BUFFALO 04600050-0 802.11 g Wireless USB2.0 Adapter User Manual usermanual

BUFFALO INC. 802.11 g Wireless USB2.0 Adapter usermanual


1®Quick Setup GuideQuick Setup GuideQuick Setup GuideQuick Setup Guide54Mbps Wireless USB Adapter54Mbps Wireless USB Adapter54Mbps Wireless USB Adapter54Mbps Wireless USB AdapterWLI-USB-G54WLI-USB-G54WLI-USB-G54WLI-USB-G54Use this guide to quickly and easilyinstall your Wireless USB AdapterWireless USB AdapterWireless USB AdapterWireless USB Adapter.For detailed setup and configurationinformation, refer to the Buffalo WirelessSupport Web Pages.ContentsContentsContentsContents◗ 54Mbps Wireless USB Adapter◗ USB Cable◗ AirNavigator CD- USB Drivers- OS Patches- Client Manager Utility◗ Quick Setup Guide◗ Warranty StatementIf any items are missing, please contactthe reseller from whom you purchasedthis product.System RequirementsSystem RequirementsSystem RequirementsSystem Requirements◗ Desktop or Notebook PC with anavailable USB port◗ 10 MB of available disk space◗ 802.11b or 802.11g access point(Infrastructure Mode) OR a differentcomputer with an 802.11b or 802.11gwireless adapter (Ad-hoc Mode).◗ Depending on your operatingsystem, methods of preparing yourcomputer for installation will vary.Please ensure that the installationprocedures being used are foryour operating system.PY00-290xx-DM20-01USB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:23 PM 12System Requirements by Operating SystemSystem Requirements by Operating SystemSystem Requirements by Operating SystemSystem Requirements by Operating SystemThis is a high-speed USB 2.0 product. For Windows XP and Windows 2000users it may be necessary to update and patch your operating system to takefull advantage of the speed of USB 2.0 as follows. To check which ServicePack, if any, is currently installed, click Start - Run and type msinfo32 and clickOK.The Service Pack version will beThe Service Pack version will beThe Service Pack version will beThe Service Pack version will bedisplayed in the second line.displayed in the second line.displayed in the second line.displayed in the second line.Windows XPWindows XPWindows XPWindows XP1. Install Service Pack 1 if not currently installedInstall Service Pack 1 if not currently installedInstall Service Pack 1 if not currently installedInstall Service Pack 1 if not currently installed
- Available for free online at Windows Update  – windowsupdate.microsoft.comwindowsupdate.microsoft.comwindowsupdate.microsoft.comwindowsupdate.microsoft.com2. Apply Microsoft’s Patch 822603 to provide USB 2.0 support- Included on the AirNavigator CD in the directory  “microsoft”Windows 2000Windows 2000Windows 2000Windows 2000Install Service Pack 4 if not currently installed- Available for free online at Windows Update  – windowsupdate.microsoft.comwindowsupdate.microsoft.comwindowsupdate.microsoft.comwindowsupdate.microsoft.comNote:Note:Note:Note:Windows 98SE and Windows Millenium drivers are included on theAirNavigator CD; however, Microsoft has not issued plans to release supportfor the USB 2.0 standard on these operating systems, though they do supportUSB 1.1 which the USB adapter is backwards compatible with. For furtherdetails on Windows 98SE and Millenium, please reference the User Manualincluded on the AirNavigator CD. Additional support for USB with Windows98 is available at microsoft.com within support articles 263218 and 258773.USB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:23 PM 2Step Step Step Step 1  ◗  Installing the WirelessInstalling the WirelessInstalling the WirelessInstalling the WirelessUSB AdapterUSB AdapterUSB AdapterUSB Adapter◗ Insert the Wireless USB Adapter,cable into an available USB port.USB ports are usually located inthe front or rear of the computer.Once the Wireless USB Adapter isinstalled correctly, the Found NewFound NewFound NewFound NewHardware Wizard Hardware Wizard Hardware Wizard Hardware Wizard will launchautomatically.If the Found New Hardware Wizarddoes not launch, remove theWireless USB Adapter and restartthe computer. Re-insert theWireless USB Adapter once thecomputer has rebooted.◗ Select Install the softwareInstall the softwareInstall the softwareInstall the softwareautomaticallyautomaticallyautomaticallyautomatically.Insert the AirNavigator CDAirNavigator CDAirNavigator CDAirNavigator CD.Click the Next Next Next Next button.3Windows XP InstallationWindows XP InstallationWindows XP InstallationWindows XP Installation& Configuration& Configuration& Configuration& ConfigurationNote: Note: Note: Note: It is not necessary to use a AC adapter for power, as the USB willreceive power via the USB cable. However, some legacy USB ports will notprovide ample power, and a power cable will be provided if necessary.Contact customer support for more information on this issue.USB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:23 PM 3◗ Hardware InstallationThe setup process will searchthe CD for the appropriatedriver and begin installation.If a window opens, stating that
