Aztech Technologies WL559E Aztech WL559E Wall Plugged 300Mbps High Speed Wireless-N Range Extender User Manual

Aztech Technologies Pte Ltd. Aztech WL559E Wall Plugged 300Mbps High Speed Wireless-N Range Extender Users Manual

Users Manual

   USER MANUALUSER MANUALUSER MANUALUSER MANUAL       Aztech WL559E Wall Plugged 300Mbps High Speed Wireless-N Range Extender
User Manual Page 2 of 43 Table of Contents About the Device ........................................................................................................ 3 Minimum System Requirements ................................................................. 4 Package Contents ........................................................................................ 4 Device Overview .......................................................................................... 5 Front Panel ................................................................................................................ 5 Bottom Panel ............................................................................................................ 5 Top View .................................................................................................................... 5 Aztech WL559E RSSI LED BEHAVIOUR ............................................................ 6 Tips for placing the Range Extender .......................................................................... 8 Configuring the Device ................................................................................ 8 Aztech WL559E - Modes of Operation ........................................................ 13 Use the Device as a Wireless Repeater ...................................................... 14 Use the Device as a Wireless Bridge .......................................................... 14 Configure the WL559E as a Wireless AP ..................................................... 16 Changing the Wireless Settings ................................................................. 18 Changing the Wireless Security Settings ................................................... 20 WPS – WiFi Protected Setup ....................................................................... 22 Configuring Wireless MAC Filtering ............................................................ 23 Viewing the Home Page ............................................................................ 24 System Management ............................................................................................... 26 Accessing System Management ................................................................ 26 What’s on System Management ................................................................ 26 Device Information ................................................................................................. 27 LAN Configuration ................................................................................................... 28 Firmware Upgrade .................................................................................................. 30 Configuration Settings ............................................................................................ 30 Reboot ..................................................................................................................... 32 System Password .................................................................................................... 33 Setting a Static IP on your PC .................................................................... 33 FCC Notice ................................................................................................................. 42
User Manual Page 3 of 43 About the Device Aztech Aztech Aztech Aztech  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E     WirelessWirelessWirelessWireless----N  Range  ExtendN  Range  ExtendN  Range  ExtendN  Range  Extender  supports  wireless er  supports  wireless er  supports  wireless er  supports  wireless 802.11b/g/n  standards  with  one  10/100Base802.11b/g/n  standards  with  one  10/100Base802.11b/g/n  standards  with  one  10/100Base802.11b/g/n  standards  with  one  10/100Base----T  Ethernet T  Ethernet T  Ethernet T  Ethernet  port, port, port, port, includes  Wireless  Received  Signal  Strengthincludes  Wireless  Received  Signal  Strengthincludes  Wireless  Received  Signal  Strengthincludes  Wireless  Received  Signal  Strength     Indicator  (RSSI)  LEDs       Indicator  (RSSI)  LEDs       Indicator  (RSSI)  LEDs       Indicator  (RSSI)  LEDs           and and and and supportssupportssupportssupports    a dedicated WPS button for a dedicated WPS button for a dedicated WPS button for a dedicated WPS button for easy configuration with your easy configuration with your easy configuration with your easy configuration with your Access Point and wireless clients. Access Point and wireless clients. Access Point and wireless clients. Access Point and wireless clients.         WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    is designed with MIMO technology to extend the reach of any is designed with MIMO technology to extend the reach of any is designed with MIMO technology to extend the reach of any is designed with MIMO technology to extend the reach of any existing wireless router/AP to maximize the coverage in your home existing wireless router/AP to maximize the coverage  in  your home existing wireless router/AP to maximize the coverage  in  your home existing wireless router/AP to maximize the coverage  in  your home or office. It basically receior office. It basically receior office. It basically receior office. It basically receives the signal from your wireless router/AP ves the signal from your wireless router/AP ves the signal from your wireless router/AP ves the signal from your wireless router/AP and  repeats  it  to  extend  the  range  to  farther  locations  that  are and  repeats  it  to  extend  the  range  to  farther  locations  that  are and  repeats  it  to  extend  the  range  to  farther  locations  that  are and  repeats  it  to  extend  the  range  to  farther  locations  that  are previously unreachable. previously unreachable. previously unreachable. previously unreachable.         The The The The WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    is eis eis eis equipped with 64/128quipped with 64/128quipped with 64/128quipped with 64/128----bit WEP, WIFI Protected Access bit WEP, WIFI Protected Access bit WEP, WIFI Protected Access bit WEP, WIFI Protected Access (WPA), and the latest WPA2 encryption with TKIP and AES(WPA), and the latest WPA2 encryption with TKIP and AES(WPA), and the latest WPA2 encryption with TKIP and AES(WPA), and the latest WPA2 encryption with TKIP and AES    algorithm to algorithm to algorithm to algorithm to protect your wireless network from unauthorized access. MAC Address protect your wireless network from unauthorized access. MAC Address protect your wireless network from unauthorized access. MAC Address protect your wireless network from unauthorized access. MAC Address Filtering for wireless links provides an additional layer of security for Filtering for wireless links provides an additional layer of security for Filtering for wireless links provides an additional layer of security for Filtering for wireless links provides an additional layer of security for your wireless network. your wireless network. your wireless network. your wireless network.         The  device  comes  with  1  x  10/100M  Auto  MDI/MDIx  Ethernet  port The  device  comes  with  1  x  10/100M  Auto  MDI/MDIx  Ethernet  port The  device  comes  with  1  x  10/100M  Auto  MDI/MDIx  Ethernet  port The  device  comes  with  1  x  10/100M  Auto  MDI/MDIx  Ethernet  port that can be uthat can be uthat can be uthat can be used to connect to an existing wired network to serve as a sed to connect to an existing wired network to serve as a sed to connect to an existing wired network to serve as a sed to connect to an existing wired network to serve as a wireless wireless wireless wireless  access  pointaccess  pointaccess  pointaccess  point     or  wireless  bridge.  It  can  also  be  used  to or  wireless  bridge.  It  can  also  be  used  to or  wireless  bridge.  It  can  also  be  used  to or  wireless  bridge.  It  can  also  be  used  to configure the device via its webconfigure the device via its webconfigure the device via its webconfigure the device via its web----based GUI, or upgrade the firmware based GUI, or upgrade the firmware based GUI, or upgrade the firmware based GUI, or upgrade the firmware when connected to the Network Interface Card of your PC.when connected to the Network Interface Card of your PC.when connected to the Network Interface Card of your PC.when connected to the Network Interface Card of your PC.
User Manual Page 4 of 43 Minimum System Requirements  Your computer must meet the following minimum requirements.Your computer must meet the following minimum requirements.Your computer must meet the following minimum requirements.Your computer must meet the following minimum requirements.     Any operating system can be usedAny operating system can be usedAny operating system can be usedAny operating system can be used     Web BrowserWeb BrowserWeb BrowserWeb Browser     233MHz processor233MHz processor233MHz processor233MHz processor     Ethernet network adapterEthernet network adapterEthernet network adapterEthernet network adapter     Or Wireless network adapterOr Wireless network adapterOr Wireless network adapterOr Wireless network adapter        Package Contents Package  contents  are  listed  below.  For  anyPackage  contents  are  listed  below.  For  anyPackage  contents  are  listed  below.  For  anyPackage  contents  are  listed  below.  For  any     missing  items,  please missing  items,  please missing  items,  please missing  items,  please contact  your  dealer  immediately.  Product  contents  may  vary  for contact  your  dealer  immediately.  Product  contents  may  vary  for contact  your  dealer  immediately.  Product  contents  may  vary  for contact  your  dealer  immediately.  Product  contents  may  vary  for different models.different models.different models.different models.     Aztech Aztech Aztech Aztech WL559WL559WL559WL559EEEE     Ethernet cableEthernet cableEthernet cableEthernet cable     Easy Start GuideEasy Start GuideEasy Start GuideEasy Start Guide     Resource CDResource CDResource CDResource CD
User Manual Page 5 of 43 Device Overview Front Panel   Bottom Panel     LABEL DESCRIPTION RESET  Press the Reset button using a pin for 5 seconds to restore the device to default factory settings ETHERNET PORT  Connect to computers/Ethernet devices Top View     WPS  or  Wifi  Protected  Setup  button  allows  for  easier  setup  of  the WPS  or  Wifi  Protected  Setup  button  allows  for  easier  setup  of  the WPS  or  Wifi  Protected  Setup  button  allows  for  easier  setup  of  the WPS  or  Wifi  Protected  Setup  button  allows  for  easier  setup  of  the WirelessWirelessWirelessWireless----N  Range  Extender  with  the  Wireless  AN  Range  Extender  with  the  Wireless  AN  Range  Extender  with  the  Wireless  AN  Range  Extender  with  the  Wireless  Accessccessccessccess     point  and  the point  and  the point  and  the point  and  the Wireless Wireless Wireless Wireless Clients (Clients (Clients (Clients (Laptops etc).Laptops etc).Laptops etc).Laptops etc).
