BK Technologies KNGP800C HANDHELD TRANSCEIVER User Manual KNG Owner REV0210


Users Manual

ContentsFederal Communications Commission Regulations ......................... 5Compliance with RF Exposure Standards ........................................ 5Industry Canada Compliance ........................................................... 5FCC Requirements ...................................................................... 6RF Exposure Compliance and Control Guidelines ........................... 8Radio Controls ........................................................................... 10LCD Display ............................................................................... 11Status Indicators ..............................................................................11Alphanumeric Label Options............................................................11Buttons and Labels ..........................................................................12Battery Installation and Removal ............................................. 13Installing the Battery ........................................................................13Removing the Battery ......................................................................13Battery Care and Maintenance  ................................................ 14Antenna Installation and Removal ........................................... 14Programmable Switch and Button Functions ......................... 15Switch Options .................................................................................15Buttons Options ...............................................................................15Menu Options...................................................................................15Preset Menu Items ...........................................................................15Keypad Menu Operation ..................................................................16Preset Menu Items ...........................................................................16Basic Radio Operation .............................................................. 17Receive ............................................................................................17Transmit ...........................................................................................17Channel Zone Selection ............................................................ 18Code Guard Operation .............................................................. 19Analog Squelch Control ...................................................................19APCO Project 25 Squelch Control ...................................................19Code Guard Receive ...................................................................... 20Code Guard Transmit ...................................................................... 20
Mixed Mode Operation .............................................................. 21Mixed Mode Talkback ......................................................................21DTMF/ANI Operation ................................................................. 22ANI Only.......................................................................................... 22DTMF Only ...................................................................................... 22Both ................................................................................................. 22Encryption  Operation ............................................................... 22Required Setup ............................................................................... 22Operation ........................................................................................ 23Transmit Encryption Key Selection ................................................. 23Zeroization ...................................................................................... 24Over-the-Air-Rekeying (OTAR) ....................................................... 25Keyset Viewing and Selecting ......................................................... 26Tactical OTAR Option (KZA0584) ................................................... 27General Options......................................................................... 29Backlight (LIGT) .............................................................................. 29Keypad Lock ................................................................................... 29Monitor (MON) ................................................................................ 29Repeater Talkaround (TA) ............................................................... 30Surveillance Mode (SURV) ..............................................................31Squelch Adjust (SQL)  ......................................................................31Tx Digital (TXD) ............................................................................... 32Tx Power (LPW) .............................................................................. 32Zone Select (ZON) .......................................................................... 33Scan Options ............................................................................. 33Channel Scan (SCAN) .................................................................... 33Scanning Code Guarded Channels ................................................ 34Nuisance Channel Delete ............................................................... 34Transmitting with Scan On  ............................................................. 34Talkback Scan ................................................................................. 35Priority Scan (PRI) .......................................................................... 35Scan List Add/Delete ...................................................................... 38Zone Scan (ZSCN) ......................................................................... 38Zone Scan List Add/Delete  ............................................................ 39Vote Scan (KZA0581) ..................................................................... 39
Emergency Signalling Options ................................................ 40Placing an Emergency Call  ............................................................ 40Receiving an Emergency Signal ..................................................... 40Unit-to-Unit Call Options ........................................................... 41Individual Call (U2U) ........................................................................41Unit-to Unit Callback ....................................................................... 42Call List Programming ..................................................................... 42Encryption Options ................................................................... 43Tx Secure (TXS)  ............................................................................ 43Zeroize Keys (ZER)   ....................................................................... 43Rekey Request (RKY) (OTAR equipped radios) ..................................... 44Keyset Viewing and Selecting ......................................................... 453.4.7 Tactical OTAR Option (KZA0584) .......................................... 46Pick List Options ....................................................................... 49Picklist- TX CxCSS (UTON) ........................................................... 49Picklist – TX NAC (UNAC) ..................................................................Picklist – TGID (UTG) .........................................................................Picklist – Key (UKEY) .........................................................................Picklist – Key Set (UKST) ...................................................................Programming P25 ID Unit Call/Receive  List .................................. 50Programming User Selectable Transmit Tones .............................. 52Programming User Selectable Network Access Codes ................. 53Programming User Selectable Talkgroup IDs ................................. 54Keypad Programming ............................................................... 55Programming Channel Information ................................................. 55Programming Zone Parameters...................................................... 62Programming Global Parameters  .................................................. 65Radio Cloning ............................................................................ 71Warranty ..................................................................................... 73Service ........................................................................................ 73Definitions and Acronyms ........................................................ 74Your Radio Settings .................................................................. 76
4KNG User’s Manual
5RELM/BK RadioFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION REGULATIONSThe FCC rules require manufacturers to comply with the FCC RF energy exposure limits for portable 2-way radios before they can be marketed in the U.S.  When 2-way radios are used as a consequence of employment, the FCC requires users to be fully aware of and able to control their exposure to meet occupational requirements.  Exposure awareness can be facilitated by the use of a product label directing users to specific user awareness information.  Your BK Radio 2-way radio has a RF exposure product label.  Also, your BK Radio owner’s and service manuals include information and operating instructions required to control your RF exposure and to satisfy compliance requirements.COMPLIANCE WITH RF EXPOSURE STANDARDSYour BK Radio 2-way radio is designed and tested to comply with a number of national and international standards and guidelines (listed below) for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy. This radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF exposure environment at operating duty factors of up to 50% transmitting and is authorized by the FCC for occupational use only.  In terms of measuring RF energy for compliance with the FCC exposure guidelines, your radio radiates measurable RF energy only while it is transmitting (during talking), not when it is receiving (listening) or in Standby Mode. Note: The approved batteries supplied with this radio are rated for a 5-5-90 duty factor (5% talk - 5% listen - 90% standby), even though this radio complies with the FCC occupational RF exposure limits and may operate at duty factors of up to 50% talk. Your BK Radio 2-way radio complies with the following RF energy exposure standards and guidelines:United States Federal Communications Commission, Code of • Federal Regulations; 47 CFR §§ 1.1307, 1.1310, 2.1091 and 2.1093American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / Institute of • Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1992Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-• 1999 EditionINDUSTRY CANADA COMPLIANCEThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.  Cet appareil numerique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 Canada.
6KNG User’s ManualIntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of the  BK Radio KNG Portable radio from RELM Wireless. The KNG APCO Project 25 radio offers an array of programmable functionality to help radio users get the most out of their portable communications. Check with your RELM/BK Radio dealer or communications officer for information on the programmed functions of your radio prior to operation.This manual contains information concerning the operation procedures for the BK Radio KNG Portable radio.  The KNG has been designed to meet the tough requirements of today’s communications environment.  Please take a moment to read the information in this manual so you can get optimum performance from your new radio.FCC RequirementsYour radio must be properly licensed by the Federal Communications Commission prior to use. Your BK Radio dealer can assist you in meeting these requirements. Your dealer will program each radio with your authorized frequencies, signaling codes, etc., and will be there to meet your communications needs as your system expands.Safety Precautions•     Do not operate the transmitter in close proximity to blasting caps.•     Do not operate the radio in an explosive atmosphere (petroleum fuels, solvents, dust, etc.) unless your radio is an intrinsically safe model designed for such use.
7RELM/BK RadioRF ENERGY EXPOSURE AWARENESS AND CONTROL INFORMATION, AND OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR FCC OCCUPATIONAL USE REQUIREMENTSBEFORE USING YOUR PORTABLE 2-WAY RADIO,READ THIS IMPORTANT RF ENERGY AWARENESS AND CONTROL INFORMATION AND OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE FCC’S RF EXPOSURE GUIDELINES.NOTICE:  This radio is intended for use in occupational/controlled conditions, where users have full knowledge of their exposure and can exercise control over their exposure to meet FCC limits.  This radio device is NOT authorized for general population, consumer, or any other use.This 2-way radio uses electromagnetic energy in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum to provide communications between two or more users over a distance.  It uses radio frequency (RF) energy or radio waves to send and receive calls.  RF energy is one form of electromagnetic energy; other forms include electric power, radar, sunlight and x-rays. RF energy, however, should not be confused with these other forms of electromagnetic energy, which when used improperly can cause biological damage.  Very high levels of x-rays, for example, can damage tissues and genetic material. The energy levels associated with radio waves from portable 2-way radios, when properly used, are not great enough to cause biological damage.Experts in science, engineering, medicine, health and industry work with organizations to develop standards for exposure to RF energy. These standards provide recommended levels of RF exposure for both workers and the general public. These recommended RF exposure levels include substantial margins of protection. All 2-way radios marketed in North America are designed, manufactured and tested to ensure they meet government established RF exposure levels. In addition, manufacturers also recommend specific operating instructions to users of 2-way radios.These instructions are important because they inform users about RF energy exposure and provide simple procedures on how to control it.  Please refer to the following websites for more information on what RF energy exposure is and how to control your exposure to assure compliance with established RF exposure limits.http://www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety/rf-faqs.html http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/radiofrequencyradiation/index.html
8KNG User’s ManualRF EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE AND CONTROL GUIDELINESAND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSTo control your exposure and ensure compliance with the occupational/controlled environment exposure limits always adhere to the following procedures.Guidelines:Do not remove the RF Exposure Label from the device.• User awareness instructions must accompany device when • transferred to other users. Do not use this device if the operational requirements described herein are not met.Operating Instructions:Transmit no more than the rated duty factor of 50% of the time.  To transmit (talk), push the Push-To-Talk (PTT) button.  To receive calls, release the PTT button.  Transmitting 50% of the time, or less, is important because this radio generates measurable RF energy exposure only when transmitting (in terms of measuring for standards compliance).  Hold the radio in a vertical position in front of face with the • microphone (and the other parts of the radio, including the antenna) at least one inch (2.5 cm) away from the nose.  Keeping the radio at the proper distance is important because RF exposures decrease with distance from the antenna.  Antenna should be kept away from eyes.When worn on the body, always place the radio in a BK Radio • approved clip, holder, holster, case, or body harness for this product.  Using approved body-worn accessories is important because the use of BK Radio or other manufacturer’s non-approved accessories may result in exposure levels which exceed the FCC’s occupational/controlled environment RF exposure limits.If you are not using a body-worn accessory and are not using • the radio in the intended use position in front of the face, then ensure the antenna and the radio are kept at least one inch (2.5 cm) from the body when transmitting. Keeping the radio at the proper distance is important because RF exposures decrease with increasing distance from the antenna.Use only BK Radio approved supplied or replacement antennas, • batteries, and accessories.  Use of non-BK Radio approved antennas, batteries, and accessories may exceed the FCC RF exposure guidelines.   For a list of BK Radio approved accessories visit the following website: http://www.relm.com.
