Avaya Call Center Reports Explained Users Manual
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Reports Explained Reporting for Call Center report descriptions and usage Issue 1 (2) Table of Contents Table of Figures..................................................................................1 How to use this guide ........................................................................2 Introduction.........................................................................................................2 How this guide is organized ................................................................................2 Introduction ........................................................................................3 Introduction.........................................................................................................3 Report Viewer Toolbar ...................................................................................5 Reports Explained ..............................................................................9 Answered Calls Report .......................................................................................9 Abandoned Call Report.....................................................................................11 Abandoned Calling Line ID Report ....................................................................13 Help Request Report ........................................................................................17 Call Average Report..........................................................................................19 Agent Average Report.......................................................................................20 Agent Profile Report..........................................................................................22 Agent Activity Report ........................................................................................24 Agent Audit Report............................................................................................25 Activity Code Report by Skillset.........................................................................26 Activity Code Report by Agent...........................................................................28 Activity Code Report by # of Pegs .....................................................................30 Summary Report...............................................................................................32 Call Profile Report.............................................................................................34 Incoming Call Report ........................................................................................36 Unanswered Help Request Report ....................................................................37 References ........................................................................................38 Index ..................................................................................................39 Table of Figures 1 Table of Figures Figure 1 Example Report Header ..................................................................................................................................5 Figure 2 Report Viewer Toolbar....................................................................................................................................6 Figure 3 Report Printer Selection Window....................................................................................................................6 Figure 4 Export Report Window ...................................................................................................................................7 Figure 5 Answered Calls Report....................................................................................................................................9 Figure 6 Abandoned Call Report .................................................................................................................................11 Figure 7 Abandoned Calling Line ID Report ..............................................................................................................13 Figure 8 Agent Capacity Report ..................................................................................................................................15 Figure 9 Help Request Report .....................................................................................................................................17 Figure 10 Call Average Report....................................................................................................................................19 Figure 11 Agent Average Report.................................................................................................................................20 Figure 12 Agent Profile Report ...................................................................................................................................22 Figure 13 Agent Activity Report .................................................................................................................................24 Figure 14 Agent Audit Report .....................................................................................................................................25 Figure 15 Activity Code Report ..................................................................................................................................26 Figure 16 Agent Activity Code Report by Agent ........................................................................................................28 