BLU BLULIFE8XL Smart phone User Manual

CT Asia Smart phone

User manual

Quick Guide/Guía Rápida/Guia Rápido
For instructions or any questions pertaining to phone usage, please click on the BLU Help
icon on the home screen of the phone. Also included in BLU Help is a product registration
link and technical support.
Para obtener instrucciones o preguntas relacionadas con el uso del teléfono, por favor haga
clic en el icono de BLU Help en la pantalla principal del teléfono. También se incluye en BLU
Help un enlace para registro del producto y soporte técnico.
Para obter instruções ou perguntas relacionadas ao uso do telefone, por favor, clique no
ícone BLU Help na tela principal do telefone. Também incluído no BLU Help um link para
registrar o produto e suportecnico.
Transportation Safety
Please observe all transportation laws and regulations.
Please drive with both hands on the wheel.
Hospital Safety
Please follow hospital rules and limitations.
Please turn off your mobile phone when near medical instruments.
Airport Safety
Remember to follow all airport and flight safety regulations.
Please do not use your phone during flight.
Water Hazard
Your phone is not waterproof. Keep your phone away from water or liquid to avoid damage.
Emergency Calls
Make sure your mobile phone is switched on and in a service area. In home screen, tap the phone key and
dial the emergency number.
Battery Usage
For better performance and longer battery life, it is recommended that you charge the battery fully before
using the mobile phone for the first time and that you initially complete two to three charge cycles.
Recent Apps
Front Camera
Installation of the SIM Card
Warning: Please keep the SIM card out of the reach of children. The SIM card and its contact are easily
damaged due to scratching or bending. Please use caution when carrying, installing, or taking out the SIM
card. Note: Please contact your cellular phone service provider directly to obtain your SIM card.
To insert SIM card:
1. Remove the battery cover. Insert the SIM card.
2. Insert the SD card (For additional storage capacity).
3. Insert battery, replace the battery cover, and power on the phone
SIM Slot
Memory Card Slot
When you initially power on your phone, there will be a series of steps to set up basic features.
While on the Welcome screen, please scroll to select your language. Once you have made your selection,
click on the next button to continue to the next step.
Insert your SIM card so the phone can register to the network. Click next to continue.
This process allows the device to connect to the internet. Click on the desired Wi-Fi network that the device
will be connecting to. Please note that any unsecured Wi-Fi networks can be connected to directly and any
secured Wi-Fi networks require a password for credentials prior to connection. It is recommended that you
connect to a Wi-Fi network to check for software updates prior to startup.
Sign in to your Google account in order to keep accounts streamlined with Google services. Your Gmail
account will be used for some Google programs which include: Google Play Store, Google Drive, Google +
and Google Wallet. If you do not have a Google account, click to create a new account. Click next to
Click to add or remove Google services which include Backup, Location Service, and Google Now. In this
step you can also setup payment info if desired
This step allows you to add a user name to the phone. Click next to continue.
Seguridad de Transporte
Por favor siga todas las leyes y regulaciones de transporte.
Por favor maneje con las dos manos en el volante.
Seguridad de Hospitales
Por favor siga todas las leyes y regulaciones de hospital
Por favor, apague su teléfono móvil cuando cerca de instrumentos médicos.
Seguridad de Aeropuertos
Por favor, siga todas las normas de seguridad de vuelo y
Recuerde no usar el teléfono durante el vuelo.
Prueba de Agua
El teléfono móvil no es impermeable. Manténgalo alejado de agua o líquidos para evitar daño.
Llamadas de Emergencia SOS
Asegúrese de que su teléfono móvil está encendido y en un área de servicio. En la pantalla de inicio, pulse
la tecla del teléfono y marque el número de emergencia.
Uso de batería
Para mejorar el rendimiento y la vida útil de la batería, se recomienda que cargue la batería totalmente
antes de utilizar el teléfono móvil por primera vez.
El rendimiento óptimo de una batería nueva se obtiene generalmente después de dos o tres ciclos de
carga completos.
Apps Recientes
mara Frontal
mara Trasera
Instalación de la Tarjeta SIM
Advertencia: Mantenga la tarjeta SIM fuera del alcance de los niños. El contacto de la tarjeta SIM se daña
cilmente debido al roce o flexión. Por favor tenga cuidado al transportar o instalar la tarjeta SIM.
Nota: Por favor comuníquense con el proveedor de servicio directamente para obtener su tarjeta SIM.
Para insertar la tarjeta SIM:
1. Retire la cubierta de la batería. Inserte la tarjeta SIM.
2. Inserte la tarjeta de memoria (Para capacidad adicional).
3. Inserte la batería, coloque la cubierta de la batería, y encienda el teléfono.
Ranura de Tarjeta de Memoria
Ranura de Tarjeta SIM
Cuando inicialmente se enciende el teléfono, habrá una serie de configuraciones básicas.
Por favor, haga clic y desplace para elegir su selección de idioma. Una vez que haya hecho su selección,
haga clic en el botón de siguiente para continuar al próximo paso.
Inserte su tarjeta SIM para que el teléfono pueda registrarse a la red.
Este paso permite que el dispositivo se conecte a la red de Wi-FI. Haga clic en la red Wi-Fi que desee que
el dispositivo se conecte. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que todas las redes sin seguridad pueden conectarse
directamente y cualquiera de las redes protegidas requieren una contraseña antes de conexión.