9RELM/BK RadioThe AMBE® voice compression software included in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights, copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc.  The user of this software is explicitly prohibited from attempting to decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the object code, or in any other way convert the object code into a human-readable form.  This software is licensed solely for use within this product. US Patent Nos.  #6,912,495 B2, #5,870,405, #5,826,222, #5,754,974, #5,715,365, #5,701,390, #5,649,050, #5,630,011, #5,581,656, #5,517,511, #5,491,772, #5,247,579, #5,226,084, and #5,195,166.CONTACT INFORMATIONFor additional information on exposure requirements or other information, visit website http://www.relm.com.
10 KNG User’s ManualKNGABC DEFGHI JKL MNOPQRS TUV WXYZ*#1234789560BK RADIO15123456789111012131416SCANPRIVOLOn/Off VolumeChannel Select Collar SwitchAntenna ConnectorEmergency ButtonToggle SwitchesLED IndicatorCh 1KNG-P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCKTXD                SCNProgrammable Side ButtonsPush-to-TalkSpeakerAccessory ConnectorAlphanumeric DisplayMicrophoneDiamond  ButtonUp Arrow  ButtonDown Arrow ButtonSquare ButtonKeypadRadio Controls
11RELM/BK RadioLCD DisplayCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     LCK       RXD           SCNStatus IndicatorsProgrammable AlphanumericLabelsProgrammedButton LabelsThe KNG display can be programmed for a variety of options and functionality. Check with your RELM/BK Radio dealer or communica-tions officer for information on the programmed func-tions of your radio.Status Indicators Receiver Signal StrengthRXD, RXA Receive Digital, Receive Analog, Hold Time ActiveTXD, TXA Transmit Digital, Transmit AnalogP1, P2 Priority 1 Channel, Priority 2 Channel,    Encrypted, ClearSCN Scan Channel, Flashing 'SCN' = Scan in Progress.RTA Repeater Talkaround enabledUnit-to-Unit operation activeBattery Level IndicatorAlphanumeric Label OptionsNOTE: Three channel information lines are programmable with PC Radio Editor.Channel Number Channel Number of Currently Selected Channel or Active Scanned ChannelChannel Label Alphanumeric Label of Currently Selected Channel or Active Scanned ChannelFrequency Operating Frequency of Currently Selected Channel or Active Scanned Channel Received Unit ID P25 ID of the radio transmitting the message cur-rently being receivedIf the received ID is programmed in your radio's Call List, the corresponding label will be displayedReceived Talk Group ID P25 Talk Group ID of the radio transmitting the mes-sage currently being receivedPick List Selection NAC, TGID or Code Guard currently selected from the programmable Pick ListsZone Label Label of Currently Selected ZoneZone and Channel Currently Selected Zone and Channel Numbers
12 KNG User’s ManualButtons and LabelsNOTE: The Diamond, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, and Square buttons are programmable with PC Radio Editor Software. The programmed functions are activated by pressing the associated button. Active functions are indicated by a highlighted background. SCN = Active, SCN = Inactive. EMR Emergency OperationLCK Keypad LockoutLIGT Keypad and Display BacklightLPW Transmit in Low Power ModeMENU Open the programmed radio menuMON MonitorNUIS Nuisance Channel DeletePRI Set Priority ChannelsPSCN Priority ScanRKY Request OTAR Encryption Rekey RNAC User Selectable Receive NACRCG User Selectable  RX CTCSS/CDCSS Code Guard (Analog or Mixed Mode Operation)SCN Channel ScanSURV Surveillance ModeSQL Squelch AdjustT/A Repeater TalkaroundTXD Transmit Digital  (Mixed Mode Operation)TXS Transmit Secure  (Encrypted Models)U2U Unit-to-Unit Call  (Digital Operation Only)UKEY User Selectable Encryption Key (Encrypted Models)UKST User Selectable Encryption Keyset (Encrypted OTAR Models)TNAC User Selectable  TX NAC (Digital or Mixed Mode Operation)UTG User Selectable Talk Group (Digital or Mixed Mode Operation)TCG User Selectable  TX CTCSS/CDCSS Code Guard (Analog or Mixed Mode Operation)ZER Zeroize Encryption Keys and Password  (Encrypted Models)ZON Channel Zone SelectZSCN Zone Scan
13RELM/BK RadioBattery Installation and RemovalNOTE:  For safety reasons, rechargeable battery packs are shipped uncharged or only partially charged. Therefore, a rechargeable battery pack should be properly charged in an approved battery charger before use.Installing the Battery1.  Turn the radio off.2.  Align the tabs on the bottom of the battery with the slots on the radio.3.  Push the top of the battery toward the radio until release tab "clicks" into place.Removing the Battery+TS ON-Release Tab1.  Slide the release tab toward the bottom of the radio.2.  Pull the top of the battery out. (Approximately 30o) 3.  Pull up to remove the battery pack.NOTE:  All information programmed into the radio is maintained even when the battery pack is removed.
14 KNG User’s ManualBattery Care and Maintenance BK Radio battery packs are available in a variety of capacities and types for special applications. Rechargeable battery packs can be charged separately or while attached to a radio.Periodically check the contacts on the battery pack for dirt that could prevent a good electrical contact with the charging base. WARNING!Do not drop a battery pack into fire.An explosion may occurAntenna Installation and RemovalNOTE: Transmitting without an antenna could result in damage to your radio. Use RELM/BK Radio approved antennas only. Use of non-qualified or mismatched antennas could result in diminished radio operation. Published radio specifications cannot be guaranteed with non-approved antennas. Bent, broken or damaged antennas should be replaced.Installing the AntennaInsert the radio's antenna connector into the threaded connector of the antenna and turn it clockwise until it is firmly seated.Removing the AntennaHolding  the base, turn the antenna counterclockwise until released.
15RELM/BK RadioProgrammable Switch and Button FunctionsThe KNG portable radio is equipped with seven programmable control buttons and three programmable switches. Switch and button functions are assigned via PC programming.15123456789111012131416SCANPRIVOLRight ToggleCollar SwitchLeft ToggleOrange ButtonKNGBK RADIO    SquareDiamond    Up DownSide Buttons15123456789111012131416SCANPRIOn OffOn OffSwitch OptionsChannel Scan Priority Scan Zone ScanBacklight Talkaround Tx PowerMonitor Tx Digital Tx Secure*Keypad LockButtons OptionsChannel Scan Priority Scan Keypad LockZone Scan Menu BacklightTx Power Monitor Tx DigitalTx Secure* Unit Call Zeroize Keys*Rekey Request** PRI CH Select  Picklist-CxCSSPicklist-NAC Picklist-TGID Picklist-Key*Picklist-Key Set** Zone Select Squelch SetRepeater TalkaroundSurveillance ModeNuisance  ChannelEmergencyMenu OptionsChannel Scan Priority Scan Keypad LockZone Scan Backlight Tx PowerMonitor Tx Digital Tx Secure*Unit Call Zone Select Zeroize KeysKeypad  ProgrammingSurveillance ModePicklist-CxCSSPicklist-NAC Picklist-TGID Picklist-Key*Picklist-Key Set** Squelch Set PRI CH SelectRepeater TalkaroundChannel Scan ListZone  Scan ListCloning Tactical OTAR*** Rekey Request**Preset Menu ItemsVersion Radio Status* Requires Encryption option. ** Requires Over-the-Air rekeying option. *** Requires Tactical OTAR option.
16 KNG User’s ManualLIGT    T/A    MENU    TXDFunctions assigned to the diamond, square or up/down buttons will be highlighted on the display when turned on.Keypad Menu OperationOne button can be programmed as 'Menu'. Items shown in the previous table can be programmed and arranged via PC programming. These items can then be accessed with the 'Menu' button.To select from the menu:Channel ScanTx DigitalPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT   TXDNTx Power         →High   LowESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.    Press the programmed "Menu" button.2.   Scroll to the desired menu item using the up/down buttons.3.   Press the square button marked 'ENT' to open the selected item.4.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired operation.5.   Press the square button marked 'ENT' to set the selection.6.   Press and hold the diamond button marked 'ESC' to return to normal radio operation.Preset Menu ItemsVersion - Selecting "Version" from the menu list will display information on the installed radio firmware.Radio Status -  selecting "Radio Status" displays the programmed P25 unit ID number and current radio functions status.Radio Status    P25 ID   12345 + Pri ScanESC        ▲        ▼         Currently active functions will be indicated by a "+" icon next to the function.
17RELM/BK RadioBasic Radio OperationReceive15123456789111012131416SCANPRIVOL1.     Turn power on by turning the Volume knob clockwise. A beep sounds, indicating the radio is operational. The LCD display shows the programmed information of the currently selected channel. Programmable channel information options include channel number, channel label and channel frequency.15123456789111012131416SCANPRIVOL2.  Select a channel by rotating the Channel Selector knob. 3. Open  the squelch  to  adjust  the volume(Open squelch can be achieved by selecting the programmed Monitor function.)Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK       RXDWhen a signal is received, the unprogrammable top line of the display indicates the current channel’s operating mode. RXA = analog, RXD = digital.TransmitCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK   TXDKNGABC DEFGHI JKL MNOPQRS TUV WXYZ*#1234789560BK RADIOMicrophone  PTT1.  Press the PTT (Push-To-Talk) switch. When the radio is transmitting the indicator LED glows red  and TXD or TXA  appears in the display.  2.  Talk in a normal voice with the microphone one to two inches from your mouth.3.  Release the PTT switch to stop transmitting.If the length of your message exceeds the programmed Time-Out Timer setting, the transmitter automatically shuts off and a tone sounds. To continue transmission, release the PTT switch, then press it again and continue talking.If the Transmit Indicator does not glow and a tone sounds, you are on a receive-only channel or the
18 KNG User’s Manualchannel is busy (see Busy Channel Lockout). Select an authorized transmit channel.NOTE: When using a channel programmed for mixed mode transmit the signal will be transmitted in the mode selected by the TX Digital selection. Or if programmed for Mixed Mode Talkback, the radio will transmit in the mode of the last received channel while the “RX” icon is displayed. (See Mixed Mode Operation.)Channel Zone SelectionThe KNG P-150 can be programmed with up to 512 individual channels. These 512 channels can be divided into up to 32 zones of one or more channels. Zone selection can be assigned to any of the programmable buttons or as a menu item.Use the following steps to access the Zones.If programmed to a button:Select Zone     Zone 1Rescue TeamESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  Press the button programmed for Zone Selection (ZON). The display shows the active Zone Number and its programmed label.2.  Use the up/down arrows to scroll to the desired zone or use the numeric keypad to enter the desired zone number.3.  Press the ENT button to select the group.4.  Press the ESC button to return to normal operation.If programmed to the Menu button:Channel ScanTX KeysPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT  TXDNSelect Zone      Zone 1Rescue TeamESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  Press the Menu button.2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the "Zone Select" selection. The display shows the active Zone Number and its programmed label.3.  Press the ENT to open the menu.4.  Use the up/down arrows to scroll to the desired zone or use the numeric keypad to enter the desired zone number.5.  Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation..