Figure 17 Agent Activity Code Report by Number of Pegs ........................................................................................30 Figure 18 Summary Report .........................................................................................................................................32 Figure 19 Summary Report Graphs Page ....................................................................................................................33 Figure 20 Call Profile Report ......................................................................................................................................34 Figure 21 Call Profile Report Graph Page...................................................................................................................35 Figure 22 Incoming Call Report ..................................................................................................................................36 Figure 23 Unanswered Help Request Report...............................................................................................................37 Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained How To Use This Guide 2 1 How to use this guide Introduction This guide is designed to explain the reports and how they will display the statistics related to various call treatments and sequences of actions relating to calls. Use this guide as an ongoing reference. This chapter tells you what to expect as you read this guide and how information in this guide is presented. How this guide is organized The Reports Explained guide is organized according to the following chapters: How to use this guide Provides a brief overview identifying the organization of this guide. Introduction Gives a foundation to the understanding of the reports contained within the Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center application. Reports Explained describes each report, with examples of suggested usage. References Lists any other documents referenced from within the body of this document. Index A cross-reference of topics in this document. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Introduction 3 Introduction 2 Introduction In-Progress Calls Reports will only contain information regarding calls which have been completed. That is, inprogress calls will not feature in any of the reports. Report Periods Manually generated reports can be generated for any elapsed period of time. This means that if you want to have a report that contains information from 12:00 mid-day Tuesday to 16:15 Thursday afternoon, you can easily obtain it. There are no pre-defined limitations on the period of time a manually generated report can include. Scheduled reports are limited to fixed durations: daily, weekly or monthly. Skillset Selection Many reports allow the User to choose to report on any combination of the Skillsets they have been assigned. They can report on a single Skillset, a combination of their assigned Skillsets or all of their assigned Skillsets. But note that some reports might not operate in the way initially expected. For example, if you request an Agent Profile report for Skillset 1, you will receive a report listing all of the Agents who were logged into Skillset 1, including multi-Skillset Agents, and the report will include all of the activity of those Agents, irrespective of the Skillset of the call they handled. If this was not the case, and the report was limited to the Agent activity for the requested Skillset only, you would need to run the same report for each Skillset that each of the multi-Skillset Agents was logged into, to see a full picture of their activity. PSTN and Multimedia Calls Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center reports on both ‘normal’ PSTN voice calls and calls conducted through the use of Nortel Networks Multimedia Call Center. Direct and Indirect Calls From the point of view of any given Skillset, Direct Calls are calls that were presented directly to that Skillset. That is, the incoming caller was handled by the Call Routing and was presented by the Call Routing directly to the Skillset in question. Indirect Calls arrived in the Skillset in some Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 4 Introduction other way, such as overflowing from another Skillset or being manually transferred to the Skillset queue by an Agent from another Skillset. That is, any way a Call can arrive into a Skillset other than being a regular Call Center Call presented Directly to the Skillset (as described above) is counted as an Indirect Call. Whether the call overflowed to the Skillset in question, or was moved to this Skillset by the Move to Queue Call Routing step, or whether it was manually transferred to the Skillset Control Dn, it is counted as an Indirect Call. The total of the Direct calls is the number of calls that rang into the Skillset (how many callers they had). The total of the Indirect calls is the number of calls the Skillset handled that were originally in the system elsewhere, before they found their way to this Skillset. Calls and Call Transactions Calls that are handled within your Call Center are sometimes passed amongst the Skillsets by Agent activities such as transferring a call to the Control Dn of another Skillset or by transferring a call directly to the Agent of another Skillset. This gives rise to separate phases of the call. The portion handled by the first Agent and the subsequent handling by other Agents or other components of your Call Center (such as voice mail) are each counted as a