Axesstel AXWP1900B Fixed WLL Telephone (PCS CDMA) User Manual
Axesstel Inc Fixed WLL Telephone (PCS CDMA) Users Manual
Axesstel >
Users Manual
\|/ axessfleln- /|\ .......... CBMA 20130 WIRELE$S LOCAL LOOP TELEPHONE A&V4¥£UB AXN-PEIHB axessflel \|/ chm ml: Wirduv Lmr LmAxwma/rrm. —7<— “NTRODUCTION The wu. (wireless Local Loop) phone operales lhrougn a wireless oonneelien insiead of a phone wire, linking ihe subscribers or me general wire phone and the phone office. AXW-PBOO & AXW-P1900, a CDMAZOOO Fixed Wireless Phone has an elegant deslgn wllh advanced features. A large a-llne dol matrix liquid crystal display provides user-friendly Interface for quick and easy information display. AXW-P800 provides rich services to cusiomers such as basic voice, value added dala, caller ID, inree-way calling and shpn message elc. The keypad is back in ler easier dialing, lnlegraied exlernal micraphone and speaker enable users lo make calls and talk wiinout me hassle of picking up the handset. FEATU RES 1 Speaker Phone 2 Signal Sirenglh Indicator 3 Redial 4 Volume Control 5 Lignled Keypad e Baliery Power Supply 7 Easy to read LCD Screen 8 One-touch, Two-touch Calling 9 Automaiic Sending 10 Phone Book 11 short Message Service 12 Data Call (up to 153,5kbps) 11 Funmion. axess-tei com NM mm“, hull-”D AxW-rmix/nmn ABLES OF CONTENTS Surely Precauiions Checking Pans . Setting up Your Phone Getting to Know Your Phon Display Icons Function Keys. Basic Operation Placing Calls .. Radial Receiving Cal Adlusllng Volumes Choosing lne Hing Ton On-Hook Call . Inlemal Phone Book The Internal Phone Book Sioring Numbers in Memory Searching lor Numbers in Memory Erasing a Number' Memory One-Touch Calling Two-Touch Calling. Useful Features Call Log Electronic Dialing Displaying Your Phone Number Mute . Silent Scratchpad . NBS-norm Sending Your Phone Numbe Selecting Time Mode. Selling the Alarm. Checking and Clearing Call Times Setting Warning Beeps . Advanced Features Changing Greelmg Message Syslern Resel... Resiliciing Use at the Phone Locking the Phone . Changing the Lock Code Tone Length and Back Lighl. Optional Features Call Forwarding Call walling .. Three-Way Calling Message Service. Misoellaneous Menu Option Table . Conversation and Message Menu . Spewlcaflons .. set .saxessflei womawww.w,m. ..;.<. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS . Avoid placing the phone in a dusty location, or near a source ot gas or fire. 2. Don't shake. hil or drop ltla phone. a. If you clean the outside 01 the phone, use only a sott. dry cloth. The chemicals In alcohol, benzine or acetone can damage the surtace at the phone. 4. Do not twist or pull the cord out of the phone. 5. Do not disassemble the phone. 6. DO NOT use the power adapter it: - The power cord is damaged. ~ The phone has been dropped or damaged in any way. 7, Use only the AXESSTEL provided adapter. Do not use the AXESSTEL adaptsl tor any other purpose. 3. Use only the AXESSTEL provided antenna. Do not use the antenna for any other purpose. 9. Frequency and length at use can atleol the tile ol the sell-charging battery. Contact your customer servioe it the battery is not operating properly. to. Use only the designated sell-charging battery. Dispose or exhausted batteries properly. Never discard a battery in or near fire of flame. 11. Do not use the telephone near Water, tor example, near a bathtub, sink. wet basement, or swimming pool. "915: The input voltage and the shape at the plug on this phone may vary lrom country to country. . ..,,,..Waxesas-tel \ / -r7«\- cam my mum; mrLuprW-nwl/nmn -HECK|NG THE PARTS Once you have unpacked yaur phone, make sure that you have all the pans shown below. I! any pleee ls missing or broken. please call your customer service. 1. Maln mm 2. Hanan! 3‘ ACIDC Mlptar 4. User's Manual 5. Antenna 6. Battery 7. Stand / Wall moum bracket mm ma mm” Laullnwp umrmmum germs UP YOUR PHONE Installing the phone This phone operates by rece'wing DC power from the AXESSTEL power adapler. which is connected to electrical outlet. The phone is equlpped with a rechargeable ballery to back up AC power failure. Daaktop Inmlaflon AM In. handul I 2 ! Conn-mm mum- sunumllmwmhmknl 3 4 trmsch-n-wmmom inferno-film!” axessvtel I/ .x....... am nor was: Lcm/ LaupAXW-HMWISMI /I SETTING UP YOUR PHONE Wall mount Inslallatlon 1. Mark two mounting hole locations on fine wall. 2. Drill two holes at the marked localion. 3. Allach the wall mounlable brackel. 