19RELM/BK RadioCode Guard OperationAnalog Squelch ControlSub-audible signaling (CTCSS/CDCSS) is used to allow a group of radios to be selectively called in an analog system.  Programming the receive code guard equal to zero allows for Carrier Squelch operation, where the radio will unmute whenever a carrier is detected regardless of the transmitted Code Guard.APCO Project 25 Squelch ControlNetwork Access Codes (NACs) provide the digital equivalent of analog sub-audible signaling (CTCSS/CDCSS) allowing a group of radios to be selectively called within a system.Users in the same area (using the same NAC) can be further divided into Talk Groups, with each group having its own Talk Group ID (TGID).  Group Calls are made by designating both the users’ NAC and TGID.Each radio also has an individual P25 unit ID.  A Unit-to-Unit call contains the addressee’s NAC, and uses the addressee’s P25 unit ID instead of the TGID.When operating in Digital Mode, each channel can be programmed to use either Normal squelch or Selective squelch.Normal squelch is used to mimic analog operation.  Signals are only qualified with the programmed NAC.  TGIDs and P25 Unit IDs are ignored.  Each digital channel is programmed with a receive NAC and a transmit NAC. When an incoming signal’s NAC matches the channel’s programmed receive NAC, the radio unmutes. The default NAC is 0659 ($293 hex). The digital equivalent of carrier squelch is achieved by programming the receive NAC = 3966($F7E hex). The radio will unmute when a digital signal with any NAC is detected. The 3966 ($F7E hex) NAC is reserved for receivers and is not allowed as a transmit NAC.Selective squelch is used for processing Group Calls and Unit-to-Unit Calls.  TGIDs are assigned on a per-channel basis. Users can be separated into Talk Groups with each group having its own TGID. Then, on channels programmed for Selective squelch, the incoming signal’s NAC and TGID must match the channels programmed
20 KNG User’s Manualreceive NAC and TGID for the radio to unmute. The default TGID is 1.  The TGID value 65535 ($FFFF hex) is used to effect an “All Call”. If the radio receives a signal with a matching NAC and the TGID = 65535 ($FFFF hex), it will unmute. Also, if the radio’s programmed TGID is 65535 ($FFFF hex), it will open on any signal with a matching NAC, ignoring the incoming TGID.  A TGID = 0 means “no one”. If the radio is programmed with the TGID = 0, it will accept incoming group calls containing the “All Call” TGID, and correctly addressed Unit-to-Unit calls only.Code Guard ReceiveAnalog channels programmed with a receive code guard will be heard only when the proper frequency and Code Guard value is received. Analog and mixed mode receive channels will also unmute when the radio is in monitor mode.Code Guard Transmit15123456789111012131416SCANPRIVOLBusy Channel/TransmitIndicatorCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK  TXAThe frequency must be clear prior to transmitting on a Code Guarded channel. If the LED Indicator is yellow do not transmit. Busy Channel Lockout can be programmed to disallow transmitting while a channel is busy.1.   Press the PTT switch. When the transmitter is on, the LED Indicator glows red and TX appears in the display.  2   Talk in a normal voice with the microphone one to two inches from your mouth.3.   Release the PTT switch to stop transmitting.
21RELM/BK RadioMixed Mode OperationThe receiver and transmitter are capable of operating in analog wide-band (25 kHz channel spacing), analog narrow-band (12.5 kHz channel spacing) and APCO Project 25 Digital Mode.Each channel’s Receive and Transmit Mode can be set independently as follows:  Mode RX TXAnalog Receive qualified analog signals only Transmit analog signals onlyDigital Receive qualified digital signals only Transmit digital signals onlyMixed Automatically receive qualified analog or digital signalsTransmit analog or digital signal, depending on the status of ‘TX Digital’ soft switchCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCKTXDCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCKTXADigital receptions and transmissions will be indicated by illuminating the D annunciator in addition to the RX or TX annunciator.Analog receptions and transmissions will be indicated by illuminating the A annunciator in addition to the RX or TX annunciator.Mixed Mode TalkbackIf Mixed Mode Talkback is enabled, transmissions initiated while hold time remains will be in the same mode as the received signal, if the signal was received on the Ready to Transmit (RTX) channel.  Depending on programming, the RTX channel can be the main channel, a held scan or priority channel if Talkback Scan is enabled, or the Priority 1 channel if TX on PR1 is enabled.  TX Mode on the RTX channel must be set to MIXED.  Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCKRXDPress the PTT while the RX indicator is shownWhile hold time after a reception remains, transmissions will be in the same mode as the received signal, regardless of the status of the TX Digital switch.  As in Talkback Scan, the RTX channel and receive annunciators will be displayed for the duration of the timer.
22 KNG User’s ManualDTMF/ANI OperationThe KNG portable radio can be programmed, on a zone-by-zone basis, to send DTMF tones manually via the keypad and/or send a DTMF ID automatically (ANI). Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzA           B           C           D  TXACh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHz  TXA  A          B          C        ANI ANI Only - If the zone is programmed to for 'ANI Only' the programmed ANI ID number will be sent with each PTT.DTMF Only - If the zone is programmed to for 'DTMF Only' the alphanumeric keys are used to transmit DTMF tones while holding the PTT. The square, up/down and diamond buttons are used to send A, B, C and D characters. ANI and DTMF - If the zone is programmed for 'Both', the ANI is transmitted when the square button is pushed during transmit. DTMF tones are sent by pressing the alphanumeric keys during transmit. NOTE: The "D" DTMF tone is only available after the ANI has been sent.Encryption  OperationThe radio may optionally be configured for Secure communication on channels operating in Digital Mode.  No encryption is available for analog channels.Required SetupRadios that have the DES/AES factory option for encryption must have encryption keys loaded with an APCO Project 25 compatible key fill device such as the Motorola KVL 3000 Plus, using a BK Radio keyloader cable.  The radio can hold up to 32 AES and/or DES keys.After loading keys in the radio, the KNG PC programming software must be used to configure the radio’s key table and to assign default transmit keys to each channel.Radios that have the OTAR factory option support Over-the-Air Rekeying of encryption keys (OTAR). The KNG PC programming
23RELM/BK Radiosoftware must be used to enable OTAR and to mark the channel(s) that will communicate with the Key Management Facility (KMF).  In addition, the radio must have key encryption keys (used only to encrypt other keys) loaded with an APCO Project 25 compatible key fill device such as the Motorola KVL 3000 Plus, using a BK Radio keyloader cable.OperationThe receiver can be programmed to automatically detect both clear and secure signals.The transmitter selects clear or secure operation based on each channel’s programming.  Digital channels can be programmed to always transmit encrypted, always transmit clear, or to select the encryption mode with the TX Secure switch.The display indicates Secure Operation as follows:Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCKTXD                       In Standby Mode, if the radio will transmit in Secure Mode when PTT is pressed, the encrypt icon is displayed.When receiving or transmitting an encrypted signal, the encrypt icon flashes in the display.Transmit Encryption Key SelectionThe radio can hold up to 32 DES or AES encryption keys.  Each channel is assigned a default key for transmit.  The key can be locked to the channel, or if programming allows, a transmit key other than the default key can be selected from the radio’s Key Pick List.  If a key is selected from the pick list, it will be used during transmit on every channel that allows selectable keys.Follow the steps below to select the encryption key.If programmed to a button:Tx Keys            →Default   Key 1ESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   Press the button programmed for the Key Pick List (UKEY).  2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired key. Or, using the keypad, press the number of the desired key. 'Default' = Key assigned to channel via programming.3.   Press the 'ENT' button to select the key.4.   Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.
24 KNG User’s ManualIf programmed to the Menu button:Channel ScanTX KeysPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT    TXDTx Keys            →Default   Key 1ESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   Press the Menu button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight "Tx Keys" selection.3.   Press the 'ENT' button to open the key menu.4.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired key. Or, using the keypad, press the number of the desired key. 'Default' = Key assigned to channel via programming5.   Press the 'ENT' button to select the key.6.   Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.If a key is selected that has not been programmed, the radio will not transmit but will beep and display ‘NO KEY’ when PTT is pressed.ZeroizationThe radio provides a method for the user to panic-zeroize all encryption keys.  This service also sets all touchpad passwords to ‘FFFFFF’.  The zeroization service can be invoked with the steps below.If programmed to a button:Zeroize KeysZeroize Now?ESC                  YES      ENT1.   Press the button programmed for Zeroizing. (ZER) 2.   Press the 'YES' button to zeroize encryption or press ESC to abort the operation.3.   Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.If programmed to the Menu button:Channel ScanZeroize KeysPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT   TXD1.   Press the Menu button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight 'Zeroize Keys' selection.3.   Press the 'ENT' to open the menu.
25RELM/BK RadioZeroize Keys     Zeroize Now?ESC                  YES      ENT4.   Press the 'YES' button to zeroize encryption or press 'ESC' to abort the operation.5.   Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.The LCD will display "Keys Zeroized" after a successful operation.Over-the-Air-Rekeying (OTAR)If the radio has OTAR the radio optionally provides a method for the user to manually request a rekey from the KMF (Key Management Facility).  If manual rekeying is enabled, the rekey service can be invoked with the following steps.If programmed to a button:Rekey               Rekey Now?ESC                  YES      ENT1.   Press the button programmed for Rekey. (RKY) 2.   Press the 'YES' button to request a key or press ESC to abort the operation.3.   Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.If programmed to the Menu button:Channel ScanRekeyPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT   TXDRekey               Rekey Now?ESC                  YES      ENT1.   Press the Menu button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight "Rekey" selection.3.   Press the 'ENT' to open the menu.4.    Press the 'YES' button to request a key or press 'ESC' to abort the operation.5.   Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.
26 KNG User’s ManualIf a successful rekey occurs, an ascending tone will sound, and the display will momentarily show "REKEYED".If the rekey attempt fails, a descending tone will sound, and the display will momentarily show "NO_REKEY".If the selected channel has not been marked as an OTAR channel, the radio will boop and "NON-OTAR" will appear on the display.Keyset Viewing and SelectingThe radio can hold up to 8 encryption keysets.  Only one keyset can be active at any time.  The radio will receive messages encrypted with any of the keys in any of the keysets, but transmit keys can only be selected from the active keyset.  Follow the steps below to view/select the Keyset.If programmed to a button:Keysets            →Keyset 1   Keyset 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   Press the button programmed for the Keyset (UKST).  2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired keyset.3.   Press the 'ENT' button to select the highlighted keyset.4.   Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.If programmed to the Menu button:Keysets            →Keyset 1   Keyset 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTChannel ScanKeysetsPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT   TXD1.   Press the Menu button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the "Keysets" selection.3.   Press the 'ENT' button to open the keyset menu.4.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired keyset. 5.   Press the 'ENT' button to select the keyset.6.   Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.
