Axesstel ACWP1900 PCS CDMA WLL Phone User Manual per CRN 18979
Axesstel Inc PCS CDMA WLL Phone Users Manual per CRN 18979
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Users Manual per CRN 18979
CDMA WIRELESS LOCAL LOOP TELEPHONE ACW-PI 900 USER'S MANUAL AXESSTEL, INC. AXESSTEL, CO. LTD. 6480 Weathers Place Suite 300 ChoSumNae-Hwa Build-"g 2nd Floor San Dlego. CA 9’2121USA Su-Nae Dong 4-1 Bundang Gu Tel‘ (855)625~2100 Sung Nam Shl Kyung Gi Do Korea Fax.1858)625-21‘0 Tel. 82317197365 in'oeaxesslelcom Fax. 82-31-7|6-1894 H “.\w M H I'M w-‘llvw- mmnnmmmmmm mmwummcmm twee) anmmsmumm awmmsccwmmmww mmmmwbmm IWWMOGWFCCW mmmumnmmnw mmmuwmuswnumm mm mmdmmmcmwm mmcmnmm recommmmmmm moat/MOW autumn-1 nun-mm mammamnwumm mmnmymnmarm ”Hamill mmntmmmmmm mmumwflmmnw romm'mrccmw mam,ma1lnch mm mmwawmmm.mmn museums Cmqum Sm to Your Phone Gmmlo Know You Phom Duchy Icons — — — Punic-Keys Pbmq ans Refill Rec-means — ,, — A mum Voum Groom me am Tone am Can The mom» PM Bock Slum; umbus n may s-rm‘mlnr Nunbm m Mcnovy — Eflsho a Name! mummy -- - OnoTouch cur-g Mo—Twch cum- Can Logs Elma: Dung mm Your Phone mm {31333133 888 sum Saaltrvw 3mm Your mom rumor 50mm Tmo Moon seam mm Check“; and Guam; 1:- trues m “cm ms 0mm Who Message syn» Reset Refit“ USO onho Phone Loafing mo Pm cram moLod: Coo- Tone LMh am Back W! 08 Feminine c- Waning My cam Message semce Morn am has » Cmmlon fl Mflw Menu 324333sz 88332! a esotel SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1. Avoid placing the phone in a dusty location, or near a source at gas or fire. 2. Don’t shake, hit or drop the phone. 3. It you clean the outside of the phone, use only a soft, dry cloth. The chemicals in aloohol. benzine or acetone can damage the surtace ot the phone. 4. Do not twist or pull the cord out of the phone. 5. Do not disassemble the phone. 6. DO NOT use the power adapter il: DThe power cord is damaged. DThe phone has been dropped or damaged in any way. 7. Use only the AXESSTEL provided adapter . Do not use the AXESSTEL adapter lor any other purpose. 8. Use only the AXESSTEL prowded antenna. Do not use the antenna for any other purpose. 9. Frequency and length ot use can attest the lite of the sell-charging battery. Contact your dealer ii the battery is not operating properly. 10. Use only the designated self-charging barlery. Dispose ol exhausted batteries property. Never discard a battery in or near fire or flame. 11. Do not use the telephone near water, tor example, near a bathtub, sink, wet basement, or swimming pool. NOTE : The input voltage and the shape of the plug on this phone may vary from country to country. USER'S MANUAL CDMA WIRELESS LOCAL LOOP TELEPHONE now-mo CHESKING THE PARTS Once you have unpacked your phone, make sure that you have all the parts shown below. If any piece is missing or broken. please call your dealer. 