Barrett Communication BARRETT2050HF HF SSB Transceiver User Manual Part 1
Barrett Communication Pty. Ltd. HF SSB Transceiver Part 1
Part 1
E’JBARRETT 2050 ADVANCED HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Operating and Installation Manual BCMZDSDD/l 1 - © Barrel! Communications www.barreltoammunicalinnscomau Head Office: European Omoei Barren Communications P'Y. Ltd. Barren Europe le4 8—10 Pon Kembla Drive 19 Lenten Skeel mm Lake, Westem Australia. 5153 Alton P O BOX1214‘ Bibta Lake,Wes15m Auslmlia, sees Hampshire euu me AUSTRALIA uumzn KINGDOM Toll lree number (within Australia) 1800 999 580 Telephon : ‘613 9434 17m Telephone: 0-44 1420 542254 Facsmfile: *618 9413 S757 Facsimne: MA 1420 543373 The Americas Office: Barren USA LLC 5676 Wldmet Streak Shawnee Kansas 66216 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Talephon ' ¢1 913 322 6231 Facsimile: ¢1 913 273 0779 Email: lnlormafion@barrelmommunica| Emallzsales@haneneurope.w uk Eman- lrvformalion@banemsa com Web Sile: wwwabaneflmmunlcafionsvwmsu Barrett 2040,Barrett 2050 compliance FCC RF exposure compliance statement FCC RF exposure warning FCC modulatlon modes . Industry Canada modulatlon modes . About this operating and Inshlletion manual . Icons and standards Scroll keys Abbrevmions and cronyvn Inlrodnclion.. Onmlonl. User controls . 2050 transceiver front panel description 2050 transceiver control head rear vlew 2050 transceiver rear panel deeaipllo Swltchlng on the transceiver Dlsplay.. Adjustlng the an 0 volume Selecting a channel .. Using lhe microphone 21 Cumming another station - us ng se 22 General .. 22 Entering station ID's and using the address and telephone books Checking for the best channel to use between two slattons - Beacon call . Sending a selcal Receiving a selca Emergency calls 32 Direct dial telephone calls - Telcalls. 35 Call llllefY" 39 Scanning channels Clarifierl Noise reductlon selean Mule lequelch) selection Mode selectlon Text messaging — “Pagecall'. "SMS" .. Remote slsfion operational status — “Statcall Person to persons) secure call Tunlng the receiver .. Scanning ‘th the tunable receiver Menu functlons Menus n 55 Standard Menu 59 ldemlficafion 59 Dlsplay Option Backlight Level. Backllght Timeout. Call History . Address boo IR Enable . Audio Scrambler... 2040 Antenna salon (available when 1050 deployed n 2vo manpflok adapter Transmlt over beep" Transmit timeou Channel Labels. Setting the Cloc Setting the Date E.I.T.E. Test .. Option insnallation. Hopping FlN number entry. Secure Call Code. as Upload Pack as Scan tables . 90 Adding channels to a scan table Editing channels in a Scan table Erasing entries in a scan table Changing Scan table labels Scan table select Mute Settings syllable Mule Sens Signal Strength Mute Level 9 9 Selcall ID 2 — setting 4 digit selcall self ID Selling Six Digil ID— setting 6 digit selcall self ID. 03 Setting Sslcall MMSI — GMDSS Selcall sell ID (for Mule use .103 Selcall alarm 04 Selcall transml ones a Selcall pre-amble length setting 06 TXCVR Lock . 07 OEM Pagecall Key 09 Audio Settings 10 Audlo 3 WI “Beep vdlume level Receiver audio path configurallon Transmitwr audio path configuration Line Audi Noise Redu RF settings... 15 Optional IF lilter enable 16 Reoelver Pre-amplifier. 17 Clarifier range... 1 3 Noise blanker threshold . 19 RF power Ieve 20 IIO Settings . 21 RS-232 Out 21 External alarm 22 Antenna type. 123 GPS receiver enable 24 Line output level adjust 25 Line Input level adju Frequency hopping (option - export permit required) .. Selecting the hop bend Entering the security cod To enable hopping mode To disable hopping mode Security code management ., Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) (option). ALE system overvieu Operation overview Te commence scannin Linking to another station in an ALE network. Making a Netcall... Sending an ALE text message to another station in an ALE netwo 438 Making a telephone all via ALE stations with telephone interconnect femlmesmu Selecting ALE Station ID'S . Receiving an ALE call. Receiving an ALE Messag Receiving an ALE telephone ca 53 Receiving an ALE Nelmll 55 Closing Individual ALE links Closing an all ALE links ALE configuration menu ALE Enable .161 ALE scan Ilsi sele .162 Auto transmit. 163 Transmit Central 64 Sounding centre 65 Sounding Address 66 Link quality analysis (LQA) exchange, Link quality analysis (LOA) exchange moce LQA averaging . 469 Link quality analysts (LQA) decay rate ,170 Threshold test SINAD threshold BER threshol ALE fill mode. Programming functions .. Programming using the Barrett 2050 programming software Progmmming using the Barrett cable FIN ECAQOOZS/ECAZMZ Frogmmming using the erA link. Frogmmming a channel from the front panel. Cloning (progmmming) lroni another transceiver . 205i) transceiver in the 2m manpack adaptor... Fitting the 2050 into the 2040 manpack adaptor Removing the battery cartridge, Charging a 10Ah Iifliium ion battery canndge outside the manpack Battery charge indicator when charging the 2040. Operation in the manpack conflguratlo Manpaok operation using the au matic anten Operation of the manpack in trequency hopping mode Operation of the manpack In temporary base staiions Connectors . .194 Aux ary socket 494 ESU/CW socket . Handset Socket Power socket. Installing the Barren 2050 iranscelver . .197 Land has-d systems Moblle Installation Maflne Installations Connectors . Overflow of HF opefatlon Barrett 2040,Barrett 2050 compliance Barrett 2000 series transceivers comply to the lollowing communications standards:- Austrelien [New Zealand standard MF and HF radio commumcaflons Equlpmeflt in the lend mobile service utilising single sideband suppressed carrier emission AS/NZS 47702000 FCC Part 90 Barrett 2000 series transceivers comply to the following Elllc standard:- EN301 489-1 V 1.4.1 (2002-08) Barrett 2000 series transceivers comply to the follawlng electrical sahty standard:- EN60950-122002 FCC RF exposure compliance statement The Barretl 2040 Manpack Transceiver and tile Barrett 2050 HF Transceiver have been tested and comply with the Federal Communlcations Commission (FCC) RF exposure limits for the General Population/Uncontrolled exposure environment. In addition, it oomplies with the following Standards and Guidelines: FCC 96-326. Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmenml Efleots of Radio~ Frequency Radiation Fcc OET Bulletin 65 Edition 0101 (2001) Supplement c, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines lor Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Eleammogneiie Fields ANSI/lEEE 095.1-1992. lEEE Standard for Salety Levels wiltl Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Flelds, 3 kHz (0 300 GHZ ANSI/lEEE C95.3>1992. lEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurement 01 Potentially Hazardous Electromagneflc Fields - RF and Mlcrwave Gol237 n===— FCC RF exposure warning To ensure optimal transceiver performance and to avoid exposure to excessive electromagnetic fields, the antenna system must be installed according to the instructions provided. High Voltage: exist on the ant nna during tmnsmission and tuning. Do not touch the antenna during these adivi 95. RF bums may result. install the grounding system or oounterpoise as directed to prevent RF burns ircrn any metal part 0! the transceiver. Safe working distance is based on wmlnucus exposure to cw type transmissions, as set out In the ICNIRP Exposure Guidelines (1998) for occupational exposure. Sale working distance can be reduced with normal voice communicaflon, Agra FCC compliance, when the 2050 transceiver is used at a power level oi 100 Watts PEP. the antenna(s) used with this transceiver should be located at least 3 metres horn the operator and should not be oolooated or operating in ooniunchcn with any other antenna or transmitter. A For FCC compliance, when the 2040 transceiver is used at a power level oi so matte PEP, the antenna(s) used with this transceiver should be located at least 1.5 metres train the cpemtor and should not be colocateu or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. FCC modulation modes Please note that J3E Upper Sideband Mode is the only modulation mode available tor operation In the United Slates 0! America. Industry Canada modulation modes Please note that J3E Upper sldeband Mode is the only modulation mode available tor operation In Canada. _====== 7 0! 237 —* BARRETT HF SSE TRANSCEl‘JER About this operating and installation manual This manual is comprehensive. describing all aspects of the transceivers iunctions and should be viewed as a reference manual. A separate abbreviated Quick Reference Guide card with primary functions Is also supplied with each lransoeiver and should be kept at the operating position oi the transceiver. Icons and standards scron keys This manual refers to Scroll keys these keys are:- W M.” to Scroll Down to scroll Leit to scroll Right Abbreviations and Acronyms This term... Means ALE Automatic Link Establishment Call history A list containing dewils of the last «any calls you have received Station ID The ID of the station being called (the receiving smiion's self ID) GP$ Global Positioning system HF ngh Frequency Identlficailon Code The unique reference identification (D) or your transceiver (not serial number) LCD Liquid Crystal Display LSB Lower Sideband (Not available in FCC Baf237 ======= ARRET 0 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER USB Upper Sideband PCB Printed Circuit Board PIN Personal Identification Number PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network PTT button Press—to-talk button RDD Radio Dlrect Dial Receive only channel A channel that allows you to receive mils but not transmit calls Revenive signal An acknowledgement signal automatically transmitted trom a station receiving a Selcsll RF Radio Frequency Rx Receive Scan Table A Ilst ot channels used when scanning for inoomlng calls Selcall Selective calls Telcell Telephone calls via the seleaive call protodol Sell 1D The programmed address identification number of your station. (Used by other smions to call you). 333 Single Sideband (a lransmlssion format) Transmit channel A channel that allows you to receive and transmit calls TX Transmit USB Upper Sideband =—=—=u 9 of 237 ARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Introduction The Barrett 2050 transce‘wer is a DSP based. 500 channel HF SSE transceiver with a lreguency range of 1.6 to so MHZ. The Barrett 2050 is designed using the latest technotogy enabling a physically small package with a lull teature complement. Designed to operate in the most arduous environments, as encountered In off road vehicles, vessels and aircrait, the Barrett 2050 will provide many years of efficient and trouble tree service. The Barrett 2050 supports ieatures such as selective call (Selcall). direct dial telephone oonnection to base stations titted with telephone interconnect systems (Telcall), GPS location, ALE (Automatic Link Establishment), frequency hopping, data transmission and remote diagnose-s. These ieatures make the Barrett 2050 HF transoe'wer one oi the most eoonomicai and versau'le HF transceiver available today. The Barrett 2050 transceiver, has catered tor the increased use of HF data transmission ior Internet email acoess and point to point data applications, by providing a comprehensive data modem interiace port, high speed transmit to receive switching, a high stability itequency standard and an ett'lcient oooling system motion. The Barren 2050 transceiver can be operated in either a local (desktop) configuration tor base station applications or, with the addition of an inexpensive mobile pack, In a remote oontrol (tntnk mount) configuration ior mobile applications. When ooupled with the 2040 manpack adaptor the 2050 becomes a full specifimtion military/civilian manpack. Operating irom 12 Volt (13.8 VDC) DC supplies, the transmitter is rated at 125 watt PEP in voice mode and is protected irom overavoltage or reverse voltage application. All 500 channels are available to be field or workshop programmable. Auxiliary ieatures such as sales", teicaII. scanning, mute status, alarm system etc. an be individually enabled or disabled ior every channel as required to suit your operation. Teamed with other matching Barrett 2000 series products which include antennas, power supplies, vehicle tracking packages and HF modems, the Barrett 2050 HF transceiver becomes a poweriul tool, providing solufions to many long distance communication requirements. 100i237 ==== Operation User controls 2050 transcelver from panel descrlptlon 7A {H mm! 013W mm Toflfifilfikuz Privaie %/ 0 Power onlofi button 9 lRport 0 Alert button Power onion button The Barrett 2050 ltansoeivsr is turned on by pressing the green power button, The BARR T 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER -&m “m Emma lransoelver is turned on by again pressan the green power button. IR port The IR port is a serial oommunlcaflons port using the industry standard Infra red cormnunications protocol. Thls port can be used wilh various Barrett soltware products including the channel programming package. Alert button The Alert button ls used to send Emergency Selcalls or tone calls. 