BAE Systems L1FCGX-LF First InterComm VCA100 model L1FCGX-LF User Manual Installation guide

BAE Systems First InterComm VCA100 model L1FCGX-LF Installation guide


Installation guide

 PRELIMINARY A29799 RML  November 2007 PRELIMINARY  First InterComm™ System Installation Guide         
 PRELIMINARY A29799 RML  November 2007 PRELIMINARY © 2007,  BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc..  All rights reserved
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page i November 2007  Table of Contents List of Illustrations....................................................................................................... iii List of Tables................................................................................................................ iii Document Change History .......................................................................................... iii Warnings and Precautions.......................................................................................... iv 1.0 Introduction......................................................................................................... 1 2.0 First InterComm System™ Description............................................................. 1 2.1 Vehicle Communications Assembly, Model VCA100.................................... 3 2.2 VCA100 Power Connector ........................................................................... 4 2.3 WiFi Antenna................................................................................................ 4 2.4 Land Mobile Radio Antenna ......................................................................... 4 3.0 Planning the Installation.................................................................................... 5 3.1 Installation Kit Components.......................................................................... 5 3.2 Tools and Test Equipment............................................................................ 6 3.3 System Component Locations...................................................................... 7 3.3.1 VCA100.......................................................................................... 7 3.3.2 WiFi Antenna.................................................................................. 7 3.3.3 Land Mobile Radio Antenna ........................................................... 8 3.3.4 Power and Fuse ............................................................................. 8 3.3.5 Manual Switch................................................................................ 8 4.0 Installation Procedures...................................................................................... 9 4.1 VCA100 Unit................................................................................................. 9 4.2 WiFi Antenna................................................................................................ 9 4.3 Land Mobile Radio Antenna ....................................................................... 10 4.4 DC Power ................................................................................................... 10 4.5 VCA100 On/Off Switch............................................................................... 11 4.6 Fuse Assembly........................................................................................... 11 5.0 Initial Power Test.............................................................................................. 12 6.0 Update User Specific Parameters ................................................................... 13 6.1 Preparation................................................................................................. 13 6.2 VCA100 Update Procedure ........................................................................ 14 7.0 Unit Test Plan.................................................................................................... 15 7.1 LMR Antenna VSWR Test.......................................................................... 15 7.2 System Functional Test.............................................................................. 15 8.0 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................... 16 9.0 BAE Support Information................................................................................. 16 10.0 Companion Documentation............................................................................. 16 Appendix A - Recommended LMR Antennas............................................................ 17
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page ii  A29799  November 2007 Table of Contents (Cont.) Appendix - B VCA100 Software Programs and Utilities........................................... 18 B.1 BAE Systems VCA Management Program................................................. 18 B.2 Serial IP Program ....................................................................................... 19 Appendix C - Acronyms and Abbreviations.............................................................. 21 Appendix D - Troubleshooting Procedures .............................................................. 23 Appendix E - Installation Sign Off Sheet................................................................... 24
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page iii November 2007  List of Illustrations 1  Typical VCA100 Vehicle Installation ..................................................................... 2 2 First InterComm VCA100 Unit .............................................................................. 3 3  VCA100 Power Harness Connector – Front View ................................................ 4 4 Standard Comtelco WiFi Antenna ........................................................................ 4 5 In-Line Fuse.......................................................................................................... 8 6 Mounting Bracket.................................................................................................. 9 B-1 FirstInterComm™ VCA Management Window .................................................... 18 B-2  Serial IP Control Panel and Select Port Windows .............................................. 19 B-3  Serial IP Program Configuration Wizard............................................................. 20    List of Tables 1 First InterComm VCA100 Models......................................................................... 3 2  VCA 100 Vehicle Installation Kit ........................................................................... 5 3 Installer Supplied Parts......................................................................................... 5 4  Required Test Equipment and Software............................................................... 6 5  Recommended Tools for First InterComm Installation.......................................... 6 6 Initial Power Tests .............................................................................................. 12 7 Required User Information ................................................................................. 13 8 VCA100 Update Procedure ................................................................................ 14 9  LMR Antenna VSWR Test Results..................................................................... 15 10 System Functional Test Results ......................................................................... 15 A-1 Recommended LMR Antennas........................................................................... 17 A-2  LMR Antenna Specifications............................................................................... 17    Document Change History DOCUMENT NO.: A29799 TITLE: First InterComm™ System Installation Guide DATE  REV.  PAGES AFFECTED  REMARKS Nov 2007  ---  ---  Initial Publication
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page iv  A29799  November 2007 Warnings and Precautions  Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Compliance - This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential environment.  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  Further, proper installation does not guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular situation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. •  Increase the separation between the equipment and affected receiver. •  Connect equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. •  Consult an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Radio Frequency Notice – The First InterComm™ System generates and uses RF energy.  Changes or modifications to the equipment may cause harmful interference unless the modifications are expressly approved in the installation or maintenance manuals.  The authority to operate the equipment could be lost, if an unauthorized change or modification is made.   Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility Nearly every electronic device is susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if inadequately desogmed. shielded, or otherwise configured for electromagnetic compatibility.  It may be necessary to conduct compatibility testing to determine if any electronic equipment used in or around vehicles is sensitive to external RF energy or if any procedures need be applied to eliminate or mitigate the potential for interaction between the First InterComm™ System and other equipment or devices. • Facilities – To avoid EMI or compatibility conflicts, turn off the First InterComm™ System near any facility where posted notices instruct you to do so; e.g., hospitals or health care facilities.  • Vehicles – To avoid possible interaction between First InterComm™ System and vehicle electronic control modules (e.g., ABS, engine, or transmission controls), the First InterComm system should be installed only by a professional installer. • Pacemakers – Maintain a minimum separation of 12 inches between First InterComm™ System components (the VCA100 and associated antennas) and any pacemaker to avoid potential interference with pacemaker function.   RF Exposure Compliance Pursuant to FCC rules for the Maximum Permissible Exposure (RF) The antenna(s) specified in this manual MUST be installed so as to provide a separation distance of at least 18 inches (45 cm) from all persons.  In addition, the unit may not be used to transmit for more than 50% of the time (average duty cycle over a 30 minute period).
