Bbq Pro 12615883800 User Manual CHARCOAL GRILL Manuals And Guides L0901568
BBQ-PRO Grill, Charcoal Manual L0901568 BBQ-PRO Grill, Charcoal Owner's Manual, BBQ-PRO Grill, Charcoal installation guides
User Manual: Bbq-Pro 12615883800 12615883800 BBQ-PRO CHARCOAL GRILL - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your BBQ-PRO CHARCOAL GRILL #12615883800. Home:Lawn & Garden Parts:Bbq-Pro Parts:Bbq-Pro CHARCOAL GRILL Manual
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17 iNCHCHARCOAL MODELNO. 126.1 GRILL TOOLSREQUIREDTO ASSEMBLETHiS GRILL , AdjustableWrench , Phillipsscrewdriver NotIncluded L THIS INSTRUCTIONMANUAL CONTAINS IMPORTANTINFORMATIONNECESSARY FOR THE PROPER ASSEMBLY AND SAFE USE OF THE APPLIANCE. READ AND FOLLOW ALL WARNINGS AND iNSTRUCTiONS BEFORE ASSEMBLING AND USING THE APPLIANCE. FOLLOW ALL WARNINGS AND iNSTRUCTiONS WHEN USING THE APPLIANCE. KEEP THiS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Call us first if you have any problems with this product. We can help you with questions about assembly and grill operation or if there are damaged or missing parts when you unpack this unit. Please call before returning to the store. 1-800-265-2150 8:30AM- 5:00PM EST MONDAY- FRIDAY TABLEOF CONTENTS SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 4 FEATURES COOKINGTECHNIQUES OPERATION LIGHTINGA FIRE SMOKING DIRECT GRILLING COOKINGTIME AND CLEAN UP 7 8 9 10 RECIPES 11-13 MAINTENANCE 14 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 18-27 EXPLODEDVIEW/PARTSBREAK DOWN 28-29 ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTY If this product fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase, call 1-800-4-MY-HOME®to arrange for free repair (or replacement if repair proves impossible.) This warranty includes part rust-through, but excludes part paint loss or surface rusting, which are conditions that can be the result of normal use, accident or improper maintenance.This warranty is void if this product is ever used for commercial or rental purposes. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 3 SAFETY iNSTRUCTiONS Your newBBQPROcharcoal smoker,is a safe,convenient appliancewhenassembledand usedproperly.However,as with all charcoalfire products,certain safeguardsmustbe observed. Failureto follow thesesafeguards may resultin damageor injury. If you havequestionsconcerningassembly or operation,consultyour dealer,or our directcustomerservicelineat 1-800-265-2150 FORYOUR SAFETY I o THIS APPLIANCE IS FOR OUTDOORUSE ONLY, DO NOT OPERATE IN GARAGE,SHED, BALCONYOR OTHERSUCH ENCLOSEDAREAS. ® NEVEROPERATETHIS APPLIANCEUNATTENDED. ® NEVEROPERATETHIS APPLIANCEWITHIN 10FT (SM) OF ANY STRUCTURE,COMBUSTIBLEMATERIALOR GAS CYLINDER. INSTALLATION In the U.S.A.and Canada,this appliancemustbe installedin accordancewith localand the relevantnationalcodes. NEVEROPERATETHIS APPLIANCEWITH IN 25FT (7.5M) OF ANY FLAMMABLELIQUID. NEVERSTORE FLAMMABLEMATERIALSUNDERNEATHTHIS APPLIANCE. ELECTRICALCAUTION 1. If anyaccessoryis usedon this appliancethat requiresan externalelectricalpowersource,the accessorywheninstalledmust be electricallygroundedin accordance with localcodes.Inthe absenceof localcodes,the followingstandards apply: (U.S.A.)ANSl/NFPANo. 70-Latest Edition (CANADA)CSAO22.1Canadian ElectricalCode 2. Do notcut or removethe groundingprongfromthe plug. 3. Keepthe electricalsupplycord and awayfrom any heatedsurface ONLY INSTALLSMOKERON A HARD LEVEL, NONCOMBUSTIBLESURFACE. THIS APPLIANCE IS NOT INTENDEDTO BE INSTALLEDIN, OR ON, RECREATIONALVEHICLESAND/OR BOATS. ® DO NOT RESTRICTTHE FLOW OF AIR TO THIS APPLIANCE. ® NEVERMOVE SMOKERWHILE IN USE. ® DO NOT MOVE SMOKERWHEN WATER BOWL CONTAINS HOT LIQUIDS. SPECIAL CARE MUST BE TAKENTO KEEPYOUNG CHILDRENAWAY FROM HEATED SURFACES. THIS APPLIANCE IS NOT INTENDEDFOR COMMERCIALUSE. 