27RELM/BK RadioTactical OTAR Option (KZA0584)Tier III KNG portables may be equipped with Tactical Over-the-Air Rekeying option KZA0584. The tactical OTAR option allows a key source KNG radio to send individual encryption keys to OTAR equipped target radios without the need for a full Key Management Facility (KMF).For proper operation the Source and Target radios require specific control key loads and PC editor settings. See the programming section of this manual for required setup details.Sending KeysOTAR Key Source Radio15123456789111012131416SCANPRIVOLSelect the channel designated as the OTAR channel.Zone SelectTact OTARPRI ScanESC         ▲         ▼     ENTER   Press the programmed “Menu” button.Use the Up/Down buttons to scroll to “Tact. OTAR” and press the enter button.Key 1Key 2Key 3ESC         ▲         ▼     ENTER    Use the Up/Down buttons to select the desired encryption key. Programmed key labels are displayed. To view the label and key index press the “#” button.   Alternatively the key can be selected directly via the keypad by pressing 1-32.       Pick Key Index  1      2       3ESC         ▲         ▼     ENTERIf the “Key Pick List Target” is programmed (see “Target Radio Options” under “Key Source Radio Configuration”) the pick list target screen is displayed. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the desired target key slot. This is the key pick list slot where the target radio will store the transferred key.Alternatively a key can be selected directly via the keypad by pressing 1-32.
28 KNG User’s ManualPress the enter key to begin the key transfer. When the key information has been sent the radio will momentarily display “Key Transfer Successful”.KeyTransferSuccessful CANCEL              OK                  If the radio is not programmed for Tactical OTAR operation or is on a non-OTAR channel the display will read “Non-Tact., OTAR Channel”.Should the key transfer fail for any other reason a failure message with a two digit error code will be displayed.(See table below.)Tactical OTAR Error Code TableCode Description01 General Failure02 DTEK Not Found or Not AES04 MTEK Not Found or Not AESF0 General Failure during Key WrapF1 Key Not Found for Key WrapF4 Key to Wrap Key is Not identified as a KEKReceiving KeysOTAR Key Target Radio Select the channel designated as the OTAR channel to receive the rekey information.Key 5Received Upon successful key transfer the radio will show the received key’s programmed label and “Key Received”. The key received message remains displayed until radio power is cycled.  The radio will operate normally even while the message is displayed.If the key transfer is unsuccessful no message will be displayed.
29RELM/BK RadioGeneral OptionsBacklight (LIGT)When the Backlight function is programmed to a switch the display and keypad will illuminate when the switch is on. If the backlight function is programmed to a button the display and keypad will illuminate for the programmed duration. (1-6 seconds or ON)Toggle switch operationOn - Slide the programmed switch toward the front of the radio.Off - Slide the switch up toward the channel select switch.Button OperationOn - Press the programmed button. LIGTOff - Press the button again. LIGTMenu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Backlight'.2. Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select 'On' or 'Off'.4. Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5. Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.6. Keypad LockThe Keypad Lock function can be programmed as a radio menu item. Enabling Keypad Lock the programmable keypad buttons.  NOTE: Programmable side buttons are not lockable.OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select Lock.2. Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select 'On' or 'Off'.4. Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5. Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.6. Monitor (MON)When MON is on, the radio will unmute. The LCD display will show the receive indicator along with the signal strength indicator. If the
30 KNG User’s Manualchannel is not in use the signal strength indicator will show no bars and you will hear white noise, sometimes called squelch noise. Toggle switch operationOn - Slide the programmed switch toward the front of the radio.Off - Slide the switch up toward the channel select switch.Button OperationOn - Press the programmed button. MONOff - Press the button again. MONMenu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Monitor'.2. Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Off' or 'On'.4. Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5. Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.6. Repeater Talkaround (TA)When TA is turned on the radio will transmit on the programmed receive frequency of the selected channel. Toggle switch operationOn - Slide the programmed switch toward the front of the radio.Off - Slide the switch up toward the channel select switch.Button OperationOn - Press the programmed button.  T/A   Off - Press the button again. T/AMenu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Talk Around'.2. Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Repeater' or 'Direct'.4. Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5.  Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.6.
31RELM/BK RadioSurveillance Mode (SURV)When SURV is on all audible indicators (button beeps etc.) and lighting funtions (LED and Display) are disabled.Button OperationOn - Press the programmed button. SURVOff - Press the button again. SURVMenu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Silent'.2. Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select 'On' or 'Off'.4. Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5. Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.6. Squelch Adjust (SQL) Squelch adjust can be assigned to the keypad or a radio menu item.Button OperationPress the programmed button.1. Use the up/down arrows to select the desired squelch point.2. Press 'ENT' to set the selection. 3. Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.4. Menu Operation Squelch  Adjust                +    -ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     LCK         RXD         SCNTalkaroundTx PowerSquelch SetESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPress the Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 2. 'Squelch Set'.Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down arrows to select the 4. desires squelch point.Press 'ENT' to set the selection. 5. Hold the 'ESC' button to return to 6. normal operation.
32 KNG User’s ManualTx Digital (TXD)Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK   TXDCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK   TXAWhen the TXD is on, channels programmed for mixed-mode transmit will transmit in digital mode. When off, mixed-mode channels transmit in analog mode. When transmitting in digital mode the display shows 'D' behind the TX indicator. In analog transmit 'A" will follow the indicator.Toggle switch operationOn - Slide the programmed switch toward the front of the radio.Off - Slide the switch up toward the channel select switch.Button OperationOn - Press the programmed button. TXDOff - Press the button again. TXDMenu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'TX Digital'.2. Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Digital' or 'Analog'.4. Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5. Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.6. Tx Power (LPW)If Tx Power selection is enabled, transmit power can be switched between the high power and the pre-programmed low power setting.Toggle switch operationHigh - Slide the programmed switch toward the front of the radio.Low - Slide the switch up toward the channel select switch.Button OperationHigh - Press the programmed button.  LPWLow - Press the button again. LPWMenu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'TX Power'.2. Press the 'ENT' button.3.
33RELM/BK RadioUse the up/down buttons to select High or Low.4. Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5. Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.6. Zone Select (ZON)The 512 channels available in the KNG can be divided into multiple operating zones. Switching between zones is accomplished via a programmed button or menu item. Optionally, zone labels or numbers can be displayed on the LCD. (See Alphanumeric Label Options.)Channel ScanZone SelectPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT    TXDZone Select       Zone #ZONE LABELESC        ▲        ▼         ENTButton OperationPress the programmed button.  1.  ZONUse the up/down buttons to select the 2. desired zone.Press 'ENT' to set the zone.3. Press the 'ESC' button to return to 4. normal operation.Menu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select the 2. desired zone.Press 'ENT' to set the zone.3. Hold the 'ESC' button to return to 4. normal operation.Scan OptionsChannel Scan (SCAN)Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCKCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK        RXD      SCN                      SCNThe display indicates scan operation by flashing SCAN. Scan operates only while the radio is not transmitting. The radio checks for signals on channels in the preset Scan List, as well as the channel selected by the Channel Selector knob.When a signal is detected, scanning stops and the message is received. The received channel is shown in place of the selected channel.
34 KNG User’s ManualOnce the signal ends, the radio continues to monitor the channel for the preset scan delay time before it resumes scanning.  Toggle switch operationOn - Slide the programmed switch toward the front of the radio.Off - Slide the switch up toward the channel select switch.Zone SelectChannel ScanPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT    TXDChannel Scan   →Off   OnESC        ▲        ▼         ENTButton OperationOn - Press the programmed button.  SCANOff - Press the button again. SCANMenu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 2. 'Scan'.Press the ENT button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select 'On' 4. of 'Off'.Press the 'ENT' button to set the 5. selection.Hold the 'ESC' button to return to 6. normal operation.Scanning Code Guarded ChannelsWhen a signal is detected, scanning stops while the radio checks for the proper Code Guard value. If the signal contains the proper Code Guard value, the radio receives the message. Otherwise, the radio resumes scanning immediately.Nuisance Channel DeleteIf your radio is programmed for Nuisance Channel Delete and Channel Scan is assigned to a top toggle switch, a Nuisance Channel can be temporarily removed from the Scan List by sliding up and then back down. Turn off Scan for at least five seconds or cycle radio power to revert to programmed scan list.Transmitting with Scan On The radio transmits on the channel selected by the Channel Selector knob unless Talkback Scan is enabled or “Transmit on Priority 1” is enabled (see Priority Scan).When the PTT switch is released, the radio continues to monitor the
35RELM/BK Radioselected channel for the preset scan delay time before it resumes scanning.Talkback ScanCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK      RXD     SCNIf your radio is programmed for Talkback Scan, press PTT while a channel is active or while scan delay time remains, you will be responding on the transmit frequency of the received channel. The 'RX' indicator will be shown in the display while scan delay time remains.Talkback Scan will not work if Priority Scan is on and your radio is also programmed to transmit on the Priority 1 channel.Priority Scan (PRI)Priority Scan enables the radio to receive on any channel while monitoring for a message on the designated priority channel(s). The radio samples each priority channel at a preset rate (.25-2.0 seconds) regardless of activity on any other channel. Priority Scan operates only while the radio is not transmitting and can be used in combination with scan operation.Up to two priority channels can be on a radio wide (Global) or per-zone basis.  When Global Priority channels are enabled, zone priority selections are disabled.If priority channels are assigned on a per-zone basis, the radio monitors the priority channels in the currently selected zone. If priority channels are programmed on a Global basis the radio will monitor the assigned channels regardless of the currently selected zone.Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCKCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK    P1 RXD     SCN                    SCNWhen Priority Scan is on, the display flashes SCN.  If a message is received on a priority channel, the Priority Indicator appears, and the radio receiver locks onto that channel for the duration of the transmission, unless a higher priority channel interrupts.The two channels, designated as PR1 and PR2, are periodically sampled for activity, even if a different transmission is being monitored.  Activity on PR2 preempts activity on any of the non-priority channels.  Receptions on PR1 have priority over any other channel, including PR2.
36 KNG User’s ManualEither priority channel can be programmed as a fixed channel, tied to the Channel Selector knob, or programmed OFF.  If the radio is programmed to transmit on PR1, transmissions will occur on the first priority channel when operating in Priority Scan Mode. Priority Scan can be used in combination with Code Guard. If a message is received on a priority channel, the radio receiver locks on to the priority channel and checks to see if the proper Channel Guard value is present. If the signal contains the proper Channel Guard value, the radio receives the message.  Otherwise, the radio will re-check the channel every 4 seconds, until the activity on the channel ceases.If enabled the user can use the keypad to change the priority channels. The Priority Channel selection can be programmed to a programmed button or as a menu item.To select a new Priority Channel:Button OperationPri Chans          Priority 1Priority 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTGlob  Pr1  Zone        →Zone 1   Zone 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTGlob  Pr1 Chan    →Channel 1   Channel 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPriority 1           Use GlobalUse Per ZoneESC        ▲        ▼         ENTGlobal Pri 1         Pri 1 ZonePri 1 ChanESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPress the programmed button.   PRIUse the up/down buttons to select 'Pri. 1. Channels'.Press 'ENT'.2. Use the up/down buttons or to select the 3. desired priority channel.Press 'ENT'.4. Select 'Use Global' to assign a radio 5. wide priority channel or 'Use Per Zone' to assign a zone priority channel.Use Global  6a. Select "Priority 1 Zone"6b. Use the up/down buttons to select the zone.6c. Press 'ENT' to set the zone.6d. Select "Priority 1 Channe"l6e. Use the up/down buttons to select the channel.6f. Press 'ENT' to set.