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page v November 2007  EMC Installation Guidelines  The design and manufacture of the VCA100 conforms to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct installation is required to ensure that performance is not compromised. Although every effort has been taken to ensure that it will perform under all conditions, it is important to understand what factors could affect the operation of the product.  The guidelines given here describe the conditions for optimum EMC performance, but it is recognized that it may not be possible to meet all of these conditions in all situations. To ensure the best possible conditions for EMC performance within the constraints imposed by any vehicle, always ensure the maximum separation possible between different items of electrical equipment.  For optimum EMC performance, it is recommended that wherever possible:  The equipment and cables connected to it are: •  At least 3 ft. (1 m) from any equipment transmitting or cables carrying radio signals •  The cables specified in this manual are used. Cutting and rejoining these cables can compromise EMC performance and must be avoided. •  If a suppression ferrite is attached to a cable, this ferrite should not be removed. •     If the ferrite needs to be removed during installation it must be reassembled in the same position.     General Precautions • DC Power – Ensure that power into the First InterComm™ System does not exceed 24VDC. • Explosive Environments – Ensure the First InterComm™ System is turned off before entering a blasting area, or in areas posted “TURN OFF TWO-WAY RADIO”.  Sparks in a potentially explosive atmosphere can cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or death.
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 1 November 2007  1.0 Introduction The First InterComm™ System (FICS) allows first responders from different agencies at an emergency incident to readily communicate with one another, even though their radios operate on different frequencies; i.e., VHF, UHF or 800 MHz systems, both digital and analog.  The FICS can accommodate any new communication technologies, including the 700-MHz bandwidth.  Only one vehicle from each on-scene department is required to have an installed FICS unit to enable linking dissimilar radio networks.  There is no requirement for special equipment, stand-alone towers, or other costly infrastructure.  An optional capability included with the FICS is the Incident Commander Talkgroup Control™ Software (ICTCS) that allows the Incident Commander (IC), using a standard laptop computer with Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) capability, to monitor system status and to control communications.  The ICTCS significantly enhances the system, but is not required for voice interoperability; the latter is provided by the VCA100 and associated antennas alone.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has designated the FICS as a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology under the SAFETY Act.  The FICS Supports the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and is included in the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT) “Responder Knowledge Base” and the InterAgency Board's (IAB) “Standard Equipment List” (SEL).  Finally, it is important to note that using the FICS does not require changes to your Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).  Rather, it provides day-to-day voice interoperability at an incident scene, and offers improved coordination of on-site first responder personnel.  This installation guide contains information for the proper installation of the FICS.  We strongly recommended that the system be installed in accordance with this guide, understanding that concessions may be needed for specific vehicles.  This guide assumes that the system installer is a qualified professional, familiar with the intended vehicle, and possesses the proper tools.  2.0 First InterComm System™ Description The FICS (Figure 1) consists of: • VCA100 unit, matched to user’s existing radio network frequencies • Vehicle-mounted Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) antenna • Land Mobile Radio (LMR) antenna, matched to user’s existing radio network frequencies • Remote On/Off switch • Incident Commander Talkgroup Control Software (optional capability)
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 2  A29799  November 2007 The system operates on 12VDC vehicle power through an independent cab-mounted switch.  There are no speakers, microphones, or other vehicle tie-ins.  Nine VCA100 models are available to cover the LMR bands (see Table 1).  The LMR antenna must match the frequency band of the VCA100 model being installed.  A standard, roof mounted 2.4 GHz 802.11 antenna is used for all VCA100 models.   Figure 1.  Typical VCA100 Vehicle Installation