1. ACW-F't 900 Telephone 2. Handset 3. AC/DC Adapter 4. Users Manual 5. Antenna 6. External Battery (optional) USER'S MANUAL axe 1 SETTING UP YOUR PHONE m— T‘nls phone operates by receiving D.Ct puwertrom the AXESST EL D.C. adapter, mmhmwedtoelembalmmmemiseqlppedmeremargeeue external battery to bad up power lailuree P |heM7DCAG shame PM theAUDcmaaut-noan Pionmbeckdl 0 domain wellolllet a m NOTE :Theinmetageendtheshape olthe plug maytraryfmm Mrytooountry. The input and wtput voltage 01 the adapter is Inflated on the adapter (Irput: AC 110—220V, 50~60Hz. Output: DC 15V, 1000mA), Don't lse lhe phone with other voltages at unspecified volume "mm mummwuuoormm “WWW“ — When the power cent is connected properly, the phone‘s LCD lisptay window and Power LED are on. All segmerls in the LCD windwnum on briefly. When the Received Signal Strength Indcalor Ligtt (HSSI) at the top 01 the phone is on. service is available. The display will show the geeting‘ line and date. The greeting is preset to 'AXESSTEL flNiLL' at the factory, You om change the greeting. Display in are: with no service Whentt'iereisnoserVioeinymrflfiAtheReoeived SigneISttengt-ilndeator Ligit (RSSI) isoll, Y andthesigialieondoesnoteppearhthedsplay. Axe-mm In this case. eomact your dealer, ' n- uses-um- \ mummwcuLwrmm GETTING TO KNOW YOUR PHONE o Rammlmkeovuomuphom 0 lmemmhemeny Battery Recharge Time : 22hours 1 asst LED : The Renew Signal Strengh s vousca : La you adius sound levels Indicator Iigvt uses Ihvse coins to indicate and sew! mrough the menu omions and signal strength. Green irxicmes the bed dsohw. oond'nimOrangemealslhalavdce 7REcALL:NIo«sywwredar|helasl mrouwmelineisrudearmmawlls mnberyoumled. avaiable. Hedindcateslhebadservice OOn-l'lookzNMywloemsfptw oondiflm,lnnoservbsarea.mLEDis mnberwilhomlnfinglhehandsetd! the NOTE: Batteries are available for purchase (hrough your dealer oil. The LED also Ninks to signal an hook, incomingml. OSNfiKnys:Presstonm/eflwwrsov 2mm :Aqustingmeamenna improves Mmemeringlewevsandtosndl mesundwalityoflhemll. lhrummemopfionsanddsplays 30LEAH:Lerwdearyourlastsmry. 10MENU:Prassloacoessthe phone's 4 PASSAGE : Press to retrieve messages. menus. SMrLEbszowsrLEDligflsmen 11STORE:S10fsspfm\snumbets,andam mepwerisoonneaedUnderbanefy senhgsywselea'mhe menu, inlhe power, this LED Is aMays all phone's memom .uwsnwmt. own-um" axe DISPLAY ICONS Ioons risplay on the screen to intimate what leatures you are using and lhe status 01 the phone. siglal strength. and bauery. ‘flullfi- 0 E! D! [PH] m IVIILI. 12/10 5:41 PM Inmates the strengh ol tl-e current sigtal. The more bars. lhe sronger the signal. Inlimtuthe level 01 battery power. The more bars, lhe more power. When the battery is low, the icon blinls and an alert tone sounds. Imicates that you are rang the phone's menu Inmates that you have set your phone's alarm. Indcates lhat you are in the phone's ‘ntemal phone book. Flasheswhenym haveapage. atextmeseageorevoloemeil "usage. Inmates that a col is in progress. MENU CLEAR RECALL @MM 0? M wwmflsmeflm F UNC'I'ION KEYS Press this key to cisplay the phone's main menu. Pres this key to store a number in the phone's ‘ntemal phone book and to save menu settings. Press this key to retrieve messages. Clears imorrnelion lrorn the (isplay ween, To erase one cl'erecter from the deploy screen. press lt onoe. Toerasealthedwerectersortthescreen, pressandhold dawn. Togobackonestepmanyou‘reaoomlnganmmnefiy press it once. Press this key to redal the lee number called. The ON—HOOK button used to enteva number, without Illtlng Ihehandsetofithe hook. noses-unmet." Ill/xiv “pr/“alum Placing Calls Radial Receiving Calls Adjusting Volumes Choosing the Ring Tone On-Hook Call PLACING CALLS 1.Firs.chedrtoseemetyourAXESSTELWLLPmneis turtedmllthePowerLEDislit,thepowerison. It the powerisstpplied [7th battery, the PowerLED is o". 