Avaya Canada S2000L User Manual 8
Avaya Canada Corporation 8
NQRTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM 8. EXHlBIT E : USER DOCUMENTATION Document PE/COM/DD/0012 (26 pages). Document PE/ICM/DD/OO7G (59 pages). nus confidential document is me pmpeny DINORTEL MA TEA CELL ULAR and may nm be copmdor circulated wimmn pen-mss'on Ce document confidential est la plopliélé as NORTEL MATRA CELLULAR er ne peuféhe repmdlmou comrmmque sans auloflsalkm SZOOOL GSM 1900 BTS: Type acceptance application, FCC ID: ABSSZOOOL Page 55/56 WIRELESS NETWORKS GSM 900 I 1800 I 1900 SZOOOL BASE TRANSCEIVER STATION PRODUCT OVERVIEW © 1998 Northern Telecom Printed in France NORTHERN TELECOM CONFIDENTIAL: The information contained in this document is the property of Northern Telecom (Nonel). Except as specifically authorized in writing by,NorteI, the holder of this document shall keep the information contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or in part from disclosure and dissemination to third parties and use same for evaluation, operation and maintenance purposes only. The content of this document is provided for information purposes only and is subject to modification. It does not constitute any representation or warranty from Nortel as to the content or accuracy of the information contained herein, including but not limited to the suitability and performances of the product or its intended application, PE/COM/DD/00012 2 OWEN 1 NOTICE This document presents the $2000L Base Station Transceiver (BTS) with options Available standard and optional hardware modules are described. Available features are described, without full distinction between standard and optional functions. For more detail on SzOOOL commercial packaging, please contact your correspondent in Nortel. PE/CDMIDD/OONZ 2.01/EN Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS introduction .. 6 Nortel Base Station Portfolio 8 Highlights .......................... . ..................................................... 9 Physical Characteristics ............................................ 9 Features.,... , 9 Configuration and Packaging ....... .. ,. ................. 10 General Description .......................................................................................... 11 Physical Arrangement ..................................................................... 11 Dimensions ............................................................. . 1 1 BTS Composrtion .................... 11 Architecture. ............................. , 12 Capacity and Configuration ............................................ 14 Capacity .......................................................................... 14 Product Options ......................................... 15 internal Antenna ................. 15 Battery and interface Module. 15 Connection to the Base Station Controller 16 Signaling Concentration ............................................................................................... 17 Drop and Insert ........................................................................................................ 17 Radio Performance .................................................................................................... 17 Installation 19 Shipping and Installation ............................................................................................... 19 Site Requirements ...................................................................................................... 19 Power Supply and Battery Backup ....................................................................... 20 Primary Power Source ............................................................................................... 20 Battery Backup ........ 20 Protection ......................................................................................... 20 Operation and Maintenance ............................................................................. 21 Operation ............................................................................................................... 21 Initialization ............................................................................................................ 21 Configuration .................................................................................................. 21 Fault Monitoring/Recovery ....................................................... 21 Maintenance ...................................................................... 22 Table of Contents APPENDIX Environmental Performance ..................................................... 23 Abbreviations ,. .................................................. 24 H G U RES Figure 1: SZOOOL BTS ................................... 6 Figure 2‘ SZOOOL BTS Architecture (02 configuration) ............................................ 12 Figure 3: SZOOOL BTS Connections to the BSC .................................................... 16 TABLES Table 1: Base Unit Dimensions .................................................................................. 11 Table 2: BTS Configurations ............. 14 Table 3: Battery and interface Module Dimensmns .................................................... 15 Table 4: SZOOOL PCM Requirements ...................................................................... 17 Intentionally left blank Figure 1: SZOOOL ETS INTRODUCTION Introduction The SZOOOL micro BTS is Nortel’s new high performance compact Base Transceiver Station. Part of Nortel’s family of DRX based products, the SZOOOL lS optimized speCifically for microcellular underlay and capacity hot spot applications With the ability to handle more than 320 subscribers typically, the two transceiver SZOOOL can be swiftly deployed to relieve capacity requirements in urban areas where cells are engineered to be less than 300 meters "1 diameter, Site acquisition and installation time are reduced considerably as the compact packaging (including two integrated antennas) and extended operating temperature range (40°C to +50°C) allow the SZOOOL to blend in and operate almost anywhere, From the elegant hallways of corporate offices to the busy street corners of major cities, the SZOOOL is the ideal BTS product to reduce an operator’s initial investment and ongoing operational costs in areas requiring additional capacity in localized areas. The 82000L is ideally optimized for the following applications: - microcell underlay - in-building . traffic hot spots and halls coverage and well suited for installations in: 0 shopping malls . airports - tunnels and busy intersections With the advanced technology contained within the DRX, SZOOOL BTS offers an optimized set of rich features to enhance the service quality and specthm efficiency of the network: - optimized RF performance: -104 dBm receive sensitivity and SW output power (guaranteed 33 dBm) . capacity with 3 times the supported subscriber capacity of a single transceiver BTS - voice quality enhancement to reduce interference and improve quality of service at traditionally difficult coverage areas such as urban centers and cell edges Introduction NORTEL BASE STATION PORTFOL|0 Nortel’s DRX based family of BTS products possesses the flexibility of high performance and packaging necessary to provide the operator with an optimum network solution. Combined with Nortel’s experience in spectrum management. handover management, and network engineering, the DRX based family of BTS products provides the operator with the key ingredients required to minimize both the initial and ongoing infrastructure investment and the on-going operational expenses. The DRX based BTS products utilize a single module to provide the receiver, transmitter and frame processor. This single module, called the DRX, delivers superior performance through integration of advanced digital signal processing techniques. The DRX based family of BTS products benefits from the experience gained through the manufacturing and delivery of over 50,000 TRX shipped (as of mid year 1997) to more than 20 countries throughout the world and addresses all possible coverage and capacity requirements ranging from rural-to—urban-to in»building coverage. This family includes: . The 58000 BTS is the highest performing high capacity BTS in the industry. Because of its modularity and expansion capability, the 88000 is the ideal product for all configurations ranging from 5111 to $888. The indoor version is designed for protected sites while the outdoor version is a fully integrated BTS site with AC power supply and extended temperature range, - The SZOOOH BTS is a fully featured BTS ideally suited for coverage of terrain such as highways and rural environments. Its small packaging simplifies the site acquisition process thereby improving the operator’s time to market and reducing the number of sites required by up to 50% as compared to the industry standard. - As mentioned above, the SZOOOL offers three times the capacity of a single transceiver micro BTS. Its small size allows for swift deployment as part of a microcellular underlay, providing a solution to traffic hot spots as well as in-‘building or campus coverage. Highlights HIGH LIGHTS The SZODOL BTS is designed to meet the economical and environmental challenges inherent to indoor and outdoor installations with medium to low traffic requirements. PHYQCALCHARACTEmSflCS As such, its main physical characteristics, as listed below, are optimized to comply with these requirements: 0 easy transportation and handling by a single person . BTS fully pretested at factory for fast roll-out . front access for ease of maintenance - compact size, small foot print - quiet operation (no fans, natural convection cooling) . common package for both indoor and outdoor installations - AC powering and battery backup 0 extended environmental performance (-40°C to +50°C) . optional lightning protection and battery module - optional internal antennas FEATURES The SZOOOL BTS supports standard GSM features including: 0 support of GSM 900, 1800 and 1900 frequency bands . antenna diversity reception - synthesized frequency hopping - RF power control - voice activity detection and discontinuous transmission (VAD/DTX) ' various ciphering algorithm options supported - support of multiple GSM vocoders including full-rate, enhanced full- rate, half-rate . support of drop and insert functionality and signaling concentration on the Abis interface in order to minimize the cost of communication between the BTSs and the Base Station Controller The performance of the SZOOOL BTS is further enhanced by advanced microcell handover algorithms and network management