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 3 November 2007  Table 1.  First InterComm VCA100 Models Model  Protocol  Encryption  LMR Band  Frequency Range VCA100-L1FCGX  FM  None  VHF Low Band  29.7 – 37 MHz VCA100-L2FCGX  FM  None  VHF Low band   35 – 50 MHz VCA100-V1FCGX  FM  None  VHF High Band 136 - 174 MHz VCA100-V1PCGX  FM/P25  None  VHF High Band 136 - 174 MHz VCA100-V1PAGX  FM/P25  DES/AES  VHF High Band 136 - 174 MHz VCA100-V1PDGX  FM/P25  DES  VHF High Band 136 - 174 MHz VCA100-U1FCGX  FM  None  UHF  450 - 520 MHz VCA100-81FCGX  FM  None  800  806 - 870 MHz VCA100-81PCGX  FM/P25  None  800  806 - 870 MHz VCA100-81PDGX  FM/P25  DES  800  806 - 870 MHz VCA100-91FCGX  FM  None  900  896 - 941 MHz  2.1 Vehicle Communications Assembly, Model VCA100  The VCA100 (Figure 2) is mounted in a vehicle and has no operator controls other than a remote power-on switch.  Once initialized, VCA100 operations are transparent to the operator.  Responders need only set their radio equipment to the pre-designated interoperability channel to monitor or speak to members of other radio networks at the site.  The specific VCA100 model is selected based on the radio frequencies used by the participating department (see Appendix A).  •LMR: 2-way radio antenna connection, TNC.•GPS: Reserved for future implementation.•Ethernet: Factory use only.•Power: The VCA100 is permanently mounted in a First Responder vehicle.  On/off is a cab-mounted toggle switch.•Network: Wireless antenna port A, reverse polarity SMA connector.•Activity Indicator: Indicator light that is on during boot up.Ethernet ActivityIndicatorPowerLMR GPS Network•LMR: 2-way radio antenna connection, TNC.•GPS: Reserved for future implementation.•Ethernet: Factory use only.•Power: The VCA100 is permanently mounted in a First Responder vehicle.  On/off is a cab-mounted toggle switch.•Network: Wireless antenna port A, reverse polarity SMA connector.•Activity Indicator: Indicator light that is on during boot up.Ethernet ActivityIndicatorPowerLMR GPS Network Figure 2.  First InterComm VCA100 Unit
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 4  A29799  November 2007 2.2 VCA100 Power Connector The VCA100 uses three pins of a 6-pin Molex connector as shown in Figure 3.   Figure 3.  VCA100 Power Harness Connector – Front View  2.3 WiFi Antenna The standard WiFi antenna for all VCA100 installations is the Comtelco Model A10245B (Figure 4), a 2.4 GHz 802.11 roof mounted antenna, with elevated feed to rise above cab obstructions and light bars.  Height:14 inchesVSWR: <2.0:1Mount: Standard TAD/NMOGain: 5 dBiMechanical: Built-in shock springHeight:14 inchesVSWR: <2.0:1Mount: Standard TAD/NMOGain: 5 dBiMechanical: Built-in shock spring Figure 4.  Standard Comtelco WiFi Antenna  2.4 Land Mobile Radio Antenna An LMR antenna must match the frequency of the specific VCA100 model being installed on the vehicle.  Appendix A lists recommended LMR antennas that may be used with various VCA100 models. 1         2         34         5         6NC+12 VDC SenseNC+12  VDC  Pwr NC Gnd Front View of Molex Connector1         2         34         5         61         2         34         5         61         2         34         5         6NC+12 VDC SenseNC+12  VDC  Pwr Gnd Front View of Molex Connector
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 5 November 2007  3.0 Planning the Installation 3.1 Installation Kit Components Table 2 lists the deliverable installation kit for the First InterComm system.  Specific antennas will vary depending on the LMR frequency.  The material listed is based on availability; equivalent products may be used.  Table 3 lists typical Installer-supplied parts that are vehicle specific and not supplied with the kit.  Table 2.  VCA 100 Vehicle Installation Kit Description  Part Number  Vendor  Qty VCA100 Power Harness  8422765-2  Scott Electronics  1 Screws, center sunk head, #6-32 x .500 lg  91802A148  McMaster-Carr  4 12 VDC Power Cable, 16 AWG (red) for Specification SAEJ1128 WX16-2 (SXL 16 ga)  Waytek, Inc  20’ 12 VDC Power Cable, 20 AWG (orange) for Specification SAEJ1128-GPT WG20-3 (GPT 20 ga)  Waytek, Inc  15’ Butt Splice, 16 ga Environmentally Sealed  31980  Waytek, Inc  2 Butt Splice, Step Down, 16ga to 20 ga, environmentally sealed 38058 Waytek, Inc 1 Butt Splice, 20 ga Environmentally Sealed  30980  Waytek, Inc  2 ATO/ATC Fuse Holder with GXL wire  46047  Waytek, Inc  1 ATO/ATC Fuse, 10 A   46210  Waytek, Inc  1 LMR Antenna, through mount, with hardware  Various  Multiple  1 WiFi Antenna, elevated feed, 5dBi gain, 2.4GHz, through mount, 3/4-inch hole A10245B Comtelco 1 WiFi Through mount base w/ 12’ cable and reverse polarity SMA connector CEZM10-RP Comtelco 1  Table 3.  Installer Supplied Parts Description  Part Number  Vendor  Quantity SPST Switch, illuminating, 1 A (minimum)  44206 or similar  Waytek, Inc  1 Ground Wire, 18 AWG (black)  Varies  Tessco  As Required Ring Terminal, size as needed (Gnd)  Varies  Panduit  2 Terminals, size as needed (switch)  Varies  Panduit  3 Terminal, size as needed (main power cut in)  Varies  Panduit  1 Grommet, rubber, various sizes  Varies  Waytek, Inc  As Required Cable Ties, Nylon  PLT1.5I-C20  Panduit  As Required Cable Tie mount, 4-way  ABMM-AT-C0  Panduit  As Required Screws, self tapping, #8-32, .500 lg  98273A225  McMaster-Carr  9 Washers, size as needed  Varies  McMaster-Carr  3