2.Piokupthehandsetorpless°¥ou hearatialtone. Illheselvioeisnot eveilalxe. you heave intermmsm lone Yal E 3. Using the number keypad, dial the desired telephone "ll-“IV" number, The LCD w'ndow risplays the nun'ber. 4.Waitloramomentorpre§& 5. When the otrerperson answers, begin your otmerselim. Hympressed’nstepgpickuplhe handset Delete you begin conversation. e. To end the cell. replace lhe harmet or press 0. NOTE : Modlying a phone number, - Mying the number by one tig’t: Press (”shrew — Notifying the whole number. Press $41»! holdlor a moment. REDIAL mmmbmuflnhflwmwvwdlhd, Hummu- 1. Pick up the handset, or press 0 2. Press °~ speak to the other person, pick up the handset. “WMLWW RECEIVING CALLS maulmywrpnono nngund "Inocmlngcall‘ellpuyum um 1.8mplypickmmemmeettoarswerthecal. 2. To thoonnect. replace the handset. NOTizYwmmredalinmabwentannerMen the power is its on. ‘NO LAST CALL!’ wil deploy. "manner. NOTE : Hacal comes in Mileflieinoom'l'lg call lunm‘ issel. ‘INCOMING CALL RESTRICTED' fisflays 1{ll-“M. and you mmot receive the col. |1 you select sum" In the phone ring volume seledion tuncnon, the phone will not mg. treteeo. the incoming cal tm will blink, medlu'DlllcflvM (00mm |o Why The Caller ID leature deploys the callers number when t phone W4 ll the caller’s name am number are stored together in your phone's memory, the callers name wil dsplay. Contact your service punchy to activate this leature NOTE : "there isamissedodlahe cal ruerswered). M'ssed call nurrber wil dsplay. users-um“ axe . ADJUSTING VOLUMES Youuneormmuoundvolumuonyourphmlwudlngtlubymtlu myouhurwhenywpr-nukay).tmomvuntlonvolmm.omd hmmdmaphmoedommmmmolmmflngefll C‘Controlling key tone volume Lillthe hanrselorpress osndpres grommet keylonevolume. C‘Controlling external weaker volume Pms 0am! pres 3=durlng a phone all to adust external speaker volume “Controlling conversation volume Lillthe name and press gaming 3 phone all to adjust voice volu'ne. C‘Comlling phone alert volume 1. Pres & 0nd 01sequenee. 2. Press TM? [0 aqust alen volume. NOTE : ll you moose ‘Silent’. the incoming call light will blirk to signal a ml, but no mg wil sound .uswsmuu. WWWLWIM CHOOSING THE RING TONE Younnohooulrom man-murmurs; 1. Press & 2. PressOto select Wen Set". 3. Pressflto select ‘Alen Tenet 4. Press ogre scan ringtones. 5. Press 4310 save the desired ring tone setting. ON-HOOK CALL Thhhnmndbwsyouhmkeaulwmloutplcungwflnm 1. Press 0. You will here the dial tone lhrwgl the speaker. Dial tone time : 20 sec. 2. Emerme phone number you want to cal. 3. When you hear the other party mar, pidr up the ham and beg'n the conversation. NOTE: ll you don't pidr up lhe hambet, the finer party cannot hear you. To make a Quick Call Pick uplhehandsel. orpresso emerlhephcrwnunberdlhe partyyouwamtoaall, and then press a; call conneds immedately. users-mum“ I/mruul I‘lmm Ix‘m/A The Internal Phone Book Storing Numbers in Memory Searching for Numbers in Memory Erasing a Number In Memory One-Touch Calling Two-Touch Calllng TDA‘ ID“ axe THE INTERNAL PHONE BOOK Your phone has an ‘Imemal Phone Book“ in which you can store up to 99 irequently called names and numbers. You can set them in tor convenient. onetouch or two touch dealing. and you can storeihem as confidential phone numbers. STORING NUMBERS IN MEMORY 1. Enter 45am] and Oi seasons. 