Ingrese a su cuenta de Google para llevar una contabilidad simplificada con los servicios de Google. Tu
cuenta de Gmail se utilizará para algunos programas de Google que incluyen: Google Play Store, Google
Drive, Google + y Google Wallet. Si usted no tiene una cuenta de Google, haga clic para crear una cuenta
Haga clic para agregar o quitar servicios de Google que incluyen copia de seguridad, servicio de ubicación,
y Google Now. En este paso también se puede configurar información de pago, si lo desea.
Este paso permite agregar un nombre de usuario en el teléfono. Haga clic en siguiente para continuar.
Segurança no Transporte
Observe todas as leis e regulamentos sobre transporte - Dirija com as duas mãos no volante.
Segurança em Hospitais
Sigas as regras e limitões em hospitais
Desligue seu celular perto de instrumentos médicos.
Segurança em Aeroportos
Lembre-se de seguir todas as regras de segurança de vôo e em aeroportos.
o use seu celular durante o vôo.
Risco de Água
Seu celular não é à prova d’água. Mantenha-o afastado de água ou líquidos.
Ligações de Emergência
Certifique-se de que o celular esteja ligado e em área de cobertura. Na tela inicial, toque na tecla de
telefone e digite o número de emergência.
Uso de Bateria
Para melhorar o desempenho e aumentar a vida da bateria, recomenda-se carregar a bateria
completamente antes de usar o celular pela primeira vez.
Apps Recentes
mera Frontal
mera Traseira
Instalação do Cartão SIM (Chip)
Atenção: Mantenha o cartão SIM fora do alcance de crianças. O cartão SIM e seus contatos são
facilmente danificados por arranhões ou empenos. Tenha cuidado ao transportar, instalar ou retirar o
cartão SIM. Nota: Faça contato com o provedor de serviços do seu celular diretamente, para obter o cartão
Para inserir o cartão SIM:
1. Retire a tampa da bateria. Insira o cartão SIM.
2. Insira o cartão SD. (Para Capacidade de Armazenagem Adicional)
3. Inserir a bateria, recoloque a tampa da bateria, e ligue o celular.
Encaixe do SIM
Encaixe do Cartão de Memória
Quando você iniciar o telefone, haverá uma série de etapas para configurar como recursos básicos e
necessários para o seu telefone.
Por favor, clique no botão de linguagem e escolha seu idioma. Depois de ter feito sua seleção, clique no
botão Avançar para continuar para a próxima etapa.
Insira o seu cartão SIM para o telefone para se registar na rede.
Esta etapa permite que o aparelho se conecte à rede Wi-Fi. Clique na rede Wi-Fi que você deseja para o
aparelho conectar-se. Por favor, note que todas as redes não seguras podem ser conectadas diretamente
e qualquer uma das redes protegidas exige uma senha para credenciais antes de conectar.
Faça login na sua conta do Google para manter uma contabilidade simplificada com serviços do Google.
Sua conta do Gmail é usado para alguns programas que incluem Google: Google Play Store, Google Drive,
Google + e Google Wallet. Se vocêo tiver uma Conta do Google, clique em criar uma nova conta.
Clique para adicionar ou remover serviços do Google, incluindo backup, serviço de localização, e Google
Now. Nesta etapa, você também pode configurar as informações de pagamento.
Esta etapa permite que você adicione um nome de usuário no telefone. Clique em avançar para continuar.
FCC Regulations:
This mobile phone complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This mobile phone has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Note:
Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This phone is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency
(RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States.
During SAR testing, this device was set to transmit at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency
bands, and placed in positions that simulate RF exposure in usage against the head with no separation,
and near the body with the separation of 10 mm. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified
power level, the actual SAR level of the device while operating can be well below the maximum
value. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the
power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the
lower the power output.
The exposure standard for wireless devices employing a unit of measurement is known as the Specific
Absorption Rate, or SAR.
The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg.
This device is complied with SAR for general population /uncontrolled exposure limits in ANSI/IEEE
C95.1-1992 and had been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified
in IEEE1528. This device has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when tested with
the device directly contacted to the body.
The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels
evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model phone is
on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after
searching on FCC ID: YHLBLULIFE8XL.
For this device, the highest reported SAR value for usage against the head is 0.78 W/kg, for usage near the
body is 1.31 W/kg.
While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all
meet the government requirements.
SAR compliance for body-worn operation is based on a separation distance of 10 mm between the unit and
the human body. Carry this device at least 10 mm away from your body to ensure RF exposure level
compliant or lower to the reported level. To support body-worn operation, choose the belt clips or
holsters, which do not contain metallic components, to maintain a separation of 10 mm between this
device and your body.
RF exposure compliance with any body-worn accessory, which contains metal, was not tested and certified,
and use such body-worn accessory should be avoided.

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