Balluff C1007 Cobalt HF RFID Reader User Manual C1007 Operator s Manual
BALLUFF inc Cobalt HF RFID Reader C1007 Operator s Manual
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User Manual
E scort Memory Systems reserves the right to make modifications and improvements to its products and/or documentation without prior notification. Escort Memory Systems shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein, nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this material. The text and graphic content of this publication may be used, printed and distributed only when all of the following conditions are met: § Permission is first obtained from Escort Memory Systems. § The content is used for non-commercial purposes only. § The content is not modified. § The following copyright information is clearly displayed: Copyright © 2007, Escort Memory Systems, All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Escort Memory Systems, a Datalogic Group Company: Escort Memory Systems®, the Escort Memory Systems logo, Subnet16 and RFID AT WORK . Third party product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies: Philips, Rockwell Automation, Texas Instruments, Infineon, Belden and Microsoft. Cobalt C1007-Series RFID Controllers Operator s Manual For Models: C1007-232/485/USB-01 Publication P/N: 17-1327 REV 02 (08/07) C O P YR I G HT © 2 0 0 7 E SC O R T ME M O R Y S YS T E M S , A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D , P U B L I S H E D I N U S A . ESCORT MEMORY SYSTEMS COBALT C1007-S ERIES RFID C ONTROLLERS High Frequency, Multi-Protocol, Passive RFID Controllers For C1007 models: • C1007-232-01 • C1007-485-01 • C1007-USB-01 O PERATOR S M ANUAL How to Install, Configure and Operate Cobalt C1007-Series RFID Controllers REGULAT ORY COM PLIANCE - PENDING FCC PART 15. 105 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment uses, generates, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with these instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC PART 15.21 Users are cautioned that changes or modifications to the unit not expressly approved by Escort Memory Systems may void the user s authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation. This product complies with CFR Title 21 Part 15.225. CE This product complies with the following regulatory specifications: EN-300-330, EN300-683, EN 60950, IEC 68-2-1, IEC 68-2-6, IEC 68-2-27 and IEC 68-2-28. TELEC This product complies with TELEC Regulations for Enforcement of the Radio Law Article 6, section 1, No. 1. CONTENTS CONTENTS CONT ENTS .................................................................................... 5 L IST OF T ABLES ................................................................................................8 L IST OF FIGURES ..............................................................................................9 CHAPTER 1: 1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................10 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 Company Background ................................................................................................10 The C1007-Series RFID Controller .............................................................................10 Contents of the C1007 Package .................................................................................11 C1007 Features..........................................................................................................12 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ...............................................................................13 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 Who Should Read this Manual?..................................................................................13 HEX Notation..............................................................................................................13 C OMMUNICATION O PTIONS .......................................................................14 1.3.1 1.3.2 Connection and Communication Interface Options......................................................14 C1007 Controllers - Interface Connectors ...................................................................14 CHAPTER 2: 2.1 Steps to Install the C1007-485-01...............................................................................23 C1007-485-01 Cabling Information .............................................................................24 INSTALLING THE C1007-USB-01 C ONTROLLER ..........................................25 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 Steps to Install the C1007-232-01...............................................................................19 C1007-232-01 Cabling Information .............................................................................20 INSTALLING THE C1007-485-01 CONTROLLER ............................................23 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 Installation Guidelines.................................................................................................15 C1007 Controller Dimensions .....................................................................................16 Mounting the Controller...............................................................................................17 INSTALLING THE C1007-232-01 CONTROLLER ............................................19 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 Steps to Install the C1007-USB-01..............................................................................25 C1007-USB-01 Cabling Information ............................................................................26 ANTENNA E NVIRONMENT ..........................................................................27 CHAPTER 3: 3.1 POWER & COMMUN ICATION ................................... 31 P OWER R EQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................31 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 INST ALLING T HE C1007.......................................... 15 P REPARING FOR INSTALLATION.................................................................15 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 GETT ING START ED ................................................ 10 C1007-232-01/C1007-485-01 Power Requirements....................................................31 C1007-USB-01 Power Requirements..........................................................................31 C OBALT HF C ONFIGURATION T AG .............................................................32 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 Configuration Tag Overview........................................................................................32 Configuration Tag Memory Map..................................................................................33 Using the Configuration Tag .......................................................................................33 P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 5 OF 82 CONTENTS CHAPTER 4: 4.1 LED F UNCTIONS O VERVIEW .....................................................................35 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 LED Descriptions........................................................................................................35 C1007-232/USB LED Status.......................................................................................36 C1007-485 LED Status...............................................................................................36 S PECIAL LED F UNCTIONS ........................................................................39 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 Updating the Controller s Firmware.............................................................................39 Continuous Read Mode LED Behavior.....................................................................40 LED D ISPLAYED E RROR C ODES ...............................................................41 CHAPTER 5: 5.1 HMS-Series Tags .......................................................................................................44 LRP-Series Tags ........................................................................................................44 T AG EMBODIMENTS .................................................................................45 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4 RFID Standards .......................................................................................................43 EMS RFID T AGS ....................................................................................44 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.3 Printed Circuit Board RFID Tags.................................................................................45 Molded RFID Tags .....................................................................................................46 T AG MEMORY .........................................................................................46 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 Mapping Tag Memory.................................................................................................47 Creating an RFID Tag Memory Map ...........................................................................47 Optimizing Tag Memory..............................................................................................47 CHAPTER 6: 6.1 ABx Protocols - Command Structures.........................................................................50 ABx Protocols - Headers and Terminators ..................................................................50 ABx Protocols - Response Structures .........................................................................50 AB X F AST C OMMAND P ROTOCOL ..............................................................51 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8 6.3 COMMAND PROT OCOLS ......................................... 49 C OMMAND P ROTOCOLS O VERVIEW ............................................................49 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.2 RFID T AG S ............................................................. 43 RFID T AG O VERVIEW ..............................................................................43 5.1.1 5.2 LED STAT US .......................................................... 35 ABx Fast - Command / Response Procedure..............................................................51 ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure.......................................................................52 ABx Fast - Response Packet Structure .......................................................................53 ABx Fast - Command Packet Parameters...................................................................54 ABx Fast Multi-Tag Command Packet Structure..........................................................55 ABx Fast Multi-Tag Command Packet Elements .........................................................57 ABx Fast Multi-Tag Response Packet Structures ........................................................59 ABx Fast Multi-Tag Response Final Termination Packet Structure ..............................60 AB X S TANDARD C OMMAND P ROTOCOL ......................................................61 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 ABx Standard - Command Packet Structure ...............................................................61 ABx Standard - Response Packet Structure................................................................62 ABx Standard - Command Example............................................................................63 P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 6 OF 82 CONTENTS CHAPTER 7: RFID COMMANDS AND ERROR CODES ................... 64 7.1 AB X F AST RFID C OMMAND T ABLE............................................................64 7.2 AB X S TANDARD RFID C OMMAND T ABLE ...................................................66 7.3 E RROR CODES ........................................................................................67 7.4 AB X E RROR C ODE T ABLE ........................................................................68 7.5 AB X F AST E RROR R ESPONSE S TRUCTURE .................................................69 7.6 AB X S TANDARD E RROR R ESPONSE S TRUCTURE .........................................70 APPENDIX A: T ECHNICAL SPECIFICAT IONS ................................ 71 APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES ..................................... 73 EMS HARDWARE ............................................................................................73 C 1 0 0 7 - S e r i e s R F I D C o n t r o l l e r s ..............................................................................73 C OBALT F AMILY S OFTWARE & D EMONSTRATION K ITS .........................................74 7.6.1 7.6.2 S o f t w a r e A p p l i c a t i o n s ....................................................................................74 D e m o n s t r a t i o n K i t s .........................................................................................74 C ABLE AND NETWORK ACCESSORIES ................................................................75 P OWER S UPPLIES ...........................................................................................76 7.6.3 Escort Memory Systems RFID Tags........................................................................76 APPENDIX C: NETWORK DIAG RAMS ........................................... 77 APPENDIX D: ASCII CHART ......................................................... 80 EMS WARR ANT Y .......................................................................... 