BLU BLUDASHM Smartphone User Manual

CT Asia Smartphone

User manual

1 DASH M User Manual
2 Content Get Started.......................................................................................................... 4 Insert SIM card ...................................................................................................... 4 Charge the Battery or Connect to PC ................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Keys and Parts ..................................................................................................... 7 Lock and Unlock the Screen................................................................................... 9 Make it yours .................................................................................................... 10 Add Widgets and more icons to Home Screen ....................................................... 11 Add widgets and icons to home screen ............................................................... 11 Rearrange or remove widgets and icons on your Home screen .......................... 11 Add Folders on your Screen ................................................................................. 12 Adjust Brightness ............................................................................................... 13 Make a Call ....................................................................................................... 14 Call Log ............................................................................................................. 15 Reject a Call by Sending a Busy Message .............................................................. 16 Add a Contact .................................................................................................... 16 Messaging ......................................................................................................... 17 Receive a New Message ...................................................................................... 18
3 Edit SMS and MMS .............................................................................................. 18 Message conversations ....................................................................................... 18 Browse the Web ................................................................................................ 19 Enjoy Music ....................................................................................................... 20 Download Applications From Android Market ....................................................... 21 Manage Applications .......................................................................................... 22 System Updates ................................................................................................. 23 System Settings ................................................................................................. 24 Wireless & Networks ........................................................................................... 24 Device ................................................................................................................. 24 Personal .............................................................................................................. 25 System ................................................................................................................ 25 Maintenance & Safety ........................................................................................ 27
4 GGeett  SSttaarrtteedd  IInnsseerrtt  SSIIMM  ccaarrdd  TThhee  pphhoonnee  iiss  aa  DDuuaall  SSIIMM  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee  aalllloowwiinngg  yyoouu  ttoo  uussee  tthhee  ffaacciilliittyy  ooff  ttwwoo  nneettwwoorrkkss..  11..  SSwwiittcchh  ooffff  tthhee  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee..  22..  IInnsseerrtt  tthhee  SSIIMM  ccaarrdd  ccoorrrreeccttllyy  iinn  tthhee  ccaarrdd  sslloott((ss))  ((SSeeee  ffiigguurree  bbeellooww))
5 CChhaarrggee  tthhee  BBaatttteerryy  oorr  CCoonnnneecctt  ttoo  PPCC  YYoouu  ccaann  cchhaarrggee  yyoouurr  bbaatttteerryy  uussiinngg  tthhee  cchhaarrggeerr  oorr  ccoonnnneecctt  tthhee  UUSSBB  ccaabbllee  ((ssuupppplliieedd  wwiitthh  tthhiiss  pphhoonnee))  ttoo  tthhee  ccoommppuutteerr..
6 Charge Mobile Phone Your phone is  powered by a rechargeable  battery. If  your phone  comes up a  message which notifies you that the battery power is too low, at that moment, please recharge the battery, if the charge is too low, it may shorten the life of the battery. Connect the charger to a power outlet and the micro USB connector to the phone’s USB port. The LED flashlight on the top of the phone is red. Once the phone has finished charging, the light turns green and you should unplug the charger.
7 KKeeyyss  aanndd  PPaarrttss  TThhee  ssmmaarrtt  pphhoonnee  ggiivveess  yyoouu  mmaarrvveelloouuss  ffeeeelliinnggss  ttoo  eexxppeerriieennccee  oonn  CCaammeerraa,,  VViiddeeoo  rreeccoorrddeerr,,  FFMM  rraaddiioo,,  MMuussiicc  aanndd  SSoouunndd  rreeccoorrddeerr..  LLeett  yyoouu  iinnssttaallll  vvaarriioouuss  AAPPPPss,,  ggaammeess,,  aanndd  mmoorree  ((ssuuppppoorrttss  AAPPKK  ffoorrmmaatt))  bbyy  ddoowwnnllooaaddiinngg  ffrroomm  AAnnddrrooiidd  MMaarrkkeett..                                           2  5 10 3  11 1   9 6 7 8 4
8 1.Volume Up/Down Key To  adjust  the  ringer  volume,  adjust  the  voice  volume during a call and adjust media volume.     2.Headset port To connect an earphone so you can listen to music or radio, etc.     3.Front Camera Allow you to take pictures while facing the screen.     4.Receiver To hear the voice of the other side when calling.     5.Power Key Switch the phone on or off. Press and hold to open phone options menu.     6. Return   Go back to the previous screen; Close the on-screen keypad, a dialog box, an options menu, or the notification panel.     7.Home Key Go to home screen; Press and hold to open a window showing you  most recently used applications.     8.Menu Switch to recently used applications.     9. USB jack To connect charger or USB data cable for data exchange.     10.Back  Camera lens For taking photos.     11.Flashlight To take photos in low-light conditions.
