Barrett Communication BARRETT2050HF HF SSB Transceiver User Manual Part 3
Barrett Communication Pty. Ltd. HF SSB Transceiver Part 3
Part 3
RETT 0 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Slgnal Strength Mule Level Prtlleilsd ——-—-i1ute Settings-— A Signal Strength A male Settings Mute Level v Low ~SlgnalStrenuihl1llte Level—— A, Law This seuion selecls the level at which the Signal Strength Level (SSL) mule (squelch) opens Levels available are low. medium and high. When set w low the mule will open on a relatively low level of received signal, when set to high the mule will open on a relatively high level of reoeived signall Use the Scroll keys I0 selecl the setting required (example High):- —Slqnal Strewih mute Level—- High When the selting required is selecled press the C key -—Slgnel Strength Mule Level—- High J Selected L_| _==—==—= 101 0! 237 —————— BARRETT HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Selcall settings Three difierent selective call ID's can be set whhin lhe Barrel! 2050 transceiver as Iollowsz» Salcall ID 1 - setting 4 digit seloall sell ID ——-—Pr’a vitifi———— ——-——S¢I:aII Sailings— A A Selcan Settings Selcell 101 V V anon --——Selcall m |——-— Selcall ID1 - a 4 digit ID men \he transceiver will respond to on channels with International or CCIR MAZ In Australia) format programmed. Salcall ID 2 .. sefling 4 dIgIt selcall seIf ID w—Sekall Silllngg—fl Wale-(fed SelcaIlSe-fiings “mm“ v V none ——--—-SechII |nz-————- Selcall |D2 — a 4 digit ID that (he transceiver will respond 10 on channels programmed for use wnh OEM 1(Codan compau'ble) selcan iormat programmed. 102 of237 ====== BARRETT HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Setting su Disk ID — setting a dlgk selcall self ID Pmteded—— ._..._.—Selcall Sekllngs— A . . A Selcall‘S stings mm") v ‘V Manon 5mm Six digit ID — a 6 digit ID that the firsnsceiver responds to on channels programmed for the International or the OEM 1 formal. Nouh We recommend that the sell ID should not be sei to XOOO. XXOO of XXXO as these are reserved selcan numbers for all can, groupacall or sub—group—caM use. Setting Selcall MMSI — GMDSS sales" an" ID (for future Ilsa) Protecied— ———-SelcaUSellings——— A. , A salsa“ Settings 53mm”; v V ufinaannnn ._—-——Se|(allm1$b———— m 1 03 of 237 ARRETT 50 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Selcall alarm Protected Selsall Selllngs—u nlarlli 'I\ Seleail Sailings Y The selcall received audio annunclalian can be turned on or off using this function; (his is useful when lhe transceiver is used in ooverl operations. Reoepflon all the selcall oonlinues to be displayed visually on the display, Use the Scroll keys to select the semng required (example shows seleclion or alarm “On"):- ma. in DD Selected |i_i 104cll237 —====—== AR ETTZOSO HF 535 RA SCEIVER Selcall transmit lanes audio level —Pt nlectc-d Selcall canines—— )A\ Selmldinin is: ‘A Selcail Sellings V V off To oonfirm transmission ole selcall the eelcalt tones are normally output on the transoeiver loudspeaker. In cenain slluafions this is not requlred or the tone volume requires adlusledl This section allows the selcell audio to be disabled or set to two volume settings, Low or High. Use the Scroll keys to select the setting required (example selcall volume “Low" :- ——-3elnuaie in Til-— Low ‘V When the semng required ls selected press the C key Selfludm in 1 x——— Lmrlr Selecled =—== 105 of 237 ARRETT 20 0 F SB TRANSCEKV Selcall We-amble length setting -——~Pmle(ted-—-—— ———Sslcall$emn-gs A A Selcail Sailings Preamble V V lm The selcall pfe-ambls lenglh can be set between 1 and 10 seconds dependlng on how many channels are used in the scan table being used. Allow seems let each selcall channel m be scanned plus one second, E.g. to scan 8 selcall channels:- 5ooms x a + 1 sec. = 5 seconds. Use the Scroll keys lo select the selcall pre-amble length required (example "5 seconds") :- Preamble—— When lhe selfing required Is selected press the key ——Pn=amble Ssecs Selenllad 106 ol237 l======= 50 HF SSB TRANSCElVER TXCVR Lack Dmlected————— —Se:rall£emngs——-—— A A Seltallsettings “W“ “W" v V (hennel. 