User Manual Page 6 of 43 Aztech WL559E RSSI LED BEHAVIOUR The WL559E provides for a Wireless Received Signal Strength Indicator The WL559E provides for a Wireless Received Signal Strength Indicator The WL559E provides for a Wireless Received Signal Strength Indicator The WL559E provides for a Wireless Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI),  which  is  a combination of 3  LEDs (RSSI),  which  is  a combination of 3  LEDs (RSSI),  which  is  a combination of 3  LEDs (RSSI),  which  is  a combination of 3  LEDs       on the  front panel, to on the  front panel, to on the  front panel, to on the  front panel, to allow you to  determine  how strong tallow you to  determine  how strong tallow you to  determine  how strong tallow you to  determine  how strong the wireless signal is from your he wireless signal is from your he wireless signal is from your he wireless signal is from your routerrouterrouterrouter    or access pointor access pointor access pointor access point    to your WL559Eto your WL559Eto your WL559Eto your WL559E....        The following table gives an overview on how the three LEDs on the The following table gives an overview on how the three LEDs on the The following table gives an overview on how the three LEDs on the The following table gives an overview on how the three LEDs on the front panel of the WL559E behave.front panel of the WL559E behave.front panel of the WL559E behave.front panel of the WL559E behave.          LED COLOR/BEHAVIOUR   LED 1  LED 2  LED 3  LED 3 MODE GREEN GREEN GREEN ORANGE Wireless Repeater LED should be ON if WL559E is connected to Router and RSSI value is equal to HIGH. LED should be ON if WL559E is connected to Router and RSSI value is greater than or equal to MID. LED should be blinking if WL559E is NOT connected to any Router. LED should be ON if WL559E is connected to Router and RSSI value is greater than or equal to LOW. LED should be ON during boot up. After full boot up, LED will no longer be Orange It will switch to GREEN.. LED should be OFF while WL559E is booting up. LED should be OFF while WL559E is booting up. LED should be OFF while WL559E is booting up. LED should be blinking for 2 mins once WPS button is pressed. LED should stop blinking and ON for 5 secs when WPS authentication is successful. Then LED should be OFF. LED should be OFF while WL559E is doing WPS authentication. LED should be OFF while WL559E is doing WPS authentication. LED should be OFF while WL559E is doing WPS authentication. LED should be OFF if WL559E is connected to Router.
User Manual Page 7 of 43 Access Point LED should be OFF while WL559E is booting up. LED should be OFF while WL559E is booting up. LED should be OFF when AP is completely boot up LED should be ON when AP is fully boot up LED should be ON after fully boot up LED should be ON after f fully boot up LED will blink 2x once authentication with the WPS is successful LED will be blinking if not connected to a router LED should be OFF while WL559E is doing WPS authentication. LED should be OFF while WL559E is doing WPS authentication.   LED will blink for 2 minutes when WPS button is pressed. Wireless BRIDGE LED should be ON if WL559E is connected to Router and RSSI value is equal to HIGH. LED should be ON if WL559E is connected to Router and RSSI value is greater than or equal to MID. LED should be blinking if WL559E is NOT connected to any Router. LED should be ON if WL559E is connected to Router and RSSI value is greater than or equal to LOW. LED should be ON during boot up. After fully bootup, LED will OFF. LED should be OFF while WL559E is booting up. LED should be OFF while WL559E is booting up. LED should be OFF while WL559E is booting up. LED should be blinking for 2 mins once WPS button is pressed. LED should stop blinking and ON for 5 secs when WPS authentication is successful. Then LED should be OFF. LED should be OFF while WL559E is doing WPS authentication. LED should be OFF while WL559E is doing WPS authentication. LED should be OFF while WL559E is doing WPS authentication. LED should be OFF if WL559E is connected to Router.
User Manual Page 8 of 43 Tips for placing the Range Extender Before  proceeding  to  conBefore  proceeding  to  conBefore  proceeding  to  conBefore  proceeding  to  configure  your figure  your figure  your figure  your  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E,  it  is ,  it  is ,  it  is ,  it  is  a  good  idea  to a  good  idea  to a  good  idea  to a  good  idea  to identify the areas where you have good wireless reception and weak identify the areas where you have good wireless reception and weak identify the areas where you have good wireless reception and weak identify the areas where you have good wireless reception and weak or no wireless signal or no wireless signal or no wireless signal or no wireless signal at all. Based from thiat all. Based from thiat all. Based from thiat all. Based from this assessment you may place s assessment you may place s assessment you may place s assessment you may place the Wthe Wthe Wthe Wirelessirelessirelessireless----N Range ExtenderN Range ExtenderN Range ExtenderN Range Extender    in between a location where you have in between a location where you have in between a location where you have in between a location where you have good wireless reception and where you have poor wireless coverage. good wireless reception and where you have poor wireless coverage. good wireless reception and where you have poor wireless coverage. good wireless reception and where you have poor wireless coverage. This  will  serve  as  the This  will  serve  as  the This  will  serve  as  the This  will  serve  as  the identified  locationidentified  locationidentified  locationidentified  location     for  the for  the for  the for  the  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E.  The .  The .  The .  The illustratiillustratiillustratiillustration below is an example of a network diagram.on below is an example of a network diagram.on below is an example of a network diagram.on below is an example of a network diagram.                                         NOTE:  Placement  of  the  WirelessNOTE:  Placement  of  the  WirelessNOTE:  Placement  of  the  WirelessNOTE:  Placement  of  the  Wireless----N  Range  ExtendN  Range  ExtendN  Range  ExtendN  Range  Extender  is  crucial  to  get er  is  crucial  to  get er  is  crucial  to  get er  is  crucial  to  get the best possible results for extending your existing wireless signal. It the best possible results for extending your existing wireless signal. It the best possible results for extending your existing wireless signal. It the best possible results for extending your existing wireless signal. It isisisis    ideal for the ideal for the ideal for the ideal for the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    to be placed in a location where it to be placed in a location where it to be placed in a location where it to be placed in a location where it can receive can receive can receive can receive good wireless signal from the wireless router/Access Point (AP) so as good wireless signal from the wireless router/Access Point (AP) so as good wireless signal from the wireless router/Access Point (AP) so as good wireless signal from the wireless router/Access Point (AP) so as to avoid disconnection and packet avoid disconnection and packet avoid disconnection and packet avoid disconnection and packet loss. Configuring the Device Setting up the device is easy. Follow the steSetting up the device is easy. Follow the steSetting up the device is easy. Follow the steSetting up the device is easy. Follow the steps below to configure the ps below to configure the ps below to configure the ps below to configure the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    to connect toto connect toto connect toto connect to    your current wireleyour current wireleyour current wireleyour current wireless router/Ass router/Ass router/Ass router/Access ccess ccess ccess PPPPointointointoint. . . .
User Manual Page 9 of 43 TTTThe he he he  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E     can  be  configured  using  either  wired  or  wireless can  be  configured  using  either  wired  or  wireless can  be  configured  using  either  wired  or  wireless can  be  configured  using  either  wired  or  wireless connection with your laptop or PCconnection with your laptop or PCconnection with your laptop or PCconnection with your laptop or PC. . . .     To configure your WL559E via the Web GUI: Connect the Connect the Connect the Connect the Aztech Aztech Aztech Aztech WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    to a power a power a power a power outlet. For  the  wired  method,  connectFor  the  wired  method,  connectFor  the  wired  method,  connectFor  the  wired  method,  connect     an  Ethernet  cablan  Ethernet  cablan  Ethernet  cablan  Ethernet  cable  from  your  PC’s e  from  your  PC’s e  from  your  PC’s e  from  your  PC’s Ethernet port to the Ethernet port at the base of the Ethernet port to the Ethernet port at the base of the Ethernet port to the Ethernet port at the base of the Ethernet port to the Ethernet port at the base of the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E.... Once a connection to the Once a connection to the Once a connection to the Once a connection to the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    is established, your PC/laptop will is established, your PC/laptop will is established, your PC/laptop will is established, your PC/laptop will receive  an  IP  addressreceive  an  IP  addressreceive  an  IP  addressreceive  an  IP  address     (eg:     and  you  canand  you  canand  you  canand  you  can     then then then then  start  the start  the start  the start  the configuration using the web graphical user iconfiguration using the web graphical user iconfiguration using the web graphical user iconfiguration using the web graphical user interfacenterfacenterfacenterface    of the WL559Eof the WL559Eof the WL559Eof the WL559E.... On your PC or laptop, launch a browser (Eg: Internet On your PC or laptop, launch a browser (Eg: Internet On your PC or laptop, launch a browser (Eg: Internet On your PC or laptop, launch a browser (Eg: Internet Explorer,Explorer,Explorer,Explorer,    Firefox, Firefox, Firefox, Firefox, Safari etc).Safari etc).Safari etc).Safari etc).You will be prompted to login to the WebUI of the repeater. You will be prompted to login to the WebUI of the repeater. You will be prompted to login to the WebUI of the repeater. You will be prompted to login to the WebUI of the repeater. Key in admin/admin for username/password. Key in admin/admin for username/password. Key in admin/admin for username/password. Key in admin/admin for username/password.                     The The The The WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    willwillwillwill    now now now now automaticallyautomaticallyautomaticallyautomatically    redirecredirecredirecredirect you to the web GUI once t you to the web GUI once t you to the web GUI once t you to the web GUI once you launch your web browser. you launch your web browser. you launch your web browser. you launch your web browser.