2 Emeranamebypreshgmealpnanunenckeys. NOTE : Iiyoudonotwish lost-teranemejuaskip over thisstep. You can ovlty input 16 letters If you wantto use smal letters, was a 3. PIBSS q“, 4. Enter the desired telephone ntmber up to 30 dgite 5. Press &. An empty location displays amomaticaly. 6. To assign a specmc loeution, press a 2-dig't locan'on umber between 01 and 99. To store the number in the next memory location. press . E NOTE : It you are seieatng a location between enter zero (0) betore that nurmer. If there is no envy location. the message ‘MEMORY. (01-99t IS FULL!’ dsplays. it Y..rl| E the message MEMORY USED!‘ deploys. a number has I“!!! already been stored in the memory location. 7. Press q"?- 8. To store the numberh oonfldemiai, press 3 and select ‘SECRET‘. 9. Press cm", “users-mull. “WMLWW SEARCHING FOR NUMBER IN MEMORY Hmdonflmmhumhhbflrmnmmmmhh Moun'moryloodtom,youcannrolmrough mmoryloflndupndlc filly. (‘s‘oerchlng by Location Number 1. Press 25am: and o 2. To saoll, pressfi and eeleo 'MEMORV'. 3. Press 3. 4. Emer the twocig‘t memory location to dispiay the nanber. The Name lispieys. 5. Press {Send the number displays NOTE: It the location is empty, ‘EMPTY ADDRESS!“ displays. 6. When the desired number depiays, To make the eel. press 2”, To exit the tunctim, press 43. (‘Seemhing by Name 1. Press é‘bend and 0 sequence. 2. To scroll, press gene select 'NAME'. 3. Press 3. 4. Emerall orpanotthename byprushgthe alphanuneric keys on the keypad. Ex) Enter A to ind 8! names beg'nning with the letter A. 5. Press 45; y The phone brielly dsvlays the memory Iocatim number - along with thenarneandnumberdthefirst match. it {scum-a. the number dispiayed is not the one you want. press 3m scroll througi the list mm the des'red number depleys. 6. When the desired runber WEN PIESS $0 lial the number automatioeity. uses-mun." fl summvymmmmu 1. Press ‘anu‘and.n sequence 2 To soul, puss ‘xn soled NJWER‘ 1 Press ‘ 4 Erma" or pan otme mayou ram 5 Press ‘ WE ? 'MJ MATCHED NUMBER' ways «thew ls no Wrmknm me w a When mo dam umber «pays, to make the an, puss... (0 Sewing came-1mm 10 SQ'MMO rum IDMIHE cor-um «may locum, mm m slos ‘ |. Press ‘mfind.n oroef __ 2 Erlenhe desist: bench may runner a phone “ ruroev or rune Them (1mm aways 3 Press .; xwm Loon cons aspzys 4. Erlevlhe bdt (1709 ME: The lock code 5 preset humor 31 the may 5 Ton'flkeme atpmss‘ To exl (he mum, press‘ “mid“ my“ ERASINGA-i uzuonv (0 romaaadmmm I. ma‘. am.and.'nordor .. ““°°““""°"“°" m 3 Enema «access of rumor accvrmq to scam opwn 4 Press ‘ The phone runbevs dismay 5 To «an, press; awn Commng message news 6 To cam, press; To cancel, mess‘ WE“ "you reset the phone, may'mq memory Wil Be «as ONE-m-ALLING “mm-umwummumwuwlmfl' hmthM-Mbymmmhyfloudomtmbm I w/u/ I'r'ulurvx mmm-mmuflmonmwmuu 1.Pld' dspIays. The sound Wil slop ii you press any human. Selina I Cur-ulna the Alarm 11mg 1. Press a 0 0nd Osecpence 2.Selec1‘N0'bypressing g. amass aBeIicmdspiayszf-ealarmisset. 