11 01237 BARRETT SSE TRANSCEiVER Key pad There are 23 keys on the keypad. A group a! five keys in the centre access many major iuncfions. Some keys have multiple functions assigned lo them depending on when the key is presssd and (or haw long the key Is pressed. Key lunclions are listed bebw followed by a detailed description 01 Iheir functions “7 Key Primary function isecondary lunction * — [9 -7 iEmergency call Change case HELP Enter clarlfler tune mode "mfg: 3313‘s" Transmitter tune mode 12 01237 BARRETT 20 O F 588 TRANSCEIV _ Key Primary luncllon secondary functlon Clear Wk one Step 71“ Enler direct channel change Enter tuning receiver Alpha “9M" Mo“ Numeric key 4 He Alpha “tuv” Numerlc key "a" Enter program mode “ Alpha “space" Turn scrambler on I on Mute (squelch ) selection H H Numeric key “0" Mode select “PM “W's" USBY LSB, AM, CW, AFSK Numeric key “1- Stan scan, hold for 2 seconds for scan Iable selection m numeric key “1“ Alpha “abc” Numerlc key "2" Alpha “M‘ scroll rlghl Numeric key “3" Alpha ‘jkl” Numeric key “5“ Alpha “wxyz” Numeric key “9" Scroll down —=—== 130f237 BARRET 0 HP 558 TRANSCEiV R 2050 transceiver control head rear view Mlcrophone socket The microphone supplied with the Barrett 2050 is inserted here. Note:- When the transceiver is supplied ii is assembled in the one pieoe base station configuration and the mlcrophone is already fitted. I1 using the 2050 in the remote control (tmnk mount) configurab'on reler to the section "Installing ihe Barrett 2050 transoeiver'c Interconnect cable When used in a base station configuration (one piece unit. as supplied) the small interconnect cable supplied in the kit is plugged in here with the other end into the front at the main transceiver module. When used in the remote oonhol (trunk mount) configuration the longer interconnect cable supplied is used. Cable restrainis for mic cable (when not used a mbber seal is provided to blank this 500655) 2RJ-45 6 my microphone socket to suit Barren hand microphone PIN BC200010 3RJ45 6 my tor remote head iniertace cable Speaker Jack 14 oi 237 BARRETT 0 HF SSE TRANSCEIVER 2050 transceiver rear panel description ‘ [CD aazrtsrrgnfiu Input for GPS receiver Barrett PIN BCA20009 for vehicle tracking/Iceman applications. Ouloul tor woling tan unll Barrett PIN ECA20002 for high duty cycle appiiwfions such as data and email. Interface for Barren automatic tuning mobile antenna and marine automatic antenna tuners. Power input and speaker output for use with 2022 power supply Auxiliary antenna socket (channels can be programmed to use this socket or the main socket when using ditfereni antennas) Main antenna socket Auxiliary interface connector tor use with external modems such as Barrett 2023 and Barrett 2024 Input tor CW key Barrett PIN BCA20014 Output for loudspeaker Barrett P/N BCA20015 Chassis wrth connection 60696990 0 9 15 07 237 BARRETT 0 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Switching on the transceiver Switching on the transcelver — without a pin number Press 0 luv 1 second turns hansoeiveron. Switching on the lransceiver- with a pin number Press 0 tor 1 second tums transceiver on, Power On Pin Enter the PIN number and press '3 key The transceiver will now be switched on, iI however the Incorrect PIN number was entered the following is displayed:- —————F'wel‘ On Pm Incorrect Pin This display will time out and allow the reentry of the PIN number. If however the PIN number is entered 10 times incorrectly (he transceiver will not allow PIN number entry for a period at one hour displaying the iollowi —--Dower un Pin Txcvr linked far 1 hour. Note:- The power on PIN number would have been loaded into the transceiver during programming it the function is in use. Rater to your network administrator. Swi hing off the transoelver Press 0 [or 1 second turns transceiver 0". 1 6 or 237 Display Receive made me- In receive mode The LCD display shows:- Channel number Time Receive frequency. Channel use Missed selcalls received Seleciive call made. mmuum- Transmit mode In ilansmii mode we LCD display shows:- Channel number Time Transmii freepency. Channel use Missed selcalls received Selecfwe call mode. OMAQNA 0 HF SSB TRANSCEI Antenna in use Power sefling Mode Noise reducfion Wales! Receive signal strength ALE active. Antenna in use Power sefling Mode Noise reduction activated Transmii power ALE active 17 01237 0 HF SSB TRANSCElVER Secure mode A 1m Isl Jan mm 1 e—g§§$w%1 9 191?) gamma B1“ éeoeé ‘ In secure mode the LCD display shows:- 1 Date 7 Power setting 2 Time 8 Mode 3 Channel number 9 Noise red ucfion actlvated d Mlssed selcalls received 10 Receive signal strengm 5 Selective call made. 1 1 ALE active 6 Antenna in use channel attributes Pressing and holding dawn the key for more than 2 seconds wlll reveal more details about the cuuenlly selected channel:- Channel “inmates In new 005W 0 kHz Tn freq. 01600 0 kHz mule Primer mun—424m Made USB Power- lUw llMer-na aim SC formal: h'nne mate:- when In Secure made the channel attributes do not show frequencies. 18 at 237 BARRETT 0 HF SSE! TRANSCEIVER Adjusting the audio volume 3 To increase the audio volume in the loudspeaker E To decrease the audio volume in the loudspeaker The display looks like this when adjusting the volume:- chanlltl: limo 121m 0000.0kw: Selecting a channel Uslng channel up l down keys Pressing the channel up or down key will select respecilvely the next higher or lower programmed channel. Holding down either 01 the keys wlll cause the rate of line channel change to increase. The channel up/down keys on ihe microphone have the same function as lhe channel up/down keys on the keypad. [2 Channel up & channel down Note:- The microphone upldown buttons needs to be configured for channel change function either when programming the lranscelver or in me "General” section or the prolecled menu, == 19 0l237 ARR TT 50 HF SSE TRANSCElVER Dlreet channel number entry press me key channel. 