User Manual Page 10 of 43   After  step  4,  the  following  WL559E WebUAfter  step  4,  the  following  WL559E WebUAfter  step  4,  the  following  WL559E WebUAfter  step  4,  the  following  WL559E WebUIIII     will  be launched on  your will  be launched on  your will  be launched on  your will  be launched on  your browser.  A Wireless  site survey  is  performed browser.  A Wireless  site survey  is  performed browser.  A Wireless  site survey  is  performed browser.  A Wireless  site survey  is  performed  totototo     scan andscan  andscan  andscan  and     displaydisplaydisplaydisplay     all all all all available neighboring wireless routers or Access pointsavailable neighboring wireless routers or Access pointsavailable neighboring wireless routers or Access pointsavailable neighboring wireless routers or Access points.... If If If If  in  any  case in  any  case in  any  case in  any  case  this  doesthis  doesthis  doesthis  does     not  happennot  happennot  happennot  happen, , , ,  alternately  ,alternately  ,alternately  ,alternately  ,you  may  manuallyyou  may  manuallyyou  may  manuallyyou  may  manually    inputinputinputinput on the address bar of your browser as shown below10.0.10.254 on the address bar of your browser as shown below10.0.10.254 on the address bar of your browser as shown below10.0.10.254 on the address bar of your browser as shown below Once  yoOnce  yoOnce  yoOnce  you  are  able  to  view  the  list  of  Wu  are  able  to  view  the  list  of  Wu  are  able  to  view  the  list  of  Wu  are  able  to  view  the  list  of  Wireless ireless ireless ireless  network  namenetwork  namenetwork  namenetwork  names  or s  or s  or s  or Access point names, scroll the list to find Access point names, scroll the list to find Access point names, scroll the list to find Access point names, scroll the list to find the Wthe Wthe Wthe Wireless nireless nireless nireless network name etwork name etwork name etwork name of your router at homeof your router at homeof your router at homeof your router at home    (Eg: SINGTEL(Eg: SINGTEL(Eg: SINGTEL(Eg: SINGTEL----7A7C  as shown below)7A7C  as shown below)7A7C  as shown below)7A7C  as shown below)
User Manual Page 11 of 43 Click  the Click  the Click  the Click  the  ConnectConnectConnectConnect     buttonbuttonbuttonbutton          located  on  the  right  side  of  the located  on  the  right  side  of  the located  on  the  right  side  of  the located  on  the  right  side  of  the wireless network wireless network wireless network wireless network name name name name you want to connect to. you want to connect to. you want to connect to. you want to connect to. Click Click Click Click ““““RefreshRefreshRefreshRefresh” button” button” button” button    if you don't see your wireless if you don't see your wireless if you don't see your wireless if you don't see your wireless network namenetwork namenetwork namenetwork name    on on on on the  listhe  listhe  listhe  listttt     and  the  WL559E  will  rescan  and  update  the  list  of  Wireless and  the  WL559E  will  rescan  and  update  the  list  of  Wireless and  the  WL559E  will  rescan  and  update  the  list  of  Wireless and  the  WL559E  will  rescan  and  update  the  list  of  Wireless network namesnetwork namesnetwork namesnetwork names.... Input  the Input  the Input  the Input  the  selected  Wselected  Wselected  Wselected  Wireless  network ireless  network ireless  network ireless  network  password/password/password/password/key/passphrasekey/passphrasekey/passphrasekey/passphrase     of of of of your  existing  wireless  network  at  homeyour  existing  wireless  network  at  homeyour  existing  wireless  network  at  homeyour  existing  wireless  network  at  home.  Click  the  Apply  button  to .  Click  the  Apply  button  to .  Click  the  Apply  button  to .  Click  the  Apply  button  to commit the changes.commit the changes.commit the changes.commit the changes.    Ensure to key in the correct WiEnsure to key in the correct WiEnsure to key in the correct WiEnsure to key in the correct Wireless password.reless password.reless password.reless password. The repeater will now start connecting to your wireless router at The repeater will now start connecting to your wireless router at The repeater will now start connecting to your wireless router at The repeater will now start connecting to your wireless router at home and display the following message “Repeater Connecting”home and display the following message “Repeater Connecting”home and display the following message “Repeater Connecting”home and display the following message “Repeater Connecting”
User Manual Page 12 of 43 After  successfully  saving  the  settings,  the  WL559E  will  reboot After  successfully  saving  the  settings,  the  WL559E  will  reboot After  successfully  saving  the  settings,  the  WL559E  will  reboot After  successfully  saving  the  settings,  the  WL559E  will  reboot and connect to your wireless router. and connect to your wireless router. and connect to your wireless router. and connect to your wireless router.     The  LEDThe  LEDThe  LEDThe  LEDs  on  the  front s  on  the  front s  on  the  front s  on  the  front  of  the  device  will  light  up  on of  the  device  will  light  up  on of  the  device  will  light  up  on of  the  device  will  light  up  on  a  successful a  successful a  successful a  successful connection  indicating  the  current  signal  strengthconnection  indicating  the  current  signal  strengthconnection  indicating  the  current  signal  strengthconnection  indicating  the  current  signal  strength     between  your between  your between  your between  your Wireless router and the Aztech WL559E.Wireless router and the Aztech WL559E.Wireless router and the Aztech WL559E.Wireless router and the Aztech WL559E.                                On  the  WebUi,  you  will  be  able  to  notice  that  the  connection On  the  WebUi,  you  will  be  able  to  notice  that  the  connection On  the  WebUi,  you  will  be  able  to  notice  that  the  connection On  the  WebUi,  you  will  be  able  to  notice  that  the  connection between your Wireless rbetween your Wireless rbetween your Wireless rbetween your Wireless router and the WL559E has been establishedouter and the WL559E has been establishedouter and the WL559E has been establishedouter and the WL559E has been established    as wellas wellas wellas well.... Plug  the Plug  the Plug  the Plug  the  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E     to  a  power  outo  a  power  outo  a  power  outo  a  power  outlet  at  the  identified  location  tlet  at  the  identified  location  tlet  at  the  identified  location  tlet  at  the  identified  location  where signal strength is strong as indicated by the 3 LEDs on the front where signal strength is strong as indicated by the 3 LEDs on the front where signal strength is strong as indicated by the 3 LEDs on the front where signal strength is strong as indicated by the 3 LEDs on the front panel of the devicepanel of the devicepanel of the devicepanel of the device     You  may  now You  may  now You  may  now You  may  now  connect  your connect  your connect  your connect  your  wwwwireless  devices  such  aireless  devices  such  aireless  devices  such  aireless  devices  such  as  laptops s  laptops s  laptops s  laptops andandandand    smasmasmasmartphones with the WL559E Wireless Repeaterrtphones with the WL559E Wireless Repeaterrtphones with the WL559E Wireless Repeaterrtphones with the WL559E Wireless Repeater....        NOTENOTENOTENOTE: : : :     *You may need to reboot your laptop to connect to the *You may need to reboot your laptop to connect to the *You may need to reboot your laptop to connect to the *You may need to reboot your laptop to connect to the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E....    **You  may  need  to  enable  Enhanced  Compatibility  if  you  are  using **You  may  need  to  enable  Enhanced  Compatibility  if  you  are  using **You  may  need  to  enable  Enhanced  Compatibility  if  you  are  using **You  may  need  to  enable  Enhanced  Compatibility  if  you  are  using Windows  7 OS with certain brands of Wireless routers.Windows  7 OS with certain brands of Wireless routers.Windows  7 OS with certain brands of Wireless routers.Windows  7 OS with certain brands of Wireless routers.
