Aviat Networks ODU600HB Eclipse ODU 600 User Manual Eclipse

Aviat Networks (S) Pte. Ltd Eclipse ODU 600 Eclipse


Installation Manual

Eclipse ODU 600Installation Manual5.8 GHz Unlicensed BandManual Rev. 001August 2013
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUAL260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 IICopyright & Terms of UseAugust 2013This manual is specific to Eclipse with ODU 600 for split-mount operation on theFCC and Industry Canada 5.8 GHz unlicensed band.Copyright © 2013 by Aviat Networks, Inc.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in aretrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any formor by any means, electronic, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise,without the prior written permission of Aviat Networks Inc.To request permission, contact techpubs@aviatnet.com.WarrantyAviat Networks makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contentshereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties or merchantability or fitnessfor any particular purpose.Further, Aviat Networks reserves the right to revise this publication and to makechanges from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Aviat Networksto notify any person of such revision or changes.Safety RecommendationsThe following safety recommendations must be considered to avoid injuries to personsand/or damage to the equipment:1. Installation and Service Personnel: Installation and service must be carried out byauthorized personnel who have the technical training and experience necessary to beaware of any hazardous operations during installation and service, and of measures toavoid any danger to themselves, to any other personnel, and to the equipment.2. Access to the Equipment: Access to the equipment in use must be restricted to ser-vice personnel only.3. Safety Norms: Recommended safety norms are detailed in the Health and Safetysections of this manual.lLocal safety regulations must be used if mandatory. Safety instructions in thisdocument should be used in addition to the local safety regulations.lIn the case of conflict between safety instructions stated in this manual andthose indicated in local regulations, mandatory local norms will prevail.lShould local regulations not be mandatory, then the safety norms in Volume 1will prevail.
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALIII AVIAT NETWORKS4. Service Personnel Skill: Service personnel must have received adequate technicaltraining on telecommunications and in particular on the equipment this manualrefers to.TrademarksAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.CAUTION:Making adjustments and/or modifications to this equipmentthat are not in accordance with the provisions of this instructionmanual or other supplementary documentation may result in personalinjury or damage to the equipment, and may void the equipment war-ranty.
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUAL260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 IVAviat Networks SupportService and Technical Support:For customer service and technical support, contact one of the regional Technical HelpDesks listed below, or for 24/7 (all day, every day of the year) there is the Global Tech-nical Help Desk (GTHD).The GTHD number is: +1-210-526-6345, or toll free 1-800-227-8332within USAlFor 24/7 access you will need your Support Assurance PIN. Without a PIN youwill still receive support, but the support process will require an additionalscreening step.lAfter-hours calls to Paris are routed to the GTHD. The Paris number is mannedduring business hours.Americas Technical HelpDeskEMEA Technical Help Desk Asia Pacific Technical HelpDeskAviat Networks5200 Great America ParkwaySanta Clara CA 95054U.S.A.Aviat Networks4 Bell DriveHamilton InternationalTechnology ParkBlantyre, Glasgow, ScotlandG72 0FBUnited KingdomAviat NetworksBldg 10, Units A&BPhilexcel Industrial ParkM. Roxas Hi-wayClark Freeport ZonePhilippines 2023Toll Free (Canada/USA): 800227 8332Phone: 210 561 7400Fax: 210 561 7399Phone:Hamilton: +44 (0) 1698 717 230Paris: +33 (0) 1 77 31 00 33Fax: +44 (0) 1698 717 204Phone: +63 45 599 5192Fax: +63 45 599 5196TAC.AM@aviatnet.com TAC.EMEA@aviatnet.com TAC.APAC@aviatnet.comOr you can contact your local Aviat Networks office. Contact information is availableon our website at: http://www.aviatnetworks.com/services/customer-sup-port/technical-assistance/
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALV AVIAT NETWORKSEclipse Product Compliance NotesEclipse has been tested for and meets EMC Directive 2004/108/EC. The equipmentwas tested using screened cable; if any other type of cable is used, it may violate com-pliance.Eclipse is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radiointerference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. Thisequipment is intended to be used exclusively in telecommunications centers.Regulatory Information for the ODU 600, 5.8GHz BandFCC Notices1. The ODU 600, 5.8GHz must be professionally installed and maintained.2. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference whenthe equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in aresidential environment is likely to cause harmful interference in which casethe user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.3. ODU 600, 5.8GHz is compliant with FCC CFR47, Part 15.247.4. To ensure compliance with the FCC RF exposure requirements, a minimumdistance of 18 meters must be maintained between the antenna and anypersons whilst the unit is operational. This calculation is based on themaximum conducted power and maximum antenna gain.5. ODU 600, 5.8GHz has been certified for use with a parabolic antenna with amaximum gain of 45.9dBi or a flat panel antenna with a maximum gain of28dBi.6. The software provided with this product allows for transmission only in thefrequency range 5725 – 5850MHz to ensure compliance with Part 15.247.7. According to the conducted power limit in FCC CFR 47, Part 15.247, thepower for this device has been limited to 1W (30dBm) at the antenna port.8. FCC CFR47, Part 15.247 excludes the use of point-to-multipoint systems,omnidirectional applications and multiple co-located intentional radiators.This system is only for fixed, point-to-point operation.Industry Canada Notices Avis d’Industrie Canada1. The ODU 600, 5.8GHz must be professionally installed and maintained.2. ODU 600, 5.8GHz is compliant with Industry Canada RSS-210.
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUAL260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 VI3. To ensure compliance with the Industry Canada RF exposure requirements inRSS-102, a minimum distance of 18 meters must be maintained between theantenna and any persons whilst the unit is operational. This calculation isbased on the maximum conducted power and maximum antenna gain.4. ODU 600, 5.8GHz has been certified for use with a parabolic antenna with amaximum gain of 45.9dBi or a flat panel antenna with a maximum gain of28dBi.5. The software provided with this product allows for transmission only in thefrequency range 5725 – 5850MHz to ensure compliance with the Canadianband edges.6. According to the conducted power limit in RSS-210 Annex 8, the power forthis device has been limited to 1W (30dBm) at the antenna port.Avis d’Industrie Canada1. L’ODU 600, 5,8 GHz doit être mis en oeuvre et maintenu par desprofessionnels.2. L’ODU 600, 5,8 GHz est conforme à la spécification RSS-210 d’IndustrieCanada.3. Pour assurer la conformité aux exigences d’exposition de la spécification RSS-102 d’Industrie Canada, une distance minimum de 18 mètres entre l’antenneet toute personne doit être assurée quand l’équipement est en fonctionnement.Ce calcul est basé sur la puissance émise maximum et le gain maximum del’antenne.4. L’ODU 600, 5,8 GHz a été homologué avec utilisation d’une antenneparabolique de gain maximum 45,9 dBi ou d’une antenne plane de gainmaximum 28 dBi.5. Le logiciel fournit avec ce produit permet la transmission dans la bande defréquences 5 725 – 5 850 MHz seulement, afin d’assurer la conformité avec leslimites de la bande canadienne.6. En conformité avec la limite de puissance émise de la spécification RSS-210Annexe 8, la puissance de cet équipement a été limitée à 1 W (30 dBm) àl’accès de l’antenne.International Use of 5.8GHzThis system does not employ DFS and, as such, the equipment cannot be deployedwithin Europe or any country where DFS is a regulatory requirement for protection ofradars.WEEE DirectiveIn accordance with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC), Eclipse is marked with the fol-lowing symbol:
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALVII AVIAT NETWORKSThis symbol indicates that this equipment should be collected separately for the pur-poses of recovery and/or recycling.For information about collection and recycling of Aviat Networks equipment pleasecontact your local Aviat Networks sales office. If you purchased your product via a dis-tributor please contact the distributor for information regarding collection and recov-ery/recycling.More information on the WEEE Directive is available at our website:http://www.aviatnetworks.com/products/compliance/weee/.(WEEE is the acronym for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)RoHS DirectiveThe RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) Directive (2002/95/EC) was imple-mented on 1 July, 2006. Eclipse meets the requirements of this directive, as at theimplementation date.Date of ManufactureEclipse date of manufacture information is controlled by serial number. Please contactthe Aviat Networks helpdesk for information regarding serial number format and dateof manufacture.
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUAL260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 VIIIContentsCopyright & Terms of Use iiAviat Networks Support ivEclipse Product Compliance Notes vRegulatory Information for the ODU 600, 5.8GHz Band vWEEE Directive viRoHS Directive viiDate of Manufacture viiContents viiiVOLUME I: INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY 1About the Documentation 3Documentation Conventions and Terminology 3Chapter 1. Health and Safety 5General Health and Safety 6Operator Health and Safety 7General Hazards 8Routine Inspection and Maintenance 11Routine Inspections 11Trend Analysis 11Fault Analysis 12Training 12Spares 12VOLUME II: SYSTEM OVERVIEW 13Chapter 1. System Overview 15Eclipse Node 17INU 17INUe 17Plug-in Cards 18Plug-in Cards Overview 19Data Packet Plane 24Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) 24Adaptive Modulation (AM) 25Coding 25Platforms 26Platform Layout 26Slot Assignments 27ODU 600 for 5.8 GHz ISM Band 28
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALIX AVIAT NETWORKS5.8 GHz Unlicensed Band 28Protection Options 30Link/Path Protection 30Interface Protection 30Network/Data Protection 31Platform Protection 31Licensing 33Capacity Licensing 33Node Feature Licensing 33Node Feature Overview 33Configuration and Management 36Antennas 37Power Supply 38VOLUME III: INSTALLATION 39Chapter 1. Introduction to Installation 41Installation Overview 41Installation Tools and Materials 42Unpacking 42Chapter 2. ODU Installation 43Installing the Antenna 44Installing a Coupler 45Coupler Overview 45Coupler Installation Procedure 45Attaching a Direct-Mounted Coupler 45Unused and Disconnected Coupler Ports 47Installing the ODU 49Direct-Mounted ODU Installation 49Overview 49Setting the Polarization 50Direct-Mount ODU Attachment Procedure 52Remote-Mounted ODUs 53Remote-Mount Overview 53Remote-Mount Installation Procedure 55Waveguide Flange Data: ODUs 56Grounding the ODU 56Installing ODU Cables and Connectors 58ODU Cable Options 58Coaxial Cable Installation Requirements 59ODU Cable Grounding 60TypeN Cable Connectors 62Jumper Cables 62Installing Lightning Surge Arrestors 63Lightning Arrestor Kit 63Arrestor Installation at Building Entry 64
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUAL260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 XBulkhead Installation Procedure: Grounded Copper Entryway Plate 64Bulkhead Installation Procedure: Non-grounded / Non-master Entryway Plate 66Building Entry Installation 67Arrestor Installation at the ODU 68Weatherproofing 69Mastic Tape 69Wrapping Guidelines, Mastic (Butyl) Tape 69Self Amalgamating Tape 70Wrapping Guidelines, Amalgamating Tape 70Chapter 3. INU and INUe Installation 71INU/INUe Overview 72Front Panel Layout 72Power Supply 72Power Consumption and INU Load Maximums 73PCC +24 Vdc Operation 75Power Cables 76Fuses 77Installation Requirements 78Installation Procedure 80Plug-in Installation 83INU/INUe Cable Assemblies 86DAC Trib Connectors and Cables 86DAC 16xV2 Cable and Connector Data 86DAC 4x Cable and Connector Data 92DAC GE3 Ethernet RJ-45 Cables 94DAC Optical Cable and Connector Data 95DAC 155eM Cables 97NMS Connectors and Cables 97NMS 10/100Base-T Connector 97Maintenance V.24 Connector 98Auxiliary and Alarm Connectors and Cables 99AUX Data Cable: Async, HD26 to Wirewrap, 2m 99AUX Data Cable: Sync, HD26 to Wirewrap, 2m 100AUX Data Cable: Async, HD26 to 3 X DB9, 1m 101AUX Data Cable: Sync, HD26 to 3 X DB9, 1m 102AUX Data Cable: Async, AUX HD26 to AUX HD26, 1m 103AUX Data Cable: Sync, AUX HD26 to AUX HD26, 1m 104AUX Alarm I/O Cable: HD15 to Wirewrap, 2m or 5m 105
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALVolume I: Introduction and Safety260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 1
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALAbout the DocumentationThis documentation provides information on the installation of an EclipseMicrowave Radio system comprising the INU/INUe and ODU 600 for operation onthe 5.8 GHz unlicensed band in USA and Canada.Intended AudienceThis information is for use by trained technicians or engineers. It does not provideinformation or instruction on basic technical procedures. Aviat Networks recom-mends you read the relevant sections of this manual thoroughly before beginningany installation or operational procedures.OrganizationThis manual is divided into the following sections:lHealth and Safety RequirementslSystem OverviewlInstallationAdditional ResourcesThe resources identified below contain additional information.lEclipse User Manual.lAviat Networks Microwave Radio System Best Practices Guide. Use to assistin installing, commissioning, and troubleshooting Eclipse and othermicrowave radio products.Contact Aviat Networks or your supplier for availability.Documentation Conventions and TerminologyCaution, Warning and Note CuesThe following cues are used to characterize particular types of associated supportinginformation.CAUTION: A caution item identifies important information pertainingto actions that may cause damage to equipment, loss of data, or cor-ruption of files.WARNING: A warni ng item i denti fies a serious physicaldanger or major possi ble problem.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 3
VOLUME I, CHAPTER 0, INTRODUCTION AND SAFETYAnote item identifies additional inf ormati on about a pro-cedur e or function.4 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALChapter 1. Health and SafetyThis section includes the following health and safety information:lGeneral Health and Safety on page 6lOperator Health and Safety on page 7lGeneral Hazards on page 8lRoutine Inspection and Maintenance on page 11All personnel must comply with the relevant health and safety practices when work-ing on or around Eclipse radio equipment.The Eclipse system has been designed to meet relevant US and European health andsafety standards as outlined in IEC Publication 60950-1.Eclipse is a Class A product. It is intended to be used exclusively in tele-communications centers.Local safety regulations must be used if mandatory. Safety instructions in thisVolume should be used in addition to the local safety regulations. In the case of con-flict between safety instructions stated herein and those indicated in local reg-ulations, mandatory local norms will prevail. Should local regulations not bemandatory, then safety norms herein will prevail.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 5
VOLUME I, CHAPTER 1, HEALTH AND SAFETYGeneral Health and SafetyThis table describes general health and safety information about the Eclipse radio.Topic InformationFlammability The equipment is designed and constructed to minimize the risk of smokeand fumes during a fire.HazardousMaterialsNo hazardous materials are used in the construction of the equipment.HazardousVoltageThe Eclipse system meets global product safety requirements for safetyextra-low voltage (SELV) rated equipment where the input voltage must be48V nominal, 60V maximum.Safety Signs External warning signs or other indicators on the equipment are notrequired.SurfaceTemperaturesThe external equipment surfaces do become warm during operation due toheat dissipation. However, the temperatures reached are not consideredhazardous.6 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALOperator Health and SafetyThe following table describes the precautions that relate to installing or working onthe Eclipse radio.Topic InformationEquipmentProtrusionsThe equipment has been designed to be free of unnecessary protrusions orsharp surfaces that may catch or otherwise cause injury during handling.However, always take care when working on or around the equipment.Laser and FiberOptic Cable HazardsEclipse fiber optic transmitters are IEC60825-1 / 21CFR1040-1 Class Icompliant and present no danger to personnel in normal use. However:Do not look into active unterminated optical ports or fibers. If visualinspection is required ensure the equipment is turned off or, if a fiber cable,disconnect the far end.Follow the manufacturer's instructions when using an optical test set.Incorrect calibration or control settings could result in hazardous levels ofradiation.Protect/cover unconnected optical fiber connectors with dust caps.Place all optical fiber cuttings in a suitable container for safe disposal. Barefibers and fiber scraps can easily penetrate the skin and eyes.Lifting Equipment Be careful when hoisting or lifting the antenna during installation ormaintenance. Antennas with their mounting hardware can weigh in excessof 100kg (220 lb) and require specialized lifting equipment and an operatortrained and certified in its use.Protection from RFExposure: EclipseTo ensure compliance with the FCC and Industry Canada RF exposurerequirements, a minimum distance of 18 meters must be maintainedbetween the antenna and any persons whilst the unit is operational.Safety Warnings When a practice or procedure poses implied or potential harm to the user orto the radio equipment, a warning is included in this manual.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 7