separate phase of the call. Because a call can be transferred back and forth between Skillsets and Agents, a call may therefore have any number of these handling phases. Each of these phases is called a transaction. When two or more Agents handle a single call the various portions of the call are called Call Transactions. Tracking the separate transactions of a Call in this way allows a more accurate and readily understood representation of the activity within your Call Center. Call Transactions and the Direct and Indirect Calls If an incoming Call Center call is handled within a single transaction, that transaction will also be either a Direct Call or an Indirect Call, and the Direct and Indirect columns of the reports will reflect this. However, if an incoming Call Center call is handled by a series of transactions, the second and other following transactions will not affect the Direct Call and Indirect Call columns, because these other transactions are not new Incoming Calls presented to the Skillset. This prevents the transferred portions of the calls skewing such statistics as the number of incoming calls presented to the Skillset, or the Average Waiting time, for example. However, if one of the secondary transactions was a transfer of the call to the Control Dn of a Skillset, that call will appear as a new incoming call in that Skillset in the Indirect column, as this is a queued call that has to be presented to an Agent and answered. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Introduction 5 In-Progress Calls In-progress calls are not included in the reports. The reports will only display information on calls that have been completed by the time the report has been requested. Report Headers Each report will show a header of information which will contain: • • • • • • The Company Name The Report Title The Period the report covers (start time and date and an end time and date) The time and date when the report was created The time and date when the report data was obtained from the Call Center The Skillsets included in the report Figure 1 Example Report Header Report Viewer Toolbar When reports have been generated on screen, they are displayed within the report viewer window. The report viewer has a toolbar, shown below. The toolbar allows you to: • Print the report • Export the report • Specify the magnification of the report on screen • Navigate through the report if there are more than one page in the report Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 6 Introduction Figure 2 Report Viewer Toolbar Note: The Preview Tab is a label informing you that you are viewing a print preview of the report. It is not a button. Clicking on it will have no action. It is purely descriptive. Printing a Report Clicking on the printer icon opens the printer window, shown below. Figure 3 Report Printer Selection Window This window allows you to select a printer from the list of available printers. This is the printer the report will be generated on. You may specify the number of copies you wish to have printed, and if the report contains several pages you can choose to print the whole report, the page you are currently viewing or a selection of pages. The Preferences button allows you to specify settings such as paper orientation and size. Exporting A Report Clicking on the export report icon opens the export report window, shown below. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Introduction 7 Figure 4 Export Report Window File Format Select the desired format from the File Format: drop down menu. The available formats are: Export Format Name Extension Required Viewer Crystal Reports native format .rpt Crystal Reports Microsoft Excel .xls Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Excel Viewer Microsoft Excel (data only) .xls Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Excel Viewer (same as ‘Microsoft Excel’ format above, but in a ‘naked’ format without the shading, highlighting and other report formatting) Microsoft Word .doc Microsoft Word or Word Document Viewer Rich Text Format Adobe Acrobat .rtf Any RTF aware editor or file viewer .pdf Adobe Acrobat Table of Available Report Export Formats Exported File Name and Location You must provide a file name for the exported report. You can optionally provide a file path. If you do not specify a path way in the file name, the file is placed on your desktop. Note: If you do not specify a file extension of the appropriate type, Windows will not know what file format of the exported report, and will not know what application to use to view it. Pick the appropriate extension from the table above. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 8 Introduction If you click on the Browse button an explorer style tool allows you to browse to the desired location in which you wish to have the reported exported. Note: If you use the Browse tool it will automatically provide a file extension of the correct type, unless you have specified your own file extension. Page Range You may specify to export the entire report or to export a range of pages. To export the entire report click and highlight the All radio button. To specify a page range, click and highlight the Pages radio button and specifying the start and end page of the section you wish to have exported, in the From and To fields. Note that the All radio button and From and To fields will be greyed out if there is only a single page in the report. Exporting the Report When you have specified the settings you wish to use, such as file name and file format, click on the OK button to export the report. When