed the PC but-ton before you pressed the MP3,DVD/CD or TV button. Then pressPower to launch your MP3 player,etc.• Make sure you have an MP3 playerinstalled in your PC. The remote iscompatible with RealJukeBox,MusicMatch, Windows MediaPlayer, and many more. Check ourWeb site for more details when youdownload the Boom software foruse with the remote.• Note that the DVD button at the topof the remote can control a regularDVD player. Press PC then the # 2button to control a DVD player inyour PC.• Check that you have configured theBoom software for the type of MP3player you are using, see page 6.• If you have reprogrammed the PCbutton to control something else,program it back to PC operation.See IMPORTANT note on page12.• Check that the receiver is properlyconnected to your PC’s USB portand that the red LED power indica-tor on the receiver is on.• Move the receiver as far away fromyour PC and monitor as its cableallows.1097685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:49 PM  Page 13
IMPORTANT NOTEThe default code for the PC button is013.  You might want to change this touse the PC button to control somethingelse, like a Laser Disk player, for exam-ple. Note however, if you do this the PCbutton will not let you access the MP3,DVD and CD (1, 2, 3, buttons). To repro-gram the PC button to once againaccess these PC functions:1. Press and hold SETUP until the LEDindicator remains on.2. Release SETUP.3. Press and release the PC button.4. Enter the 3 digit code 0, 1, 3.5. The LED indicator turns off after thelast digit is entered.If the Remote won’t control your A/Vequipment.• Use manual controls or the originalremote control to confirm the equip-ment is working properly.• Be sure you pressed the device keyfor the device you want to control.• Reenter the code for your A/V prod-uct from the code listings.• Try searching for codes as describedon page 9.• Replace the Remote’s batteries.90 Day Limited WarrantyJasco Products Company warrants thisproduct to be free from manufacturingdefects for a period of ninety days fromthe original date of consumer pur-chase.  This warranty is limited to therepair or replacement of this productonly and does not extend to conse-quential or incidental damage to otherproducts that may be used with thisunit.  This warranty is in lieu of all otherwarranties express or implied.  Somestates do not allow limitations on howlong an implied warranty lasts or permitthe exclusion or limitation of incidentalor consequential damages, so theabove limitations may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific rights,and you may also have other rightswhich vary from state to state.   If unitshould prove defective within the war-ranty period, return prepaid with datedproof of purchase to: Jasco ProductsCompany, 311 N.W. 122nd , OklahomaCity, OK.  73114.1197685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:49 PM  Page 14
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All brand names shown aretrademarks of their respectiveowners.Distributed for THOMSON Jasco Products Company, 311 NW 122nd Street, OklahomaCity, OK 73114.www.jascoproducts.com97685 manual 6/12/03.QK  6/12/03  4:49 PM  Page 16

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