000! This section enables the network operator to send a special key (programmed into a lransoelver during programming) by selcall to disable that transceiver. The transceiver remains locked until an unlock code is entered, Thls lunction can be used If the transceiver has been stolen and it is being used Illegally. The lock call will be made on the channel selected befut'e entering this function. The channel number is shown on the TXCVR display. Before proceeding it the channel presently selected Is not a selcall channel the lellowlng |s dlsplayed elcell Salutes—— TXEVR luck V Hus (in Selcall (hammer Select a channel that you expect the trenscelver you want to lock is on and that has selcall pmgremmed press the 'E key rxtvn Lock— m-‘l l l 3 address Bunk Empty Press call to Emllnue enter the selcall number at the transceiver you wlsh to disable (see entering selull numbers in the selmll section) 107 0! 237 HFSSBT SCElVER enter the 8 digit numeric lock code (this was loaded into the transceiver when initially programmed tor the network) Pressthe l: key If you are absolutely sure you want to lock the transceiver with selcell ID entered use the Sole" keys to select “Yes" -——-E(-nli1mTransm J Yes pressthe 1; key The transceiver will now send the lock call. A revertive call lrom the transceiver being locked will confirm the action. Channel: mm iztili 1», iOUUClflknz Tncvr Luck V}? in; mm A transceiver that has been locked by this process can only be unlocked by using the Barrett programming software. See the programm'mg software lor details. 10807237 ==$= BARR T 2050 HF SSE TRANSCElVER OEM Pagecall Key . alcall Seiim93——— A A Seltail Settings DEM Page-mime“ V V urr Prnientted——_. When using OEM 1 selcall protocol, Pagecalls can either be sent plain text or encrypted by using either the privacy key programmed by the programming sofiware or it no privacy key Is programmed the default value 0! 9999999. Selecting “On“ and Pagecall is encrypted, selecting "on“ Pagecall is sent in plain text. Use the Scroll keys ta select the setting required (example shows seleclion OEM Pageeali key ‘0n'):» .—_.ul:t1 Pagecall (eg— On _|Jm Pagerall Key—— [in Selected === 109 0! 237 BARRETT HF SSB TRANSCEIV Audio Settings Audlo bandwidth flroxecied—m— fiudln Sailings Rum Settings—— . , A lludm Bandwmlh NV 300Hz—l 5sz J This section allows me audio bandwidth to be tailored to an operator‘s oomlurl requirements. Sslflngs available are lull bandwidlh - 300Hz — 1i5kHz, BOOHZ — 2.0kHZ, SOOHZ — 2.5kHl , SODHZ — 3.0kHZ. Use lhe Scroll keys to select the audio bandwldlh required (example “300Hz to 2.5kl-lz“):- -—F4udia Bandwidth Al 3!!I]Hz—".5kllz When the audio bandwidlh required is displayed press the key —n-mi<4 Eandwidih mafia—25k": El Seiected L—r'_—_l 1100f237 n======= “Beep" volume level Prolecled-"—— A A [ludiu Selling: new Lem v V on This section is used to set or disable the annunciallorl beep volume levels. These are me various tones associated with key presses. In oevert operations lhese can be disabled, in other operations these are sel for operator comfort, Selfings are “Ofl', ‘Lovlf' or “High" (example shown “beep" tones High):- Use the Scroll keys to selecl the “beep" volume level required (example shown "beep“ lones level “High'):- _--Eieep Level—— When the “beep“ level required is dlsplayed press the '= Key Beep Level High Selected —== 11101237 BARRETT 20 0 HF SSB TRANSCElVER Receiver audio path configuration Drniecler1—— Rwio Selilngs Rx turrfiguration V Internal more [main Settings The secfton seis where the unprocessed receiver audio in lhe transceiver is sourced Nnmrally this is sei to internal; in this case we transceivers receiver provides me unprocessed audio. When used wllh a remote receiver, In Split site operalions. it can be set to external, in this case unprocessed receive audio lrom me remote sile can be Inpui Into the anxiliary sockets 600 ohm balanced audio port. Use me Scroll keys to select seifing required (example shows “Exiernalaudio"):- -——-fl¢< Conligurahen— External audio press the '5 key -mlviurailUn——— Exterfial nudio a Selected SCElVER BARRETT 2050 HF SSB ———-—-Flur5|c- Settings —— Tx Etinl‘iguraliunC Local 1ransmmer audio palh configuration Protecte.j...