5,1 100001er g Private z?) Enter me channel number required, using lhe numeric keys. channel range is irom 1 to 9999 inclusive. Nole:- Channel 10m cannot be selected. (example selects channel 12) “sum press the e‘nnel IE_ 65}; 10000 0ch Private Chm i‘fllll 12007 5400.0 “1: Private mm lr lhe channel selecled had ncl been previously programmed men the following is displayed:- clunnel» ulna lam) , m, 0.0 kllz Undefined mum More: Emply channels can only be accessed by dlrecl channel selecllcn and are not displayed when scrolling lnraugh channels. 20 of 237 BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Using the microphone Down Up Button Button Push To Talk / Button /\ ’ when using the miwphonaz- Press and hold dovim the FIT (transmit) button only while talking Hold the microphone close to your mouth Speak clearly Use the word ‘ovef' to indicate you have finished speaking and release the PTT (transmit) button. The upldown buttons can be configured in the sohware to control either the audio volume ctr channel up/down operations. Note:- the Barrelt 2050 has a transmit "time-out“ lacility. This tacility (when programmed) allows the transmitter to be keyed in transmit made with the P11“ (transmit) switch (or a set time period. alter which the transceiver switches to receive until the PTT (transmit button is released and re—keyed. This facility prevents the transmitter transmitting tor long periods 0! time It. tor instance, the microphone becomes lsmmed between seats in a vehicle causing the PTT (transmit) switch to be held down. Note:- Enabling. disabling and changing the time of the transmit timeout facility can be set either when programming the transceiver or in the “General ” section or the protected menut Now- The microphone up/ddwn buttons can be configured lor channel change or volume control functions either when programming the transoelver or in the “General" sedion oi the protected menu. =—=—=—= 21 01237 BARRE 2050 HF SSE TRANSCEiVER Contacting another station - using selective call “Selcall” and Telcall. General In addition to the use or the transceiver in simple voice mode to call other stations there are several different types oi selective calling systems available. The calling systems available tor the Barrett 2050 transceiver are listed below:- International A tour and six digit select'we call system, fully interoperable with the UN former published in September 2004 and tully backwards compatible with all previous Barrett 4 digit selcall protocols. includes Selcall , Beacon Call, Pagecail (SMS) call, transceiver lock call and RFDS tone calls. Also it the opfions are fitted to the transceiver it indudes:- GPS calls. used to either transmit your position to another station or request the position or another station fitted with the GPS option and receivert Telcalls tor direct dial telephone number calling using base stations with telephone interconnect facilities. Person to person secure calls DEM 1 A tour and six digit selective call system compatible with other malor HF manuiacturers including those using encryption. Includes Selcall, reicall, Beacon Call, Emergency mil, Pagecall and GPS call. CCiR ' A tour digit seledive cell system as specified by CUR-493. Includes Selcalt, Beacon mil. Pagecall (SMS) call and tone calls. Also. it the options are fitted to the transceiver, it includesz~ GPS cells, used to either transmit your position to another station or request the position of another station fitted with the GPS option and receiver Tel-ails for direct dial telephone number ailing using base stations with telephone interconnect iacilities. ALE FED STD 158 7 MIL STD 188-1415 (Option) MIL-STD Automatic Link Establishment system, see section “Automatic Link Establishment" 22 01 237 g BARRETT 50 HF SSB TRANSCEIV R Selectlve Call -"selcall" Selcall is a digital signalling system based on standard CUR-493 ior use on HF networks. Each station in an HF network Is assigned an individual four or six digit ID (Idenlification) and can be called using this ID, selectlve Call “Telcall” Telcall uses this digiwl selective call system to transport a telephone numberfrom a station on an HF network to a base station equipped with a telephone interconnect unit to initiate phone calls onto the Intemaiional telephone network. Note:- For Selcall and Telcall iunotlons to operate the transceiver must be fitted with the selcall or telcall option and the channels enabled (or selcali operation. It Automatic Link establishment (ALE) is in use refer to the ALE section for operation details. Special notes when uslng OEM 1 selective call protocol All 8 dlglt OEM 1 protocol calls will only be decoded by other Barrett transceivers fitted with OEM 1 seloall protocol or other manufacturers transceivers using encryption. GEM 1 protocol 4 digit calls will be deooded by Barrett 950 transceivers, Barrett 2050 transceivers using International 4 and 8 digit selcall and other manufactures transceivers with similar CCIR 493 based selective tail systems. 4 e. 6 digit cps and Status data calls use the OEM privacy key to encrypt the data, It this 8 digit key has not been programmed by the programming software a default privacy key or "99999999" is automatically used tor transmission. 6 digit Pagecalls also use the privacy key but unlike the other cells the user has the option to manually enable or disable the privacy key. When disabled the data is sent as plain text. See “OEM Pagecall Key' in the protected menu “Selcall settings“ seotldn, to switch the privacy key “On“ or 'or when sending Pagecalls. Emergency GPS data calls, both 4 a 6 digit. are automatically sent as plain text. Entering station lD’s and using the address and telephone books Ssloall and Telcall iunotions described in this section require station 10's or telephone numbers to be entered when making a call. They make use oi convenient address and telephone books to allow frequently used Station lD's. station names and telephone numbers to be easily entered. This secfion desfiribes how to enter station selcall ms and telephone numbers both manually and by using use the address and telephone books. Note:- also see section “Address and phone books ~ adding, editing and deleting entries” l==—==—== 23 0i237 24 of 237 50 HF SSB TRANSCEW When asked to enter a station ID:- Either or or or enter the station ID using the numeric keys (the number of the station you wish to cellv see ‘Station ID ranges" ) Seleall Ill: 3m ----- . Enter to accept New In Press [all to thhnue n you think that station Is in the address book use the Scroll keys 10 find me Stalin“ you want 10 call:- . Sehall———- mm: fimEvn 591?! Press (all tn tmhnue men press “3&ka il you knew the name of ms shtion press the la key and either enter the first letter or the name you want to call using the alpha keypad then use the Scroll keys or use the Scroll keys to find the name at the station you want to call (example "r" entered):- -___5e;¢a|| in. mm Press [All in Lonll'nue lhen press the @ key press the Q key and the lam station mued will be fined again. 