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 6  A29799  November 2007 3.2 Tools and Test Equipment  Table 4 lists details of the test equipment and software required to install the FICS.  These comprise: • A laptop computer equipped with WiFi capability, loaded with Windows® XP1 Operating System, Service Pack 2, and FICS installer software (required to upload user-specific parameters into the VCA100).  The laptop is also used to test the FICS after installation.  • A watt meter to test any antenna cables terminated by the installer. • A volt/ohmmeter to perform voltage and resistance checks.  Table 5 lists recommended tools for the First InterComm installation.  Equivalent substitutes may be used as necessary.  Table 4.  Required Test Equipment and Software Description  Part Number  Vendor  Quantity Laptop PC with Windows XP, Service Pack 2  Varies  Varies  1 Buffalo 2.4 GHz Wireless Network Card  WLI-CB-G54HP  Buffalo Technology   1 BAE Systems First InterComm Installer’s CD  TBD  BAE Systems  1 Voltage/Resistance Meter (DVM or VOM)  Varies  Varies  1 Watt Meter w/ cables and adapters  Varies  Varies  1  Table 5.  Recommended Tools for First InterComm Installation Tool  Model/Specification Screwdrivers, Phillips Head  #1 and #2  Non-insulated Crimp Tool  Thomas & Betts WT-111-M Crimp Tool, Ratcheting Coaxial  Cambridge 24-9960P Hole Saw, 3/4-inch with depth protection  Ripley HSK 19 or Antenex® HS34 Non-Metallic Fish Tape  Klein-Lite® 50156, 25 feet Clutch-type Screw Gun  Makita® #6096DWE, #1 and #2 Phillips-Head bits Pliers Slip Jaw Electric Drill  3/8-inch, with HSS bits De-Burring Tool   Socket Set  Quarter Inch Wire Cutters  Flush-cut and large RF Cable Termination Kit  For SMA and TNC connectors Heat Gun                                               1 Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 7 November 2007  3.3 System Component Locations WARNING WHEN SELECTING LOCATIONS FOR FIRST INTERCOMM COMPONENTS, AVOID HIGH FREQUENCY (HF) NOISE PRODUCERS AND DO NOT RUN DC POWER FEEDS TO THE VCA100 PARALLEL TO IGNITION CIRCUITS, ELECTRONIC MODULES, OR SIMILAR ITEMS.  AVOID RUNNING POWER LEADS IN PARALLEL WITH VEHICLE WIRING OVER LONG DISTANCES.  3.3.1 VCA100 The VCA100 has no operator interfaces other than an activity indicator.  Also, the unit has no fan; it is convection cooled and does not require any special ventilation.  However, it is not environmentally sealed and must be installed in a protected area (THE ENGINE COMPARTMENT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE).  The optimum location is one in which the VCA100 is out of the way, its face plate and cable connections protected as much as possible, and there are at least six inches of space around the VCA100 to allow air circulation.   Plan for cable management and strain relief loops for the cables.  Cable ties and mounts are needed to prevent cable movement and vibration.  3.3.2 WiFi Antenna The WiFi antenna location has highest priority because the antenna’s relatively short range has the greatest effect on system performance.  Mount the antenna as high as possible on the cab roof, and as close as possible to the vehicle’s centerline to provide 360-degree coverage.  The antenna requires a metal ground plane to achieve its full 5dBi of gain.  We recommend keeping the antenna at least 12 inches away from any light bars or other antennas and MUST be installed so as to provide a separation distance of at least 18 inches (45 cm) from all persons.  The maximum designed distance from the VCA100 to the WiFi antenna is 17 feet, the standard cable length that comes with the antenna.  Extensions may be added to the cable, but this will reduce the WiFi range.  Certain vehicles do not allow locating the antenna in the center or center-rear of the roof.  In this case, the next best antenna location is on the direct center of the trunk lid.  The mounting area under the antenna must be a flat, metallized ground plane.  Be aware, however, that this location will degrade the WiFi range.
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 8  A29799  November 2007 3.3.3 Land Mobile Radio Antenna The LMR antenna must match the frequency of the specific VCA100 model being installed on the vehicle.  Ensure that the new LMR antenna is not installed in close proximity to any existing LMR antennas.   We recommend keeping the antenna at least 12 inches away from any light bars, antennas, or other roof-mounted equipment and MUST be installed so as to provide a separation distance of at least 18 inches (45 cm) from all persons.  3.3.4 Power and Fuse The vehicle’s main power source is connected to the VCA100 by the DC power cable (red) that passes through an inline fuse.  Locate the fuse as close as possible to the power source and splice it in with weatherproof butt splices (SUPPLIED).  Mount the fuse assembly (Figure 5) to facilitate maintenance.  Splice the power line to the VCA100 power harness (SUPPLIED) using the step-down splice (SUPPLIED) to accommodate the dissimilar wire gauges.   Figure 5.  In-Line Fuse  3.3.5 Manual Switch A second, low current, power line (orange) must run through a cab-mounted manual toggle switch to the VCA100 SENSE input (pin 2).  This switch is not supplied in the deliverable installation kit because User-specific vehicle installations vary; i.e., switch location is a function of User requirements and vehicle constraints.  An illuminated manual switch, appropriately labeled, is recommended.  Connect the switch to a 1-ampere fuse-protected vehicle power source.