9 LLoocckk  aanndd  UUnnlloocckk  tthhee  SSccrreeeenn  Press power button to enter Sleep mode and meanwhile the screen will be locked; press power button again to wake up and then drag the lock to upwards to unlock.
10 MMaakkee  iitt  yyoouurrss  aa))  HHoommee  ssccrreeeenn::  IItt  iiss  yyoouurr  ssttaarrttiinngg  ppooiinntt  ttoo  aacccceessss  aallll  tthhee  ffeeaattuurreess  oonn  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee..  IItt  ddiissppllaayyss  aapppplliiccaattiioonn  iiccoonnss,,  wwiiddggeettss,,  sshhoorrttccuuttss,,  aanndd  ootthheerr  ffeeaattuurreess..  bb))  NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  BBaarr::  AAtt  tthhee  ttoopp  ooff  tthhee  ssccrreeeenn,,  tthhee  SSttaattuuss  bbaarr  ddiissppllaayyss  tthhee  ttiimmee,,  ssttaattuuss,,  aanndd  nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonnss..  IIff  tthheerree  iiss  aa  nneeww  mmeessssaaggee,,  mmiisssseedd  ccaallll  oorr  ssoommeetthhiinngg  iinn  tthhee  nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  bbaarr,,  yyoouu  ccaann  ddrraagg  iitt  ddoowwnn  ttoo  ooppeenn  nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  ppaanneell  aanndd  cclliicckk  tthhee  ddeessiirreedd  oonnee  ttoo  hhaavvee  aa  vviieeww..  WWhheenn  yyoouu  ffiinniisshheedd,,  yyoouu  ccaann  cclloossee  iitt  bbyy  ddrraaggggiinngg  tthhee  ppaanneell  uupp  oorr  pprreessssiinngg  ““BBaacckk””..  cc))  LLaauunncchheerr::  TToouucchh  tthhee  LLaauunncchheerr  iiccoonn  aatt  tthhee  bboottttoomm  ooff  tthhee  ssccrreeeenn  ttoo  vviieeww  aallll  iinnssttaalllleedd  aapppplliiccaattiioonnss..
11 AAdddd  WWiiddggeettss  aanndd  mmoorree  iiccoonnss  ttoo  HHoommee  SSccrreeeenn  AAdddd  wwiiddggeettss  aanndd  iiccoonnss  ttoo  hhoommee  ssccrreeeenn  Enter Launcher and long press and hold an application till the app displays on the home screen, and then release your finger hold. RReeaarrrraannggee  oorr  rreemmoovvee  wwiiddggeettss  aanndd  iiccoonnss  oonn  yyoouurr  HHoommee  ssccrreeeenn    Long press and  hold the widget or icon you want to  move. Once “Info” appears, don't release your hold on the icon and drag the widget or icon to a new location on the screen.
12 Add Folders on your Screen   Use folders to group related applications and other shortcuts to keep your Home screen tidy and organized.   Adding folder on your screen Press and hold an application icon or a widget that you want to move. The phone then vibrates. Don't release  your finger. Drag the  application  icon or  widget and drop  it on top  of another application icon or widget.   Deleting folder Drag out all the applications from the folder, then the folder will be deleted automatically.
13 Adjust Brightness Drag  the  notification  panel  down  and  adjust  brightness.  Or  enter  Settings->Display-> Brightness level, and adjust the brightness level here (by dragging the brightness slider to the left to decrease or to the right to increase the screen Brightness). Note: Lower the brightness of the screen to prolong the battery life.
