
USERS MANUAL, a division of X10 Wireless Technology, Inc.3824 North 5th St., Suite C,North Las Vegas, NV 89032ReceiverTransmitterPoint the flat antennasat each otherOWNER’S  MANUALModel VK80A(includes VT44A Audio/Video Senderand VR40A Audio/Video Receiver)FCC CautionTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES.OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND(2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED,INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIREDOPERATION.NOTE: Modifications to this product will void the user’s authority to operate thisequipment.X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. Limited One Year, a division of X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. (X10) warrants X10 productsto be free from defective material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year fromthe original date of purchase at retail. X10 agrees to repair or replace, at its solediscretion, a defective X10 product if returned to X10 within the warranty periodand with proof of purchase. If service is required under this warranty:Call 1-800-442-5065, visit, or e-mail help or more information on setup, please visit: the Sender to power.Introduction: The Wireless Audio/Video Sender kit includes aSender and a Receiver. You connect the Sender to the A/Voutputs on your primary TV (that your Satellite Receiver, VCR,DVD Player, Cable Box, etc., is connected to). You connectthe Receiver to a secondary TV in another room, up to 100feet away. The Sender converts the A/V signals from yourVCR, Cable Box, etc., into wireless signals and transmits them(even through walls) to the Receiver. The Receiver convertsthe wireless signals back to an A/V signal and feeds it througha cable to your TV’s A/V or COAX jacks. The IR control jacklets you remotely control the device connected to the Sender.Connect the Sender to your primary TV.Connecting the SenderPut your Sender in a convenientplace near or on your primary TV.Plug its power supply into astandard wall outlet and the otherend into the Sender.Connect an audio/video cableto the audio and video jacks onthe Sender and to the audioand video OUT jacks on theTV you want to send thepicture and sound from. Useyellow for video and the redand white plugs for audio.If your TV does not have audioand video OUT jacks, and youhave a VCR or other A/Vcomponent connected to the TVusing A/V cables, you can connectthe VCR to the TV using aCOAX Cable, and connect theSender to the A/V OUT jacks onthe VCR, etc.Turn on the Sender.Make sure the power switch on the Sender is set to “ON.”Turn on your primary TV and the DVD Player, VCR, etc.,connected to it, that you want to use as a source to transmit toyour secondary TV.Connect the Receiver toyour secondary TV.Put your Receiver in aconvenient place near or on yoursecondary TV. Plug its powersupply into a standard wall outletand the other end into theReceiver.Turn on the Receiver.Connect the Receiver  to power.Connecting the ReceiverConnect an audio/video cable tothe audio and video jacks on theReceiver and to the audio andvideo IN jacks on your secondaryTV. Use yellow for video and thered and white plugs for audio. Oruse the COAX connector.If a VCR or other A/V componentis connected to the TV using A/Vcables, you can connect theReceiver  to the free LINE INjacks on the component.Make sure the power switch on the Receiver is set to “ON.”Turn on your secondary TV.Make sure you can see the appropriate picture from yourDVD Player, VCR, Satellite Receiver etc., on yourprimary TV that you connected the Sender to. Select thevideo input on your secondary TV. Use the Video orSelect buttons on your TV remote control, or try channel 0and then Channel Down. The same picture you see onyour primary TV should appear on your secondary TV.If you do not see any picture on your TV:Check that the Sender and the Receiver are on the same letterchannel (A, B, C, or D). The channel switch is on the bottom ofthe Receiver  and on the top under the flip-up antenna on theSender.TroubleshootingVerify that your connections to the TV are correct. Make sureyou are using the appropriate input mode for your TV, try pressingthe A-B button or Video button on your TV’s remote control tochange the input mode (consult your TV’s owner’s manual, ifnecessary).If the picture on your TV isn’t clear:First, adjust the antennas on the Sender and Receiver so thatthe side marked with four squares point towards each other.You can also try moving the Sender and/or Receiver to anotherlocation near the TV. Sometimes moving either unit just a footcan make a big difference.If the picture still doesn’t improve after adjusting the antennasand Sender/Receiver positions, try changing the channels onthe Sender and Receiver, making sure they are set to the sameletter (A, B, C, or D). Try different letter settings to see if thepicture improves.For more help with setup please visit: Senderideo Senderideo Senderideo Senderideo SenderWWWWWiririririreless eless eless eless eless  AAAAAudio/Vudio/Vudio/Vudio/Vudio/Video Extenderideo Extenderideo Extenderideo Extenderideo ExtenderSystemSystemSystemSystemSystemThere is a power light onthe front of each unit.Check that the powerswitch on the side ofeach unit is ON. channelswitchThe IR control jack(See separate sheet).

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