VOLUME I, CHAPTER 1, HEALTH AND SAFETYGeneral HazardsThe following table describes the general hazards that must be addressed when plan-ning and installing an Eclipse system.For more information on health and safety when using Aviat Networks products,refer to the Best Practices Guide.Topic InformationAirflow Requirements Rack installations must be made so the airflow required for safe andcorrect operation of Eclipse is not compromised. For the fan-cooledEclipse INUs, unobstructed air passage must be maintained to eachside of the chassis, which requires a minimum of 50 mm (2 inches) ofside spacing to any rack panels, cable bundles or similar.EMC Eclipse has been tested for and meets EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.The equipment was tested using screened cable; if any other type ofcable is used, it may violate compliance.Eclipse is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this productmay cause radio interference in which case the user may be requiredto take adequate measures. This equipment is intended to be usedexclusively in telecommunications centers.ESD ESD (electrostatic discharge) can damage electronic components.Even if components remain functional, ESD can cause latent damagethat results in premature failure. Always wear proper ESD groundingstraps when changing or handling the plug-in cards and avoid handcontact with the PCB back-plane and top-plane. Connect your ESDgrounding strap to the combined ESD and ground connector on theINU rack ear. Spare plug-in cards or cards to be returned for servicemust be enclosed in an anti-static bag. When removing a card fromthe anti-static bag for installation in an INU, or placing a card in a bag,do so at the INU and only when connected to the INU via your ESDgrounding strap.Circuit Overloading When connecting an Eclipse terminal determine the effect this willhave on the power supply circuit protection devices, and supplywiring. Check Eclipse power consumption specifications and thesupply capability of the power supply system. This check of capacitymust extend to the dc power supply and not just to an intermediateconnection point.Eclipse Indoor Unit andDC Supply GroundingThe ground for Eclipse indoor unit(s) must be connected directly tothe dc supply system ground conductor, or to a bonding jumper froma grounding terminal bar, or bus to which the dc supply systemgrounding is connected.8 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALTopic InformationProtection from RFExposureTo ensure compliance with the FCC and Industry Canada RF exposurerequirements, a minimum distance of 18 meters must be maintainedbetween the antenna and any persons whilst the unit is operational.When installing, servicing or inspecting an antenna always complywith the following:- Do not stand in front of or look into an antenna without firstensuring the associated transmitter or transmitters are switchedoff.- At a multi-antenna site ask the site owner or operator for detailsof other radio services active at the site and for their require-ments/recommendations for protection against potentially harm-ful exposure to RF radiation.- When it is not possible to switch transmitters off at a multi-antenna site and there is potential for exposure to harmful levelsof RF radiation, wear a protective suit.- Do not look into the waveguide port of an ODU or into an unter-minated waveguide when the radio is active.Fiber Optic Cables Handle optical fibers with care. Keep them in a safe and securelocation during installation.Do not attempt to bend them beyond their minimum bend radius.Protect/cover unconnected optical fiber connectors with dust caps.Ground Connections Reliable grounding of the Eclipse system must be maintained. Referto instructions in the manual for equipment grounding.There must be no switching or disconnecting devices fitted in groundconductors.Mains Power SupplyRoutingEclipse dc power, IF, tributary, auxiliary and NMS cables are not to berouted with any AC mains power lines. They are also to be kept awayfrom any power lines which cross them.Maximum AmbientTemperatureThe maximum ambient temperature (Tmra) for Eclipse indoor unitsis +55° C (131° F). Special conditions apply to the INUs - for moreinformation see Power Consumption within Power Supply on page72. To ensure correct operation and to maximize long termcomponent reliability, ambient temperatures must not be exceeded.Operational specification compliance is not guaranteed for higherambients.Mechanical Loading When installing an indoor unit in a rack, ensure the rack is securelyanchored. Ensure that the additional loading of an Eclipse indoor unitor units will not cause any reduction in the mechanical stability of therack.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 9
VOLUME I, CHAPTER 1, HEALTH AND SAFETYTopic InformationPower SupplyConnectionThe Eclipse INUs have the +ve pin on their dc power supplyconnector connected to chassis ground. It must be used with a-48Vdc power supply which has a +ve ground; the power supplyground conductor is the +ve supply to the radio.There must be no switching or disconnecting devices in this groundconductor between the dc power supply and the point of connectionto an Eclipse system.The power supply for an Eclipse system must be located in the samepremises as the Eclipse system.Power SupplyDisconnectAn appropriate power supply disconnect device should be provided aspart of the building installation.Rack Mount TemperatureConsiderationsIf the Eclipse indoor unit is installed in a closed or multi-unit rackassembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rackenvironment may be greater than room ambient. The maximumambient temperature applies to the immediate operatingenvironment of the Eclipse indoor unit, which, if installed in a rack, isthe ambient within the rack.Restricted Access The Eclipse system must be installed in restricted access sites. Theindoor unit and associated power supply must be installed inrestricted areas, such as dedicated equipment rooms, closets,cabinets, or the like. Access to a tower and antenna location must berestrictedNOTE: For USA:In restricted access areas install the Eclipse system in accordancewith articles 110-26 and 110-27 of the 2002 National ElectricalCode ANSI/NFPA 70, or to any subsequent update to this code forthe relevant articles.10 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALRoutine Inspection and MaintenanceThis section overviews required and recommended inspection and maintenance prac-tices to ensure health and safety of installed equipment is maintained to highestlevels. For more information, refer to the Aviat Networks publication: BestPractices.Routine InspectionsAll sites must be inspected annually, or more frequently if subject to abnormal oper-ating conditions such as particularly exposed sites, or sites subject to salt-spray orheavy snow/ice loading over winter months.The inspection should cover the physical installation including the antenna, wave-guide, waveguide pressurization installation, equipment grounding, tower and build-ing grounds, weatherproofing, and general site integrity.Selected ground wires should be resistance checked and then compared with pre-vious checks to ensure there has been no significant change.The operational performance of the radio and associated equipment should bechecked against their as-built figures using the Portal or ProVision alarm and per-formance indicators.Trend AnalysisUse available current and historical Eclipse alarm and performance data to determ-ine any trend that may lead to a failure - if allowed to continue.Check for the following trends:lReducing receive signal levelslGradually increasing bit errors or an increasing errored seconds countlChanges in transmit powerlIncreased frequency of rain fade or other fade conditionslIncreasing occurrence of other weather related changes in performancelIncreasing occurrence of a particular hardware failureTime spent in conducting such analysis is time well spent. Catching a problembefore it brings down the network is good network management.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 11
VOLUME I, CHAPTER 1, HEALTH AND SAFETYFault AnalysisAll faults, once cleared, should be the subject of a fault report. The data presented inthese reports should be analyzed from time to time to check for any commonthreads, which may point to a particular weakness in the design, installation, ormaintenance of the network or to a specific component.The time taken to restore service and the parts used should also be analyzed to see ifimprovements are possible in the maintenance procedures, maintenance trainingand spares holdings.TrainingProperly trained and experienced planning and installation personnel are essentialfor establishing and maintaining high integrity in a new network. Similarly, properlytrained network management and service personnel are essential for the continuedgood health of a network.The training needs for personnel should be reviewed from time-to-time to ensurethey maintain expertise in their area of work, and on the installed base.SparesSpares holdings should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure the correct quantityand type are held, and held at the most appropriate locations.Analysis of spares usage will show any trend for excessive use of spares, which maypoint to a weakness in the deployment or manufacture of the item.Spares holdings should also be checked from time to time and if necessary broughtup to the current hardware and/or software revision level.12 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALVolume II: System Overview260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 13
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALChapter 1. System OverviewThis section overviews features and capabilities of the Eclipse node (INU/INUe) withcompanion ODU 600 for use on the 5.8 GHz unlicensed band.5.8 GHz operation is compliant with FCC CFR47 Part 15.247, and Industry CanadaRSS-210.lIt has been tested and certified for use with a parabolic antenna with amaximum gain of 45.9 dBi.Operation is split-mount comprising an indoor rack-mounted INU or INUe, and oneor more tower-mounted ODU 600s.lEclipse supports multiple radio links from a common indoor unit.lPath, equipment, and data protection options support comprehensive link,network and data redundancy.lPlug-in cards on the INU or INUe provide a wide choice of user interfaces andradio link operation.lThe node-based concept eliminates most ancillary equipment and externalcabling, and offers smooth upgrade paths for next generation networks.Figure1.INUe260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 15
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWFigure 1-1. Pole-mounted ODU 600 with AntennaMEF Certified. Eclipse meets MEF 9 and MEF 14 requirements for carrier-classEthernet inter-operability and performance.lMEF 9 specifies the User Network Interface (UNI)lMEF 14 specifies Quality of Service (QoS)Aviat Networks is ISO90001:2008 and TL9000 Certified. Full certificationmeans all departments and business units within Aviat Networks have been strictlyassessed for compliance to both standards. It testifies that Aviat Networks is a cer-tified supplier of products, services and solutions to the highest ISO and Tele-communication standards available.See:lEclipse Node on page 17lODU 600 for 5.8 GHz ISM Band on page 28lProtection Options on page 30lLicensing on page 33lConfiguration and Management on page 36lAntennas on page 37lPower Supply on page 38For more comprehensive inf ormation on Ecl ipse fea-tures, speci fications, and operation refer to theEclipse Product Descri ption and Ecli pse Datasheets.16 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALEclipse NodeEclipse node is available as the 1RU INU, or 2RU INUe.Mandatory plug-ins are the NCC (Node Control Card) and FAN (Fan card). Optionalplug-ins include RAC (Radio Access Card), DAC (Digital Access Card), AUX (Aux-iliary), NPC (Node Protection Card), and PCC (Power Converter Card).It is designed to operate from a -48 Vdc power supply (+ve earth). For locationswhere the power supply is +24 Vdc, a plug-in PCC option provides a voltage con-version function.INUThe INU requires one NCC and one FAN, and has provision for four option plug-ins.It supports a maximum of three ODUs for three non-protected links, or one pro-tected/diversity link and one non-protected link.Figure 1-2. INUINUeThe INUe (INU extended) requires one NCC and one 2RU FAN, and has provision forten option cards. It supports a maximum of six ODUs for six non-protected links, orup to three protected/diversity links.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 17
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWFigure 1-3. INUeSee:lPlug-in Cards on page 18lData Packet Plane on page 24lAdaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) on page 24lPlatforms on page 26Plug-in CardsPlug-in cards for the INU or INUe enable quick and easy customization on Eclipseconfigurations. All cards are hot-pluggable.RACs support the radio modem function. In the transmit direction they take thedigital traffic from the backplane or data packet plane and convert it to an IF signalfor connection to an ODU 600. The reverse occurs in the receive direction.lOne RAC/ODU 600 combination is used for a 1+0 link.lTwo RACs with two ODUs are used for 1+1 hot-standby or diversity links.lRACs control TX switching and RX voting on protected / diversity links.DACs support the user interface.lDifferent DACs support Ethernet, DS1, DS3, and OC3 connections.lMultiplexer DACs support transport of OC3 or DS3 with NxDS1 rates.lEthernet DACs support a L2 switch function. DAC GE3 supports advancedoptions for Synchronous Ethernet, ring/mesh protection, QoS, buffermanagement, link aggregation, VLAN tagging, and OAM.lMost DACs can be protected using a stacked (paired) configuration.lDS1, DS3, and OC3 DACs support Ethernet-over-TDM options to enableEthernet transport over legacy TDM radio or leased-line links.AUX (Auxiliary card) supports async or sync service-channel connections, andalarm I/O options for connection to external devices.18 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALNCC (Node Controller Card) provides Node management and DC-DC converter func-tions. NCC is a mandatory card.lIt manages Node operation and event collection and management.lIt incorporates a router function for local and remote network managementinterconnection.lNode configuration and licensing data is held in flash-memory.lPower supply: -48 Vdc (SELV -40.5 to -60 Vdc).FAN (Fan card) provides forced-air cooling. FAN is a mandatory card.NPC (Node Protection Card) provides 1+1 protection functions for the NCC powersupply and backplane management.PCC (Power Conversion Card) supports operation from a +24 Vdc power supply.Plug-in Cards OverviewFor detail ed inf ormation on the pl ug-ins refer to theEclipse Pl atf orm Product Description.RAC 60ERAC 60E supports DPP (Data Packet Plane) operation, ACM (Adaptive Coding andModulation), and airlink recovered timing (ART) for high accuracy radio transport ofa SyncE clock.There are four dynamically switched modulation rates; QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM,256 QAM. Coding options additionally apply on each of these modulations, one formaximum throughput, one for maximum gain, to provide an effective total of eightmodulation states.lMaximum throughput delivers maximum data throughput - at the expense ofsome system gain.lMaximum gain delivers best system gain - at the expense of some throughput.lUp to four of the eight modulation states offered with ACM can be selected foruse.lModulation switching (state change) is errorless for priority traffic.A DPP port enables direct routing of Ethernet traffic to a DAC GE3.Individual ACM modulations can be set as fixed rates.Channel bandwidths for ISM band operation range from 5 to 40 MHz.ART operation is designed to meet G.8262 synchronization mask requirements forSyncE clock transport.Figure 1-4. RAC 60E260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 19
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWDAC GE3DAC GE3 capabilities include Synchronous Ethernet, link aggregation, policing,ring/mesh protection and Ethernet service OAM.lThree RJ-45 10/100/1000Base-T portslTwo multi-purpose SFP ports with plug-ins for:oOptical LC, 1000Base-LX, 1310 nm single-modeoOptical LC, 1000Base-SX, 850 nm multi-modeoElectrical RJ-45 10/100/1000Base-TlSix transport channel (TC) portslComprehensive QoS traffic prioritization and scheduling options:o802.1p mappingoDiffServ mapping (IPv4, IPv6)oMPLS Exp bits mappingoStrict priority schedulingoDeficit Weighted-Round-Robin (DWRR) schedulingoHybrid strict + DWRR schedulingoEight transmission queueslTraffic policing using TrTCM (two rate, three color metering) with remarkingoptionslL2 LAG (IEEE 802.1AX), static and LACPlL1LA (Layer 1 link aggregation)lAdvanced options for VLAN tagging, including Q (802.1Q), QinQ (802.1ad),Filtering, TranslationlSynchronous Ethernet with Stratum 3 hold-over performance on timingsubsystemlRSTP (IEEE 802.1w)lERP (ITU-T 8032v2)lEthernet service OAM (IEEE 802.1ag/IYU-T Y.1731: ETH-CC, ETH-LB, ETH-LT)lData packet plane (DPP) and/or backplane traffic interconnection to RACslAdvanced traffic shaping for fixed and adaptive modulation linkslSuperior burst management with 1500 Kbytes shared memory across activeportslStorm controllJumbo frames to 10 Kbytes bi-directionallFlow control (IEEE 802.3x)l1+1 port and card protectionlInter-frame gap (IFG) and preamble stripping and re-insertionlRMON stats per port, channel, and queue20 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALFigure 1-5. DAC GE3DAC 16xV2DAC 16xV2 supports 16xDS1 tributaries on compact HDR connectors.Features additional to those provided by DAC 16x include:lTributary protectionlEthernet over DS1 tribslIndividual line code selection for AMI or B8ZS on DS1 tribsFigure 1-6. DAC 16xV2DAC 4XDAC 4x supports 4xDS1 tributaries on individual RJ-45 connectors.Figure 1-7. DAC 4XDAC 3xDS3DAC 3xDS3 supports 3xDS3 tributaries on paired mini-BNC connectors.Figure 1-8. DAC 3xE3/DS3DAC 3xDS3MDAC 3xDS3M supports operational modes of:lNormal DS3 tributary operation (as for DAC 3xDS3)lM13 multiplexer mode. One or two DS3 interfaces are multiplexed to an NxDS1backplane.lDS3 Ethernet mode to enable up to 43 Mbit/s Ethernet over legacy TDM radioor leased-line links (links must support transparent DS3).Tribs are supported on paired mini-BNC connectors.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 21