facilities available on the Nortel BSC. Highlights CONFIGURATION AND PACKAGING Configuration and packaging are designed to enable; smooth and flexible capacity expansion beyond the basic 01 and 02 configurations packaging and modularity concept adapted to any environmental condition simple installation achievable within one hour With as little as one person‘ excluding Site preparation. General Description GENERAL DESCRIPTION PHYSlCAL ARRANGEMENT The SZOOOL BTS consists of a single enclosure which contains two physical modules: - the Main Module - the LPRF Module (Low Power Radio Frequency Module) The SZOOOL BTS is supplied with standard mounting plates suitable for wall mounting. The front and back covers give the BTS an aesthetically pleasing appearance and they also function as sun shields. Optional internal antennas may be mounted inside. The basic cabling includes the AC power cable, PCM cables and optional user alarm lines from ancillary equipment . The SZOOOL BTS uses passive air convection cooling . This eliminates the need for mechanical cooling fans and their associated noise pollution. DIMENSIONS The dimensions of the SZOOOL BTS are: 650 mm 542 mm 197 mm 35 kg C”) heaviest module does not exceed 23 kg 0) Weight lore basic 01 51's including internal modules and 1mm cover Weight oi options and mounting plate are extra and depend on the chosen whfgumtion Table 1: Base Unit Dimensions BTS COMPOSITION The Main Module houses the Core Functions hardware. - 1 or2 DRXs - the SBCF (Small Base Common Functions), which consists of the MCF (Main Common Functions), the Network Interface and the User Interface . the PSU (Power Supply Unit) General Description The LPRF Module houses the RF Drive hardware including: o RF Power Amplifier 3 (PA) . Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA) - Duplexer coupling For transmit coupling the SZODOL BTS uses one duplexer per RF channel, ARCHITECTURE The DRX is the heart of the SZOOOL architecture containing the receive, transmit, and frame processing functionality, It interfaces with the RF drive of the LPRF Module and with the main common functions of the SBCF to deliver industry leading RF performance. One of the key strengths of the SZOOOL ETS is product flexibility which is a direct result of the modular product architecture. A simplified block diagram representation of the SZOOOL architecture is shown in the following figure . MAIN MODULE LPRF MODULE Core Functions RF awe Links Eta SS!) Keypad & {Display Figure 2: $2000L BTS Architecture (02 configuration) Each DRX includes the entire set of functions necessary to handle a full TDMA frame, including RF reception diversity and RF transmission General Description The main functions supported by the DRX are: - antenna d iversity reception 0 RF power control . equalization 0 RF modulation and demodulation . synthesized frequency hopping . ciphering The MCF performs the site supervision and control functions. This includes the functions of 0 equipment initialization o equipmentsupervision o faultdetection o softwaredownloading - alarm monitoring and reporting - User Interface control The MCF integrates the Switch Matrix that provides the Drop and insert functionality. This enhances the network connection flexibility to allow for chain or loop configurations . Communication with the Mobile Network is accomplished through a Network Interface, This allows the BTS to communicate with the BSC using different transmission schemes such as E1/T1 PCM, HDSL, etc. The User Interface provides the key man-machine interface functions through a simple keypad and alphanumeric display. This allows the user on site to select the following functions through an interactive menu: ~ BTS initialization and software download . fault diagnostics through built—in self test routines - setting PCM and equipment parameters during installation In addition to the Keypad/Display interface an external 10 Base T Ethernet interface is provided for the connection of an On-site Maintenance Terminal (TML)A The TML is not required for installation and general maintenance of the SZOOOL. It is only used when detailed diagnostics are desired. The RF signals to and from each DRX are connected to the RF Drive circuitry which consists of one RF chain for each carrier. The SZOOOL uses one duplexer per antenna eliminating losses in transmit combiners 4a Capacity and Configuration CAPACITY AND CONFIGURATION CAPACITY The BTS may be factory configured for omni applications (01 or 02). It may be supplied in the following basic configurations: - equipped with one DRX for Omni-1 applications, us ing either one antenna (no diversity) or two antennas (reception diversity) - equipped with two DRXs for Omni-2 applications, this configuration uses two antennas both of which are used to transmit and receive. Either internal or external antennas may be used with the SZOOOL BTS. Different cell configurations can readily be assembled from the basic BTS. Configurations beyond 02 are realized by connecting multiple BTSs through the PCM drop and insert facilities. The table below gives the main cell site configurations. 322 Table 2: BTS Configurations Capacity extensions through the use of Extension Units are planned for future introduction . The adension units will allow capacity growth up to O4 in Omni configurations. a ‘ PE/COM/DD/OODIZ QOI/EN Capacity and Configuration PRODUCT OPTIONS INTERNAL ANTENNA The internal antenna system in the SZOOOL is designed to provide optimum coverage in typical urban microcell environments The system consists of two antennas (typically 5 dBi gain antenna) arranged in an orthogonal cross—polarized arrangement, Each of the two polarizations are inclined at 45 degrees to vertical In the downlink direction each polarization is used for transmitting a single carrier. This takes advantage of “on aif’ combining and maximizes the transmit power by avoiding the normal 3 dB loss of a combiner. In the uplink direction the orthogonal polarizations provide diversity reception. In a high multipath environment such as those found in urban indoor and outdoor microcells there is generally a high level of polarization conversion. As a result the internal antenna system using polarization diversity can provide good diversity performance. Alternatively, the SZOOOL BTS can be connected to GSM900/1800/1900 external antennas typically available from antenna suppliers. BA'I'I'ERY AND INTERFACE MODULE A Battery and Interface Module is available as an option to provide extended power backup capability beyond that provided by the internal batteries. Th is Battery and Interface Module provides a backup capac ity of 2 hours. The Battery and Interface Module is an external module which is usually mounted close to the SZOOOL BTS. Additional functionality provided by this module includes primary lightning protection and bare wire termination for the — AC and PCM inputs. The dimensions of the Battery and Interface Module are: Table 3: Battery and Interface Module Dimensions Specific power backup requirements beyond that provided by the Battery and Interface Module may be accomplished through the use of customized battery solutions, hemmmhmmm a min. 15 Capacity and Configuration CONNECTION TO THE BASE STATION CONTROLLER Transmission links between the BTS and the BSC are an important cost consideration in a cellular network comprising hundreds of cell sites. The SZOOOL BTS is designed to provide flexibility on the Abis transmisSion interface with the aim to reduce the operational cost for the mobile network operators The SZOOOL BTS is designed to support both T1 and E1 PCM links. Two PCM ports on the Base Unit allow 5 various network configurations such as chain and loop BTS connections to be implemented Figure 3: szooaL BTS connections to the 556 An alternate transmission option planned for future introduction is the High- Eit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) transmission technology . This option allows the operator to take advantage of existing copper loop infrastructures instead of leasing E1/T1 POM facilities . Depending on the application scenario and the availability of copper loops this can represent significant savings in the network operating cost. Contact your Nortel representative for other transmission interface options. mmmnm rs m in» Capacity and Configuration SIGNALING CONCENTRATION The number of PCM time slots required for transmission to the 850 is dependent on the transceiver capacity. The SZOOOL BTS employs signaling concentration for capacity beyond one transceiver thus allmving cost savings by reducing the number of required PCM time slots. 01 i 02 2 4 ‘I 5 Table 4: 52000L PCM Requirements DROP AND INSERT The Drop and Insert capability is used to reduce the number of PCM links needed to connect the BTSs to their Base Station Controller (880). This can be implemented through Chain connection or Loop connection, depending on the level of PCM redundancy required, without a ny additional hardware . The loop configuration is particularly advantageous in that it provides PCM redundancy in the case of failure on one of the two PCM links. RADIO PERFORMANCE The transmit output power measured at the antenna connector is typically 3 watts (35 dBm t} 1 dB) per carrier. Both static and dynamic power control are provided in accordance with GSM 0505 recommendations. The static power control range is 12 dB . The dynamic power control range is 30 dB. The receive sensitivity measured at the cabinet antenna connector 5 is -104 dBm. This sensitivity is reduced from the - 110 dBm sensitivity offered on the Nortel SZOOOH and 88000 BTSs. It is important to note that the 82000L receive sensitivity is intentionally reduced so as to ensure best performance in microcell environments where mobiles are operating in close proximity to the Base Station, 17 Capacity and Configuration The effects of proximity mobile operation are twofold: - High sensitivity is not required because of lower path loss - Blocking of radio channels by interfering mobiles is more severe when the mobiles are close to the Base Station. The receive sensitivity of the SZOOOL ETS has been reduced to provide the optimum solution for microceli coverage, Diversity reception is provided as a standard feature on the $2000L. This diversity feature is implemented based on a mammal ratio combining technique that gives up to 5 dB gain , installation INSTALLATION SHIPPING AND INSTALLATION The SZOOOL BTS is designed to facilitate quick and easy installation Installation can be achieved in one hour because the BTS is shipped pre tested and ready for deployment. The modular construction