82 P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 7 OF 82 CONTENTS L IST OF T ABLES Table 1-1: Connection and Communication Interface Options....................................................14 Table 1-2: C1007 Controllers - Interface Connectors .................................................................14 Table 2-1: C1007-232-01 Interface Connector - Pinout ..............................................................20 Table 2-2: C1007-485-01 Interface Connector - Pinout ..............................................................24 Table 2-3: C1007-USB-01 Interface Connector - Pinout.............................................................26 Table 3-1: EMS Power Supplies ................................................................................................31 Table 3-2: Controller Default Values ..........................................................................................33 Table 4-1: Continuous Read Mode - LED Behavior....................................................................40 Table 5-1: Tag Memory Map Example .......................................................................................47 Table 6-1: ABx Protocols - Headers and Terminators ................................................................50 Table 6-2: ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure.....................................................................53 Table 6-3: ABx Fast - Response Packet Structure .....................................................................53 Table 6-4: ABx Fast Multi-Tag Command Packet Structure........................................................56 Table 6-5: ABx Fast Multi-Tag Response Packet Structure........................................................59 Table 6-6: ABx Fast Multi-Tag Response Final Termination Packet Structure ............................60 Table 6-7: ABx Standard - Command Packet Structure..............................................................62 Table 6-8: ABx Standard - Response Packet Structure..............................................................62 Table 7-1: ABx Fast RFID Command Table...............................................................................65 Table 7-2: ABx Standard RFID Command Table........................................................................66 Table 7-3: ABx Error Codes.......................................................................................................68 Table 7-4: ABx Fast - Error Response Structure ........................................................................69 Table 7-5: ABx Standard - Error Response Structure.................................................................70 P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 8 OF 82 CONTENTS L IST OF F IGURES Figure 2-1: C1007 RFID Controller Dimensions .........................................................................16 Figure 2-2: Mounting the Controller Near Metallic Surfaces........................................................18 Figure 2-3: C1007-232-01 Interface Connector - Diagram..........................................................20 Figure 2-4: RS232 Interface Cable Schematic ...........................................................................21 Figure 2-5: CBL-1478 Serial Interface Cable..............................................................................21 Figure 2-6: CBL-1493 Connector...............................................................................................22 Figure 2-7: C1007-485-01 Interface Connector - Diagram..........................................................24 Figure 2-8: CBL-1525................................................................................................................25 Figure 2-9: C1007-USB-01 Interface Connector - Diagram ........................................................26 Figure 2-10: C1007 Top View - LRP250S Typical Read Range..................................................27 Figure 2-11: C1007 Front View - LRP250S Typical Read Range ...............................................28 Figure 2-12: C1007 Top View - HMS150 Typical Read Range ...................................................29 Figure 2-13: C1007 Front View - HMS150 Typical Read Range.................................................30 Figure 3-1: Cobalt HF Configuration Tag ...................................................................................32 Figure 5-1: HMS125HT and HMS150HT tags ............................................................................44 Figure 5-2: LRP-Series Tags .....................................................................................................45 Figure 5-3: Optimizing Tag Memory...........................................................................................48 Figure 6-1: ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure....................................................................52 Figure 6-2: ABx Standard - Command Packet Structure ............................................................61 Figure Appendix A-0-1: C1007-Series RFID Controller Dimensions ...........................................72 Figure Appendix C-0-1: Subnet16 Gateway - C1007-485-01 ThinNet Network Diagram.............77 Figure Appendix C-0-2: Subnet16 Gateway - C1007-485-01 ThinNet Network Diagram.............78 Figure Appendix C-0-3: Subnet16 Hub - C1007-485-01 Network Diagram .................................79 P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 9 OF 82 CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED 1.1 I NTRODUCTION Welcome to the C1007-Series RFID Controllers - Operator s Manual. This manual will assist you in the installation, configuration and operation of Escort Memory Systems C1007-Series RFID Controllers. The C1007-Series product family is a complete line of passive high frequency read/write Radio-Frequency Identification solutions. These devices are designed to be compact, reliable and rugged, in order to meet and exceed the requirements of the industrial automation industry. 1.1.1 Compa ny Background Escort Memory Systems is an industry leader in providing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems. By consistently delivering an extended selection of high quality, highly durable RFID devices, Escort Memory Systems has built a solid reputation. 1.1.2 The C1007Series RF ID Cont roll er Escort Memory Systems headquarters in Scotts Valley, CA. Escort Memory Systems' C1007-Series RFID Controllers are among the most compact in our line of passive RFID controllers. Through inductive coupling, RFID enabled tags are able to utilize the Radio Frequency (RF) field from the controller s integrated antenna to acquire power. By being able to receive power from the RFID controller, the tag, itself, does not require an internal power supply or battery - and is therefore said to be passive . Passive tags, however, must enter the antenna s electromagnetic field to establish a link with the controller, and must remain within RF range during the entire data transfer process. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 10 OF 82 CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED The C1007 Controller utilizes the internationally recognized ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) frequency of 13.56 MHz to power the tag, while modulating side-band frequencies for communicating data. The entire RFID system works by attaching a tag to a product or its carrier. The RFID tag acts as an electronic identifier, portable job sheet, or real-time tracking database. Tags are identified, read and written to by issuing specific commands from a host computer. RFID tags can be read and written to through any nonconductive, non-metallic material, while moving or standing still, in or out of the direct line of sight. The controller provides cost effective RFID data collection and control solutions to shop floor, item-level tracking and material handling applications. It is compatible with all LRP and HMS-Series tags from Escort Memory Systems. 1.1.3 Contents of the C1007 Packa ge Unpack the C1007 hardware and accessories. Retain the original shipping carton and packing material in case any items need to be returned. Inspect each item for evidence of damage. If an item appears to be damaged, notify your EMS product distributor. The C1007 product package contains the following components: EMS P/N QTY DESCRIP TION C1007-XXX-01 C1007-Series RFID Controller 00-3000 HF-Series Configuration Tag (I-CODE SLi) 17-3140~3 C1007-Series RFID Controller Installation Guide Note: XXX = 232, 485 or USB User Supplied Co mponents To configure a complete RFID system, you will need to provide the following items: • Passive, read/write RFID tags (EMS HMS, LRP and/or T-Series) • Controller-to-Host communication interface cable: (RS232, RS485 or USB) • Host device: (PC, PLC, MUX32, TCP/IP, Ethernet/IP, Subnet16 Gateway or Hub) • Power supply: 10~30VDC, 3.6W (150mA @ 24VDC) • Mating connectors: (when applicable) • Mounting hardware (screws, washers and nuts) P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 11 OF 82 CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED 1.1.4 C1007 Features § High performance, low-cost, 13.56MHz RFID controller with integrated RF antenna that may be mounted directly to metallic surfaces § Supports multiple RF, ABx, air and serial communications protocols § Small controller size: approximately 100mm x 70mm § Flash memory for software updates and configuration storage § Auto configurable / software programmable § Eight LED indicators display power, COM port activity, RF activity, Subnet16 Node ID, system diagnostics, error codes and controller status § Reads/Writes ISO 14443A and ISO 15693 compatible RFID tags (LRP, HMS and T-Series RFID tags from EMS) § FCC/CE/TELEC agency compliance certification (PENDING) § IP67 rated enclosure and M12 interface connector (8-pin for RS232; 5-pin for RS485/USB) § Fully encapsulated electronics P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 12 OF 82 CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED 1.2 A BOUT THIS M ANUAL This document provides guidelines and instructions on how to install and operate C1007-Series RFID Controllers. This document does NOT include explicit details regarding each of the C1007 s RFID commands. Specific RFID command related information is available in the ABx Fast Command Protocol Reference Manual and the ABx Standard Command Protocol Reference Manual, both of which are available at However, this manual does explain the process of issuing commands from a host PC to a C1007 RFID controller. NOTE: Occasionally in this manual, the C1007-Series RFID Controller is referred to as the C1007 Controller, the C1007 or just simply the controller. 1.2.1 Who Should Read this Manual? This manual should be read by those who will be installing, configuring and operating C1007-Series RFID Controllers. This may include the following people: 1.2.2 § Hardware Installers § System Integrators § Project Managers § IT Personnel § System and Database Administrators § Software Application Engineers § Service and Maintenance Engineers HEX Notation Throughout this manual, numbers expressed in Hexadecimal notation are prefaced with 0x . For example, the number "10" in decimal is expressed as "0x0A" in hexadecimal. See Appendix D for a chart containing Hex values, ASCII characters and their corresponding decimal integers. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 13 OF 82 CHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTED 1.3 C OMMUNICATION O PTIONS There are three distinct versions of the C1007 RFID Controller. Each model provides support for one specific communication interface requirement. 1.3.1 Connection and Communicati on Interfac e Options CONTROLLER M O D EL C O N N E CT I O N COMM UNICATI ON TYPE INTERFACE M AX CABLE LENGTH C1007-232-01 RS232 Point-to-Point, Host/Controller 15 Meters C1007-485-01 RS485 Subnet16 Multidrop bus architecture via Subnet16 Gateway or Hub 300 Meters C1007-USB-01 USB 2.0 Point-to-Point, Host/Controller 5 Meters Table 1-1: Connection and Communication Interface Options 1.3.2 C1007 Con trollers - Interfac e Connectors CONTROLLER MODEL INTERFACE CONNECTO R(S) C1007-232-01 8-pin, male M12 connector C1007-485-01 5-pin, male M12 connector C1007-USB-01 5-pin, male, reverse-keyed M12 connector Table 1-2: C1007 Controllers - Interface Connectors Through the Subnet16 protocol, multiple C1007-485-01 controllers can be networked via a single bus that is connected to an EMS Subnet16 Gateway or Hub interface module. See Appendix B: Models & Accessories for more information on model numbers, parts and accessories for all C1007-Series RFID Controllers. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 14 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 CHAPTER 2: INSTALLING THE C1007 2.1 P REPARING FOR I NSTALLATION C1007-Series RFID Controllers support direct connections for point-to-point (host/controller) applications (RS232, RS485 and USB). Up to 16 C1007-485 units can be networked via Subnet16 Gateway interface module and Escort Memory Systems Subnet16 Multidrop Bus Architecture. Host/controller data transmission is achieved via 5-pin or 8-pin serial interface cable. 2.1.1 Installati on Guidelin es • Conduct a test phase where you will construct a small scale, independent network that includes only the essential devices required to test your RFID application. To avoid possible interference with other devices, do not initially connect your RFID testing environment to an existing local area network. • RF performance and read/write range can be negatively impacted by the proximity of metallic objects. Avoid mounting the controller within 60mm (2.36 inches) of any metallic object or surface. • If electrical interference is encountered (as indicated by a reduction in read/write performance), relocate the controller to an area free from potential sources of interference. • Route cables away from other unshielded cables and away from wiring carrying high voltage or high current. Avoid routing cables near motors and solenoids. • Refrain from mounting the controller near sources of EMI (electro-magnetic interference) or near devices that generate high ESD (electro-static discharge) levels. • Always use adequate ESD prevention measures to dissipate potentially high voltages. C1007 controllers are designed to withstand 8kV of direct ESD and 15kV of air gap discharge. However, it is not uncommon for some RFID applications to generate considerably higher ESD levels. • For applications using multiple RFID controllers operating at the 13.56 MHz frequency, maintain a minimum distance of at least 20 centimeters between adjacent RF devices. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 15 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 2.1.2 C1007 Con troller Dimensi ons The graphic below contains the dimensions of the Cobalt C1007-Series RFID Controllers. Dimensions are listed in millimeters and [inches]. Tighten mounting screws to between 1.3 and 1.7 Nm (12 15 lbf/in). Figure 2-1: C1007 RFID Controller Dimensions P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 16 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 2.1.3 Mounting the Controller C1007-Series RFID Controllers can be mounted to wood, plastic fixtures and metal plate surfaces. However, do not recess the C1007 in metal and allow at least 60mm clearance from metallic objects along the sides of the C1007. To fasten the controller to the mounting surface you will need two M5 (#10) diameter screws, four flat washers, two spring lock washers and two nuts (not included). NOTE: The controller may be mounted horizontally or vertically, but should be aligned in such a manner that the LED indicators can be seen during operation. 1. Select a suitable location to mount the C1007 Controller. 2. Place one flat washer on each screw and pass the screws through the mounting holes on the C1007. 3. From the backside, place one flat washer, one spring lock washer and one nut on each screw. 4. Tighten screws to between 1.3 and 1.7 Nm (12-15 lbf/in). NOTE: To convert Newton metres to pound force inches 1 Nm = 8.851 lbf/in To convert pound force inches to Newton metres 1 lbf/in = 0.1129 Nm P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 17 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 Though the C1007 may be mounted directly to metallic plate surfaces, to avoid a potential drop in read/write range, do not affix the controller in such a manner that metal is within 60mm of the sides of the device. Figure 2-2: Mounting the Controller Near Metallic Surfaces P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 18 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 2.2 I NSTALLING THE C1007-232-01 C ONTROLLER The C1007-232-01 RFID Controller is designed for point-to-point RFID applications, where the distance from host to controller is less than 15 meters (50 feet). The controller connects directly to a serial communications port on a host computer via an RS232-compatible interface cable. NOTE: review Section 2.1.1 Installation Guidelines prior to installing the controller. 2.2.1 Step s t o Install the C1007- 232-01 1. Attach the controller to the work area as noted in Section 2.1.3 Controller . Mounting the 2. Connect the 8-pin, female M12 connector from your serial interface cable (EMS Cable P/N: CBL-1478: 8-pin, female M12 to RS232; with 2.5mm DC power jack, 2m) to the 8-pin, male M12 connector on the C1007-232-01. 3. Connect the serial interface cable s DE9F D-Sub connector to a COM port on the host computer. Tighten the cable s two locking thumbscrews. 4. Provide a power supply for the controller that is capable of delivering 10~30VDC, 3.6W (150mA @ 24VDC). 5. Connect the 2.5mm DC power plug on the power supply transformer to the DC power jack receptacle on the serial interface cable. Tighten the locking ring to prevent power from becoming disconnected during use. 6. Plug the power supply transformer into a suitable AC power source. Apply power to the controller after all cable connections have been made. The LEDs on the unit should flash. For the C1007-232 model, the amber LED 2 should stay lit indefinitely to indicate that the controller is in RS232 mode. LED 2 will i l l um i n a t e t o i n d i c a t e RS232 mod e. 23 22 21 20 PWR COM R F RF FIELD 7. On the host computer, set COM port parameters to: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and no handshaking. 8. To verify operations, download the Cobalt HF Serial Dashboard Utility from Escort Memory Systems website ( The Dashboard Utility allows users to send RFID commands to the controller for testing purposes. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 19 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 2.2.2 C1007-232-01 Cabling Inform ation The C1007-232-01 has one 8-pin, male M12 interface connector. C100 7-232-01 Interface Connector PIN # Pinout DESCRIP TION 10~30VDC POWER 0VDC (POWER GROUND) NOT CONNECTED NOT CONNECTED NOT CONNECTED RX TX SGND (SIGNAL GROUND) Table 2-1: C1007-232-01 Interface Connector - Pinout C1007 -232-01 Interface Connector Diagram Figure 2-3: C1007-232-01 Interface Connector - Diagram Cabling Par t Nu mber s for the C100 7-232-01 • CBL-1478: Cable Assembly (8-pin, female M12 to RS232; with 2.5mm DC power jack, 2m) • CBL-1488-XX: Cable (8-pin, female M12 to bare wire leads) • CBL-1492-XX: Cable (8-pin, right-angle female M12 to bare wire leads) • CBL-1493: Connector (8-pos, straight female M12, field mountable) (XX = Cable Length in Meters) P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 20 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 RS23 2 Serial Interface Cable Sche mat ic If you intend to assemble your own RS232 serial interface cable, follow the schematic below. Note that signals and electrical loads applied to Pin 6 (RX) and Pin 7 (TX) should conform to RS232 specifications. For bulk RS232 cable, see Belden cable P/N: 9941 ( Figure 2-4: RS232 Interface Cable Schematic CBL-14 78 : Serial Interfac e Cable Figure 2-5: CBL-1478 Serial Interface Cable P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 21 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 CBL-149 3: Field Mou ntab le Connector Figure 2-6: CBL-1493 Connector The CBL-1493 field mountable connector is available for connecting the C1007-23201 to a host computer via bulk cable. (See Appendix B for more information regarding cables and connectors for the entire line of C1007-Series RFID Controllers). P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 22 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 2.3 I NSTALLING THE C1007-485-01 C ONTROLLER The C1007-485-01 supports RS485 communications and EMS Subnet16 Multidrop bus architecture and RFID network protocol. Through the Subnet16 protocol, multiple C1007-485-01 units can be connected to one Subnet16 RFID Gateway or Hub interface device. The Gateway or Hub assigns each attached C1007-485-01 a unique Node ID number through which communication with a host PC and/or Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is achieved. NOTE: review Section 2.1.1 Installation Guidelines prior to installing the controller. 2.3.1 Step s t o Install the C1007- 485-01 1. Attach the controller to the work area as noted in Section 2.1.3 Controller . Mounting the 2. Connect the 5-pin, female end of your Subnet16 compatible cable to the 5-pin, male M12 interface connector on the C1007-485. Connect the opposite end of this cable to an EMS Subnet16 Gateway or Hub device. Connect the Gateway or Hub to a host computer via Category 5E Ethernet cabling*. 3. Turn the power supply ON. The green power LED on the unit will illuminate when power is applied to the unit. The five amber Node LEDs, when lit, display the Node ID value (in binary format from right to left) currently assigned to the C1007-485 RFID Controller. Note: the default Node ID value is zero, in which case none of the amber Node LEDs will be lit. Amber Node LEDs 20 - 24 indicate Node ID of the C1007-485 controller. PWR COM RF RF FIELD 4. To verify operations, download the Cobalt HF TCP/IP Dashboard Utility from Escort Memory Systems website ( The Dashboard Utility allows Gateway/Hub users to send RFID commands to any connected Cobalt controller for testing purposes. * For more information regarding the installation of a Subnet16 Gateway or Subnet16 Hub, refer to the Operator s Manual for each product, available online at P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 23 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 2.3.2 C1007-485-01 Cabling Inform ation The C1007-485-01 has one 5-pin, male M12 interface connector. C100 7-485-01 Interface Connector - Pinout PIN # DESCRIP TION SGND (SIGNAL GROUND) 10~30VDC POWER 0V (POWER GROUND) TX/RX+ TX/RXTable 2-2: C1007-485-01 Interface Connector - Pinout C100 7-485-01 Interface Connector - Dia gram Figure 2-7: C1007-485-01 Interface Connector - Diagram P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 24 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 2.4 I NSTALLING THE C1007-USB-01 C ONTROLLER The C1007-USB-01 RFID Controller is designed for point-to-point RFID applications that support USB 2.0 communications. Host/controller data is transmitted via standard USB cabling. NOTE: review Section 2.1.1 Installation Guidelines prior to installing the controller. 2.4.1 Step s t o Install the C1007-U SB- 01 1. Download the Cobalt USB driver software from the Escort Memory Systems website ( Extract the .zip file archive to a separate folder on the desktop of the host computer. 2. Install the Cobalt USB driver. For instructions, refer to EMS document P/N: 173128 Cobalt USB Driver - Installation Instructions, which is included in the Cobalt USB driver archive. 3. Attach the controller to the work area as noted in Section 2.1.3 Controller. Mounting the 4. Attach the 5-pin, female, reverse-keyed M12 connector from a suitable USB cable (EMS P/N: CBL-1525, not included) to the 5-pin, male, reverse-keyed M12 interface connector on the C1007-USB-01. Figure 2-8: CBL-1525 5. Plug the remaining end of the USB interface cable into a USB port on the host computer. The LEDs on the unit should flash. For the C1007-USB model, the amber LED 2 should illuminate to indicate that the controller is in USB mode. 6. To verify operations, download the Cobalt HF Serial Dashboard Utility from the EMS website ( The Dashboard Utility allows users to send RFID commands to the controller for testing purposes. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 25 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 LED 22 will illuminate to indicate USB mode. PWR COM RF RF FIELD 2.4.2 C1007-USB-01 Cablin g Info rmati on The C1007-USB-01 has one 5-pin, male, reverse-keyed, M12 interface connector. C100 7-USB-01 In terface Connector - Pinout PIN # DESCRIP TION +5V D- D+ GND SHIELD Table 2-3: C1007-USB-01 Interface Connector - Pinout C1007 -USB-01 In terface Connector Diagram Figure 2-9: C1007-USB-01 Interface Connector - Diagram Cabling Pa rt Nu mber s for the C10 07 -USB-01 • CBL-1514: Connector (5-pin, straight male, reverse-keyed M12 for USB) • CBL-1525: Cable Assembly (5-pin, female, reverse-keyed M12 to USB type A, 3m) P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 26 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 2.5 A NTENNA E NVIRONMENT The antenna used to power and communicate with RFID tags is integrated within the housing module of the C1007 RFID Controller. Electro-magnetic interference (EMI) and the presence of metal near the antenna s RF field can negatively affect the communication range of the RFID controller. Figure 2-10: C1007 Top View - LRP250S Typical Read Range P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 27 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 Figure 2-11: C1007 Front View - LRP250S Typical Read Range P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 28 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 Figure 2-12: C1007 Top View - HMS150 Typical Read Range P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 29 OF 82 C HAPTER 2: INSTA LLING THE C 1007 Figure 2-13: C1007 Front View - HMS150 Typical Read Range P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 30 OF 82 CHAPTER 3: POW ER & CO MMUN ICAT ION CHAPTER 3: POWER & COMMUNICATION 3.1 P OWER R EQUIREMENTS 3.1.1 C1007-23 2-01/C1007-485- 01 Power R equiremen ts C1007-232-01 and C1007-485-01 RFID Controllers require an agency compliant LPS power supply capable of providing the following: 10~30VDC, 3.6W (150mA @ 24VDC) EMS Power Supplies for C1007-232 and C1007-485 RFID Controllers EMS PART NUMBER DESCRIPT ION 00-1166 45W, 1.88A max @ 24VDC 00-1167 100W, 4.17A max @ 24VDC 00-1168 120W, 5.0A max @ 24VDC Table 3-1: EMS Power Supplies 3.1.2 C 1 0 0 7 - U S B - 0 1 P o w e r R e q u i r e m en t s The C1007-USB-01 RFID Controller obtains power directly from the USB bus Typical power consumption under normal conditions = 2.5W (500mA @ 5VDC) CAUTION: Do not connect or disconnect the C1007 while power is applied. Turn the power supply off at the source prior to connecting or disconnecting the unit. Reapply power only after the controller has been reconnected. Use only high quality, shielded cables for power and interface connections. See Appendix B for a list of compatible cables and network components. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 31 OF 82 CHAPTER 3: POW ER & CO MMUN ICAT ION 3.2 C OBALT HF C ONFIGURATION T AG 3.2.1 C o n f i gu r a t i o n T a g O v e r v i e w In the past, RFID controllers had multiple jumpers and DIP-switches that were used to set various configuration parameters. C1007-Series RFID Controllers do not require jumpers or DIP-switches because they are software configurable via commands sent from a host PC as well as through the use of a Cobalt HF Configuration Tag. Figure 3-1: Cobalt HF Configuration Tag In the event that serial communication parameters become improperly assigned, reset or cycle power to the RFID controller while holding the Configuration Tag in the controller s RF field. When power returns to the controller, factory default settings will be read from the Configuration Tag and the controller s internal configuration will be reset. For the C1007-485, the Configuration Tag can also be used to set the device s Node ID manually. It is recommended that you write the product model and serial number on the tag and store it in a safe place. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 32 OF 82 CHAPTER 3: POW ER & CO MMUN ICAT ION 3.2.2 Con figu rati on T ag Memory Map Containing a Philips I-CODE SLi IC, the Configuration Tag is a 112-byte ISO 15693 compliant tag that has had much of its memory locked at the factory to prevent important data from being erased or overwritten. Of the 112 bytes of memory, the first 80 bytes (addresses 0x0000 0x0079) are allocated to storing factory default settings, product ID and manufacturing information. The first 16-bytes (addresses 0x0000 through 0x0015) contain specific data that the controller reads to identify this special tag. You are welcome to experiment with the remaining 32 bytes available (addresses 0x0080 0x0111). All addresses on the Configuration Tag can be read and no user identifiable information is stored. 3.2.3 Using the Confi guration Tag Resetting the Controller Configuration to Default Value s The Configuration Tag can be used to reset factory defaults to all versions of the C1007. To restore factory default values, cycle power to the controller or issue the reset command (Command 0x35) while the Configuration Tag is in the RF field. Two seconds after power returns to the C1007, remove the Configuration Tag from the RF field. The controller s configuration will be reset to the following default values: CONFI GURAT IO N PARAMET ER DEFAULT VALUE Command Protocol ABx Fast Tag Type ISO 15693 (I-Code SLi) Serial Communications 9600, N, 8, 1, N (C1007-232 model) Node ID zero (C1007-485 model) No Checksum Table 3-2: Controller Default Values Se tting Node ID Manual ly (C1 00 7-48 5 Model On ly) To set the Node ID on C1007-485 models, cycle power to the controller or issue the reset command (Command 0x35) while the Configuration Tag is in the RF field. Two seconds after power returns to the C1007, remove the Configuration Tag from the RF field. This will set the Node ID value back to the default value of Node ID 00. • All amber Node LEDs should be off. After power returns to the unit, move the Configuration Tag out of the RF field and then back into the RF field to increment the Node ID from zero to one. • Amber Node LED 20 should now be lit. Removing the Configuration Tag from the controller s RF field and then placing it back into the field will increment the Node ID value once each time the Configuration Tag re-enters the RF field. • The amber Node LEDs will display, in binary, the Node ID assigned to the controller. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 33 OF 82 CHAPTER 3: POW ER & CO MMUN ICAT ION This procedure can be used to cycle through all 16 possible Node ID values. Note that after reaching Node ID 16, incrementing the value once more returns the controller to Node ID 00. After selecting the desired Node ID value, reset the C1007 with the Configuration Tag out of RF range to allow the unit to reset completely and resume operation under its new Node ID. See Section 4.1 LED Functions Overview for more information regarding LED positions and colors. Se tting Node ID Aut oma tica lly (C10 07 -485 Model On ly) To allow a Subnet16 Gateway or Hub to assign the Subnet Node ID to a C1007-485 automatically, reset the controller to Node ID 00, connect the controller to the network, and apply power to the Subnet16 bus. When the Gateway or Hub comes on line, hold the Configuration Tag in the RF field of the controller for several seconds to allow the Gateway or Hub to assign the next available Node ID value. For more information on using a Subnet16 Gateway and Hub product to auto-assign Subnet Node ID values, please refer to the Operator s Manuals for the Subnet16 Gateway and/or subnet16 Hub. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 34 OF 82 CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS 4.1 LED F UNCTIONS O VERVIEW C1007-Series RFID Controllers have eight LED indicators. The LEDs are conveniently located on the top panel of the device and display everything from antenna RF and communications activity to Node ID, diagnostic information and power status. LED COLOR Red Green Amber Amber Amber Amber Amber Green FUNCTIO N RF COM Node Node Node Node Node Power Activity Activity 24 (16) 23 (8) 22 (4) 21 (2) 20 (1) On 4.1.1 LED Descripti ons RF LED: Color is red. The RF LED will illuminate while RF power is being transmitted by the antenna, and will stay ON during the entire RF operation. By default, this occurs each time an RF command is being executed. COM LED: Color is green. The COM LED indicates that data is being transmitted between the host and the C1007. On receipt of a command, the COM LED will begin flashing ON and OFF rapidly. After the controller generates the command response, COM LED flashing will halt. When in Continuous Read mode, the COM LED will remain ON and will turn OFF briefly only while a tag is in the antenna field and data is being read or written to the tag. Node LEDs: Colors are amber. These five LEDs indicate the serial communications type for C1007-232 and -USB models. For the C1007-485 model, the five amber LEDs indicate (in binary from right to left) the current Node ID value assigned to the controller. The five amber LEDs also flash an error code when a fault occurs (see Section 4.3 LED Displayed Error Codes ). Power LED: Color is green. The Power LED will remain ON while power is applied to the C1007-Series RFID Controller. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 35 OF 82 CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS PWR COM RF RF FIELD 4.1.2 C1007-232/USB LED Status C1007-232 - amber Node LED 20 will illuminate. Node LED 20 indicates RS232 mode. C1007-USB - amber Node LED 23 will illuminate. Node LED 23 indicates USB mode. 4.1.3 C1007-485 LE D Statu s When used in conjunction with a Subnet16 Gateway or Subnet16 Hub, the five amber Node LEDs on the C1007-485 model indicate (in binary, weighted by powers of two, from right to left) the Node ID value currently assigned (for which there are 16). For example, 20 (0x01) = Node ID 1, 21 (0x02) = Node ID 2, 22 (0x04) = Node ID 4, 23 (0x08) = Node ID 8, 24 (0x10) = Node ID 16. By default, C1007-485 RFID Controllers ship with their Node ID value set to zero (none of the five amber Node LEDs will be lit). After the controller is connected to a Subnet16 bus and has been recognized by a Subnet16 Gateway or Hub, it will be automatically assigned the next available Node ID (1 through 16). For configuring or resetting the Node ID using the Configuration Tag, see Chapter 3 Section 3.2: Cobalt HF Configuration Tag. No de ID Val ues for the C100 7-48 5 Node 0 (default) R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) Node 1 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O Node 2 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O PAGE 36 OF 82 CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS Node 3 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O Node 6 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O Node 9 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O Node 12 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) Node 4 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O Node 7 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O Node 10 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O Node 13 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P Node 5 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O Node 8 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O Node 11 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O Node 14 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P PAGE 37 OF 82 CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS Node 15 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P Node 16 R C 2 2 2 2 2 P NOTE: Node ID 00 is the default Node ID for C1007-485 controllers. In this state the controller will be unable to perform commands until it has been initialized by a Gateway or Hub, at which time it will be assigned a Node ID value between 1 and 16. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 38 OF 82 CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS 4.2 S PECIAL LED F UNCTIONS 4.2.1 Updating the Con troller s Fi rmwar e Updating Firmware (Part 1) With the PWR LED on the right, the remaining LEDs will illuminate one at a time sequentially from right to left to indicate that new firmware code is being copied to internal memory. The LEDs will repeat this R to L sequence until the C1007 has completely received the firmware installation file. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 39 OF 82 CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS Updating Firmware (Part 2) After the new firmware has been copied to internal memory, the LEDs will blink ON and OFF repeatedly during which time the new code is being written to flash memory. Warning: do not cancel or abort this operation, AND do not unplug or remove power from the controller under any circumstance until this procedure is completed. 4.2.2 Continuous R ead Mode LED Behavi or The table below describes the behavior of the LEDs when the C1007 is in Continuous Read Mode (Command 0x0D). LED BEHAVIO R DESCRIP TION PWR ON Controller is powered and functioning COM ON Duplicate Read Delay 1 and a tag has entered the RF field. COM LED will remain ON while a tag is in the RF field. After the tag has exited the RF field the COM light will remain ON for the duration of the Duplicate Read Delay before turning OFF COM BLINKING Duplicate Read Delay = 0 and a tag is in the RF field RF ON Continuous Read mode is enabled Table 4-1: Continuous Read Mode - LED Behavior P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 40 OF 82 CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS 4.3 LED D ISPLAYED E RROR C ODES When an error occurs, other than a Timeout, the red RF LED and one or more amber Node LEDs will flash in unison. The amber Node LEDs flash a binary representation of the one-byte error code value of the fault that transpired. The COM LED will also be illuminated after an error occurs to help orient the binary LED positions. See Chapter 8: ABx Error Codes for a complete list of errors and their descriptions. To display the single-byte error code in binary, the two left-most amber Node LEDs (LED 24 and LED 23) represent the first or most significant digit (MSD) of the error code. The three remaining amber Node LEDs (LED 22, LED 21 and LED 20) are combined to represent the second or least significant digit (LSD) of the error code. Examples: • • If the five amber Node LEDs (from L to R) = ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, ON, the first digit of the error code is a 2 and the second digit is a 1, meaning that error code 0x21 occurred (error code 0x21 = command syntax error). If the five amber Node LEDs (from L to R) = ON, ON, OFF, ON, OFF, the first digit of the error code is a 3 and the second digit is a 2, meaning that error code 0x32 occurred (error code 0x32 = invalid programming address). R C 2 2 2 2 2 P R C 2 2 2 2 2 P The red RF LED and amber Node LEDs will continue to flash until a valid command is received by the controller. If an unrecoverable error occurs, the LEDs will continuously flash the error code until the C1007 has been reset. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 41 OF 82 CHAPTER 4: LED STATUS R C 24 23 22 21 2 0 F O This example depicts Error 0x21. When an error occurs, the green COM LED will remain ON to help orient the binary LED positions. The green power LED will also be ON while power is applied to the C1007. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 42 OF 82 CHAPTER 5: RFID T AGS CHAPTER 5: RFID TAGS 5.1 RFID T AG O VERVIEW RFID tags, which are also referred to as transponders, smart labels, or inlays, come in a variety of sizes, memory capacities, read ranges, frequencies, temperature survivability ranges and physical embodiments. C1007-Series RFID Controllers are capable of reading Escort Memory Systems HMS, LRP and T-Series RFID tags as well as most tags made by other manufacturers. 5.1.1 RFID Standards ISO 1444 3A RFID integrated circuits (ICs) designed to meet the ISO 14443A standard were originally intended for use in smart cards used in secure transactions such as credit cards, passports, bus passes, ski lift tickets, etc. For this reason there are many security authentication measures taken within the air protocol between the RFID controller and the tag. Escort Memory Systems was the first company to adopt ISO 14443A RFID ICs with this technology for industrial automation applications. Because these applications do not require the level of security monetary or passport applications require, many of these features have not been implemented in current controllers. It is important to understand the requirements of an ISO 14443A application before assuming the C1007-Series controller is suitable. ISO 14443A compliant tags and controllers incorporate security authentication and use software keys during the transfer of data to and from a tag. Both the RFID controller and the tag must use the same security keys for communication to be authenticated. The C1007 controller s operating system manages these security features, making their existence essentially transparent to the user. However, it is important to understand the implications associated with ISO 14443A when using a third party manufacturer s tags. Because of the aforementioned security features an ISO 14443A tag made by one manufacturer might not be readable by C1007 controllers and likewise, an EMS ISO 14443A compliant tag might not be readable by another manufacturer s RFID controller. C1007-Series Controllers support EMS security keys for use on Mifare-based ISO 14443A tags. ISO 1569 3 ISO 15693 was established at a time when the RFID industry identified that the lack of standards was preventing market growth and further adoption of RFID technologies. Philips Semiconductor and Texas Instruments were the major manufacturers producing RFID ICs for the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequency of 13.56MHz, but each used a unique protocol and modulation algorithm. Texas Instruments Tag-it and Philips Semiconductor s I-CODE product lines were eventually standardized on the mutually compatible ISO 15693 standard. After the decision was made to standardize, the door opened for other silicon manufacturers to enter the RFID business, many of which have since contributed to RFID ISO definitions. This healthy competition has led to rapid growth in the industry and has pushed the development of other standards, such as ISO 18000 for Electronic Product Code (EPC) applications. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 43 OF 82 CHAPTER 5: RFID T AGS ISO 180 00-3.1 The ISO 18000 standard has not been implemented in C1007-Series RFID Controllers at the time of publication of this manual. It is a planned product enhancement for future release. This will provide support for EPC and Unique Identification (UID) tag applications. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Because ISO 14443A and ISO 15693 standards leave many features open to the discretion and interpretation of the RFID equipment manufacturer, EMS can not guarantee that all 13.56MHz RFID tags will be compatible with Cobalt controllers. When using any tag other than those supplied by Escort Memory Systems, you should ensure compatibility of those tags with your RFID system provider. 5.2 EMS RFID T AGS As of the publication of this manual, tags that contain the following RFID integrated circuits are compatible with Cobalt C1007-Series RFID Controllers. 5.2.1 HMS-Series Tag s • Philips Mifare Classic: 1KB total IC memory, + 32-bit tag ID. Of this memory, 736 bytes are available for user data (ISO 14443A compliant). • Philips Mifare Classic: 4KB total IC memory, + 32-bit tag ID. Of this memory, 3,440 bytes are available for user data (ISO 14443A compliant). Figure 5-1: HMS125HT and HMS150HT tags 5.2.2 LRP-Seri es Tag s § § § § Philips I-CODE 1: 48 bytes total IC memory available for user data, + 64-bit tag ID. Philips I-CODE SLi: 112 bytes total IC memory available for user data, + 64-bit tag ID (ISO 15693 compliant). Texas Instruments Tag-it: 32 bytes total IC memory available for user data, + 64-bit tag ID (ISO 15693 compliant). Infineon My-D Vicinity: 1KB total IC memory available for user data, + 64-bit tag ID (ISO 15693 compliant). P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 44 OF 82 CHAPTER 5: RFID T AGS Figure 5-2: LRP-Series Tags The HMS-Series and LRP-Series RFID tags listed in the above section are passive devices, meaning that they require no internal batteries. These tags are fully readable and writeable, except for the tag s unique ID number, which is read only. There are no serviceable or repairable parts inside these tags, yet most are capable of providing over 100,000 write cycles and 10 years of data retention. In fact, tests resulting in over one million write cycles have been recorded by some tags. Numerous tag-related factors can adversely affect RF range and data transmission between the controller and the tag, including the tag s integrated circuit (IC), the tag s antenna coil design, the tag s antenna conductor material, the tag s antenna coil substrate, the tag IC incorporated, the antenna coil bonding process and the embodiment material that is used. Additionally, the mounting environment of the tag and controller can hinder performance due to other materials affecting the tuning of either antenna. Escort Memory Systems has performed extensive testing to produce tags that obtain optimum performance with our RFID devices. In most cases, optimal range will be obtained when mounting the tag and antenna in locations free from the influence of metals and EMI emitting devices. 5.3 T AG E MBODIMENTS RFID tags are designed, produced and distributed in a variety of sizes and packages. 5.3.1 Print ed Circuit Board RFID T ags RFID tags that incorporate Printed Circuit Board technology are designed for encasement inside totes, pallets, or products that can provide the protection normally associated with injection-molded enclosures. These tags are made primarily from etched copper PCB materials (FR-4, for example) and are diebonded by means of high quality wire bonding. This procedure ensures reliable electrical connections that are superior to flip-chip assembly methods. The RFID tag s integrated circuit is then encapsulated in epoxy to protect it and the electrical connections. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 45 OF 82 CHAPTER 5: RFID T AGS 5.3.2 M o l d ed R F I D T a g s Molded tags utilize PCB tags and are the most rugged and reliable of the tags offered by Escort Memory Systems. These tags are designed for closed-loop applications where the tag is reused; thereby the cost of the tag can be amortized over the life of the production line. Typically, molded tags will be mounted to a pallet or carrier that transports (and accompanies) the product through the entire production process. Other applications for these tags include (but are not limited to) embedding tags within concrete floors for location identification, shelf identification for storage and retrieval systems, and tool identification. Escort Memory Systems offers a wide variety of molded tags that have been developed over the years for real world applications. High temperature tags using patented processes and specialized materials allow tags to survive elevated temperatures, such as those required for automotive paint and plating applications. 5.4 T AG M EMOR Y Tag memory addressing begins at address zero (0x0000), with the highest addressable memory location equal to one less than the total number of bytes in the tag. Each address is equal to one byte (8-bits), where the byte is the smallest addressable unit of data. So for example, writing 8-bytes to a tag beginning at address 0 will fill addresses 0 to 7 with 64-bits of data in all. Depending on the manufacturer, RFID labels, molded tags and embedded PCBs can have differing memory storage capacities and organization. Tag memory is grouped into blocks of bytes that can vary in organization from manufacturer to manufacturer. Even when compliant to ISO standards, byte memory addressing can differ from one manufacturer to another (for example, tag memory can be organized in blocks of 4 or 8 bytes, depending on the RFID IC). Additionally, all bytes may not be available for data storage as some bytes may be used for security and access conditions. For more information regarding a specific RFID tag s memory allocation, please refer to each IC manufacturer s datasheet or Website. Escort Memory Systems has taken great care to simplify tag memory addressing. The mapping from logical address to physical address is handled by the C1007-Series Controller s operating system. Users only need to identify the starting address location on the tag and the number of bytes to be read or written. However, extra attention needs to be paid to the memory block structure when memory lock commands are used. When data is locked, it cannot be altered. Caution should be exercised when using memory lock commands as locked data cannot be unlocked, even by Escort Memory Systems. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 46 OF 82 CHAPTER 5: RFID T AGS 5.4.1 Mapping Tag Memory Customers need to take into account that there are some RFID tag manufacturers that measure and specify their tag memory sizes by the total number of bits, as this method generates a much larger (8X) overall number designed to inflate their specifications. Escort Memory Systems, on the other hand, prefers to specify total tag memory sizes in terms of bytes (rather than in bits), as this method more closely reflects how data is stored and retrieved from a tag and is typically what our customers really want to know. 5.4.2 Creating an RFID Tag M em ory Map Creating a tag memory map is much like creating a spreadsheet that outlines the actual data you plan to capture as well as the specific tag memory locations in which you wish to store said data. Tag memory maps should be carefully planned, simple and straightforward. It is advisable to utilize more storage space than is initially required, as inevitably a need will arise to hold more data. T ag Memor y Map Ex amp le In the example below, 90-bytes of a 112-byte tag have been allocated to areas of the memory map (leaving roughly 20% free for future uses). Because a short paragraph of alphanumeric characters could quickly use all 90 bytes, creating an efficient mapping scheme, which utilizes all 720-bits out of the 90-bytes allocated, will provide a better use of tag space. TAG ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF USAGE 00 - 15 Serial Number 16 - 47 Model Number 48 - 63 Manufacturing Date 64 - 71 Lot Number 72 - 89 Factory ID 90 - 111 Reserved Table 5-1: Tag Memory Map Example 5.4.3 Optimizing Tag Memory Data is always stored in tag memory in a binary form (1 s and 0 s). Binary numbers are notated using the hexadecimal numbering system (otherwise it would be too confusing looking at a screen full of 1 s and 0 s). Below is an example of how hexadecimal notation simplifies the expressing of byte values for the decimal number 52,882. DECIMAL BINARY HEXADECIMAL 52,882 1100111010010010 CE92 In the above example, instead of using 5-bytes of data to store the ASCII bytes representing characters 5, 2, 8, 8, and 2 (ASCII bytes: 0x35, 0x32, 0x38, 0x38, 0x32) P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 47 OF 82 CHAPTER 5: RFID T AGS by simply writing two Hex bytes (0xCE and 0x92), 60% less tag memory is used to store the same information. When an alphabetical character is to be written to a tag, the ASCII value of the given character is written to the tag. For example, to write a capital (ASCII value 0x44), the binary equivalent of the ASCII character 0x44 is written to the tag. Additionally, if a database with look up values is used in the RFID application, the logic level of the individual bits in the tag can be used to maximize tag memory. (Note: refer to Appendix D in this document for a complete chart of ASCII characters and their corresponding Hex values). The graphic below illustrates how a single byte (8-bits) can be efficiently used to track an automobile s inspection history at eight inspection stations. The number one (1) represents a required operation and the number zero (0) represents an operation that is not required for that particular vehicle. Figure 5-3: Optimizing Tag Memory P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 48 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 6.1 C OMMAND P R OTOCOLS O VERVIEW When an RFID command is issued, the host computer instructs the RFID controller to perform a given task. After performing that task, the RFID controller will normally reply back with a Command Response message indicating the status or results of the attempted command. This response notifies the host as to whether the command was successfully completed or if the RFID controller failed to complete the command. To understand and execute RFID commands, the C1007 and the host must be able to communicate using the same language. The language that is used to communicate RFID commands is referred to as the Command Protocol. The type of Command Protocol that is used is known as the ABx Command Protocol, of which there are two primary variations. The two versions of the ABx Command Protocol that are supported by the C1007-Series RFID Controller are: • ABx Fast (default) • ABx Standard The ABx Fast Command Protocol is the default command protocol used by C1007 RFID Controllers. It has a single-byte based packet structure that permits the execution of RFID commands while transferring fewer total bytes than ABx Standard requires. It can be used with or without a checksum byte. The ABx Standard Command Protocol uses a double-byte, word based format that shares a common syntax with most existing RFID systems produced by Escort Memory Systems. This protocol offers legacy support, which may be required by existing PLC applications that only support a 2-byte word packet format. If your application requires compatibility with existing or legacy RFID devices from Escort Memory Systems , use ABx Standard. ABx Standard does not support the use of a checksum byte. NOTE: By default, the C1007 is configured to use the ABx Fast Command Protocol. ABx Fast (as the name suggests) is the faster and more efficient of the two ABx protocols, offering increased communication speed and error immunity. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 49 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 6.1.1 ABx Protocol s - Command Structu res All ABx-based RFID commands contain certain fundamental packet elements, including a Command Header, a Command ID, one or more Command Parameters (when applicable) and a Command Terminator. Command Packet Structure = [Command Header + Command ID + Command Parameters + Command Terminator] 6.1.2 ABx Prot ocol s - Headers and T erm inators In ABx Fast, commands begin with the two-byte command header 0x02, 0x02 and end with the one-byte command terminator 0x03. In ABx Standard, commands begin with the one-byte command header "0xAA," and end with the two-byte command terminator "0xFF, 0xFF". ABx Prot ocols - Hea ders and T erminato rs ABX PROTOCOL HEADE R TERM INATOR ABx Fast 0x02, 0x02 0x03 ABx Standard 0xAA 0xFF, 0xFF Table 6-1: ABx Protocols - Headers and Terminators 6.1.3 ABx Prot ocol s - Response Structures After completing an ABx command, the C1007 generates a host-bound, response packet that indicates the status and/or results of the attempted command. The response packet structure for all ABx protocols consists of a Response Header, a Command Echo, one or more Response Values (when applicable), and a Response Terminator. Response Packet Structure = [Response Header + Command Echo + Response Values + Response Terminator] Note that for each ABx protocol, Response Header and Response Terminator parameters are the same as their Command Header and Command Terminator counterparts. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 50 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 6.2 AB X F AST C OMMAN D P ROTOCOL The default command protocol used by C1007-Series RFID Controllers for Point-toPoint data transmission is known as the ABx Fast Command Protocol. ABx Fast has a single-byte oriented packet structure that permits the rapid execution of RFID commands while requiring the transfer of a minimal number of bytes. ABx Fast supports the inclusion of an optional checksum byte. When increased data integrity is required, the checksum should be utilized. See Section 6.2.4. Checksum, for more information on using the checksum parameter. 6.2.1 ABx Fast - Command / R esponse Proc edure After an RFID command is issued by the host, a packet of data, called the Command Packet is sent to the controller. The command packet contains information that instructs the controller to perform a certain task. The controller automatically parses the incoming data packet, searching for a specific pair of start characters, known as the Command Header. In ABx Fast, the Command Header / Start Characters are 0x02, 0x02. When a valid Command Header is recognized, the controller then checks for proper formatting and for the presence of a Command Terminator byte. In ABx Fast, the Command Terminator byte is 0x03. Having identified a valid command, the controller will attempt to execute the given instructions. After which the controller will generate a host-bound response message containing EITHER the results of the attempted command or an error code if the operation failed. NOTE: For RFID applications that use an EMS Gateway or Hub Interface Module, the CBx Command Protocol applies. Please refer to the Gateway or Hub Operator s Manuals and the CBx Command Protocol Reference Manual (all of which are available at for further information regarding CBx commands. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 51 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 6.2.2 ABx Fast - Command Packet Struc ture The packet structure of all ABx Fast command contains certain basic elements, including Command Header, Command Size, Command ID and Command Terminator. Additional options are available depending on the command being performed. Figure 6-1: ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure COMM AND PACKET ELEM ENT CONTENT SIZE COMMAND HEADER: The first two bytes of an ABx Fast command packet 0x02, 0x02 2 bytes COMMAND SIZE: This 2-byte integer defines the number of bytes in the packet (excluding header, command size, checksum and terminator). 0x0007 + (number of bytes of additional data) 2-byte integer COMMAND ID: This single-byte value indicates the RFID command to execute. 0x06 (Write Data) 1 byte START ADDRESS: This two-byte parameter indicates the location of tag memory where a read or write operation shall begin. 0x0000 2-byte integer READ-WRITE LENGTH / BLOCK SIZE: This two-byte parameter represents the number of bytes that are to be retrieved from or written to the RFID tag. 0x0001 2-byte integer TIMEOUT VALUE: This two-byte parameter indicates the maximum length of time for which the controller will attempt to complete the command. Measured in milliseconds, this value can have a range of 0x0001 to 0xFFFE or between 1 and 65,534 msecs. 0x07D0 (0x07D0 = 2000 x .001 = 2 seconds) 2-byte integer P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 52 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS ADDITIONAL DATA: This parameter uses one byte to hold a single character for fill operations and supports the use of multiple bytes when several characters are needed for write commands (when applicable). 0x00 One or more bytes (when applicable) CHECKSUM: This optional parameter holds a single-byte checksum (only applicable when using ABx Fast with Checksum). Optional 1 byte (when applicable) COMMAND TERMINATOR: Single-byte command packet terminator (always 0x03) 0x03 1 byte Table 6-2: ABx Fast - Command Packet Structure 6.2.3 ABx Fast - Respon se Pack et Structure After performing a command, the C1007, in most cases, will generate a host-bound response packet. ABx Fast responses contain a Response Header, Response Size, Command Echo, one or more Response Values (when applicable), an optional Checksum and a Response Terminator. RESPONSE PACKET ELEM ENT CONTENT SIZE RESPONSE HEADER: 0x02, 0x02 2 bytes 0x0001 2-byte integer 0x06 1 byte Data 1 or more bytes (when applicable) Optional 1 byte (when applicable) 0x03 1 byte First two bytes of an ABx Fast response packet RESPONSE SIZE: This two-byte integer defines the total number of bytes in the response packet (excluding header, size, checksum and terminator). COMMAND ECHO: The single-byte parameter identifies the command for which the response packet was generated. RETRIEVED DATA: This parameter is used to hold one or more bytes of data that was requested by the command (when applicable). CHECKSUM: This optional parameter holds a single-byte checksum (only applicable when using ABx Fast with Checksum). RESPONSE TERMINATOR: Single-byte response packet terminator (always 0x03) Table 6-3: ABx Fast - Response Packet Structure P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 53 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS ABx Fast - Command Packet Paramet ers 6.2.4 Command S ize The ABx Fast protocol requires that the byte count, known as the Command Size be specified as a two-byte integer. To calculate the Command Size, add the total number of bytes within the command packet while excluding the Header, Command Size, Checksum (if present) and Terminator (see example below). Command Size = number of bytes in these fields C OM M A ND E L EM E NT # OF BYTES INCLUDED IN COMM AND SIZE? Command Header No Command Size No Command ID Yes Start Address Yes Read/Write Length (Block Size) Yes Timeout Value Yes Additional Data Bytes Yes Checksum No Command Terminator No The Command Size for this example is 0x0008. Start Addres s The Start Address parameter holds a two-byte integer representing the tag memory address location where a read or write operation will begin. Read/Write Lengt h (Block Size) The two-byte Read/Write Length (Block Size) integer indicates the number of bytes that are to be read from or written to the RFID tag. T imeou t Va lue A two-byte Timeout Value parameter (measured in one-millisecond increments) is used to set the length of time that the controller will attempt to complete the specified operation. The maximum supported Timeout Value is 0xFFFE or 65,534ms (slightly longer than one minute). Setting a long Timeout Value does not necessarily mean that a command will take any longer to execute. This value only represents the period of time for which the controller will attempt to complete the command. IMPORTANT: During write commands, the tag must remain within the antenna s RF field until the write operation completes successfully, or until the timeout value has expired. If a write operation is not completed before the tag leaves the controller s RF field, data may be incompletely written. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 54 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS Checksum ABx Fast and ABx ASCII Command Protocols support the inclusion of an additional Checksum byte that is used to verify the integrity of data being transmitted between host and controller. The Checksum is calculated by adding together (summing) the byte values in the command packet (less the Header, Checksum and Terminator), and then subtracting the total byte sum from 0xFF. Therefore, when the byte values of each packet element (from Command Size to Checksum) are added together, the byte value sum will equal 0xFF. CHECKSUM EXAM PLE The following example depicts Command 0x05 (Read Data) using a Checksum (Start Address: 0x0001, Read Length: 0x0004, Timeout Value: 0x07D0). Checksum = [0xFF (sum of these fields)] COMM AND PACKE T ELEMENT CONTENTS USED IN CHECKSUM Command Header 0x02, 0x02 n/a Command Size 0x0007 0x00, 0x07 Command ID 0x05 0x05 Start Address 0x0001 0x00, 0x01 Read Length 0x0004 0x00, 0x04 Timeout Value 0x07D0 0x07, 0xD0 Checksum 0x17 n/a Command Terminator 0x03 n/a Add the byte values from the Command Size, Command ID, Start Address, Read Length and Timeout Value parameters together and subtract from 0xFF. Resulting value will be the Checksum. [0x07 + 0x05 + 0x01 + 0x04 + 0x07 + 0xD0] = 0xE8 The Checksum equation is: [0xFF 6.2.5 0xE8] = 0 x 1 7 ABx Fast Multi-Tag Command Packet Structur e ABx Fast Multi-tag Commands are capable of interrogating one or more RFID tags, when numerous tags are simultaneously within RF range. These commands also P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 55 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS allow users to retrieve data from or write data to several tags at once. Below is the structure of a basic ABx Fast Multi-tag command packet. ABx Fast Multi-tag Command Packet Structure COMM AND PACKET ELEM ENT CONTENT SIZE COMMAND HEADER: The first two bytes of an ABx Fast command. 0x02, 0x02 2 bytes COMMAND SIZE: This two-byte integer defines the number of bytes in the packet (excluding Header, Command Size and Terminator). 0x0007 + (number of additional data bytes) 2-byte integer COMMAND ID: This single-byte value indicates the command to perform. 0x87 (Multi-Tag Inventory) 1 byte FAMILY CODE: This single-byte value is used to specify a subset of tags when many are identified simultaneously in RF range. Zero = broadcast to all tags in RF range (see description in Section 6.2.6) 0x00 1 byte ANTI-COLLISION MODE: This single-byte value allows the user to enable the use of 16 time slots for retrieving data, choices are: 0x01 = use 16 time slots, 0x00 = use single slot (see description in Section 6.2.6) 0x01 1 byte TAG LIMIT: This single byte specifies the maximum # of tags expected in RF range, up to 100; 0x64 = 100 tags expected max, when applicable (see description in Section 6.2.6) 0x64 1 byte START ADDRESS: This two-byte integer indicates the location of tag memory where a read or write operation shall begin. 0x0000 2-byte integer BLOCK SIZE: This two-byte integer represents the number of bytes that are to be read from or written to an RFID tag during the operation, when applicable. 0x0001 2-byte integer TIMEOUT VALUE: This two-byte integer indicates the maximum length of time for which the controller will attempt to complete the command. Measured in milliseconds, this value can have a range of 0x0001 to 0xFFFE or between 1 and 65,534 msecs. 0x07D0 (0x07D0 = 2000 x .001 = 2 seconds) 2-byte integer ADDITIONAL DATA: This parameter uses one byte for fill operations and supports the use of multiple bytes when several characters are needed for write commands, when applicable. 0x00 1 or more bytes COMMAND TERMINATOR: The single-byte command packet terminator is always 0x03. 0x03 1 byte Table 6-4: ABx Fast Multi-Tag Command Packet Structure P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 56 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 6.2.6 ABx Fast Multi-Tag Command Packet El em ents Fami ly Co de The Family Code parameter is a one-byte value (0x00 0xFF) that can be used in multi-tag commands to specify a subset of tags when many are identified simultaneously in RF range. The parameter allows the user to filter tags based on a pre-written value stored at a special location on the tag. For example, if the Family Code value is set to one (0x01), only those tags with the value 0x01 will respond to the given command. When a Family Code value of zero (0x00) is entered for this parameter, the command will be broadcast to all tags in RF range. Ant i-Collision Mode Tag collision in RFID applications occurs when numerous passive RFID tags become simultaneously active or energized (by the RFID controller) and thus reflect their respective signals back to the reader at the same time, such that the reader cannot differentiate between tags. EMS RFID readers make use of anti-collision algorithms to enable a single reader to read more than one tag in the reader's field. The Anti-collision Mode parameter controls the tag-reading algorithm used to achieve the fastest reading speed for the number of tags expected in RF range at any given moment. This parameter helps the reader/antenna avoid data collisions when simultaneously reading multiple tags The choices for this parameter are one (0x01) for Multi-Slot and zero (0x00) for Single-Slot. • ONE: Setting this parameter to one (0x01) implements a system of 16 time slots. To avoid data collisions when the controller encounters multiple tags simultaneously, data requested from each tag is transferred to the host only during the time slot that matches a specific pattern in the tag ID number. • ZERO: Setting this parameter to zero (0x00) utilizes a single time slot under which the requested data from all tags is transferred to the host as soon as it becomes available to the controller. This setting can result in faster tag read performance when only a few tags are expected in the RF field The Anti-Collision Mode parameter immediately follows the Family Code parameter in the command packet string. T ag Limit The Tag Limit parameter holds a one-byte value that indicates the maximum number of tags expected simultaneously in RF range for the given command operation. This parameter allows users to limit the number of attempted read/write operations the controller will make per execution. The Tag Limit value should be set in relation to the maximum number of tags that could possibly be present in the reading field at any one time. Users do not have to wait for the timeout to expire. Setting the value higher increases the number of tags expected to be read