Avaya Basic Call Management System Reporting Desktop Release 2 4 6 Notes BCMRD


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Basic Call Management Reporting Desktop
R2.4.6 Release Notes
Basic Call Management Reporting Desktop R2.4.6 Release Notes
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Basic Call Management Reporting Desktop R2.4.6 Release Notes
Page 2 of 8
Release notes overview ........................................................................................ 3
What's New? ......................................................................................................... 3
Known Issues ....................................................................................................... 4
Problems fixed ...................................................................................................... 4
BCMRD R2.4.6 (Build 321) Installation Instructions .............................................. 5
*Assumptions .................................................................................................... 8
Technical Support ................................................................................................. 8
Basic Call Management Reporting Desktop R2.4.6 Release Notes
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Release notes overview
Avaya Basic Call Management Reporting Desktop (BCMRD) R2.4.6 aims to provide an essential
upgrade to the last release of BCMRD R2.4.5.
The upgrade enables BCMRD to operate with Windows 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit) and Windows 7
(64-bit). The document provides important information about BCMRD including issue description,
enhancements, and suggested solutions for R2.4.6. It also includes scenarios with the
corresponding installation instructions and assumptions that the user must consider while
installing BCMRD. This document also includes the supported Communication Manager (CM)
This service pack contains the fixes and enhancements provided by all the previous service
packs. For example, BCMRD R2.4.6 release includes fixes for dual/multi-core processor support
made in service pack R2.4.1, support to CM5.2 and upgrade from 7 digit dial plan to the 13 digit
dial plan made in service pack R2.4.2, Vista support made in R2.4.3 and Windows 7 (32-bit)
along with CM6.0 compatibility support in R2.4.4, support to CM6.0.1 and non-admin client
feature support with service pack R2.4.5. If user wants to use any of these features, user can
directly upgrade to this service pack also.
For more information about R2.4.X features and fixes, refer to the respective release notes on the
Avaya support site.
Note: Earlier BCMRD releases from R2.4 to BCMRD R2.4.5 are not certified to work on a 64-bit
operating system. BCMRD R2.4.6 is not certified to work on 64-bit versions of Windows 2003,
Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Refer to the Installation guide and User guide on the Avaya support site, http://support.avaya.com
for more information on previously supported platforms, functionality, and installation instructions.
What's New?
1. Compatibility with Windows 2008 operating system (32-bit and 64-bit)
BCMRD R2.4.6 release supports Windows 2008 operating system (32-bit and 64-bit) Standard
and Enterprise editions.
2. Compatibility with Windows 7 (64-bit) operating system
BCMRD R2.4.6 release now supports Windows 7 operating system (64-bit) Professional and
Enterprise editions.
Note: The BCMRD R2.4.6 release supports Communication Manager 6.0.1 along with backward
compatibility with Communication Manager 6.0, 5.2, 5.1 and 5.0. It continues to support 32-bit
Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows 7.
Basic Call Management Reporting Desktop R2.4.6 Release Notes
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Known Issues
DAO error in 64-bit while running BCMRD R2.4 installer.
Please ignore this error message. BCMRD R2.4.6 upgrade installer will install and register the
required files for running BCMRD on 64-bit environment.
Problems fixed
This section consists of the following table, describing and summarizing the issues:
Work Item
Issue Description
BCMRD Agent interval report not
aligned when exported to Excel.
Crystal reports templates updated in
BCMRD R2.4.6
Basic Call Management Reporting Desktop R2.4.6 Release Notes
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BCMRD R2.4.6 (Build 321) Installation Instructions
This section consists of the following table, providing scenarios and assumptions corresponding
to the installation instructions:
Scenario 1: Upgrade to
BCMRD 2.4.6.
BCMRD server and client
(R2.4 or R2.4.x already
Sentinel driver compatible
with the hardware system
and operating system is
already installed.
Basic Call Management Reporting Desktop R2.4.6 Release Notes
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Basic Call Management Reporting Desktop R2.4.6 Release Notes
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Scenario 2: A fresh
BCMRD installation of
Basic Call Management Reporting Desktop R2.4.6 Release Notes
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The scenarios mentioned in the section BCMRD R2.4.6 (Build 321) installation
instructions assume that BCMRD components are installed under the parent
BCMRD folder named \BCMS Vu.
For example:
The BCMRD server files should be located inside the folder, \BCMS Vu\Server.
All references in the document of BCMRD and BCMSVu refer to Basic Call
Management Reporting Desktop (which was earlier called as BCMSVu).
Technical Support
If user is having trouble with BCMRD R2.4.6, user should:
1. Retry the action. Carefully follow the instructions in written or online documentation.
2. Check the documentation that comes with the hardware for maintenance or hardware-
related problems.
3. Note the sequence of events that led to the problem and the exact messages displayed.
Have the Avaya documentation available.
4. If the problem occurs again, contact Avaya Technical Support by:
Logging in to the Avaya Technical Support Web site
Calling or faxing Avaya Technical Support at one of the telephone numbers in the
Support Directory listings on the Avaya Support site.
User may be asked to email one or more files to Technical Support for analysis of
user’s application and its environment.
If user has difficulty reaching Avaya Technical Support through the above URL or email address,
user needs to go to http://www.avaya.com for further information. Avaya Global Services
Escalation Management provides the means to escalate urgent service issues. For more
information, see the Escalation Contacts listings on the Avaya Web site. For information about
patches and product updates, see the Avaya Technical Support Web site

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