14 MMaakkee  aa  CCaallll    OOnn  tthhee  ssttaarrtt  ssccrreeeenn  cchhoooossee,,  ooppeenn  ddiiaall  ppaadd  tthheenn  eenntteerr  aa  ccoommpplleettee  pphhoonnee  nnuummbbeerr  ttoo  mmaakkee  aa  ccaallll..
15 Call Log Enter Phone interface, then slide your screen right to RECENTS, you can check the call logs. In call log options, you can Make calls, add new contact and send message etc.
16 RReejjeecctt  aa  CCaallll  bbyy  SSeennddiinngg  aa  BBuussyy  MMeessssaaggee  While there is an incoming call, you are inconvenient to accept the call, and then you can send a busy  message for rejecting the  call. Drag  the circle  up to , some busy  messages  will show on the screen, short tap any of them to send out.   AAdddd  aa  CCoonnttaacctt  Tap and enter Contacts and then add  a contact  (see figure below). Tap to add a  new contact to Phone or SIM card.
17 Messaging Enter Messaging, and then compose new message. You touch a text field where  you want to enter text, to open the keyboard.
18 Receive a New Message   When there is a new message comes, a new message icon will appears in the notifications area of the status bar to notify you of a new text or multimedia message.   To open the message, press and hold the status bar, and then slide the status bar down to open the Notifications panel. Or go to Messaging, read the message directly.  Edit SMS and MMS When you are composing a new text message, you can select text for cutting or copying. Touch the text field or portion that contains text. You can select all contexts, copy, cut and paste. The selected text is highlighted in Blue. A multimedia message may contain video, pictures, audio, sideshow, etc. Thus, when you are supposed to edit a MMS,  you can just add videos, pictures and more  to SMS and change to MMS.  Message conversations   Text and multimedia messages that are sent to and received from a contact (or a number) are grouped into conversations or message threads in the All messages screen. Threaded SMS or MMS let you see exchanged messages (similar to a chat program) with a contact on the screen.
19 Browse the Web Open the Chrome; click the URL on the screen to search or tap website address.   The browser is  fully optimized and comes with advanced features that let  you enjoy Internet browsing on your phone.   You must have an active data connection or Wi-Fi connection to access the Internet.
20 EEnnjjooyy  MMuussiicc  WWhheenn  yyoouu  ccooppyy  mmuussiicc  ttoo  yyoouurr  MMiiccrroo  SSDD  ccaarrdd,,  tthhee  MMuussiicc  ppllaayyeerr  sseeaarrcchheess  tthhee  ddeevviiccee  ffoorr  mmuussiicc  ffiilleess  aanndd  bbuuiillddss  aa  ccaattaalloogg  ooff  yyoouurr  mmuussiicc,,  bbaasseedd  oonn  iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn  aabboouutt  eeaacchh  ffiillee  tthhaatt  iiss  ssttoorreedd  iinn  tthhee  ffiillee  iittsseellff..
21 DDoowwnnllooaadd  AApppplliiccaattiioonnss  FFrroomm  AAnnddrrooiidd  MMaarrkkeett  Add a Google account and then Enter Android Market (Play Store) and download apps.
22 Manage Applications   Enter Setting >Apps, then manage the applications. Tap any app to view the information of the applications, and you can also force the apps to stop or uninstall the apps.   To install Apps, you need switch on “Unknown sources” in Security settings.
23 System Updates     Enter System Settings->About phone and access Wireless update, the device will automatically search and check new version of software.   To update your current software, you must download new software online. The device will be in Recovery mode and will start to update the system after successfully downloading the new software. Then the device will reboot once system updating is complete, a pop-up message will appear to notify that the device has been successfully updated.   Note: Ensure you switch on Wi-Fi or Data connection.