4. Tighten lhe saews lirmly. 5, Plug In power connector and route lhe cords In a groove. 6. Install lhe phone Dnlo lhe wall mounl brackel hook. Push the phone agalnm the wall and pull ll down lo lock. 7. Screw lne anlenna lnla anlenna counselor. 5. Pull out me handset hanger and relnsen It In me reverse way. NOTE :'l'he Input voltage and the shape of me plug may vary lrom country lo ' country, The Input and output voltages are Indlcatsd on the adapter (lnpul: AC 100-240“ 50~60Hz, Oulpul: DC QV, IA). axess-tel PAM w cpMAmamremsucaleAxW-Mwl/PI’MJ .,.>..\_ METTING UP YOUR PHONE Servlce Stalus Check Display in service area When lne power cord is conan properly. all segments in lire LCD window will rum on briefly and Power LED will light. trill The number of bars al signal slrengm indiaaler (anlenna icon) “Egg-EL indicates lne sirengln at service signal ol lhe area. , The display will show me greeling (AXESSTEL as delaull), THU 10/09 5.24P lime and date, You can change (he greering. (See page 34.) lelll E Display in area with no service AxEss‘l‘EL When mere is no servloe signal dereclecl In your area, no anlenna bar appears. Contad your service provider. axess~tel law cum ma wirelmwqu-rmx/nymn E1'I‘ING UP YOUR PHONE Installlng the battery 1. Remove screws with a screw driver and remove the banery cover on me bollom 0! me phone. 2. Plug in battery oonnemur. 3. Replace |he battery cover and screws. 5/ mm 1000 Wirdm um Law ummwpmu .E'|'I'ING TO KNOW YOUR PHONE axe -lel I Antlennn: Adiusling [he antenna improves me sound qualily ol me call. a MENU: Press lo access the phone's menus. 3 CLEAR: Lels you clear your lasl entry. 4 STORE; Stores phone numbers, and any senings you select in the menu wilhln the phone's memory 5 MESSAGE: Press to retrieve messages. 6 RECALL: Allows you to redial the last number called. ~NQQNQ~M§Q¢N ~e 7 vousc R: Lets you adiusl sound levels and scroll through me menu options and displays. a Hand Free: Allows you to place/receive a call without lining the handset a" [he book. 9 Microphone: Allows you lo talk without lifting the handset 0” the hook. to Power LED: The Power LED lighls wnen lhe power is conneaed. Under baltery power, lhis LED is always all. 11 smn Keys: Press to move me cursor when enlering Ielters and lo scroll through menu opflons and displays. -—-———_——_— axessdel u>s<- com 1m mm mun, mmmmm. EliSPLAv ICONS Icons display on the screen to indicate what features you are using, signal strength and battery status ete... Till] 9 ED 8 (' AXESSTEL THU 10/09 2:32P indicates the strength oi the current signal. The more tiers, | I | | the stronger the stgnei. indicates me level of battery power. The more bars, the more power. When the battery is low, the icon blinks and an alert tone sounds. M EN Indicates that you are using the phone's rnenu, indicates that you have set eiarrn time. indicates that you are in the phone's internal phone book. Indicates when you have a text message or a voice mail message. Indicates that a Call is in progress, @@@@|@Q waxessotel ....,m..,...o....,.x.m...m. 94. UNCTION KEYS urn. Press this key to display the phone's main menu. Press this key to store a phone number In the phone book to save menu settings. “(ME Press Ihis key to retrieve messages. Clears information from the display screen. “W - To erase one oharamer from the display screen. press il once. - T0 erase all the characters on "18 screen, press and hold down. - To go back one step in menu mode. briefly press iI once. Press this key to reoiel the last number called or to connect at agent call right alter dialing the number without waiting until ltie call is connected automatically. Press this key to control the volume or keypad tone, earpiece and speaker or to scmll the menu ilems in menu mode, iQQQ it I s The Speaker button is used to place or reoelve a call un’lhoul lilting the handset off the hook. External microphone Wlll allow ycu to talk hand free. ,»/axe$s"ie! Basic Operation Viz} placing Calls Redlal Reoelvlng call Adlufing Volumes Choosing the Rlng Tone Orv-Hook call m.,,,,,m......h..,WWW. >+<_ ELACING CALLS 1 Make sure your phone is turned on. 2 Pick up the handset to hear a dial tone. Twill El When the phone falls to acquire seMcs signal, you will hear PLEASE ”No Service“lone (Intermittent tone). 3 Dial the number to cell. The LCD window displays the number. 4 Wait tor a moment or press $2“. . 