your driver does not passWindows Logo testing, click theContinue Anyway Continue Anyway Continue Anyway Continue Anyway button.◗ When the Wireless USBAdapter is successfully installed,click the Finish Finish Finish Finish button.Restart your computer ifprompted.4Windows XP users have the option of using Windows’ built-in WirelessZero Configuration service to manage the wireless card or Client Managerfrom Buffalo Technology, which is included on the CD.If Client Manager is used, the Wireless Zero Configuration service shouldbe disabled by entering the Contol Panel - Administrative Tools - Servicesand changing the WZC service state to disabled.An update for Wireless Zero Configuration is available from Microsoft thatwill support enhanced security. Check microsoft.com for this free update.USB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:23 PM 45You have finished installing your Wireless USB Adapter. See InstallingInstallingInstallingInstallingClient Manager Client Manager Client Manager Client Manager to install Client Manager on your computer. ClientManager will not function properly if the Wireless Zero Configuration Serviceis activated. For more information about configuring and operating yourWireless USB Adapter and Client Manager, refer to the Buffalo Support WebSite.Note: Note: Note: Note: Buffalo Technology recommends that users of the Wireless ZeroConfiguration Service upgrade to the latest version freely available atwww.microsoft.comwww.microsoft.comwww.microsoft.comwww.microsoft.com.◗ If Wireless ZeroWireless ZeroWireless ZeroWireless ZeroConfiguration Service Configuration Service Configuration Service Configuration Service is notfunctioning, select Start Start Start Start » Control Control Control ControlPanel Panel Panel Panel » Administrative Tools  Administrative Tools  Administrative Tools  Administrative Tools »ServicesServicesServicesServices.Select Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic in theStartup Startup Startup Startup type field toenable Wireless ZeroWireless ZeroWireless ZeroWireless ZeroConfiguration ServiceConfiguration ServiceConfiguration ServiceConfiguration Service. Thedefault value of Wireless ZeroWireless ZeroWireless ZeroWireless ZeroConfiguration Service Configuration Service Configuration Service Configuration Service isAutomaticAutomaticAutomaticAutomatic.USB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:23 PM 56Step 1 Installing theStep 1 Installing theStep 1 Installing theStep 1 Installing theWireless USB AdapterWireless USB AdapterWireless USB AdapterWireless USB Adapter◗ Insert the Wireless USB Adapter,cable into an available USB port.USB ports are usually located inthe front or rear of the computer.Once the Wireless USB Adapteris installed correctly, the FoundFoundFoundFound
New Hardware Wizard New Hardware Wizard New Hardware Wizard New Hardware Wizard willlaunch automatically.If the Found New HardwareWizard does not launch, removethe Wireless USB Adapter andrestart the computer. Re-insertthe Wireless USB Adapter oncethe computer has rebooted.◗ Select Search for a suitableSearch for a suitableSearch for a suitableSearch for a suitabledriver for my devicedriver for my devicedriver for my devicedriver for my device.Click the Next Next Next Next button tocontinue.◗ Verify that the SpecifySpecifySpecifySpecifyLocation Location Location Location checkbox is selectedunder Optional searchOptional searchOptional searchOptional searchlocationslocationslocationslocations. Clear any othercheckboxes that are selected. Clickthe Next Next Next Next button to continue.Windows 2000Windows 2000Windows 2000Windows 2000Installation & ConfigurationInstallation & ConfigurationInstallation & ConfigurationInstallation & ConfigurationUSB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:23 PM 67◗ The setup process will locatethe suitable driver on the CD.Click Next to proceed withinstallation.◗ If the Digital Signature NotDigital Signature NotDigital Signature NotDigital Signature NotFound Found Found Found window opens, informing youthat no digital signature exists for thedriver you are installing, click the YesYesYesYesbutton to continue the installationprocess.When the Wireless USB Adapter driver is successfully installed, click the FinishFinishFinishFinishbutton. Restart your computer if prompted.You have finished installing your AirStation 54Mbps Wireless USBAirStation 54Mbps Wireless USBAirStation 54Mbps Wireless USBAirStation 54Mbps Wireless USBAdapterAdapterAdapterAdapter. See Installing Client Manager Installing Client Manager Installing Client Manager Installing Client Manager to install Client Manager onyour computer to complete the setup process.USB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:24 PM 78Depending on the operating systemused, some windows may appearslightly different.After attaching the USB adapter,the Add New Hardware Wizardwill launch.Allow the wizard to search for thebest driver and click Next.Check the box for the CD-ROM