4 I HANGINGHOOKS:Thereare six S-hooksincluded•These hooks are usefulfor hangingfood fromthe hangingbar bellowthe dome• Thesehookshelp with cookingof foods likesausage,wholefish ,_ and chicken-wings•Removetheuppermostcookinggrid to make [. I _ roomfor hanginglarge fooditems. _ .f,_.>.-_-_=_. -"----------d_ _ _ ¢)COOKiNG GRIDS:The cookinggridsare 17 inchesin diameter• l__. Thegridscan be locatedat two positionsonedirectlyabovethe waterbowland one bellowthedomelid. Gridsrest on top of three supportbrackets• _g_ _ t_ WATERBOWL:The functionof the waterbowl isto keepthe cookingenvironmentmoistand to add flavorsto the foods.Flavor is addedby two actions•Firstis the additionof juice,beer or wine ..... to thewater bowl.The secondis falhngfat dnppmgscollectedin thewater bowl•Liquidand fat are vaporizedand circulatedin the smokerseasoningthefood•Alwaysfill the waterbowlhalf way '_ _\ -- _ ..... (_\_ _ \ _, X-;_.-_:_::_;;¢:; _;_;_ ;;C";_";_%-_c-:_ _;-C__%; --_--_>_ _._L :;y --->--_ ____, _ __ A.CHARCOAL TRAY:Whenmakinga fire, briquettesshouldbe -r placedon topof the wiregrateinsidethe charcoaltray• Soaked woodchipsor woodchunkscanbe addedstraightintothe fire for moresmokeand flavor, _ _ _ .... _: __-_ whileyoucontinueto beforeyou begincookingand cook. maintainthe levelmthe water bowl (____ / _ {:_J _ !0 / . .._._ _ "//_ ....._ ,_ ,_ ___ ___ j_J___. _ sectionsof the smokerwhilethey are in useor storage. /'_ 'i_#--.. _ ,._ _ j---._ _ _ _!............ _:_TEMPERATUREGAUGE:The in lid thermometerreadsup to _ IJ7OO°F. 7ACCESS DOORS:Twoconvenientaccessdoorsare usefulfor: i refuelingthecharcoaltray and refillingthewater bowl,as wellas _:::_,_/ / // / // checkingon foodon thelowergrids. VENT POSiTiON:Thereare threeadjustableventson the smokercabinet,one vent on top and two on the bottom,opposite _ eachother•Eachvent adjuststo controlcookingtemperature• _ Openingthe ventsincreasesair flow and oxygensupplyto the _ fire, increasingcombustionand temperature•Closingthe ventswill restrictair flow and decreasethe temperature•It is good practiceto leavethetop vent one quarteropento allowconvectioncurrents• Whenadjustingthe ventsduringcookingusean ovenmittas the ventwill be HOT. _. ,f | '_ . PLACEA NON-COMBUSTIBLE ASH GUARD(NOT INCLUDED) UNDERNEATHTHE UNITTO PROTECTTHEAREA BELLOWTHE GRILL FROMFALLINGDEBRIS. 5 / // / // / /// i_ y z_-'--_.. _ /-"-. 7 "_ COOKINGTECHNIQUES PROTIPS: Preparationis importantso, these are somehelpfulstepsto set up thearea aroundyoursmokerfor a successfulcook out. Preparefood in advanceto avoid delayand timingproblems.If usingmarinadeor spices,they shouldbe appliedbeforeplacing meaton thecookinggrid. Organizethearea around thesmokerto includeforks, tongs,oven mitts,saucesand seasonings,to allowyouto stay in the vicinitywhilecooking. Leaveexcessfat on the meat to maximizetheflavor of slow cookedfoods. To avoidthe problemof food stickingto thecookinggrids,coat thegrids withvegetableoil or non-stickspraybeforeusing. Woodchipsshouldbe soaked accordingto manufacturer's instructionspriorto startingthe smoker. Vegetablesare bestdone in aluminumfoilwith enough moistureto createsteam. Oookingtime for vegetableswill be similarto bakingor steaming on the electricrange. SMOKERCOOKING.Smokercookingor slow cookingis a moretimeconsumingform of barbecue