4. Select ‘YES' by wing :. 5. Press 4“, Bel icon (kappears andtheaiarm is named. users-mum“ amClflNG AND .mc GAIL ms (0 Checking the Last Call 11m 1. has a". 0 elsequence. 2.Pyass¢°"‘-|odeamedsp|ay. 111mm“![mull/rm (0 Checking Ace-mm AIrTImo 1. Press c... o elsequenoa. Changing Greeting Massage 2. Pms adearm way. System Reset t‘ Rent Accumulated m-nme Resiricting Use of the Phone 1. Press 4; 0 9mm. Locking the Phone 2. Select ‘YES’ by pressing fi. 3. Pms q“?— Changing the Lock Code mew-mm Vanummbmmmmmum ' mmmywmmamwl Mlyuulnaldmoausa Lhasa. 9 QWrmmm‘1wnM. 2.Press3todmsemms0N/0FP. 3-P'l55c". Lassa, o Guadenoselea'achleni 5.P|ess§tomooselhssnmsoN/OFF. G-Pvm& Tm Tone Length and Back Light axe . CHANGING GREETING MESSAGE mimuwnmmme-mammmm on 1mm 1. Press 6“, 2. Pmommyn 3. Enterthe Iodr Code The lodr oode is preset to 00002 4. Press 00 select ‘Greelingfl 5. Enter your new greeting message by musing the alphanumeric keys. 6. P1255 &. NOTE : Press 310 choose capital or small letters. The new greeting dispIays when the phone b in service. SYSTEM RESET Ton-Cal olywrphonfl'utureflolhemamhctum’cmmm Mm: 1. Press q“: 2. Pmso, ‘Sewrity’. 3. Emerlhe Iod< code. NOTE zTheIodtoodeisprwettoODOO. 4. Press 00 select ‘Reset Phone“. 5. Press filo choose Ihe stalls ‘RESET/CANC EU. 8. Press 3 ‘SYSTEM INlTIATlON' biirits while lhe phone is reset. NOTE : This Ieature wil erase everylhing in memory. the telephone book indis’ve. H MSW WWWLWFW RESTRICTING USE OF THE PHONE VWMMHMOmmmpMWummm-dmmmnnl MWmodnyouunonoountolIm: tQ Restricting Outgoing calls In this mode, the phone cannot orig‘nate a call. I1 you try It) Gall. OUTGOING CALL FIESTRICTED‘ dsplays. (0 Restricting International calls In this mode, you cannot make an international call. ll you try to rial a htematioml phone number. 'INTERNATIONAL CALL RESTRICTED' dsplays. (0 Restricting Incoming cars In this mode. you mm! answeran incoming call. Iflhe phone receives an inoom'ng w]. ‘INCOMING CALL RESTRICTED dsplays. (0 Restricting Long Dist-nee Calls In this mode. you mm! make a long distance call. If you try to Gal 3 long cal number, ‘LONG DISTANCE CALL RESTRICTED dsplays USERSIMIIUALH axe v WWWLWFW 0 Setting Rewicfion Modes LOCKING THE PHONE 1. Press &. Ywunbukyoupmunmwlnmmumww meemsfilmineomimullstyowpimbbcm by Muhammmmmmmsmmmmmwmm mmhmmnmmlnmmnmmu 2. Press 9, ‘Secumy'. 3. Enter your lock code. NOTE : mmmdeispresenoooooanhelaclovy. 4. Press 00 select ‘Rasmd. t. Locking the Phone 5.5elecnhedesiredmembypres‘rgmemmber 1. Outgoing. 2. Im. Cal. 3. Receive Cal. 4. Long Call “Dress-"a 2. Press Ole select Seality‘. A! 6- Press a“ 59's“ "fl 96“ “SWOT/CANCEL (his time. me dsplay wil show ‘INPUT LOCK CODE‘ 7. PIBSS a“; 3. Emerlhe lock code. NOTE : Themoodeispfeseuoooooallhslactovy. 4. Press 00 select 'Aulo Lock'. and you an set the defined loci s|a|e. in! E The dedaun sen'ng is ‘RELEASE'. mm o 10. "55-3 5. Press 810 seiscl me gurus. ‘SET‘. 