24 SSyysstteemm  SSeettttiinnggss  WWiirreelleessss  &&  NNeettwwoorrkkss  YYoouu  ccaann  ccuussttoommiizzee  wwiirreelleessss  &&  nneettwwoorrkk  sseettttiinnggss  hheerree,,  iinncclluuddiinngg::  11..  WWii--FFii  TTuurrnn  oonn  oorr  ttuurrnn  ooffff  WWii--FFii  hheerree..  SSeett  uupp  aanndd  mmaannaaggee  wwiirreelleessss  aacccceessss  ppooiinntt  ss  hheerree..    22..  BBlluueettooootthh  TTuurrnn  oonn  oorr  ttuurrnn  ooffff  BBlluueettooootthh  hheerree..  SSccaann  ffoorr  ddeevviicceess  aanndd  tthheenn  iitt  wwiillll  sshhooww  tthhee  ssccaannnneedd  ddeevviicceess..  CChhoooossee  aa  ddeevviiccee  ttoo  ppaaiirr  aanndd  tthheenn  yyoouu  ccaann  sseenndd  oorr  rreecceeiivvee  iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn  vviiaa  BBlluueettooootthh..    33..  SSIIMM  ccaarrddss  44..  DDaattaa  uussaaggee  55..  MMoorree……  ◆◆AAiirrppllaannee  mmooddee  ◆◆VVPPNN    ◆◆TTeetthheerriinngg  &&  ppoorrttaabbllee  hhoottssppoott  SShhaarree  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee’’ss  mmoobbiillee  ddaattaa  ccoonnnneeccttiioonn  vviiaa  UUSSBB  oorr  aass  aa  ppoorrttaabbllee  WWii--FFii  hhoottssppoott..  ◆◆  MMoobbiillee  nneettwwoorrkkss  SSeett  ooppttiioonnss  ffoorr  DDaattaa  ccoonnnneeccttiioonn,,  33GG  sseerrvviicceess,,  pprreeffeerrrreedd  nneettwwoorrkkss,,  AAPPNN,,  eettcc..  DDeevviiccee  11..  SSoouunndd  &&  nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  AAcccceessss  tthhiiss  ssuubb--mmeennuu  ttoo  cchhaannggee  vvoolluummeess,,  pphhoonnee  rriinnggttoonnee,,  vviibbrraattee  wwhheenn  rriinnggiinngg,,  ddeeffaauulltt  nnoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  ssoouunndd,,  ttoouucchh  ssoouunnddss,,  ddiiaall  ppaadd  ttoouucchh  ttoonneess,,  eettcc..  22..  DDiissppllaayy  YYoouu  ccaann  ddeeffiinnee  yyoouurr  wwaallllppaappeerr  aanndd  sseett  aauuttoo  rroottaattee  ssccrreeeenn,,  bbrriigghhttnneessss,,  ffoonntt  ssiizzee,,  sslleeeepp,,  eettcc..
25 33..  SSttoorraaggee  YYoouu  ccaann  cchheecckk  oouutt  tthhee  ssppaaccee  ooff  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  oorr  SSDD  ccaarrdd  hheerree..  44..  BBaatttteerryy  YYoouu  ccaann  sseeee  tthhee  uussee  ooff  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy..  55..  AAppppss  YYoouu  ccaann  mmaannaaggee  iinnssttaalllleedd  aapppplliiccaattiioonn  hheerree..  PPeerrssoonnaall  11..  LLooccaattiioonn    LLeett  aappppss  uussee  GGooooggllee  llooccaattiioonn  sseerrvviiccee  ttoo  eessttiimmaattee  yyoouurr  llooccaattiioonn  ffaasstteerr..  AAnnoonnyymmoouuss  llooccaattiioonn  ddaattaa  wwiillll  bbee  ccoolllleecctteedd  aanndd  sseenntt  ttoo  GGooooggllee..  22..  SSeeccuurriittyy  ◆◆SSccrreeeenn  sseeccuurriittyy  ◆◆EEnnccrryyppttiioonn  ◆◆SSIIMM  ccaarrdd  lloocckk  ◆◆PPaasssswwoorrddss  33..  LLaanngguuaaggee  &&  iinnppuutt  SSeelleecctt  llaanngguuaaggee  aanndd  iinnppuutt  mmeetthhoodd..  44..  BBaacckkuupp  aanndd  rreesseett  ◆◆BBaacckkuupp  mmyy  ddaattaa::  BBaacckkuupp  aapppp  ddaattaa,,  WWii--FFii  ppaasssswwoorrddss,,  aanndd  ootthheerr  sseettttiinnggss  ttoo  GGooooggllee  sseerrvviicceess..  ◆◆FFaaccttoorryy  ddaattaa  rreesseett::  EErraasseess  aallll  ddaattaa  oonn  pphhoonnee..  SSyysstteemm  11..  DDaattee  &&  ttiimmee  22..  SScchheedduullee  ppoowweerr  oonn//ooffff  33..  AAcccceessssiibbiilliittyy
26 44..  PPrriinnttiinngg  55..  AAbboouutt  ddeevviiccee