0 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER station ID ranges 4 and six digit networks are all accommodated In the 2050 standard selcall system Station ID range from 000000 to 999999 inclusive (the destination ID must be ether4 or 6 digits long) Calling groups In four digit lormat All call A simian sending XDOO will be received by stations XODO - X999 (up to 390 stations‘) Group call A siafion sending XXOO will be received by stations XXOO - XX99 (up to 39 stalions') Sub-group can A station sending xxxo will be reoeived by slan‘ons xxx0 - xxx9 (up to 9 stations') In six dlglt format All call A station sending XXXOOO will be received by stations XXXOOO - XXX999 (up to 890 stalions') Group call A station sending xxxxoo will be received by stations xxxxoo - xxxxss (up to as stations') Sub-group call A station sending xxxxx0 will be received by stations xxxxxo . xxxxxs (up to 9 stalions') - it using the group esil system. stafions cannot be programmed to have self ID‘s with last digits 000,000 as it you tried to call them a group oaii would ooour. Note:- All all. group call or sub-group call must be enabled, during programming, on a destination station for group sailing to opetats. —=—= 25 01237 ARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIV R when asked to enlera lelepnone number:- Either enter me telephone number using the numeric keypad (a number up 10 16 dlgits) -———Teleph0ne Number— I800‘399570i---~~- Press Enter to since Hunter Pres: [all lo (a or if you think that telephone number Is in file phone book use me Scroll keys to find me name and number you want 10 call:- Telepl‘lme Number—— or N you know the name associated with he telephone number In Ihe phone book press the = key and either enter the firsl lener ol the name you want lo call using the alpha keypad and use the Scroll keys or use the Scroll keys to find me name you want la call:- -—-Telephune Number—— (I0 I I 44 | 420542254 Pless Callie tontmue or press the @ key and he last phone number called will be called again, 26 of 237 === BARRETT 50 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Chicklng for the best channel to use between two stations - Beacon call Eelore using many of the Selcall and Telcall functions in this sectlon it Is useful to know how to use the “Beacon Call” function. "Beacon call" allows the operator to determine the sig’tal quality between their station and a station they want to call on a particular channel. but without actually alerting the station they are doing so. When a Beacon call is sent to another station, It the channel being used is “open", the remote stafion sends back a distlnctive 4 tone revertive signal, The operator can judge the quality at the channel tor communicafions purposes by the strength and clarity of this if tincfive tone. Using Beacon calls on several available channels will determine which channel is best ta use subsequent Selcalls or Telcalls (Note:- both stations must be programmed tor Selcall or Telcall operation) Sandan a beacon call select the channel you think will be best to use (Refer to section Overview of HF operation) ‘llslen tor traffic on that wannel, if no traffic is heard then continued then press the key select “Beacon Call" with the scroll keys _—Send Call—__.. Beacon then press the @ key enter the station ID at the station you wish to Beacon call (see “Entering station lD’s and uslng the address and telephone books”) then press the @ key wait for the beacon cell to be sent listen for the distinctive 4 tone revertive signal from the station you have called. it no reverflve all is heard or it was difficult to hear try another channel and repeat the process unfll the best channel is found. 27 0! 237 50 HF SSB TRANSCElV Receiving a beacon call When a transceiver reoe'nles a beacon request call. it responds by transmitting the beacon call revenive tones. No indications occur on the transceiver. Beacon mils are not saved in the selcail history bufier. Sending a seicall select the channel you want to send the selcall on. (“Beacon cat" can be used to select the best channel) Ilsten tot traffic on that channel, it no (lama is heard then continue mmw@ select "Selcall' with the scroll keys Send Eali—.—_.. Seii all then press the Q key enter the station ID of the station you wish to call (see “Entering station lD’s and using the address and telephone books“) then press the key wait tor the selective call to be sent. listen for revertlve tone item the called station that indicates the call was successful. It no revem've tone is heard or it was difficult to hear try another channel and repeat the process until a good channel is found, It a revertive tone is heard but you recelve no verbal response irom the station it may be because the operator is unavailable at the time. 2801237 =—= 0 HF SSB TRANSCElV R Receivlng a saleall To receive a selcall your uansceiver musl be programmed for seismive call (Selcall) and where mulflple channels are in use the scan lundion should be amivaled. Racelvlng a sales" directed to your transcelver When you receive a Selcall, ywr snalion sends a levertl've all (lo alert the calling station that its call was received). an audible alarm is sounded, ms mule (squelch) (ii selected) opens and the display shows the call as renews:- Call Received Selcall Reteived 1234 The audlble alarm will sound ior lhirly seconds and lhen lime out. To cancel the alarm befure the lime out period and to acknowledge me call. press PTT or any key. when lhe audible alarm limes out the call received “Envelope' icon is displayed in me bollom right hand slde ofihe display and a periodic alldlo reminder will be emifled:» thermal: 0010 law filmfiuom at; Public «fill mam El For details OI previously reoeived selcalls enter "Call History' by holding the @ key down for two seconds or more. Reler lo the section "Call History". 