Avantronics BTCK-X0 Bluetooth Speakerphone User Manual Dokument1

Avantronics Limited Bluetooth Speakerphone Dokument1

User Manual

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Document ID986200
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize67.87kB (848337 bits)
Date Submitted2008-08-18 00:00:00
Date Available2008-08-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2008-08-18 09:09:00
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Document Lastmod2008-08-18 09:09:00
Document TitleMicrosoft Word - Dokument1
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: pbbd08

Bluetooth Speakerphone Bluetooth Speakerphone
User Manual
AMI Elam Speakerphone
Using ma Spukflphone
Rulnm m nor-unn—
Cm ma MIIntenance—f 7
Safely lnlamulion ,. , ,
Produel Mullen:
Comm-nu mm: -
1.About Bluetooth Speakerphone
The Elueloolh TTS Sneakerphohe Is compatible "I most Blueloolh mnblle
pnann. rn- Tul»1‘o»sntech mum announm mun-cum lor m. um: In 5
dmerem lenpue a nu also Indicate: the Slim: 01 lht Elublooth devlce, II
Illa announce! me name 0! (he lncomlng caller (or phone number II (he
comm Is not In a irllo the Spelkerphones phonebook). Fully pen-nu, il in
cl wireleu ommumcallon lolullen tar in-ur or office u" withln l
m mum r ya at m mlm. Built-in wilh Echo canu on and No
Supnresslon. (he Blulloolh Sneakerphnne provides you ullh imnecca 3 sound
nulllly in full duplex mode.
Make sur- ml your Speakerphone is lully chug-a n-lm using il. u“ only (he
chlmr when A do mu us. Mlmars 1mm my other awlm 35 mi: mlghl damage
(ho dovlce. A lull chirp. ll lwoxlmltlly 3 hour].
2. Charge Your TTS Speakerphone
(1) can a In . use chewing um. |o chlml
(2) WM" in LCD Ilgm Indlcelion I: Red. 0 Speakerphone i: ch glue.
(3) The LED IlghI Indication you all when m. device l; lully charged.
3.Appurlnco and Functlon
(swim) (a) to)
(SHINY) (l) (0)
(Apr-aging Sack-t (Ev-pin USE)
(6m lunar-(Maw)
mun MmlMum-Funwofl swan)
"Mum. morn-ow.)
(”Volume DmMV-J
“mamas m. Salary
5. lnsulllnq on a Sun Vlsor
6.Powering Up
(1) To turn on tho Spulwrphnne
Press and hull! lhe ‘MFB' bullml for low manna and the flashing blue LED
” llth inoloelor some on( “Power On‘ I: announced).
Do not hold me bunch cm lav more men a n ends when lumlnq Ihe
Spukerphorlo on or also It mly [witch In ill pl in; mode. I1 Ihil flapper“, mm
0" I'm Speakerphone and repeal the unease lor Iurning Ihe Speakerphone an.
(2) To Turn on me seeelrerphene
Pres: ene hold 1 e MFB” hunen unIII rhe LED llghl ineloerlen goes ell
(“Power ow" Is announced)
rlg wuh Blueloolh Mablll Phone
Pernng is ihe process or conneciing your Speakerphone wilh your meoile
phone. Belore using lhe Speakerphone wilh your mobile phone. you muel
peir bolh oeyicee. ll you wish lo un your Speekerpnone wmr s oi ereni
rnohlle phone, you musl rein ‘ete (he pelrlng process wllh your tended
alueiooih mobile phone.
(2) Pulling Spelkorphone ie Mobil. Phone
1. Ensure lhel speakerphone ls turned on. ewlich lo palrlng mode by holdlng
onie ihe “we" bunon lill boll! Blue/Ree LED liehis appenrl ~Pairine
phone pleeee pul your phone in pliring moee end enier PIN code noon"
is announced).
2.7he LED lights wIII bllnk elmulreneouely in pslrlng meoe.
3.Turrl on me meolle phone ene pleee li whnln |0 melers io in. Speakerphone.