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWFigure 1-9. DAC 3xE3/DS3MDAC 2x155eDAC 2x155e supports two OC3 electrical (STS3) tributaries on paired BNC con-nectors.Figure 1-10. DAC 2x155eDAC 1x155oDAC 1x155o supports one OC3 single-mode optical tributary on SC connectors.Figure 1-11. DAC 1x155oDAC 2x155oDAC 2x155o supports two OC3 single-mode optical tributaries on SC connectors.Figure 1-12. DAC 2x155oDAC 155oMDAC 155oM multiplexes an OC3 optical tributary to an NxDS1 backplane. The userinterface is provided on an SFP optical transceiver. Different SFPs support 1310nmsingle-mode, or 850nm multi-mode.It functions as a terminal multiplexer; it terminates or originates the OC3 frame. Itdoes not support interconnection of ADMs as there is no provision to transport OC3overheads for ADM to ADM synchronization.In virtual tributary mode it transports up to 130 Mbit/s Ethernet over an OC3 link.Options are provided for external/recovered, or internal clock sourcing.Figure 1-13. DAC 155oM22 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALDAC 155eMDAC 155eM multiplexes an OC3 electrical tributary to an NxDS1 backplane. The userinterface is provided on an SFP electrical transceiver.It functions as a terminal multiplexer; it terminates or originates the OC3 frame. Itdoes not support interconnection of ADMs as there is no provision to transport OC3overheads for ADM to ADM synchronization.In virtual tributary mode it transports up to 130 Mbit/s Ethernet over an OC3 link.Options are provided for external/recovered, or internal clock sourcing.Figure 1-14. DAC 155oMAUXAUX provides synchronous and/or asynchronous auxiliary data channels, NMS port-ing, and alarm input and output functions. Data options are sync at 64 kbps orasync to 19.2 kbps.Figure 1-15.NCCThe NCC is a mandatory plug-in for an INU/INUe. It performs key node man-agement and control functions, and provides various dc rails from the -48 Vdcinput. It also incorporates a plug-in flash card, which holds Node configuration andlicense data.Power input limits are -40.5 to -60 Vdc. The power connector is a D-Sub M/F 2W2.The +ve dc return pin is connected to chassis ground.Figure 1-16. NCCFANThe FAN is a mandatory plug-in. There are two variants, 2RU and 1RU. Each is fit-ted with two long-life axial fans plus monitoring and control circuits.One 1RU FAN is fitted in an INU.One 2RU FAN or two 1RU FANs are fitted in the INUe. The 2RU FAN is standard.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 23
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWFigure 1-17. FAN (1RU)NPCNPC provides redundancy for the NCC backplane bus management and power sup-ply functions.Figure 1-18. NPCPCCThe PCC provides a voltage conversion function for use at locations where the powersupply is +24 Vdc. It converts +24 (19 to 36) Vdc to -56 Vdc for connection to theINU -48Vdc input. -56 Vdc represents the typical float voltage for a battery-backed -48 Vdc supply.Figure 1-19. PCCData Packet PlaneThe high-performance data packet plane (DPP) operates independently of the back-plane.The DPP is enabled via direct cable connection between the front panel packet dataport on a RAC 60E, and a front-panel port on a DAC GE3. Customer traffic con-nected to the DACs is bridged to the RACs, and then to the RF transceiver; the ODU600.Where required, customer data can also be sourced via the circuit-switched back-plane, meaning both the DPP and backplane can be used to source/send traffic. Thishas special relevance where native mixed-mode IP + TDM traffic is to be sent over anEclipse wireless link; GigE IP traffic via the DPP, and TDM traffic via the backplane.Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM)Advanced ACM options are provided using RAC 60E plug-in.24 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALlAdaptive modulation maximizes use of available channel bandwidth.lCoding provides options for maximum throughput or maximum system gainon each modulation rate.Adaptive Modulation (AM)AM uses one of four automatically and dynamically switched modulations - QPSK,16 QAM, 64 QAM, or 256 QAM. For a given RF channel bandwidth a two-foldimprovement in data throughput is provided for a change from QPSK to 16 QAM, athree-fold improvement to 64 QAM, and a four-fold improvement to 256 QAM.In many instances the link parameters that supported the original system gain canbe retained. For example, the antenna sizes and Tx power used for an original QPSKlink on a 7 MHz channel are unchanged when operated on 256 QAM using adaptivemodulation. The adaptive modulation engine ensures that the highest throughput isalways provided based on link quality.Modulation switching is hitless/errorless. During a change to a lower modulation,remaining higher priority traffic is not affected. Similarly, existing traffic is unaf-fected during a change to a higher modulation.Note that while adaptive modulation can also be used on PDH links and combinedPDH and Ethernet links, unlike Ethernet there is no QoS synergy on PDH con-nections.Ethernet connections enjoy real synergy through the QoS awareness on the DAC GE3GigE switch, and the service provisioning provided by any MPLS or PBB-TE networkoverlay. All high priority traffic, such as voice and video, continues to get throughwhen path conditions are poor. Outside these conditions 'best effort' lower prioritytraffic, such as email and file transfers enjoy data bandwidths that can be up to fourtimes the guaranteed bandwidth.DS1 connections by comparison are dropped in user-specified order when link capa-city is reduced, and restored when capacity is increased.CodingModulation code options provide two sets of modulation states, one for maximumthroughput, the other for maximum gain. These apply on each of the modulationrates (QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, 256 QAM) to provide a total of eight modulationstates.Maximum throughput delivers maximum data throughput - at the expense of somesystem gain.Maximum gain delivers best system gain - at the expense of some throughput.Up to four of the eight modulation states offered with ACM can be selected for use.For example:lWith four modulation rates, each can be set for maximum throughput ormaximum gain.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 25
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWlWith three modulation rates, such as 16 QAM, 64 QAM, 256 QAM, one rate(any) can be set for maximum gain and additionally for maximumthroughput, to provide four step AM operation.lWith two modulation rates, such as 16 QAM (or 64 QAM) with 256 QAM,each can be set for maximum gain and additionally for maximum throughput,to provide four step AM operation.This feature provides a practical trade-off between capacity and system gain to fine-tune link performance. It provides best balance on AM operation.The four modulation rates support near-linear 2x, 3x, 4x capacity steps.The coding options allow capacity/gain variations on these rates to always supportup to four steps, even when just two of the possible four modulation rates are in use,or are permitted.Even where just one modulation rate is required/permitted, the coding option sup-ports two-step AM operation, one for maximum throughput, one for maximum gain.PlatformsEclipse supports flexible customization of traffic type, traffic capacity, and traffic pro-tection for up to three links using the INU, and to six links using the INUe.Platform LayoutPlatformINU Supports 3 non-protected links or 1 pro-tected/diversity and 1 non-protected link.1RU.INUe Supports up to 6 non-protected links for:1 protected/diversity and 4 non-protected links,or2 protected/diversity and 2 non-protected links,or3 protected/diversity links.2RU.ODU 600 QPSK to 256 QAM, 5.8 GHz ISM band (USA andCanada).Requires RAC 60E. Fixed or adaptive modulationrates.26 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALSlot AssignmentsSlotsINU - Slots 1, 2, 3, 4 are universal: any RAC, DAC, orAUX plug-in- Slot 4 is NPC or universal: NPC or any RAC, DAC,AUX- NCC and FAN slots are dedicated- For protected operation the RAC/RAC, RAC/DAC155oM, or DAC/DAC pairings can be installed inany of the universal slotsINUe - Slots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are universal: any RAC,DAC, or AUX plug-in- Slots 7, 8, 9 are restricted: any DAC, or AUX,except DAC 155oM/eM and AUX where NMSaccess is required1- Slot 10 is restricted: NPC option only- NCC and FAN slots are dedicated - the INUe issupplied standard with a single 2RU FAN,though accepts two 1RU FANs- RAC/RAC, or RAC/DAC 155oM/eM protected pair-ings must be installed in the positions indicatedby the arrows- For protected DACs, the protection partners canbe installed in slots 1 to 9, except for the DAC155oM/eM where NMS access is needed, inwhich case install only in slots 1 to 6Data is transported natively over an Eclipse wireless li nk,whether Ethernet or TDM.1Internal (backplane bus) NMS access is only provided on slots 1 to 6. Do not install DAC155oM, DAC 155eM, or AUX in slots 7 to 9 if an NMS connection is required in their con-figuration.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 27
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWODU 600 for 5.8 GHz ISM BandODU 600 supports fixed modulation or adaptive modulation (with RAC 60E).lLicense-based upgrades enable transition from Tx standard power to highpower Flexible Power Mode (FPM).lODU 600 is supplied with diplexers for Tx high or Tx low working.lODU 600 is designed for direct-antenna mounting, but can be remotemounted using an ODU remote-mount kit.lEqual-loss and unequal-loss direct-mounting couplers are available for hot-standby or frequency diversity single antenna operation.5.8 GHz Unlicensed BandEclipse INUs with ODU 600 are compliant with FCC CFR47, Part 15.247, andIndustry Canada RSS-210 Annex 8, on ISM frequency band 5725 to 5850 MHz. Inter-national use is not supported; the system does not employ DFS and as such cannotbe deployed within Europe or any country where DFS is a regulatory requirement forprotection of radars.Features and Capabilities:lBandwidths 5, 10, 20, 30, or 40 MHz.lAdaptive or fixed modulation options.lSupports Ethernet and/or NxDS1 payloads, with air-link capacities to 254Mbps (40 MHz Ch BW).lHot-standby and diversity protection options.lOutput power is limited to 28 dBm at the waveguide port to ensurecompliance with the FCC 1 Watt rule.lFor Tx power and system gain figures, see the Eclipse ODU 600 datasheet.Operational Limitations and RestrictionsUnlicensed band operation means sharing the air-space with other operators of unli-censed band links. Interference is possible.lODU 600 5.8 GHz operation is 'narrow-band'; it competes/shares spectrumwith other narrow-band links and with spread-spectrum links.lPerformance could deteriorate over time with the introduction of other links inthe same geographical area.lAntennas must be approved (FCC or Industry Canada) for 5.8 GHz unlicensedband.28 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALoODU 600 at 5.8 GHz is certified for use with a parabolic antenna with amaximum gain of 45.9 dBi.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 29
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWProtection OptionsEclipse supports link, interface, network, and platform protection options:Link/Path ProtectionHot-standby, space diversity, or frequency diversity options are supported.Rx voting is hitless/errorless; Tx switching is not hitless. The maximum restorationtime for a Tx switch is 200 ms.A remote Tx switch is forced in the event of a silent Tx failure.Interface ProtectionDS1, DS3 and OC3 interfaces can be hot-standby protected using paired (stacked)DACs.The protectable DACs are DAC 16x V2, DAC 3xDS3, DAC 3xDS3M, DAC 2x155o,DAC 2x155e, DAC 155oM.When a switch occurs, all Tx and/or Rx tributaries are switched to the protectionpartner.Two protection configurations are supported, tributary protection, and always-on:Tributary ProtectionlY cables connect the paired DACs to customer equipment.lIn the Rx direction (from the customer) both DACs receive data, but only theonlineRx DAC sends this data to the TDM bus.lIn the Tx direction, the online Tx DAC sends data to customer equipment, theother mutes its Tx line interface.Tributary Always-OnlSeparate cables connect each DAC to customer equipment.lIn the Rx direction (from the customer) both DACs receive data, but only theonline Rx DAC sends this data to the TDM bus.lIn the transmit direction both DACs send data to customer equipment, andthe customer equipment switches between these two always-on tributaries.Protection switching is not hitless. The maximum restoration time for a Tx or Rx tribswitch is 200 ms. Typical restoration times are between 80 ms and 120 ms.30 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALNetwork/Data ProtectionlEthernet ring network protection is supported on DAC GE3 using ERP (ITU-T8032v2 Ethernet Ring Protection) or RSTP (IEEE 802.1w).lEthernet data redundancy is supported on L1 and L2 link-aggregated links(DAC GE3).lPDH ring protection is supported by an DS1 loopswitch capability, or a ring-wrap Super PDH (SPDH) option.Ethernet Ring and Mesh NetworksERP uses standard Ethernet bridging and OAM protocols and OAM automatic pro-tection switching (APS) messaging to provide a fast-acting protection mechanism forring networks.RSTP uses a development of the spanning tree protocol (STP) to prevent networkloops and provide path redundancy.Ethernet Link Aggregation (N+0 Protection)Traffic redundancy is supported on co-path Ethernet links using L1 or L2 link aggreg-ation. If one link fails its traffic is recovered on the remaining link or links. While thereduced bandwidth may result in some traffic loss for low-priority traffic, appro-priate QoS settings should ensure security for all higher priority traffic.PDH Ring ProtectionEclipse supports two DS1 ring protection mechanisms, loop-switch and SPDH.lThe loop-switch function configures a bi-directional redundant ring with ahitless switching capability. Rings can be configured using RACs, andPDH/SDH mux DACs.lSPDH uses a ring-wrap mechanism formed on east/west facing RAC/RAC orRAC/DAC 155oM combinations. Switching is not hitless.Platform ProtectionPlatform management functions provided by the NCC are protected using the NPCoption to protect essential Backplane Bus and power supply functions.Bus ProtectionlProtects all circuit/tributary traffic. Alarm I/O is not protected.lSwitching is not hitless for an NCC bus clock failure; restoration is within 200ms, during which time all traffic on the NTU is affected.lWhen the bus clock has switched to NPC control, it will not automaticallyrevert to NCC control on restoration of the NCC. Return to NCC controlrequires either withdrawal/failure of the NPC, or use of diagnostic commands.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 31
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWPower Supply ProtectionlProtection is hitless for an NCC power supply failure. If the NCC converter orone of its supply rails fails, the NPC will take over without interruption. Andvice versa.lWith an NPC installed, the NCC can be withdrawn and replaced withoutfurther impacting traffic.lFor 24 Vdc operation two PCCs are required for platform protection, one eachfor the NCC and NPC.32 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALLicensingEclipse is subject to capacity and feature licensing.Capacity LicensingCapacity licensing is INU and INUe based (node-based). A single license appliesacross all installed RACs installed in an INU/INUe.lLicensed capacity ranges from 50 Mbps with license EZE-08001, to 2 Gbpswith license EZE-08010lCapacity license is auto-allocated or user-allocated between installed RACs.lUpgrade licenses are available to increase existing capacity supported on anode.Node Feature LicensingFeature licenses provide access to extended Eclipse functionality.lA feature license is a node-based license - it applies across all relevant cardsinstalled in the node.lWhen a feature is required on a new node it is ordered together with thecapacity license for the node.lFeature licenses can be separately ordered as upgrades on existing nodes.Node Feature OverviewFeature Licenses:EZF-01: Layer 1 Link Aggregation (DAC GE3)L1 link aggregation (L1LA) splits traffic between links on a byte-segment basis.It supports higher burst capacities compared to L2 link aggregation - throughputcan burst to the aggregated total capacity, unlike L2 link aggregation.L1LA (like L2 link aggregation) supports redundancy - data from a failed link is dir-ected onto the remaining link, or links.L1LA on DAC GE3 is modulation-aware; load re-balancing occurs on modulationchange under adaptive modulation.EZF-02: Adaptive Modulation (RAC 60E)Modulation is automatically and dynamically switched between modulation selec-tions.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 33