in the antenna s RF field. Lowering the value, however, can speed up tag read operations for a small group of tags. Setting the proper value is therefore a tradeoff between the number of expected tags in the reading field, and the time required to read/write to them. The permitted values P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 57 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS range from zero to 100 (0x00 0x64). The Tag Limit parameter resides directly after the Anti-collision Mode parameter in the command string (when applicable). T imeou t Va lue Multi-tag commands also contain a two-byte Timeout Value parameter that is used to limit the length of time for which the controller will attempt to complete a given operation. It is important to set a realistic Timeout Value that permits enough time for the controller to read/write to all tags specified in the command. Processing multiple-tag operations requires a longer time period than does the execution of single-tag commands. The value is expressed in one-millisecond increments, with a maximum value of 0xFFFE (65,534 milliseconds) or approximately 60 seconds. For most single tag read/write commands, a Timeout Value of at least 1000ms is recommended. However, it is recommended that you allow an additional 100ms per tag for multi-tag read operations and 150ms per tag for multi-tag writes. Using a Timeout Value that is too short may cause the controller to inadvertently time out before the data has been successfully read from or written to all tags in RF range. Setting a long Timeout Value does not necessarily mean that the command will take any longer to complete. The value only represents the period of time in which the controller will attempt to complete the particular operation. If all required tags are in RF range when the command is sent, the time necessary to complete the command will be approximately the same whether the Timeout Value is 1000ms or 10,000ms. For time critical applications, the optimal Timeout Value should be obtained through rigorous performance testing. T IM EOUT V ALUE EXAM PLE When writing to 16 different tags in RF range, for example, set the two-byte Timeout Value to at least 0x0D48 (16 x 150ms + 1000ms = 3400ms or 3.4 seconds). A Timeout Value of zero (0x0000) will cause the controller to return a syntax error message. T ag ID / Se rial Nu mber Several multi-tag commands are available that will retrieve or allow the user to specify, a tag s ID number. The tag ID number is a unique read-only, 64-bit (eightbyte) number stored in tag memory. Tag ID commands can be used to selectively read from or write to one or more specific tags, identified by their distinctive tag IDs. Targeted tags can be recognized with a previously issued Read Tag ID command. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 58 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 6.2.7 ABx Fast Multi-Tag R espon se Pac ket Structures When executing multi-tag commands designed to retrieve information from several tags at once (for example ABx Fast Command 0x82: Multi-Tag Read ID and Data All), the RFID controller will generate separate host-bound response packets for each tag that has been read, followed by a final termination packet. Below is the structure of a basic ABx Fast multi-tag response packet. ABx Fast Multi-tag Response Packet Structure (One Packet for Each Tag Read) RESPONSE PACKET ELEM ENT CONTENT SIZE RESPONSE HEADER: The first two bytes of an ABx Fast response 0x02, 0x02 2 bytes RESPONSE SIZE: This two-byte integer defines the number of bytes in the packet (excluding Header, Response Size and Terminator). 0x0009 + (number of Read Data bytes) 2-byte integer COMMAND ECHO: This single-byte value indicates the RFID command that was performed. 0x82 (Multi-Tag Read ID and Data All Command) 1 byte TAG ID: 8-bytes, when applicable <8-byte tag ID> 8 bytes READ DATAN-bytes RESPONSE TERMINATOR: The single-byte response packet terminator is always 0x03 for ABx Fast. 0x03 1 byte Table 6-5: ABx Fast Multi-Tag Response Packet Structure P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 59 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 6.2.8 ABx Fast Multi-Tag R espon se Fin al Terminati on Packet Structu re After the RFID controller has issued response packets for each tag identified and/or read, a final termination packet is generated. Below is the structure of a standard ABx Fast multi-tag response final termination packet. ABx Fast Multi-tag Response Final Termination Packet Structure RESPONSE PACKET ELEM ENT CONTENT SIZE RESPONSE HEADER: The first two bytes of an ABx Fast response 0x02, 0x02 2 bytes RESPONSE SIZE: This two-byte integer defines the number of bytes in the packet (excluding Header, Response Size and Terminator). 0x0003 2-byte integer FINAL TERMINATION PACKET IDENTIFIER: 0xFF indicates that this packet is the final termination packet. 0xFF 1 byte NUMBER OF TAGS READ/WRITTEN: One-byte value indicates the number of tags that were read or written to during the operation. 1 byte STATUS: 0x00 = operation completed successfully, 0x07 = Read Tag ID failed / Tag Not Found 0x00 1 byte RESPONSE TERMINATOR: The single-byte response packet terminator is always 0x03 for ABx Fast. 0x03 1 byte Table 6-6: ABx Fast Multi-Tag Response Final Termination Packet Structure P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 60 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 6.3 AB X S TAN DAR D C OMMAND P R OTOCOL The ABx Standard Command Protocol is a binary, double-byte, word oriented protocol where data is transmitted in 2-byte increments: a Most Significant Byte (MSB) or High Byte and a Least Significant Byte (LSB) or Low Byte . For ABx Standard commands, the first data word sent to the controller contains the Command Header and Command ID, followed by parameters such as Start Address, Read/Write Length and Timeout Value. Note that at no time can the complete command packet string (including Terminator) exceed 50 words or 100 bytes. Figure 6-2: ABx Standard - Command Packet Structure 6.3.1 ABx Standard - Command Pack et Structure COMM AND PACKET ELEM ENT CONTENT BYTE COUNT COMMAND HEADER: 0xAA is always the MSB of the first word of an ABx Standard command. 0xAA COMMAND ID: The Command ID is always the LSB of the first word and indicates the RFID command to execute. 0x06 (Write Data) START ADDRESS: This two-byte parameter indicates the location of tag memory where a read or write operation shall begin. 0x0000 P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 61 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS READ/WRITE LENGTH (BLOCK SIZE): This two-byte parameter represents the number of bytes that are to be retrieved from or written to the RFID tag. 0x0001 TIMEOUT VALUE: This two-byte integer indicates the maximum length of time for which the controller will attempt to complete the command. Measured in milliseconds, this value can have a range of 0x0001 to 0xFFFE or between 1 and 65,534 msecs (0x07D0 = 2000 x .001 = 2 seconds). 0x07D0 ADDITIONAL DATA: This parameter uses two bytes to hold a single character (data to be written to the tag is included in the LSB only, MSB = 0x00). 0x00, 0x00 2 (or more when applicable) COMMAND TERMINATOR: Double-byte command packet terminator 0xFF, 0xFF Table 6-7: ABx Standard - Command Packet Structure 6.3.2 ABx Standard - R espon se Packet Structu re RESPONSE PACKET ELEM ENT CONTENT BYTE COUNT RESPONSE HEADER: 0xAA is always the MSB of the first word of an ABx Standard response packet 0xAA COMMAND ECHO: 0x06 The command echo is always the LSB of the first word (Write Data) and indicates the RFID command that was executed. ADDITIONAL DATA: 0x00, 0x00 This parameter uses two bytes to hold a single character of retrieved data (data is returned in the LSB only, MSB = 0x00). 2 (or more when applicable) RESPONSE TERMINATOR: Double-byte command packet terminator 0xFF, 0xFF Table 6-8: ABx Standard - Response Packet Structure P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 62 OF 82 CHAPTER 6: COMMAND PROTOCOLS 6.3.3 ABx Standard - Command Example The example below depicts the packet structure of the ABx Standard command and response messages for Command 0x08 (Tag Search). In this example, the RFID controller is instructed to search for a tag in the RF field. A Timeout Value of two seconds (0x07D0) is set for the completion of this operation. Command from Host C OM M A ND E L EM E NT CONTENT Command Header and Command ID (MSB/LSB) 0xAA, 0x08 (Tag Search) Timeout Value 0x07D0 Command Terminator 0xFF, 0xFF Response from Controller RESPONSE ELEM ENT CONTENT Response Header and Command Echo (MSB/LSB) 0xAA, 0x08 (Tag Search) Response Terminator 0xFF, 0xFF If the Timeout Value expires before the controller finds a tag, it will return an error code, 0x07 (Tag Not Found). P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 63 OF 82 CHAPTER 7: RFID COMMANDS AND ERROR CODES CHAPTER 7: RFID COMMANDS AND ERROR CODES 7.1 AB X F AST RFID C OMMAN D T ABLE The table below lists the ABx Fast RFID commands supported by C1007-Series RFID Controllers. COMM AND ID C OM M A ND N AM E DESCRIP TION Single-Tag RFID Commands 0x04 Fill Tag Fills a specified tag address range with a one-byte value 0x05 Read Data Reads a specified length of data from a contiguous (sequential) area of tag memory 0x06 Writ e Data Writes a specified number of bytes to a contiguous area of tag memory 0x07 Read Tag ID Retrieves a tag s unique identification (Tag ID) number 0x08 Tag Search Instructs the controller to search for a tag in its RF field 0x0D S t a r t C o n t i n u o u s Instructs the controller to start or stop Read Continuous Read mode. 0x0E Read Tag ID and Data 0x0F Start Continuous Instructs the controller to start or stop Read Tag ID and Continuous Read Tag ID and Data mode. Data 0x27 Lock M emory Block Reads a tag s ID number as well as a specified number of bytes of tag memory Write protects a block of tag memory RFID Controller Commands 0x35 Reset Controll er Resets power to the controller 0x36 Set Controll er Confi guration Used to set (configure or modify) the controller s configuration parameters and settings 0x37 Get Controller Confi guration Retrieves the controller s configuration settings 0x38 Get Controller Info Retrieves hardware, firmware and serial number information from the controller P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 64 OF 82 CHAPTER 7: RFID COMMANDS AND ERROR CODES COMM AND ID C OM M A ND N AM E DESCRIP TION 0x51 Set Controll er Tim e Used to set the time for the controller 0x72 Execute Controller M acro Instructs the controller to execute one of its eight macros Multi-Tag RFID Commands 0x82 Multi-Tag Read ID and Data All Retrieves a contiguous segment of data and the tag ID from all RFID tags in range 0x85 Multi-Tag Block Read All Retrieves a contiguous segment of data from all RFID tags in range 0x86 Multi-Tag Block Write All Writes a contiguous segment of data to all RFID tags in range 0x87 Multi-Tag Get Inventory Retrieves the tag ID from all RFID tags in range Multi-Tag Search All Checks for the presence of any RFID tags in range 0x95 Multi-Tag Block Read by ID Reads a contiguous segment of data from a specific RFID tag identified by its tag ID 0x96 Multi-Tag Block Write by ID Writes a contiguous segment of data to a specific RFID tag identified by its tag ID 0x88 Table 7-1: ABx Fast RFID Command Table P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 65 OF 82 CHAPTER 7: RFID COMMANDS AND ERROR CODES 7.2 AB X S TAN DAR D RFID C OMMAND T ABLE The table below lists the ABx Standard RFID commands supported by C1007-Series RFID Controllers. COMM AND ID C OM M A ND N AM E DESCRIP TION RFID Tag Commands 0x04 Fill Tag Fills a specified tag address range with a one-byte value 0x05 Read Data Reads a specified number of bytes from a contiguous (sequential) length of tag memory 0x06 Write Data Writes a specified number of bytes to a contiguous length of tag memory 0x07 Read Tag ID Retrieves a tag s unique identification (Tag ID) number 0x08 Tag Search Instructs the controller to search for a tag in its RF field 0x0D Start Continuous Read Instructs the controller to start and stop Continuous Read mode. 0x0E Read Tag ID and Data Retrieves the tag ID and a specified number of bytes from the tag 0x0F Start Continuous Read Tag ID and Data Instructs the controller to start and stop Continuous Read Tag ID and Data mode. RFID Controller Commands 0x35 Reset Controller Resets power to the controller 0x36 Set Controller Configuration Used to modify and update the configuration settings of the controller 0x37 Get Controller Configuration Retrieves configuration settings from the controller 0x38 Get Controller Info Retrieves hardware, firmware and serial number information from the controller Table 7-2: ABx Standard RFID Command Table P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 66 OF 82 CHAPTER 7: RFID COMMANDS AND ERROR CODES 7.3 E RROR C ODES If the C1007 encounters a fault during operation, it will generate a response that includes a one-byte ABx error code. Entering an invalid Start Address for a Read Data command, for example, will generate ABx Error Code 0x32 (Invalid Programming Address). To display the single-byte error code in binary, the two left-most amber Node LEDs (LED 24 and LED 23) represent the first or most significant digit (MSD) of the error code. The three remaining amber Node LEDs (LED 22, LED 21 and LED 20) are combined to represent the second or least significant digit (LSD) of the error code. Examples: • • If the five amber Node LEDs (from L to R) = ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, ON, the first digit of the error code is a 2 and the second digit is a 1, meaning that error code 0x21 occurred (error code 0x21 = command syntax error). If the five amber Node LEDs (from L to R) = ON, ON, OFF, ON, OFF, the first digit of the error code is a 3 and the second digit is a 2, meaning that error code 0x32 occurred (error code 0x32 = invalid programming address). R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O R C 2 2 2 2 2 P F O The RF LED and amber Node LEDs will continue to flash until a valid command is received by the controller. The green COM LED will remain ON to help orient the binary LED positions. If an unrecoverable error occurs, the LEDs will continuously flash the error code until the C1007 has been reset. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 67 OF 82 CHAPTER 7: RFID COMMANDS AND ERROR CODES 7.4 AB X E RROR C ODE T ABLE ERROR CODE DESCRIP TION 0x04 Fill Operation not Completed 0x05 Read Operation not Completed 0x06 Write Operation not Completed 0x07 Read Tag ID Operation not Completed (Tag not Found) 0x21 Command Syntax Error 0x23 Unsupported Tag Type / Unsupported RF Command 0x27 Memory Lock Operation not Completed (Memory Locked) 0x30 Internal Error, Buffer Overflow 0x31 Invalid Controller Type 0x32 Invalid Programming Address 0x33 Invalid CRC Value 0x34 Invalid Software Version 0x35 Invalid Reset 0x36 Set Configuration Operation not Completed 0x37 Get Configuration Operation not Completed Table 7-3: ABx Error Codes P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 68 OF 82 CHAPTER 7: RFID COMMANDS AND ERROR CODES 7.5 AB X F AST E RROR R ESPONSE S TRUCTUR E ABx Fast error responses contain a two-byte Header, a two-byte Response Size parameter followed by a single-byte Error Flag (0xFF) and a single-byte Error Code parameter, which identifies the error that occurred. ERROR RESPONSE ELEM ENT CONTENT Header 0x02, 0x02 Response Size 0x0002 Error Flag 0xFF Error Code Single-byte Error Code Checksum Optional Terminator 0x03 Table 7-4: ABx Fast - Error Response Structure ABX FAST ERROR RESPONSE EXAMPLE Below is an example of an ABx Fast error response for a failed Write Data command (error code 0x06). ERROR RESPONSE ELEM ENT CONTENT Header 0x02, 0x02 Response Size 0x0002 Error Flag 0xFF Error Code 0x06 Checksum Optional Terminator 0x03 P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 69 OF 82 CHAPTER 7: RFID COMMANDS AND ERROR CODES 7.6 AB X S TAN DAR D E RROR R ESPONSE S TRUCTUR E In ABx Standard, the error code will be returned in the LSB of the second word of the response. Below is the structure of an ABx Standard error response. ERROR RESPONSE ELEM ENT CONTENT (M SB/LSB) Error Response Header (MSB/LSB) 0xAA, 0xFF Error Code (MSB/LSB) 0x00, <1-byte error code value> Terminator (MSB/LSB) 0xFF, 0xFF Table 7-5: ABx Standard - Error Response Structure ABX ST ANDARD E RROR RESPONSE EX AMPLE Below is an example of an ABx Standard error response message for a failed Write Data operation (error code: 0x06). ERROR RESPONSE ELEM ENT CONTENT (M SB/LSB) Error Response Header (MSB/LSB) 0xAA, 0xFF Error Code (MSB/LSB) 0x00, 0x06 Terminator (MSB/LSB) 0xFF, 0xFF P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 70 OF 82 APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ELECT RICAL Supply Voltage 10~30VDC Power Consumption: 3.6W (150mA @ 24VDC) C1007-232-01 and C1007-485-01 Power Consumption: 5VDC (from USB bus) C1007-USB-01 COMMUNICAT ION Communication Interfaces Point-to-Point: RS232, USB Multi-drop, Subnet16, MUX32: RS485 RFID Interface Cobalt C1007-Series RFID System RF Output Power 100mW Air Protocols ISO 15693, ISO 14443A Air Protocol Speed 26.5k Baud / 106k Baud with CRC error detection RS232/RS485 Baud Rates 9600 (default), 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, 115.2k MECHANIC AL Dimensions 116.4mm x 73.1mm x 24mm (4.58in x 2.88in x .94in) Weight 210 grams (7.4 ounces) Enclosure Polycarbonate ENVIRONMENT AL Operating Temperature -20° to 49°C (-4° to 120°F), Storage Temperature -40° to 85°C (-40° to 185°) Humidity 100% Protection Class IP67 Shock Resistance IEC 68-2-27, Half-sine 30 G, 11ms, 3 shocks each axis Vibration Resistance IEC 68-2-6, Test FC 1.5mm; 10 to 55Hz; 2 hours each axis NOTE: Specifications are subject to change without notice P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 71 OF 82 APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS C1007-SERIES RFID CONTROLLER DIMENSIONS Dimensions are listed in millimeters and [inches]. Figure Appendix A-0-1: C1007-Series RFID Controller Dimensions P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 72 OF 82 APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES Escort Memory Systems designs, manufactures and distributes a wide range of high frequency (HF) RFID equipment including RFID controllers, network interface modules (Gateways and Hubs), RFID tags and the cables needed to make it all work. This portion of the manual lists the products and accessories available for the C1007Series RFID product family. To purchase any of the items listed below contact your EMS distributor, call us directly at (800) 626-3993 or visit our Web site: Please let us know if you have any questions. EMS H ARDWARE C1007-Series RF ID Controllers There are three models of the C1007-Series RFID Controller: § C1007-232-01 § C1007-485-01 § C1007-USB-01 The C1007 product package contains the following components: EMS P/N QTY DESCRIP TION C1007-XXX-01 C1007-Series RFID Controller 00-3000 Configuration Tag for C1007 (I-CODE SLi) 17-3140/2/3 C1007-Series RFID Controller Installation Guide Note: XXX = 232, 485 or USB Subnet16 G ateway Interface Modules GWY-01-TCP-01 Subnet16 TCP/IP Gateway GWY-01-IND-01 Subnet16 Industrial Ethernet Gateway Subnet16 Hub Interface Modules HUB-04-TCP-01 Subnet16 4-Port TCP/IP Hub HUB-04-IND-01 Subnet16 4-Port Industrial Ethernet Hub P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 73 OF 82 APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES C OBALT F AMILY S OFTWARE & D EMONSTRATI ON K ITS 7.6.1 Software Application s Visit the Escort Memory Systems website ( for download instructions. Cobalt HF Dashboard (for TCP/IP or Serial Connections) Communicate in real time with one or more readers directly or via Multi-drop network. Allows users to configure, monitor and control their RFID devices from anywhere on their network. C-Macro Builder C-Macro Builder is an easy to use, GUI-driven utility that provides rapid development and implementation of custom RFID command macros. 7.6.2 D em o n s t r a t i o n K i t s 00-1202 C1007-USB-01 Demo Kit (includes one C1007-USB-01 controller, one CBL-1525 USB interface cable, one LRP125VS tag, one LRP250S tag and one T7036 tag. 00-1203 Gateway TCP Demo Kit (includes one GWY-01-TCP-01 TCP Gateway interface module, one C0405-485-01 controller, one C1007-485-01 controller, one HF-0405485-01 controller, LRP125S, LRP250 and T7036 RFID tags, interface cables, display board, power supply and carrying case). 00-1218 Conveyor Demo Kit (includes one GWY-01-IND-01 Industrial Gateway interface module, one C0405-485-01 controller, one C1007-485-01 controller, one HF-CNTL485-01 controller, one HF-ANT-1010-01 antenna, one LRP108S tag, three LRP250S tags, one LRP525S tag, two T5050 tags, three T7036 tags, interface cables and power supply). P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 74 OF 82 APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES C ABLE AND N ETWORK A CCESSORIES EMS P/N COMPO NENT DESCRIPT ION CBL-1478 Cable Assembly 8-pin, female M12 to RS232; with 2.5mm DC power jack, 2m CBL-1480-XX Cable 5-pin, male M12 to 5-pin, female M12 (ThinNet) CBL-1481-XX Cable 5-pin, male M12 to 5-pin, male M12 (ThinNet) CBL-1481-02 Cable 5-pin, male M12 to 5-pin, male M12, 2m (ThinNet, Gateway to Drop-T) CBL-1482-XX Cable 5-pin, male M12 to 5-pin, female, right-angle M12 (ThinNet) CBL-1483-XX Cable 5-pin, male 7/8 16 to 5-pin, female 7/8-16 (ThickNet) CBL-1484-XX Cable 5-pin, male, right-angle 7/8-16 to bare wire leads (ThickNet) CBL-1485 Drop-T Connector 5-pin, female 7/8-16 / female M12 / male 7/8-16 (ThickNet to ThinNet) CBL-1486 Drop-T Connector 5-pin, female M12 / 5-pin, female M12 / 5-pin, male M12 (ThinNet to ThinNet) CBL-1487 Field Mountable Connector 5-pos, straight female M12 CBL-1488-XX Cable 8-pin, female M12 to bare wire leads CBL-1489 Termination Resistor Plug 5-pin, male 7/8-16 (ThickNet) CBL-1490 Termination Resistor Plug 5-pin, male M12 (ThinNet) CBL-1491 Field Mountable Connector 5-pos, right-angle female M12 CBL-1492-XX Cable 8-pin, right-angle female M12 to bare wire leads CBL-1493 Field Mountable Connector 8-pos, straight female M12 CBL-1494-01 Cable 5-pin, female M12 to bare wire leads, 1m (ThinNet) CBL-1495-XX Cable 5-pin, female 7/8-16 to bare wire leads CBL-1496 5-pin, female M12 (ThinNet) Termination Resistor Plug P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 75 OF 82 APPENDIX B: MODELS & ACCESSORIES CBL-1497 Termination Resistor Plug 5-pin, female 7/8-16 (ThickNet) CBL-1498-02 Cable 5-pin, male M12 to bare wire leads, 2m (ThinNet) CBL-1514 Connector 5-pin, straight male, reverse-keyed M12 (for USB) CBL-1515-05 Cable CAT5E shielded Ethernet to 5-Pin, male, D-Code M12, 5m CBL-1524 Connector 5-pin, straight female, reverse-keyed M12 CBL-1525 Cable Assembly 5-pin, female, reverse-keyed M12 to USB Type A, 3m XX = Length in Meters P OWER S UPPLIES 00-1166 45W, 24VDC, 1.88A max, universal input (90-264VAC, 47-63Hz), 5.5x2.5mm plug, positive tip; requires country specific power cord to mate to IEC 320 power cord receptacle. 00-1167 100W, 24VDC, 4.17A max, universal input (90-264VAC, 47-63Hz), 5.5x2.5mm plug, positive tip; requires country specific power cord to mate with IEC 320 power cord receptacle. 00-1168 120W, 24VDC, 5.0A max, universal input (88-132VAC/176-264VAC switch selectable, 47-63Hz) DIN rail mount; AC wire receptacles are spring clamped for direct wire connection. 7.6.3 Escort M emory Syst ems RFID Tags Escort Memory Systems designs and manufactures several lines of RFID tags. LRP, HMS and T-Series passive read/write RFID tags are specially suited for the C1007Series product line. P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 76 OF 82 APP ENDIX C : NETW ORK D IAG RAMS APPENDIX C: NETWORK DIAGRAMS Subnet16 Gateway C1007-485-01 ThinNet Network Diagram Figure Appendix C-0-1: Subnet16 Gateway - C1007-485-01 ThinNet Network Diagram P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 77 OF 82 APP ENDIX C : NETW ORK D IAG RAMS Subnet16 Gateway C1007-485-01 ThickNet Network Diagram Figure Appendix C-0-2: Subnet16 Gateway - C1007-485-01 ThinNet Network Diagram P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 78 OF 82 APP ENDIX C : NETW ORK D IAG RAMS Subnet16 Hub C1007-485-01 Network Diagram Figure Appendix C-0-3: Subnet16 Hub - C1007-485-01 Network Diagram P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 79 OF 82 APPENDIX D: ASCII CHART APPENDIX D: ASCII CHART P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 80 OF 82 APPENDIX D: ASCII CHART P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 81 OF 82 EMS W ARRANT Y EMS WARRANTY scort Memory Systems warrants that all products of its own manufacturing conform to Escort Memory Systems specifications and are free from defects in material and workmanship when used under normal operating conditions and within the service conditions for which they were furnished. The obligation of Escort Memory Systems hereunder shall expire one (1) year after delivery, unless otherwise specified, and is limited to repairing, or at its option, replacing without charge, any such product that in Escort Memory Systems sole opinion proves to be defective within the scope of this Warranty. In the event Escort Memory Systems is not able to repair or replace defective products or components within a reasonable time after receipt thereof, Buyers shall be credited for their value at the original purchase price. Escort Memory Systems must be notified in writing of the defect or nonconformity within the warranty period and the affected product returned to Escort Memory Systems factory or to an authorized service center within thirty (30) days after discovery of such defect or nonconformity. Shipment shall not be made without prior authorization by Escort Memory Systems. This is Escort Memory Systems' sole warranty with respect to the products delivered hereunder. No statement, representation, agreement or understanding oral or written, made by an agent, distributor, representative, or employee of Escort Memory Systems which is not contained in this warranty, will be binding upon Escort Memory Systems, unless made in writing and executed by an authorized Escort Memory Systems employee. Escort Memory Systems makes no other warranty of any kind what so ever, expressed or implied, and all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use which exceed the aforementioned obligation are here by disclaimed by Escort Memory Systems and excluded from this agreement. Under no circumstances shall Escort Memory Systems be liable to Buyer, in contract or in tort, for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, expenses, losses or delay however caused. Equipment or parts that have been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, alteration, neglect, unauthorized repair or installation are not covered by warranty. Escort Memory Systems shall make the final determination as to the existence and cause of any alleged defect. No liability is assumed for expendable items such as lamps and fuses. No warranty is made with respect to equipment or products produced to Buyer s specification except as specifically stated in writing by Escort Memory Systems in the contract for such custom equipment. This warranty is the only warranty made by Escort Memory Systems with respect to the goods delivered hereunder, and may be modified or amended only by a written instrument signed by a duly authorized officer of Escort Memory Systems and accepted by the Buyer. Extended warranties of up to four years are available for purchase for most Escort Memory Systems products. Contact Escort Memory Systems or your distributor for more information. C O P YR I G H T © 2 0 0 7 E S C O R T M E M O R Y S Y S T E M S , A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D P/N : 17-1327 R EV 02 (0 8/07) PAGE 82 OF 82
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