that producesexcellentresultswith regardsto flavor.Slowcookedmeatsbecometenderand full of moistrichflavorfrom the processof smokeand liquidinfusion.Themaincharacteristicsof this styleof cookingare lowtemperaturesoverextendedperiodsof time,woodsmokegeneratedfrom hardwood chipsand a moistcookingenvironmentcreatedbysteamfrom thewater bowl. TYPESOF FOOD.Slowsmokercookingis usefuland deliciousfor all typesof meats.Pork,beef, poultry,fish and lambare all excellentmeatsto cook in the BBQPROsmoker.Asa generalguide,lean meatswill need moreliquidto keepthem moistand tenderoverthe long cookingprocess.Whilemeats higherin fat will self basteduringcooking.Sincetheslow cookingprocessuseslow heat,cooking timesare muchlongerthana barbecuegrill.Anyguidelinesfor cookingtime shouldbe understood to be only approximateand the safetyof meatsshouldbe determinedby a thermometerreadingof internaltemperature. WOODCHIPSAND WOODSMOKE. Differenthardwoodssuchas Mesquite,Hickory,Oak, Maple and Appleare availableas smokingchipsintendedfor usein barbecuesand smokers.It is best to use woodchipsthat havebeen preparedforsmokingas they are safe for consumption.You do not want to use mostsoft woods(Pine,Spruce)becausethesecontainlots of sap and will imparta bad tasteto foods. Directions:Preparewoodchips accordingto themanufacturer'sinstructions.Usuallychipsshould be soakedin waterfor 30 minutesprior to use. Thepurposeis to generatesmokeover an extended period,the wet woodwilldo this ratherthan quicklyburningin the heatof the fire. For the31818K modelsmokeryouwill placewood chipsdirectlyontothe charcoaltray, in with the burningcharcoal or to theside wherethey will be heatedto producesmoke.Whileyouare cookingif you needto add additionalwoodchips,add smallamountsof woodso youdo notextinguishthefire. Whenadding freshwooduse cautionand protectyourhandswithglovesand with a long handledtongs to placethe woodchipsinto thecharcoaltray. LIQUIDINFUSION.Theadditionof liquid is essentialto keepingfoodsmoistand tenderduringthe slowcookingprocess.The waterbowlshouldbe filledhalfway with liquid.The liquiditselfcan be water or a desiredflavor likefruit juice, beer,wine, vinegar,saucesthat are 50 percentwaterand a varietyof spicescan be added.Maintainthe levelof thewater bowlthroughoutthe cookingprocess. A lowwater levelcan be detectedby listeningforthe soundof watersizzling.Watercanbe added to the waterbowlthroughthe top of smokeror side door.Usecautionand wear protectivegear on youhandsassumeall partsof the smokerwill be hot. Standbackand carefullyadd water usinga funnelor a containerwith a spout. Fillwaterbowlto 1"belowthe rim. Pourslowlyto avoidsplashingor overfilling. 6 OPERATIONI_/GHT/NG 7.EFIRE PROTIPS: , Wedo not recommendthe useof LIGHTINGA FIRE.All cookingfiresshouldbe madeinside thecharcoaltray on top of the wiregrate,whilethe tray is in placeinsidethe smokercabinet.Do not movea charcoal tray that containsa lit fire. Donot movea smokerthat containsa lit fire. / _ ..........._ Alwaysusea drip pan/ashguard(NOT INCLUDED)placed /z ....... underneaththe Smokerto protectthe surfacebeneaththe fallingashes,embersand drippings.Placea thin layerof waterin drip pan/ashguardto helpextinguishfallingashes smokerfrom heatdamageand/ordiscolorationand to catch and embers. Removedomelid and upper bodyportionsof the _ _/l_s r_Light the charcoalusingan electricstarter,a chimney starteror charcoallighterfluid,be carefulandfollow the _.. _ _.. _ _._ ! smoker, t') Placea small amountof charcoalin a pile on the middle f-- of thecharcoaltray,alwaysusehigh qualitycharcoal. _...... , Do notuse gasoline,keroseneor alcoholfor lightingcharcoal.Use of anyof these or similar products cancausean explosionpossibly leadingto severebodilyinjury. rT _ _%_ _t ___-_b! __ _ _J" _.._ • ___.u._ manufacturersinstructions. allowit to burn until A Carefullylightthecharcoaland __-_____ -,_ Thiswill allowany charcoallightingfluid to burnoff. At "1" coveredwith lightash prior to reassemblingsmoker. this pointflavoringwoodcan be addedto the fire. _\_-_--_' i__i// .