User Manual Page 13 of 43 ***Do***Do***Do***Do     not select AUTO  from channel  selection.  If your  wireless AP is not select AUTO  from channel  selection.  If your  wireless AP is not select AUTO  from channel  selection.  If your  wireless AP is not select AUTO  from channel  selection.  If your  wireless AP is using auto channel, you would still need to select the current channel using auto channel, you would still need to select the current channel using auto channel, you would still need to select the current channel using auto channel, you would still need to select the current channel it is using. The it is using. The it is using. The it is using. The WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    will automatically follow your wireless AP if it will automatically follow your wireless AP if it will automatically follow your wireless AP if it will automatically follow your wireless AP if it switches to a different channel.switches to a different channel.switches to a different channel.switches to a different channel.                                                         Aztech WL559E - Modes of Operation Aztech WL559E supports three modes of operation:Aztech WL559E supports three modes of operation:Aztech WL559E supports three modes of operation:Aztech WL559E supports three modes of operation:     Wireless  Repeater or Range Extender Mode [Default mode]Wireless  Repeater or Range Extender Mode [Default mode]Wireless  Repeater or Range Extender Mode [Default mode]Wireless  Repeater or Range Extender Mode [Default mode]     Wireless Bridge ModeWireless Bridge ModeWireless Bridge ModeWireless Bridge Mode     Wireless Access Point ModeWireless Access Point ModeWireless Access Point ModeWireless Access Point Mode
User Manual Page 14 of 43 Use the Device as a Wireless Repeater Once  the  wireless  connection  fOnce  the  wireless  connection  fOnce  the  wireless  connection  fOnce  the  wireless  connection  from  the rom  the rom  the rom  the  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E     to  the  main  Ato  the  main  Ato  the  main  Ato  the  main  Access ccess ccess ccess PPPPointointointoint/router is established you can connect your wireless devices like /router is established you can connect your wireless devices like /router is established you can connect your wireless devices like /router is established you can connect your wireless devices like laptops  and  smartphonlaptops  and  smartphonlaptops  and  smartphonlaptops  and  smartphones  through  the  Wirelesses  through  the  Wirelesses  through  the  Wirelesses  through  the  Wireless----N  Range  ExtenderN  Range  ExtenderN  Range  ExtenderN  Range  Extender. . . . These devices will These devices will These devices will These devices will now now now now obtain an IP address from the main AP/router obtain an IP address from the main AP/router obtain an IP address from the main AP/router obtain an IP address from the main AP/router and  should  be  able  tand  should  be  able  tand  should  be  able  tand  should  be  able  to  access  the  Internet  from  farther  locations o  access  the  Internet  from  farther  locations o  access  the  Internet  from  farther  locations o  access  the  Internet  from  farther  locations previously unreachable by your wireless signal. previously unreachable by your wireless signal. previously unreachable by your wireless signal. previously unreachable by your wireless signal.     Setup DiagramSetup DiagramSetup DiagramSetup Diagram        Use the Device as a Wireless Bridge Connect  wired  devices  to  your  wireless  network  by  connecting  an Connect  wired  devices  to  your  wireless  network  by  connecting  an Connect  wired  devices  to  your  wireless  network  by  connecting  an Connect  wired  devices  to  your  wireless  network  by  connecting  an Ethernet  cable  from  a  wired  device,  such  as  a Ethernet  cable  from  a  wired  device,  such  as  a Ethernet  cable  from  a  wired  device,  such  as  a Ethernet  cable  from  a  wired  device,  such  as  a  Desktop  PC,  Game Desktop  PC,  Game Desktop  PC,  Game Desktop  PC,  Game Console or InternetConsole or InternetConsole or InternetConsole or Internet----ready LCD TV, to the Ethernet port of the ready LCD TV, to the Ethernet port of the ready LCD TV, to the Ethernet port of the ready LCD TV, to the Ethernet port of the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E....    To setup the Aztech WL559E as a Wireless To setup the Aztech WL559E as a Wireless To setup the Aztech WL559E as a Wireless To setup the Aztech WL559E as a Wireless BridgeBridgeBridgeBridge:::: Connect  a  PC/laptop  to  the  WL559E.  Plug  an  Ethernet  cable  to  the Connect  a  PC/laptop  to  the  WL559E.  Plug  an  Ethernet  cable  to  the Connect  a  PC/laptop  to  the  WL559E.  Plug  an  Ethernet  cable  to  the Connect  a  PC/laptop  to  the  WL559E.  Plug  an  Ethernet  cable  to  the Ethernet port at the base portion of the device. Once aEthernet port at the base portion of the device. Once aEthernet port at the base portion of the device. Once aEthernet port at the base portion of the device. Once a    connection to connection to connection to connection to the  device  is  established,  your  PC/laptop  will  receive  an  IP  address the  device  is  established,  your  PC/laptop  will  receive  an  IP  address the  device  is  established,  your  PC/laptop  will  receive  an  IP  address the  device  is  established,  your  PC/laptop  will  receive  an  IP  address and  you  can  start  the  configuration  using  the  web  graphical  user and  you  can  start  the  configuration  using  the  web  graphical  user and  you  can  start  the  configuration  using  the  web  graphical  user and  you  can  start  the  configuration  using  the  web  graphical  user interface.interface.interface.interface.
User Manual Page 15 of 43 The device will redirect you to the web GUI once you launch your web The device will redirect you to the web GUI once you launch your web The device will redirect you to the web GUI once you launch your web The device will redirect you to the web GUI once you launch your web browser.  If  in  any  case  it browser.  If  in  any  case  it browser.  If  in  any  case  it browser.  If  in  any  case  it  does  not,  you  may  manually  input does  not,  you  may  manually  input does  not,  you  may  manually  input does  not,  you  may  manually  input  on  the  address  bar.  on  the  address  bar.  on  the  address  bar.  on  the  address  bar.     Input  username  as  admin  and Input  username  as  admin  and Input  username  as  admin  and Input  username  as  admin  and password as admin. Click the OK button.password as admin. Click the OK button.password as admin. Click the OK button.password as admin. Click the OK button. On your browser, close the Wireless Site survey that displays the list On your browser, close the Wireless Site survey that displays the list On your browser, close the Wireless Site survey that displays the list On your browser, close the Wireless Site survey that displays the list of  the  available  Wireless  networks.  Select  “of  the  available  Wireless  networks.  Select  “of  the  available  Wireless  networks.  Select  “of  the  available  Wireless  networks.  Select  “Quick  CoQuick  CoQuick  CoQuick  Connectnnectnnectnnect”  from  the ”  from  the ”  from  the ”  from  the WebUi homepage as shown below.WebUi homepage as shown below.WebUi homepage as shown below.WebUi homepage as shown below. Choose  the  desired  Wireless  router  from  the  Wireless  Site  survey  to Choose  the  desired  Wireless  router  from  the  Wireless  Site  survey  to Choose  the  desired  Wireless  router  from  the  Wireless  Site  survey  to Choose  the  desired  Wireless  router  from  the  Wireless  Site  survey  to connect to and select the  connect to and select the  connect to and select the  connect to and select the       button.button.button.button. Select “Bridge” as shown Select “Bridge” as shown Select “Bridge” as shown Select “Bridge” as shown belowbelowbelowbelow    .The WL559E will auto fill the .The WL559E will auto fill the .The WL559E will auto fill the .The WL559E will auto fill the details details details details of  the  Wireless  router.  Key  inof  the  Wireless  router.  Key  inof  the  Wireless  router.  Key  inof  the  Wireless  router.  Key  in     the  correct  Wireless  Password  / the  correct  Wireless  Password  / the  correct  Wireless  Password  / the  correct  Wireless  Password  / passphrase  of  your  wireless  router  thenpassphrase  of  your  wireless  router  thenpassphrase  of  your  wireless  router  thenpassphrase  of  your  wireless  router  then     select  “Apply”.select  “Apply”.select  “Apply”.select  “Apply”.     The  settings The  settings The  settings The  settings will then get applied. will then get applied. will then get applied. will then get applied.