-.__ A. [indict Settings ‘V The section sets where he transmitter audio in the transceiver is sourced. Normally this is set (0 "Hamil; in this case (he transceivers miclophone provides (he transmitter audio. When used with a female site operation, it can be set to ‘Temole”, in (his case the iransmit audio is Input into the auxiliary sockets 600 ohm balanced audio port. Use the Scroll keys to select selling required (example shows "Remoie"):- ——Tx Eonliguralian——— Remnla pressthe a key —-Tx Ennilwrahon— Remote Selected ls“ 1130'237 BARRETT 0 HF SSB TRANSCEWER Line Audio Pmieded Rudlo Sawfly—- A L' ii iii A nudiasattings “9 U “V‘ V unMuled Thls section sets the muting condition of the 600 ohms balanced auolo line output on the rear auxlllary connector. The llne output can be set to "Uri-Muted" or “Follows Mute'. When set to "Follows Mute" the line output is muted In the same manner as the speaker output and iollcwe the mute condition currently In use. The line output is usually set to ‘Un-Muted' when using date modems Use the Scroll keys to select the noise reduction ~depth" required (example "Follows Mute-y.- Lirie Rurfio Follows Mutt? presslhe la key _Line Ruffle—— Falluws time 4 Selected 114 0'237 EB BARRETT Noise Reduction ——fludiu 59tl.lngs——-— -—-——-—Dv‘0l~:—ded Noise Reductinn A A 1“ lludlti Sailings V v Heak Thls section allows me DSP noise reducllon “depth" to he adiusled to suit he operalor's comlorl requirements. Settings available are Weak‘ Medium and Sirong. ll should be noied that as lhe “depth" is increased the processed human voice gets a mom metallic quality. Use the Scroll keys to select me noise reducflon "depth" required (example Medium"):- Naise Redntlll‘nm— fiedium When he noise reduc'rlon required is displayed press ihe key -———lloise Redur Medium Selected I==_==—== 11501237 0 HF SSE RF settings Opllonal IF rliter enable -——----W nlecled A . , A RF Settings Optimal IF Flller v ‘s’ Disabled When enabled me opfional IF filter at physieally fined) is seleeled aulomafimiiy when AFSK of CW mode is sslsclsd. This is useful when (he transceiver is used in some data transmission applicafions. Use me Scroll keys lo select the selling required (example shown “Enabled"):- '——-—0Pllcnal iF Filler—— Enehiad was me 'a key '—QP|iflflal IF Filter {named Selected Notm- This setting is only available if llie narmw filter selllng is selected during programming fmm the programming sol-ware, 11601237 “— CEIVER RRETT 20 HF SSE Receiver P’s—amplifier Fromm -RF Semnqs A . A Rf setting; Rx Praama v v Disabled Enables or disables RF preamplifier. this preamplifier provides and additional receiver gain oi SdB. Genemlly the RF pre-amplifier is switched off when an automatic mobile antenna is in use as these antenna have an inbuilt RF pre—amp. Use the Scroll keys to select the settlng required (example shown "Em-bled“):- RH PreamP—_— Enabled Q m > press the key M Dreams»— Enabled Seletteti === 1170f237 BARRETT 0 HF SSB TmNSCEiVER clarlfler range P. olei:ted-————— RF Sailings A A RI“ Settings “am” Range v ‘V N11 This menu Item allows the user to set Me darifier range or disable the clarifier. the range can be set to +l-50HZ, +l-150Hz or +1—1kHZ. Use the Scroll keys (0 select the clarifier mnge required (example shown +/»1kHz):- ———Eiarirg Range-— tkflz ( a... 7 When 1he clarifier iimii requlred is displayed press me key Elarirg wield—— 1k": Selected 11801237 ==== ARRETT 20 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Noise blanker threshold --——-—Dl elected nr Selling; A_ Noise Blanker A urSettmgs Threshold V or; Thls menu item allows the prediclive noise blanksr in be switched on or off and allows the seleclion of three threshold levels. The noise blanker is useful to reduce lhs interference caused Wlmln Vehicles with petrol engines. Note:- The noise blanker will not be effedive in silualions where exiemal power line noise sic Is blankefing the receiver. Use me Scroll keys (0 select the setiing required (example shown “Threshold Low"):- -———Nc-l.mteded——-—— --~—t-’D