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 9 November 2007  4.0 Installation Procedures 4.1 VCA100 Unit 1.  Record the VCA100 model number and serial number on the INSTALLATION SIGN OFF SHEET (see Appendix E). 2.  Carefully inspect the area selected for the VCA100 unit to ensure that the area is free of physical or electrical obstacles that could interfere with proper installation, maintenance, or operation. 3.  Attach the two L-shaped mounting brackets (Figure 6) to the sides of the VCA100 using four #6-32 countersunk machine screws (SUPPLIED).  Attach the wide edge of the bracket to the VCA100; attach the narrow edge to the vehicle. 4.  Place the VCA100 in its final location and scribe three bracket holes into the vehicle on each side of the VCA100 for drilling.  Select slotted or single holes as necessary - the VCA100 must be firmly mounted to the vehicle. 5.  Pre-drill six holes into the vehicle to accommodate self-tapping screws.  The size of the hardware used determines the size of the holes. 6.  Mount the VCA100 to the vehicle with self-tapping screws.  Bracket-to-vehicle adjustable mounting holes (7 places) Bracket-to-VCA100mounting holes (4 places) Bracket-to-vehicle adjustable mounting holes (7 places) Bracket-to-VCA100mounting holes (4 places)  Figure 6.  Mounting Bracket  4.2 WiFi Antenna 1.  Verify the center pin of the WiFi antenna cable is female (reverse polarity SMA).  Carefully inspect the area selected for the WiFi antenna to ensure that the area is free of physical or electrical obstacles that could interfere with proper installation, maintenance, or operation. 2.  Follow manufacturer’s installation instructions for external mounting of antenna. 3.  Run the RF cable from the WiFi antenna to the VCA100.  Use cable ties and mounts to protect the cable.  Grommet all through holes to prevent cable chaffing. 4.  At the VCA100, loosely coil up excess WiFi RF cable and lay in a stress relief loop if the cable cannot land with a straight in path to the VCA100 NETWORK SMA connector.
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 10  A29799  November 2007 5.  Connect the WiFi RF cable to the VCA100 NETWORK A SMA connector.  Use cable ties and mounts to keep the cable from moving or placing stress on the SMA connector.  4.3 Land Mobile Radio Antenna 1.  Carefully inspect the area selected for the LMR antenna to ensure that the area is free of physical or electrical obstacles that could interfere with proper installation, maintenance, or operation. 2.  Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions for mounting of the antenna and for trimming it to the user’s frequency. 3.  Run the RF cable from the LMR antenna to the VCA100.  Use cable ties and mounts to protect the cable.  Grommet all through holes to prevent cable chaffing. 4.  At the VCA100, lay in a stress relief loop and cut the LMR RF cable to length.  Terminate the cable with a TNC connector in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 5.  Connect the LMR RF cable to VCA100 LMR TNC connector.  4.4 DC Power 1.  Carefully inspect the area selected for the DC power lines to ensure that the area is free of physical or electrical obstacles that could interfere with proper installation, maintenance, or operation.  2.  Starting at the VCA100, locate a suitable chassis ground as close to the VCA100 as possible.  If necessary, scrape and remove paint to reach bare metal.  Drill chassis and use a self-tapping screw to create a chassis ground. 3.  Locate the 20 AWG ground (black) wire of the VCA100 power harness (Pin 4).  Cut and strip the outer cable jacket as required.  Cut the end of the ground wire to length, terminating with a ring terminal, and secure the terminal to the chassis ground created in Step 2 (see Figure 3). 4.  Lay in a stress relief loop and use cable ties and mounts to secure the ferrite cores of the power harness to the vehicle and prevent vibration or strain on the power connector. 5.  Connect a suitable length of red 16 AWG wire to the VCA100 power harness main power (red) wire (Pin 1) (see Figure 3) using the 16 to 20 step-down environmental splice (SUPPLIED).  Run the other end of the wire to the VCA100 in-line fuse.  Use cable ties and mounts to protect the cable.  Grommet all through holes to prevent cable chaffing. 6.  Connect a suitable length of orange 20 AWG wire to the VCA100 power harness 12V Sense (white) wire (Pin 2) (see Figure 3) using the 20 AWG environmental splice (SUPPLIED).  Run the other end of the wire to the planned location of the VCA100 On/Off Switch.  Use cable ties and mounts to protect the wire.  Grommet all through holes to prevent cable chaffing.