User Manual Page 16 of 43 Connect the Wired Client to the Ethernet port of the WL559E similar to Connect the Wired Client to the Ethernet port of the WL559E similar to Connect the Wired Client to the Ethernet port of the WL559E similar to Connect the Wired Client to the Ethernet port of the WL559E similar to the setup shown below.the setup shown below.the setup shown below.the setup shown below.    Setup DiagramSetup DiagramSetup DiagramSetup Diagram            Configure the WL559E as a Wireless AP Use  the Use  the Use  the Use  the  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E     also also also also  as  a  Wireless  Access as  a  Wireless  Access as  a  Wireless  Access as  a  Wireless  Access  Point,Point,Point,Point,     to  turn  a  regular to  turn  a  regular to  turn  a  regular to  turn  a  regular modemmodemmodemmodem----router into a wireless capable networking device to router into a  wireless capable networking device to router into a  wireless capable networking device to router into a  wireless capable networking device to  be able be able be able be able to to to to  connect connect connect connect  to to to to  wirelesswirelesswirelesswireless----enabled  devices  such  as  laptops  and enabled  devices  such  as  laptops  and enabled  devices  such  as  laptops  and enabled  devices  such  as  laptops  and smartphones. smartphones. smartphones. smartphones.     To setup the To setup the To setup the To setup the Aztech WL559EAztech WL559EAztech WL559EAztech WL559E    as as as as a a a a WWWWireless AP:ireless AP:ireless AP:ireless AP: Connect  a  PCConnect  a  PCConnect  a  PCConnect  a  PC/laptop  to  the /laptop  to  the /laptop  to  the /laptop  to  the  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E.  Plug  an  Ethernet  cable  to  the .  Plug  an  Ethernet  cable  to  the .  Plug  an  Ethernet  cable  to  the .  Plug  an  Ethernet  cable  to  the Ethernet port at the base portion of the device.Ethernet port at the base portion of the device.Ethernet port at the base portion of the device.Ethernet port at the base portion of the device.    Once a connection to Once a connection to Once a connection to Once a connection to the  device  is  established,  your  PC/laptop  will  receive  an  IP  address the  device  is  established,  your  PC/laptop  will  receive  an  IP  address the  device  is  established,  your  PC/laptop  will  receive  an  IP  address the  device  is  established,  your  PC/laptop  will  receive  an  IP  address and  you  can  start  the  configuration  uand  you  can  start  the  configuration  uand  you  can  start  the  configuration  uand  you  can  start  the  configuration  using  the  web  graphical  user sing  the  web  graphical  user sing  the  web  graphical  user sing  the  web  graphical  user interface.interface.interface.interface.
User Manual Page 17 of 43 The device will redirect you to the web GUI once you launch your web The device will redirect you to the web GUI once you launch your web The device will redirect you to the web GUI once you launch your web The device will redirect you to the web GUI once you launch your web browser.  If  in  any  case  it  does  not,  you  may  manually  input browser.  If  in  any  case  it  does  not,  you  may  manually  input browser.  If  in  any  case  it  does  not,  you  may  manually  input browser.  If  in  any  case  it  does  not,  you  may  manually  input  on  the  address  bar.  on  the  address  bar.  on  the  address  bar.  on  the  address  bar.     Input  username  as  admin  and Input  username  as  admin  and Input  username  as  admin  and Input  username  as  admin  and password as admin. Click thepassword as admin. Click thepassword as admin. Click thepassword as admin. Click the    OK button.OK button.OK button.OK button. On your browser, cOn your browser, cOn your browser, cOn your browser, close the Wireless Site survey that displays the list lose the Wireless Site survey that displays the list lose the Wireless Site survey that displays the list lose the Wireless Site survey that displays the list of  the  available  Wireless  networks.  Select  “Setup”  from  the  WebUi of  the  available  Wireless  networks.  Select  “Setup”  from  the  WebUi of  the  available  Wireless  networks.  Select  “Setup”  from  the  WebUi of  the  available  Wireless  networks.  Select  “Setup”  from  the  WebUi homepage as shown below.homepage as shown below.homepage as shown below.homepage as shown below. Select  “Access  Point”  as  shown  below,  Set  the  desired  Wireless Select  “Access  Point”  as  shown  below,  Set  the  desired  Wireless Select  “Access  Point”  as  shown  below,  Set  the  desired  Wireless Select  “Access  Point”  as  shown  below,  Set  the  desired  Wireless network  name  and network  name  and network  name  and network  name  and  the  security  type  and  then  select  “Apply”.The the  security  type  and  then  select  “Apply”.The the  security  type  and  then  select  “Apply”.The the  security  type  and  then  select  “Apply”.The settings willsettings willsettings willsettings will    then get applied.then get applied.then get applied.then get applied.   UUUUnplug the Ethernet cable from your PC and connect it to an available nplug the Ethernet cable from your PC and connect it to an available nplug the Ethernet cable from your PC and connect it to an available nplug the Ethernet cable from your PC and connect it to an available Ethernet  port  in  your  modemEthernet  port  in  your  modemEthernet  port  in  your  modemEthernet  port  in  your  modem----router  to  match  the  hardware  setup router  to  match  the  hardware  setup router  to  match  the  hardware  setup router  to  match  the  hardware  setup illustrated below.illustrated below.illustrated below.illustrated below.    Setup DiagramSetup DiagramSetup DiagramSetup Diagram
User Manual Page 18 of 43     NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE:     To change any  wireless  settings on the To change any  wireless  settings on the To change any  wireless  settings on the To change any  wireless  settings on the  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E,  you  would  need to , you would need  to ,  you  would  need to , you would need  to set  a  static  IP  address  on  your  wireless  network  card  to  be  able  to set  a  static  IP  address  on  your  wireless  network  card  to  be  able  to set  a  static  IP  address  on  your  wireless  network  card  to  be  able  to set  a  static  IP  address  on  your  wireless  network  card  to  be  able  to access the web GUI before you can configure the settings. access the web GUI before you can configure the settings. access the web GUI before you can configure the settings. access the web GUI before you can configure the settings.         Setting a Static IP on your PCSetting a Static IP on your PCSetting a Static IP on your PCSetting a Static IP on your PC    Please  refer to  the  steps  on  howPlease  refer to  the  steps  on  howPlease  refer  to  the steps on  howPlease  refer to  the  steps  on  how     to  set  a  static IP  on  your  PC to  set  a  static IP  on  your  PC to  set  a  static IP  on  your  PC to  set  a  static IP  on  your  PC  ((((also also also also included in this included in this included in this included in this user user user user manualmanualmanualmanual, , , , please scroll down please scroll down please scroll down please scroll down to page #to page #to page #to page #                            Changing the Wireless Settings Modify the default Wireless Settings Modify the default Wireless Settings Modify the default Wireless Settings Modify the default Wireless Settings of the WL559E of the WL559E of the WL559E of the WL559E to suit your own to suit your own to suit your own to suit your own preference. preference. preference. preference.     To change the Wireless settings via the Web GUI: Set a statiSet a statiSet a statiSet a static IP c IP c IP c IP (Eg: (Eg: (Eg: (Eg: on your PC. Connect the PC to the WL559E on your PC. Connect the PC to the WL559E on your PC. Connect the PC to the WL559E on your PC. Connect the PC to the WL559E and Launchand Launchand Launchand Launch    your browseryour browseryour browseryour browser
User Manual Page 19 of 43 Input admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OK Close the Wireless Site survey pop Close the Wireless Site survey pop Close the Wireless Site survey pop Close the Wireless Site survey pop up andup andup andup and    click on the “Wireless” icon click on the “Wireless” icon click on the “Wireless” icon click on the “Wireless” icon as shown beloas shown beloas shown beloas shown below. w. w. w. You  can  change  the You  can  change  the You  can  change  the You  can  change  the  Basic  settings, Basic  settings, Basic  settings, Basic  settings,  wireless wireless wireless wireless  security security security security  settings settings settings settings  and and and and change wireless MAC filtering settings from this section change wireless MAC filtering settings from this section change wireless MAC filtering settings from this section change wireless MAC filtering settings from this section You  can  make  any  changes  to  the You  can  make  any  changes  to  the You  can  make  any  changes  to  the You  can  make  any  changes  to  the  basic basic basic basic  wireless  settings  of  the wireless  settings  of  the wireless  settings  of  the wireless  settings  of  the WL559E by selecting the “Wireless Basic Settings” icon and WL559E by selecting the “Wireless Basic Settings” icon and WL559E by selecting the “Wireless Basic Settings” icon and WL559E by selecting the “Wireless Basic Settings” icon and ClicClicClicClick Apply k Apply k Apply k Apply to commit the changesto commit the changesto commit the changesto commit the changes       Ensure to recreate the wireless profile on your computer to match the Ensure to recreate the wireless profile on your computer to match the Ensure to recreate the wireless profile on your computer to match the Ensure to recreate the wireless profile on your computer to match the new settingsnew settingsnew settingsnew settings
User Manual Page 20 of 43 Changing the Wireless Security Settings Modify  the  default  Wireless  Security  Settings  to  suit  your  own Modify  the  default  Wireless  Security  Settings  to  suit  your  own Modify  the  default  Wireless  Security  Settings  to  suit  your  own Modify  the  default  Wireless  Security  Settings  to  suit  your  own preference. preference. preference. preference.     To change the Wireless security settings via the Web GUI: SetSetSetSet    a static IP a static IP a static IP a static IP (Eg: your PC. Connect the PC to the WL559E on your PC. Connect the PC to the WL559E on your PC. Connect the PC to the WL559E on your PC. Connect the PC to the WL559E and Launch your browserand Launch your browserand Launch your browserand Launch your browser Input admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OK Click  the Click  the Click  the Click  the  ““““WirelessWirelessWirelessWireless””””     button,  and  click  the  Security  menu.  Ybutton,  and  click  the  Security  menu.  Ybutton,  and  click  the  Security  menu.  Ybutton,  and  click  the  Security  menu.  You  can ou  can ou  can ou  can change the wireless security settings as preferred from this pagechange the wireless security settings as preferred from this pagechange the wireless security settings as preferred from this pagechange the wireless security settings as preferred from this page Then  Select  the  “Security  Settings”  icon  to  make  the  necessary Then  Select  the  “Security  Settings”  icon  to  make  the  necessary Then  Select  the  “Security  Settings”  icon  to  make  the  necessary Then  Select  the  “Security  Settings”  icon  to  make  the  necessary changes.changes.changes.changes.