of the SZOOOL BTS minimizes the installation requirements by reducing the lifting weight to under 23 kg. As a result the SZOOOL BTS can be installed with as little as one person on prepared site. In addition the simplified installation requirements of the SZOOOL BTS provide the operator with the ability to swiftly redeploy the BTSs when necessary due to changes in traffic patterns. SITE REQUIREMENTS The S2000L BTS is installed and maintained from the front“ c it may be deployed in both indoor and outdoor environments. - It is suitable for mounting on walls, poles and antenna masts. ~ All cabling connections are made through the bottom of the enclosure. Thanks to mounting flexibility it has no requirements for floor space. This is particularly advantageous where cell sites are expensive or difficult to acquire. The result can be significant investment and operational cost savings _ to the network operator. A self test facility in the SZDDOL BTS allows easy verification and validation of the installation process. The self test is activated through a simple built-in user interface. As a result the required skill level of the installation team is minimized. Installation POWER SUPPLY AND BATTERY BACKUP PRIMARY POWER SOURCE In the SZOOOL BTS the internal primary power supply allows the use of single phase AC sources of 120 V i 10% /60 Hz or 230 V i 10% ISO Hz. The nominal power consumption of the SZOODL equipped with two transceivers is 220 Watts. At low temperatures (typically below 0°C) additional AC power is used for internal heating, The internal heater consum es up to 650 Watts at the low temperature limit of -40 “C. BATTERY BACKUP The SZOOOL BTS base unit contains up to 15 minutes internal battery backup. Extended power backup capability is provided by the opfional Battery and Interface Module. This module provides 2 hours of power backup capacity. Specific power backup requirements beyond that provided by the Battery and Interface Module may be accomplished through customized battery solutions. PROTECTION The SZOOOL BTS modules are housed in environmentally hardened enclosures, These enclosures protect the electronics components against water and dust ingress to a level of “155. The SZOOOL can be equipped with various levels of protection against damage caused by electrical storms. - The standard BTS is equipped with intrinsic protection circuits which protect the BTS interfaces against instances of low level electrical over-voltage and over-current. - Optional lightning protectors are available to protect the antenna output ports against electrical damage. This is recommended for outdoor installations. o The optional Battery and interface Module offers Iightmng protection on the external AC, PCM and alarm interfaces. Detailed environmental performances are summarized in Appendix 1, uclrnmnD/uoon 2 OVEN Operation and Maintenance OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OPERATlON The Base Station functions under the control of the Base Station Controller, through the Abis interface. These functions are initiali zation, configuration and fault monitoring lrecovery, INlTIALIZATION Base Station start—up may be triggered locally through the User Interface keypad or remotely by a reinitialization message from the OMC—R. When used in combination with the remote software downloading capability, the latter feature provides a convenient means to perform software upgrade. A software download may be initiated for reinitialization or software up-dating All these operations can be handled remotely from the Operation and Maintenance Center. CONFIGURATION All parameters are programmed under the control of the Base Station Controller, namely: the Abis interface (traffic and signaling channels), the radio characteristics (frequency. power, BCCH filling. etc.), the TDMA frame and the PCM interfaces . FAULT MONITORING/RECOVERY The monitoring facilities include : . internal fault monitoring and diagnostics - reporting of all events to the OMC-R, for observation and corrective actions (in case of minor failure) . six external physical alarms and two relay drivers Operation and Maintenance MAINTENANCE The SZOOOL adopts a simplified maintenance strategy which aims at reducing the operating cost of the BTS, BTS maintenance consists of periodic cleaning of the BTS exterior and occasional backup battery replacement, The SZOOOL BTS is designed as a Field Replaceable Unit . In the rare case of fault the entire SZOOOL is easily replaced and sent back for repair. Access to the installed electronic equipment is from the front of the cabinet which facilitates maintenance, Local tests and diagnostics are facilitated by the simple user interface consisting of LED indicators, keypad and an alphanumeric display, 0 The LED indicators promde a direct and simple means of confirming proper BTS operation. Improper BTS functioning and faults are promptly shown on the LED indicators. - Where a fault is indicated by the LED indicators, diagnostic tests may be initiated through the simple keypad and the results displayed on the alphanumeric display. - if so desired a local maintenance terminal may be connected through the Ethernet interface for detailed diagnostics. Appendix 1 APPENDIX 1 ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OPERATING CONDITIONS The SZOOOL is designed to operate under the conditions specified in ETSI ETS 300019-1-4 Class 41E for stationary use at non-weather protected locations. The operating temperature range is between -40 to +50 °C, The SZOOOL is able to operate in the Relative Humidity range from 5% to 100% provided the Absolute Humidity limit of 30 g/m 3 is observed. The SZOOOL is designed to operate over the atmospheric pressure range from 70 to 106 kPa. The SZOOOL can withstand NEBS Zone 4 earthquake conditions. STORAGE CONDITIONS The requirements specified in ETSI ETS 300019—1-1, Class 1.2 for storage in weather protected, non temperature-controlled locations should be observed when the 52000L is kept in storage. TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS The SZOOOL should be transported in accordance with the requirements specified in ETSl ETS 300019—1-2, Class 2.2 for careful transportation. DUST AND WATER INGRESS The SZOOOL conforms with the IECS29 standard to a level of lP-55. EMC/EMI The SZOOOL complies with the applicable requirements specified in ETSI ETS 300 342-3 and FCC Part 15, SAF ETY The SZOOOL BTS complies with the safety requirements specified in UL1950 (Underwriters Laboratories) and in IECBSO/EN60950, APPENDIX 2 ABBREVIATIONS Abis AC 880 555 BTS dBm DC Diversity Drop and insert DRX DTX Duplexer E1 EMC EMi ETSI GSM Appendix 2 ETSl generic name for the BSC-BTS interface Alternative current Base Station Controller Base Station Subsystem A 888 is made up of 8805‘ plus a number of BTSs, some transcoder units, and an OMC-R. A 888 is connected to an MSC, and therefore to the global network through the A interface, Base Transceiver Station Decibel milliwatt i, A logarithmic unit to emress a power level with reference to 1 mW. Direct Current The receiver includes both main and diversity channel down conversion and sampling in the same RX volume. Both channels are then processed by the Frame Processing Unit (FPU), using an equivalent Maximal Ratio Combining technique through ajoint equalization of both receive signals, A technique allowing several components to be daisy chained on a common physical bus with each component , and ensuring data integrity and positioning, Driver Receiver unit Signal processing unit for radio transmission and reception. Discontinuous Transmission A frequency band selective circulator. Used, as any multiplexer, to minimize the number of physical transmission lines. For radio, transmission line 5 are antenna systems. Standard European PCM (2 048 Mbit/s) Electromagnetic compatibilit y Electromagnetic interference European Telecommunication Standard Institute Global System for Mobile communication PE/COM/DDIODO12 zm/EN GSM 900 GSM 1800 GSM 1900 Handover HDSL IEC LNA LPRF MCF MSC 01 O&M OEM OMC OMC-R PA PCM PSU RF RX 822 SBCF Appendix 2 Radio cellular network standard operating at 900 MHz. Radio cellular network standard adapted for the 1800 MHz frequency band. Radio cellular network standard adapted for the 1900 MHz frequency band, Automatic caIHransfer implemented between the radio channels of the same or different cells without interrupting transmission. High-biHate Digital subscriber Line International Electrotechnical Committee Low Noise Amplifier An RF amplifier used to enlarge very small useful signals received with minimum added noise. Low Power Radio Frequency module Main Control Functions Mobile Services Switching center Omni one transceiver cell configuration. In general an Ox designates stands an Omni cell configuration with x transceivers. Operation and Maintenance Original Equipment Manufacturer Operation and Maintenance Center for the radio sub-system Operation and Maintenance Center - Radio Power Amplifier Pulse Code Modulation By extension, name given to the E1 or T1 physical link. Power Supply Unit Radio Frequency BTS receiver Bi—sectored site configuration with two transceivers in each cell, In general Sxyz designates a multi—sectored cell site configured With x, y and z transceivers in the respective sectors or cells. Small Base Common Function ’\ ‘\ T1 TDMA TML TRX TX UL VAD Appendix 2 Generic name of the set of BTS equipment handling the common functionality of a radio site. Standard US PCM system (1.544 Mbit/s) Time Division Multiple Access Multiple access technique based on timeslot structure . << Terminal de Maintenance Locale On-site Maintenance Terminal BTS Transmitter/Receiver BTS transmitter Underwriters Laboratories Vaice Activity Detection » NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM Reference: PE/ICM/DD/0076 Version: 01.06/EN Status: Approved Type: PROC Product: SZOOOHIL Cat: EXTERNAL Soc: NMC System release 1 From V9 SZOOOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATION Abstract / Comments: On site validated: No required. Approval restrictzans (requiring additional on site validations): Not required. ‘lstribulion: Dor:_ument available on WEB server and on files server (Refer to PEflCM/APP/0040) Key words: This issue supersedes the previous edition which must be destroyed Prepared by: Date: Approved by: Date: Authorized by: Date: AUTHOR: TEClINIC/U. PRIME : L. ALBARET 12/03/98 L. ALBARET DOCLMENTALIST. DOCUMEW’ATION PRIME: MM LEBERRE X. PERULLI NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM DOCUMENT AIVflEN'DMENTS Version 1— Date 1 Modifications Author 01 01/ EN 30/04/97 Creation L ALBARET 01.02/ EN 26/05/97 Modification for GatelA. L. ALBARET 01.03/EN 04/07/97 Modification after documentation review, L ALBARET refer to lCM/LA/97-196. 