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 11 November 2007  4.5 VCA100 On/Off Switch 1.  Carefully inspect the area selected for the VCA100 On/Off Switch to ensure that the area is free of physical or electrical obstacles that could interfere with proper installation, maintenance, or operation. 2.  Drill or cut an area to hold the lighted toggle switch.  Mount and label the switch. 3.  Locate a suitable chassis ground as close to the new power switch as possible.  If necessary, scrape and remove paint to reach bare metal.  Drill chassis and use self-tapping screw to create a chassis ground. 4.  Connect a suitable length of black 20 AWG wire to the ground lug of the VCA100 power switch using an appropriate terminal.  Cut other end to length, terminate with a ring terminal, and secure the assembly to the chassis ground. 5.  Locate the end of the orange 20 AWG sense wire from the VCA100 power connector and cut it to length to mate with the On/Off switch.  Connect the wire to the power out lug of the VCA100 power switch using an appropriate terminal. 6.  Use an appropriate terminal to connect a suitable length of orange 20 AWG wire to the power in lug of the VCA100 power switch.  Connect the other end of the wire to a 1A fuse-protected vehicle power source with appropriate terminal.  Use cable ties and mounts to protect the wire.  Grommet through holes to prevent cable chaffing. 7.  Reassemble any panels or consoles opened for installation of the switch.   4.6 Fuse Assembly 1.  Carefully inspect the area selected for the fuse assembly to ensure that the area is free of physical or electrical obstacles that could interfere with proper installation, maintenance, or operation. 2.  Drill into the vehicle at the proper location to receive the Fuse Assembly’s cap and mounting tab.  Remove fuse from holder and mount holder using a self-tapping screw. 3.  Locate the end of the red 16 AWG wire from the VCA100 Power harness and cut it to length to mate with one end of the Fuse Assembly.  Connect it to the Fuse Assembly using a 12AWG environmental splice (SUPPLIED). 4.  If the Fuse Assembly lead is too short, use an environmental splice (SUPPLIED) connected to a suitable length of red 16AWG wire to extend the lead. 5.  Connect the Fuse Assembly’s other wire to the vehicle’s load center or main +12VDC power source using the appropriate termination. 6.  Use cable ties and mounts to protect the wire.  Grommet all through holes to prevent cable chaffing.  Install VCA100 Fuse.
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 12  A29799  November 2007 5.0 Initial Power Test 1.  Before connecting to the VCA100, use a voltmeter at the VCA100 power harness connector to check for a constant +12VDC, switched +12VDC, and ground (Figure 3 shows the VCA100 power connector). 2.  Follow the steps as listed in Table 6.  Correct any problems encountered before proceeding to the next step.  Table 6.  Initial Power Tests  Required Equipment:  Volt/Ohm Meter Step  Procedure  Expected Result  Verified 1  Verify VCA100 power harness is disconnected from VCA100 and energized  VCA100 power harness disconnected and energized   2  Probe the VCA100 power harness connector Pin 1 for a constant +12 VDC  Voltmeter reads vehicle power as approximately +12VDC   3  Set the VCA100 power switch to ON  Power switch is ON   4  Probe the VCA100 power harness connector pin 2 for switched +12 VDC (sense)  Voltmeter reads vehicle power as approximately +12VDC   5  Set the VCA100 power switch to OFF  VCA100 is OFF   6  Probe the VCA100 power harness connector pin 2 for switched +12 VDC (sense)  Voltmeter reads 0 VDC   7  Probe VCA100 power harness connector pin 4 (ground) to chassis ground with ohmmeter  Good ground connection exists   8  Connect VCA100 power harness to VCA100.  Items are connected.   9  Turn on VCA100 unit and monitor Activity LED.  Activity LED lights up during boot up.    1         2         3 4         5         6 NC +12  VDC  Sense NC +12  VDC  Pwr Gnd Gnd Front View of Molex Connector1         2         3 4         5         6 1         2         3 4         5         6 1         2         3 4         5         6 NC +12  VDC  Sense NC +12  VDC  Pwr Gnd Front View of Molex ConnectorNC
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 13 November 2007  6.0 Update User Specific Parameters  The VCA100 is delivered with factory-installed default parameters.  After vehicle installation, the unit must be updated with user-specific parameters.  This programming is done using BAE Systems’ supplied VCA MANAGEMENT PROGRAM and utilities loaded on a maintenance laptop equipped with a Buffalo Technology WLI-CB-G54HP wireless network card.  6.1 Preparation 1.  Appendix B contains instructions for operating the Serial IP and the VCA MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 2.  Record the required VCA100 User information in Table 7.  This information will be broadcast on the WiFi network.  Table 7.  Required User Information Item  Parameter  Format  User Data 1  Department Name  Up to 128 Characters.   2  Vehicle ID  Up to 128 Characters.   3 Vehicle Type  Icon on WiFi network pulldown menu; e.g., fire, police, ambulance.   4  Nickname  Up to 16 Characters   5 Bandwidth  Wide (25 kHz) or Narrow (12.5 kHz)   6  Mode  Analog or Digital, pulldown menu   7  Transmit Power  High or Low, pulldown menu   8  Transmit Frequency  Numeric entry in MHz   9  Receive Frequency  Numeric entry in MHz   10  Transmit Private Line Code  Frequency or Alphanumeric [e.g. 94.8Hz (2A)], Pulldown menu   11  Receive Private Line Code  Frequency or Alphanumeric [e.g. 94.8Hz (2A)], Pulldown menu   12  VCA100 ID  Serial number on unit