29 of 237 BARRETT 50 HF SSB TRANSCElVER Recelvlng All calls, Group calls and Sub-group calls Stations can send a selective call that will alert diflerent groupings ot mobiles as humus:- In [our dlgll format All all A stalion sending XOOO will be received by stations XOOO - X999 (up (0 890 slalions') Group all A station sending XXOO will he received by stations XXOO - XX99 (up to 89 swims“) Sub-group call A station sendlng XXX!) will be received by stations XXXO - xxxs (up to 9 stations') In six digit iormat All call A station sending XXXOOO will be received by stafions XXXOOO - XXX999 (up to 890 slalions') Gmup call A station sending XXXXOO will be received by statlons XXXXOO 4 XXXX99 (up to 89 stations") Sula-group call A station sending xxxxxo will be received by stations XXXXXO - xxxxxs (up to 9 slations') ' I! using the group call system. stations cannot be programmed to have sen ID's with last digits 000.00,0 as if you tried to all them a group call would occur. Note:- All call, group call or sub-group call must be enabled. during programmlng, on a destination station tor group calling to operate Receiving an “All call " , “Group Call”, “Sub-Group Call” When you receive any or the calls above an audible alarm is sounded, the mute (squelch) (ii selected) opens and he display shows file all type as lollows:- “All call" [all Receive-1 Rllcall Reoeiuefl 1234 30 01237 a BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER “Group call" (all RetelvEd——. Emijpcall Received 1234 “Sub-group call" Call Received- Sfirnupcall Received 1234 In all group calls ihe audible alarm will sound for mirty seconds and men time out To cancel me alarm beiore the lime out and to acknowledge me call press PT! or any key. When i116 audible alarm iirnes out the ca“ received "envelope" icon is displayed in the bottom light hand side Oi the display:- fliennel- IWIII mafi 1 0000.0“: ' Public For deialls of previously received selcalls enier “Call History by holding file & key down for Me seconds or more. Reier to the sedlun “Call History“. 31 01237 BARRETT 050 HF SSB TRANSCEIVE Emergency calls All selcall emergency calls are transmitted by pressing the A button for more than two seconds and less than ten seconds and releasing, the alarm sequence starts upon button release. The action oi the emergency call button depends on transceiver programming:- Selectivs call alarm that only transmits on the currently selected channel. Transmiis the emergency selcall sequence once on each press of the A button. If a GPS receiver is fitted and enabled the GPS position is also sent in the call. Selective call alarm that transmits and automatically changes to a selection of channels Transmit; the emergency selcali sequence twice on each channel programmed as an emergency channel, repeating this sequence until the transce‘wer is switched of! Ifa GPS receiver Is fitted and enabled lhe GPS position is also sent in the call. Note:-In all of the alarms above, after the alarm has been activated by using the A button, there is no indication that an alarm is being sent for security purposes. 32 of 237 n====— BARRETT 0 HF SSE TRA Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) alarm Two-lone alarm 33on » 1320Hz continuous (Australian use only) - alerts the Royal Flying Doctor Service an RFDS channels. Press theA button for more than two seconds and less than ten seconds. (hinnel: fifilu mew 5:1? 1000!)ka W Hold to send my Mar-m The RFDs alarm wlll continue transmittlng for 10 seconds even if you have released the A button. To cancel the RFDS alarm press the E] key or theA button. Now- A momentary press 01 the A button initiates RFDS alarm test mode which em'its the audio tones but does not trensrnltlhern. Another momentary press of the A button or the key cancels the RFDS aiarrn test mode. Note:- Emergency call settings are set during transceiver programming from the programming software only. == 33 of 237 34 of 237 Recelvlng an emergency call ARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRA Barren transceivers lhai receive he emergency selcall emit a disfincfive audio alarm and display the Mowing:- ll ills iransceiver sending in is available lhe iollowing is displayed:- Call Revealed—— Emergencu Cali 1 234 If we iransceivel sending me emergency selcall is fitted wnh a GPS receive! me posilion will also be displayed asillus1ra|sd below :- s lnlonnati-m Lat= 32‘05J 155 Long= 115‘48JJ39E -——lips Ililormaiian . GPS Data at Rein-"m! Stalinn e emergency selcall was not fitted with GPS or no data BARRETT 50 HF SSB TRANSCElVER Dlrect dial telephone calls - Telcalls Transceivers equipped with the Telcall option can direct dial telephone numbers and receive calls 1mm telephone users through a Barrett telephone interconnect base stations. Motez- ll ALE Is in use retell to the ALE section for details. Making a direct dial telephone call - sending a Talcall select fl'le channel you vent to send the Telcall on. (“Beacon call" can be used to select the best channel) listen for traffic on that channel. it no traffic Is heard then oontlnue. press the key select ”Telcall" with the scroll keys Send Cali—— Telcali then press the ékey Teliell ms Perth Base vi ass [all totanlmue enter the station ID a! the statlon you wish to make the phone call through (see ‘Enterlng station ID's and uslng the address and telephone books”) ===—==—= 35 of 237 0 HF SSE TRANSCEIVER Barrel! 0mm Presstalllf; Ea hue enter the telephone number you want to call (see "Entering station ID’s and uslng the address and whphone books") then press the key wall for (he Telmll (0 be sent. listen [or revenive tone tram the called station that indicates the cell was successful. If no revertive call is heard lry anolher channel and repeat the process. When the call is successful wait tor telephone connection to be made and proceed with call.. When the call Is complete or if the line is busy send a “Hang Up" call. Last number redial press the & key twice the last telephone number sent will is displayed:- —-Te|csi| Number—— WEB-ll? by Barrel! mice Press tell to Continue then press the @ key and the Telcall sequence will be re- sent. 36 ol 237 ARRETT 20 F SSE TRANSCEIVER Hang-up call When a cell to a telephone interconnect base station has been completed the caller should "hang up“ by sending a “hang up" code:- press the @ key select “Hangup” with the scroll keys then press the @ key When the hang-up selcall has completed transmitting, listen ier hangstp revenive signal. confirming the "hang up" was successful, it not heard repeat the above procedure. Note:- ll the hang up call is un-successlul lor any reason the telephone interconnect will tlme out and hangup itself. Maklng a preset (abbreviated number) telephone call A base station equipped with telephone interconnect facilities is also capable oi making preset (abbreviated number) telephone calls. Preset (abbreviated) telephone numbers are stored In the telephone interconnect unit and are accessed by sending a standard selcall using a specific seIcaII number. select the channel you want to send the “hang up“ call one (“Beacon cell' an be used to select the best channel) listen for traffic on that channel, If no Iraflic is heard then continue press the @ key ===—== 37 of 237 BARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRANSCEiVER select “Salami" with the scroll keys _.