(.-_._ --. -. AIIowcharcoalto burndownso that thefire is not hot whenassemblingthe unit. Placeemptywater bowl insidesmokerbodyon the lowersupportbrackets. Positionwater bowlso rim is restingsecurelyon all three supportbrackets. 7 At this p°int the sm°ker sh°uld be preparedf°r c°°king ___ needto add fresh fuelto the fire. Factorsthat effect MAINTAINING THE FIRE.Whenslow cookingyouwill __L.\" -_ C_ / "U'_!_ cookingtemperature,environmentalconditions;wind, air temperatureand lengthof cookingtime. To maintainan eventemperaturefollowthese steps. theamountof fuel youwill usewhilesmokinginclude: hotso protectyourhandswith grillingglovesor ....--........ 1 Openthe /_J mitts. I°westaccessd°°r The d°°r will be extremely_ CIoseand fastenthe lowestaccessdoor.Protectyour handswith grillingglovesor mitts. Monitorthe temperatureto gaugethe affectof the amountof fuelyoujust added. , Neveradd charcoallightingfluid to hotor evenwarmcharcoal. , Duringgrilling,greasefrom meat may drip intothe charcoaland causea greasefire. If this should happen,replacedomelid to suffocatethe flame.Do notuse waterto extinguishgreasefires. , Use cautionsinceflamescan flare-upwhenfreshair suddenly comesin contactwithfire. Carefully,fill water bowlwith warm wateror marinadeto 1" belowthe rim. A full pan holds3 quartsof waterand will lastfor approximately3-4 hours.Do notover fill or allowwaterto overflowfrom waterbowl. ( U.S.quarts) Add fuel intothecharcoaltray with a pairof long handled cookingtongs.Add smallamountsof fuel to remainat an evenand low temperature,necessaryto slow cook. charcoallighterfluid. If you choose to usecharcoallighterfluid, only usecharcoallighterfluid approved for lightingcharcoal.Carefullyread instructionson the charcoallighter fluidand charcoalpriorto use. , Do notuse self-startingcharcoal. Use onlyhigh gradeplain charcoal or charcoal/woodmixture. "''__S USECAUTIONAND WEAR PROTECTIVEGLOVESWHEN HANDLINGOR ADJUSTING ANY PARTOF THEGRILL. ALWAYSASSUMETHE GRILL AND ITS COMPONENTSARE VERYHOT. 7 , Whenopeningthe domelid, keep hands,faceand bodysafe from hotsteamand flameflare-ups. Removethedomelid by tilting it towardyou to allowheatand steamto escapeaway fromyour face. PROTIPS: . Dry woodburnshotterthan charcoalso you maywant to increasethe rationof woodto charcoalto increasethe cooking temperature.Hardwoodsuch as oak, hickory,mesquite,fruit and nutwoodsare an excellentfuel becauseof their burningrate. Whenusingwoodas fuel, make surethe woodis seasonedand dry. Do notuse resinouswood suchas pineas it will produceand unpleasanttaste. OPERATIONSMOKING PROTIPS: , Brushpoultryand naturallylean meatswith cookingoil, butteror margarinebeforecooking. , Meatshouldbe completelythawed beforecooking. , Whencookingmorethanone pieceof meat,thecookingtime is determinedby the largestsingle piecebeingcooked. , Themeat bastesitselfwhile cookingin the smoker.Nobasting or turningis necessaryafterthe meat is placedon the grill. , Thereis very littledifferencein temperatureand cookingtime betweentop and bottomgrill levels.Whencookingdifferent typesor cuts