Settings —- Ext alarm {we V V {etched Ax IIU Settings This secfinn sets the 801an of “16 external alarm oumut, on pl" 17 OHhe 25 pln D auxiliary connector, activated when a selcall is reoeide by the Iransoeivet. It can be set to either a pulse output (tor use with a horn) where the output is activated 15 seconds on, 15 seconds off; or a constant output (for use with 3 relating beacon). Both are reset by pressing the clear key or action at the P11 button, Use the Scroll keys to select the setting required (example shown ‘Pulsed‘):- -——E> — IN G" PEGULFEF: SCHEDULE FIT 1 mums ZULU (ms PLHH 132 Or use (he messages:- keys to select other preset -—-< Preset Message 2 >—— ELL STRTMNS NOTE NETWORK 013mm HHS To CHPNEE m 095 mm 432 1400'237 fi AR ETT 0 HF SSE RANSCEIVER When the “Preset Message" is selected or the “NOW Message" is entered. press the @ key the ALE call sequence will now commence:- gsannek Eli“! lam 3“ 100111101“x 3&5; mt Call lo Buszsmnon linking in progress:- (hanner new 121m 100mm”! ; Iiflw fili link J} m ‘ nu, the link is established, an audible alarm will sound after which you can start communication with me Station you called:- thlnntl um IBM “ a, loot-0.0”! is _ linkeduis “15 “J” m or n you already had rwo links established:- hannelv nom law 100005 km 5,359 3 nu: Links The following error messages may be displayed:- 141 of 237 ARRETT 2050 H SSE TRANSC V For various reasons me Ilnk attempt failed Le. no response from (he called mafia" or the link was rejected by the called stalionz~ Channel: EM! lauu ~ WOOODm link amen-pi f ailad You sltempted to make a call but for various masons he syslem cannot make me call i.e. incorrect sen address, no presets available‘ no valid LQA'S available:- [hanneEz mm: 12:0»? “5 M 100099an [amok make all Can 142 of 237 m ARRETT 0 HF SSE TRANSCElVER Making a ulephone call vla ALE stations with telephone Interconnect lacilities select “ALE Phone" with the scroll keys FILE Phune V' __—J then press the @ key RLE more—— To EEC Fri-55 Enler For Qddvess book Ere-5s (all In Cominue 56801 me station ID ol the station you wish to call (the "To" ID) (see the section below "Selecting ALE 513mm ID's) RLE Phone- m- (BBC BRSESTRTION then press RLE Phon . r nan: EEG PressEnter Fm address Book F't'é‘LS (all in (ontinue select the station ID you are calling from (your sew ID can be varied, (the “From' m» (see me section below “Selectan ALE station ID’s) m 143 01237 ARRETT 20 0 HF SSE TRAN VER -—--i1LE Winne— r RUM: mu: FIELDERSE Press tall m Emllnue m9" mm Qy Ellhar enter the islephone number using the numeric keypad (a number up to 15 digits) Press Enter to accept messiah m Epnlmue Of < ii you think mar telephone number is in in phone book use me ' Scroll keys to find the name and number you warm to cell;- -—TeIePhone Number 0894 dfio ‘ were" amen Ulllce Pr ess c sl'ito Conlnue Or If you know the name associated with the telephone number in me phone book press me key and either enier the first letter or the name you want to call using the alpha keypad and use lhe Soroll keys or use the Scroll keys to find the name you W8n| to call:- —-TelePthe Number—— 0011441420542?“ we Pi .all m (mlinue Or press me é key and the phone number previously called will be called again. 144 of237 BARRETT 2050 HF SSB CElVER the ALE call sequence will now commence:- Ehannei: OI!!!) (24m 1 0000.0“: ' mi (all iu mum's “OH linking in progress:- Channel: min $204) an 10000.0knz %‘E§>' an Ill! Wk . lhe link is established, an audible alarm will suund after which you can start wmmunicallon with the station you called:- >E nml olim 12:00 m if? iUuUU. (3sz [irked via at: mm or "you already had two links established: Egan! fi 1 l] 12:00 m; 1 0000.0 Hi! 1, fi 3 “IE links The following error messages may be displayed:- For various reasons the link attempt tailed t.e. nu response from (he called station or the link was rejected by the called station:- (- nnzl ml“) lull] 259100600“; link “(tempt f ailed 145 of 237 BARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRANSCE‘VER You anemplad to make a call but for various reasons the system cannot make me call i. incorrect self address, no presets available, no valid LQA 5 available:- ihsnnel‘ 00m 12m ”15?!th meat)“; 5 (mm: make Ill: Ea!) 146on37 l=== SSE TRANSCElVER Selecfing ALE Station ID’s Unlike Seloall ID‘s which you can enter yourself into the transceivers Address books. ALE network station ID's are pre-programmed Into your transceiver. This Is usually perturmed by your network adminis1rator prior to deployment using the Barrett ALE fill program via lhe RS~232 port on the Auxifiary socket or Via the IR link from a PC or Laptop Note“.