37RELM/BK Radio Zone 01 Pr1      →Off   MainESC        ▲        ▼         ENTUse Per Zone-6a. Use the up/down buttons to select the priority channel for the zone.6b. Press 'ENT' to set.7.    Hold 'ENT' to return to normal operation Menu OperationCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     PR1         RXD         SCNTalkaroundTx PowerPri ChannelsESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPri Chans          Priority 1Priority 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENT Zone 01 Pr1      →Off   MainESC        ▲        ▼         ENTGlob  Pr1  Zone        →Zone 1   Zone 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTGlob  Pr1 Chan    →Channel 1   Channel 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPriority 1           Use GlobalUse Per ZoneESC        ▲        ▼         ENTGlobal Pri 1         Pri 1 ZonePri 1 ChanESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPress the Menu button.  1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Pri. 2. Channels'.Press 'ENT'.3. Use the up/down buttons or to select the 4. desired priority channel.Press 'ENT'.5. Select 'Use Global' to assign a radio 6. wide priority channel or 'Use Per Zone' to assign a zone priority channel.Use Global - 7a. Select Priority Zone7b. Use the up/down buttons to select the zone.7c. Press 'ENT' to set.7d. Select Priority Channel7e. Use the up/down buttons to select the channel.7f. Press 'ENT' to set.Use Per Zone -7a. Use the up/down buttons to select the zone.7b. Press 'ENT' to set.8.    Hold 'ENT' to return to normal operation
38 KNG User’s ManualScan List Add/DeleteA menu item can be programmed to add or remove channels from the scan list. Channels currently in the scan list will show 'SCN' in the top line of the display.Zone SelectScan ListPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT    TXDChannel Scan     +Channel 01   Channel 02ESC        ▲        ▼         +/-To edit the Scan List:Press the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Scan 2. List' add or delete. Press 'ENT'3. Use the up/down buttons to select 4. the desired channel. Or enter the channel number with the numeric keypad.Use the +/- button to add or delete the 5. channel from the Scan List. Channels preceded by '+' are Scan List channelsPress 'ENT'6. Hold 'ESC'  to return to normal radio 7. operation. Zone Scan (ZSCN)Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCKCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK       RXDN     SCAN                      SCANWhen Zone Scan is turned on, the radio scans all programmed scan channels in zones programmed as Zone Scan zones.Toggle switch operationOn - Slide the programmed switch toward the front of the radio.Off - Slide the switch up toward the channel select switch.Button OperationOn - Press the programmed button. ZSCNOff - Press the button again. ZSCNMenu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Zone Scan'.2. Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select On or Off.4. Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5. Hold the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.6.
39RELM/BK RadioZone Scan List Add/Delete A menu item can be programmed to add or remove Zones to the Zone Scan List. To add a zone to the Scan List:Zone Scan            ZONE 1 +ZONE 2ESC        ▲        ▼         +/-Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     LCK         RXD         SCNTalkaroundTx PowerZone Scn ListESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPress the Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Zone 2. Scan List'.Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select the 4. zone to add or delete.Press the +/- button to toggle the 5. selection. Zones in the scan list will be proceeded by a '+' symbol.Hold the 'ESC' button to return to 6. normal operation.Vote Scan (KZA0581)Channels in a multicast conventional systems can be added to the scan list and designated as “voted” channels. When a signal is received on a voted channel the radio checks all voted channels and selects the channel with the best signal.If enabled vote scanning takes place whenever the channel scan switch in on.NOTE: Channel voting occurs only with Channel Scan and is disabled when Zone Scanning. Channels programmed as Vote channels are treated as normal scan list channels during Zone Scan operation.
40 KNG User’s ManualEmergency Signalling OptionsThe KNG portable radio supports P25 Emergency Operation. When Emergency Operation is engaged the radio will transmit the P25 ID of the radio along with the required P25 Emergency bit. Emergency operation applies only to channels programmed for Digital or Mixed Mode transmissions. On channels programmed for analog transmissions, pressing PTT in Emergency Mode will result in a normal analog transmission.On channels programmed for Mixed Mode transmissions, pressing PTT will result in a digital transmission, regardless of the position of the ‘TX Digital’ switch.All scanning and priority functions will be disabled during Emergency operation. Depending on the radio's PC programmable settings, emergency signal will be sent  automatically or with each Push-to-Talk.Placing an Emergency Call 15123456789111012131416SCANPRIVOLLIGT    T/A    MENU    PR1     TXDEMERGENCY KNG - P25To place an emergency call, press and hold the programmed emergency button until the radio beeps and the display flashes "EMERGENCY".  Radio automatically sends the emergency sig-nal on the selected or pre-programmed emer-gency channel.To return to normal operation press and hold the Emergency button or cycle radio power.Receiving an Emergency SignalLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK     RXDEMERGENCY  Unit ID 12345To receive an emergency call, the radio's receive mode must be programmed to Digital or Mixed. When receiving a qualified emergency call, the radio will beep.  The the display will flash the word ‘EMERGENCY’ and the P25 ID of the radio sending the signal for the duration of the reception, and during any hold time. The RXD icon will also be lit.
41RELM/BK RadioUnit-to-Unit Call OptionsIndividual Call (U2U)P25 Unit IDs allow for Unit-To-Unit calls when the radio is operating in Digital Mode.  The function must be enabled by radio programming to allow this mode of operation.  Channels programmed for analog only operation will not be able to transmit or receive Unit-To-Unit calls.Button OperationP25 IDLIGT    T/A    MENU    PR1        TXD    SCAN   Unit Call           →Last Call   Call ListESC        ▲        ▼         ENTCall List             →Call 1 Label   Call 2 LabelESC        ▲        ▼         ENTEnter ID            ID - ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPress the programmed button. 'U2U'1. Use the up/down buttons to select the 2.    desired Unit 'Call' option.Press 'ENT' to enter Unit Call Mode 3. Display shows phone icon and P25 ID in use. Last Call = Use the P25 ID of the last Call.  'ENT' initiates call. Call List = Use the programmed P25 ID List.  'ENT' brings up programmed Call List.   Use the up/down button to select the  desired ID.   Press 'ENT' to initiate the call. Enter ID = Enter a numeric P25 ID.  'ENT' brings up 'Enter ID' menu.   Use the keypad to enter the desired ID.   Press 'ENT' to initiate the call.4.   Press the 'PTT' button to send the unit-to-unit call.
42 KNG User’s ManualMenu OperationP25 IDLIGT    T/A    MENU    PR1        TXD    SCAN   Channel ScanUnit CallPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT    Unit Call           →Last Call   Call ListESC        ▲        ▼         ENTCall List             →Call 1 Label   Call 2 LabelESC        ▲        ▼         ENTEnter ID            ID - ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPress the 'Menu' button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'Unit 2. Call'Use the up/down buttons to select the 3. desired Unit 'Call' option.Press 'ENT' to enter Unit Call Mode.4. Display shows phone icon and P25 ID in use. Last Call = Use the P25 ID of the last Call.  'ENT' initiates call. Call List = Use the programmed P25 ID List.  'ENT' brings up programmed Call List.   Use the up/down button to select the  desired ID.   Press 'ENT' to initiate the call. Enter ID = Enter a numeric P25 ID.  'ENT' brings up 'Enter ID' menu.   Use the keypad to enter the desired ID.   Press 'ENT' to initiate the call.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to normal operation.Unit-to Unit CallbackIf enabled, pressing PTT during the hold time results in a Unit-to-Unit call to the received unit ID.Call List ProgrammingIf enabled with the PC radio editor, the P25 Call List can edited via the radio's keypad programming function. (See Keypad Programming)
43RELM/BK RadioEncryption OptionsTx Secure (TXS) When SEC is on, encrypted channels programmed for switchable encryption will transmit an encrypted signal. NOTE: The SEC switch has no effect on channels programmed as Encrypted or Clear Only channels.Toggle switch operationOn - Slide the programmed switch toward the front of the radio.Off - Slide the switch up toward the channel select switch.Button OperationOn - Press the programmed button.  TXSOff - Press the button again. TXSMenu OperationSecure Tx           →Clear   SecureESC        ▲        ▼         ENTChannel ScanTX SecurePRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT   TXDPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'TX 2. Secure'.Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select 4. Secure or Clear.Press the 'ENT' button to set the 5. selection.Hold the 'ESC' button to return to 6. normal operation.Zeroize Keys (ZER)  The radio provides a method for the user to zeroize all encryption keys.  The Zeroize Keys function can be assigned to a button or the radio menu. To initiate the Zeroize Function:
44 KNG User’s ManualZeroize Keys      Zeroize Now? ESC                  YES                  Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzZER      T/A      MENU     LCK         RXD        SCANButton OperationPress the programmed button. 1.  ZERPress the 'YES' button to erase the 2. Encryption Keys, or press 'ESC' to cancel the operation.Zeroize Keys      Zeroize Now? ESC                  YES                  Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzZER      T/A      MENU     LCK         RXD         SCNTalkaroundTx PowerZeroize KeysESC        ▲        ▼         ENTMenu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 2. Zeroize Keys.Press the 'ENT' button.3. Press the 'YES' button to erase the 4. Encryption Keys, or press 'ESC' to cancel the operation.Hold the 'ESC' button to return to 5. normal operation.Wait for the radio to start beeping and for the ‘ZERO ALL’ message to appear on the LCD.The radio will stop beeping and the ‘ZEROIZED’ message will appear on the LCD after all keys are destroyed.Rekey Request (RKY) (OTAR equipped radios)The radio optionally provides a method for the user to manually request a rekey from the KMF (Key Management Facility). Rekey Request can be assigned to a button or the radio menu.If the button is pressed while on a channel that has not been marked as an OTAR channel, the radio will boop and ‘NON-OTAR’ will appear on the display.If manual rekeying request is enabled, the rekey service is invoked as follows:
45RELM/BK RadioRequest Key      Rekey Now? ESC                  YES                  Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzRKY      T/A      MENU     LCK         RXD         SCNButton OperationSelect an OTAR enabled channel.1. Press the programmed button. 2.  RKYPress the 'YES' button to Request Keys, 3. or press 'ESC' to cancel the operation.Request Key      Rekey Now? ESC                  YES                  Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzZER      T/A      MENU     LCK         RXD        SCANTalkaroundTx PowerRequest KeyESC        ▲        ▼         ENTMenu OperationSelect an OTAR enabled channel.1. Press the assigned Menu button.2. Use the up/down buttons to select 3. 'Request Key'.Press the 'ENT' button.4. Press the 'YES' button to Request Keys, 5. or press 'ESC' to cancel the operation.Hold the 'ESC' button to return to 6. normal operation.If a successful rekey occurs, a tone will sound, and the display will momentarily show ‘REKEYED’. Keyset Viewing and SelectingThe radio can hold up to 8 encryption keysets.  Only one keyset can be active at any time.  The radio will receive messages encrypted with any of the keys in any of the keysets, but transmit keys can only be selected from the active keyset.  Follow the steps below to view/select the Keyset.
