X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. LIMITED 1-YEAR, a division of X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. (X10) warrants X10 products to befree from defective material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the originaldate of purchase at retail. X10 agrees to repair or replace, at it’s sole discretion, a defectiveX10 product if returned to X10 within the warranty period and with proof of purchase.If service is required under this warranty:1. Call 1-800-675-3044 or visit, or e-mail to obtain aReturn Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.2. Return the defective unit postage prepaid to X10 (see address on back).3. Enclose a check for $4.00 to cover postage and handling.4. Enclose a dated proof of purchase.5. X10 is not responsible for shipping damage. Units to be returned should be packedcarefully.Please visit complete your on-line warranty registration. Thank you.For help or more information on setup, please visit: and operating instructions for UX24A Transmitterand UX25A Receiver, both included in the UX2400 Set.1. Insert two AAA alkaline batteries in the UX24A transmitter, and place it in  theroom where you want to use your remote control (up to 20 feet away fromwhere you normally sit). Make sure the front of the unit is facing you.2. Plug the UX25A receiver’s power supply jack into the back of the UX25A andplug the power supply into an AC wall outlet in the room where your TV, VCR,stereo, etc., that you want to control is located3. Plug the IR extender cable into the back of the UX25A.4. Attach the IR emitters on the cable to the front of up to two A/V devices thatyou want to control.UX2400-11/06THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TOTHE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFULINTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED,INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used properly, thatis, in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions, it may cause interference to radio andtelevision reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for remote controldevices in accordance with the specifications in Sub-Parts B and C of Part 15 of FCC Rules, whichare designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byunplugging the equipment, try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.• Reorient the antenna of the radio/TV experiencing the interference.• Relocate the equipment with respect to the radio/TV.• Move the equipment away from the radio/TV.• Plug the equipment into an outlet on a different electrical circuit from the radio/TVexperiencing the interference.•  If necessary, consult your local Dealer for additional suggestions.NOTE: Modifications to this product will void the user's authority to operate this equipment.5. Point your remote control at the UX24A Powermid Transmitter and press anybutton. The Powermid Transmitter receives the Infrared (IR) signals from yourremote and converts them to Radio Frequency (RF) codes. It sends thesecodes (even through walls and ceilings) to the UX25A Powermid Receiverwhich converts the codes back to IR codes to control your TV, VCR, etc.Note: The Transmitter and Receiver can be in different rooms, up to 100 feet awayfrom each other. You can add more Transmitters to use your remotes in more thanone room. Add more Receivers to control A/V equipment in more than one room.Cable Box DVD PlayerIR emitter IR emitter IR extender jackUX25A Receiver

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