Autonet Mobile ANMASPLS-03 In-Car Router User Manual UConnectIstallGuide

Autonet Mobile In-Car Router UConnectIstallGuide

Installation Guide

© 2008 Autonet Mobile Inc.In-Car RouterSerial Number
1WARNINGTo prevent injury or fire, take thefollowing precautions:• When extending the ignition, battery, orground wires, make sure to use auto-motive grade wires or other wires with adiameter of Xmm (AWG 16) or more toprevent wire deterioration and damage tothe wire coating.• To prevent a short circuit, never put orleave any metallic objects (such as coins ormetal tools) inside the unit.• If the unit starts to emit smoke orstrange smells, disconnect immediately andconsult the Autonet Mobile CustomerService Center.• Do not touch the In-Car Router duringuse because the surface of the unit be-comes hot and may cause burns if touched.• Mounting and wiring this product re-quires skills and experience. For safety’ssake, leave the mounting and wiring workto professionals.CAUTIONTo prevent damage to the In-Car Router,take the following precautions:• Be sure the In-Car Router is connectedto a 12v DC power supply with a negativeground connection.• Do not open the bottom covers of theIn-Car Router.• Do not install the In-Car Router in a spotexposed to direct sunlight or excessive heator humidity. Also avoid places with too muchdust or the possibility of water splashing.• When replacing a fuse, only use a newone with the prescribed rating. Using afuse with the wrong rating may cause yourunit to malfunction.• To prevent a short circuit when replacinga fuse, first disconnect the wiring harness.NOTE• If you experience problems during instal-lation, consult the Autonet Mobile Cus-tomer Service Center.• If the In-Car Router does not seem to beworking right, consult the Autonet MobileCustomer Service Center.Wiring• Take the power wire for the In-CarRouter directly from the ignition powersource. If it’s connected to the vehicleswiring harness, it can cause blown fuses,etc. If it is connected directly to the carsbattery it can deplete the battery.• Do not allow the wire to directly contactthe edge of the iron plate by using grom-mets.• Connect the ground wire to a metal partof the car chassis that acts as an electricalground passing electricity to the battery’snegative terminal. Do not turn the poweron if the ground wire is not connected.• Be sure to install the protective fuse inthe power cord.• For the power cord and ground, use avehicle type (fireproof) power wiring cordwith a current capacity greater then theunits fuse capacity. Use a power cord witha diameter 8mm (AWG 8) or greater.Cleaning the In-Car RouterIf the In-Car Router becomes dirty, turnoff the power and wipe the panel with adry silicone cloth or soft cloth.Do not wipe the In-Car Router with a hardcloth or a cloth dampened by volatile sol-vents such as paint thinner and alcohol.They can scratch the surface of the In-CarRouter and/or cause the sealant to peel off.To prevent the battery from drainingplease refrain from leaving the key in theACC on position. This powers the In-CarRouter up and could possibly deplete thebattery.The Autonet Mobile installation instructions must be followed to minimizepotential interference with other electronics on the vehicle.Safety Precautions
32The In-Car Router is typically mounted inthe following locations.• On the inside rear side panel in an SUVor Van• Under the rear deck lid in a sedan• In the trunk of the vehicle• The In-Car Router should be mounted ina location that gives the antennas thefewest obstructions to the outside worldas possible.• The In-Car Router should be mountedso that the blue LED and the serial numberon the top of the unit are visible. The userwill need access to these when calling theAutonet Mobile Customer Service Center.Do NOT install the In-Car Router in thefollowing locations:• In a location that interferes with driving• In a location that gets wet• In a dusty location• In a place that gets hot• In a place that gets direct sunlight• In a location that gets hit by hot air• Within 20 cm of any passenger• Do NOT install the In-Car Router underthe carpet. Otherwise heat build-up occursand the unit may be damaged.• Install the In-Car Router in a locationwhich allows heat to easily dissipate. Onceinstalled, do not place any object on top ofthe In-Car Router.• The surface area of the In-Car Routermay become hot during use. Install the In-Car Router in a place where people, resins,and other substances that are sensitive toheat will not come into contact with it.