5 When the other person answers, begln your oonversalton. e To end the call, replace the handset. ‘23'459'7390 £1 Modifying a phone number while dialing" ‘ the last dlglt entered: Press & briefly. mm: entire number: Press & and hold. TE2: Automatlc calling Th, 'phonewas set to places a call automatically 4 seconds alter last digit entry from ttté famvy. To disable automatic sending, | Press <3“. (D , ®. 2 Press é“— or @ , @ to select "OFF“, then press as» to save. Onoe automatic sending ls disabled, you have to dial number and press 0 to place a call. meow. Redial the last number you dialed. 1 Pick up the handset or press @ . 2 Press 0 . NOTE : V951 cannot rsdlal In the above manner when (139 powef Is lust on. 'NO LAST CALL!‘ will display. waxessflel [HAND FREE CALL This feature allows you to make a call without picking up the handset. 1 Press Q. 2 Enter the phone number you wani to call. a When you hear me other party answer, begin the conversation. For privacy conversation, just pick up the handset and contlnue conversation. ; Ural Unintended OFF-HOOK recognition. it there's no digit entry alter picking up handset or pressing , the phone will sounds dial tone, busy lone and howler lone consecutively with 10 second interval belore it recovers idle state. You can still receive an incoming call by hilting hook or pressing . EECEIVING CALLS When there's an incoming call, your phone will rlng and blink "Incoming Call" message on the display. I Slmply pick up the handset or press to answer the cell. m“ r 2 To disconnect, replace the handset or press @ . INCOMING CALL When you set 'Si|enl' lor lhe ringer volume. the phone 1294567890 hrrlll h‘ot ring, "inoomino Call" message will brink. When Caller ID Is activated. O Caller ID Dlsplay The Caller |D leeture displays the callers number when uie ml phone receives a cell. If the callers name and number are slorad together in the phone book. the caller's name will lNClMING CAI-l- display. Contact your service provider to activate this leature. DAVID KIM NQTE; it the cell is not answered, lhe phone will display In“ hSeed Call" message with the last missed call anlval ‘ rile and date. MISSED 1 CALL THU 10/09 2:56P axeesutel com 1000 Minder rml any ulwmn/rlmn - mDJUSTING VOLUMES you can control the sound volumes including the key tone, earpiece, speaker and the ringer Q Controlling key tone volume Press 3g“. repeatedly until It reams proper volume. h cantrolllng external speaker volume Prose 3 repeatedly during hand lree call to adjust exlernal speaker volume. 0 controlling earpiece volume Pick up the handset and press 3 repealedly during a phone call to adJusl earpiece volume. 6 Controlllng rlng volume l Pressé ®@. 2 Press to adjust ringer volume. 3 Press 33 lo save. TlIII E KEV VOLUME TlllII (’ SPEACKER VOLUME Yulll m ERPLECE VOLUME Tull RING VOLUME W y’ou eeleel 'Si|erll', the phone won‘t ring an incoming call. < ly‘lNCOMING CALL“ message will blink. HOOSING THE RING TYPE You can choose from nine different ring tones. lPressc'flvi'» r® ,@. 2 Pressg or@. ® lo eelecl ring lype 3 Pressé‘": to save Illll E m RING TYPE D S'I'ARDARD “Awaxessfiel ‘ Phone book The Intemal Phone Book Sloring Numbers In Memory Searchlng lor Numbers In Memory Erasing a Number in Memory One-Touch Calllng “Mo-Touch calling HE INTERNAL PHONE BOOK Your phone has an Internal “Phone Book" In which you can store up to 99 frequently calllng names and numbers. ETORING NUMBERS IN MEMORY 1Enter£.,@,@. 2 Enter name by pressing the alphanumeric keypad and press 52; . uoTEt: llyuu do not want to enter name, just press. £3 here. The number wlll be save as "No Name". More. Name entry is limited to maximum is letters. PHONE NUMBER 2 How to Enter a Edit TEXT — You can enter letters using the alphanumerlc keypad. Each button has 3 to 4 letters assigned. Each stroke on [he button will swllches the letters assigned to the button and its own number. Stop pressing when the letter you want to enter appears. You can switch cepltal to tower-ease letters by pressing 53; . Press % again to gel back to capital letters. To enter special characters, press @ repealedly. For space. press ® . Togo back. press @ . once stoke on c’f‘m’fi will erase me last letter In line. 3 Entertne telephone number and press &. ml m ED Up to 32 digits can be saved. , MEMORY LOCATION 4.An em Iocat'o d' | l malice" . P7855 my ' " “p a“ 3“ ° y SPEED DIAL [01] to save the number in the Iocatlon. To assign diflerenl location, press 2 digit location number and press a. mrrllmmmcmgr OVER WRITE 7 mnw select the location In which a number 01 : DAVID KIM ,w, xut axeseotei mm mm Who’s-n mwwumrmmlu" «um- has already been stored, "OVERWFHTE’?" will display. Press £3“) lo overwrite or press W to go back to automatic location. KEEP SECRET 7 a "KEEP SECRET?" displays. Press £31" no N0 secret lealure is necessary. To store the number in secret, selecl "YES" byp ' or@,@and press «25». saved number won't be displayed unless password ls enlered, godlellng to secretly saved number wlll prompt password entry. EEARCHING FOR NUMBERS IN MEMORY You can search Inlormatlon stored in the phone book in various way and make a call directly from it. b Searchlng Ivy Name 1 Press 4") .