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 14  A29799  November 2007 6.2 VCA100 Update Procedure 1.  Appendix B contains instructions for operating the Serial IP and the VCA MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 3.  Follow the steps as listed in Table 8.  Correct any problems encountered before proceeding to the next step.  Table 8.  VCA100 Update Procedure Required Items: a.  VCA100 Installed in vehicle b.  User Parameters (Table 7 of this document). c.  Installer’s WiFi Laptop configured using BAE Systems’ Installation CD Step  Procedure  Expected Result  Verified1  Turn on VCA100.  Wait one minute for boot up to complete.  Booted   2  Turn on the laptop and connect to First_InterComm_Network  Connected   3  Execute VCA MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (see Appendix B in this document) and input specific User Parameters.  Updated  4  Close VCA MANAGEMENT PROGRAM and launch Serial IP program (see Appendix B in this document)  Running  5  Program VCA100 RF module with specific User LMR frequencies and PL Codes.  Programmed
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 15 November 2007  7.0 Unit Test Plan  Follow the test procedures described in Paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2.  Correct any problems found, retest, and record final results on the INSTALLATION SIGN OFF SHEET (Appendix E).  7.1 LMR Antenna VSWR Test Perform an antenna VSWR test using the antenna manufacture’s procedure or a standard industry accepted procedure.  Record results in Table 9. Note THIS TEST IS NOT REQUIRED IF THE ANTENNA WAS TERMINATED BY THE OEM AND HAS NOT BEEN MODIFIED.  Table 9.  LMR Antenna VSWR Test Results Required Material: a.  VCA100 installed in vehicle with LMR Antenna and cable under test  b.  Antenna OEM’s VSWR procedure (or standard industry accepted VSWR procedure) c.  Watt meter Step  Procedure  Requirement  Result 1  Perform selected VSWR procedure.  Record result. < 2:1 VSWR    7.2 System Functional Test 1.  Follow the test steps in Table 10 to verify the VCA100’s key functions and its ability to operate in a network. 2.  Correct any problems found, retest, and record final results on the INSTALLATION SIGN OFF SHEET (Appendix E).  Table 10.  System Functional Test Results Required Material: a.  VCA100 under test installed in vehicle and configured with user parameters b.  Known good user LMR with the same Frequency and PL Code as the VCA100 under test c.  Known good second VCA100 and LMR set to a different frequency than the VCA100 under test  Step  Procedure  Expected Result  Verified 1  Turn on VCA100 under test.  Wait one minute for boot up to complete.  Boot up complete   2  Turn on LMR associated with the VCA100 under test.  Verify the proper channel is selected.  Proper channel selected   3  Turn on known good second VCA100.  Wait one minute for boot up to complete.  Boot up complete   4  Turn on LMR associated with known good VCA100.  Verify proper channel is selected.  Proper channel selected   5  Verify 2-way communication through both units occurs without distortion, breakup, or dropouts.  Record final result on Installation Sign Off Sheet. Communication is good
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 16  A29799  November 2007 8.0 Troubleshooting Appendix D contains detailed troubleshooting procedures for the FICS.  IMPORTANT • If the FICS appears to interfere with incident site operations, immediately turn off every VCA unit (and ICTCS if in use), and return to normal SOP. • If ICTCS or laptop computer problems occur, the VCA100 units will remain in their assigned Talkgroups.  If the laptop or ICTCS is not functional, and communications is needed between all responders, power-cycle all VCA100s.  9.0 BAE Support Information • Telephone Support:  (603) 759-1027 • E-Mail: • Web:  10.0 Companion Documentation • First InterComm™ System User Guide, Document No. A29798, November 2007. • First InterComm™ System Incident Commander Talkgroup Control Software, Document No. A29800, October 2007.
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 17 November 2007  Appendix A Recommended LMR Antennas Table A-1.  Recommended LMR Antennas Model  Suggested Antennas  LMR Band  Frequency Range  Protocol  Encryption VCA100-L1FCGX  C27, C30, C34  VHF Low Band  29.7 – 37 MHz  FM  None VCA100-L2FCGX  C34, C37, C40, C47  VHF Low band  35 – 50 MHz  FM  None VCA100-V1FCGX  B1323  VHF High Band  136 - 174 MHz  FM  None VCA100-V1PCGX  B1323  VHF High Band  136 - 174 MHz  FM/P25  None VCA100-V1PAGX  B1323  VHF High Band  136 - 174 MHz  FM/P25  DES/AES VCA100-V1PDGX  B1323  VHF High Band  136 - 174 MHz  FM/P25  DES VCA100-U1FCGX  B4503, B4703, B4903  UHF  450 - 520 MHz  FM  None VCA100-81FCGX  B8063  800  806 - 870 MHz  FM  None VCA100-81PCGX  B8063  800  806 - 870 MHz  FM/P25  None VCA100-81PDGX  B8063  800  806 - 870 MHz  FM/P25  DES VCA100-91FCGX  B8963  900  896 - 941 MHz  FM  None    Table A-2.  LMR Antenna Specifications Manufacturer  Part Number  Frequency (MHz)  Gain (dBi)  Wave Length  Load  Tunable  Height (inches) Laird C27 26.75-31 Unity 1/4 Coil Style Yes 52.5 Laird C30 30-35  Unity 1/4 Coil Style Yes 52.5 Laird C34 34-37  Unity 1/4 Coil Style Yes 52.5 Laird C37 37-40  Unity 1/4 Coil Style Yes 52.5 Laird C40 40-47  Unity 1/4 Coil Style Yes 52.5 Laird C47 47-50  Unity 1/4 Coil Style Yes 52.5 Laird B1323 132-174  3 5/8 Coil Style Yes 57 Laird B4503 450-470  3 5/8 Coil Style Yes 13 Laird B4703 470-490  3 5/8 Coil Style Yes 12.5 Laird B4903 490-512  3 5/8 Coil Style Yes 12.5 Laird B8063 806-866  3 5/8  Base Yes 4 7/8 Laird B8963 896-970  3 5/8  Base - 4 7/8