User Manual Page 21 of 43 You  can  choose  any  of  the  Wireless  Security  modes,  set  the  new You  can  choose  any  of  the  Wireless  Security  modes,  set  the  new You  can  choose  any  of  the  Wireless  Security  modes,  set  the  new You  can  choose  any  of  the  Wireless  Security  modes,  set  the  new wireless key or password for your WL559E.wireless key or password for your WL559E.wireless key or password for your WL559E.wireless key or password for your WL559E.   The  supported  security  modes  are  WEP,  WPAThe  supported  security  modes  are  WEP,  WPAThe  supported  security  modes  are  WEP,  WPAThe  supported  security  modes  are  WEP,  WPA----PSKPSKPSKPSK,  WPA2,  WPA2,  WPA2,  WPA2----PSK  and PSK  and PSK  and PSK  and WPA/WPA2.Recommend to use WPA/WPA2 security type. WPA/WPA2.Recommend to use WPA/WPA2 security type. WPA/WPA2.Recommend to use WPA/WPA2 security type. WPA/WPA2.Recommend to use WPA/WPA2 security type. Click Apply to commit the changesClick Apply to commit the changesClick Apply to commit the changesClick Apply to commit the changes Ensure to recreate the wireless profile on your computer to match the Ensure to recreate the wireless profile on your computer to match the Ensure to recreate the wireless profile on your computer to match the Ensure to recreate the wireless profile on your computer to match the new settingsnew settingsnew settingsnew settings
User Manual Page 22 of 43 WPS – WiFi Protected Setup WPS or WiFWPS or WiFWPS or WiFWPS or WiFi Protected Setup makes it i Protected Setup makes it i Protected Setup makes it i Protected Setup makes it easiereasiereasiereasier    to setup the Wto setup the Wto setup the Wto setup the Wirelessirelessirelessireless----N N N N Range ExtendRange ExtendRange ExtendRange Extender with your Wireless router and your Wireless with your Wireless router and your Wireless with your Wireless router and your Wireless with your Wireless router and your Wireless client.    Note:  Your  Wireless  router  at  home  as  well  as  your  Wireless  clients Note:  Your  Wireless  router  at  home  as  well  as  your  Wireless  clients Note:  Your  Wireless  router  at  home  as  well  as  your  Wireless  clients Note:  Your  Wireless  router  at  home  as  well  as  your  Wireless  clients must supportmust supportmust supportmust support    WiFi Protected Setup featureWiFi Protected Setup featureWiFi Protected Setup featureWiFi Protected Setup feature    The AzteThe AzteThe AzteThe Aztech WL559E provides for a dedicated WPS ch WL559E provides for a dedicated WPS ch WL559E provides for a dedicated WPS ch WL559E provides for a dedicated WPS buttonbuttonbuttonbutton    on the top of on the top of on the top of on the top of the device.the device.the device.the device.            To connect the WL559E to your wireless router/AP via WPS: Press  the  WPS button  on  the Press  the  WPS button  on  the Press  the  WPS button  on  the Press  the  WPS button  on  the  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E     for 5  seconds to activate WPS for 5  seconds to activate WPS for 5  seconds to activate WPS for 5  seconds to activate WPS Enrollee mode.Enrollee mode.Enrollee mode.Enrollee mode. Press the WPS button on your wireless routePress the WPS button on your wireless routePress the WPS button on your wireless routePress the WPS button on your wireless router/AP within 2 minutes.r/AP within 2 minutes.r/AP within 2 minutes.r/AP within 2 minutes. The 2 devices should associate automatically within 2 minutes. The 2 devices should associate automatically within 2 minutes. The 2 devices should associate automatically within 2 minutes. The 2 devices should associate automatically within 2 minutes.         To connect a wireless client to the WL559E via WPS: Press  the  WPS button  on  the Press  the  WPS button  on  the Press  the  WPS button  on  the Press  the  WPS button  on  the  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E     for 2  seconds to activate WPS for 2  seconds to activate WPS for 2  seconds to activate WPS for 2  seconds to activate WPS Registrar mode.Registrar mode.Registrar mode.Registrar mode. Press the WPS button on your wirelPress the WPS button on your wirelPress the WPS button on your wirelPress the WPS button on your wireless client within 2 minutes.ess client within 2 minutes.ess client within 2 minutes.ess client within 2 minutes.
User Manual Page 23 of 43 The 2 devices should associate automatically within 2 minutes. The 2 devices should associate automatically within 2 minutes. The 2 devices should associate automatically within 2 minutes. The 2 devices should associate automatically within 2 minutes.         Configuring Wireless MAC Filtering Wireless MAC Filtering allows you to select which wireless  clients to Wireless MAC Filtering allows you to select which wireless  clients to Wireless  MAC  Filtering  allows  you to  select  which  wireless clients to Wireless MAC Filtering allows you to select which wireless  clients to allow or deny access to the Wirelessallow or deny access to the Wirelessallow or deny access to the Wirelessallow or deny access to the Wireless----N Range ExtenderN Range ExtenderN Range ExtenderN Range Extender. . . .     To configure Wireless MAC Filtering via the Web GUI: SetSetSetSet     a  static IP  (Eg: on your PC and connect your PC to the a static IP (Eg: on your  PC  and connect your PC to the a static IP (Eg: on your  PC  and connect your PC to the a static IP (Eg: on your  PC  and connect your PC to the WL559E and launch the browser WL559E and launch the browser WL559E and launch the browser WL559E and launch the browser .... Input admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OK.... Close the Wireless Site survey popuClose the Wireless Site survey popuClose the Wireless Site survey popuClose the Wireless Site survey popup and p and p and p and Click the Click the Click the Click the ““““WirelessWirelessWirelessWireless””””    icon on icon on icon on icon on the homepage as shown below.the homepage as shown below.the homepage as shown below.the homepage as shown below. CCCClick lick lick lick ““““MAC filterMAC filterMAC filterMAC filter” icon. ” icon. ” icon. ” icon. You can You can You can You can either either either either select Allow or Deny select Allow or Deny select Allow or Deny select Allow or Deny tab to apply thetab to apply thetab to apply thetab to apply the    Policy Policy Policy Policy
User Manual Page 24 of 43 EEEEnter the MAC address of the wireless client you wish to allow/deny nter the MAC address of the wireless client you wish to allow/deny nter the MAC address of the wireless client you wish to allow/deny nter the MAC address of the wireless client you wish to allow/deny access to theaccess to theaccess to theaccess to the    WirelessWirelessWirelessWireless----N Range ExN Range ExN Range ExN Range Extender.tender.tender.tender.                    Allow WiFi MAC address accessAllow WiFi MAC address accessAllow WiFi MAC address accessAllow WiFi MAC address access            Deny WiFi MAC address accessDeny WiFi MAC address accessDeny WiFi MAC address accessDeny WiFi MAC address access   Click Click Click Click      to to to to add add add add one or more one or more one or more one or more Wifi MAC address Wifi MAC address Wifi MAC address Wifi MAC address .... Click Apply to commit the settingsClick Apply to commit the settingsClick Apply to commit the settingsClick Apply to commit the settings    Viewing the Home Page The  Home  Page  will  provideThe  Home  Page  will  provideThe  Home  Page  will  provideThe  Home  Page  will  provide     youyouyouyou     with  icons  to  help  configure  the with  icons  to  help  configure  the with  icons  to  help  configure  the with  icons  to  help  configure  the WL559E and aWL559E and aWL559E and aWL559E and also providelso providelso providelso provide    information about your device.information about your device.information about your device.information about your device.    To view the Home Page via the Web GUI: Once  connected  to  the  WL559E,  Launch  aOnce  connected  to  the  WL559E,  Launch  aOnce  connected  to  the  WL559E,  Launch  aOnce  connected  to  the  WL559E,  Launch  a     browserbrowserbrowserbrowser     on  your  PC  or on  your  PC  or on  your  PC  or on  your  PC  or laptop.laptop.laptop.laptop. Input admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OK.... A Wireless site survey pop up will be A Wireless site survey pop up will be A Wireless site survey pop up will be A Wireless site survey pop up will be displayed. displayed. displayed. displayed.