@lPhone book), @(Seamh), (Dlname). 2 Enler all or pan ol the name and press ell-Si. Example) EnlerAand press 35, tolind all names mat slart wilh A. Ynll P 01 ' DAV|D Km 3 The phone displays rhe memory location numbers along 05 : DANIEL wilh Ihe name OHhelirs1 match. . fN ME MATCHES? appears when there‘s no Tu“ mmdleswllh your entry ENTER LOCK CODE 4 Press gar. , @ lo search lor me name you're looklng lor and press (“filo display the number. hll la 51958, LQGK CODE' appears when you try to DAVID KIM reuy saved number. Enrer look code 123-456-7890 lull ED CALLING... GP "f“ r Ill m b d’ | a, mo ressooca o anum er lspaye ‘23 7890 m- ._ cam my Wilden erl meAxW-nou/wml /|\ 0 searching by Phone Number 1 Press a.@ (Phone book). 6) (Search),®(numbel) 2 Enter all or parl 07 the number you remember and meg; S The phone dlsplays the memory location numbers and names whlch has the number matches your entry. ; Bf UMBER MATCHES' appears when lhere's no number matches your enlry. 4 Press 30! 69.6) to search for the name you're looking for and press are display lha number. um NTEH LOCKCODE' appears when you rry re ' 7 ' amess secretly saved number. Enter look code and press . 6 Press on) dial ms number displayed. ‘ Searching by Memory Lacmon 1 Press & , (Phone book). (D (Search), .(Msmory) 2 Enler me Mo-digit memory locarlon. The phone displays the lie: or the memory location. NOTE: 'EMF'TY LOCATION? displays when you enlsr localion number whim ls empty, 3 Press aw display me number. 1511: N H LOCK cone appears when you try lo ~ mes secretly saved number. i the lock code and press 2.43“. . 4 Press J‘é‘slo dial the number displayed. lelll E M ED PHONE NUMBER? Illll LOOK UP LOCAflON waxessdel cmmwrmmuwmwm. 9k. ERASING A NUMBER IN MEMORY b To Erase a Specmc Number ml ED 1 Press& ®1Phone book),®(EraseI,@(Menwry) 2 Press one of search op'lons,@(Name) or .(Number) or ©(memory) b 01 : DAVID KIM 3 Enter name, address or phone number according to 05 ; DANIEL search option. 4 Select ilem to erase by presslng or , and press a. @ ® DAVID KIM NOTE: ‘ENTER LOCK CODE' appeals when you try to 123-456-7390 ' access secretly saved number. A Ennarme lock code and passe“; . Tan! m m ERASE 7 m 123-456-7890 5. Press 9 again lo erase. e. Presscgagain to confirm emse. To cancel. press saw». In" [D - ERASED - ERASING ALL NUMBER IN MEMORY b To EroseAlI Number: In Memory 1 Press «EM. (9 (SeW'i'Y) I'll“ 2 Emer lock code ENTER LOCK CODE NOTE: Lock code ls set as 0000 Irom the Iactary. - - - - } You can change lock oode (see page 77) m IE m a Press @(C|ear Memory) CLEAR MEMORY -_, VYES axess-tei .>{- com m, m.“ M m, WWW-m 4 Select YES by pressing am @, @. mm mm 5 Press 3“) conllrm. - ERASED - ENE-TOUCH CALLING Memory Iocatlons DI ~ 09 are sped-I Otto-touch chllng Iocatlom. You can dlul the numbers stored In 01-09 by praslng just one key. 1 Pick up the handset or press @. Y.n|| 2 Press and hold the number ol the location (we) Memory 1 containing the number to be called. DAV'D ”M 3 The name and number dlsplays and dials “H“ " “Mathew CALLING... 123-456-7390 WO-TOUCH CALLING 1 Pick up the handset or press .. m“ 2 Briefly press the first digit oi the memory location , Memory 23 number. then press the second dlgit and hold it DANIEL down for a moment. Example) To dial location 23, briefly press the @. n.“ (- then press ©and hold tor a moment. CALLING... 3 The number stored displays and dials automatically, 1234597090 NOTE1: when you try one-touch or two-touch calllng Ot the number secretly saved, the phone wIII prompt Lock eodeenlty Enter lock code to make a call. "0752: 'EMPTVLOCAT~ION' displays when you try One—town or two-touch calling with empty location number. axessdet fess?) Useful Featu res “ " Call Logs Display Your Phone Number Mute Sllenl Scratchpau Sendan Your Phone Number Selecting Time Mode Semng the Alarm Checking and clearing Call Tlmes Selllng Warning Beeps - com 1000 ”mix, um Loop AXW-PlMl/len ALL HISTORY Your phone stores the last 10 oulgolng calls and the last 10 Incoming calls (only when Caller ID function Is activated). You can display and redial these numbers. 