46 KNG User’s ManualIf programmed to a button:Keysets            →Keyset 1   Keyset 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   Press the button programmed for the Keyset (UKST).  2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired keyset.3.   Press the ‘ENT’ button to select the highlighted keyset.4.   Hold the ‘ESC’ button to return to normal operation.If programmed to the Menu button:Keysets           →Keyset 1      Keyset 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTChannel ScanKeysetsPRI ScanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT   1.   Press the Menu button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the “Keysets” selection.3.   Press the ‘ENT’ button to open the keyset menu.4.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired keyset. 5.   Press the ‘ENT’ button to select the keyset.6.   Hold the ‘ESC’ button to return to normal operation.3.4.7 Tactical OTAR Option (KZA0584)Tier III KNG portables may be equipped with Tactical Over-the-Air Rekeying option KZA0584. The tactical OTAR option allows a key source KNG radio to send individual encryption keys to OTAR equipped target radios without the need for a full Key Management Facility (KMF).For proper operation the Source and Target radios require specific control key loads and PC editor settings. See the programming section of this manual for required setup details.Sending KeysOTAR KEY SOURCE RADIO15123456789111012131416SCANPRIVOLSelect the channel designated as the OTAR channel.
47RELM/BK RadioZone SelectTact OTARPRI ScanESC         ▲         ▼     ENTER   Press the programmed “Menu” button.Use the Up/Down buttons to scroll to “Tact. OTAR” and press the enter button.Key 1Key 2Key 3ESC         ▲         ▼     ENTER    Use the Up/Down buttons to select the desired encryption key. Programmed key labels are displayed. To view the label and key index press the “#” button.   Alternatively the key can be selected directly via the keypad by pressing 1-32.       Pick Key Index  1      2       3ESC         ▲         ▼     ENTERIf the “Key Pick List Target” is programmed (see “Target Radio Options” under “Key Source Radio Configuration”) the pick list target screen is displayed. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the desired target key slot. This is the key pick list slot where the target radio will store the transferred key.Alternatively the key can be selected directly via the keypad by pressing 1-32.Press the enter key to begin the key transfer. When the key information has been sent the radio will momentarily display “Key Transfer Successful”.KeyTransferSuccessful CANCEL              OK                  If the radio is not programmed for Tactical OTAR operation or is on a non-OTAR channel the display will read “Non-Tact., OTAR Channel”.Should the key transfer fail for any other reason a failure message with a two digit error code will be displayed. (See table)
48 KNG User’s ManualTactical OTAR Error Code TableCode Description01 General Failure02 DTEK Not Found or Not AES04 MTEK Not Found or Not AESF0 General Failure during Key WrapF1 Key Not Found for Key WrapF4 Key to Wrap Key is Not identified as a KEKRECEIVING KEYSOTAR Key Target Radio Select the channel designated as the OTAR channel to receive the rekey information.Key 5Received Upon successful key transfer the radio will show the received key’s programmed label and “Key Received”. The key received message remains displayed until radio power is cycled.  The radio will operate normally even while the message is displayed.If the key transfer is unsuccessful no message will be displayed.
49RELM/BK RadioPick List OptionsThe KNG provides users the ability to select and assign Pick List functions to specific channels. Pick List options include: Transmit Code Guards, Transmit NACs, Talk Group IDs and Encryption Keys. Pick List Options can be assigned to a programmed button or a radio menu item.Picklist- TX CxCSS (UTON)Selecting a CTCSS/CDCSS tone from the Pick List will assign the tone to the transmit function of the currently select channel. Receive tones will not be effected.User Tones        →Off   TONE-01ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzRKY      T/A      MENU     LCK         RXD         SCNButton OperationTurn to the channel you wish to assign 1. the Tone to.Press the programmed button. 2.  UTONUse the up/down buttons to select the 3. desired tone (1-32) or select the tone using the numeric keypad.Press the 'ENT' button to set the 4. selection.Press 'ESC' to return to normal 5. operation.User Tones        →Off   TONE-01 ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzZER      T/A      MENU     LCK         RXD         SCNTalkaroundTx PowerUser TonesESC        ▲        ▼         ENTMenu OperationPress the assigned Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select 'User 2. Tones'.Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select the 4. desired tone (1-32) or select the tone using the numeric keypad.
50 KNG User’s ManualKeypad Programming OptionsIf enabled via PC programming, the radio's Picklists and Individual Call List information can be edited using the keypad. In addition, programmed channel, zone and some global settings can also be programmed. Check with your RELM/BK Radio dealer or communications officer for information on the programmed functions of your radio.Programmable categories include Individual P25 ID Quick Call/Receive  List, User Tone List, User NAC List, User Talk Group ID List and Keypad Programming of Channel, Zone and Global radio parameters.Programming P25 ID Unit Call/Receive  ListThe KNG can be pre-programmed with up to 100 Project 25 IDs and labels. If 'RX'd Unit ID' is designated as a display line, the P25 ID of the radio sending the call will be shown when receiving a digital signal. If the P25 ID of the received call is programmed in the Call List, the alphanumeric label associated with the ID will be displayed. If the P25 ID is not in the Call List, the numeric P25 ID will be displayed.Keypad ProgUser TonesCall ListESC        ▲        ▼         ENTEnter Password000000ESC                CLR      ENTESC        ▲        ▼         ENTCall List           Call 1              Call 2TalkaroundTx PowerKeypad ProgESC        ▲        ▼         ENTCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     LCK    RXD              SCNTo enter P25 Call List programming:1.  Press the Menu button.2.  Use the up/down buttons to highlight Keypad Prog.3.  Press the ENT button.4  Use the up/down buttons to highlight Call List.5.  Press ENT.6.  Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.7.  Press ENT.8.  Use the up/down buttons to highlight the P25 ID you wish to edit.9.   Press ENT. The display shows the alphanumeric label and P25 ID of the selected ID.
51RELM/BK RadioEditing the labelESC       CLR         ▼     ENTCall 1               C a l l   1   L a b e l                1234567ESC       CLR       PR1      ENTCall 1                           12345671.  Use the down arrow button to highlight the label.2.  Press the CLR button to clear the label.3.  Use the keypad to select the desired character. (See Keypad Character Chart.)4.  Press the PR1 button to move to the next character. Labels can contain up to thirteen characters.5.  Press the ENT button to save the label. Editing the ID NumberESC       CLR         ▼     ENTCall 1               C a l l   1   L a b e l                1234567ESC        CLR                 ENTCall 1               Call 1 Label  12345671.  Use the down arrow button to highlight the ID.2.  Press the CLR button to clear the ID.3.  Use the keypad to select the desired ID number. (Up to seven digits.)4.  Press the ENT button to save the ID.
52 KNG User’s ManualProgramming User Selectable Transmit TonesThe KNG can be pre-programmed with up to 32, user selectable, CTCSS or CDCSS subaudible transmit tones. Tones are selected with the programmed buttons. If enabled, the tones can be programmed via the radio's keypad. To enter Tone List programming:Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     LCK    RXD              SCNTalkaroundTx PowerKeypad ProgESC        ▲        ▼         ENTEnter Password******ESC                CLR      ENTCall ListUser TonesUser TGIDsESC        ▲        ▼         ENTUser Tones         1 - 100.02 - 141.3ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTONE 01             12345ESC                  CLR      ENTTONE 01             # for CDCSS  000.0 ESC                  CLR      ENT1.   Press the Menu button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight 'Keypad Prog'.3.   Press the 'ENT' button.4.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight 'User Tones'.5.   Press 'ENT'.6.   Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.7.   Press 'ENT'.8.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the User Tone you wish to edit.9.   Press 'ENT'. 10. Press the 'CLR' button to clear the currently programmed tone.11. To enter CTCSS tones use the keypad to enter the tone in Hertz (67.0 - 255 Hz). To enter CDCSS tones press the # key then enter the three digit code. (000 - 999)12. Press the 'ENT' button to set the tone.
53RELM/BK RadioProgramming User Selectable Network Access CodesThe KNG can be pre-programmed with up to 32, user selectable NACs. NACS are selected with the programmed buttons. If enabled, the NACs can be programmed via the radio's keypad. To enter NAC List programming:Enter Password000000ESC                CLR      ENTCall ListUser TonesUser NACsESC        ▲        ▼         ENTUser NACs         NAC-01NAC-02ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTNAC 01              000ESC      PR1      CLR      ENTNAC 01             293ESC      PR1      CLR      ENTCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     LCK    RXD             SCNTalkaroundTx PowerKeypad ProgESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   Press the Menu button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight 'Keypad Prog'.3.   Press the 'ENT' button.4.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight 'User NACs'.5.   Press 'ENT'.6.   Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.7.   Press 'ENT'.8.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the NAC you wish to edit.9.   Press the' ENT' Button.10.  Press the 'CLR' button to clear the currently programmed NAC.11.  Use the keypad to select the first digit.12. Press the 'NXT' button to move to the next character. NACs are programmed as three digit hexadecimal numbers. (000 - FFF)13.  Press the 'ENT' button to set the NAC.
54 KNG User’s ManualProgramming User Selectable Talkgroup IDsThe KNG can be pre-programmed with up to 32, user selectable TGIDs. TDIDs are selected with the programmed buttons. If enabled, the TGIDs can be programmed via the radio's keypad. To enter TGID List programming:Ch 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     LCK    RXD              SCNTalkaroundTx PowerKeypad ProgESC        ▲        ▼         ENTEnter Password000000ESC                CLR      ENTCall ListUser TonesUser TGIDsESC        ▲        ▼         ENTUser TGIDs          TGID-01TGID-02ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTGID 01             12345ESC                  CLR      ENTTGID 01               0 ESC                  CLR      ENT1.   Press the Menu button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight Keypad Prog.3.   Press the ENT button.4.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight User TGIDs.5.   Press ENT.6.   Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.7.   Press ENT.8.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the TGID you wish to edit.9.   Press the ENT Button.10. Press the 'CLR' button to clear the currently programmed TGID.11. Use the keypad to select the desired Talkgroup number. (0-65355)13. Press the 'ENT' button to set the Talkgroup.