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWEZF-03: Secure Management (NMS)Secure Management applies to Eclipse NMS access over the network, and to localaccess via the Portal craft tool.lProvides secure management access to Eclipse over an unsecured network.lProtects Eclipse configurations from accidental or intentional modification byunauthorized personnel.lKeeps track of all events for accountability.lBased on FIPS 140-2 validated algorithms.EZF-04: Payload Encryption (RAC 60E)Payload Encryption encrypts payload and management data on the wireless link toprevent eavesdropping.lChecks integrity of each data frame in the wireless link to ensure that receiveddata has been sent by the intended transmitter.lProvides the same level of security as Wi-Fi and WiMAX.lFIPS-197 compliant.lCan be enabled/disabled independently for each wireless link.lMeets US federal and commercial requirements.EZF-05: Ethernet over TDM (DS3, DS1)Enables mapping of Ethernet data to DS3, DS1 PDH interfaces using the DAC3xDS3M or DAC 16xV2. Applies where a customer wishes to transport Ethernet dataover existing DS3 or NxDS1 radio or leased-line circuits.lEthernet data from the Eclipse backplane is mapped into a DS3 frame as DS1(1.544 Mbps) multiples to a maximum 28xDS1, to support a maximum datarate (available bandwidth for Ethernet) of 43 (43.232) Mbps per DS3. The DS3connection must support unframed/transparent DS3.lEthernet data is mapped into NxDS1 frames at 1.544 Mbps per DS1 to amaximum 16xDS1 on the DAC 16xV2, to support a maximum data rate(available bandwidth for Ethernet) of 24 (24.7) Mbps.EZF-06: RADIUS ClientEnables connection validation to a RADIUS server for centralized account man-agement.EZF-09: Synchronous EthernetEnables Synchronous Ethernet operation on DAC GE3 cards.EZF-10: Ethernet OAM/ERPEnables access to DAC GE3 Ethernet OAM and ERP capabilities.EZF-51 to EZF-56: ODU 600 High Tx Power.Unlocks an additional 3dB of transmit power over standard power. Applies, on allmodulations. It also increases the manual and ATPC transmit power control rangeby 3dB.34 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALlEZF-51: ODU 600 High power option 1 x ODUlEZF-52: ODU 600 Nodal High power option 2 x ODUlEZF-53: ODU 600 Nodal High power option 3 x ODUlEZF-54: ODU 600 Nodal High power option 4 x ODUlEZF-55: ODU 600 Nodal High power option 5 x ODUlEZF-56: ODU 600 Nodal High power option 6 x ODU260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 35
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWConfiguration and ManagementEclipse is a software-driven product; there are no manual controls. Configurationand management is achieved via Portal and ProVision.Portal is a PC based configuration and diagnostics tool for Eclipse.ProVision is the Eclipse network element manager. ProVision also supports otherAviat Networks products, including legacy products.Portal is supported in the Eclipse system software, such that once installed on aPC, it automatically downloads support from the radio as needed to ensure Portalalways matches the version of system software supplied, or subsequently down-loaded in any radio upgrade.Portal has the look and feel of a Windows environment with screen-based views andprompts for all configuration and diagnostic attributes.A Portal PC connects to an INU/INUe using Ethernet or V.24 options.For more information refer to the Eclipse Configuration Guide.ProVision is the network element manager for all Aviat Networks radios (currentand legacy). ProVision also supports partner products, including multiplexors,switches, routers, and power systems.ProVision is installed on a Windows or Solaris server, typically at a network oper-ating center, and communicates with network elements using standard LAN/WANIP addressing and routing; each radio has its own unique IP address.For more information, refer to the Aviat Networks ProVision User Guide.Secure Access from Portal and ProVision is enabled through the Secure Managementand RADIUS Client strong security options.36 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALAntennasParabolic antennas for the 5.8 GHz unlicensed band must be FCC approved have amaximum gain not exceeding 45.9 dBi.For information on approved antenna types and availability, contact Aviat Networksor your supplier.The antenna mounts used are designed for installation on industry-standard 115mm OD (4.5 inch) pipe-mounts.For information on installing and aligning antennas, refer to the data supplied withthe antennas.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 37
VOLUME II, CHAPTER 1, SYSTEM OVERVIEWPower SupplyEclipse is designed to operate from a -48Vdc power supply (+ve earth) but will oper-ate to specification over a voltage range of -40.5 to -60Vdc.A plug-in PCC option provides a voltage conversion function for locations where thepower supply is +24 Vdc. It converts +24 (19 to 36) Vdc to -56 Vdc for connection tothe INU -48Vdc input. -56 Vdc represents the typical float voltage for a battery-backed -48 Vdc supply.One PCC supports a maximum three ODUs, plus any combination of RACs andDACs.The dc power supply must be UL or IEC compliant for SELV (Safety Extra LowVoltage) output (60Vdc maximum limited).38 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALVolume III: Installation260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 39
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALChapter 1. Introduction toInstallationThis section provides a list of recommended installation tools and materials, and aprocedure for unpacking and checking the equipment.Eclipse has been tested for and meets EMC Di r ective89/336/EEC. The equipment was tested using screened cable;if any other type of cable is used, it may violate compliance.CAUTION:Eclipse is a Class A product. In a domestic environment itmay cause radio interference: be prepared to resolve this. Eclipseequipment is intended to be used exclusively in telecommunicationscenters.WARNING: You must comply wi th the relevant healthand safety practices when wor king on or aroundEclipse r adio equi pment. Refer to Health and Safety onpage 5Installation OverviewThe following list provides a basic guide, in order, of an Eclipse hardware install-ation process.Hardware installation typically proceeds as follows:1. Pre-InstallationlUnpack equipment - see Unpacking on page 42lVerify system configurationlCheck basic componentslCheck kits and accessories2. InstallationlAntenna - refer to the antenna manufacturer's installation instructionslODU 600 - see ODU Installation on page 43lINU chassis - see INU and INUe Installation on page 71lINU plug-in cards - see Plug-in Installation on page 83lTraffic and NMS cables - as requiredFor mor e information on i nstal l ati on practi ce refer to theAviat Networks' publication 'Best Practices Guide'.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 41
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 1, INTRODUCTION TO INSTALLATIONInstallation Tools and MaterialsEnsure you have the following tools and material before going to site. These areitems to be sourced/supplied by the installer.The items are indicative for standard installations. For non-standard installationsadditional materials and tools may be required.Table 1-1. Required Tools and MaterialEquipment Tool/Material DescriptionAntenna As required by themanufacturer/supplierRefer to the manufacturer’s data supplied with each antennafor required and recommended installation tools andequipment. (Aviat Networks offers antennas from severalsuppliers).Eclipse Radios Basic electrician’s toolkit The kit must include a crimp lugs, a crimp tool for attaching thelugs to stranded copper cable, a multimeter.Torque wrench Capable of 66 N-m or 50 ft-lb, with a selection of sockets forantenna mount fasteningHot-air gun For use on the heat-shrink tubing.Protective grease andzinc-rich paintFor weather-protecting grounding attachment points on towersand grounding bars.4mm2(#12) green PVCinsulated strand copperwire and grounding lugsFor grounding the indoor unit to the rack/frame16 mm2(#6) green PVCinsulated strand copperwire and grounding lugsFor grounding the rack to the station ground.UnpackingTo unpack Eclipse equipment:lOpen the shipping boxes, carefully remove the equipment and place it on aclean, flat working surface.lEnsure all the basic components and accessories for your system have beenincluded in the shipment by comparing the packaging, component partnumbers and product descriptions against the packing list, and cross-checkingagainst the installation datapack for the system to be installed.lIf there has been shipping damage or there are discrepancies between theequipment expected and the equipment received, contact an Aviat NetworksHelp Desk or your supplier.42 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALChapter 2. ODU InstallationThis section describes installation procedures for ODU 600 and associated antennas,couplers and cables. Refer to:lInstalling the Antenna on page 44lInstalling a Coupler on page 45lInstalling the ODU on page 49lInstalling ODU Cables and Connectors on page 58lInstalling Lightning Surge Arrestors on page 63lWeatherproofing on page 69260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 43
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONInstalling the AntennaBefore going to the antenna installation site, check that you have the required install-ation tools as recommended by the antenna manufacturer.Also make sure you have the data needed to locate the antenna on the tower, and toset its polarization and initial pointing.lThe parabolic antennas available from Aviat Networks for the 5.8 GHzunlicensed band are FCC approved and have a maximum gain not exceeding45.9 dBi.lThey include a collar for direct-mounting the ODU.lThe collar includes a polarization rotator.lThe antenna mount is designed for installation on industry-standard 115 mmOD (4.5 inch) pipe-mounts.lAll antennas are supplied with an installation guide.lFor information more information contact Aviat Networks or your supplier.Refer to the Aviat Networks Best Practices Guide for supporting data.44 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALInstalling a CouplerRefer to:lCoupler Overview on page 45lCoupler Installation Procedure on page 45lUnused and Disconnected Coupler Ports on page 47Coupler OverviewCouplers for protected hot-standby operation are available for equal loss or unequalloss.lFor equal loss the attenuation per side is nominally 3.5 dB (3.5 / 3.5 dB),which applies to both the transmit and receive directions, meaning theadditional total one-way attenuation compared to a non-protected link is 7dB.lFor unequal loss the attenuation is nominally 1.5/6.5 dB.When using a coupler to combine two ODUs onto a single polarization, the operatingchannels must be chosen from within the same diplexer option. If the two ODUs arenot from the same tuning/diplexer option then interference may occur, resulting indegraded link performance.For informati on on unequal coupl er (combiner) rationale r eferto the Best Practices Guide.5.8 GHz coupler waveguide flanges have a UAR70 6 hole (IEC) pattern flange on theODU ports and UDR on the antenna-facing port.Coupler Installation ProcedureA coupler installation guide is included wi th each coupl er.The following procedure summarizes installation of a direct-mounted coupler. Acoupler may also be remote-mounted, with a single flexible waveguide used to con-nect the coupler to its antenna.Attaching a Direct-Mounted CouplerBefore installing a coupler check there will be sufficient mechanical clearance for thecoupler and its ODUs. There should be no clearance issues using Aviat Networks’approved antennas when installed correctly on its mount with the appropriate left or260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 45
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONright offset. However care must be taken at locations where a non-standard antennainstallation is required.The ODUs are attached to the coupler as if attaching to an antenna except that thereis no polarization rotator associated with each ODU. Rather the coupler polarizationis set to match the V or H antenna polarization using 0 degree or 90 degree couplerinterfaces, which are supplied with the coupler. Couplers are default fitted with thevertical polarization interface.A coupler must always be installed onto its antenna before ODUs are attached to thecoupler.The coupler type is the Aviat Networks OCU (ODU Coupler Unit), which is suppliedas a kitset for local assembly. The kitset includes assembly instructions.Installation ProcedureFor a vertically polarized antenna proceed to step 2. For a horizontally polarizedantenna begin at step 1. Polarization setting is described in Setting the Polarizationon page 50.1. Assemble the coupler (OCU) according to the instructions provided.2. Check the polarization required. Change/replace the interface in accordancewith the instructions provided.3. Remove all protective tape from the waveguide ports and check that theODU/coupler mounting collar, polarization rotator, coupler interface and O-ring, are undamaged, clean, and dry. Ensure the correct O-ring is fitted forthe OCU.4. Apply a thin layer of silicon grease around the coupler interface O-ring. Atube of silicon grease is included in ODU and coupler installation kits.5. Fully loosen the nuts on the four coupler mounting bolts.6. Position the coupler so the waveguide slots (coupler and rotator) will bealigned when the ODU is rotated to its end position.7. Fit the coupler onto its mounting collar by inserting the bolts throughreceptor holes in the collar, then rotate the coupler clockwise to bring themounting bolts hard up against the slot ends.8. Carefully bring the coupler forward to fully engage the coupler feed headwith the polarization rotator in the mounting collar.9. Finger-tighten the four nuts, checking to ensure correct engagement ofcoupler with mounting collar.10. Ensure the coupler bolt-down points are correctly seated, then tighten thefour nuts with an open-ended 19mm (3/4”) spanner.11. To remove a coupler, reverse this procedure.Related procedures are:Installing the ODUs; refer to Direct-Mount ODU Attachment Procedure on page 52.Note that when attaching an ODU to a coupler there is no requirement to first set apolarization; the ODUs are simply attached such that when rotated into positionthere is correct alignment of the waveguide slots. When fitting the ODUs ensure cor-rect cable exit - the ODU cable must exit facing down.46 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALInstalling the ODU Lightning Surge arrestor; refer to Installing Lightning SurgeArrestors on page 63.Grounding an ODU; refer to Grounding the ODU on page 56Installing the ODU cable and connectors; refer to Installing ODU Cables and Con-nectors on page 58Figure 2-1. 'OCU' Back-to-Back CouplerFigure 2-2. 'OCU' on MountUnused and Disconnected Coupler PortsUnused ODU ports on a coupler must the blanked off with a microwave load as atsome frequencies the reflected power can affect operation at the remaining port,260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 47
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONpartly canceling the wanted signal.A flange-mounted termination is used to absorb the RF energy. They are needed in1+0 and cascaded coupler applications where some ODU ports are left open/notattached to an ODU.Terminations are available from Aviat Networks.48 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALInstalling the ODUODU 600 is designed for direct-mounting onto a collar supplied with Aviat direct-fit5.8 GHz antennas. It can also be installed with standard 5.8 GHz antennas using aflex-waveguide remote-mount kit.For single-antenna protected operation a coupler is available to support directmounting of the two ODUs to its antenna. The coupler may also be remote mounted,with a flex-waveguide connecting the coupler to its antenna.Refer to:lDirect-Mounted ODU Installation on page 49lRemote-Mounted ODUs on page 53lGrounding the ODU on page 56Direct-Mounted ODU InstallationRefer to:lOverview on page 49lSetting the Polarization on page 50lDirect-Mount ODU Attachment Procedure on page 52ODU installation kits include:lAn earth strap (2M) with lugslTube of silicon greaselType-N angle adapterOverviewODU 600 attaches directly onto its antenna mount using four M10 SS bolts.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 49
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONFigure 2-3. ODU 600 on Antenna MountThe figure below shows the ODU mounting collar, pole mount and polarizationrotator for an Andrew antenna. The orientation of the waveguide slot indicates ver-tical polarization.Figure 2-4. Andrew Pole Mount and ODU Mounting CollarNext Step:Setting the Polarization on page 50.Setting the PolarizationAntenna installati on instructions are included with all anten-nas. They include procedures for setti ng polarization.The polarization of the transmitted signal, horizontal or vertical, is determined bythe antenna. The polarization (orientation) of the ODU is set to match its antennaDirect-Mounted ODUs: For direct-mounted ODUs, antenna polarization is setusing a polarization rotator fitted within the ODU mounting collar.50 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALlThe rotator is an integral part of the antenna mount. Vertical polarization isthe default setting.lThe V and H settings are indicated on the rotator head.Remote-Mounted ODUs are used where standard antennas are used (antennasare not fitted with the Eclipse mounting collar).lAntenna installation for V or H polarization is normally determined by theorientation of the waveguide port / slot.lTo remote mount an ODU, refer to Remote-Mounted ODUs on page 53.lThis figure shows antenna waveguide port (slot) orientation for vertical andhorizontal polarization settings.Figure 2-5. Antenna Waveguide Slot Orientation for V and H PolarizationODU Rotator ProcedureIf the ODU rotator is not set for the required polarization, you must adjust its ori-entation. This topic describes typical adjustment procedures for Andrew antennas.Similar procedures apply to other antennas approved by Aviat Networks. Instruc-tions are included with all antennas.To change the polarization of the Andrew antenna:1. Release (do not completely undo) the six metric Allen-head screws approximately10mm (3/8”). Pull the collar forward and hold the rotator back, which will allow therotator to disengage from a notch in the collar, and turn freely.2. Turn the rotator hub 90° until it locates back into a notched “timing recess” in thecollar.3. Check that the timing mark on the rotator hub has aligned with either a V or an Hon the collar to confirm polarization as shown below.4. Ensure the rotator hub is correctly seated within its collar, then push the collarback against the antenna mount and re-tighten the six screws.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 51