of meatat the same time,placethe meatthat requires the leastcookingtime on thetop cookinggrill so that it may be easilyremovedfirst. If onlyone cookinggrill is required,use the uppergrill levelfor the best results. SMOKINGThereare numerousresourcesand recipesto be foundin booksand magazinesrelatedto slow cookingand smoking.Likeall cuisine,this form of cookingrequiresexperimentationand learning form experience.It wouldbe worthwhileto take notesaboutthe successand failuresof recipesand techniquesyoutry. As a methodof cookinglargecuts of meatsmokingcan not be beat.Theseinstructionswill guide youin settingup yourBBQ Pro Grillfor smoking.UseCautionand wearprotectivegloveswhen manipulatingandassemblingthe Grill.Alwaysassumethat the grill componentsare hot. Followthe operationinstructionsfor lightinga (page7). Smokingis a low heatcookingprocess so usea small amountof charcoaland buildafire fireto a stabletemperature of 200°F.Assemblethe middlegrill sectionand placethe water bowlontothe brackets. A waterbowl (drippan) is recommendedto catchfat drippings.Putone to one and a half inchesof waterin thewater bowl(drip pan).See Liquidinfusion(Page6) for seasoningideas. Assemblethe remainderof the grill and arrangingthe piecesof meaton the cookinggrids. Place the lid ontothe grill,rememberthe morethe grill is openedduringthe cookingprocess,the longerit willtake to preparethe food. Use cautionand wearprotectivegloveswhenworkingwith foodaroundthe barbecueto avoid injury. ARRANGINGFOODPlacefood on the cookinggrill in a singlelayerwith space betweeneachpiece. This willallowsmokeand moistheatto circulateevenly aroundall piecesof food. Largepieces,like porkshoulderare limitedby the insidediameterof the smokerbody. Theseitemshouldbe placeso that accessto manipulatethem is notdifficult.Longitemslikewholefish or sausagelinks canbe hung from thehang bar locatedunderthedomelid. Severalhanginghooksare providedto securefood items.One or bothof thecookinggridsmay needto be removedto accommodatethe lengthof the piecesof food. COOKINGTIMEThe factorsthat effect thecookingtime of foods;the size and thicknessof a cut of meat,theconsistencyof thetemperaturein the cookingenvironment,the weatheroutside,also the moreyouopen thedoorsor raisethe lid the longerit takes.Just to consider,itemslike chickenwings, sausagesor ribsmay take about3-4 hourswhilea largeporkshoulderfor a pulledporkrecipemay take up to 10 hoursof cookingtime.Page 10 showsa tableof approximatecookingtimes,time does not ensurefoodsafety,onlya safe readingfrom a meatthermometershouldbe usedto determine whenthe mealis ready. INTERNAL APPLIANCE TEMPERATURE SHOULD NOT EXCEED 250°F WHEN SMOKING FOODS 8 OPERATION /REOTGR,_UNG DIRECTGRILLINGThedirectgrillingmethodinvolvescookingfoodon gridsdirectlyoverthe flame. Directgrillingis the mostpopularmethodfor mostsingleservingitemssuchas steaks,chops,fish, burgers,kebabsand vegetables. Assemblethe grill as in illustrationB. Placecookinggrid abovethe charcoaltray. Placeuniton top of a non-flammablepatio protector/ashguard (Not Included). Assemblethe grill a minimumof 10 feet fromany structureor combustiblesubstance.Donot assemblethe grill underneathanyoverhangingstructureor vegetation.Do notuse this grill on top of a combustiblesurface. PROTIPS: , Preparefood in advanceto avoid delayand timingproblems.If using marinadeor spices,they should be appliedbeforeplacingmeaton thecookinggrid. If bastingwith sauces,they shouldbe appliedthe last 2-4 minutesof grillingto avoid burning. , Bringmeat to roomtemperature just priorto grilling.Trim