6. Press aw aulo lock the phone. —LOCKED- dsplays. II you try to cial numbevs, it wil ask you to key in Lod< Code. 7. Hywwamlcunlocklhe phone. 8. Fo|low the same gaps above and salsa ‘HELEASE‘ on the 5169 5. “Newman. wens-num- cmncmc -.ocx CODE mmmmmrpm.mmmumwm.wum “nonrandom-whim!“ 1. Press&. 2 PressOtoselecl Sewm'wu-enennerue mnemlockcode. NOTE: medeispresatocooommeiacmy 3. Pres 00 seled Change Codefi 4. Emsryournewlockoode. :The bdxmdemtstbefwrnumedc «19‘s. 5. Press 4". G. Realernewbdtoodeiofverifimfion 7. Pres £tooonfinn. NOTEzlm'ledg'lslorwflmflfionisnamdlede dg‘tsywernerfirst,‘CODE NOT MATCHED TFlY AGAIN!‘dsflays. Vouoan repeal (mm 5109 km. TONE LENG'I- BACK LIGHT TmLmqm:Somephmesywcallmaybsatho lsoogizeoriylongtones,¥w myhavetodlameme tonelanghto LONGtorsome cafls lhatyou plaos‘ m5, 0 o‘ToneLenglh' NOTE : When calinga pag'ng system. your phone Md beinmSHOFleode. BoekLigm:WPmyoufirstmmmyourpQW|eandnmn ywpvsssanykethsdwayamkeybdemup. There mmwaysloselwbackigi. Press 6”. 0 O‘Badflyf 88EO0NDS:flmeliyfigoesdla\mmafloaflysseconds mavyoulumomhsphoneotpressmlastkay AlwaysOFFflheliQ-tnsvercomeson. T...“ (Iplimml I mill/“(x Call Forwarding Call Waiting Three-Way Calling Message Service axe v CALL FORWARDING Call Forwardlng Is a feature on your phone that let you iomard your Incoming mils Io another phone number, even li your phone is turned 0". You can receive (nib while Call Forwarding is eaivelec. Contact your service prwider to activate Call Forwarding. CALL WAITING CeIIWeiflngalerrsywtoasecondincomlngcall whileyouare onthephone. To respond to aCal waiting. usethe "RECALL' lumen orthe hookswildt. Contact your service provider to activate Call Waiting, THREE-WAY CALLING ThreeWay Caling is a feature on your phone that let you set up a three-way conversation with two mher persons. The 'RECALL' bulton crihe Hock switch is used wilh Three-Way Caling. Cmtm your service provider to activate ThreeWay Caling. l“ MSW WWWLWFW MESSAGE SERVICE memmmum-aomymwwwbymmm prwldmOhceklh-utnODMAmieepmvidwyoumi-prwifingnw ambebrwshgmlsmmficnmwnnnrwhmemrm mmMHMflWMH-ummnmm Icon-II fl”. (0 Receiving Voice Messages 1. It avcice message is received. '—VOICE MAIL—' and p [ Jicon will depley f"°'°"""‘ 2. Press &toocxvmvcice mail cemerandhearlhe [minim] message 3. Press aagain to (all back Kthe caller leaves a phone numbers. m-m-rm Noh:ll|heph(xienunberisstoredinmephonebook with a name, the name wil dsplay instead 01 me phone number. t. Receiving Text Mes-ages 1. If atext message ‘s received, "I'EXT MAIL' and 2. Press are scml down the message. 3. Press $1003" bedinmeceiierleevesaphone numbers [MI up; ml ur-rmm Now : Iiihephone nunberisstoredinthe phone book with a name, the name wil dsplay insteedoiihe phone number umruuuu.“ axe t‘ Receiving Page Messages 1. ilapagemesageisreceived.