6 nedl-llng Outgolng Calls 1 Fress fl» ®(Call History), @(oulgoing). ' GTE” ( there's no am going call history, ‘ tipfl‘wmowla CALL MEMORY EMPTY!" displays. W M ED 01 :OUTGOING 2 Presséeor @ . (9 lo select number to redial. 05 , NcolllING 3 Pressfizblo redial the number. lull ED 5140121: Prussian) see rime and dale of me call , 01 : DAV“, Km made. Then pressc‘vilo rsdlal one number or 05 . ”MEL “a: nesssoageln to save lhe number in memory. " edial the last number called, iusi mm M u the handsel or fess ,@”“‘ ress . m p P p FRI 10/09 9:45? 0 nemmlng Incoming Calls “5&945'5‘21 To display a llsl ol reoenlly received calls, 1 Press &, (9 (Call l-llslory), ©(Inooming). NOTE we no Incoming call record, ' INQOMING CALL MEMOHV EMPTVI" displays. 2 Press Agar @, ®lo selecl number to redial. m CALLlNG... 3 Press an call bank the number. 123-456-7890 "0151 Pres a lo see time and dale of me call mu arrlv hen press c:— to redlal lrle number or ~ presscflgagain lo save the number in memory. ,_ x : Incoming history ls available only when ' caller ID Is alarmed. axessdel vm. , a, l/ comm”memm/LmAxmrml/nmu "3K“ b Emlng All Numbers In can Hlslory 1 Press «Ma ©(Secumy) full Em ,’°°" me ENTER LocK conE ock‘oode [s set as 0000 from the lamory. , can change lock code (see page 77) in 3 Press ©(Erase Logs) m" - EARSE CALL LOGS 4 Salem YES by pressing £5 or @, ® . ’V55 5 Press om to ooniirm. m" - EARSED - EISPLAYING PHONE NUMBER You can display your own phone number. Displaying Phone Number ‘ Press Maw (Security) mu ENTER LOCK CODE 2 Enler lock code ____ oek‘epdg is set as 0000 from (he iaciory. gig on ten change lock code (399 page 77) lull (' 4 Press ®1My Phone #) MY PHONE NUMBER 2223334444 [film This feature lets you mute the microphone, so that the other party cannot hear your voice or the sound of your surroundings. This funclion is available only during conversation. lull m f 1 Press 455; ,®(Mule) during conversalion. MUTE The message ’MUTE‘ blinks to indicate lhe lunmon 858-945-5421 axessflei m; mum.” Is working, The other party can no longer near you. but you can hear them. 2 Press gx ,®again to resume the conversation“ SILENT KEYPAD You Gan check your own phone number or save a number during a conversation without transmitting the dial tones to the other party. Thls luncflon is available only during a telephone oonversallon. I Press &,®(Sllent Key) during conversation. Yuril m (’ 'S|LENT KEY' blinks lo indicale Ihe lunction is working. I 2 Press {5,6} again to disable the leature. SILENT KEV 853-945-5421 NOTE: With SILENT KEY lunctloh an, you cannot response to AHS '(Autumaiio Response System). EENDING YOUFl PHONE NUMBER When you're prompted to enter your phone number by Ans, you can conveniently transmit your number by pressing two keys Instead of the entire number. If 'SILENT KEY' is set, you cannot use lhls feature. Thls luncllon is available only durlng a telephone conversatlon. 1 When you‘re prompted to enter your phone number Pressé'”. ‘® (Send My #) Inn SEND MV NUMBER 2 Your phone number is transmitted automatically. 2223334444 v/axesseatel mumWMWWWWW. "3m EELECTING TIME MODE I PressE’. ,@(Tlme). ®1Tlme Mode). “I,“ 2 Selecl lime display mode by presslng 45 or@ .@ . AM/F'M: Display 0-12 hours W"?! A or P indicator 24 Hour: Dlsplay oo~24 hours a Press lo save change. TIME MODE AM/PM EETI’ING THE ALARM You can set the alarm sound dally or onetime only. 1 Nessa"), @ mme),® (Alarm). 2 Salem “SET" by pressing q'r-Z-Swfie), @ and We ”955 0- mil 3 Enter alarm lime and pressfi’w“ . g; 1 323m : pm 4 Selec1 alarm mode by pressing 60r.,@ m and press Daily: Alarm sounds daily. ALARM MODE One time: Alarm sounds once. ' BAH-V Taill 5 Enler me ciurarion of me alarm by presslng 30r.,@and pressg .. ALARM WWW" A bell icon (alarm) appears in icon line. 3 M'NUTE On alarm time, me Icon and "ALAFlM TIME" “I" , message blinks and alarm goes all. ALARM "ME The alarm stops il you Iouoh any bullon. Canceling the Alarm Tlme l Pressé'rfa. .(Tlme)i®|Alarrnj. 2 Salem "RELEASE" by pressing or @ ,®and pressq’fi. Bell icon displays and lire alarm is sel. ~,,»axe35otel \ / -x-/-«i\- cm" m: Wlmlcfl LomILa»/IXW-PIWMIMB HECKING AND CLEARING CALL TIMES 0 checklng the um eeii “me 1 Press £5". i 6) (Timex ©(Last Call)- 2 Press é", io cieer me display, 0 checking Accumuimd Alr mm of Incomlng calls 1 Press & , .rrme),@ (Air'nmei, G) (Incoming). 