excessfat from meatto minimizethe"flareups"that are causedby dripping grease. , Pre-heatthe grill to the desired temperature. ILLUSTRATIONA Followtheoperationinstructionsfor lightinga fire(page 7). Builda smallfire in the charcoaltray using a singlelayerof charcoalbriquettes.Whenall thepiecesof charcoalare evenlywhiteand smoldering placethecookinggrid on top. The Oharcoalfireshouldbe approximately350°Ffor directgrilling.Do not usethe lid whiledirectgrillingwith the unit. , Ooatthe gridswith vegetable or oliveoil to preventfoodfrom stickingto the grids. , Holdthe salt whencookingmeats on the grill.The meatwill stay juicierif thesalt is addedafter cooking. , To preventsteaksfrom "drying out",usetongs ratherthana fork and startwith a mediumto high heatto searthe meatand seal thejuices in. Reducethe heatand extendcookingtimeswhengrilling thickercutsof meat. , Learnto test whenthe meat is doneby time and feel. Themeat firmsup as it cooks.Whenthe meatis soft it is rare.Whenit is firm,it is welldone. INTERNAL APPLIANCE TEMPERATURE SHOULD NOT EXCEED350°F WHEN GRILLING FOODS. USECAUTIONAND WEARPROTECTIVEGLOVESWHENHANDLINGOR ADJUSTING ANY PARTOF THEGRILL. ALWAYSASSUMETHE GRILLAND ITS COMPONENTS ARE VERYHOT. _ LACE A NON-COMBUSTIBLE ASH GUARD(NOT INCLUDED)UNDERNEATHTHE UNIT TO PROTECTTHE AREABELLOWTHE GRILL FROMFALLINGDEBRIS. 9 OPERATIONCOOKING TIMEAND CLEANUP COOKINGTIMEThe factorsthat effect thecookingtime of foods;the size and thicknessof a cut of meat,theconsistencyof thetemperaturein the cookingenvironment,the weatheroutside,also the moreyouopen thedoorsor raisethe lid the longerit takes.Just to consideritemslikechickenwings, sausagesor ribsmay take about3-4 hourswhilea largeporkshoulderfor a pulledporkrecipemay take up to 10 hoursof cookingtime.Belowis a tableof approximatecookingtimes,time doesnot ensurefoodsafety,onlya safe readingfrom a meatthermometershouldbe usedto determinewhen the mealis ready. FOODSAFETYOnlyuse internaltemperaturereadingsto determinewhena pieceof meatthat is cookedand safe to serve.Whentakingtemperaturereadingsuse a meatthermometerdesignedfor cooking.Take a readingfromthe thickestportionof the meat and takecare notto contactany bones as theywill givean inaccuratetemperaturereading.Usethe tablebellowasa guide forapproximate cookingtime whileslow cooking(smoking)foods. APPROXIMATE COOKINGTIMESSLOWCOOKNIGTEMP200-220°F MEAT APPROXIMATE COOKINGTIMES HOURSPERPOUND WELLDONE iNTERNALTEMP PORKROAST 1.5HOURS/LBS 160-170°F[70-77°C] SPARERIBS 4-5 HOURS 160-170°F[70-77°C] BEEFBRISKET 1.5HOURS/LBS 170°F[77°C] BEEFROAST 1.5HOURS/LBS 180°F[82°C] WHOLECHICKEN 2-3 HOURS 170°F[77°C] WHOLEFISH 1.5-2.5HOURS MEATFLAKES LEGLAMB 3-5 HOURS 145-170°F63-77°C MEATTHERMOMETERGUIDE Whenslowcookingwith yoursmoker,usea meat thermometerfor bestresultsandto ensurefoodsafety BEEF/LAMB RARE 145°F 63°C BEEF/LAMB BEEF/LAMB MEDIUM WELLDONE 150°F 160°F 66°C 71°C VEAL PORK WELLDONE WELLDONE 150°F 170°F 66°C 77°C POULTRY WELLDONE 170°F 77°C CLEANINGUPAlwaysallowthe smokerand all componentsto coolcompletelybeforehandling. Neverleavecoalsand ashes in smokerunattended.Beforethe smokercan be left unattended, remainingcoalsand ashes mustbe removedfrom smoker.Usecautionto protectyourselfand property.Placeremainingcoals and ashesin a noncombustiblemetalcontainerand completely saturatewith water.Allowcoalsand water to remainin metalcontainer24 hourspriorto disposing. With a gardenhose,completelywet surfacebeneathand aroundthesmokerto extinguishany ashes, coalsor emberswhich may havefallenduringthe cookingor cleaningprocess.Extinguishedcoalsand ashesshouldbe placeda safe distancefromall structuresand combustiblematerials.Coverand store smokerin a protectedarea,out of reachof children. 