the report has been exported Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center will offer to open it to allow you to view it. Note: If you do not have the appropriate viewer installed on your PC then Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center will not be able to open it to allow you to view it. You must also have used the appropriate file extension for the selected file format. Report Magnification The required report magnification can be chosen from the drop down menu. Report Navigation The Arrow head icons and the page field can be used to move forwards or backwards one page, directly to the first or last page or directly to a specific page. Typing a page number into the page field and pressing the Enter key will move you directly to that field. All of the navigation icons will show a tool tip if you position the mouse pointer over them and wait for a moment. Searching for Text Within A Report To locate a string or phrase within the report, click on the Search Text icon (the binoculars). This will allow you to enter your search text. This could be used to look for a specific Agent in a large Agent Activity report, or to locate a particular Calling Line ID in the Abandoned Calling Line ID report, for example. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 9 3 Reports Explained Answered Calls Report Figure 5 Answered Calls Report The Answered Call Report shows the total number of calls that were answered by the Skillsets included within the report. This report is calls based, and is not affected by call transactions. (Call Transactions are described on Page 4.) Voice (PSTN) calls and Multimedia calls are listed separately and totalled for each Skillset, and for the report total. Both figures and the percentages are provided. The reports shows how long those calls that have been answered by your Call Center waited before they were answered. The breakdown is by the Answer Time Bins values which are Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 10 Reports Explained specified in Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center ( see the Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center Set Up and Operations Guide). Six time bins are specified, and a seventh is appended automatically, which captures all values higher than the sixth Time Bin. In this example, the time bins have been set in steps of 10 seconds, up to one minute. The seventh time bin will capture any call that was answered after waiting in excess of one minute. By looking at the figures of the answered Call Report the Supervisor of a Skillset can tell how long the calls that were answered by their Skillsets had to wait before they were answered. In this example the large data values in the first and last Time Bins indicate that incoming callers are, in general, answered within 10 seconds, or else they face a wait of over a minute. Very few calls that are not answered within 10 seconds are answered before a wait of at least a minute. This is probably a function of the average length of the calls and the number of callers the Call Center has. • The average length of the calls can be checked by looking at the Call Average Report (see Page 19). Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 11 Abandoned Call Report Figure 6 Abandoned Call Report The Abandoned Call Report shows the total number of calls that were abandoned (cleared down by the incoming caller) because they would not wait any longer, for each of the Skillsets included within the report. Voice (PSTN) calls and Multimedia calls are listed separately and totalled for each Skillset, and for the report total. Both figures and the percentages are provided. The reports shows how long those calls that did abandon waited before they were abandoned. The breakdown is by the Abandoned Time Bins values which are specified in Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center ( see the Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center Set Up and Operations Guide). Six time bins are specified, and a seventh is appended automatically, which captures all values higher than the sixth Time Bin. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 12 Reports Explained In this example, the time bins have been set in steps of 10 seconds, up to one minute. The seventh time bin will capture any call that abandoned after waiting in excess of one minute. Looking at the report we can see a descending profile from 10 seconds, through to the one minute, and a large value for the seventh Time Bin. This suggests that the callers to this particular Call Center fall into two main camps: those that realise they are going to be placed on hold, and who hang up straight away so that they can ring back later (those who hang up in less than 10 seconds) and those who once they have dialled in are going to hang on for a long time before they give up (those who abandoned after one minute). • • The identity of some of the abandoned callers may be held in the Abandoned Calling Line ID Report (see Page 13). The Call Profile Report (see Page 34) will allow you to see the spread of Abandoned Calls across the day. This can enable you to plan your staffing levels. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 13 Abandoned Calling Line ID Report Figure 7 Abandoned Calling Line ID Report The Abandoned Calling Line ID Report lists various items of information regarding the abandoned calls for the Skillsets included within the report. The data and the time at which each call abandoned is listed, together with the Calling Line Id of the call (when it is know) and the amount of time the caller waited before they abandoned. Some callers do not ‘advertise’ their calling ID when they make a call. In the instances where Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center does not know the Calling Line ID, it displays the channel or line number on which the call arrived. IF required, this report can be used as the basis of a call-back policy in which abandoned callers are called as a courtesy follow-up. This could be done selectively, so that only the callers who held for the longest times before abandoning were called back (as they were the ones who were most determined to get through Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 14 Reports Explained and to make use of your services) or perhaps the report could be checked for the Calling Line ID of Gold or preferred customers (remember that you can search through on-screen reports, see Page 8). This report can also be used to see whether there is a spate of abandoned calls before or after the Call Center is closed, which can be used as an indicator of whether the Call Center should be staffed for a longer period, perhaps by a reduced skeleton staff populated on a rota basis. On the other hand, perhaps the early and late callers could be rung back to be advised of your opening hours. The Call Profile Report (see Page 34) will also indicate where the peaks of the Abandoned Calls fall throughout the day, but the Abandoned Calling Line ID report will also tell you who abandoned. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 15 Agent Capacity Report Figure 8 Agent Capacity Report The Agent Capacity Report shows how often, and for how long, the Call Center was working at its maximum Agent capacity. It shows the number of times that there were no Agents available to take a call (because they were already on a call, on an outgoing call, Not ready, etc) and it also shows the total duration of all of these periods. That is, it details the instances and the duration of those instances when all Agents were occupied simultaneously with something which prevented them being presented with an incoming Call Center call. The Agent Capacity Report does not count instances when there were no Agents signed in, it only concerns itself with staffed periods. Note that if the Report includes more than one Skillset the Totals represent the cumulative amount of time for those periods in which all Agents were unavailable, across all of the Skillsets. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 16 Reports Explained This is not the same as summing all of the Skillset values. The Total figure in the report represents those times when portions of the individual Skillset maximum capacity periods overlapped with those from all other Skillsets. For example, the following section from a report shows two Skillsets: ID 1 3 Name Development Training Number of instances when No Agents were Available to Answer an Incoming Call Center Call Total 7 30 15 Total Time for All Those Instances Total 05:43 41:28 22:37 This shows that on 30 occasions all Agents in Development were unavailable for new calls, and the total time for these three periods adds up to 41:28. Likewise, Training had all of their Agents in use simultaneously on 15 separate times totalling 22:37 in total. However, the Totals show that there were only 7 occasions, which total to 5 minutes 43 seconds, when all of the Agents in Development and Training were in use at the same time. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 17 Help Request Report Figure 9 Help Request Report The Call Center Supervisory Help feature is intended for ‘emergency’ conditions when an Agent is on a call and urgently requires the help of a Supervisor without alerting the caller that a supervisor is being called in. It is not intended for routine consultations or when the Agent is not on a Call Center call. However, new Agents to your Call Center will most likely use the Help feature more frequently during their initial acclimatisation period. This report can be used to monitor the progress of new Agents, because as time goes by they should make fewer Help requests. It can also be used to determine if a particular customer has complex or troublesome requirements. As the Calling Line ID (where known) is displayed for each Help Request, any ‘difficult’ customers can be spotted. If a lot of Agents have all had to make Help Requests regarding a Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 18 Reports Explained particular caller, it might be decided that all Agents are Informed to transfer that particular customer to the Supervisor as soon as the call is answered. If the Calling Line ID is not shown, the Line no is shown. For internal calls, the Dn number is shown. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 19 Call Average Report Figure 10 Call Average Report This report can be used to determine the appropriate settings for the Primary and Secondary Alerts, or wallboard alarms, by looking at the Average Time to Answer and Average Time to Abandon figures. This report shows that the Average Time to Abandon is lower than the Average Time to Answer, so it would be appropriate to establish wallboard alarms when a call has waited (say) 15 seconds in the Skillset queue, to alert the Agents that a Call has been waiting in the Skillset queue for a period approaching the ‘danger time’ which in this Call Center is 26 seconds. The report can also be used to determine the Average Incoming Call Duration. This can then be used to determine an appropriate Agent Alarm for Incoming Calls, so that an Agent who has a call which lasts longer than the average duration is highlighted on the Agent Details Real Time Screen. The Average Incoming Call Duration can also be used to compare against the values in the Agent Average Report (see Page 20). Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 20 Reports Explained Agent Average Report Figure 11 Agent Average Report The Agent Average Report allows you to compare the activities of your Agents to one another. The Agents’ Average Incoming Call Transaction Duration is listed. Not that this report covers incoming call Transactions, not just Direct and Indirect Incoming Calls (see Page 4). If one Agent is taking much longer than other Agents on average to deal with his Incoming Calls this might indicate one of several things. Perhaps he is struggling and needs more training. Perhaps this Agent is better at a certain type of ‘difficult’ or complex call and the other Agents are transferring these harder calls to him because he is starting to become known as an ‘expert’ on them. Perhaps he is just being more attentive to the incoming callers. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 21 If an Agent is taking far less time to deal with their Incoming Calls, perhaps they are just fast, or they are being less attentive to the incoming caller, or perhaps they are transferring their calls to others to deal with. The Average Break Time duration allows you see which Agents are taking the full amount of Break Time and which Agents are not. If some Agents are on average taking 30 seconds and everyone else is taking 15 seconds, then perhaps the Break Time for everyone could be reduced to 20 seconds, and then after a period of acclimatisation, down to 15 seconds. ! Note if you request this report for (say) Skillset 1, you will receive a report listing all of the Agents who were logged into Skillset 1, including multi-Skillset Agents, and the report will include all of the activity of those Agents, irrespective of the Skillset of the call they handled. If this was not the case, and the report was limited to the Agent activity for the requested Skillset only, you would need to run the same report for each Skillset that each of the multi-Skillset Agents was logged into, to see a full picture of their activity. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 22 Reports Explained Agent Profile Report Figure 12 Agent Profile Report This report shows the actual figures and durations (not averages) for different activities that Agents have performed, for each log in session for the period of the report. Looking at the report above we can see that Alison was signed in for a period of 01:28 in the morning and again for a period of 04:55 in the afternoon. For each logged in session, the total time is then broken out into Available Time, Not Ready Time, Break Time, Incoming Time and Outgoing Time. The number of Outgoing and Incoming calls is also presented. We can see that Alison handled 50 Incoming Calls (19 in the morning and 31 in the afternoon). She spent a total of 2:18:43, doing so. This figure of 50 ties in with the figure of 50 on the Agent Average Report (see Page 20), from which we can see that for each of these 50 calls, Alison spent an Average of 02:46 talking to the incoming caller. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 23 ! Note if you request this report for (say) Skillset 1, you will receive a report listing all of the Agents who were logged into Skillset 1, including multi-Skillset Agents, and the report will include all of the activity of those Agents, irrespective of the Skillset of the call they handled. If this was not the case, and the report was limited to the Agent activity for the requested Skillset only, you would need to run the same report for each Skillset that each of the multi-Skillset Agents was logged into, to see a full picture of their activity. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 24 Reports Explained Agent Activity Report Figure 13 Agent Activity Report This report shows the durations for a range of activities that Agents have performed for the duration of the report. (This is a different list of activities than the list in the Agent Profile Report, see Page 22.) ! Note if you request this report for (say) Skillset 1, you will receive a report listing all of the Agents who were logged into Skillset 1, including multi-Skillset Agents, and the report will include all of the activity of those Agents, irrespective of the Skillset of the call they handled. If this was not the case, and the report was limited to the Agent activity for the requested Skillset only, you would need to run the same report for each Skillset that each of the multi-Skillset Agents was logged into, to see a full picture of their activity. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 25 Agent Audit Report Figure 14 Agent Audit Report This report provides a detailed breakdown of the various activities of an Agent, for the period of the report. Note that if the Agent is a multi-Skillset Agent, all of his activities will be included for all Skillsets into which he was signed, for the duration of the report. Also note that as this report is very detailed, it can grow VERY large VERY quickly. This report is best suited to on-screen, detailed examinations of short periods of a single Agent’s activity. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 26 Reports Explained Activity Code Report by Skillset Figure 15 Activity Code Report This report shows the Activity Codes which have been entered on calls for each Skillset included in the report. For each Skillset, the Activity Codes are presented in alphabetical order, with the average call duration time, the number of pegs and the actual accumulated time of all the calls that were associated with each Activity code. Activity Codes can be used to determine different things. If an Activity Code represented each magazine or publication in which advertisements had been placed and each incoming caller was asked to say where they saw the advertisement they were responding to, it is easy to build up a picture of which publications are the most effective vehicles for your advertisements. Activity Codes can be used to identify different types of call. For example, a Help Desk could have activity codes for different products that they support. It is then easy to see which products generate the most calls, or which product support calls have the highest average talk time. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 27 Activity Codes can be used to represent Agent activity as a result of a call, for example, Activity Codes could be established to represent Credit Account Application Letter Sent, or Catalog Posted, etc. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 28 Reports Explained Activity Code Report by Agent Figure 16 Agent Activity Code Report by Agent This report shows the Agents who have entered each Activity Code that has been entered on calls for the period of the report. For each Activity Codes, the Agents who have entered that Activity Code are listed, together with the average call duration time, the number of pegs each Agent has entered and the accumulated time of all the calls that were associated with each Activity code, per Agent. This is a quick and easy way of determining which Agents have handled certain calls, or performed certain call-related activities, such as performing a credit search, or requesting a catalogue dispatch. Activity Codes can be used to determine different things. If an Activity Code represented each magazine or publication in which advertisements had been placed and each incoming caller was asked to say where they saw the advertisement they were responding to, it is easy to build up a picture of which publications are the most effective vehicles for your advertisements. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 29 Activity Codes can be used to identify different types of call. For example, a Help Desk could have activity codes for different products that they support. It is then easy to see which products generate the most calls, or which product support calls have the highest average talk time. Activity Codes can be used to represent Agent activity as a result of a call, for example, Activity Codes could be established to represent Credit Account Application Letter Sent, or Catalog Posted, etc. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 30 Reports Explained Activity Code Report by # of Pegs Figure 17 Agent Activity Code Report by Number of Pegs This report shows the Activity Codes which have been entered on calls for each Skillset included in the report. For each Agent, the Activity Codes they have entered are listed, in descending order of use, together with the average call duration time, the number of pegs entered and the accumulated time of all the calls that were associated with each Activity code, per Agent. This is a quick and easy way of determining which activities or call types each Agent has spent most time on, or been most frequently involved with (which might not be the same thing). Activity Codes can be used to determine different things. If an Activity Code represented each magazine or publication in which advertisements had been placed and each incoming caller was asked to say where they saw the advertisement they were responding to, it is easy to build up a picture of which publications are the most effective vehicles for your advertisements. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 31 Activity Codes can be used to identify different types of call. For example, a Help Desk could have activity codes for different products that they support. It is then easy to see which products generate the most calls, or which product support calls have the highest average talk time. Activity Codes can be used to represent Agent activity as a result of a call, for example, Activity Codes could be established to represent Credit Account Application Letter Sent, or Catalog Posted, etc. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 32 Reports Explained Summary Report Figure 18 Summary Report The Summary report provides a quick one-report summation of the performance and activity of the Skillsets included in the report. A figure based and an average based table are provided, above a profile which spans the period of the report. For each unit of the profile the number of incoming calls, answered calls, abandoned calls, calls handled in another Skillset, Outgoing Calls and Unstaffed Calls are shown, together with the Grade of Service, expressed as a percentage, are shown. Six graphs are included within the Summary Report, these are shown below. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 33 Figure 19 Summary Report Graphs Page Each of the graphs shows a bar chart profile across the period of the report. This allows correlations of data to be highlighted, which can then be investigated using the other more detailed reports. This report would tend to indicate that there should be some investigation into why the two highest numbers of Outgoing Calls are made at the same time as the two highest numbers of Abandoned Calls, which occurs at the same time. Presenting the information in this fashion makes such anomalies easy to spot, allowing the Supervisor to then look further into the matter. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 34 Reports Explained Call Profile Report Figure 20 Call Profile Report This report shows a profile across the period of the report which shows the numbers of calls presented to the Skillsets in the report, and the number answered, abandoned, Answered by Agents, Voice Mail, operator, Overflow Agents, Non-Agents and Other Skillsets. It also presents the Grade of Service expressed as a percentage. This report can be used to look at the numbers and the ‘fate’ of calls that come in across the profile of the report. How many calls come in the various time slots across the report? Are they Answered, if so, where are they answered, buy the Agents in the Skillset or by something else? These questions can be answered by looking at the Call profile Report. The Call profile Report can also be used to help determine such things as staffing levels. Doing a profile of a week may show a peak of calls on a Wednesday. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 35 Generating a Call Profile report for several weeks prior to the first report will identify whether this is a general trend in an ‘average’ week. Perhaps you need to have a higher staff availability on Wednesdays, for some reason? Perhaps an advertisement is placed weekly in a magazine that comes out on Wednesdays? If Activity Codes are used to track the publication callers are responding to the advertisement from, this could be established quite easily. Activity Codes could also be used to determine whether the observed peak of calls on each Wednesday were calls of the same type on all Wednesdays or whether they were different and Wednesday happened to be a busy day for some other reason. The effectiveness (or otherwise) of a marketing campaign could be seen by running a Call Profile report for the same period for a number of previous year and then running another report for the year with the marketing campaign and comparing the figures, which will automatically be seasonally-adjusted as the reports cover the same period. Figure 21 Call Profile Report Graph Page Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 36 Reports Explained Incoming Call Report Figure 22 Incoming Call Report The Incoming Call Report relates to Incoming Direct and Indirect Calls, not Call Transactions (see Page 4). This report provides a consolidated one line summary of the call traffic into the Skillsets included in the report, and the call handling of that traffic. This report makes it easy to find the answers to such questions as how many calls (Direct and Indirect) were presented to the Skillsets, and how many were Answered and Abandoned. Of those that were Answered, where were they answered, and who by? How many calls were answered before the Primary Alert (P) and how many were answered beyond the Secondary Alert (>S)? Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 37 Unanswered Help Request Report Figure 23 Unanswered Help Request Report This report shows the Help Requests that were made by Agents, but which were not serviced by a Supervisor. This report should be read in conjunction with the Help request Report (see Page 17) to establish the total number of Help Requests and Agent is making. This report can also be used to determine if a Supervisor is refusing too many Help Requests. Issue 1 (2) Reports Explained 38 References References 1 McKay, David Reporting for Call Center Set Up and Operations Guide, Issue 1-09. Reports Explained Issue 1 (2) Index 39 Index A Abandoned, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 33, 36 Abandoned Call, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 33 Abandoned Call Report, 11 Abandoned Calling Line ID Report, 12, 13 Abandoned Time Bins, 11 Activity Code, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35 Activity Code Report by # of Pegs, 30 Activity Code Report by Agent, 28, 30 Activity Code Report by Skillset, 26 Adobe, 7 Agent, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 37 Agent Activity Report, 24 Agent Audit Report, 25 Agent Average Report, 19, 20, 22 Agent Capacity Report, 15 Agent Detail, 19 Agent Profile Report, 22, 24 Answer Time Bins, 9 Answered Call, 9 Answered Calls Report, 9 Available, 7, 16, 22 H Help Request Report, 17, 37 Help Request Unanswered Report, 37 How this guide is organized, 2 How to use this guide, 2 I Incoming Call Report, 36 Indirect Call, 3, 4, 36 In-Progress Calls, 3, 5 Introduction, 2, 3 M Microsoft, 7 Multimedia Call, 3 N B C O Call Average Report, 10, 19 Call Center, 5, 10, 14, 15 Call Profile Report, 12, 14, 34, 35 Call Profile Report Graph, 35 Call Routing, 3, 4 Call Transactions, 4, 9, 36 D Direct Call, 3, 4 Overflow, 34 P Page Range, 8 Primary Alert, 36 Printer, 6 Printing a Report, 6 R E Issue 1 (2) Grade of Service, 32, 34 Graph, 35 Non-Agent, 34 Nortel Networks Reporting for Call Center, 2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 13, 38 Not Ready, 22 Break Time, 21, 22 Excel, 7 Export, 5, 7 G Real Time screens, 19 Report Headers, 5 Report Magnification, 8 Report Periods, 3 Reports Explained 40 Index Report Viewer, 5, 6 Rich Text Format, 7 U S Secondary Alert, 19, 36 Summary Report, 32, 33 Summary Report Graph, 33 T Table of Figures, 1 Time Bins, 9, 10, 11 Title, 5 Reports Explained Unanswered Help Request Report, 37 User, 3 V Voice (PSTN) Call, 3, 9, 11 Voice Mail, 34 Voice PSTN Call, 3, 9, 11 W Windows, 7 Word, 7 Issue 1 (2)
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