27 MMaaiinntteennaannccee  &&  SSaaffeettyy  PPlleeaassee  rreeaadd  aanndd  oobbsseerrvvee  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg  iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn  ffoorr  ssaaffee  aanndd  pprrooppeerr  uussee  ooff  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  aanndd  ttoo  pprreevveenntt  ddaammaaggee..  AAllssoo,,  kkeeeepp  tthhee  uusseerr  gguuiiddee  iinn  aann  aacccceessssiibbllee  ppllaaccee  aatt  aallll  tthhee  ttiimmeess  aafftteerr  rreeaaddiinngg  iitt..  11..  AAfftteerr  ssaalleess  sseerrvviiccee  KKiinnddllyy  rreeffeerr  ttoo  tthhee  WWaarrrraannttyy  CCaarrdd  pprroovviiddeedd  iinn  tthhee  ssaalleess  ppaacckkaaggee  bbooxx..    22..  CChhaarrggeerr  aanndd  AAddaapptteerr  SSaaffeettyy  CChhaarrggeerr  aanndd  aaddaapptteerr  aarree  ddeessiiggnneedd  ffoorr  iinnddoooorr  uussee  oonnllyy..    33..  BBaatttteerryy  IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn  aanndd  CCaarree  oo  PPlleeaassee  uussee  tthhee  ssppeecciiffiicc  bbaatttteerryy,,  ootthheerrwwiissee  iitt  wwiillll  ccaauussee  eexxpplloossiioonn..  oo  PPlleeaassee  ddiissppoossee  ooff  yyoouurr  bbaatttteerryy  pprrooppeerrllyy..  oo  DDoo  nnoott  ddiissaasssseemmbbllee  oorr  sshhoorrtt--cciirrccuuiitt  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy..  oo  KKeeeepp  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy’’ss  mmeettaall  ccoonnttaaccttss  cclleeaann..  oo  RReecchhaarrggee  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  aafftteerr  lloonngg  ppeerriiooddss  ooff  nnoonn--uussee  ttoo  mmaaxxiimmiizzee  bbaatttteerryy  lliiffee..  oo  BBaatttteerryy  lliiffee  wwiillll  vvaarryy  dduuee  ttoo  uussaaggee  ppaatttteerrnnss  aanndd  eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall  ccoonnddiittiioonnss..  oo  TThhee  sseellff--pprrootteeccttiioonn  ffuunnccttiioonn  ooff  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  ccuuttss  tthhee  ppoowweerr  ooff  tthhee  pphhoonnee  wwhheenn  iittss  ooppeerraattiioonn  iiss  iinn  aann  aabbnnoorrmmaall  ssttaattuuss..  IInn  tthhiiss  ccaassee,,  rreemmoovvee  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  ffrroomm  tthhee  pphhoonnee,,  rreeiinnsseerrtt  iitt,,  aanndd  ttuurrnn  tthhee  pphhoonnee  oonn..    44..  GGeenneerraall  NNoottiiccee  oo  UUssiinngg  aa  ddaammaaggeedd  bbaatttteerryy  oorr  ppllaacciinngg  aa  bbaatttteerryy  iinn  yyoouurr  mmoouutthh  mmaayy  ccaauussee  sseerriioouuss  iinnjjuurryy..  oo  TThhee  ssuuiittaabbllee  tteemmppeerraattuurree  ffoorr  tthhee  pphhoonnee  aanndd  aacccceessssoorriieess  iiss  --1100℃℃~~4455℃℃..  oo  WWhheenn  cchhaarrggiinngg,,  pplleeaassee  ppllaaccee  tthhee  pphhoonnee  iinn  aann  eennvviirroonnmmeenntt  tthhaatt  hhaass  aa  nnoorrmmaall  rroooomm  tteemmppeerraattuurree  aanndd  ggoooodd  vveennttiillaattiioonn..  IItt  iiss  rreeccoommmmeennddeedd  ttoo  cchhaarrggee  tthhee  pphhoonnee  iinn  aann  eennvviirroonnmmeenntt  wwiitthh  aa  tteemmppeerraattuurree