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONFigure 2-6. Andrew ODU Collar and Polarization RotatorODU PolarizationThe ODU must be mounted on the collar to match the chosen polarization. Correctpositioning for vertical or horizontal polarization is shown:Figure 2-7. ODU 600 Orientation for Vertical and Horizontal PolarizationThe ODU shoul d be mounted with Its connectors faci ng down.Direct-Mount ODU Attachment ProcedureThis topic describes the physical attachment of an ODU to an antenna mounting col-lar.Related procedures are:lInstalling the ODU Lightning Surge arrestor; refer to See "Installing LightningSurge Arrestors". This is only required for ODUs not fitted with an internallightning surge arrestor.lGrounding an ODU; refer to See "Grounding the ODU"52 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALlInstalling the ODU cable and connectors; refer to See "Installing ODU Cablesand Connectors"Attaching the ODUAn ODU should be installed with connectors facing down.To attach the ODU:1. Check that the ODU mounting collar, polarization rotator, ODU waveguide feedhead and O-ring, are undamaged, clean, and dry.2. Set the polarization rotator for the required polarization. Refer to Setting the Polar-ization on page 50.3. Apply a thin layer of silicon grease around the ODU feed-head O-ring.A tube of silicon gr ease is included in the ODU installation kit.4. Screw each ODU mounting bolt in approximately six turns.5. Position the ODU so the waveguide slots (ODU and rotator) will be aligned whenthe ODU is rotated to its end position.6. Fit the ODU onto its mounting collar by inserting the bolts through receptor holesin the collar, then rotate the ODU clockwise to bring the mounting bolts hard upagainst the slot ends.7. Carefully bring the ODU forward onto the antenna to fully engage the ODU feedhead with the polarization rotator.8. Finger-tighten the four bolts, checking to ensure correct engagement of ODU withmounting collar.9. Ensure the ODU bolt-down points are correctly seated, then firmly tighten thefour bolts with an open-ended 19mm (3/4”) spanner. If a torque wrench is used, setfor a value between 18-22 Nm.10. To remove an ODU, reverse this procedure.Remote-Mounted ODUsRefer to:lRemote-Mount Overview on page 53lRemote-Mount Installation Procedure on page 55lWaveguide Flange Data: ODUs on page 56Remote-Mount OverviewThe ODU 600 can be installed separate from its antenna, using a remote-mount tosupport the ODU, and a flexible-waveguide to connect the ODU to its antenna:The remote mount allows use of standard, single or dual polarization antennas.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 53
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONThe mount can also be used to remotely support a protected ODU pairing installedon a coupler. The coupler connects to the remote mount assembly in the same wayas an ODU.The remote mount clamps to a standard 112mm (4”) pole-mount, and is common toall frequency bands. The figure below shows an ODU installed on a remote mount.Two versions of the remote mount are available, a cast unit (as shown) and a stain-less steel unit.Figure 2-8. Remote MountFlexible waveguides are frequency band specific and are normally available in twolengths, 600mm (2ft) or 900 mm (3ft). Both flange ends are identical, and aregrooved for a half-thickness gasket, which is supplied with the waveguide, alongwith flange mounting bolts.To prevent wind-flex, a flexible waveguide or coax must be suitably fastened or sup-ported over its length. Where it is not possible to fasten directly to the support struc-ture, hanger assemblies are recommended, comprising a stainless steel clamp,threaded rod and a form-fit rubber grommet. The figure below shows a typicalassembly.Figure 2-9. Flexible Waveguide Hanger AssemblyFlexible waveguide and hanger kit options are available.54 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALThe f l exible waveguides have tin-plated brass flanges to min-imize dissimilar-metal corrosion between the aluminum feed-head on the ODU and the brass antenna port(s) used on moststandar d antennas.Where a flexible-wavegui de length greater than the 900 mm(3 ft) maximum i ncluded in the Eclipse Accessories list isneeded, contact the Aviat Networks Help Desk.Remote-Mount Installation ProcedureThis topic describes the installation of a remote mount, the attachment of the ODUto the mount, and the installation of the flexible waveguide.Related procedures are:lGrounding an ODU; refer to Grounding the ODU on page 56lInstalling the ODU cable and connectors; refer to Installing ODU Cables andConnectors on page 58.Installing the Remote MountThe remote mount attaches to a standard 112 mm (4”) pipe mount using two saddleclamps. It can be installed either way up, and with a left or a right offset.Firmly fasten the clamp nuts.Attaching the ODU and Flexible WaveguideBefore attaching the ODU to the remote mount, fit the flexible waveguide to theODU.1. Remove one gasket from the packet supplied with the flexible waveguide, apply athin smear of silicon grease to the gasket, and fit the gasket to the recess in theflange.2. Firmly attach the flex waveguide flange to the ODU feed head using the bolts sup-plied.3. Screw each ODU mounting bolt in approximately six turns, then thread the wave-guide through the center of the mount and attach the ODU to the mount.oInsert the bolts through receptor holes in the mount, then rotate the ODUclockwise to bring the mounting bolts hard up against the slot ends.4. Firmly tighten the four bolts with an open-ended 19mm (3/4”) spanner. Torqueto 18-22 Nm.5. Prepare the antenna-end of the flexible waveguide as in step 1 above.6. Check, and adjust if necessary, the run of the waveguide for best protection andsupport position before fastening the flange to the antenna port.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 55
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATION7. Secure the waveguide to prevent wind-flex using hanger assemblies or similar. Ifcable ties are used, do not over-tighten (take care not to compress/distort the wave-guide).Waveguide Flange Data: ODUsThe table below lists the antenna port flange type used with the ODU 600 aat 5/8/6GHz, plus the mating flange and fastening hardware for remote mount installations.UDR/PDR flanges are rectangular.On the ODU, the two flange styles are:lUDR. 6-hole or 8-hole (6/8 bolt holes depending on frequencyrange/waveguide type), flush-face flange with threaded, blind holes.lUBR. 4-hole flush-face flange with threaded, blind holes.All fastening hardware is metric.The 5.8/6 GHz GHz coupl er has a UAR70 6 hole (IEC) patternflange on the ODU ports and UDR on the antenna-faci ng port.Thi s data is relevant where an unused ODU port on a couplermust the blanked off wi th a microwave load, or where a flex-ible waveguide attachment is required in a cascaded install-ation. See Unused and Disconnected Coupler Ports on page 47.Table 2-1. Waveguide Flange DataFreq Band RadioFlangeWave-guideMatingFlangeWave-guideTypeSpringWash-ersReqdBoltsReqdBoltTypeThreadSpecHoleDepthmmBolt Length Required5.8/6GHz UDR70 PDR70 WR137 8 x M5 8 M5x0.8 6H 10 Flange thickness + Hole depth - 2mmGrounding the ODUProcedure1. Locate the green 2m ground wire in the ODU installation Kit. One end is fittedwith a crimp lug, the other is free.2. Fasten the lugged end of ground wire to the ODU grounding stud. Before tight-ening, ensure the cable is correctly aligned towards the tower.3. Locate a position on a tower member for a ground clamp or similar. This must beas close as practical below the ODU for downward-angled positioning of the groundwire.Run the ground wire down from the ODU to i ts ground pointusing the shortest practi cal path. Do not loop or spiral thegr ound wire.4. Scrape any paint or oxidation from the tower at the clamping point to ensurethere will be good low-resistance contact.56 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUAL5. Cut the ground wire so there will be a just a little slack in the wire when it is con-nected to the ground clamp. A ground clamp is not supplied as part of an ODUinstallation kit.6. Strip the insulation back by 25mm (1’), fit into ground clamp, and firmly securethe clamp to tower.7. Liberally apply conductive grease/paste around the ground clamp to provide cor-rosion resistance. Also apply to the ODU ground stud.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 57
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONInstalling ODU Cables and ConnectorsThe ODU cable must comply with Eclipse requirements and beinstal led with the specified li ghtning surge arrestors andgr ound kits. If arrestors and grounds are not installed, or ar eincorrectly installed, the Aviat Networ ks warranty for Eclipsecan be voided.This section includes information on:lODU Cable Options on page 58lCoaxial Cable Installation Requirements on page 59lODU Cable Grounding on page 60lInstalling ODU Cables and Connectors on page 58lJumper Cables on page 62ODU Cable OptionsRecommended ODU cable types are:lCinta CNT-400lCinta CNT-300The CNT series cables are available from Aviat Networks.Other recommended cable types include:lBelden 9913lHansen RG-8/UThe maximum INU-to-ODU cable run is 300 m (1000 ft) for all cable types exceptCNT-300, which is 150 m (500 ft).For cable data see Coaxial Cable Installation Requirements on page 59.ODU Cable Kits are available for CNT cables. Kit contents are shown in the tablebelow for 50 m, 75 m, and 150 m cable runs.Table 2-2. Cable Kit Contents for CNT-300 and CNT-400 ODU Cables58 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALThese and other cable accessories can also be purchased individually or in quantity.Contact Aviat Networks or your supplier for details.Coaxial Cable Installation RequirementsTable 2-3. Installation Requirements for ODU Coaxial Cables SummaryTask Required con-siderationsExplanationInstallingconnectorsCrimped connectors Always use the crimp tool designed for the crimpedconnectors/cable being used. A recommended crimptool for connectors used with the RG-8/U type cableis available from Aviat Networks as Part No. 840-600203-001.When removing the jacket- all coaxial cableTake great care when removing the jacket to keepthe outer conductor intact. A scored outerconductor will weaken the cable and, for a solidouter cable, can cause the outer conductor to breakor crack when subsequently bent.When removing the jacket-solid outer conductorcableAlways use the cut-off and strip tool specificallydesigned for the cable being used.Fastening TypeNconnectorsTighten TypeN connectors (male to female) byhand only.Weatherproofing All outdoor connections must be madeweatherproof. Refer to Weatherproofing on page69.Planning therouteProtection for the cable The route chosen must provide physical protectionfor the cable (protection against accidentaldamage).Keep access to tower andservices clearThe cable must be positioned so that there isunimpeded access to the tower and to services onthe tower.Ease of running andfasteningUse a route which minimizes potential for damageto the cable jacket and avoids excessive cable re-bending.Installing thecableCable jacket Keep cable clear of sharp edgesCable support Rod support kits or similar must be used acrossunsupported sections of the cable run so that thecable cannot flex in the wind.Bend radius Ensure the minimum bend radius for the cable isnot exceeded.Cable ties Use one UV-resistant cable tie (from the ODU cablekit) every 1m (3 ft) or less, of cable.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 59
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONTask Required con-siderationsExplanationCable grounding Ensure the cable is grounded in accordance with theinstructions provided in ODU Cable Grounding onpage 60.Ice-fall protection Ensure adequate physical protection for the cablewhere ice-fall from towers can occur.ODU Cable GroundingGround kits are included in the ODU Cable Kits. Or they can be purchased indi-vidually.For tower/mast installations the ODU cable must be grounded at:lThe point where it comes on to the tower from the ODUlThe point where it leaves the tower to go to the equipment buildinglNot more than 25m (80 ft) intervals on the tower if the height on the towerexceeds 50m (165ft)lA point just prior to building entry.Cable ground connections onto the ODU cable must be correctly weatherproofed toensure there is no possibility of water entry into the cable jacket. Weatherproofinginstructions are provided with the cable ground kits. Otherwise, refer to Weather-proofing on page 69.If the building-end lightning surge arrestor is installed prior to the cable entering thebuilding, the ground kit must be installed on the tower side of the arrestor. See ULAInstalled Inside on page 67.The figure below shows typical tower locations for cable grounding and lightningsurge arrestors. Note that an external arrestor is shown at the ODU end - this is notrequired for ODU 600 unless specified by the operator.At non-standard installations, such as building tops or the sides of buildings, followthe same general guidelines but where proper grounding points are not providedthese must first be installed. Refer to Aviat Networks Best Practices Guide.60 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALTable 2-4. Locations for Cable Grounds and Surge arrestorsItem Description1ODU and antenna2Lightning surge arrestor3arrestor and ODU ground wires260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 61
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONItem Description4Cable ground5The ODU cable must be supported by black cable (UV resistant) ties atintervals no greater than 1m (3 feet). The ODU cable must not runadjacent to tower lightning ground or electrical cables.6If the height of the cable on the tower exceeds 50 m (165 feet), installadditional cable grounds at not more than 23 m (80 foot) intervals.7Cable ground8Cable carrier9Cable ground10 Lightning arrestor11 External master ground bar12 Rack ground bar13 INU/INUe14 Site grounding grid/radialsTypeN Cable ConnectorsEnsure connectors are correctly fitted. Where crimp connectors are used, ensure thecorrect crimp tool is used.All TypeN con n ect ors used outdoors mu st be weat h erproofed. SeeWeatherproofing on page 69 .Jumper CablesA jumper cable is required to connect from the RAC plug-in to the ODU cable, orwhere fitted, to the lightning surge arrestor installed at the building entry.lA 3m jumper cable is included with each RAC, fitted with an SMA maleconnector at the RAC end and a TypeN female at the arrestor end.lIf the run length is greater than 3m, an extension cable must be prepared toextend the jumper reach. Use the ODU cable with TypeN connectors fitted atboth ends.62 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALInstalling Lightning Surge ArrestorsODU 600 has an internal arrestor. An external arrestor at the ODU is not requiredunless specified by the site owner or operator.While an internal matrix-type arrestor is standard on ODU600, an additi onal external ODU arrestor may still be requiredto comply with local installation practices in regions thatexperience severe l i ghtning strikes.An arrestor should also be installed at building entry to provide added protection tothe indoor equipment, including that of other vendors. But where specified by thesite owner or operator, it must be installed.For more information on recommended installation practices for lightning pro-tection, refer to the Best Practices Guide.For external arrestor installations, the supplied arrestor (Universal LightningArrestor) is an in-line matrix type. It has a dc-blocked RF path with multiple pro-tection stages in the parallel dc path. These arrestors are designed to withstandrepeated strikes and in the event they do fail, to hard-fail so as not to cause uncer-tain or intermittent operation.Refer to:lLightning Arrestor Kit on page 63lArrestor Installation at Building Entry on page 64lArrestor Installation at the ODU on page 68Lightning Arrestor KitThe ULA (Universal Lightning Arrestor), type 108-1118B-A, is a compact cylindricalinline arrestor.Two versions are available, N-female to N-female, or N-male to N-femaleThe ULAs are bi-directional - they can be installed with either connector facing theODU.The ULA kit includes a ground wire, crimp lug, washer, nut and O-ring. The groundwire is terminated at one end for connection to the ULA, and is un-terminated at theother to enable correct cutting-to-length and the fitting of the crimp lug.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 63
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONFigure 2-10. Universal Lightning Arrestor KitThe ULA has repl aced the square style BGXZ and MHTarrestors. Should installation data be r equired for theseearlier arrestors, refer to User Manual Rev.025, or earlier.Arrestor Installation at Building EntryThis section describes installation of an arrestor at the building-entry end of theODU cable.The building entry arrestor must be grounded to the mastergr ound bar at, or just below, the cable poi nt of entry. Fordetails on master ground bar location, refer to the BestPractices Guide.The ULA is intended for bulkhead-mounted on the wall-feed-through plate, or withinthe cable tray just inside the building.Refer to:lBulkhead Installation Procedure: Grounded Copper Entryway Plate on page64lBulkhead Installation Procedure: Non-grounded / Non-master Entryway Plateon page 66lBuilding Entry Installation on page 67lArrestor Installation at the ODU on page 68Bulkhead Installation Procedure: Grounded CopperEntryway PlateThe ULA ground wire is not required if the ULA is directly mounted to a properlygrounded copper entryway plate. This plate can either be a feed-through plate form-ing the entryway itself, or a ground termination strip just inside the shelter entry-way. The figure below illustrates the grounded entryway option.64 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALFigure 2-11. ULA Installed in Copper Plate EntrywayItem Description1Lightning Surge arrestor2Rubber seal3Copper entryway plate4Star washer and nut5Mastic weatherproofing6Cable ground kit7Jumper cable8Rack ground wire9Equipment rack10 Site ground systemProcedureCarefully knock-out or drill for an N connector in the wall entryway plate. Whereprovided, select a knockout with flats.Install the ULA using the O-ring, star washer and nut provided. Check the O-ring iscorrectly located within its groove, and up against the inside face of the plate.Trim the ODU cable to length, fit an N male connector, and attach to the ULA.Weatherproof the external N connector assembly using mastic and vinyl tape.Weatherproofing on page 69.Install a jumper cable from the ULA to the indoor radio unit.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 65