2 Press 255» (D eiear the display. 6 checking Aim-mime Mr 11mg of Outgoing calls 1 Press 45”. . @ mme), .(Air Tlme)‘ ©(omgoing). 2 Press to clear ihe dlspIay. 6 Raw McumuIaIed Alr Time 1 Press cuiuzi@(11me),®(Cerlr iime). 2 Select "VES" by pressing 3m @,@ and press 35» . ml IE LAST CALL 11ME 3:25 Till IE INCOMING CALLS 3:25 Till E OUTGOING CALLS 1 2:26:82 Till CLEAR AIR TIME > YES cam 2m Wigs Lml LmAxW-nwn/nmvp my“- / \ Bin-nus WARNING ALERT You can set your phone to sound warning beeps that indicate: - each minute you are on a phone call - when you are out of the service area b Mug/Releasing 1 MInuieAlerl m | Press £5, ©(Sound),®(l Min Merl). 2 Select ON or OFF by pressing 3m ©,@ 1 M'NUTE 55:2 3 Press &A ‘ ‘ ~ Iminuie alert is set, ihs phone gives sifsound each minute whlle you are on a phone can, 0 Setting/Releasing Savioe Alan ‘ 1 Press 62”) y 6) (Sound). ®(svc Alert). In“ 2 Select on or OFF by pressing £5.01@,@ SERVICE Mgr; ., ) a Press 45“). NOTE' When rvioe alert is set, the phone gives dlerf gridswhen the phone is acquiring or losing seWé signal. , w axees-te! Advanced Feartures changing Greellng Message System new Restrlcling Use of the Phone Locking Qhe Phone changing the Lock code Tone Length and Back nght cumzmmm‘wwulln-Mxtwmwtm. Qw- HANGING GREETING MESSAGE This feature lets you change the greetlng message that the phone displays while it's standby. messaorsscumyt. MI E Enter leek code. . 1, GREEHNG if“ code ts set as 0000 from the factory. 2. CHANGE CODE , T0 change lock code (see page 7?) a Press ©(eraattng). Current greeting displays. n.“ m 4 Press $to change greeting. DO NOT TOUC 5 Enter your new greeting message by pressing the ‘ alphanumeric keys. 22:07 swllch between capital and Do NOT TOUCH! ) To enler "My Phone". Ffll 10/10 “NA 6) a®®®®a~s® a®®m®®® om save change. a YSTEM R ESET To reset your phone to the manufacturer's defaults, follow these steps: t Presscuma®(590urity). m m 2 Enter lock code. gm Lock code is set as 0000 from the factory. ‘ To change lock code (see page 7?) a Press ©(Reset Phone). 4 Select "YES" by press gar @ ,® . Ittll m 5 Press 3. PHONE ‘PHONE INITIALIZATION' blinks |N|11AL|2AT|0N while the phone is reset. RESET PHONE > YES axessetei ..>I(. mm mm mrrwmmmms mEsmicflNG USE OF THE PHONE You can restrici the use of lhe phone by unauthorlzed persons. b Ran-lining Outgolng Calls In! W I Pressfl'gp 9 (Security). 1. OUTGOING V 2 Em | ck code. 2. INTERNATIONAL m ofck'oqfls is set as 0000 from the factury, To change lock code (see page 77) mi m a Press .(Rssirm), @(0uigoing). oumomg CALL 4 Seiem "ON" by pressing gar ©,@ . , ON 5 Press is save change. in ihis mode, when you rry lo can, '0UTGOING ml CALL HESTHICTED' displays and no outgolng call OUTGolNG CALL 9°85 "WW“- RESTRICTED b Recmcllng Inlematlonnl Calls 1 Press-‘fib.(390urny). “I"! m 2 Enter lock code. 3 PressQ(Resirm),® (lmemaiionai). OUTGO'NG “LL 4 Select "ON" by pressingaorQ). Q). ’ 0“ 5 Pressé°§>to save change. “I“ In this mode. when you try to make an inrernasonal , call (headed by 00), mm CALL RESTRICTED‘ lggrmégfil- dlsplays and no iniemaiionai can goes mrough. 0 Rulrlctlng Lang Dime Cells 1 Pressé“..(5ecumy). lull @ 2 Enrer lock code. 3 Press ©(Reeirm), Q(Long Distance). LONG DISTANCE 4 Seleci "ON" by pressing a“, or@,@ . ’ 0“ 5 Press 3 to save change. M In this mode, when you try to make an imemanonai call (headed by 00), mm. CALL RESTRICTED‘ LONG ”STANCE displays and no inremaiienar call gees inraugh. RESTRICTED axessotel \I/ (”mummiesimiiwmmmm. we- /I OCKING / UNLOCKING THE PHONE You can iook your phone so that calls cannot be made by unauthorized persons. You ean sill! receive incoming calls. Turning the phone of! does not erase this leature; the phone siays In mode until you reset It. 1 Press-”$49 (Securily) 2 Enier lock code m" m 3 Press.1Auio Lock) - LOCKED - 5 Seleol ON“ or "on-"v by pressing 3 or@, @. FRI 10/11 aim 6 Press are save me change, 110151: When locked, ihe phone display 7LDCKED-. "0152: When locked, you have in enter lock code first 10 make a can, Ng‘rEszvou can siiII receive incoming calls, HANGING THE LOCK CODE The lock code is preset to 0000 irom the factory. You can change the lock code to any 4 digit numbers. 1 Press-K, 6) (Security) “In 2 Enter lock code 3 Press®(0hange Code) NEW °°DE 4 Enter your new lock code. MOVE: The lock code must be four numeric digits. 