User Manual Page 25 of 43 Close the site survey to access the Home page of the WL559E WebUIClose the site survey to access the Home page of the WL559E WebUIClose the site survey to access the Home page of the WL559E WebUIClose the site survey to access the Home page of the WL559E WebUI
User Manual Page 26 of 43 System Management The  System  Management  menu  is  used  for  device  settings The  System  Management  menu  is  used  for  device  settings The  System  Management  menu  is  used  for  device  settings The  System  Management  menu  is  used  for  device  settings administration.administration.administration.administration.    Accessing System Management To access the Web User Interface: With the WL550E connectWith the WL550E connectWith the WL550E connectWith the WL550E connected to your PC ,launched to your PC ,launched to your PC ,launched to your PC ,launch    your browser.your browser.your browser.your browser. Input admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OKInput admin for both username and password fields and click on OK Close the Wireless Site Survey popClose the Wireless Site Survey popClose the Wireless Site Survey popClose the Wireless Site Survey pop----up.up.up.up. Click on “System” Click on “System” Click on “System” Click on “System”                     What’s on System Management System Management includes the following options:System Management includes the following options:System Management includes the following options:System Management includes the following options:
User Manual Page 27 of 43      Device Device Device Device InforInforInforInformationmationmationmation     LAN ConfigurationLAN ConfigurationLAN ConfigurationLAN Configuration     FirmwareFirmwareFirmwareFirmware    UpgradeUpgradeUpgradeUpgrade     Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration SettingsSettingsSettingsSettings     RebootRebootRebootReboot     System System System System PasswordPasswordPasswordPassword                                                        Device Information This  page  shows  the  device  information.  Below  is  the  list  of This  page  shows  the  device  information.  Below  is  the  list  of This  page  shows  the  device  information.  Below  is  the  list  of This  page  shows  the  device  information.  Below  is  the  list  of information shown in this menu.information shown in this menu.information shown in this menu.information shown in this menu.
User Manual Page 28 of 43      Firmware Version Firmware Version Firmware Version Firmware Version ––––    Shows the current firmShows the current firmShows the current firmShows the current firmware version of the deviceware version of the deviceware version of the deviceware version of the device     Build Date Build Date Build Date Build Date ––––    Shows the firmware release dateShows the firmware release dateShows the firmware release dateShows the firmware release date     Serial Number Serial Number Serial Number Serial Number ––––    Shows the serial number of the deviceShows the serial number of the deviceShows the serial number of the deviceShows the serial number of the device     ETH MAC Address ETH MAC Address ETH MAC Address ETH MAC Address ––––    Shows device’s Ethernet interface MAC addressShows device’s Ethernet interface MAC addressShows device’s Ethernet interface MAC addressShows device’s Ethernet interface MAC address     Wireless  MAC  Address Wireless  MAC  Address Wireless  MAC  Address Wireless  MAC  Address  ––––     Shows  device’s  wireless  interface  MAC Shows  device’s  wireless  interface  MAC Shows  device’s  wireless  interface  MAC Shows  device’s  wireless  interface  MAC addreaddreaddreaddressssssss     Wireless Status Wireless Status Wireless Status Wireless Status ––––    Shows the status of the wireless interface.Shows the status of the wireless interface.Shows the status of the wireless interface.Shows the status of the wireless interface.                    LAN Configuration This page allows you to change the IP address of the device.This page allows you to change the IP address of the device.This page allows you to change the IP address of the device.This page allows you to change the IP address of the device.
User Manual Page 29 of 43         NOTE: You may change the IP address of the NOTE: You may change the IP address of the NOTE: You may change the IP address of the NOTE: You may change the IP address of the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    to an IP address to an IP address to an IP address to an IP address within the same subnet of your existinwithin the same subnet of your existinwithin the same subnet of your existinwithin the same subnet of your existing network. g network. g network. g network.         This  will  allow  you  access  to  the This  will  allow  you  access  to  the This  will  allow  you  access  to  the This  will  allow  you  access  to  the  WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E     web  GUI  even  after  it  is web  GUI  even  after  it  is web  GUI  even  after  it  is web  GUI  even  after  it  is associated to your wireless router/AP.associated to your wireless router/AP.associated to your wireless router/AP.associated to your wireless router/AP.            PleasePleasePleasePlease    remember to reserve the assigned IP address on your router’s remember to reserve the assigned IP address on your router’s remember to reserve the assigned IP address on your router’s remember to reserve the assigned IP address on your router’s DHCP server to prevent any IP conflict on your network.DHCP server to prevent any IP conflict on your network.DHCP server to prevent any IP conflict on your network.DHCP server to prevent any IP conflict on your network.
User Manual Page 30 of 43 Firmware Upgrade Firmware menu  allows you to see the current firmware version and Firmware menu  allows you to see the current firmware version and Firmware menu allows you to see the current firmware version and Firmware menu  allows you to see the current firmware version and build date as well as upgrade the firmware of the date as well as upgrade the firmware of the date as well as upgrade the firmware of the date as well as upgrade the firmware of the device.          Firmware  Information Firmware  Information Firmware  Information Firmware  Information  ––––     Shows  the  current  firmware’s  version  and Shows  the  current  firmware’s  version  and Shows  the  current  firmware’s  version  and Shows  the  current  firmware’s  version  and build datebuild datebuild datebuild date     Firmware Upgrade Firmware Upgrade Firmware Upgrade Firmware Upgrade ––––    Load a new firmware upgrade filLoad a new firmware upgrade filLoad a new firmware upgrade filLoad a new firmware upgrade file to the devicee to the devicee to the devicee to the device        NOTE: Make sure you connect to the device via Ethernet cable when NOTE: Make sure you connect to the device via Ethernet cable when NOTE: Make sure you connect to the device via Ethernet cable when NOTE: Make sure you connect to the device via Ethernet cable when upgrading  the  firmware  to  avoid  corruption  during  the  firmware upgrading  the  firmware  to  avoid  corruption  during  the  firmware upgrading  the  firmware  to  avoid  corruption  during  the  firmware upgrading  the  firmware  to  avoid  corruption  during  the  firmware upgrade procedure.upgrade procedure.upgrade procedure.upgrade procedure.                Configuration Settings This  page  allows  you  to  backup  and  restore  the  current  device This  page  allows  you  to  backup  and  restore  the  current  device This  page  allows  you  to  backup  and  restore  the  current  device This  page  allows  you  to  backup  and  restore  the  current  device conconconconfiguration  as  well  as  to  reset  the  device  to  its  factory  default figuration  as  well  as  to  reset  the  device  to  its  factory  default figuration  as  well  as  to  reset  the  device  to  its  factory  default figuration  as  well  as  to  reset  the  device  to  its  factory  default settings.settings.settings.settings.