01.04/EN [8/08/97 Mounting support modification. L. ALBARET 01 .05/EN 08/12/97 Modification following VOs feedbacks L. ALBARET 01 OGIEN 12/03/98 Modification afier spreading. L. ALBARET Thu confidential datumenl vx [he properly ofNORTl-JL MATRA CELL UMR andJ/muld nor be copied or firm/Md Without permumn —___—-——-_. NQRTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM SZOODHIL BTS SITE SPECIFICATION Reference: PE/ICM/DD/OO76 Version: 01.06/EN Date of issue: 12/03/98 This oonlidemia/ dacumenl s the property a! NORTEL MAYRA CELLULAR and may not be copied or circulated wimaul permission NQRTEL NORTHERN TEIEEOM CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................... . ........... . ..... ....................... ........ ........ I.I.OBJECT .......... v ........................... . .. 1 2. SCOPE. . ......................................... 2. RELATED DOCUMENTS .............................................................. ............ .............. . ........ 8 2 1 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ....... 2 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 3. ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS .................. . .......... . ........................................... .............. 8 3.1. ABBREVIATIONS ........................................ 3.2. TERMS . ............................................ . 4. SAFETY ...................... . ............. .. ........... .. ..................... ........ ......... ..................... 5. SZOOOH/L BTS MODULES INSTALLATION PRINCIPLE ............ ......................... ‘ ....... 10 6. EQUIPMENT PACKAGING...“ .................... ......... ......... ..................... ............ .......10 7. CABINET HAND LING 8. SZDUOH/L BTS CHARACTERISTICS ................................................ ‘ ............. . ............. . ...... II 8.1 CABINET DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT” . ...................................................................... l I 811 MAIN CABINET... 8.1,2 HFRF MODULE ................... 8 1.3 BATTERY INTERFACE BOX 8 2. CABINET ACOUSTIC NOISE 8,3. TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS ...................... 8.4. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS. 8 5. OPERATING CONDITTONS . ,, 8.5.1. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS, , ............................................. I3 8.5,2. POWER AND TEWERATURE REQUmEMENTS., , ..13 9. SzoOOH/L BTS SITE REQUIREMENTS ......... . ................... . ....... .......... ...................... 13 9.1 ACCESS CONDITIONS ......................... . ..................... 13 9.2. SITE DIMENSIONING RULES ................................ .. 14 9 2,1 CABINET SECURING AND CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS . 14 9.2.2 SZOOOH/L BTS CABINETS LAYOUT 15 9,3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS IO. SITE PREPARATIONS .. 10.1 SITE SAFETY FITTINGS ................................................... Thu canfirlemml document a the properly ofNORTEL MATRA CELLUIAR and thAd nor be calm] or m'culaud Wilhwrpermuxwm ISZOOIIHIL BTS SITE SPECIFICATION l NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM 10.2. INSTALLING THE SYSTEM OF PULLEYS vvvvv . ............................................... 20 10.3. INSTALLING THE MOUNTING PLATES. . .. . 20 1031 INDOOR SITE. ... .20 IO 3 2 OUTDOOR SITE ., 22 10 4 CUSTOMER INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS 23 10.4.1. POWER SUPPLY. .. ...23 IO. 5 GROUND PLATE INSTALLATION ................... . ......... 24 10. 6 INSTALLING THE BATTERY INTERFACE BOX ........................ 25 IO 7. SITE CABLES PROTECTION ........................................................ 25 10.8. INSTALLATION OF ANTENNAS FEEDERS AND DCfDATA CABLES. 25 I0,9. WIRING , ............................................................................................................. 26 10.9.2 POWER SUPPLY CABLE. .. , , . .....27 10.9.3 GROUNDING CABLE... 28 10.9.4, PCM AND EXTERNAL ALARM CABLE... ... 29 0} END OF DOCUMENT m“ ............................... .. ..................... ............ ............... .....57 Tm confidenlmI ducumenl u the property ofA/(JRTEL MA nu CELLULAR and xhouid no! he roplzd or clrculaled mum: perrmnzun nannnu n n'rc cl'rr anvr‘rrnr‘ A TInM NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM APPENDICES Appendix 1 SZOOOH/L BTS installation view. . , ............ , ..... 31 Appendix2 Battery interface box viewm ,...., ....... 32 Appendix 3 Mounting plate . v ......................................... , .35 Appendix 4 Wall mounting .......... ,,37 Appendix 5 Pole mounting ....... ..40 Appendix 6 Grounding ................ v 43 Appendix 7 Example of wall layout ........................................................ 45 Appendix 8 Tower layout... v ......................................... “A48 Appendix 9 Cabinet handling ........................................................ 50 Appendix 10 AC connector ............ , 52 Appendix 11 PCM and alarm connector pinouts. ........................................... 53 Appendix 12 $2000 Low Power,..... . n, , ............................................. 54 Appendix 13 52000 High Power v. . ................ , ..................... ...55 T)”: mnfidmnal document u the pmpervy o/NORTEL MA TRA CbLLUMR and Would not be copied or emulated wilhourpermvnmm I “Mum" n are avrv cunr-nnr‘ A Tin” I 7; NQRTEL NORlHERN TELECOM FIGURES Figure 1 . Cabinets clearance ....... . ................................................ 14 Figure 2 - Base unit clearance (side view) . . ........................................ 15 Figure 3 A Base unit and battery interface box clearance (Side View) ................... 16 Figure 4 -Base unit and I-IPRF clearance (side View). . ,. . 17 Figure 5 - Collocated site front View (1) ........ . ........................................ 18 Figure 6 - Collocated site front view (2}.. . . , . . ........................................ 18 Figure 7 -Mounting plate directly secured on wall..... . .21 Figure 8 - SZOOOH/L installation. 3] Figure 9 - Battery interface box holes template .............................................. 32 ........................ , ,, ,.32 33 Figure 10 - Battery interface box parts, Figure 11 - Battery interface box securing Figure 12 - SZOOOL with Battery interface box , .............. 34 Figure 13 - Standard mounting plate. 35 Figure 14 - HP mounting plate .......... ,. ..... . .. ...... 35 Figure 15 — HPRF mounting plate... . Figure 16 - View ofwall mounting. Figure 17 - Wall holes template for base unit mounting Figure 18 - Wall holes template for HPRF mounting Figure 19 - Concrete wall mounting ........ Figure 20 - Hollow wall mounting (1) Figure 21 — Hollow wall mounting (2).. .. Figure 22 - Tilt adjustment ..................... Figure 23 » Mounting plate securing, . . ........................... Figure 24 - View of pole mounting ........... . . ....................... Figure 25 ~ Mounting kit without tilt adjustment ....... . .................................... 40 Figure 26 - Mounting kit with tilt adjustment. . ................................... 41 Figure 27 - Pole mounting ................................... . . ............................... .41 Figure 28 — Tower mounting ....................................... . ........................ 42 Figure 29 - Base unit grounding ....................................... . . ..................... 43 Figure 30 - Ground connection for all BTS except SZOOOL BTS Standard. . .. ..43 Figure 31 - SZOOOL Standard ground connection . ....................................... 44 Figure 32 - HPRF grounding. ... .. ....................................... 44 Thu confidential dociummt u the property a/NORYEL mum can/m and should m be mud or arculaled Wllhaulpermrsylon. ISZflOUH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATI “ ' l NQRTEL NORTHERN TElEEOM Figure 33 - Ground connection on I-[PRF ground bar ........................................ 44 Figure 34 - HPRF hoisu’ng, ....................................................................... 50 Thu confidential document 11 the propzrly afNORTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and xhould not be Copied or cumin/ed wuhoiu permmm le-mnnu/l n’r‘e urn? cnwr‘mrr‘ATrn | NQRTEL NORIHERN TElECOM 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. OBJECT This document defines SZOOOH/L BTS Site Search and site preparation specifications. 1.2. SCOPE This document applies to the deployment of SZOOOH/L BTS presenting the following characteristics: ' - SZOOOH/L BTS GSM 900 MHZ, GSM 1800 MHz, GSM 1900 MHz, - SZOOOL BTS: Ol, 02. . l 10 VAC or 220 VAC, v External antennas - SZOOOH BTS . 01,02 or 1811 220 VAC, Extemal antennas. - E1 PCM 120 Ohms or T1 PCM 100 Ohms, - SZOOOH/L BTS installed on a wall or pole, tower. m: confidmual dommenl n the property ofNORTEL MATRA CELL UMR and should nu! be copyed or circulated wuhour pErmux/on. le‘mnnn/r RTQ QIT‘F QPFf‘Wlf‘A'I‘InN I NC’RTEL NORTHERN TELECOM 2. RELATED DOCUMENTS 2.1. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS These documents are not required on site [RI] SZOOOD Commercial Specification , PE/BTS/APR/0013 2.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS These decuments are required on site [A1] Product safety for SZOOOHIL ‘ PE/lCM/APP/m93 [A2] Technical specificatiun of the SZOOOD MEU . PE/BTS/DD/1119 cable — [A3] Technical specification ofthe SZOOOD daisy : PE/BTS/DD/1128 cable [A4] Technical specification ofthe SZOOOD 3/8 , PEfBTS/DD/1129 inch RF feeder assembly to be used in the GSM band [A5] Technical specification ofthe SZOOOD 1/2 : DCS/BTS/DD/1129 inch RF feeder assembly to be used in the DCS band 3. ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS 3.1. ABBREVIATIONS BTS Base Transceiver Station DRX ' Driver Receiver Frame Processor HP ' High Power HPRF 1 High Power Radio Frequency LNA ' Low Noise Amplifier LP ' Low Power LPRF . Low Power Radio Frequency PA : Power Amplifier PCM : Pulse Cede Modulation PSU : Power Supply Unit SBCF ' Small Base Commun Function VGA Variable Gain Amplifier Thu confidential document it the properly o/NORTEL MATRA CELL HM)? and should hm be Cop's/1 or crrcularzd wli’hflul permission. nnnn'r'r A menu 3.2. TERMS SZOOOH/L BTS or Base unit SZOOOL BTS Standard SZOOOL BTS Protected SZOOOH BTS Mounting support Main module LPRF module RF Supply module l-H’RF module Battery interface box ' or AC/Telco box Customer interfaces NE’RTEL NORIHERN THECOM BTS cabinet equipped with l or 2 DRX BTS cabinet for Low Power application composed of Main and LPRF modules and without ground bar. BTS cabinet for Low Power application composed of Main and LPRF modules and with ground bar BTS cabinet for High Power application composed of Main, RF Supply and remote HPRF modules Frame used to secure the $2000 H/L BTS or HPRF module to a wall, pole or tower (via mounting plate). Unit which contains DRX, SBCF, backhaul and PSU. Unit for LP application which contains LNA, PA and duplexer modules, Unit for HP application which contains VGA, and PSU modules, Remote unit for HP application which contains LNA, PA,duplexer and filter modules. Additional for HP application, which ensure the connection between the BTS and site interface (supply, batteries, lightning protection for AC and Telco lines), The Battery interface box is delivered with cables for connection on the SZOOOH/L BTS. Power supply box, alarm and PCM distribution This interface must be located on the site and close to the structure supporting the SZOOOH/L BTS. 7hrs confidential docummr it the property a]r RTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and should not be copied or nrculmed wilhaulpenmmon NQRTEL NORIHERN TElECOM 4. SAFETY Refer to [A1], Product safety for SZOOOH/L. 5. SZOOOH/L BTS MODULES INSTALLATION PRINCIPLE The SZOOOH/L BTS modules are designed to be mounted on mounting plate (refer to Appendix 1 and Appendix 3) used for direct securing to a flat wall. For no flat wall, pole and tower a additional mounting support must be used (refer to Appendix 4 and Appendix 5 for examples In case ofHP configuration 1 or 2 I-D’RF remote modules are installed Main cabinet and the first I-[PRF module are linked with DC/DATA composite cable. The DC/Data composite cable (between SZOOOH BTS and HPRF module) must be ordered in length required for the site (maximum length 70 m or 275591 inches length) The both HPRF modules are linked with daisy DC/Data cable. Daisy l-IPRF cable (between I-[PRF modules) comes in 10 m or 2 in (393.7 or 78.7 inches) lengths. RF feeder cables (between SZOOOH/L BTS and antennas, via HPRF modules for HP configuration) are customer responsability. In case of collocated site, the RF cables are delivered and come in 2 m (or 78.74 inches) length. The cables (AC, DC, PCM and external alarms) between SZOOOH/L BTS and Battery interface box (or customer interface) come in 10 m (or 393.7 inches) length, pre- terminated with one connector (connected to base unit), the other end to be cut to length and terminated on terminal by installer. 6. EQUIPMENT PACKAGING The SZOOOL BTS is delivered in six parts assembled on site (mounting plate, LP main module, LP RF module, cable cover, sunshield, battery backup) The SZOOOH BTS is delivered in six parts assembled on site (mounting plate, HP main module, cable cover, sunshield, RF supply module, Battery interface box). For HP configuration, the HIPRF modules are delivered in four parts (mounting plate, HIPRF module, cable cover, sunshield), One or two I-[PRF module(s) can be delivered according to the radio configuration. Thzr confidunlml documm u the properly ofNORTEL MA nu CELLULAR and Jhadd not by 41717124107 circulated withaul permissmn. aim" annnlwvn . awn“ NQRTEL NORTHERN mrrom 7. CABINET HANDLING One person is required for modules transportation, lifting and horizontal moving at human heigth, refer to Appendix 9. But a second person is required for safety purposes and to help to handling in other case. For height site installation, all the modules are lifted by using a system of pulleys secured on the wall or pole mount, refer to Appendix 9 for example A lifting kit can be provided for cabinet horsting and installation, refer to Appendix 9. 8. SZOOOH/L BTS CHARACTERISTICS 8.1. CABINET DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT ‘ 8.1.1. MAIN CABINET SZOOOL BTS STANDARD The external dimensions of the SZOOOL BTS Standard (all assembled) are as follows: Height : 650 mm (25,6 in) WidLh : 542 mm (23,34 in) Depth ' l97 mm (7,76 in) Weight < 42,5 Kg (92,6 lbs) 520mm BTS PROTECTED The external dimensions of the SZOOOL BTS Protected (all assembled) are as follows: Height : 740 mm (29,13 in) Width ' 542 mm (23,34 in) Depth ‘ 197 mm (7,76 in) Weight ' < 45 Kg (99,2 lbs) SZDODH BTS The external dimensions of the SZOOOH BTS (all assembled) are as follows Height 740 mm (29,13 in) Width , 542 mm (23,34 in) Depth 197 mm (7,76 in) Weight : < 45 Kg (99,2 lbs) This canfidenlml document n [he properly ofNDRTEL MATRA CELL UIAR and thanld "m be L‘opied m Circulared without perm/man, '____—__—_——————‘ 8.1.2. 8.1.3. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. NQRTEL NORTHERN lElEEOM HPRF MODULE The external dimensions ofthe HPRF module (all assembled) are as follows Height i 740 mm (29,13 in) Width : 273 mm (10,75 in Depth 330 mm (12,99 in Weight . < 27 Kg (59,52 lbs) BATTERY INTERFACE BOX The external dimensions of the cabinet are aslfollows: Height . 380 mm Width : 320 mm .. Depth . 190 mm Weight . < 25 Kg CABINET ACOUSTIC NOISE No noise generating device. Recommandation : ETS 300 019—14 TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS Temperature 40°C 5 TEMP S 70°C Relative humidity" 100% max Absolute humidity . 30 g/m3 max (1,084x10'06 1bfm3) Recommandation . ETS 300 0194-4 STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Temperature . -25°C STEMP S 55°C Relative humidity : 10% S RH S 100% Absolute humidity : 0.5 g/m3 (5 AH s 29 g/m3 Air pressure : 70 kPa 5 AP 5 106kPa Solar radiation 1 1120 Watt/m2 Recommandalion : ETS 300 0194-1 m, confidential document u lhz pmpeuy ofNORTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and Mould not be cup/Ed or circulated Withnulpermvnvon l—'—_,. “mb avrr‘ mmnmu- . T‘n‘v 8.5. 8.5.1. 8.5.2. 9.1. NQRTEL NORTHERN lElEEOM OPERATING CONDITIONS ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The SZOOOH/L BTS is built to withstand severe environmental conditions, however it is advisable to locate equipment in sheltered areas where possible, The SZOOOH/L BTS has been evaluated for protection against waterjets projected against the enclosure from any direction. The product has been evaluated for water ingress protection, according to IPSS. Refer to IEC529 (Degree ofProtection Provided by enclosures) for limitations in outdoor installations. The cabinets installed outside must be carefully positionned to limit the effects of strong winds and rain fall (work in bad weather). They must be placed parallel to the direction of dominant winds in that area (consult the local meteorological office). POWER AND TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS The product is approved for installation in an environment with expected temperature range of -40°C to 50°C. Max for LP Max for HP 01 without heater (VA) 150 400 O] with heater | 575 1125 -| _l_ 02 without heater (VA) 250 800 |oz with heaters (VA) 900 [450 SZOOOH/L BTS SITE REQUIREMENTS The SZOOOH/L BTS can be installed on differents types of site- — indoor, outdoor; — any case of pole, tower; — any case ofwall. Their positionning must take in account some parameters as wind exposure, wind velocity, wind and ice loading, twist and sway. ACCESS CONDITIONS The access conditions must comply with cabinet dimenstons and the available moving equipment and hoisting tools manipulation. It must also be compliant to staff access for installation and maintenance Thu confidential documenl I! lhe pmperl)‘ ofNORTEL MA TRA CELLUZAR and Shmld not be Coplfid or circulated Without/terminator, comma/l “TC QI’I‘IT QDFI‘I'FIFATIHN NQRTEL NORTHERN TEIEEOM 9.2. SITE DIMENSIONING RULES Installation and maintenance ofthe SZOOOH/L BTS requires front access only. All field replaceable modules and cabling can be accessed when the front cover is opened and the sunshield removed That also allows module removal for extendability. The following criterias have to be taken into account. — cabinet and Battery interface box securing and connection requirements, 7 cabinets layout (space, clearance, thermal restrictions), 7 distance between main module and I-[PRF, 7 distance between main module and Battery interface box, — distance between HPRF modules, — cover opening, — limit access vandalism. 9.2.1. CABINET SECURING AND CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS 500 mm (19,67 in) of minimum clearance below and above each cabinet must be planned to enable the installer or the commissioner ease allowing the installation, maintenance and the removal of the lifting tool AZA7// JAZQZL sun mm or 19.63! m HPRF or Mam cabinet ‘ Minimum sun mm m 19.66! in i ,a, 777/777777//7// Figure 1 - Cabinets clearance 7th confidential document 1: the property quORTEL MA m4 CELLULAR and would not be cur/radar clrculnled without perm/anon. Innnnnun n'rc awn: GDI‘I‘I'ITIFA’I‘InN I NQRTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM 9.2.2. SZODOH/L BTS CABINETS LAYOUT The different cabinets layout are defined following site configuration (LP, HP, Battery interface box) The cabinets layout defined depending on site dimensions. [////// / / / 500 mm or 19,68“- \\4\\ 197 mm 9! 7.75 m x t K ——————— 7 Sun shield / 740 mm Mam aniline! nr 2m: ml ‘ mun nun Space for mounting ‘ 77 if so 37 In interface (including thermal rcsuicuons) belc cuver Minimum 5410 mm ‘ or was in ’ /7/7//777%/f/ Figure 2 - Base unit clearance (side view) Thu Confidential Hammer“ 1; we property OINURTEL MATRA CEILULAR undihzmld no! he Cop/(d or simulated wl'haulpzrmunon cam-nun n'rc or"? cvrr‘nflr‘ATlnN NQRTEL NORTHERN THECOM SZUOOH/L BTS - BATTERY INTERFACE BOX The minimum distance between the 2 modules is l 111 (39,37 in), The maXimum distance between the 2 modules is 9,2 m (3622 in). The 4 inches (100 mm) bending radius ofthe inter-cabinet data cables has to be respected. /LZ// ,//441 5110 mm or 19.68 in 80 mm 740 mm ' - h’ Mam u Incl M115“ 5p... m um-nllng ink-fu- (Includlng mmi nnieflnm) 1mm in mo mm m- 39.37 in 162.1 in 80mm m-zusin ) 1000 mm or 39.37 In //f/T/7" /W Figure 3 — Base unit and battery interface box clearance (side View) HPRF - HPRF The maximum inter-HPRF composite DC/DATA cable length is 10 m (3917 in) The 4 inches (100 mm) bending radius of the inter—cabinet data cables has to be respected. m. cnnfidzrmal doc mm m m: properry ofNORTEL m TRA CELLULAR and xhauld not be copied or Circulared withoutpermurmn. emnnnn “TC QITF RPFFTFIFA NQRTEL NORTHERN THECOM HPRF - MAIN MODULE The minimum distance between the modules is l m (39,37 in) The maximum distance between the modules is 68 m (2677,2 in). The maximum DC/Data cable lenght between the two modules is 70 m (2756 inches), but for cable connection and passageways facility the distance is limited to 68 in (25712 in). The 4 inches (100 mm) bending radius ofthe inter-cabinet data cables has to be respected. 