«lumen me mobile discovery leelure on your mobile phone. never lo your
mobile phones ueer guioe.
sinm ihe eeleuli pin oooe ~oooo‘ . when prompreo by your mobile phone
eyriern lor pin eooe.
9.The blue LED bllnks ei a reguler lnleryal when boih oevlces are aucoesslully
pelreo ( "Pllrlng Sucoenlul' le ennounoeo).
8. Connectlon Link/Between Speakerphone And
Mobile Phone
Your mobile phone wIII alweye indie-re e oonnecrlon icon whenever ii is pelreo
lo the Speakerphone ll ihe ioen nol preeeni. e reconnection can be eemblleheo
by manually seleeiing me speakerphone From your mobile phones Blueloolh
menu. ll your Speakerphone it eat as an eulhorleeo alueiooih oe on your
mobile phone. sn euiornelio reoonneoiion can he established by preesine iho
Speekerphenee ‘MFB” bunen once.
Your Speakerphone will he uulnmulinally switched on when il is dlswnnecled
iron 1 paired deviu 101 more lhln lO minulu. Thit lpecral loamre it
lnoorporeleo In men-nine your Speonrphonee elendbyllelk lime. To reimim
lne oonnecllon, slmoly lepeei lha prooen lor lumlng Speakerphone on.
9.Using the Speakerphone(Mosl functions will be audibly
(l) and»; c II
you can mlileie cane lrom your mobile phone, or direcuy from your
Speakerphone uuho voice dialing oommeriorlil ihir leeiure Is supporud by your
mobile phone)
(2) mung eelle lrom your mobile phone
Dlnl direolly lrorn your mobile phone. The all Is eulornnliuiiy oonneneo lo your
(a) KmMnn cello
When your mobile phone rings. prm ihe mm" bum oh lhe Speakerphone
lo conned (ha call.
(4) Endlng celle
WM" you have finimod your tall. grass lhfi “MFG" human on the receiver 00
disconnael lha all,
(5) Meeting culls
Hold onw In. MFB” button for 3 seconds lo mind In Incomlng call. 4
(6) unklng cal ulna vole. dl-Ilnglnependem on moblle phone support)
Puss ms “MFB~ Demon cm:- and call out lha name 01 the poison lor In. all
lo be pleoed.
(7) Redlel Lu! molno Clll
Pris: me “MVB' button MN and me all l: command.
(I) Prlyeoy node
In Ihe mills! 01 a emanation, was: me “Mada" button once and me weaker
VOW“! Ill automatically acclaim to min ltvllt more you can ull GIG
Speakerphone in "in same manurism as ullnfl lny handheld 9m.
(0) Tmumlna calls
Speakerphone to Mobile mm - During a call. elmply pme both “V0” and
~VJ bottom one. find lhi all It mm In your mbllo phenol
Moblla Phone M) sunnmfiom - PMS Illa “MFB' bum once and fit all il
muted back b your mobile phone.
(10) “Austin“ TM Volume
TB imam Ina volume — Plus: the “V0" symbol volume blmnfl |D increase
volume by one Iml. repeal this procedure unlil you have mcmd the desired
To Mails me volume - Pru“ “V-' symbol button In dim" me volume
by one level. repeal this procedure unili you heve reached the desired level.
(llrrexl-‘ro-Speeoh Lehguege Option-
Frau me ‘VG" button 001 3 seconds Ind (he Spellmrp'lone announce:
"Selocl Language" . Repeal me process k) seine! me deslmd language in me
«allowing oldnr of English, French, "l'il". Garmln and Splnilh,
(lz) Tranthninu Mode Fhon Phonohook be Speakerphone
PMS (M ‘Mode' Mon In (ha wnnaminu “Mill hr 3 mom; and lhe Blue
LED liom inoioeior comes on. When me pvooeu il completed. lhe
Sneakumhono inmml ~Conleole Saved" .