5 Press $ . 6 Pie-enter new lock code for venilcailon m“ 7. Press io confirm. Ou'E NOT MATCHED TFiV AGAIN!‘ —-——-—- fileye ii me confirmailon enirles do not reri previous enirles. VEHIFV CODE ../axeeSoiei m),<_mmwwmmm ONE LENGTH AND BACK LIGHT Tone Length Some Ans you call may be able Io veeognlze only long tuna. Vou may have to change the (one length to LONG. I Fressé": .@(Aulo Setup), ®(lone Lengm) lull 25 l “NORMAL“ or "LONG" by pressing TONE LENGTH °'® ‘@' > NORMAL a Press c‘E-ro save the change. 0 Back Light Von can control the length of back lighting 01 me dlsplay and the keypad. 1. Press 4-2“. , (9 (Auto Selup), ® (Back light) 2. Selecl "a SECONDS" or "ALWAYS OFF" by lel m pressing a or @,@, BACK LIGHT 3 Press to save me change. > 8 SECONDS a SECONDS: The light goes of! automatically 3 seconds ansr you Ium on me phone or press the last key. Always OFF: The ligm never comes on. my axessdei Optional Features Call Forwarding Call Walling Three-way Calling Message Service \I "7|“<' comma monarccmmnrm. -all Fonuarding Call Forwarding is a feature that lets you lorward your incoming calls to another phone number, even it your phone is turned oli or is in no service area. Contact your service provider to activate Call Forwarding. all Waltlng Call Waiting alerts you to a second incoming call while you are on the phone. When there's another incoming call, you will hear warning beep. To respond to the call waiting, press é-‘E‘Lor hlt shortly the hook switch once. Pressing “W again or hitting the hook again will let you go back to the firsl cell. Contact your service provlder to activate Call Waiting. hree-Way Calling Three-Way Calling is a leature that iets you set up a three-way conversation with two diiierent parties. While you’re In conversation with a party, hit or the hook switch and place another call with the third party, Then press¢"“~j‘.0r hit the hook switch again to connect the three panies together. Contact your service provider to activate Three»Way Calling. .an€f$Sfit§~3! mm”.m,.,..,....wumw,m. "3,4” Message Service Message Service is network dependent feature and Is available only when your service provider supports it Check your service provider Is providing message service before using thls lunctlon. h Sending New Text Messages 1 Press 3 , ®(Send MSG), ©(New). 2 Enter destination number and press $5, 3 Write message using the alphanumeric keypad and press Me: See page 19 to see how to edit text. 4 Your phone number is displayed as call back number. You can change call back number. Press 3. 5 Select message type withaor@, @and press . Emergency messaging is available only when your service provider support it. 6 Pressfilo send the message, Note: sent messages are automatically saved for yelran stall later. 6 Sending saved Text Messages 1 Press 2“; , ®(Send MSG) 2 Select message to resend with b or @, @ and Press 459. a To send the message again, press . muse To edit the message press a and go to step 2 above. mil. 1. NEW 2. SAVED MSG lelllm SEND T0... 858. Illll m HELLO? lull lg CALL BACK NUMBER 8589, Yrull E MESSAGE TVPE > SSECONDS ml" 12 STORE : SENDfiSAVE CLEAR : CANCEL Itlll 8 Sending... please limit... '/,/,(r/ , ~ w axesestel “X“ w ermrmreewrpwm. b Removing Tm Message 1 wnen lexl message arrives, 'TEXT MESSAGE ml a ARRIVED' displays shortly and 8 appears in me icon line. 2 Press $,®(Txt Message). 3 Pressa'bor.. @le select message you wenl m a lo see and press $- 4 The message, enlvel llme and call back number (if evelleble) shew up. If the message is long, ll will be scrolled down In 3 seconds aulomalically. 1“. To scroll up and down manually, ..- °f@-®- > 1: HELLO? press 0 4 ll the message eenleins callback number, 2: CA”- ME... press 42“. if you want lo call back. m 8 Note : ll me call back number ls stored In me phone book wim e name the name wIII dlspley “V1? 4 = 04 PM instead or the phone number. FROM 13539455421 NEW TEXT MESSAGE ARRIVED! 1: V0|CE [on] V 0 Delete Seleeqee Ten Menage ml 1 Press %,@(Txl Message). ERASE M537 3 Press (flier («93,69 to selecr message you want to delete and press . 4 Pressé‘fiagai" lelll 4Seleel YES wilh 450r@,@and pressé'fi, The message |s erased! > YES 0 kernel/ins Voice Messages I When voice messages arrive, '--VOICE MAIL AHHIVEDH shonly appears and lg appears m in the icon line. 2 Press 53g ,®(Volce Mail). ngisxfin. The number 07 unheard messages and the last message arnval lime and date shows. m - a Press and hold to retrieve messages. 