- the same method is used to select the “To" and ‘Frem' ID, the “To“ ID is shown below- Enher enter the station ID 05an the numeric keys (the number or the station you wlsh to call. see “Station ID ranges") aLL Ceur_._.__ To. 35 Press fitter to mm Press call la Eonlmue 01 all the stations are in the address book. use the scroll keys to find the station you want to cell, then press the Q key ——-—RL£ tall“— 111va ER5ESTHYiDN Dress c lilo continue Or if you know the name of the station press the key and either enter the first lake! of he name you want to call uslng the alpha keypad then use me Scroll keys or use the Scroll keys to find the name e! lhe station you Want to call (example “b" entered'1» all leI n 03 to Continue === 147 01237 ARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Raceiving an ALE call Various types el ALE cell can be reoelved as described below. When an ALE call ie yeur stafion commences the lollcnving ls displayed on your transceiver:- A simian In Me ALE net is aflempfing to establish a Ilnk to your station:- Elnnnel- flflll) (2110 1 0000.0“: limos-ins RLE Les! Your station is now linked, an audible alarm sounds:- __—tell Renewed IILE tail FlElllnfiSE This is a normal call and conversation can now commence. Or ---—Ea|l [deceived- IILE Wiidcardcall f If! Bil-Isl: An address has melched an inoomlng Wildcard address. Wildcard addresses have special characters (quesiion marks) in them that do not require an exad match with me local address to link E.g. “FIELD?" will link with any sis-lion ihai has a self address stsmng wiih FIELD and endlng in a single addmenal character (for example. FIELD1 er FIELDA). A sleden mat linked using a Wildcard call may net be (he only simian in me link. Stations respond to a Wildcard all in random slots. 148 0! 237 m ARRETT 2050 558 TRANSCElV Or .—.._.Ca|| Recelvéd flLE ungcail ”Emmi“: An address has matched an incoming Anycall. Ari Anycaii is a special call type that may link with any station(s) listening. stations respond to Allycalls in random slots. —-—i:a|| Ream-led“— flLE nlltall HELSERSE An address has matched an incoming Allcall. An Allcall is a special call type that may Ilnk with any station listening. Siatlons do not respond to Allcallsi Slnoe the station which intt'rated the all does not receive any link acknowledgements it cannot determine whlcti station(s) have accepted the link. wmi all the above calls an alarm wIll sound lor sosacs. After pressing a key, the lollowlng page: appear. ii the mine alarm times out in» system blips periodically (~5sec Intervals). Shows the address called i.e. one cl your addresses:- —-< qLE Call Page 2 7—— TD mists mTlDN Pressing me E] or LE scrolls between ihs two pages at call data. The following page sum the address of me slailon that called yauz~ 149 M237 Or BARRETT —( NLE Cali base 1 )-—- From “mums: Pressing the E] key dlsplays the | Emmy nMn mm; m; 1 0000.0kflz 9, linked via ms 4 1 my: F SSB TRANSCEIVER ink status:- if more than one Ilnk is in progress (example 3 links):- chamxer mm 124m 1 coconut ‘ 3 “if [ill-K5 (K 150 01 237 ========
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 50 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:f3289509-cdd9-4b12-91ba-91458a42c999 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Paper Capture Create Date : 2006:11:16 13:59:44-05:00 Creator Tool : Network ScanGear Ver.2.01 Modify Date : 2006:11:16 13:59:59-05:00 Metadata Date : 2006:11:16 13:59:59-05:00 Document ID : uuid:26e8be1f-98b3-4ed6-bb5d-4b8714e0e8c4 Format : application/pdf Creator : Network ScanGear Ver.2.01EXIF Metadata provided by