‘—PAGE'W Emmy. z. Pressf‘itcwlback Noh:ilihepnonemnberiss10redinlhepm1ebook wilh anerne.thenairrevvildspiayirisleadoilhe cumin. .. phone nunber. “$45.13,“ “n“ Nola: Iiihelnoomhg messageloneisoperamgjbeep tone will besamalimervelsollwo minuies until ywchecklhemessaw il enewmemage islne seine as ihe previous message. DUPLICATE wil iispiay. .umswuw. ammwuuoormm t. Checking Received Voice Messages Press saw 01 sequence, Tmmesagevofimevh’mbstoredinmwice service center and the last rewind line wil dspiay. (0 Viewing Received rm ram-gas 1. Press and in °equence The received message Isl wil dsplayl 2. Press filo select memge you want lo see. a. Press 4". Received message andiime will dsplay. n lhere is a phone runber. it will display as weil. Ii ihe messageislongjiwil scroldovminaseoomh amornefimly. Press go, o 00 scroll up and damn manualy. 4. Press amiss il you wamoceil back 5. Tosee the nexl message. press c“. screen will return to flap 2 above. t. Erasing tile Selected Message 1. Press 63nd Or 0 2. Press fieseieciii’iemessegeywwamroerase, 3. Press anemesagewildsplay. A.Press J’smoemore, 5. Press againioeraseihemessege. Pressi‘flooanceieming. users-mum.“ axe l (0 Cit-ring All mind W thaws. eisecpenne 2. Press 30: o gasslecrEnASE/CANCEL' 3.Press& t‘ Mug Mug. Lock 1. Press 5 0nd 0 W4 2. Piss filo seieu SET/RELEASE amass; ”ywseimsssegelodgmephonavdlmmdoode mayywprssgbmm. t‘suflngmsugamn 1. Prassfi 9nd elsequenee 2. Press firemSEr/RELEASE Gyms; liywsethemsssaoaalemtnLEDwiIlbfimvdlhm alsrlvlmamessawanivesliywrsisasshs mdeflfileLEDwil binkwiflw finale-t mTuiuL um (”AI/It'll!” Menu Options Table Conversation and Message Menu Specifications MENU OmON'S TABLE I II III Explanation IYomLmflh 's¢s~munmmw l-Am ”“L'W' scar/tom! mhmjhmnrmq ' s" a” MLW Sawfly-aw L‘“ awn-rumo- msmaal MT mmmwmw ‘MTW: as V“ / “mummm-m _ «law unp _°’°"I"‘"UP 2 my“ mus/ma “um!“ spam/am ' Imnwm 204de mm.“ Dummahnbwmn 11mm 0mm lmmmvflmm mumm- s smut mmmumm 5‘” _on/on _wmnmumm sun-mum m‘qu mun-mum ”I“ :| an :Sesm|l-m ’ _2 Mn _H~0anhm 2mm “Humid—I‘m“ SzTino 1M‘I’m Manama-dam annnm 5:7ng “mung-sum 'Sehfl’m ' 55“‘"'" wzwmnm wmwm“ mmfrq _lenMM 2mm- _ _lebmhxm 1mm Lludnivlouwmquh : "anon “mummy-ammun- “m a named uwnbmm ed- ALugGl unduly-immun- cwnmmwza £5wa Lou-my man/mm Ems-Inmmm-my svermESEr 5mm RESET/m mumnmm 'w'rowa( ' “MW set/mass M”'°""'"“' vwm . lUudwapw-Mw , MLCG B—mhma “WW Emilmm mannaedhg -mnxmsbpvasanooooummm mum mummwcuLwrmm MENU omens TABLE I II III Explanation wmmwfmam ' 5°“ fizfifl/wa "m“"w‘mw “film/mm mum- imam 2 sm melmm mmmnmm 3 E samurrm u-dmmammw "' Myanmar/Mn mnmnmnynmmm | w“ mummuum wan.» """ suummmmudux 2 "n "’ mun-m wmumss-awmmnmmmu "WT axe I CONVERSATION AND MESSAGE MENU Du-Ing a Tm Com-Sam 1:MJTE 2:S|LENTKEY 3:SEI\DTEJ¢ Mesagemnu 1:VOICEMAIL 2:TEXTMNL 3:MESSAGEERASE 4:MESSAGEOPTION USER'S MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS Range 0! used fvequency Tx:1850-1910 MHz Rx : 193mm MHx Channd Bandwidth CDMA1425 MHZ Stabili 0! frequency 04 ppm External appearancemm) 196(L) x 2220”) x 78 (H) Weight 5309 Sendan output maximum : 0.3W E.R.P. Temperature of operation -20“c ~ osu’c Relative humidity 5% ~ 90% adapts! Imll IAC l10~240V, 45-70Hz Onlpul : DC 15le 16mA(Slot mode : index 2) Emmy ' Standby 100m“ WW“ °°"s“'"°“°"‘A"°’age’ Talk 405mA(at+10dem; 2hour -uswsuuuu. CDMA WIRELESS LOCAL LOOP TELEPHONE ACW-P'I 900
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Modify Date : 2001:04:10 11:49:11-04:00 Author : dskim Create Date : 2001:03:26 13:16:33 Creator : Microsoft Word 9.0 Page Count : 25 Page Mode : UseNoneEXIF Metadata provided by