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONBulkhead Installation Procedure: Non-grounded / Non-master Entryway PlateThe ULA ground wire is required if the ULA is mounted to an un-grounded entrywayplate or a plate made from non or poor conductive material (aluminum is considereda poor conductor).Figure 2-12. ULA Installed in Non-grounded Entryway PlateItem Description1ULA2Rubber seal3Entryway plate (not copper)4Star washer and nut5Mastic weatherproofing6Ground cable7External ground bar8Internal master ground barProcedureCarefully knock-out or drill for an N connector in the wall entryway plate. Whereprovided, select a knockout with flats.Install the ULA using the O-ring, ground wire, star washer and nut provided. Checkthat the O-ring is correctly located within its groove, and up against the inside faceof the feed-through plate. Ensure that the ground wire cable is pointing down.Trim the ground wire to length allowing a little slack in the wire when connected tothe external ground bar. Fit the crimp lug supplied to the trimmed end of theground wire and firmly bolt it to the ground bar.Trim the ODU cable to length, fit an N-type male connector, and attach to the ULA.66 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALWeatherproof the external N connector assembly using mastic and vinyl tape. SeeWeatherproofing on page 69.Install a jumper cable from the ULA to the indoor radio unit.Building Entry InstallationDetermine where the ULA is to be located. This should be just inside the building,and as close as practical to the entry point – no more than 1m (3ft) from the entry-way. A location must be chosen that ensures that the body of the ULA will not be inelectrical contact with any metal structure (cable tray or similar support structure).If necessary it should be mounted to the metal support structure using a ceramic orporcelaininsulator.Figure 2-13. ULA Installed InsideItem Description1Lightning Surge arrestor2Ground wire2a Preferred path for ULA ground wire3Wall gland4Internal master ground bar5External ground bar6Cable ground kit7ODU cable8Indoor unit to arrestor jumper cable9Equipment rack10 Site ground system260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 67
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONProcedureFit the lugged end of the ground wire to the N-female end of the ULA (end with'flats' on the thread) and securely fasten using the star washer and nut supplied.Trim the ODU cable to length, fit an N male connector, and attach to the ground-wire end of the ULA.Trim the ULA ground wire so there is just a little slack in the wire when connected tothe master ground bar or external ground bar. Fit the crimp lug supplied and firmlybolt to the ground bar. (Where possible connect to the external entryway ground bar- surge-related grounds should go directly to the external ground bar).Install a jumper cable from the ULA to the indoor radio unit.Note:1. At sites where the arrestor cannot be located adjacent to building entry, thearrestor ground wire must be returned directly to the master ground bar - itmust not be connected to the rack ground or similar.2. For an external ground bar ground connection, apply copper-basedprotective grease around the nut/bolt/lug of the ground-bar end of theground wire.3. If the arrestor is located outside the building, connectors must beweatherproofed. Refer to Weatherproofing on page 69. After weatherproofing,apply copper-based protective grease around the nut/bolt/lug of the arrestorend of the ground wire.Arrestor Installation at the ODUThis procedure applies to the ODU 600 where an external arrestor is to be installed.ULA Installation Procedure1. Install ULA onto ODU N-type female connector. ULA model must be Type-Nmale to Type-N female.2. Fit ODU cable to the ULA.oThe ODU cable should be run in a downward direction from the ULA to thetower.oEnsure the ODU cable is supported within 0.6m (2 ft.) of the ULA. Thecable must be run so as to not stress the mechanical interface of the ULA tothe ODU connector. If necessary (to provide easier ODU cable running)install an additional Type-N 90 degree adaptor to the ULA.3. Complete required weatherproofing. See Weatherproofing on page 69.68 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALWeatherproofingWeatherproofing kits are included with the ODU cable and lightning surge arrestors.Two types of weatherproofing media are supplied. Refer to:lMastic Tape on page 69lSelf Amalgamating Tape on page 70Mastic TapeThe ODU cable ground kits include rolls of vinyl and butyl mastic tape. A two-layerwrap process is recommended:lAn initial layer of mastic. It is this tape that provides the weatherproofing.lA top layer or layers of vinyl tape to support good amalgamation andadhesion of the mastic tape and to provide UV protection.Where mastic tape is used to weatherproof connectors athree-layer process is recommended, where a center layer ofvinyl tape is applied befor e the masti c to facilitate easy strip-back when connector disconnection is required. Speci al atten-tion must be given to ensuring the masti c tape seals cleanlyto the primary surfaces, such as the cable jacket.Wrapping Guidelines, Mastic (Butyl) TapeTo weatherproof connectors start at 1. To weatherproof a cable ground start at 3.1. Ensure connectors are firmly hand-tightened, dry, and free from all grease anddirt. If necessary, clean with rag lightly moistened with alcohol-based cleaner.2. Using vinyl tape, pre-wrap just the center section of the connector barrel - the sec-tion to which access will be needed if the connector ever needs to be undone. Use a25% overlay when wrapping. To avoid curl-back do not stretch the tape too tightly atthe end point.On an ODU connector, leave at least two-thi rds of the smoothlength of the barrel clear of pre-wrap vi nyl tape, to ensurethe mastic tape has sufficient ar ea of direct gr i p.3. Wrap with mastic tape using a half to 2/3rds width overly, and ensure there is atleast a 25 mm (1”) attachment onto the primary surfaces to either side (cable jacket,ground wire, connector).For a cable ground, ensure there is no possibility of water penetrating between theODU cable and its ground wire by first applying and forming mastic tape around the260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 69
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 2, ODU INSTALLATIONground wire where it lies against the ODU cable. The ground wire must always exitfrom the bottom of the wrap.4. Starting at the bottom, wrap the mastic tape in an overlapping pattern, slightlystretching the tape as you wrap. By wrapping from the bottom you help to ensurethere are no ridges or pockets for water to sit in.There must be a f ull seal of mastic tape onto the primary sur-face for weatherproofing i ntegri ty.5. Firm over by hand and squeeze the tape along its edges to form it to the con-nection. Use tear-off section of the mastic tape backing to protect your hands. Checkthat there is no possibility of water entry before proceeding to the next step.6. Cover the mastic tape with layers of vinyl tape.7. For a cable ground, wrap from the bottom, with the first layer extending 25mm(1”) each side of the mastic tape. Subsequent layers must extend no less than 25mm(1”) each side of the previous layer.8. Wrap the tape in an overlapping pattern at not less than a half width, slightlystretching the tape is you wrap, except do not do not stretch for the last two turns ofthe top layer to prevent curl-back.9. Squeeze the completed wrapping to ensure all layers are firm.To avoid displacement of the masti c tape, do not stretch thefinal layer(s) of vinyl tape across shar p corners and edges.Self Amalgamating TapeSelf amalgamating tape binds to the host and bonds between layers to provide a con-tinuous seal. It is especially useful in tight locations.Wrapping Guidelines, Amalgamating Tape1. Ensure the connectors are firmly hand-tightened, dry, and free from all grease anddirt. If necessary, clean with a rag lightly moistened with alcohol-based cleaner.2. Apply the tape with tension (slight stretching), using at least a 75%overlay.3. Where possible, apply the tape 25mm (1”) past the ends of the connector barrelsto ensure the weatherproof bond extends beyond the areas requiring protection. Thetape must be applied in such a way that the sealing is robust (no obvious weakpoints).4. To avoid curl-back, do not stretch the tape too tightly at the end.5. To assist UV protection, a post-wrap using vinyl tape can be applied.70 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALChapter 3. INU and INUeInstallationThe INU and the INUe are the indoor units for the Eclipse Node.This chapter includes:lINU/INUe Overview on page 72lInstallation Requirements on page 78lInstallation Procedure on page 80lPlug-in Installation on page 83lINU/INUe Cable Assemblies on page 86CAUTION:Do not turn power off within 10 minutes of initialINU/INUe turn-on, or initial turn-on after a new compact flash card isinstalled.CAUTION:There must be a minimum of 50 mm (2”) of side spacingfrom the INU/INUe to any rack panels, cable bundles or similar, and50 mm (2”) of space to the front and back of the RF section to ensureproper ventilation.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 71
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONINU/INUe OverviewThe INU/INUe is a rack-mounted unit that pairs with one or more ODUs. AnINU/INUe comprises a chassis and plug-ins.Dedicated slots are provided for the NCC and FAN plug-ins, and either four slots(INU) or ten slots (INUe) for optional RAC, DAC, AUX and NPC plug-ins.Refer to:lFront Panel Layout on page 72lPower Supply on page 72Front Panel LayoutAn INU front panel is shown. For information on the plug-in cards see Plug-in Cardson page 18 .Figure 3-1. Typical INU Front Panel LayoutNo Item/Label Description1Rack Ear andgrounding studRack attachment bracket for the IDC. One ear has a combinedESD and IDC grounding stud. The ears can be fitted either side,which provide flush-with-rack-front mounting.2RAC RAC fitted in slot 13NCC Mandatory Node Control Card (dedicated slot)4Blank Panel Blanking panel fitted to slot 25RAC RAC fitted in slot 46DAC 16x 16xDS1 DAC fitted in slot 37FAN Mandatory fan plug-in (dedicated slot)Power Supply72 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALThe DC power supply must be UL or IEC compliant for SELV(Safety Extra Low Voltage) output (60Vdc maximum l i mi ted).INUs require a -48Vdc power supply (+ve earth), but will operate to specificationover a voltage range of -40.5 to -60Vdc.The return (+ve) pin on the NCC and NPC power supply connectors is clamped tochassis ground via polarity-protecting power FETs.lNCC and NPC power inputs are reverse polarity protected (the input fuse willnot blow if polarity is reversed).Where operation from a +24 Vdc PSU is required, the plug-in PCC option providesvoltage conversion from + 24 (19 to 36) Vdc to -56 Vdc for connection to the NCC -48Vdc input. -56 Vdc represents the typical float voltage for a battery-backed -48Vdc supply.Power Consumption and INU Load MaximumsTotal power consumed is dependent on the number and type of plug-in cards, andthe number of ODU 600s supported.INU loading maximums, the number and type of RACs and DACs that can beinstalled in an INU, are determined by the load capacity and temperature limits ofthe DC converter in the NCC, which supplies various DC rails to the plug-in cards.lODUs and FANs are not powered via the NCC converter, meaning the ODUdoes not impact INU link loading. Its DC supply is taken from the -48 Vdcpower supply input connector.However, if a PCC is installed for +24 Vdc operation, the INU cards and associatedODUs are supplied from the PCC, meaning PCC power limits are determined by theINU cards and by the number of ODUs supported.lA PCC should always be installed to receive maximum FAN cooling. Thismeans it should be installed in the immediate FAN-side slots in an INU/INUe.Power ConsumptionThe table below lists nominal power consumption figures for Eclipse cards. Use thesetogether with the ODU 600 consumption figures in the following tables to determinetotal nodal power consumption.Power consumption figures are for a -48 Vdc supply voltage at normal room ambi-ents.Table 3-1. Typical Plug-in Power ConsumptionsItem ConsumptionRAC 60E 12WDAC 16xV2, 4x, 3xE3/DS3,3xE3/DS3M2.5WDAC 155o, 2x155o, 2x155e,155oM, 155eM4W260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 73
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONItem ConsumptionDAC GE3 13WNCC 11WNPC 8WAUX 1WFAN 1RU 2WFAN 2RU 2WODU 600ODU 600 power consumption figures apply to both standard and high power oper-ation.Table 3-2. ODU 600 Power ConsumptionBAND Average PowerConsumption WMax Power Con-sumption W5.8/6 GHz 50.2 59.2Node Card MaximumsThe following maximums are applicable to operation using SW release 5.04 or later.lAn NPC must be fitted in an INUe where specified below. The NPC providespower supply load sharing with the NCC, allowing the overall loading to beincreased. Should the NPC fail, airflow from the 2RU FAN is increased tocompensate.When planning the number and type of cards to be installed in an INUe or INU, thefollowing rules must be observed. Individual card consumptions are detailed underPower Consumption.CAUTION:The loading rules below must be observed by the installer -there is no built-in mechanism to report or limit an incorrect dimen-sioning of power supply consumption.INUe Loading Rules for Operation up to 55ºC (131ºF)The following loading rules must be followed when dimensioning the total power con-sumption of an INUe that is required to operate in ambient temperatures up to 55ºC(131ºF):lIf the total power consumption of all cards installed exceeds 85 watts, an NPCmust be fitted, and a 2RU FAN card must be fitted.lWith this configuration confirmed the maximum INUe loading enabled is 125watts. The one exception/condition is that the combined installed total of DACGE3 cards must not exceed four.CAUTION:55ºC (131ºF) operation does not apply to the PCC. Oper-ational ambient temperatures with a PCC installed must not exceed450C (1130F).74 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALINUe Loading Rules for Operation at 45ºC (113ºF)The following loading rules must be followed when dimensioning the total power con-sumption of an INUe that is operating in ambient temperatures that do not exceed45ºC (113ºF):lIf the total power consumption of all cards installed exceeds 85 watts, an NPCmust be fitted, and a 2RU FAN card must be fitted.lWith this configuration confirmed the maximum INUe loading enabled is 150watts. The exceptions/conditions to this rule are:oINUe loading is limited to 140 watts if the installed total of DAC GE3 cardsexceeds two.oThe combined installed total of DAC GE3 cards must not exceed four.Table 3-3. Example Compliant INUe Configurations (5.04 SW or later)Configuration Total CardConsumptionAmbientMax TempMax PowerCon-sumptionNCC, NPC, 6xRAC 60E, 2xDAC GE3, AUX 120W +55 ºC 125WNCC, NPC, 6xRAC 60E, 2xDAC GE3, AUX 150W +45 ºC 150WNCC, NPC, 6xRAC 60E, 2xDAC GE3, DAC 155oM 124W +55 ºC 125WNCC, NPC, 4xRAC 60E, 2xDAC GE3, 2xDAC 16x, AUX 121W +55 ºC 125WINU (1RU) Loading RulesThe INU (1RU) chassis should not be loaded above the follow limits:l65 watts total for operation up to 45ºCl50 watts total for operation up to 55ºCElevated ambient temperatures shoul d be avoided. The ambi-ent temperature is the ai r temperature i n the immediate oper-ating environment of the chassis, which if i nstal l ed in a r ack,is the ambi ent applying to its locati on within the rack.CAUTION:The ambient temperature maximums must not beexceeded. Over-temperature operation is a primary factor affectinglong term component reliability.PCC +24 Vdc OperationThe PCC is for use with standard +24 Vdc (-ve grounded) battery-backed power sup-ply systems.lOne PCC supports a maximum three ODUs, plus any combination of RACsand DACs.lThe PCC +ve and -ve input terminals are isolated from chassis (ground). The -ve input is grounded by the -ve grounded power supply connection.lThe PCC 20A fuse is fitted in the +ve input. It is a PCB mount type and is notfield replaceable.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 75
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONlReverse polarity protection is provided. The PCC will automatically recoverfrom a reverse polarity connection - the fuse will not blow. Over temperaturethermal protection is included.lThe PCC load maximum is 200 Watts. Use the power consumption data in thepreceding section to determine the maximum number of cards and ODUs thatan be supported.lAmbient temperatures must not exceed 450C (113F). The PCC should alwaysbe installed next to the FAN card to get best air flow cooling.lThe PCC conversion efficiency is nominally 10%. To determine the powerconsumed by the PCC, use a figure of 10% of the power consumed by theINU/INUe cards and ODUs.lWhen installed in an INUe the INUe must be fitted with the 2RU FAN module.lThe PCC must be connected to the NCC before applying power to the PCC toavoid a current-inrush trip (overload) on the PCC.lThe PCC can be plugged into any INU/INUe option slot. It is not connected tothe backplane and its function is not monitored within Portal.lWhere an NPC is fitted, two PCCs are required for +24 Vdc operation, one forthe NCC, the other for the NPC. This means an INUe must be used for NCC +NPC operation.lIf the PCC front-panel LED is not lit, it indicates the existence of abnormalconditions such as output under-voltage, output over-voltage, loss of inputpower, output over-current, or open input fuse.Power CablesThe INU power cable is supplied in the IDC Installation Kit. It is supplied with a D-sub M/F 2W2 connector fitted at one end and wire at the other. The cable is nom-inally 5m (16ft), and the wires are 4mm2 (AWG12).The cable is used for -48 Vdc connections to an NCC or NPC, or for +24 Vdc con-nections to a PCC.The blue wire must be connected to live (-48 Vdc or +24 Vdc); the black wire toground (+48 Vdc or -24 Vdc).Figure 3-2. Power Cable and ConnectorCAUTION:DC power connector can be shorted inadvertently if appliedat an angle. Always insert with correct alignment.76 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALThe PCC is supplied with a power cable to connect to an NCC or NPC.This cable is fitted with a D-sub M/F 2W2 connector at each end. Note that a stand-ard power cable is not included for the reason the cable supplied with an NCC (orNPC) is not used when powered from a PCC, so the cable is re-used as the powerinput cable for the PCC.FusesThe NCC and NPC are fitted with a fast-acting 25A fuse fitted on the PCB behind thepower cable connector.The PCC is fitted with a fast-acting PCB-mounted 20A fuse.NCC, NPC and PCC fuses are not field-replaceable.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 77