500 mm m' 19.69 in ,x,,, , 7m mm Wm,“ 0r29.131l| 01-1151“ > ,y, N, 1000 In mm mm or 39.37 lo 267 7 in 80 mm 14) 740 mm M 19.1 3 in Main “him 5m farmm", mm, (minim mm: inseam) ,,y,, , Minimum sun mm or [9&9 in W//777//§7/7f/ Figure 4 — Base unit and HPRF clearance (side View) Tm confidential Hammer" 1: the property ofNORTEL MATRA CELLULAR and should not be copied or circulated wrlhautpermusmn. lannnnun RTE QITF chwr‘mltm’rrnm I NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM COLLOCATED SITE The collocated cable kit are defined as following . 500 mm 109“ mm. or 19.68 in or 42.91 m 740 mm or 29,13 in 1 , , Minimum _ Cahlc way 1000 m 9200 mm 500 mm m- 3937 to 362.2 in fur 19.68 in Figure 5 - Cnllocated site from View (1) / / / , // 7 , ,, /f/ / , / , 500 mm [090 mm . 9.68 (yr 4: 91m "I "‘ HPRF HPRF 740 mm A . or 2J,13 m1 lmerfacc L, , , Minimum Cable Way 1000 m 9200 mm 500 mm or 39.371“ 352.2 in or 19.68 in //7/77/7%/77 Figure 6 - Collocated site front view (2) m; confidential document 11 [he propmy vaORTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and rhauld my! be cap/ed ar mrcuiuled wrthoul permunun, le-umnnn n’l‘c arm: cnvr'nrer n I 9.3. 10. 10.1. NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM SITE CHARACTERISTICS Any site must respect safety conditions The use of safety harness and a stable and safe area close to the cabinet is mandatory. The supporting wall or pole must satisfy to the following characteristics: — shearing >200 kg, (440,92 lbs) , tearing >200 kg (440,92 lbs) The wall must be flat and vertical for installation without mounting support. For other site , a mounting support equipped with an adjustment tilt must be used. SITE PREPARATIONS The elevated position of the SZOOOH/L BTS (above 2 or 3m [78,74 or lT8,11 in] from the ground level) involves safety requirements. A careful selection and training ofthe staff must be planned. To permit staff access to the SZOOOH/L BTS, some requirements are taken in account, as: — lifting or climbing means, — installation ofa stable and safe area close to the cabinet, * hoisting all the equipments required by the staff. If the site is located in an easy accessible area, work area boundary lines and protection means to avoid equipment damage/robbery must be planned. SITE SAFETY FITTINGS In order to allow staff access to the cabinets, a suitable platform must be available close to the cabinets. This platform is a stable and safe area which must be easily erected. It may be. — a scaffolding, — a safety platform supported and hoisted by a specific vehicle. , all type of platform proposed by recommended professional suppliers. Thu confidential documenl u the property vaURTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and Jhouldnm be awed or circulated wllhalltpermunon I_'_n-,.,..." n “ma mm..— ennnm-n A mm“ l 10.2. 10.3. 10.3.1. NQRTEL NORlHERN TELECOM The characteristics of such a platform must satisfy the minimum following requirements. 7 ground surface of2 m2 ( = 2 m x 1 m) or 3100 in2 (78,74 in 39,37 in) 7 height of the platform is at l,2 m (47,24 in) below the bottom of the cabinet, to allow the access to the cables, 7 the platform is placed in front of the cabinet at the closest distance from the wall mount. INSTALLING THE SYSTEM OF PULLEYS The installer will install the system of pulleys taking into account all the requirements for the site. After securing the cabinets onto the wall or pole the system of pulleys must be removed easily. Refer to Appendix 9 for example INSTALLING THE MOUNTING PLATES INDOOR SITE The mounting plates can be installed in indoor site directly on wall if the wall comply with following recommendations: 7 Vertical flatness : 1 mm (0.039 in) 7 Side-to-side flatness : 1 mm (0 039 in) 7 Torsional flatness : 3 mm (0.118 in) 7 Shearing : >200 kg, (440,92 lbs) 7 Tearing : >200 kg (440,92 lbs) The set of pegs and screws used to secure the mounting plate depend on the type of the supporting wall : 7 Plaster wall : 50 mm (1.97 in) cast-iron pegs, M8, 7 Hollow wall : 55 mm (2 l6 in) metallic pegs, MS, 7 Cement wall, concrete wall 50 mm (1.97 in) hook-fitted PVC pegs, M8. The mounting plate is secured to the wall using 3 fasteners, l in each top corner and l in the center at the bottom mt confidential documnnt u m property ofNORTEL MA nu CELL UL/lR and should not be new; or circulated Wilhaulpermlrrmn. NC’RTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM Figure 7 - Mounting plate directly secured on wall To overcome a torsional out-of-specification situation, the mounting plate must be stood off the interfacing surface (by the use of washers/spacers) at a distance greater than the variation in flatness ofthe surface The mounting plate will be allowed to float free of the surface except for the small area of the 3 washers/spacers Refer to Appendix 3 for the holes template, The following table gives the Size (diameter, depth) of the holes to be drilled for each wall type Diameter (mm/in) Depth (mm/in) 15/0 59 60/236 11/0 43 10/0 39 Plaster wall Hollow wall 60/236 cement wall Thu WNW-mat document u m: properly ofNORTEL MA MA CELLULAR and should no! be copied or circulated wilhoulpermusmn lSzOGDH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATION , l 10.3.2. NQRTEL NORTHERN TELHOM OUTDOOR SITE In outdoor site, the SZOOOH/L and HPRF modules are secured to the structure (wall or pole) with mounting support, refer to Appendix 4 and Appendix 5. The mounting support is delivered with its installation kit (screws, nuts washers...) WALL MOUNTING The supporting wall must satisfy the following characteristics — Shearing : >200 kg, (440,92 lbs) — Tearing : >209 kg (440,92 lbs). In case ofhollow wall, the wall must be solidify with metallic or wood plate, refer to Appendix 4. The mounting support is secured to the wall using 4 fasteners, refer to A—ppendix 4 for holes template. The mounting kit allows the air flow between the wall and the rear of the cabinet (80 mm or 3.14 inches space allowing air flow on sun drenched wall). POLE OR TOWER MOUNTING The pole mounting support is designed to be secured on tubular or square structure with a tilt which mustn’t exceed 10“, refer to Appendix 5. In other case, a mounting interface must be installed to compensate the tilt, refer to Appendix 5 Outlined below are parameters that must be identified and specified ' — Service life — Legs constmction/component stress — Tower loading — Wind loading — Ice loading - Wind velocity — Wind exposure — Twist and sway — Foundation The tower or pole loading must take in account the modules weight, refer to the modules characteristics. m, confidential document tt the pmperly o/NORTEL m not CELLULAR amt should not be copied or circulatzd without‘permusron. lcnnnnnn “TC GIT]? cnwrmrt‘ATrn I 10.4. 10.4.1. NQRTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM CUSTOMER INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS The Battery interface box interfaces: — Power supply, — PCM lines, with the BTS, refer to Appendix 2. POWER SUPPLY The customer has to provide a power supply with a protection against the transitory currents. ’ The required electrical power taking into account pike current, supplying the BTS as the following characteristics: Case of 220 VAC Case of 110 VAC an ’ ~ Voltage 220V(~10 %) to 110V(-10%)to 240 v (+5 %) 120 v (+6 %) The SZOOOH BTS is powered by a single phase (220 VAC , 50 Hz for Europe) or 2 phases (110 VAC» 60 Hz for North American), 2 wires plus ground, commercial AC power source equipped with a Listed 10 A / 220-240 VAC for branch circuit protection The SZOOOL BTS'is powered by a single phase (220 VAC - 50 Hz for Europe; 110 VAC— 60 Hz for North American), 2 wires plus ground, commercial AC power source equipped with a Listed 6 A /220»240 VAC for European or a Listed 10 A / 115 VAC for American branch circuit protection. A differential device is not mandatory at all for our cabinets. Ifthe breaker has such a differential device, it has to be rated at 30 mA (min) delayed for LP and 100 mA (min) delayed for HP version. Ensure that a readily accessible disconnect device is incorporated in the fixed wiring. In case of no compliance, an appropriate disconnect devrce and an emergency stop switch should be provided as part ofthe building installation by the customer. The disconnect device should be near the equipment, easily accessible by the service personnel, and marked as the disconnect device of the equipment. Attachment-plug receptacles in the vicinity of the product should be of an grounding type and the grounding conductors should be connected to ground at the AC distribution box Thy: mnfidentral document is the pmpmy o/NORTEL m not CELLULAR and Mould not be Copwd or uranium whom permurron. SZOGOH/L BTS SITE ECIFICATION 10.4.2. 10.5. NQRTEL NORTHERN TElECOM The SZOOOH/L BTS is not approved for use in a power distribution system having no direct connection to ground (an IT system). Refer to National Installation grounding requirements for details The lightning arresters are built in Battery interface box. Each protective device in the power supply installation (circuit breaker, differential circuit breaker...) must be identified and its characteristics must be clearly indicated, a label on each device should indicate which equipment it protects. For Europe: At the AC terminal, an man height accessible emergency stop switch for the power supply shall be installed. If no AC Telco module is used, the site circuit breaker must be compliance with the BTS consumption. If AC Telco module is being used (including 8 16A breaker), site breaker must be superior to 16 A. ‘ PC M TERMINAL The SZOOOH/L BTS is not intended for connection directly to the telecommunications network For Europe: Approved protection must be provided as part of the installation by the operator in case of configuration without Battery interface box. Do not install the PCM line during a lightning storm. The SZOOOl-l/L BTS (main module) is equipped with 2 PCM interfaces (on SBCF). Only Drop&[nsert configurations (chain or loop) require the use of the second PCM interface The number of PCM terminals required is therefore determined by the network configuration (I PCM terminal / PCM), For the E1 or Tl line, PCM lines connected to the PCM terminal must be protected with a lightning arrester For areas where thundererstorm days/year > 25 then the Battery interface box should be installed Under 25, then install primary protection The S2000H/L BTS is compatible with the use of all PCM terminals, line-connected or microwave, offering minimum clock precision of 5x10“8 The installation conditions depend on the type of PCM terminal used GROUND PLATE INSTALLATION The SZOOOH/L equipment (base unit, HPRF and battery interface box if required) are not approved for use in a power distribution system having no direct connection to ground. Refer to National Installation grounding requirements for details. The ground plate is installed systematically and regroups all the SZOOOH/L site equipment ground circuits: — Equipment protective ground circuits (Base unit, HPRF, Battery interface box), m: canfidenlml document u the properly a/NORIEL MA m4 CELL yum and mud not be copied or circulated withoutpermrrsron. lSlOOOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATION “ - , I 10.6. 