--—-Send [all Selcatl enter the seloall number representing the preset (abbreviated number as described betcwv - Preset (abbreviated) setcall numbering:- then press the & key watt tor the selective call to be sent listen tor revertlve tone from the called station that indicates the call was successful. It no revertive call is heard or it was difficult to hear try another channel and repeat the process until a good channel is tound. Preset tabbreviatod) selcall numbering Enter xxxxAA or xxAA where xxxx or xx is the (four) six or (two) four dlgit selcall ID ol the base station equipped with telephone interconnect tadlitles and AA represents the preset telephone number (between 1 end 93) Example:- Entering 4523 will Instruct a telephone interconnected base stafion with a tour digit Selcall ID at 45XX to call preset (abblew'ated) number stored as 23 in the telephone interconnect) Entering 342547 will instruct a telephone interconnected base station with a six digit Selcalt tD oi 3425xx to call preset (abbreviated) number stored as 47 tn the telephone interoonrteot. Note:- When using preset (abbreviated) number dialing. your network supervlsor wIII lssue you with a list of the preset numbers and the phone numbers they will dial when using a partloulartelephone interconnected base station. 38 of 237 a ARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRANSCEl Call history Whenever a Selcall. Telcall, All call, Group call, Sub group call, Pagecall, Stalcall GPS or Emergency call is recelved or transmitted its details are held in a fifsi ln first out call histury buffer, Received calls that have not been viewed before are held in a section called “New Calls", received calls that have been viewed are held (or future viewing In the “Call lnbox” all lmnsmitled calls are stored In «re "Call Outbox". Each history buffer can store up to 30 entries. Call history can be entered as follows:- Ellher PI'fiS and hold the @ key (of 2 seconds:- (ell Fusion 9-— Nle Calis 3 3 Received Or Select Call hlstory In Me Standard Menu section Note:- A full descrlplion ol naw’gaiing the call hlstory sedion is dumbed in the Standard Menu secfim olmis manual. ==_==—== 39 of 237 RRETT 2050 HF SSE TRAN EIV R Scanning channels Scanning allows a HF transceiver to monitor several channels tor incoming calls. It is particularly usetul as the nature or HP signal propagation means that not all channels are available tor communications at one time. For instance, a station calling a station that is in scanning can send a ”Beacon all“ on any channel knowing the station it is calling Is monitoring all its available channels. A response from the scanning station will only Occur on channels that are “open" tor communication. Stations in scan can also monitor channels tor voice activity or signals received that has a signal strength over a preset level. Selcall Scan When a selcall signal Is detected, and the channel has selcali enabled, no matter which mute type is selected the transoeiver will stop scanning and decode the selcall. The transceiver will only stop scanning when a selcall is detected. Signal strength scan (SSL scan) ii the signal strength mute (squelch) is active and a signal with a level greater than the pre-set threshold is received the scan will halt. Scan will remain halted while the signal level stays above the preset threshold. Once the signal decreases below the predset threshold level, tor a period greater than the scan dwell period, scanning will resume. Voice (syllablcl scan it the audio mute (squelch) is active and is opened scanning wIII halt. Scanning will remain halted whlle the audio mute is open. Once the mute closes, for a period greater than the scan awell period, scanning will resume. The Barrett 2050 transceiver has up to eight scan tables available each table being able to be programmed with up to thirty channels. (See Menus and programming for details on channel entry) 40 ol 237 ===——= ARRETT 20 0 HF SSB TRANSCEiVER Selecting a Scan tabla press the key for more than two seconds use the scroll keys to selefi the scan table number -S(an false: Sun Table 1 then pressthe '= key -5can Selim—— Scanlahle l Seieetetii - Notez- Ii no scan tables are programmed the following is displayed:- Channel now (also 1 0000.0knz llII Scan Tables are Emvlu Inltlatlng scan Momentarily press the key, Alternatively scan may be programmed as a default condition so when the transceiver is switched on, scan is amnmafiually Initiated, or afler a period 01 inactivity. i.e. no key presses, the transceiver returns to scan. g 41 01237 BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCElVER Clarifier The darifier is used 10 finely tune the receiver on lhe seleded channel 10 compensate for received signals from other stations that are all frequency. The receiver can be tuned In lhe clarifier mode in steps of 1HZ (0 frequencies up lo -1KHz and +1an ofthe assigned channel frequency. dependlng on programming. (see note below) 10 enterclarirlertune mode. lihannelLIlllIll lann m; 1000013“; {larifier k‘alue wf ? “1000": We &0, Note:- There are five darifier ranges available these ranges can be set either when programmlng he transceiver or in the “RF smlnqs“ section of the protected menu. lune clarifier up iune clarifier down Note:- The clarifier value is set to zero when 1he channel is changed or me lranscelver Is lumed all. 0 HF SSE TRANSCElV Noise reduction selection ‘se reduction system is enabled and disabled by momentary pressing The D the When the noise reduction system is selected the display shows a smell square to the right of the mode indication notated NR as below:- key. Channel: at” n lkflfi m, 1 OMOD kn: Dublic . 