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 18  A29799  November 2007 Appendix B VCA100 Software Programs and Utilities B.1  BAE Systems VCA Management Program The VCA Management Program is used to connect wirelessly to the VCA100 in order to change User parameters and upgrade software on the VCA100.  The procedure is to: 1. Launch the BAE Systems VCA Management Program software using the Windows start button to navigate to and click on the TBD Icon. 2.  Enter password in the pop up window and click Validate. 3.  Select the VCA100 to be updated by clicking on it in the VISIBLE UNITS pane of the VCA Management window (Figure B-1) 4.  Fill in the fields with new parameter information.  Click on Commit to update. 5.  If the VCA100 software requires upgrading, click on Browse and navigate to the location of the new software file. 6.  Click on the filename to enable the Update button.  The field next to the button will display the filename. 7. Click on Update and monitor the UPGRADE STATUS bar for progress. 8. Perform the SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL TEST described in Paragraph 7.2 to verify that the newly programmed VCA100 communicates with other VCA100 units.   Figure B-1.  FirstInterComm™ VCA Management Window
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 19 November 2007  B.2  Serial IP Program Serial IP, a utility program, creates a virtual COM port that associates an IP address with a hardware COM port.  This allows RS-232 programming over a wireless link to the VCA100 RF Module.  The procedure is to: 1. Start the VCA MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (Paragraph B.1) to enable access to the VCA100. 2.  Start the Serial IP Panel (Figure B-2) using the Windows start button; i.e., START Æ ALL PROGRAMS Æ SERIAL IP Æ CONTROL PANEL 3.  Enter the unit’s IP address into the IP ADDRESS BOX (10.0.0.X), where X is the last digits of the unit’s serial number.  Enter 7000 into the Port Number box. 4.  Set the COM port to COM2 in the Serial IP Control Panel; SELECT PORTS... Æ COM2Æ OK 5.  Click on the Configuration Wizard (Figure B-3) in the SERIAL IP CONTROL PANEL. 6. Click Start in the wizard. 7.  Watch the STATUS window in the Configuration Wizard to verify that the TELENET session progresses successfully and that all check marks are green. 8. Click on Use Settings in the CONFIGURATION WIZARD to complete the Serial IP setup and enable the virtual Com Port.   Figure B-2.  Serial IP Control Panel and Select Port Windows
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 20  A29799  November 2007  Figure B-3.  Serial IP Program Configuration Wizard
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 21 November 2007  Appendix C Acronyms and Abbreviations ABS  Antilock Brake System AES  Advanced Encryption Standard ATC  Automotive Blade-Type Fuse ATO  Automotive Blade-Type Fuse AWG  American Wire Gauge COM Communication (port) DC Direct Current DES  Data Encryption Standard DHS  Department of Homeland Security EMI Electromagnetic Interference EMS  Emergency Medical Service FCC  Federal Communications Commission FICS First InterComm™ System FM Frequency Modulation GPS  Global Positioning System GXL  Brand name for a cross-linked polyethylene jacketed wire HF High Frequency HSS  High Speed Steel IAB InterAgency Board IAN  Incident Area Network IC Incident Commander ICTCS  Incident Command Talkgroup Control Software ID Identification IP Internet Protocol LED  Light Emitting Diode LMR  Land Mobile Radio MIPT  Memorial Institute for   the Prevention of Terrorism NIMS  National Incident Management System NMO New Motorola OEM  Original Equipment Manufacturer P25  Project 25 (digital encryption protocol) RF Radio Frequency SAE  Society of Automotive Engineers SEL  Standardized Equipment List SMA  Subminiature A-type (connector) SOP Standard Operating Procedures SPST  Single Pole, Single Throw TBD  To Be Determined TNC  Threaded Neill-Concelman (connector) UHF  Ultra High Frequency VCA  Vehicle Communications Assembly VHF  Very High Frequency VSWR  Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 22  A29799  November 2007 WiFi Wireless Fidelity
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide A29799  Page 23 November 2007  Appendix D Troubleshooting Procedures To Be Supplied
First InterComm™ System Installation Guide Page 24  A29799  November 2007 Appendix E Installation Sign Off Sheet I CERTIFY THAT THE FIRST INTERCOMM SYSTEM SUPPLIES AND INSTALLATION SERVICES HAVE BEEN FURNISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CONTRACT  REQUIREMENTS.     Site Name:  __________________________________________________  Site Location:   __________________________________________________  Vehicle VIN:   __________________________________________________  Vehicle Type / Model:   __________________________________________________  VCA100 S/N:  __________________________________________________  The undersigned agree that the Unit Test Plan has been satisfactorily completed, with the exception of the outstanding items identified below, which must be resolved per the list below in order for Customer to be fully satisfied.  ______________________________________________________________________ Name, Title (BAE Systems Representative) Date___________________________   ______________________________________________________________________ Name, Title (Customer)  Date ____________________________    OUTSTANDING ISSUES Test Para.  Issue  Resolution Plan  Resolution
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