28 uunnddeerr  4400℃℃..  PPlleeaassee  eennssuurree  ttoo  uussee  oonnllyy  tthhee  cchhaarrggeerr  ooffffeerreedd  bbyy  tthhee  mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr..  UUssiinngg  uunnaauutthhoorriizzeedd  cchhaarrggeerr  mmaayy  ccaauussee  ddaannggeerr  aanndd  vviioollaattee  tthhee  aauutthhoorriizzaattiioonn  ooff  tthhee  pphhoonnee  aanndd  tthhee  gguuaarraanntteeee  aarrttiiccllee..  oo  DDoo  nnoott  ppllaaccee  iitteemmss  ccoonnttaaiinniinngg  mmaaggnneettiicc  ccoommppoonneennttss  ssuucchh  aass  aa  ccrreeddiitt  ccaarrdd,,  pphhoonnee  ccaarrdd,,  bbaannkk  bbooookk,,  oorr  ssuubbwwaayy  ttiicckkeett  nneeaarr  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee..  TThhee  mmaaggnneettiissmm  ooff  tthhee  pphhoonnee  mmaayy  ddaammaaggee  tthhee  ddaattaa  ssttoorreedd  iinn  tthhee  mmaaggnneettiicc  ssttrriipp..  oo  TTaallkkiinngg  oonn  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  ffoorr  lloonngg  ppeerriioodd  ooff  ttiimmee  mmaayy  rreedduuccee  ccaallll  qquuaalliittyy  dduuee  ttoo  hheeaatt  ggeenneerraatteedd  dduurriinngg  uussee..  oo  WWhheenn  tthhee  pphhoonnee  iiss  nnoott  uusseedd  ffoorr  aa  lloonngg  ppeerriioodd  ttiimmee,,  ssttoorree  iitt  iinn  aa  ssaaffee  ppllaaccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  ppoowweerr  ccoorrdd  uunnpplluuggggeedd..  oo  UUssiinngg  tthhee  pphhoonnee  iinn  pprrooxxiimmiittyy  ttoo  rreecceeiivviinngg  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ((  TTVV  oorr  RRaaddiioo))  mmaayy  ccaauussee  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  ttoo  tthhee  pphhoonnee..  oo  DDoo  nnoott  iimmmmeerrssee  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  iinn  wwaatteerr..  IIff  tthhiiss  hhaappppeennss,,  rreemmoovvee  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  aanndd  ttaakkee  iitt  ttoo  aann  AAuutthhoorriizzeedd  SSeerrvviiccee  CCeenntteerr..  oo  DDoo  nnoott  ppaaiinntt  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee..  oo  TThhee  ddaattaa  ssaavveedd  iinn  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  mmiigghhtt  bbee  ddeelleetteedd  dduuee  ttoo  ccaarreelleessss  uussee,,  rreeppaaiirr  ooff  tthhee  pphhoonnee,,  oorr  uuppggrraaddee  ooff  tthhee  ssooffttwwaarree..  PPlleeaassee  bbaacckkuupp  yyoouurr  iimmppoorrttaanntt  pphhoonnee  nnuummbbeerrss..  ((RRiinngg  ttoonneess,,  tteexxtt  mmeessssaaggeess,,  vvooiiccee  mmeessssaaggeess,,  ppiiccttuurree,,  aanndd  vviiddeeooss  ccoouulldd  aallssoo  bbee  ddeelleetteedd..))  TThhee  mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr  iiss  nnoott  lliiaabbllee  ffoorr  ddaammaaggee  dduuee  ttoo  tthhee  lloossss  ooff  ddaattaa..  oo  DDoo  nnoott  ttuurrnn  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  oonn  oorr  ooffff  wwhheenn  tthhee  pphhoonnee  iiss  cclloossee  ttoo  yyoouurr  eeaarr..    WWaarrnniinngg::  CCoommppaannyy  wwiillll  nnoott  bbeeaarr  aannyy  rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy  ffoorr  aannyy  iinnccoommpplliiaannccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  aabboovvee  gguuiiddeelliinneess  oorr  iimmpprrooppeerr  uussee  ooff  tthhee  mmoobbiillee  pphhoonnee..  OOuurr  ccoommppaannyy  kkeeeeppss  tthhee  rriigghhtt  ttoo  mmaakkee  mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss  ttoo  aannyy  ooff  tthhee  ccoonntteenntt  hheerree  iinn  tthhiiss  uusseerr  gguuiiddee  wwiitthhoouutt  ppuubblliicc  aannnnoouunncceemmeenntt  iinn  aaddvvaannccee..  TThhee  ccoonntteenntt  ooff  tthhiiss  mmaannuuaall  mmaayy  vvaarryy  ffrroomm  tthhee  aaccttuuaall  ccoonntteenntt  ddiissppllaayyeedd  iinn  tthhee  ddeevviiccee..  IInn  ssuucchh  ccaassee,,  tthhee  llaatttteerr  sshhaallll  ggoovveerrnn..