7 The DSP nolse reduction system is disabled by momentary pressing the key. Channel: llllll moo m: n 1000110“; Public mum Note:- There are three levels of noise reduction available, these levels can be set either when programming the transceiver or in the “Audio Settlngs" section ol the protected menu. fi 43 of 237 BAR T 0 HF SSB TRANSCEiVER Mute (squelch) selection There are three mute (squelch) modes:- Audio (syllable) mule (squelch) - the receiver audio is enabled when speech is detected on the selected channel. Nam:- The syllable mute sensitivity can he set to three levels, these levels can be set either Mien programming the transceiver or in the "Mute Senlngs" section oi the pmtecled menu. Selective call mute (squelch) — the receiver audio is enabled after a selcall sent (0 the unit has been received and decoded successfully Signal strength Level (SSL) mut- (squelch) — the receiver audio is enabled when (he received signal strength exceeds the nominated threshold level. Note:- The signal strength mule level can be set to three levels, these levels can be set either when programming the transceiver or in the “Mute Settings" secfion of the protected menu. The current rnute (squelch) state is displayed the firsl time the mule key is pressed. To change the mute slate, while the mute slate is still displayed from the first press oi the mute key, press the mute key again to seroil through to the required mute state. Press the key [ham-ti: “Ml! H1“) rm 1000210 ikllz Mule on 2 m m. press MB key Channel Milo lazuli 100001)“; audio Mlle 44 D' 237 ARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCEIVER Modesebcfion The mode key changes the mode a! operallon » LSB, USB, AM, CW or AFSK 0! the selected channel. The mode key will only |empararily sei the mode tor a selecied channel, the mode reverting to mat channel‘s programmed mode afierthe channel is changed, urine hanseeiver is iumed all. Press|he 7 key repealedly 10 seleei lhe required mode; channel. in! I s 1 2-30 ASP 100003“: fiv 9 unmde Nolez- ll ihe IF filter opfion is physically fined and enabled in sonware, it will automatically be selected when cw and AFSK mode is selected. Tune Press and hold down me 7 key to lunez» charmer an") 12:00 1 OOOOiOkhz 51. fl Tunin! ‘ when tunlng, me transoslver wlII transmit, at Me power level sslemed, a carrier on the channel selecled, 21 1.5 kHz above the Suppressed Carrier Frequency (SCF) (displayed frequency) ofthat channel. When ihe tune key is released the display shows ihe antenna VSWR. Channel no": 1200 “I? minimize, - $vmmil fig; m 45 of 237 ARRETT 2050 HF SSE TRANSCEIVE Advanced selective call functions Requesting another stauon's GPS posltlon select the channel you want to send the GPS request call on. (“Beacon call" can be used to select the best channel) listen tor traffic on that channel, if no traffic is heard then press the key select “BPS Request” with the scroll keys —-—5en-1 Call EpsRequest then press the ékey ——fivs Request m: 1234!- Press Enter to accept New» In Pr enter the identification ol the station you want to request the GPS position lrom (see “Enterlng slatlon ID's and uslng the address and telephone books") then press the ® key 0 m that; g,“ 100001) kllx Hailing for a Response 46 0! 237 BARRETT HF SSE TRANSCEWE Wait for the station you called to send back its positlon data fitter which the foIIleng will be displayed:- The station called GPS position:- GPS lntorm straw—- Lflt= 321337155 Lung: 1 1 5'48.038E or - the lollowlng error musages: —-GDS Informa'uon Nu GPS Data at Remote Station ”If ' Tne GPS unit Is not providing data to the remote transceiver fins Intommttun GPS Nu! Filled at Remote Statinn There is no GPS recelver fitted to the remote transceiver (harm (m 12m $21? 100mm“, No nsponse J‘flfi“ mummy There was no response tram the remote station =—=u==== 47 or 237 BARRETT 2050 HF SSB TRANSCElVER Sendan your ops position to another station select the channel you want to send the GPS all on. ("Beacon call“ can be used to select the best channel) listen (or tramc on that channel, it no traffic is heard then continue. press the key select “GPS Send” with the scroll keys:- Send Call BPS Data then piess me é‘s key —-—EPS Date—- in- SEEK Address Book Empw Dress Call to Continue enter the identification oi me station you want to send your GPS position to (see ‘Enterlng station ID's and uslng the address and telephone books") then press the & key (hannel- 00m 1219!) ”1“ 100003“; r"Ti; (iii! nah II I“! Your GF'S position will is now be transmitted, wail for a revenive tone irom the remote slathn to confirm the call was received, it no revertivs tone is heard repeat the process or change to another channel and repeat the process. Nowt- The GPS intenace option 800205004 must be titled and the GPS receiver PIN BCAZOODS must be connected and receiving positlon Infonnafion when using the GPS call option. 43 of 237 a BARRET 0 HF SSB TRANSCElVER Note:- if the display indlca|es mat lhe GPS is unavailable as shown below you mnnol sale“ the seiective call fundion “GPS data. Channel 00 I0 izdm 55? 100003“: ‘ GPS Unavaiiable Text messaging - “Pagecall”, “SMS” Pagecall allows messages of up to 32 characters to be sent or received to and (tom other transceivers wilh Pagemli hciliu’es, Sending a "Pagecall" “SMS” select the channel you want to send the Pagecatt on. ("Beacon call" can be used to select the best channel) listen for tralfic on that channel. if no traffic is heard lhen continue. press the key selem ‘Pageeatr' with the scroll keys Send (all—— Pagecall __———Pa9a: in. 12345— Press Enter ta tact [New in Press Call tn tenttnue enter the idenfificalion o! the statlon you want to send the Pagecall to (see “Entering station ID's and using the address and telephone books”; =— 49 o! 237 BARRETT then press the @ key -———-Pagecafl massage—— 0 HF SSE T NSCEIVE type in your messages uslng me alpha numeric keys ——-Pa~§eca” Message—— EHLL "E R5 snows POSSIBLEI {can} men press the key (helm new 12.00 a ‘ 10000flknz Pagecafi “fly m, 1234 50 of 237 ==
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 50 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:37c9b9ef-9df3-45f1-9afe-a8cc5d58e24a Producer : Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Paper Capture Create Date : 2006:11:16 13:53:19-05:00 Creator Tool : Network ScanGear Ver.2.01 Modify Date : 2006:11:16 13:53:58-05:00 Metadata Date : 2006:11:16 13:53:58-05:00 Document ID : uuid:f17e99c1-85b6-4416-a98b-cb8fb934f343 Format : application/pdf Creator : Network ScanGear Ver.2.01EXIF Metadata provided by