10.7. 10.8. NQRTEL NORTHERN TElECOM — Feeder grounds. The ground plate is installed close to the base unit. The earth plate is continuously linked up to the ground sink. The maximum specified impedance measured from the ground plate is less than 10 Q. The ground plate sink and the power station sink are common or inter-connected INSTALLING THE BATTERY INTERFACE BOX The Battery interface box can be installed on wall or pole with delivered mounting kit, next to the main module with a minimum distance of 1m and maximum of 9,2 m (362,2 in). " A ground link mustbe installed during site preparation to connect the mechanical frame of the battery interface box to the site ground. For North America, protective conduits are installed along the entire cable route, from the SZOOOH/L site entrance up to the connection interface located on the underside of the module (via the Battery interface box if required). To reduce the length of conduits required, it is recommended that common passageways are used to convey the external cables onto the Battery interface box connection interface. The conduits allow to separate the mains AC cable from other cables. All the connection cables am've below the Battery interface box and are left waiting in the protective cable conduit, with an extra 500 mm (11,81 in) length with respect to the Battery interface box connection interface SITE CABLES PROTECTION All the external cables must be protected by cable trays or conduits which must be metallic, well grounded (and waterproof if outdoors). They must not have gaps or holes which allow lightning EMP ingress When the SZOOOH/L BTS is mounted on a wall, metallic cable trays may be used to route external cables via Battery interface box if required. The cable trays must be dimensioned in order to handle the cables with respect to their bending radius. They are positionned and secured onto the wall below the cabinets, at a distance from their bottom to allow easy wiring INSTALLATION OF ANTENNAS, FEEDERS AND DC/DATA CABLES A SZOOOH/L BTS requires up to four antennas adapted to the frequency band The site engineering study determines the antenna locations. The relative positioning ofthe antennas is determined in terms of the frequency band, so as to respect the decoupling and the decorrelating characteristics between antennas. rm confidential (lorumenl n we prapen‘y ofA'URTEL MA TRA CELL UIAR and would not be Copied or circulalzd who,“ permu'non, leonnnnn. RTS SIT WICATION , , , l 10.9. 10.9.1. NQRTEL NORTHERN TElECOM For SZOOOH configuration, composite DC/DATA cables must be installed between main and first H'PRF module and between the both HPRF modules if required All the cables must meet the NORTEL cable specifications, Each cables {feeders and DC/Data cables) must be routed to be directly connected to the conespoding modules, refer to Appendix 12 and Appendix [3 For collocated site, RF and DC/Data cables are delivered in 2 m length WIRING Power feeders which meet National lnstallation requirements must be supplied by the customer, or the agent of the customeri ‘ ln rooftop applications, the ambient temperature may reach 70 °C The current and temperature rating of the feeder cables must comply to National requirements. All external cables are supplied and installed by the party in charge of preparing the site. Only copper conductors are used for field wiring. FEEDERS Protected feeders are used to establish the link between the SZOOOH/L BTS and the antennas (via HPRF module for HP configuration). For correct operation of the BTS equipment, the VSWR must be < 1.5 at the feeder termination The diameter of the feeders to be used depends on the length of the link and type of configuration (LP, HP, GSM 900, 1800, 1900) The feeders are left close to the wall or pole mount and ready to be connected. A straight male silver plated N type connector equips each feeder ends except for SZOOOL Standard (elbowed male silver plated N type connector) The N type connector should be specified as [P67 and with no ferro magnetic materials m: confidential document IS the properly ofNORTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and Mould not be copied or urmlalzd wtthout pclmmsmn SZOOOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATI 10.9.2. 10.91.11. NQRTEL NORIHERN TELECOM POWER SUPPLY CABLE SITE WITH BATTERY INTERFACE BOX AC CABLE BETWEEN BTS AND BATTERY INTERFACE BOX The AC cable between the SZOOOI-I/L BTS and the Battery interface box is systematically delivered in 10 m or 787,4 inches length, refer to Appendix 10 AC CABLE BETWEEN BATTERY INTERFACE BOX AND CUSTOMER INTERFACE For the connection between the customer’s AC panel and the Battery interface box, a power supply cable must be installed during site preparation. Ewe ufcable: Cable with three 1,5 mm2 minimum wires; the green/yellow wire is used For grounding of the SZOOOH/L BTS. US only: Cable with three 14 AWG wires; the green/yellow wire is used for grounding. Conductor section Distance Battery interface Imx - customer box 1.5 mm2 leng1h<20m 2.5 mm2 20 m < length < 30 rn European , Red, brown or Green/Yellow black N. America Black, red or Green/Yellow blue Routes: The cable runs between the customer’s AC panel and the Battery interface box cables along cable trays or conduits and the mles for separating heavy and light currents are respected. Connections: Battery interface box, on terminal block Power supply installation srde. on circuit breaker. Thrc canfidewlml documenl is the pmpmy a] NORTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and should m be fiaplad or clrculamd withoutpermvman IG'mnnFlll RTS RITE SPECIFICATION I 10.9.3. NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM SITE WITHOUT BATTERY INTERFACE BOX The AC cable between the SZOOOH/L BTS and the customer’s AC panel is systematically delivered in 10 m or 787,41 inches length, terminated at one end to be connected on the SZOOOH/L BTS. Type ofcable: Cable with three 1,3 mm2 wires; the green/yellow wire is used for grounding ofthe SZOOOH/L BTS US only: Cable with three 14 AWG Wires; the green/yellow wire is used for grounding the SZOOOH/L BTS Routes: The cable runs between the customer’s AC panel and the SZOOOH/L BTS_along cable trays or conduits and the rules for separating heavy and light currents are respected. Connections: BTS side Refer to Appendix 10 for connector. Power supply installation side. on circuit breaker. The AC cable from the SZOOOH/L must be connected to the AC supply equipped with AC protection and circuit breaker (refer to paragraph 104.1 Power supply). GROUNDING CABLE A ground bar is installed on the mounting plate of the SZOOOH/L BTS (except SZOOOL Standard) and HPRF module> refer to Appendix 6 and allows the SZOOOH/L BTS cabinet protective ground circuits. For SQOOOL Standard and Battery interface box, the bonds are directly connected to the mounting frame (see Appendix 6), A ground link must be installed during site preparation to connect the ground bar (or the frame) of each equipment to the ground earth plate. Type afcable: One conductor 16 mm2 (6 AWG in N. America), insulated. Router.- Ground wires shall not be bent more than 90°, shall be run as straight as possible, shall not be run in steel conduit without bonding to the conduit at each end. The rules for separating heavy and light currents are respected. Connectmns: — Equipment side" using two holes lugs (5/8" spacing) - Ground plate side. using lugs Th/s confidential document it lhe property ofNORTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and ihould m7! bk Copied or circulaledw/thuui‘ Fermi,“ Ramon/l, BTS SITE SPECIFICATION , I 10.9.4. NC’RTEL NORlHERN TELECOM PCM AND EXTERNAL ALARM CABLE SITE WITH BATTERY INTERFACE BOX The PCM and alarms are combined into one cable between SZOOOH/L BTS and Battery interface box and comes from factory in 10 m (or 393.70 in) length with one end terminated. For the connection between the customer interface and the Battery interface box, one PCM and one alarm cables must be installed during site preparation PCM CABLE Type afcabIe .' L904-4/2 4 twisted pair cable (2 PCM) shielded per pair Pair connector wire size range is 0.4 - 0,65 mm (22 - 26 AWG) with a madmum insulation of 1,57 mm (0,062 inches). Routes: The cables run between the customer interface and the bottom of the Battery interface box positioned on the wall mount as the other external cables along cable trays or conduits. Connections: Battery interface box on terminal block, ALARM CABLE Type ofcable: 6 shielded twisted ipair cable Pair connectorwire size range is 0.4 - 0.65 mm (22 — 26 AWG) with a maximum insulation of 157 mm (0.062 inches). Routes: The cables run between the customer interface and the bottom of the Battery interface box positioned on the wall mount as the other external cables along cable trays Connections: Battery interface box . on terminal block. m; confidential document is the properly a/NORTEL AM not CELLULAR and should m)! be copied or ctrculu/ed w/lhfml pelmusmn lSZDOIJH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATION p 70 l NE’RTEL NORTHERN TELECOM “ SITE WITHOUT BATTERY INTERFACE BOX The PCM and alarms are combined into one cable between SZOOOH/L BTS and Battery interface box (or customer interface) and comes from factory in 10 m (or 393 70 in) length with one end terminated. Type ofcab/e: 4 twisted pairs (2 PCM) 6 twisted pairs 2 Relays.+ Routes.“ The cable runs between the PCM and alarms customer interfaces, as the other external cables, along cable trays or conduits, Connections: Customer interface refer to Appendix 11 for connector pinout. 