• When making a hole in a side panel,under a seat, in the trunk, in the rear deckor somewhere else in the vehicle, checkthat there is nothing hazardous on the op-posite side such as a gas tank, brake pipe,battery, or wiring harness, and be carefulnot to cause scratches or other damage.• Do NOT install near the dashboard, reartray, or air bag safety parts.• Installation into the vehicle should se-curely fasten the unit to a place in which itwill not obstruct driving. If the unit comesoff due to a shock and hits a person orsafety part, it may cause injury or an acci-dent.• After installing the unit, check to makesure that electrical equipment such as thebrake lamps, turn signal lamps and wind-shield wipers operate normally.Mounting the In-Car Router1. Using the self tapping screws attach theunit to the vehicle.2. Do NOT over tighten the screws.3. Ensure that the unit is securely fastenedand that it cannot be dislodged.Electrical wiring1. Remove the ignition key and disconnectthe negative terminal of the battery.2. Electrical wire must be routed to thepower source in a manner that prevents thewire from being damaged or nicked in anyway. It should also be ensured that the wireis not exposed in a manner that may allow itto become snagged or entangled in any way.3. Connect the power wire (Red wire) to acircuit that only provides power when theignition is turned on.Selecting a Mounting LocationFCC WARNINGExposure to Radio Frequency SignalsAutonet Mobile is a low power radio trans-mitter and receiver. When it is turned on, itsends out and receives RF signals. AutonetMobile complies with FCC guidelines re-specting safe levels of RF exposure for han-dled wireless devices, which in turn areconsistent with the following safety standardspreviously set by certain standards bodies: ·• ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1999, IEEE Standard forSafety Levels with Respect to Human Ex-posure to Radio Frequency Electromag-netic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz;• National Counsel on Radiation Protec-tion and Measurements (NCRP) Report86, - 1986, Biological Effects and Exposurecriterion for Radio Frequency Electromag-netic Fields; and-• International Commission on Non-Ion-ising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 1988,Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electro-magnetic fields (up to 300 GHz).To maintain compliance with FCC ex-posure guidelines, use only accessoriessupplied or approved by Autonet Mo-bile, IncFCC Compliance StatementThis equipment has been tested and foundto comply with the limits for a Class A dig-ital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to pro-vide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference when the equipment is oper-ated in a commercial environment. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radi-ate radio frequency energy and, if not in-stalled and used in accordance with theinstruction manual, may cause harmful in-terference to radio communications. Op-eration of this equipment in a residentialarea is likely to cause harmful interfer-ence in which case the user will be re-quired to correct the interference at hisown expense.Specific Absorption Rate DataAutonet Mobile meets U.S. governmentrequirements for exposure to radio waves.Autonet Mobile is a radio transmitter andreceiver. It is designed and manufacturednot to exceed the emission limits for ex-posure to RF energy set by the FCC.These limits are part of comprehensiveguidelines and establish permitted levels ofexposure to RF energy for the generalpopulation. These guidelines are based onstandards that were developed by inde-pendent scientific organizations throughperiodic and thorough evaluation of scien-tific studies. The standards include a sub-stantial safety margin designed to assurethe safety of all persons, regardless of ageand health.Changes or modifications not expressly ap-proved by the party responsible for com-pliance could void the user’s authority tooperate the equipment.
44. Connect the ground wire (Black wire)to a metal part of the car chassis that actsas an electrical ground passing electricityto the battery’s negative terminal.5. When the In-Car Router is initially pow-ered up, the blue LED on top of the In-CarRouter will come on for a few seconds.6. Refer to the Users Guide for opera-tional instructionsIf you have any questions or problems, please call the AutonetMobile Customer Service Center at 1-800-977-2107

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