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONInstallation RequirementsThis table lists typical INU Installation requirements.Function/Requirement DetailsRestricted access The INU/INUe and its associated dc power supply must be installed ina restricted access area such as a secure equipment room, closet, orcabinet.Required Rack Space The INU requires 44.5mm (1RU) of vertical rack space and 300mmrack depth. The INUe requires 89mm (2RU) vertical rack space.Ventilation The INU/INUe requires unobstructed air passage to each side forventilation purposes. There must be a minimum of 50mm (2”) ofside spacing to any rack panels, cable bundles or similar. No spaceabove or below is required for ventilation purposes.Maximum AmbientTemperatureThe INU/INUe is specified for a maximum ambient temperature(Tmra) of +55°Celsius (131° Fahrenheit). Conditions apply - seePower Supply on page 72. The maximum ambient temperature(Tmra) applies to the immediate operating environment of the INU,which if installed in a rack, is the ambient applying to its locationwithin the rack.Physical stability Ensure that adding an INU/INUe to a rack does not adversely impactthe physical stability of the rack.Power supply -48 Vdc The INU (NCC and NPC) has the +ve pin on its dc power supplyconnector connected to the chassis.It must be used with a -48Vdc power supply which has a +veground; the power supply ground conductor is the +ve supply to theINU.There must be no switching or disconnecting devices in the groundconductor between the dc power supply and the point of connectionto an INU/INUe.Power Supply +24 Vdc A PCC is required to provide a +24 Vdc to -48 VDC conversion. The dcpower supply supplying the PCC must be -ve grounded.There must be no switching or disconnecting devices in the groundconductor between the dc power supply and the point of connectionto a PCC.Power Supply Location The INU/INUe must be installed in the same premises as its dc powersupply and be located in the same immediate area (such as adjacentracks or cabinets) as any other equipment that is connected to thesame dc power supply.78 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALFunction/Requirement DetailsPower SupplyCompliance and LoadingThe dc power supply must be UL or IEC compliant for a SELV output(60Vdc maximum).Check to ensure that connection of an Eclipse system to an existingdc supply does not overload the supply, circuit protection devices andwiring.Where a new dc power supply is to be installed for an Eclipse Node,the power supply should be rated to supply:- 12.5A for the INU- 25A for the INUe- 15A for the PCCCable routing Eclipse tributary, auxiliary and NMS cables are not to be routed withany AC mains power lines. They are also to be kept away from anypower lines which cross them.Grounding The INU must be grounded to the station or master ground, whichmust be the same ground as used for the dc power supply. Normallythis is achieved by grounding the INU to the ground bar in itsequipment rack or frame. This bar is most often located to one side ofthe rack or at rack top or bottom. In turn, the ground bar is groundedto the station ground.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 79
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONInstallation Procedure1. Fit the rack mounting brackets to the chassis with the grounding stud to leftor right side for the most direct ground wire path to the rack ground bar.2. Locate the INU/INUe in the equipment rack and secure it using four No.12Phillips dome-head screws from the IDC installation kit.3. Ground the INU/INUe from the grounding stud to the rack/frame groundbar using a length of 4mm2 (AWG12) green PVC insulated stranded copperwire with a suitably sized ground lug at the ground bar end (supplied by theinstaller). The grounding stud accommodates ground cables up to 16 mm2(AWG 6). The stud also provides jack plug connection for a wrist strap.4. If the equipment rack/frame requires grounding, use 16mm2 (AWG6) wirefrom its ground bar to the station ground.Grounding Safety:oDo not assume that an existing rack or mounting frame is correctlygrounded. Always check the integrity of the ground connections, whichmust include a check through to the master ground for the station, whichshould be located at the point of cable entry to the equipment building.Ground wires must provide a direct, low impedance path to the masterground bar.oDo not connect other equipment to the same grounding cable as the INU.Each item of equipment in a rack must be separately grounded to the rackground bar.oThe INU must be located in the same immediate area (adjacentracks/cabinets) as all other equipment with a (ground) connection to acommon DC supply source.5. Install the plug-ins in their assigned slot positions, and check that theirfront panels are flush-fitted (not protruding) and held secure by theirfasteners. Ensure unused slots are covered by blanking panels.oInstall the CompactFlash (CF) card in the NCC; insert in the socket onthe right side of the PCB.oThe CF card holds configuration, software load, and license data.oEach CF card is identified by a unique serial number; which is the licensenumber for the Eclipse terminal.6. Fit the supplied jumper cable between the RAC and ODU cable, or whererequired to a lightning surge arrestor. Secure the cable within the rack/frameusing cable ties or similar. If the jumper cable is too short, make anextension cable.7. Fit NMS cables, DAC tributary cables, and where required, AUX cables. Fordata on the cable sets, refer to INU/INUe Cable Assemblies on page 86.80 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALThe following steps describe the procedure for installing the power cable, and pre-paring for power-on. Do not connect the power until all steps have been completed.8. Run the supplied power cable through to the power pick up point, whichwill normally be at a circuit breaker panel in the rack. A circuit breaker (orfuse) should have a capacity of 12A for the INU and a 25A for the INUe,however these ratings can be adjusted in line with the number of cardsinstalled, and hence power consumption. For power consumption data, seePower Supply on page 72.9. For a -48 Vdc supply, connect the blue wire to -48Vdc (live), and the blackwire to ground/+ve. (Power input on the NCC and NPC is polarityprotected).10. For a +24 Vdc supply, connect the blue wire to +24Vdc (live), and the blackwire to ground/-ve. (Power input on the PCC is polarity protected).11. Measure the voltage on the dc power connector.oFor -48 Vdc operation the voltage should be -48Vdc, +/-2Vdc for a nonbattery floated supply, and nominally -56 Vdc for a battery floated supply.(Limits are -40.5 to - 60 Vdc).oFor +24 Vdc operation the voltage should be 24 +/- 2Vdc for a non batteryfloated supply, and nominally 30 Vdc for a battery floated supply.(Operating limits are 20 to 36 Vdc).CAUTION:This product meets the global product safety requirementsfor SELV (safety extra low voltage) rated equipment and the inputvoltage must be guaranteed to remain within the SELV limits (60Vmaximum) in the event of a single internal fault.Always check the integrity of the dc power supply to an INU/INUeright to its source. Never assume that the supply provided to the pick-up point in a rack is correct.Eclipse dc power, IF, tributary, auxiliary and NMS cables are not to berouted with any AC mains power lines. They are also to be kept awayfrom any AC power lines which cross them.12. Carry out a complete check of the installation. If all is correct, and the ODU600 installation has likewise been completed and checked, the INU andODU 600 are ready for power-on.oIf a PCC is installed, ensure the PCC to NCC/NPC cable is correctly fittedbefore power-on.CAUTION:Once powered up the ODU(s) will be transmitting with thepre-configured or ex-factory frequency and power settings unless thestart-up transmit mute option has been invoked. (All ODUs shippedex-factory have the transmit-mute set as the default unless oth-erwise specified).If frequency and power settings are not correct,interference can be caused to other links in the same geographicalarea.13. Turn power on. For -48 Vdc connect the power cable to the NCC, and to theNPC where fitted. For +24 Vdc operation, connect to the PCC input.CAUTION:Do not turn off an INU/INUe within 10 minutes of initialturn-on, or initial turn-on after a new compact flash card is installed.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 81
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONCAUTION:2W2 DC power connectors can be shorted inadvertently ifapplied at an angle. Always insert with correct alignment.CAUTION:Ambient temperatures must not exceed 550C (1310F). Ifinstalled in a rack cabinet, it is the ambient within the cabinet.Next Step: The Eclipse INU with ODU 600 is ready for configuration and antennaalignment.82 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALPlug-in InstallationInstalling or changing out a plug-in is a straightforward process.lThe table below lists plug-in requirements at installation or subsequentupgrade.lUnless specified by the customer, plug-ins will not be installed in anINU/INUe at shipment. Instead, each is individually packed within theshipping box.For a description of the plug-ins, see Plug-in Cards on page 18.For information on user-interface connector and cable data, refer to INU/INUe CableAssemblies on page 86.Table 3-4. Plug-in RequirementsFunction/Requirement Priority DetailsSlot AssignmentAll slots filled All slots must be filled with either a plug-in or a blankingpanel. Failure to do so will compromise EMC integrity anddistribution of FAN cooling air.Universal slots1-4 on an INU1-6 on an INUeRAC, DAC, and AUX plug-ins can be fitted in any universalslot.Restricted slots7-9 on an INUeDAC, and AUX plug-ins can be fitted in any restricted slot.The exceptions are the DAC 155oM, DAC 155eM, and AUX,which must only be installed in slots 1 to 6 when they are tobe configured to carry/access Eclipse NMS, otherwise theycan be installed in slots 7 to 9.Dedicated slots The NCC, FAN, and NPC plug-ins have dedicated slots.Protected RACs INUe Protected RACs (or ring-protected RAC with DAC 155oM)must only be installed in ‘above and below’ slots as indicatedby the red arrows.AUX Multiple AUX plug-ins can be installed per INU/INUe.NPC Only one NPC is required to provide the NCC protectionoption. An NPC must be installed in slot 4 of an INU, or slot10 of an INUe. If an NPC is not installed in an INU, slot 4 isavailable as a universal slot.Installing / Changing Plug-insESD grounding strap Always connect yourself to the INU/INUe with an ESDgrounding strap before changing or removing a plug-in.Failure to do so can cause ESD damage to the plug-ins. Avoidhand contact with the PCB top and bottom.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 83
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONFunction/Requirement Priority DetailsFinger-grip fasteners Plug-ins must be withdrawn and inserted using their finger-grip fasteners/pulls. Never withdraw or insert using attachedcables, as damage to the plug-in connector and its PCBattachment can occur. If not complied with, the AviatNetworks warranty may be voided.Hot-swappable Plug-ins are hot-swappable.- Removal of an in-service payload plug-in will interrupt itstraffic.- Removal of the NCC will affect all traffic - unless pro-tected by an NPC.- Removal / replacement of the FAN does not affect traffic.Engaging backplaneconnectorWhen installing a plug-in, ensure its backplane connector iscorrectly engaged before applying sufficient pressure tobring the plug-in panel flush with the front panel.Revision time lag When swapping or installing plug-ins, up to 60 seconds canbe required for the INU/INUe to show its revised status viathe front panel LEDs, or via Portal.EMC integrity Plug-ins and blanking panels are held in place by captivefinger-screws. Ensure the finger-screws are fastened asfailure to do so may compromise EMC integrity and fancooling.RACsConnecting anddisconnecting the ODUcable at the RACNever disconnect or reconnect an ODU cable to a RACwithout first turning the power off to the INU or withdrawingthe RAC from the backplane.NOTE: The ODU cable provides the power feed to theODU. Arcing during connection and disconnection at theRAC on a live RAC can cause damage to connector contactsurfaces. Power spikes caused by live connection and dis-connection may also cause errors on other traffic passingthrough the INU/INUe. The only exception to live dis-connection and connection should be for checks of pro-tected operation at link commissioning.Removing RAC from apowered INUWhen removing a RAC from a powered INU, always thedisengage the RAC from the backplane before disconnectingits ODU cable. Similarly before inserting an RAC, alwaysreconnect the ODU cable before engaging the backplane.RAC combinations forINUeAn INUe can be fitted with a maximum of six RACs for one ofthe following combinations:- Six non-protected links- One protected/diversity link plus four non-protected links- Two protected/diversity links plus four non-protectedlinks- Three protected/diversity linksBefore installing more than four RACs refer to the PowerConsumption and INU Load Maximums in Power Supply onpage 72.)84 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALFunction/Requirement Priority DetailsDACsDAC combinations DACs can be fitted singly or in combination to provide a mixof interface types and capacities provided they have acommon backplane configuration. The backplane can be setfor:- 1.5 Mbit/s / DS1- 3 Mbit/s / DS3- 155 Mbit/s / OC3Mux version DACs allow a mix of interfaces from a commonDS1 backplane configuration.Increasing node capacity To achieve a greater node capacity, two or more INUs can beinterconnected via a DAC option.Interface Protection(electrical DACs)Line (interface) protection is supported for paired DS1, DS3and OC3 electrical DACs.Interface Protection(optical DACs)Line (interface) / card protection is supported for paired OC3optical DACs.Interface Protection, Eth-ernet DAC GE3Interface / card protection is supported for paired DAC GE3cards.GeneralAntistatic bags Enclose spare plug-ins, or plug-ins to be returned for service,in an antistatic bag. When handling a plug-in to or from anantistatic bag, do so at the INU/INUe and only when you areconnected to the INU/INUe via an ESD ground strap.Spare blank panels Keep any removed blanking panels for future use.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 85
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONINU/INUe Cable AssembliesCAUTION:Eclipse tributary, auxiliary and NMS cables are not to berouted with any AC mains power lines. They are also to be kept awayfrom any power lines which cross them.For safety reasons tributary, auxiliary and NMS cables should not beconnected to outside plant.Use approved surge suppression equipment when connecting to un-protected external inputs and outputs.Refer to:lDAC Trib Connectors and Cables on page 86lNMS Connectors and Cables on page 97lAuxiliary and Alarm Connectors and Cables on page 99DAC Trib Connectors and CablesThis section provides cable and connection data for:lDAC 16xV2 Cable and Connector Data on page 86lDAC 4x Cable and Connector Data on page 92lDAC GE3 Ethernet RJ-45 Cables on page 94lDAC Optical Cable and Connector Data on page 95lDAC 155eM Cables on page 97DAC 16xV2 Cable and Connector DataRefer to:lDAC 16xV2 HDR-E50 To 24 AWG Free End Cable Assembly on page 86lDAC 16xV2 HDR-E50 To BNC Cable Assembly on page 87lDAC 16xV2 HDR-E50 To RJ-45 Cable Assembly on page 88lDAC 16xV2 HDR-E50 To Free End Y-Cable Assembly on page 89lDAC 16xV2 HDR-E50 To BNC Y-Cable Assembly on page 90DAC 16xV2 HDR-E50 To 24 AWG Free End Cable AssemblyThe assemblies provide balanced 120 ohm connections on cable lengths of 3m, 10m,15m or 32m. The wire is intended for use with wire-wrap or insulation displacementtermination blocks.86 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALEach cable supports up to 8 tribs. Two cables are required per DAC if more than8xE1/DS1 tribs are to be connected.Figure 3-3. DAC 16xV2 Free End Trib CableRX indicates data into the DAC 16xV2 (DAC Rx).TX indicates data out from the DAC 16xV2 (DAC Tx).DAC 16xV2 HDR-E50 To BNC Cable AssemblyThe HDR to BNC 75 ohm cable is available in lengths of 2.3m or 5.3m.Each cable supports up to 8 tribs. Two cables are required per DAC if more than8xE1/DS1 tribs are to be connected.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 87
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONFigure 3-4. DAC 16xV2 BNC Trib Cable AssemblyFigure 3-5. DAC 16xV2 BNC Trib Cable ConnectionsArrow towards BNC indicates data out (DAC Tx).Arrow away from BNC indicates data in (DAC Rx).The 1/9 in the label indicates that it is for trib 1 if the cable assembly is usedwith the trib 1-8 connector, or trib 9 if used with the trib 9-16 connector.This also applies for 2/10, 3/11, etc. up to 8/16.DAC 16xV2 HDR-E50 To RJ-45 Cable AssemblyThe HDR to RJ-45 cable is available in lengths of 2m or 5m. Impedance is nom-inally 120 ohms.This cable (straight cable) is intended for connection to RJ-45 patch panels, whichhave a built-in crossover function.88 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALEach cable supports up to 8 tribs. Two cables are required per DAC if more than8xE1/DS1 tribs are to be connected.Figure 3-6. DAC 16xV2 RJ-45 Trib CableFigure 3-7. DAC 16xV2 RJ-45 Trib Cable ConnectionsDAC 16xV2 HDR-E50 To Free End Y-Cable AssemblyThis cable is for use with DAC 16xV2 1+1 protected operation. It is available inlengths of 3.5m, 15.5m or 5m. Impedance is nominally 120 ohms.The 24 AWG wire is intended for use with wire-wrap or insulation displacement ter-mination blocks.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 89