User Manual Page 31 of 43      Backup Backup Backup Backup ––––    To backup the current configuration of the device to a fileTo backup the current configuration of the device to a fileTo backup the current configuration of the device to a fileTo backup the current configuration of the device to a file         Update Update Update Update ––––    To restore a configuration file to the deviceTo restore a configuration file to the deviceTo restore a configuration file to the deviceTo restore a configuration file to the device         RestoreRestoreRestoreRestore    ––––    To reset the device to factory default seTo reset the device to factory default seTo reset the device to factory default seTo reset the device to factory default settingsttingsttingsttings
User Manual Page 32 of 43 Reboot Reboot  allows  you  to  reboot Reboot  allows  you  to  reboot Reboot  allows  you  to  reboot Reboot  allows  you  to  reboot  or  power  cycle or  power  cycle or  power  cycle or  power  cycle  the  device  for  new the  device  for  new the  device  for  new the  device  for  new settings to take effect.settings to take effect.settings to take effect.settings to take effect.    Select the link “Reboot” at the top right corner Select the link “Reboot” at the top right corner Select the link “Reboot” at the top right corner Select the link “Reboot” at the top right corner of the WL559E WebUI.of the WL559E WebUI.of the WL559E WebUI.of the WL559E WebUI.          Reboot Reboot Reboot Reboot ––––    Allows you to reboot the deviceAllows you to reboot the deviceAllows you to reboot the deviceAllows you to reboot the device
User Manual Page 33 of 43 System Password Password menu alPassword menu alPassword menu alPassword menu allows you to change the lows you to change the lows you to change the lows you to change the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E’s ’s ’s ’s system system system system password password password password to access the to access the to access the to access the Web based Web based Web based Web based Graphical User Interface (GUI).Graphical User Interface (GUI).Graphical User Interface (GUI).Graphical User Interface (GUI).          Password Password Password Password  ––––     Allows  you  to  change  theAllows  you  to  change  theAllows  you  to  change  theAllows  you  to  change  the     username  and username  and username  and username  and  passwordpasswordpasswordpassword     for for for for accessing the web GUI.accessing the web GUI.accessing the web GUI.accessing the web GUI.                                        Setting a Static IP on your PC The The The The WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    WirelessWirelessWirelessWireless----N RaN RaN RaN Range Extendernge Extendernge Extendernge Extender    will only give an IP address to will only give an IP address to will only give an IP address to will only give an IP address to your PC upon initial installation. Once you have associated it with your your PC upon initial installation. Once you have associated it with your your PC upon initial installation. Once you have associated it with your your PC upon initial installation. Once you have associated it with your
User Manual Page 34 of 43 Wireless  Router/AP,  you  will  no  longer  have  access  to  the  device’s Wireless  Router/AP,  you  will  no  longer  have  access  to  the  device’s Wireless  Router/AP,  you  will  no  longer  have  access  to  the  device’s Wireless  Router/AP,  you  will  no  longer  have  access  to  the  device’s web GUI. If you wish to change any settings on the web GUI. If you wish to change any settings on the web GUI. If you wish to change any settings on the web GUI. If you wish to change any settings on the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E, you need , you need , you need , you need to to to to set a Static IP address on your PC. Just remember to set it back to set a Static IP address on your PC. Just remember to set it back to set a Static IP address on your PC. Just remember to set it back to set a Static IP address on your PC. Just remember to set it back to “Obtain and IP address automatically” after you are done. “Obtain and IP address automatically” after you are done. “Obtain and IP address automatically” after you are done. “Obtain and IP address automatically” after you are done.     To set a static IP address on your PC using Windows XP: Click Start > Control PanelClick Start > Control PanelClick Start > Control PanelClick Start > Control Panel Click on Network and InteClick on Network and InteClick on Network and InteClick on Network and Internet Connectionsrnet Connectionsrnet Connectionsrnet Connections Click on Network ConnectionsClick on Network ConnectionsClick on Network ConnectionsClick on Network Connections   RightRightRightRight----Click  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  toClick  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  toClick  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  toClick  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  to     configure  the configure  the configure  the configure  the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    and click Propertiesand click Propertiesand click Propertiesand click Properties
User Manual Page 35 of 43 Click to select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click ProClick to select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click ProClick to select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click ProClick to select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Propertiespertiespertiesperties Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in for eg, for eg, for eg, for eg, as as as as the  IP  address  and  for  the  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the the  IP  address  and  for  the  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the the  IP  address  and  for  the  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the the  IP  address  and  for  the  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the other fields blank.other fields blank.other fields blank.other fields blank.         Click OK to commit the settings.Click OK to commit the settings.Click OK to commit the settings.Click OK to commit the settings.    To set a static IP address on your PC using Windows Vista: Click Start > Control PanelClick Start > Control PanelClick Start > Control PanelClick Start > Control Panel
User Manual Page 36 of 43 DoubleDoubleDoubleDouble----Click Network and Sharing CenterClick Network and Sharing CenterClick Network and Sharing CenterClick Network and Sharing Center Click Manage network connectionsClick Manage network connectionsClick Manage network connectionsClick Manage network connections RightRightRightRight----Click  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  to  conClick  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  to  conClick  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  to  conClick  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  to  configure  the figure  the figure  the figure  the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    and click Propertiesand click Propertiesand click Propertiesand click Properties Click  to  select  Internet  Protocol  Version  4  (TCP/Ipv4)  and  click Click  to  select  Internet  Protocol  Version  4  (TCP/Ipv4)  and  click Click  to  select  Internet  Protocol  Version  4  (TCP/Ipv4)  and  click Click  to  select  Internet  Protocol  Version  4  (TCP/Ipv4)  and  click PropertiesPropertiesPropertiesProperties
User Manual Page 37 of 43 Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in as the IP Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in as the IP Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in as the IP Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in as the IP address  and  for  taddress  and  for  taddress  and  for  taddress  and  for  the  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the  other he  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the  other he  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the  other he  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the  other fields blank.fields blank.fields blank.fields blank. Click OK to commit the settings.Click OK to commit the settings.Click OK to commit the settings.Click OK to commit the settings.    To set a static IP address on your PC using Windows 7: Click Start > Control PanelClick Start > Control PanelClick Start > Control PanelClick Start > Control Panel
User Manual Page 38 of 43 Click View network status and tasks Click View network status and tasks Click View network status and tasks Click View network status and tasks Click Change adapter settingsClick Change adapter settingsClick Change adapter settingsClick Change adapter settings RightRightRightRight----Click  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  to  configure  the Click  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  to  configure  the Click  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  to  configure  the Click  on  the  Network  Adapter  you  will  use  to  configure  the WL559EWL559EWL559EWL559E    and click Propertiesand click Propertiesand click Propertiesand click Properties Click  to  select  Internet  Protocol  Version  4  (TCP/Ipv4)  and  click Click  to  select  Internet  Protocol  Version  4  (TCP/Ipv4)  and  click Click  to  select  Internet  Protocol  Version  4  (TCP/Ipv4)  and  click Click  to  select  Internet  Protocol  Version  4  (TCP/Ipv4)  and  click PropertiesPropertiesPropertiesProperties
User Manual Page 39 of 43     Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in as the IP Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in as the IP Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in as the IP Select “Use the following IP address:” and key in as the IP address  and  for  the  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the  other address  and  for  the  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the  other address  and  for  the  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the  other address  and  for  the  Subnet  mask.  Leave  the  other fields blank.fields blank.fields blank.fields blank. Click OK to commit the settingsClick OK to commit the settingsClick OK to commit the settingsClick OK to commit the settings
User Manual Page 40 of 43                                      Safety Precautions  Do not open, seDo not open, seDo not open, seDo not open, service, or change any component. rvice, or change any component. rvice, or change any component. rvice, or change any component.      Only  qualified  technical  specialists  are  allowed  to  service  the Only  qualified  technical  specialists  are  allowed  to  service  the Only  qualified  technical  specialists  are  allowed  to  service  the Only  qualified  technical  specialists  are  allowed  to  service  the equipment. equipment. equipment. equipment.      Observe safety precautions to avoid electric shockObserve safety precautions to avoid electric shockObserve safety precautions to avoid electric shockObserve safety precautions to avoid electric shock     Check voltage before connecting to the power supply. Connecting to Check voltage before connecting to the power supply. Connecting to Check voltage before connecting to the power supply. Connecting to Check voltage before connecting to the power supply. Connecting to the wrong voltage will damagethe wrong voltage will damagethe wrong voltage will damagethe wrong voltage will damage    the equipment.the equipment.the equipment.the equipment.
User Manual Page 42 of 43 FCC Notice     This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to  Part  15 of the  FCC Rules.  These  limits  are  designed to  provide reasonable  protection against  harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However,  there is no  guarantee that interference  will not occur  in a  particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be  determined  by  turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the interference by one or more of the following measures:  •  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. •  Connect  the  equipment  into  an  outlet  on  a  circuit  different  from  that  to  which  the  receiver  is connected. •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or television technician for help.     ModificationsModificationsModificationsModifications    The FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved by Aztech could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.    This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1.  This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2.  This  device  must  accept  any  interference  received,  including  interference  that  may  cause undesired operation. Exposure Information to Radio Frequency EnergyExposure Information to Radio Frequency EnergyExposure Information to Radio Frequency EnergyExposure Information to Radio Frequency Energy    This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.

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