1: VOICE [01] 2: 15x1- [021 v axess-teE chAzmmrftmLm/m;Ale-nnu/flm1 “bee/— 0 Erasing All Message 1 Press 9 (D (Erase MSG).. 2 Select YES wiln $5. or@ .@ _ 3 Press 45 . f Sehinglkeieaslng Menage Lock 1 Press$,@(MSG Option), ©(MSG Lock)‘ 2 Select ON or OFF with agorg), @ 3 Press 0. While message luck is sei, [he phone will ask Lack Code whenever you iry lo reirielve messages. 6 Setting/Releasing Menage Alert 1 Press 5”; .@ {MSG Option) ® (MSG Alan), zselectONorOFleth oor@,®. a Press 4"; . While the message aleri Is eel, the phone goes all alert when messages arrive. m ATA Call Service lull ERASE ALL? P YES rill E MESSAGE LOCK P ON mill MESSAGE ALERT P ON Axw-Paoov and AxW-P1900V do not suppon data call. Date Cell Service is network dependent feature and is available only when your service provider supports it. Check your service provider Is providing message service before using this iunetlon. h connecting to your PC 1 Conneci il’le phone to your PC wiih the Axessiel dala cable. The cable is sold separately. You can choose one oi ihe iwo cables; USB cable or 9pin serial cable amrdlng to your Pc conllgurailon. TO be added in Korea. axe53ete! ”1 5 Miscellaneous Menu Optlon Table Conversation and Message Menu Speclllcallons ab»!- comma meanwumuwmmuw. / \ MEMU OPTloN TABLE l II II! Explanation _ h oumomme Stoves len pnene numbers called "CALL mosl rscerrlly HISTORY _ Snares len phone numbers oleells 2‘ “comm reoelved moel reoenlly SEARCH 0mm User! when seerehlng Tor s phone number ZTPHONE 1: SEARCH NAME 1 NUMBER IMEMORV in The phone book by namomumoer/ ' shared memory number 500K Used when slollng a phone number and I: STORE name ln lhe phone book ‘, Ems sEARcl-l OPTION Used when eraslng a phone numberln NAME 1 NUMBER lMEMon The phone book l-.ALARM RELEASE 1 SET Sel/Release alarm 2~ CALL TlME Shows lne lune 01 Iasl all made ”ME 3: MR TIME |10UTGOMING snows aocumulaled oulgolng call hme z: INCOMINB shows aowmulaled incoming call one 4; cm AlR TIME CLEAR A»: TIME VEs lNo Resels aoeunluleled bell llme 5~ TlME MODE TlME MODE AM/RM 124 H seleels lime display mode Delermlnes whelher lne phone alone me 1, RING RING ON/OFF lnoomrng oall wnh sound ol only wllh message v RING TVPE 2, RING TYPE STANDARD ‘ a TYPES Seleols rlng rype wow.) 3: RING VOLUME Aoiuels rhe nng volume . ohm beep alone mlnule lnlervals when u MIN ALERT 1 MIN ALERT on [OFF you" D“ Bowman“ 5: svc ALERT sEvacE ALERT oN 1 OFF ONO" be” WP” “9 ”mm is 9m“? oul ol or enlenng swell erea 61ALARM TVPE ALARM rvRE Seleols alarm sound STANDARD e a TVPES , TONE LENGTH Sels lsnglh ol lone (when DTMFnumber mum "TONE LENGTH NoRMAL/ LONG is senl) lo anon or long SET UP , BACK LlellT Sels LCD and keypad llghls on or all 2“ BACK ”G” 8 SEC /ALWAYS OFF I : GREETING Used lo change greellng z: CHANGE CODE TlME MODE AM/RM 124 H Used lo change lock code a: REs‘rRlcT 1.INT‘L CALL Used lo limll inlemalional ea" a LONG Dls‘r Used lo llmll long dlslanoe cells G'SECUR'TV 4- cm MEMORY figxsgmfi 50° : Ereses all numhsu in memory 5. RESET PHONE RESET PHONE Relums lne phone lo leelory selling NONES 5: AUTO LOCK AUTO LOCK Used lo look me phone OFF/ON 7- Mv PHONE 11 Used lo check your phone number axess-tel I/ “WN (mm 1000 mm“ Lu": IMAxmruan/Pl’wm _ ERASE HISTORY? Erases numbers in omgemg on incoming 5- “ASE LOGS No/vEs call hiswry. DISPLAY LANGUAGE 9: LANGUAGE ENGLISH/SPANISH Selects user ln'er'ace language, 1- DATA PORT DATA PORT Salsas «me pm emllgurallnn SERIAL/USE 7mm 2: D5 SPEED Ds SPEED Seleels dale service speed SERWCE 115.2Kbpm92Kbps 3- RECEIVE MODE RECEIVE MODE Select incoming call receive made volcE ONLV/ASYNC/PC FAX ' The lock code is Diesel |o 0000 a: me laclery. ' A! MENU, press “CLEAR" lo mum in me pvevlous menu. IONVERSATION AND MESSAGE MENU During Conversuflen MENU l: MUTE 2: SILENT KEY a: SEND MY at Massage Menu 1: VOICE MAIL 2: TEXT MAIL 3: SEND MESSAGE 4: MESSAGE EHASE 5: MESSAGE OPTION EPECIFICATIONS Frequency AXW-PGOO TX: 824 ~ 849 MHI RX: 869 ~ 394 MHz Range AXW-P1900 Tx21850 ~ 1910 MHZ RXZ1930 ~ 1990 MHZ Channel Bandwidth CDMA 1.25 MHz Slabilily oi lrequency 0.4 ppm Exlemal appearanoelmm) 205(L) x 180(W)x emu MN 7409 (without baflery) Sending oulpul maximum 0.23w E.H.P Temperature oi operation -2o°... ~ 60°... Relative humidity 5% ~ 9m Adapler InputzAC 100~240V mom Oulpul: DC 9V/1A Battery Slandhy 1SmA (Slot Cycle Index: 2) 72 hours Talk 405mA
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