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONEach cable supports up to 8 tribs. Two cables are required per DAC if more than8xE1/DS1 tribs are to be connected.Figure 3-8. DAC 16xV2 Free End Y-CableRX indicates data into the DAC 16xV2 (DAC Rx).TX indicates data out from the DAC 16xV2 (DAC Tx).DAC 16xV2 HDR-E50 To BNC Y-Cable AssemblyThis cable is for use with DAC 16xV2 1+1 protected operation. It is available inlengths of 3.5m, 15.5m or 5m. Impedance is nominally 75 ohms. Each cable sup-ports up to 8 tribs. Two cables are required per DAC if more than 8xE1/DS1 tribs areto be connected.90 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALFigure 3-9. DAC 16xV2 Trib BNC Y-CableFigure 3-10. DAC 16xV2 Trib BNC Y-Cable ConnectionsArrow towards BNC indicates data out (DAC Tx).Arrow away from BNC indicates data in (DAC Rx).The 1/9 in the label indicates that it is for trib 1 if the cable assembly is usedwith the trib 1-8 connector, or trib 9 if used with the trib 9-16 connector.This also applies for 2/10, 3/11, etc. up to 8/16.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 91
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONDAC 4x Cable and Connector DataRefer to:lDAC 4x BNC Cable Assembly on page 92lDAC 4x RJ-45 to RJ-45 Straight Cable on page 92lDAC 4x RJ-45 to RJ-45 Crossover Cable on page 93lDAC 4x RJ-45 to Wire Wrap Cable Assembly on page 93lDAC 4x RJ-45 Connector Pin Assignments on page 94DAC 4x BNC Cable AssemblyThe assembly is provided as a kit of three cables. Each kit provides:lOne RJ-45 to 2 x BNC female, 0.5m long.lTwo BNC to BNC male extension cables, 2m or 5m long.lOne kit is labeled as a 2.5m cable kit, the other as 5.5m.Each supports one trib. Four are required if all four ports of the DAC 4x are to be con-nected.At the RJ-45 plug RX connects to pins 1 and 2, and TX connects to pins 4 & 5. Thepin-numbered RJ-45 plug is pictured with its cable exiting to the rear.Figure 3-11. DAC 4x RJ-45 to BNC CableItem Description1RX indicates Data In to the DAC.2TX indicates Data Out from the DAC.375 ohm BNC female connectors.DAC 4x RJ-45 to RJ-45 Straight CableConnectors at both ends of the cable are wired pin-for-pin as shown in the figurebelow. It provides a balanced 120 ohm connection.Each cable supports one trib. Four cables are required if all four ports of the DAC 4xare to be connected.Straight cable assemblies are used when connecting to RJ-45 patch panels, whichhave a built-in crossover function.92 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALFor Connection Function, receive specifies data in to the DAC; transmit is data outfrom the DAC.Table 3-5. DAC 4x RJ-45 to RJ-45 Straight Cable ConnectionsRJ-45 Pin-to-Pin Connections Connection Function1 1 Receive Ring2 2 Receive Tip3 3 Optional Ground4 4 Transmit Ring5 5 Transmit Tip6 6 Optional Ground7 7 Ground8 8 GroundDAC 4x RJ-45 to RJ-45 Crossover CableConnectors are wired such that Receive Ring and Tip at one end connect to TransmitRing and Tip respectively, at the other. Pins 3, 6, 7, 8 remain the same. It provides abalanced 120 ohm connection.Each cable supports one trib. Four cables are required if all four ports of the DAC 4xare to be connected.Crossover cable assemblies are used to interconnect one DAC RJ-45 port to another.For Connection Function, receive specifies data in to the DAC; transmit is data outfrom the DAC.Table 3-6. DAC 4x RJ-45 to RJ-45 Crossover Cable AssemblyConnectionFunctionPin-to-pinConnectionsConnectionFunctionReceive Ring 14Transmit RingReceive Tip 25Transmit TipOptional Ground 33Optional GroundTransmit Ring 41Receive RingTransmit Tip 52Receive TipOptional Ground 66Optional GroundGround 77GroundGround 88GroundDAC 4x RJ-45 to Wire Wrap Cable AssemblyThe assemblies are available with cable lengths of 2m, 5m or 7.5m. It provides abalanced 120 ohm connection.The wire is designed for use with wire wrap or insulation displacement terminationblocks.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 93
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONEach cable supports one trib. Four cables are required if all four ports of the DAC 4xare to be connected.Receive specifies data in to the DAC; Transmit is data out from the DAC.Table 3-7. DAC 4x Wire Wrap Cable DataPin Function Wire Color1Receive Ring White / Orange2Receive Tip Orange / White3Optional Ground White / Green4Transmit Ring Blue / White5Transmit Tip White / Blue6Optional ground Green / White7Ground White / Brown9Ground Brown / WhiteDAC 4x RJ-45 Connector Pin AssignmentsThis table shows the pin assignments for each front panel RJ-45 trib connector. Referto the figure below for connector pin numbering.Receive refers to an input and specifies from the user.Transmit refers to an output and specifies towards the user.Table 3-8. DAC 4x RJ-45 Trib Connector Pin AssignmentsPin Function1Receive Ring2Receive Tip3* Optional Ground4Transmit Ring5Transmit Tip6* Optional Ground7Ground8GroundFigure 3-12. RJ-45 Front Panel Connector (face view)DAC GE3 Ethernet RJ-45 CablesThe table below list the RJ-45 Ethernet cable options for DAC GE3. One cablerequired per port.94 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALTable 3-9. RJ-45 Ethernet Cable OptionsDescription Part NumberEthernet Cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 2 m 037-579124-001Ethernet Cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 5 m 037-579125-001Ethernet Cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 15 m 037-579126-001The cables are industry-standard straight (Mdi) Ethernet RJ-45 to RJ-45.DAC Optical Cable and Connector DataThe following table lists the cable and attenuator options for DAC 155oM, DAC1x/2x155o, and for the optical SFPs available for DAC GE3.Table 3-10. Optical Cables and AttenuatorsDescription ConnectorsMode Application Part numberSIMPLEX 0.5 M SM LCTO LCLC Single 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579272-001SIMPLEX 3M SM LC TOLCLC Single 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579131-001SIMPLEX 5M SM LC TOLCLC Single 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579132-001SIMPLEX 10M SM LCTO LCLC Single 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579133-001SIMPLEX 3M SM LC TOFCLC,FCSingle 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579134-001SIMPLEX 5M SM LC TOSCLC,SCSingle 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579138-001SPLITTER 2M LC-LC TOSCLC,SCSingle 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579142-001SPLITTER 2M LC-LC TOLCLC Single 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579143-001ATTENUATOR 3M, LC,10DBLC Single 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579155-001ATTENUATOR 5M, LC,10DBLC Single 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579156-001SIMPLEX 2M SM LC TOSCLC,SCSingle 1310 nM DAC GE3, DAC 155oM 037-579179-001SIMPLEX 5M, SM SC-FC SC,FCSingle 1310 nM DAC 1/2x155o 037-579191-001SIMPLEX 3M, SM SC-SC SC Single 1310 nM DAC 1/2x155o 037-579194-001SIMPLEX 5M, SM SC-SC SC Single 1310 nM DAC 1/2x155o 037-579194-005SPLITTER 2M SC-SC TOSCSC Single 1310 nM DAC 1/2x155o 037-579198-001SPLITTER 4M SC-SC TOLCSC,LCSingle 1310 nM DAC 1/2x155o 037-579200-001260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 95
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONSPLITTER 4M SC-SC TOSTSC,STSingle 1310 nM DAC 1/2x155o 037-579201-001ATTENUATOR 3M, SC,10DBSC Single 1310 nM DAC 1/2x155o 037-579209-001ATTENUATOR 5M, SC,10DBSC Single 1310 nM DAC 1/2x155o 037-579210-001SIMPLEX 3M MM LC TOLCLC Multi 850 nM DAC 155oM 037-579431-001SIMPLEX 10M MM LCTO LCLC Multi 850 nM DAC 155oM 037-579432-001SIMPLEX 5M MM LC TOSCLC,SCMulti 850 nM DAC 155oM 037-579434-001SIMPLEX 3M MM LC TOFCLC,FCMulti 850 nM DAC 155oM 037-579440-001SPLITTER 2M MM SCTO LC/LCLC,SCMulti 850 nM DAC 155oM 037-579390-001Single-mode (1310 nm) cables are available for LC to LC connections.Single-mode and multi-mode (850 nm) cables are available for LC to SC connections.Y-cable assemblies for protected DAC 155oM operation are available for single-modeLC to LC, and for single-mode or multi-mode LC to SC connections.LC to LC Connections - non-protected operationTwo cables required per connection.Single-mode, part no. 037-579131-001: Simplex, single-mode, LC TO LC 3M (9 ft)Single-mode, part no. 037-579132-001: Simplex, single-mode, LC TO LC 5M (16 ft)LC to LC Connections - protected operationlTwo Y-cable assemblies required per connection.lSingle-mode, part no. 037-579143-001: Y-cable, single-mode, LC to LC, 2m (6ft) splitter/combinerlSingle-mode, part no. 037-579147-001: Y-cable, single-mode, LC to LC, 4m(13ft) splitter/combinerLC to SC Connections - non-protected operationlTwo cables required per connection.lSingle-mode cable part no. 037-579137-001: Simplex, single-mode, LC to SC3m (9 ft)lMulti-mode cable part no. 037-579180-001: Simplex, multi-mode, LC to SC2m (6 ft)96 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALLC to SC Connections - protected operationlTwo Y-cable assemblies required per connection.lSingle-mode, part no. 037-579142-001: Y-cable, single-mode, LC to SC, 2m (6ft) splitter/combinerlMulti-mode, part no. 037-579390-001: Y-cable, multi-mode, LC to SC, 2m (6ft) splitter/combinerOther cable options are availabl e for LC connection to FC orST. Contact Aviat Networks or your supplier for details.DAC 155eM CablesThe following cables are for use with the DAC 155eM (electrical SFP):Part number Description037-579462-003 CABLE, M1.0/2.3 TO M1.6/5.6, 75 OHM STRANDED 3m037-579462-005 CABLE, M1.0/2.3 TO M1.6/5.6, 75 OHM STRANDED 5m037-579462-010 CABLE, M1.0/2.3 TO M1.6/5.6, 75 OHM STRANDED 10m037-579472-002 CABLE, M1.0/2.3 TO M1.0/2.3, 75 OHM STRANDED, 2M037-579466-001 CABLE, M1.0/2.3 TO M1.0/2.3, 75 OHM STRANDED, 150mmNMS Connectors and CablesData is included for:lNMS 10/100Base-T Connector on page 97lMaintenance V.24 Connector on page 98NMS 10/100Base-T ConnectorThe NMS connector provides Ethernet access for Portal or ProVision. Pin assign-ments represent industry-standard LAN cable assembly for a 10/100Base-T, RJ-45connector. Different length ‘straight’ Ethernet cables are included as optionalaccessories.The Eclipse INU/INUe has a four-port 10/100Base-T NMS assembly. The Ethernetport auto-resolves for straight and crossover cables (Mdi or MdiX). Either cable typecan be used.The port connectivity and activity LED indications are not consistent across allEclipse products. The orange LED indicates connectivity (on for a valid connection)and the green LED flashes to indicate traffic activity.260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 97
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONTable 3-11. RJ-45 Ethernet NMS Connector Pin AssignmentsPin Function1Ethernet transmit data +2Ethernet transmit data -3Ethernet receive data +4Not used5Not used6Ethernet receive data -7Not used8Not usedFigure 3-13. RJ-45 Ethernet NMS Connector(s)Maintenance V.24 ConnectorThe V.24 connector provides serial data access for Portal. One industry-standard RJ-45 to DB-9 V.24 Maintenance Cable is included with every INU.Table 3-12. RJ-45 V.24 Connector Pin AssignmentPin SignalNameDirection Function1 DSR/RI In Data Set Ready/Ring Indicator2 CD In Carrier Detect3 DTR Out Data Terminal Ready4 GND System Ground5 RXD In Receive Data6 TXD Out Transmit Data7 CTS In Clear to Send8 RTS Out Request to SendFigure 3-14. RJ-45 V.24 Portal Connector (face view)98 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALAuxiliary and Alarm Connectors and CablesData is included for AUX Plug-in auxiliary interfaces and cable-sets.Alarm and Auxiliary cables should not terminate to equi pmentoutside the shelter or building. Use approved surge sup-pr ession equipment when connecting to un-protected externalinputs and outputs.Refer to:lAUX Data Cable: Async, HD26 to Wirewrap, 2m on page 99lAUX Data Cable: Sync, HD26 to Wirewrap, 2m on page 100lAUX Data Cable: Async, HD26 to 3 X DB9, 1m on page 101lAUX Data Cable: Sync, HD26 to 3 X DB9, 1m on page 102lAUX Data Cable: Async, AUX HD26 to AUX HD26, 1m on page 103lAUX Data Cable: Sync, AUX HD26 to AUX HD26, 1m on page 104lAUX Alarm I/O Cable: HD15 to Wirewrap, 2m or 5m on page 105In this section, all connector front views are cabl e-connectorviews.AUX Data Cable: Async, HD26 to Wirewrap, 2mPart No: 037-579114-00Figure 3-15. AUX HD26, 2M, Async, Front ViewTable 3-13. Pin Descriptions and Color Code for Part # 037-579114-00Pin No. Function Wire Color CodeTIA/E1A-562 DCE Direction1Output Green/Black2Output Black/Green3Aux RXD1 Output Black/Orange4Output Brown/Black5Aux TXD1 Input Orange/Black6Input Black/Brown7I/O Brown/White260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 99
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONPin No. Function Wire Color Code8I/O White/Brown9GND Black/Blue10 Output White/Gray11 Output Gray/White12 Aux RXD2 Output Red/Gray13 Output Black/Gray14 Aux TXD2 Input Gray/Red15 Input Gray/Black16 I/O Green/White17 I/O White/Green18 GND(Shared)Drain19 Output Brown/Red20 Output Red/Brown21 Aux RD Output Blue/Yellow22 Output Yellow/Blue23 Aux TXD3 Input Red/Blue24 Input Blue/Red25 I/O Blue/White26 I/O White/BlueWire ColorsNot Used:Blue/Black, Green/Red, Red/Green, Red/Orange, Orange/Red,White/Orange, Orange/WhiteAUX Data Cable: Sync, HD26 to Wirewrap, 2mPart No: 037-579115-00Figure 3-16. AUX HD26, 2M, Sync, Wirewrap, Front ViewTable 3-14. Pin Descriptions and Color Code for Part # 037-579115-00Pin No. Function Wire Color CodeTIA/E1A-422 DCE Direction11AuxRXC+ Output Green/Black21AuxRXC- Output Black/Green31RXD- Output Black/Orange100 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALPin No. Function Wire Color Code41RXD+ Output Orange/Black51TXD+ Input Brown/Black61TXD- Input Black/Brown71AuxTXC+ I/O Brown/White81AuxTXC- I/O White/Brown9GND Black/Blue10 2AuxRXC+ Output White/Gray11 2AuxRXC- Output Gray/White12 2RXD- Output Red/Gray13 2RXD+ Output Gray/Red14 2TXD+ Input Black/Gray15 2TXD- Input Gray/Black16 2AuxTXC+ I/O Green/White17 2AuxTXC- I/O White/Green18 GND (Shared) Drain19 3AuxRXC+ Output Brown/Red20 3AuxRXC- Output Red/Brown21 3RXD- Output Blue/Yellow22 3RXD+ Output Yellow/Blue23 3TXD+ Input Red/Blue24 3TXD- Input Blue/Red25 3AuxTXC+ I/O Blue/White26 3AuxTXC- I/O White/BlueWireColorsNotUsed:Blue/Black, Red/Green, Green/Red, Red/Orange, Orange/Red,White/Orange, Orange/WhiteAUX Data Cable: Async, HD26 to 3 X DB9, 1mPart No: 037-579116-00260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 101
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONFigure 3-17. AUX HD26 and 3 X DB9, 1M, Async: Front ViewsTable 3-15. Pin Descriptions and Color Code for Part # 037-579116-00AUX Function AUX 1 AUX 2 AUX 3Pin No. TIA/E1A-562DCE Direction Pin No. Pin No. Pin No.3AuxRXD1 Output 25AuxTXD1 Input 39GND 512 AuxRXD2 Output 214 AuxTXD2 Input 318 GND(Shared)5 521 AuxRXD3 Output 223 AuxTXD3 Input 3AUX Data Cable: Sync, HD26 to 3 X DB9, 1mPart No: 037-579117-001Figure 3-18. AUX HD26 to 3 X DB9, 1m, Sync, Front ViewsTable 3-16. Pin Descriptions for 037-579117-001AUX Function AUX 1 AUX 2 AUX 3Pin No. TIA/E1A-422 DCE Direction Pin No. Pin No. Pin No.102 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALAUX Function AUX 1 AUX 2 AUX 311AuxRXC+ Output 121AuxRXC- Output 631RXD- Output 241RXD+ Output 751TXD+ Input 361TXD- Input 871AuxTXC+ I/O 481AUXTXC- I/O 99GND 510 2AuxRXC+ Output 111 2AuxRXC- Output 612 2RXD- Output 213 2RXD+ Output 714 2TXD+ Input 315 2TXD- Input 816 2AuxTXC+ I/O 417 2AUXTXC- I/O 918 GND (Shared) 5 519 3AuxRXC+ Output 120 3AuxRXC- Output 621 3RXD- Output 222 3RXD+ Output 723 3TXD+ Input 324 3TXD- Input 825 3AuxTXC+ I/O 426 3AUXTXC- I/O 9AUX Data Cable: Async, AUX HD26 to AUX HD26, 1mPart No: 037-579120-001Figure 3-19. AUX TO AUX, HD26, 1M, ASYNC, Front View260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 103
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONTable 3-17. Pin Descriptions for 037-579120-001AUX Function AUX3AuxRXD1 AuxTXD1 55AuxTXD1 AuxRXD1 39Ground Ground 912 AuxRXD2 AuxTXD2 1414 AuxTXD2 AuxRXD2 1218 Ground Ground 1821 AuxRXD3 AuxTXD3 2323 AuxTXD3 AuxRXD3 21AUX Data Cable: Sync, AUX HD26 to AUX HD26, 1mPart No: 037-579121-001Figure 3-20. AUX TO AUX, HD26, 1m, Sync, Front ViewTable 3-18. Pin Descriptions for 037-579121-001AUX Function AUX 111AuxRXC+ 1AuxTXC+ 721AuxRXC- 1AuxTXC- 831RXD- 1TXD- 641RXD+ 1TXD+ 551TXD+ 1RXD+ 461TXD- 1RXD- 371AuxTXC+ 1AuxRXC+ 181AUXTXC- 1AUXRXC- 29GND GND 910 2AuxRXC+ 2AuxTXC+ 1611 2AuxRXC- 2AuxTXC- 1712 2RXD- 2TXD- 1513 2RXD+ 2TXD+ 1414 2TXD+ 2RXD+ 1315 2TXD- 2RXD- 12104 AVIAT NETWORKS
ECLIPSE INSTALLATION MANUALAUX Function AUX 116 2AuxTXC+ 2AuxRXC+ 1017 2AUXTXC- 2AUXRXC- 1118 GND GND 1819 3AuxRXC+ 3AuxTXC+ 2520 3AuxRXC- 3AuxRTXC- 2621 3RXD- 3TXD- 2422 3RXD+ 3TXD+ 2323 3TXD+ 3RXD+ 2224 3TXD- 3RXD- 2125 3AuxTXC+ 3AuxRXC+ 1926 3AuxTXC- 3AuxRXC- 20AUX Alarm I/O Cable: HD15 to Wirewrap, 2m or 5mPart No: 037-579112-001, 2mPart No: 037-579113-001, 5mFigure 3-21. ALARM I/O, HD15, 2M, WIREWRAP, Front ViewTable 3-19. Pin Descriptions for 037-579112-001 and 037-579113-001Pin No. Function Wire Color Code1TTL Input 1 I Brown/White2Relay 1 NC I/O White/Brown3Relay 1 NO I/O White/gray4Relay 2 Pole/TTL Input 5 I/O gray/White5Relay 3 NC I/O Red/Blue6Relay 3 NO I/O Blue/Red7Relay 4 Pole/TTL Input 3 I/O Orange/Red8Ground Drain9TTL Input 2 I Red/Orange10 Relay 1 Pole/TTL Input 6 I/O Red/Green11 Relay 2 NC I/O Green/Red260-668066-004 AUGUST 2013 105
VOLUME III, CHAPTER 3, INU AND INUE INSTALLATIONPin No. Function Wire Color Code12 Relay 2 NO I/O Orange/White13 Relay 3 Pole/TTL Input 4 I/O White/Orange14 Relay 4 NC I/O White/Green15 Relay 4 NO I/O Green/WhiteWireColorsNot Used:White/Blue, Blue/WhiteThe output relay is a 4 pole, double throw; it has four independent switch contactsets, where the pole (common) connection on each set switches between NO (nor-mally open) and NC (normally closed) contacts. Note that the relays may be con-figured to be energized or de-energized on receipt of an alarm event.lActive Condition De-energized requires an alarm event to release the relay.lActive Condition Energized requires an alarm event to energize the relay.106 AVIAT NETWORKS

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