55RELM/BK RadioKeypad ProgrammingIf enabled, channel, zone and global parameters can be programmed using the radio's keypad. Individual parameters may be blocked from programming access. Check with your RELM/BK Radio dealer or communications officer for information on the programmed functions of your radio.Programming Channel InformationChan Label    Rx FreqRx ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENTEnter Password000000ESC                CLR      ENTUser TGIDsUser TonesKeypad ProgESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTalkaroundTx PowerKeypad ProgESC        ▲        ▼         ENTChannelsZone ParamsGlobal ParamsESC        ▲        ▼         ENTSelect Zone      Zone #Zone LabelESC        ▲        ▼         ENTSelect Chan      Chan #Channel LabelESC        ▲        ▼         ENTCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     LCK    RXD               SCNTo enter the Channel Programming mode:1.   Press the MENU button.2.   Use the up/down arrows to highlight 'Keypad Prog'.3.   Press 'ENT'.4.   Use the up/down arrows to highlight 'Keypad Prog'.5.   Press 'ENT'. 6.  Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.7.   Press 'ENT'.8.  Use the up/down arrows to highlight 'Channels'9.   Press 'ENT'8.  Use the up/down arrows to select the Zone of the desired channel.9.   Press 'ENT'.10.  Use the up/down arrows to select the desired channel.11.  Press 'ENT'.12.  Use the up/down arrows to select the func-tion you wish to edit.Programmable Channel functions include: Chan-nel Label, Receive Frequency, Receive Mode, Receiver Code Guard, Squelch Mode, Transmit Frequency, Transmit Mode, Bandwidth, Trans-mit Code Guard, Transmit NAC, Talkgroup ID, Secure Mode selection, Encryption Key Lock and Low Power Lock.
56 KNG User’s ManualChannel LabelChannel Label    Label ESC     PR1      CLR      ENTChan LabelRx FreqRx ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENTESC        CLR                 ENTChannel  Label                1.   With 'Chan Label' highlighted, press the ENT button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the label.2.   Use the keypad to select the desired character. (See Keypad Character Chart.)3.   Press the 'NXT' button to move to the next character. Labels can contain up to thirteen characters.4.   Press the 'ENT' button to save the label.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.Receive FrequencyRX Frequency    151.62500 MHz ESC                CLR        ENTChan LabelRx FreqRx ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENTESC                CLR        ENTRX Frequency     000.00000 MHz1.   With 'Rx Freq' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the current frequency.3.   Use the keypad to select the desired Receive Frequency. 4.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the frequency.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.Receive ModeRX Mode            →Digital   Mixed ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTChan LabelRx FreqRx ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Rx Mode' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Receiver Mode. (Analog, Digital or Mixed)3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the mode.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
57RELM/BK RadioReceive Code GuardRX Guard           000.0ESC                CLR        ENTRx GuardRx NACSquelch ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENTESC                CLR        ENTRX Guard           000.01.  With 'Rx Guard' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the currently programmed tone.3. To enter CTCSS tones use the keypad to enter the tone in Hertz. (67.0 - 255 Hz) To enter CDCSS tones press the # key then enter the three digit code. (000 - 999)4.  Press the 'ENT' button to set the tone.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.Receive Network Access CodeRX NAC             $293ESC                CLR        ENTRx GuardRx NACSquelch ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENTESC                CLR        ENTRX NAC              $1.   With 'Rx NAC' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the currently programmed NAC.3.   Use the keypad to select the first digit.4.   Press the PR1 button to move to the next character. NACs are programmed as three digit hexadecimal numbers. (000 - FFF)5.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the NAC.6.   Press the' ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.Squelch ModeSquelch Mode    →Normal   SelectiveESC        ▲        ▼         ENTRx GuardRx NACSquelch ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  With 'Squelch Mode' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down arrows to select Normal or Selective. (Selective squelch is required for Individual Calls and use of Talkgroup IDs.)3. Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.  Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
58 KNG User’s ManualTransmit FrequencyTX Frequency     151.62500 MHz ESC                CLR        ENTSquelch ModeTx FreqTx ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENTESC                CLR        ENTTX Frequency     000.00000 MHz1.   With 'Tx Freq' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the current frequency.3.   Use the keypad to select the desired Receive Frequency. 4.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the frequency.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.Transmit ModeTX Mode            →Digital   Mixed ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTSquelch ModeTx FreqTx ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Tx Mode' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Transmit Mode. (Analog, Digital or Mixed)3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the mode.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.Channel Bandwidth Bandwidth selection applies only to Analog operation.TX Mode            →12.5 kHz   25 kHz ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTx FreqTx ModeBandwidthESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Bandwidth' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Analog Bandwidth. (12.5 kHz = narrowband, 25 kHz = wideband)3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
59RELM/BK RadioTransmit Code Guard TX Guard           000.0ESC                CLR        ENTBandwidthTx GuardTx NACESC        ▲        ▼         ENTESC                CLR        ENTTX Guard           000.01.  With 'Tx Guard' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the currently programmed tone.3. To enter CTCSS tones use the keypad to enter the tone in Hertz. (67.0 - 255 Hz) To enter CDCSS tones press the # key then enter the three digit code. (000 - 999)4.  Press the 'ENT' button to set the tone.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.Transmit Network Access CodeTX NAC             $293ESC                CLR        ENTTx GuardTx NACSquelch ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENTESC                CLR        ENTTX NAC              $1.  With 'Tx NAC' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button to edit the Guard Tone.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the currently programmed NAC. (The NAC returns to the Project 25 default NAC of 293)3.   Use the keypad to select the first digit.4.   Press the PR1 button to move to the next character. NACs are programmed as three digit hexadecimal numbers. (000 - FFF)5.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the NAC.6.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
60 KNG User’s ManualTalkgroup IDTx NAC              TGID Secure ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTGID                12345ESC                  CLR      ENTTGID 01              0 ESC                  CLR      ENT1.   With 'TGID' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the currently programmed TGID.3.   Use the keypad to select the desired Talkgroup number. (0-65355)4.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the Talkgroup.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.Encryption Secure Mode (Encrypted models)Secure Mode      →Clear   Secure ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTx NACTGIDSecure ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Secure Mode' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Encryption Selection.  Clear = channel always transmits unencrypted. Secure = channel always transmits encrypted. Selectable = encryption selected via programmed switch or button3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the mode.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
61RELM/BK RadioEncryption Key (Encrypted models)Encryption keys must loaded with a compatible key fill device. The radio can hold up to 32 AES and/or DES keys. (See Encryption Operation)Secure  Mode            KeyKey LockESC        ▲        ▼         ENTEncryption Key               01ESC                  CLR      ENTTGID 01              01 ESC                  CLR      ENT1.   With 'Key' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the currently selected encryption key.3.   Use the keypad to select the desired Encryption Key number. (01-32)4.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the Encryption Key.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.Encryption Key Lock (Encrypted models) Encryption Keys can be locked to a channel or selected via a programmed button.Key Lock            →Off   On ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTSecure ModeKeyKey LockESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Key Lock' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired setting. Off = Selectable Key, On = Locked Key.3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.Low Power LockLow  Pow  Lock      →Off   On ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTKeyKey LockLow Pow LockESC        ▲        ▼         ENTChannels with Low Power Lock enabled ignore the Hi/Lo power switch and operate in Low Power only.1.   With 'Low Pow Lock' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired setting. Off = Selectable Power, On = Low Power Only.3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
62 KNG User’s ManualProgramming Zone ParametersZone Label        Pri 1 ChanTx on Pri 1ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTEnter Password000000ESC                CLR      ENTCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     LCK    RXD    SCANUser TGIDsUser TonesKeypad ProgESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTalkaroundTx PowerKeypad ProgESC        ▲        ▼         ENTChannelsZone ParamsGlobal ParamsESC        ▲        ▼         ENTSelect Zone      Zone #Zone LabelESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTo enter the Zone Programming mode:1.   Press the MENU button.2.   Use the up/down arrows to highlight 'Keypad Prog'.3.   Press 'ENT'.4.   Use the up/down arrows to highlight 'Keypad Prog'.5.   Press 'ENT'. 6.   Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.7.   Press 'ENT'.8.   Use the up/down arrows to highlight 'Zone Params'9.   Press 'ENT'.8.   Use the up/down arrows to select the desired Zone.9.   Press 'ENT'.10. Use the up/down arrows to select the func-tion you wish to edit. Programmable Zone functions include: Zone Label, Priority 1 Channel, Transmit on Priority 1 Channel, Priority 2 Channel, Automatic-Number- Identification (ANI)  settings and Allow/Disallow Cloning.
63RELM/BK RadioZone LabelZone Label         Label ESC     PR1      CLR      ENTZone  LabelPri 1 ChanTx in Pri 1ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTESC     PR1      CLR      ENTZone Label           1.   With 'Zone Label' highlighted, press the ENT button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the label.2.   Use the keypad to select the desired character. (See Keypad Character Chart.)3.   Press the 'NXT' button to move to the next character. Labels can contain up to thirteen characters.4.   Press the 'ENT' button to save the label.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Zone Programming menu.Priority 1 ChannelPri 1 Channel      →Main   Channel 1 ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTZone LabelPri 1 ChanTx on Pri 1ESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Pri 1 Chan' highlighted, press the ENT button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Priority Channel. Off = No Zone Priority Channel. Main = Priority 1 Channel follows channel select knob. Channel Label = Assign as Priority 1 Channel.4.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Zone Programming menu.Transmit on Priority 1 Channel If enabled, the radio transmits on the Priority 1 Channel when PRI is turned on.Tx on Pri 1         →Off   On ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTZone LabelPri 1 ChanTx on Pri 1ESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  With 'Tx on Pri 1' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired setting. 3.  Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Zone Programming menu.
64 KNG User’s ManualPriority 2 Channel Pri 2 Channel      →Main   Channel 1 ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTx on Pri 1Pri 2 ChanANI ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Pri 2 Chan' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Priority Channel. Off = No Zone Priority Channel. Main = Priority 2 Channel follows channel select knob. Channel Label = Assign as Priority 2 Channel.4.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Zone Programming menu.Automatic Number Identification (ANI) ModeANI/DTMF Mode →Off   DTMF Only ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTx on Pri 1Pri 2 ChanANI ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'ANI Mode' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired setting. Off = No ANI operation. DTMF Only = Transmit DTMF Tones with keypad. ANI Only = Send DTMF ANI on PTT. BOTH = Keypad Tones and manual ANI.3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Zone Programming menu.Automatic Number Identification (ANI) IDANI ID                1234567 ESC                 CLR       ENTPri 2 ChanANI ModeANI IDESC        ▲        ▼         ENTESC                 CLR       ENTANI ID                 1.  With 'ANI ID' highlighted, press the ENT button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the ID.3.   Use the keypad to select the desired numeric ID. (Up to seven digits.)4.   Press the 'ENT' button to save the ID.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Zone Programming menu.