drive and clear any boxes alreadychecked.Click Next to begin searching for thedriver.When the driver has been located,click Next to complete the deviceinstallation process.Windows 98SE/MEWindows 98SE/MEWindows 98SE/MEWindows 98SE/MEInstallation & ConfigurationInstallation & ConfigurationInstallation & ConfigurationInstallation & ConfigurationYou have finished installing your Wireless USB Adapter. See Installing ClientInstalling ClientInstalling ClientInstalling ClientManager Manager Manager Manager to install Client Manager on your computer to complete the setupprocess.USB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:24 PM 89InstallingInstallingInstallingInstallingClient Manager Client Manager Client Manager Client Manager Note: Client ManagerNote: Client ManagerNote: Client ManagerNote: Client Managerdoes not functiondoes not functiondoes not functiondoes not functionproperly if the Windowsproperly if the Windowsproperly if the Windowsproperly if the WindowsXP Wireless ZeroXP Wireless ZeroXP Wireless ZeroXP Wireless ZeroConfiguration Service isConfiguration Service isConfiguration Service isConfiguration Service isenabledenabledenabledenabled.1 Insert the AirNavigatorAirNavigatorAirNavigatorAirNavigatorCD-ROM into yourCD-ROM drive. TheAirNavigator AirNavigator AirNavigator AirNavigator SetupWizard should launchautomatically. If it does notlaunch automatically, clickStartStartStartStart, click Run, Run, Run, Run, typeD:\SETUP.EXE D:\SETUP.EXE D:\SETUP.EXE D:\SETUP.EXE in theprovided field and click OKOKOKOK(assuming D: is the letterassigned to the CD-ROMdrive).Once AirNavigatorAirNavigatorAirNavigatorAirNavigatorlaunches, select InstallInstallInstallInstallUtilities Utilities Utilities Utilities and click OK.2 Once the InstallShieldWizard launches, click theNext Next Next Next button to begin thesoftware installation.USB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:24 PM 9103 Confirm that the installationlocation for the software isacceptable. To select an alternateinstallation location, click the
Browse Browse Browse Browse button and select anotherlocation. Click the Next Next Next Next buttonto continue to the SelectSelectSelectSelectComponents Components Components Components page.4 Select the components youwant to install and click theNext Next Next Next button to continue to theStart Copying Files Start Copying Files Start Copying Files Start Copying Files page.5 Click the Next Next Next Next button to begincopying the necessary files to installClient Manager.USB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:24 PM 10116 Click the Yes Yes Yes Yes button, whenprompted, to add a shortcutfor Client Manager to yourWindows Startup menu. If youclick the Yes Yes Yes Yes button, ClientManager will run at startup.7 Click the Finish Finish Finish Finish button tocomplete the installation of ClientManager. Restart your computer.Note: Note: Note: Note: The Wireless USBAdapter and Client Manager willnot function properly until youreboot the system.Depending on the operating system, some screens may vary from those shownin this guide. However, by accepting default installation settings, Client Managershould properly install. For more information about configuring and operatingyour Wireless USB Adapter and Client Manager, refer to the Buffalo SupportWeb Site: described on the page described on the page described on the page described on the page 12121212....USB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:24 PM 1112◗ Online Help Online Help Online Help Online Help Available on the AirNavigator CD enclosed with your purchase.◗ Web Web Web Web USA http://www.buffalotech.com/wirelessUK http://www.buffalo-technology.comTAIWAN http://www.buffalo-tech.com.twKOREA http://www.buffalotech.co.krThe constantly evolving state of wireless products and operating systemsrequires Buffalo Technology to occasionally release updated software to takeadvantage of new technologies and to comply with industry standards. Forthe most recent software, firmware, driver, and technical whitepaper releasesavailable, please visit the Buffalo Technology website.FCC Compliance Statement - FCC Compliance Statement - FCC Compliance Statement - FCC Compliance Statement - See owners manual for complete statement.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this devicemust accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.R&TTE Compliance Statement - R&TTE Compliance Statement - R&TTE Compliance Statement - R&TTE Compliance Statement - See owners manual for complete statementThis equipment complies with all the requirements of the DIRECTIVE 1999/5/EC OF
THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL of 9 March 1999 on radioequipment and telecommunication terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition of theirconformity (R&TTE).Copyright © 2003 Buffalo Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Buffalo Technology (USA) Inc., is part of BUFFALO INC., the global manufacturers of IT peripherals, including memory,networking, and multimedia products, inside many of the world’s computers. All trademarks are property of theirrespective owners.Buffalo TechnologyBuffalo TechnologyBuffalo TechnologyBuffalo TechnologyTechnical SupportTechnical SupportTechnical SupportTechnical SupportUSB QSG WLI2-USB2-G54 03.10.8, 8:24 PM 12Buffalo declares that WLI2-USB2-G54 ( FCC ID: FDI-04600050-0 ) is limited in CH1~CH11 by specified firmware controlled in U.S.A.
Federal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of thefollowing measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Caution: To assure continued compliance, any changes or modifications not expresslyapproved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate thisequipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.IMPORTANT NOTE:FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cmbetween the radiator & your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter.

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