Yhe pnonebook function vane: lrom moblle phones and mi wary Mlle phone
euppom mle leelure. Fleeie may no lhe mowbimy lin lor oeielle. Addmonnlly.
every new moblla phone oonneeleo will heve lie preview phenenook euiomelieelly
oeieieo in me Speakerphone, Pleeee repeal lhe propose fur Phonebeolr lrensier on
me inlanded mobile phone
(ism-mining Prion-book Ermine
Duflng shndhy mndt. hold no lo bulh “V0" Ind "V-" blmnns 00! 3 “mild;
( “Phoneticfll Deieieo" Is announced) eno lhe emlre phonebnok memory In file
Speaksmhone will be delved.
(14)Tumlnfl Onlofl the Tull-Tueswch Function
To howl. ihe TTS lunw‘vn On or on. llmp'y hold (M “v—' luv 3 uponoe in
ltandby mode( “Vela. Prompt On" of “Voice Pmmpl OH” is announced to
moi. it! wmnl sums) .
10. Restore to Default Settings
To rulou your Speakerphone in in uvigirinl uninge. green and hold hour We”
and ‘V-" buttons fov 10 “00nd: unfll m0 blue LED light Indication flashes
rapidemt and hold Dom “V0" and “V-” humans for I humor 3 “00nd! and
ille Speakerphone will power oil euiomnliee , This process is oompiele when
Speakerphone lnnounen "Sei Fociory D evil Complete“ .
11 .Care and Maintenance
(1) no nol expo“ lhe speakerphone io liq-lie. molxture or humldity. u it in not
(2) no nol use noreelve cleaning volume lo clnn lhe epeekerpnone.
(a) no nel place lhe epeekerphene in high iemperelure, es ii may mull in en
erpio ion
(4) no nol expose lhe weakernhone ie sonlesi wlih sharp opieeis es lhis will
cause scratching and damage.
(5) no nol eiiempi lo dlsassemble lne speakerphone. es Il does Mil eonlein
serviceable oomponenls.
(6) ii you do not use the speakerphone lei long period: oi Ilma‘ be sure io snore
il in n my pllce. lree lrorn extreme iemperniure. humi ly mo dusi.
12.5“er Informallon
(1) Check local law: reg-Ming use oi e mobile phone Ind epeeirerpnone while
driving ll you use lhe speakerphone while diving. eneure your eneniion eno
locus remelne on your reepeneilrllily oi drlvlng nleiy.
(2) Never allow children lo pley with lhe epeellerphone. Smell perle may be e
choking hlzlm.
(a) comm an aim-n man main an mum «wk» or RF radio m lo In
amnn on In my mlgnlm nu. nun coma mum noun-u. alum 14-Compllance Statement!
On”. Ind WI'I'W 0:9an mm- Chunou or "medial-on: no! olpnuly applaud by 1M puny
(4) Turn on vow nut-ramm- no: lo mm In "NHL 00 M "u vow mpmmnl. m eon-plume. could void m nun lulhoniy lo
spa-minn- In an elm-ll, _ upon the «woman!
(5) Nam aim at m m. too-mph»- an! M "M M N 'M“" ' nu. ompllol mm Pun u or nu Fcc Rum.
"m7 "0" °""°"""’“-°' " “Y “w “"°"' “WV “m" ' “m7 """° ow-nu bjofl lo m- rouo-ang lvw cone-non:
W- (1) um um. my nol mm nan-uni mama-nee. ma
(2) [MI emc- mun mean! my int-mun“ nomad.
1 3_ Prod uct sp.°m¢.¢|°n‘: Including mull-unc- nnn my cum und'uuc our-nun
ammon- eampn-m: mm 1 mean ammo-um
Onmllng Fuqulncy Band: 24an - use": unnw-m lsu bind
Onlpul POI." Clan 2 Power Outpul‘ up |o Wanton
Slim“ "Dill“: "mm Ind “Indlfut 1.5 Pm'lhl
ns Support Language: Eagle-m mm. nan-m 601mm Spanish
Sumn Mumpl. puma Davin: up In 0 fllmh PM“ an M p-lnd
Sundw Tim-2 Up In 000 "will
Tull limo: Up In B ‘ "I 71er
Bum-y Changing Yuma: Maul 3 hour-
Chlmof Vnmgoz 009.0V 400W“
canary Typo: Bsflmkal-beR-chlmablc umum mum

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