29 FFCCCC  RReegguullaattiioonnss::    This  mobile  phone  complies  with  part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  Operation  is  subject  to  the following  two  conditions:  (1)  This  device  may  not  cause  harmful  interference,  and  (2)  this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This mobile phone has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a  particular  installation  If  this  equipment  does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,  the user is encouraged to try to  correct the  interference by one or more of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Note:
30  Caution:  Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party  responsible  for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.   RRFF  EExxppoossuurree  IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn  ((SSAARR))  This  phone  is  designed and  manufactured  not  to exceed  the emission  limits  for exposure  to radio  frequency  (RF)  energy set  by the  Federal  Communications  Commission  of the United States.    During SAR testing, this device  was set to transmit at its highest certified power  level in all tested frequency bands, and placed in positions that simulate RF exposure in usage against the head with no separation, and near the body with the separation of 10 mm. Although the SAR is determined  at  the  highest  certified  power  level,  the  actual  SAR  level  of  the  device  while operating can be  well  below  the maximum value.   This  is  because the  phone  is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.  The exposure standard for wireless devices employing a unit of measurement is known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.  The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg.   This  device  is  complied  with  SAR  for  general  population  /uncontrolled  exposure  limits  in ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 and had been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and
31 procedures specified in IEEE1528.    The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model phone is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCC ID: YHLBLUDASHM.  For this device, the  highest reported SAR  value for usage against the head  is 1.19 W/kg, for usage near the body is 1.19 W/kg.  While  there  may  be  differences  between  the  SAR  levels  of  various  phones  and  at  various positions, they all meet the government requirements.  SAR compliance for body-worn operation is based on a separation distance of 10 mm between the unit and the human body. Carry this device at least 10 mm away from your body to ensure RF exposure level compliant or lower to the reported level. To support body-worn operation, choose  the  belt  clips  or  holsters, which  do  not contain  metallic  components,  to  maintain  a separation of 10 mm between this device and your body.   RF exposure compliance with any body-worn accessory, which contains metal, was not tested and certified, and use such body-worn accessory should be avoided.
32  IICC  NNoottiiccee    This  device  complies  with  Industry  Canada  license-exempt  RSS  standard(s).  Operation  is subject to the following two conditions:   (1) this device may not cause interference, and   (2) this device  must accept any interference,  including interference that may  cause undesired operation of the device.  Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:   (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et   (2)  l'utilisateur  de  l'appareil  doit  accepter  tout  brouillage  radioélectrique  subi,  même  si  le brouillage est susceptible d'en  This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.  IC:    11492A-DASHM
33 IICC  RRaaddiiaattiioonn  EExxppoossuurree  SSttaatteemmeenntt  This EUT is compliance with SAR for general population/uncontrolled exposure limits in IC RSS-102 and had been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified in IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 1.0 cm between the radiator and your body. This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  Cet appareil est conforme aux limites d'exposition DAS incontrôlée pour la population générale de la norme CNR-102 d'Industrie Canada et a été testé en conformité avec les méthodes de mesure et procédures spécifiées dans IEEE 1528 et IEC 62209. Cet appareil doit être installé et utilisé avec une distance minimale de 1.0 cm entre l’émetteur et votre corps. Cet appareil et sa ou ses antennes ne doivent pas être co-localisés ou fonctionner en conjonction avec tout autre antenne ou transmetteur.

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