65RELM/BK RadioDisable Zone Cloning If enabled, the Zone will not accept incoming clone from another radio.Disable  Clone        →Off   On ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTANI ModeANI IDDisable CloneESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  With 'Disable Clone' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired setting. 3.  Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Zone Programming menu.Programming Global Parameters Pri 1 Chan        Pri 1 ZoneTx on Pri 1ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTEnter Password000000ESC                CLR      ENTCh 1KNG - P25171.58500 MHzLIGT      T/A      MENU     LCK    RXD    SCANUser TGIDsUser TonesKeypad ProgESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTalkaroundTx PowerKeypad ProgESC        ▲        ▼         ENTChannelsZone ParamsGlobal ParamsESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTo enter the Global Programming mode:1.   Press the MENU button.2.   Use the up/down arrows to highlight 'Keypad Prog'.3.   Press 'ENT'.4.   Use the up/down arrows to highlight 'Keypad Prog'.5.   Press 'ENT'. 6.   Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.7.   Press 'ENT'.8.   Use the up/down arrows to highlight 'Global Params'9.   Press 'ENT'.10. Use the up/down arrows to select the function you wish to edit. Programmable Global functions include: Priority 1 Channel, Priority 1 Zone, Transmit on Priority 1 Channel, Priority 2 Channel, Priority 2 Zone, Scan Hold Time, Busy Channel Mode, Transmit Time-out-Timer, Backlight Mode, Backlight Duration, Battery Saver, and Radio Password.
66 KNG User’s ManualGlobal Priority 1 ChannelPri 1 Channel        Off→MainESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPri 1 ChanPri 1 ZoneTx on Pri 1ESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Pri 1 Chan' highlighted, press the ENT button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Priority Channel. Off = No Global Priority Channel. Main = Global Priority 1 Channel follows channel select knob. Channel Label = Assign as Priority 1 Channel.4.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menu.Global Priority 1 ZonePri 1 Zone            ZONE 1→ZONE 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPri 1 ChanPri 1 ZoneTx on Pri 1ESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  With 'Pri 1 Zone' highlighted, press the'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the Zone of desired Global Priority Channel. 3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menuTx on Global Priority 1 Channel If enabled, the radio transmits on the Global Priority 1 Channel when PRI is turned on.Tx on Pri 1         →Off   On ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPri 1 ChanPri 1 ZoneTx on Pri 1ESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  With 'Tx on Pri 1' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired setting. 3.  Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menu.
67RELM/BK RadioGlobal Priority 2 ChannelPri 2 Chan          →Off   Main ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPri 1 ZoneTx on Pri 1Pri 2 ChanESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  With 'Pri 2 Chan' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Priority Channel. Off = No Global Priority Channel. Main = Global Priority 2 Channel follows channel select knob. Channel Label = Assign as Priority 2 Channel.4.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menu.Global Priority 2 ZonePri 2 Zone            ZONE 1→ZONE 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPri 2 ChanPri 2 ZoneScn Hold TimeESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Pri 2 Zone' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the Zone of desired Global Priority Channel. 3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menuScan Hold Time Scan Hold Time is also used as the Hold Time for programmed talkback functions.Set  Hold  Time             0.0 SecondsESC        ▲        ▼         ENTPri 2 ZoneScn Hold TimeBusy Ch ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Scn Hold Time' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to select the desired Hold Time.(0.0 - 7.5) 3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menu
68 KNG User’s ManualBusy Channel ModeBusy  Ch  Mode            Off→IndicateESC        ▲        ▼         ENTScn Hold TimeBusy Ch ModeTX TOTESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Busy Ch Mode' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Busy Channel Operation. Off = No Busy Channel indication. Indicate = Indicator LED glows yellow when the selected frequency is in use. Lockout = Prevents transmitting when selected frequency is in use. Override = Lets the user override the Lockout function and transmit while frequency is busy.4.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menu.TX Time Out Timer The TX Time Out Timer Limits the length of transmissions to the programmed time.Tx Timeout             255 SecondsESC        ▲        ▼         ENTBusy Ch ModeTX TOTBklight ModeESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  With 'TX TOT' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to select the desired transmission time Limit. (0 - 225 seconds. Zero seconds = No Time Out Time.) 3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menu.Backlight ModeBklight Mode          Off→KeypressESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTX TOTBklight ModeBklight DurESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  With 'Bklight Mode' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Backlight setting.Off = No Backlight. Keypress = Display and keypad light whenever the keypad is used.  Display Chan = Display and keypad light whenever displayed information changes Both = Display and keypad light whenever
69RELM/BK Radiodisplayed information changes or the keypad is used.3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menu.Backlight DurationBacklight  Dur          Off→1 SecESC        ▲        ▼         ENTTX TOTBklight ModeBklight DurESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.  With 'Bklight Dur' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to select the desired Backlight Time Limit. (1 - 6 seconds, Off or Always On) 3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menu.Battery Saver It is recommended that Battery Saver be used for normal radio operation.Battery  Saver           Off→OnESC        ▲        ▼         ENTBklight ModeBklight DurBattery SaverESC        ▲        ▼         ENT1.   With 'Battery Saver' highlighted, press the ENT button.2.   Use the up/down buttons to select 'On' or 'Off'.3.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the selection.4.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menu.PasswordPassword               123456 ESC                 CLR       ENTBklight DurBattery SaverANI IDESC        ▲        ▼         ENTESC                 CLR       ENTPassword                1.   With 'Password' highlighted, press the 'ENT' button.2.   Press the 'CLR' button to clear the current Password.3.   Use the keypad to select a desired six digit numeric Password. 4.   Press the 'ENT' button to set the new Password.5.   Press the 'ESC' button to return to the Global Programming menu.
70 KNG User’s ManualKeypad Programming Characters11ABC2A, B, C, a, b, c, 2DEF3D, E, F, d, e, f, 3GHI4G, H, I, g, h, i, 4JKL5J, K, L, j, k, l, 5MNO6M, N, O, m, n, o, 6PQRS7P, Q, R, S, p, q, r, s, 7TUV8T, U, V, t, u, v, 8WXYZ9W, X, Y, Z, w, x, y, z, 900, Blank Space**, ., ,, ;, :, ", ', !, ?, %, &, ', ~, @, _##, $, +, -, =, ^, /, \, |, <, >, {, }, [, ]
71RELM/BK RadioRadio CloningIf "Cloning" is programmed a menu item, any “Source” radio (a KNG with the desired radio frequencies and settings) is capable of transferring its program to another KNG of the same frequency range.  The radio receiving the program is referred to as the “target” The KAA0700 cloning cable will be required in the following procedure. NOTE: Some groups may be blocked by PC programming to prevent them from being overwritten. Only unlocked groups will accept incoming clones. Target radios with one or more zones blocked will not accept an "Entire Radio" clone.Connect the KAA0710 Cloning Cable to the side connector of the Source and target radios and power up both radios.On the Source radio: Press the Menu button.1. Use the up/down buttons to select "Cloning".2. Press the 'ENT' button.3. Use the up/down buttons to select the cloning 4. type: a. Active Zone - Copies the information in the Source radio's active zone to the Target radio's active zone. b. Zone-to-Zone - Allows for selection of any zone in the source radio to be copied into any non- blocked zone in the Target radio.  The following additional steps are required for Zone-to-Zone cloning:Press the Enter button.• Use the up/down buttons to select • the desired source radio zone.Press the Enter button.• Use the up/down buttons to select • the desired target radio zone.c. Entire Radio - Copies all non radio specific data from the Source radio to the Target radio. Radio specific data includes P25 ID, serial number, encryption keys and passwords Source Zone      Zone 1Blue Sector ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTDest.      Zone            ZONE 1→ZONE 2ESC        ▲        ▼         ENTCh 1KNG - P25171.5 85 00  MH zLIGT    T/A    MENU    LCK       RXDCloneActive ZoneZone-to-ZoneESC        ▲        ▼         ENTKNGBK RADIOKNGBK RADIOSourceRadioTargetRadio
72 KNG User’s ManualPress the Enter button to send the cloning information.5. While sending or receiving information 'Cloning Mode' will be shown on the Target radio display. After successful information is transferred 'Cloning Successful' is briefly displayed on the Source radio before reverting normal operating mode. Cycle the Target radio power before operating. Zone CloningClone zoned information includes:Channel and Zone LabelsFrequenciesOperating ModesCode Guards (CG)Network Access Codes (NAC)Squelch OperationTalk GroupsScan ListBandwidthLow Power SelectionANI SettingsZone Priority SettingsZone Scan List SelectionNOTE: Some groups may be blocked by PC programming to prevent them from being overwritten. Only unlocked groups will accept incoming clones.Entire Radio CloningWhen 'Entire Radio' is selected from the cloning menu, information from the all zones is sent to the corresponding zones of the radio being cloned.NOTE: Radios programmed with any zones blocked from receiving cloning information will not accept an 'Entire Radio' clone.Entire Radio cloning transfers all radio information except the following:Radio Serial Number P25 Identification NumberEncryption Keys  PasswordsSuccessfullyClonedESC        ▲        ▼         ENTCloning Mode
73RELM/BK RadioWarrantyThe KNG portable radio is covered by a two-year warranty. Extended warranties may be available.  For information about your warranty contact RELM/BK Radio at (800) 648-0947. Email; sales@relm.comServiceIf you need service, contact your BK Radio dealer. If you find it impractical to have service provided by your dealer, contact the RLM/BK Radio Technical Service Department at (800) 422-6281.Repairs may be sent to the address below.RELM Wireless CorporationAttention: Customer Service7100 Technology DriveWest Melbourne, FL 32904
74 KNG User’s ManualDefinitions and AcronymsAES APCO Project 25 Advanced Encryption StandardANI Automatic Numeric IdentificationCG Code GuardCLR ClearCode Guard A sub-audible tone, a code (analog) or a Network Access Code (digital) for selective calling and receivingDES APCO Project 25 Encryption StandardDetent The click/hesitation you feel as you turn a knob from one position to another.DTMF Dual Tone Multiple FrequencyDTMF Tones Tones that sound like those used by a standard push-button telephone.ENT EnterIndividual PersonalityThe information programmed with a PC on both a global and by-channel basis that tells the radio exactly how to operateLCD  Liquid Crystal DisplayMixed Mode Allows Analog & Digital operation on same channel.NAC Network Access Code for digital channel.PR Priority ChannelPRI PriorityPTT Push To TalkRTA Repeater Talk AroundRTX Channel Ready to Transmit ChannelRX ReceiveSCN ScanSQ SquelchSquelch A control that eliminates background noise.Talkback  Programmed response to a call.TGID Talk Group IDTOT Time-Out TimerTime-Out Timer Limits the duration of calls.Talk Group ID P25 Talk Group Identification
75RELM/BK Radio
76 KNG User’s ManualYour Radio Settings15123456789111012131416SCANPRIVOLKNGBK RADIOCollar Switch __________Left Toggle __________Right Toggle __________Orange Button ____________Top Side ______________Bottom Side ___________ Diamond    _____________Up Arrow ______________Down Arrow ____________Square  _______________Menu Settings__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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