7m mfidmm! dacumenl u the property <1Nr7RT/zL MATH/1 CELLULAR and mud not be mprzd or crrculaled wvlhuulpeimuxmn. lsznrmH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATION , I SZOOOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATION NQRTEL NORTHERN lElEEOM Appendix 1 S20lIDH/L BTS installation view Slap 1: mounlmg plate mmmm Sky) 1: LPRF or RF wpply mndule installation Step 3 v Mn“ module "summon Slcp 4 : Omar and Sunshmld mslzllalinn Figure 8 - SZOODH/L installation Tm canfulemral document u we properly u/NORTEL MATH/1 CEJJ‘ULAR and should m be capwd or crrculalEd wllhmllpermlmon NC’RTEL NORTHZRN TELECOM Appendix 2 Battery interface by): view 180 mm or 7 llnches . Battery Compartment . Connector 1 v Removable DC R51] frame 5 Connector 2 Lightning protectors AC Companmcnt >€ 1/2” d 't' I con u1\’ Figure 10 - Battery interface box parts 7th canfidemral documenr u {he property onmRTEL mm; CELLUMJ? and mud not be Copred or cyrcufared wunampemmmn, leannnun nTc QI’T‘F CanlFlr‘A’rlfiN NC’RTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM Holes for securing 1/ \ Fran! view ‘ \ AC cable Cableways mmmgL'umm-li Groundmg connection with 5/3“ double % 7 7 holes lug L a D 5 External alarms —~ v cable Bottom View Figure 11 - Battery interface box securing Thu canfidenna! document 11 lhe proper/y o/NORTEL MATRA CELL UM}? and shuuld m7! bz copied or circulated wn‘ham pcrmiflmn. ("NIH/L BTS SITE ECIFICATIO NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM ' :xfi-$n<1 53a Q? x“ If lFigure 12 — SZOOOL with Battery interface box Thu mnfidenual documcm AS Ihe properly af/VURTEL MATH/1 (Eu. ULAIR and xhwld not be copied or cyrculaled wuhmt permmmn. Iflnnnnnn nrrc nv’rr cnml‘mII‘A’l‘lnvu l NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM Appendix 3 Mounting plate 2!Dmm mm 420 Standard mounting plate 13 igure late mg P -HP mount" Figure 14 1h. y confident”)! doCnmcm n (he propsrryaf.\'(1RTEI, MA TRA CELLULAR and thu not be copied or cvrmlaled wilhourpermvssvan nnnn/l RTQ QITF CPFFWIFATI“ NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM 571 mm Figure 15 - H'PRF mounting plate Thu confidsnlmf documenl u' the properly ofNORTEL MATRA Cm UMR and should not be Cop/Mar czrculnled mum: pgrmmmn NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM Appendix 4 Wall mounting Figure 16 - View of wall mounting ‘ 371mm or 146 inches v ; l 1267 inches : Front View Figure 17 - Wall holes template for base unit mounting This canfidenlml dofflmem u {he properly quDR1EL MA TRA CELL UMR aml Mould nul be capred or amdaled wuhaulpzmmmn ,. “m.- nvnn nnnnm'n . m-nu NQRTEL NORTH RN TELEEOM [35 mm or 5 35 lmhcs 231mm 9.1me _ __J-_é>__;_;__-__ an| view Figure 18 - Wall hules template for HPRF mounting Metallic egs ' l ‘ "Concrete ‘ . m . A A ‘ 4 ' will . Figure 19 - Concrete wall mounting Threaded nuts Protect platesX Figure 20 - Hollow wall muunting (1) 1m confidential document m m: pmpmy afNURTEL MATRA CELLULAR and thank] no! he Eaplerl or mrculaled wrlhmu permlfllon; l—__..,. rvrc L‘vr‘b chrnrnll‘A’rInu i NORTEL NORTHERN TELECOM Figure 21 - Hollow Wall mounting (2) 1 Metalhc egs Tilt Mounting support adjustment Figure 22 - Tilt adjustment ‘ 4 ' 4 ‘ ' ‘ A 4 ~‘ ‘ Mounting plalc \» Screw head Figure 23 - Mounting plate securing 7m cvnfldzmml document A: the property chORTEL MATRA CELLULAR and xhauld not be copied or arc/Aland without perm/£51071 l————_—~m "m“ nnhf‘rnlr‘n’rlnkr | NQRTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM Appendix 5 Pole mounting Figure 24 - View of pole mounting mu [mid Momma vim Figure 25 - Mounting kit without tilt adjustment m: eon/1mm: dunumem‘ r: We praperl)‘ afwmu MA 1m CELL UMR and than!!! rm! be 60le or circulated who“ permungn SITE SPECIFICATION , NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM q, 47 \ 11mm my NWT“ Jr 1 fEAL ‘ ‘ L,, J z: ‘ 7 \ 1 , , ‘ 1 A? ‘ i‘ ‘ L w ‘ 1 fax “F.“ =% mJ j w x‘ ‘ 1“ 77, I N Square structure Figure 27 - Pole mounting Thu confidential document u m properly of yawn MATRA FELLL'MR and mud not be capnxl m circulated wuhmu permmwn. NC’RTEL NORTHERN TELECUM \ Till —> \ Compciisafionfiéf Figure 28 - Tower mounting 7m confidenual douirnenz u m prapurry ofNURTELM/i no; CELLULAR and should not be copied or Circulared whom permunon. iSZOOOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATION n l NQRTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM Appendix 6 Graunding \ , W 7 7 1 52000 Main ‘ 1 module Conduits grounded 6 AWG wire to at cable entry plate Site ground Figure 29 - Base unit grounding 6 AWG Grew/Yellow cable equipped with 5/5» double hum mg Figure 30 - Ground connection for all BTS except SZOOOL BTS Standard rm can/idennal documenl n [he pmpmy quORTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and xhoufd not be copied or Circulared wllhoul permumon (“I'F‘ICATION , NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM s AWG Gram/Yellow cable cquxppcd wnh 5/3" doubll: holes lug _ Figure 31 - SZOOOL Standard ground connection Tn ‘ ‘ Mounting plate LL Vii! 13225th J | 6 AWG wire to 51k: ground Figure 32 - HPRF grounding Figure 33 - Ground connection on HPRF ground bar Thu confidznual Hammer]! 7: the properly o/NORTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and rhmdd m: be copved or circulated without permzmon. lSzflOOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATI B M | NQRTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM Appendix 7 Example of wall layout 1‘ 3 fi 2 Q 53 3x 2x j? Km g m 5; ; =5 30 n g; , u \A mgm [ARM an immune muuwmmw A A wLw A—A Thu con vdemml documznl is me property a/NORTEL MA TRA L'bLLUlAR and xhould no! bz topied or cw‘uhzlfld Wt (haul permuwn. mmnnu 1: five or": envr‘rmr A T! NORTHERN TELECOM NE’RTEL g: 1 ‘ .: m 5 . r V zozufiowm fiqru740m2 $ , «5m zzcn 9.38 5955 , 5; 89?“ , 593 12; $ch “63 5“ . 25 mm; Es: , 551 555 195245 mums E I>E> qu 1&5 ‘J ‘ A xOm 85204 Thu canfidznnal documern 1: Me proper!) afNORTEL MA TRA CELLULAR andxhoufd nor be Lopted or Circulaled withwlpzrmurmn SZGDOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATI 13mm A‘I NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM Appendix 8 Tawer layout PYLON MASSIF ANTENNA /——‘fi T\\mv \\SZOOOH STANDARD FENCE Thu cunfidcnlral document n the properly nf A'umu MA rm CELL (IL/LR and should no! bz copied or urcldalzd withoutpcrmvlsron. cam-nun n'rc err]? enrr‘m‘lr‘ATIn NQRTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM ANnquNwa VIEW A—A ”7 _ 7 651k ANTENNA FEEDER THUNDER covmq pow COPPER EAR sod \ HFRH FYLDN GIRDLE 29 so ,’ EARTH HOLE filo“ MASS” r' wm4 cu? BAR Thu canridenrral Hurt/men! n [he yroper (y n/ VDRTLLAM1RA CELL uuR and would not be «7pm or mrrululed wzrhaulpdrmlmmn. Iannnn' n-rc err-r cnrhnnrvrlnm | NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM Appendix 9 Cabinet handling The lifting slings must have a lenght superior at 1,5 meters to avoid module M6 inserts pulling up. w Hoisting Ring with MG nu! Figure 34 - HPRF hoisting The same method is Applied for the other modules m: confidential document is the properly ofNURTEL MA nu CELLULAR and should not be 601112407 ctmdaled wrrhoul permisnan. In mmun n'r‘n er": cpurnrvrvnnm l NQRTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM This confidennal documem u m pmperry qu'ORTEL mm CELLULAR andshoultl nu! be coprcdo! aroma/ed who“ penmmcn NQRTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM Appendix I 1) AC cannecmr The AC cable between the SZOOOH/L BTS and the Battery interface box is systematically delivered in 10 m or 787A inches length, . For more longer use the Battery interface box or equivalent as interface box. Connector type: AMP/CMP Female 7 pins Pinouts: ——m Th/J Confidential document 11 the property quORTEL MA TRA CELLULAR and should mx be copied or circulated Wllhoui‘ perms wont lSZOOOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATIO , NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM Appendix I I PCM and alarm cannectnrpinouts The PCM/Alarms cable between the SZOOOH/L BTS and the Battery interface box is systematically delivered in 10 m or 787A inches length For more longer use the Battery interface box or equivalent as interface box. Connector type: Sub D 25 pins male This connector must be delivered with waterproofing protection Alarm 3 (+) 15 —I Alarm 3 (Gd) 16 Alarm 4 (+) Alarm 4 (Gd) Alarm 5 (+) Alarm 5 (Gd) PCM] TX (+) PCM] TX (-) PCMl RX (+) PCMl RX (-) PCMZ TX (+) PCM2 TX (-) PCM2 RX (+) + FCM2 RX (-) 10 Alarm 1 (+) Alann 6 (+) 21 Alarm 6 (Gd) 22 Relay 1 (+) —— 23 Relay 1 (Gd) 11 Alarm 1 (Gd) Relay 2 m 12 ' Alarm 2 (+) Relay 2 (Gd) 11mm Thu confidemml document I; the properly ofNURTEL 1144 m4 CELL mum am should not be cup/ed a! crrculaled wrlhour permunon ISZOOOH/L BTS SITE ECIFICATIO - l NQRTEL NORTHERN TELECOM Appendix 12 S200” Low Power Fl Antenna 1 i TX, RXM \ g ‘ r 1 RF cable 3 cables (AC, DC, ABIS) — Delivered lenght IO m Optional Battery Customer AC box with interface box circuit breaker Or customer panel's 1 Telcoline and external alarms Antenna 2r 1 F ‘Antennal TX2 31 i jTX], RXIM 2 RF cables 3 cables (AC, DC, ABIS) Delivered lenght 10 m Optional Battery interface box Or customer panel's Customer AC box with 1 ‘ Telco line and external alarms Tm- confidcnrml (104147712711 n Ihe pmpErI) u/NURTEI, MA TIM Emu/mic and Mould not be gonad or circulated whom permunon SlOOflH/L BTS SITE SPECIFIC NQRTEL NORTHERN TElECOM Appendix 13 S2000 High Power M Antenne 1 (TXI, RXlM) I I Antenna 2(RX1D) 1 DC/Data cable (70 m max) 3RFcables -RX1M -RX1D -TX1 3 Cable 5 (AC, DC, ABIS) Delivered Ienght 10 m Customer AC box with circuit breaker ‘ TelcoIineand ‘ \ external alarms 1h” confidcnlml document 1; the proper!) o/‘MmmL mum (“ELLULAR and should no] he 50pm: m urculmed Wllhourpermuxmn lSZOOOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATION l NQRTEL NORTHERN TElECUM > jAntennel Aniennel 1 szM, ‘ RX] M, , TX } TXI , 2 1 Daisy DC/Dnta cable / Delivered lenglit 10 m 1 DC/Data cable 2 RF cables (70 m max) 2 RF cables - 11le - RXZM . TXI . TX: 3 Cable 3 (AC, DC, ABIS) Delivered lenght 10 m Customer AC box with circuit breaker ‘ [ Telcoline and ‘ external alarms This canfidylllal document u the pmpérly ofNORTEL A14 TRA CELL ULAR and Jhauld no: be Copied or nrmllafed wnhoul permt man, SZOOOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATION NC’RTEL NORTHERN TELEEOM Antenncz Antennel Antennez fiflXlD RXZM ; h Antennel TXZ ’ RXZD [ ' RXIM, TX] HM 1 Daisy DC/Data cable , Delivered Ienght 10 m 1 DC/Data cable (70 m max) 3 RF cables 3 RF cables _ RXZM _ RXlM _ RXZD - RXID _ TX2 » TX] 3 Cable 5 (AC, DC, ABIS) Delivered lenght 10 m Customer AC bux with circuit break er l Telco line and external alarms GR END OF DOCUMENT £0 Thu canfidenlral documzm 1: [he properly o/NORTEL MA no: CELLULAR and vhauld not be owned m arm/arm Wllhmrpermuuon lSZOOOH/L BTS SITE SPECIFICATION 7 l
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