10 RECIPES SMOKED SHREDDEDPORK BARBECUE SANDWICHES SERVES8- PREPARATIONTIME0:20 Pulledporkis a Southernclassic!Theporkshoulderiscookedlong and slow,thenshreddedand servedwitha tangy barbecuesauce.Theporkshoulderis a less tendercut of meat,which mustbe cookedon the smokerfor between5 and 8 hoursor 1.5hrsper pound. 1...................... Large porkshoulder6 lb. bone-inwith fat coveringattached 1/2cup.............. LemonChiliHerbRub 11/2cups........... Favoritebarbecuesauce 8 large............... Crustyrolls 2 cups............... Appleor hickorywoodchips LEMONCHILI HERBRUB 1/4cup............... Sugar 1/4cup............... Koshersalt 3 tablespoons......Chilipowder 1 teaspoon..........Groundcumin 1 teaspoon..........Driedoregano 1 teaspoon..........Groundcoriander 1 teaspoon..........Dry mustard 1 tablespoon.......Lemonzest,finely grated PREPAREPORK: Sprinklethe porkshouldergenerouslywith rub and massagein on all sides.Setasidefor minimum1 hour,or overnightin the refrigeratorto allowflavorsto penetratethemeat. PREPARESMOKER: Soakwoodchipsin waterfor a minimumof one hour, beforestartingthe smoker.Placean even layer of soakedchipsin thesmokerbox,and placethe boxon thesupports.Fillwater bowlhalfway with desiredflavoringliquid.If youare usinga juiceor sodawith highsugarcontent,mix with 50% waterto avoidcaramelizingthe sugars.Ensurethatfluid levelis maintainedthroughoutcooking.Light a small fire, and closedoor. SMOKEPORK: Whenthesmokerhas reached200°F-220°F(93°O-105°O)placethe pork,fat sideup, on a rack in thecenterof thecabinet.The charcoalfire shouldbe monitoredcloselyto maintainconsistentheat throughoutthe wholecookingtime The porkwillneed to cookfor approximately1.5hrsper pound. Theporkshouldbe checkedfor donenesswith a meatthermometerto ensureinternaltemperatureof 165°F-175°F(74°C-79°C). *To adjustthe levelof smokeflavor in the meat,varythe amountof woodchipsusedthroughoutthe cookingtime. Meatwill be so tenderthat it canbe shredded,or pulledwith a fork! SERVE: Let porksit for 15 minutes,coveredwith foil. Shredor cut the porkand mix with yourfavoritewarmed sauce.Serveit on crustybuns. 11 RECIPES BARBECUED BACK RIBS SERVES6- PREPARATIONTIME0:15 3 Ibs.................... Porkback ribs 2......................... Cupspecanor hickorywoodchips SAUCE 1cup................... Ketchup 2 tablespoons ........Brownsugar 1/2cup.................Water 1/3cup.................Worcestershiresauce 1 tablespoon........ Chilipowder Dashhot peppersauce Saltand pepperto taste PREPARERIBS: Peel themembraneoff the backof the ribs usingyour fingers.(This makesan enormousdifference in the tendernessof the ribs.) Cuteachsleeveor rack of ribs into6"sections.Sprinklewith salt and pepper. PREPARESAUCE: Combinesauceingredientsin a pot, bringto a boiland thensimmeruntilthickened. PREPARESMOKER: Soakwoodchipsin waterfor a minimumof one hour,beforestartingthe smoker.Placean even layer of soakedchipsin thesmokerbox,and placethe boxon thesupports.Fillwater bowlhalfway with desiredflavoringliquid.If youare usinga juiceor sodawith high sugarcontent,mix with 50%water to avoidcaramelizingthe sugars.Ensurethat fluid levelis maintainedthroughoutcooking.Lighta small fire, and closedoor. SMOKERIBS: Whenthe smokerhasreached200°F-220°F(93°O-105°O)placethe ribs, boneside downon the racks of the smoker.The ribswill needto cook for approximately4-5hours.Baste ribswith preparedsauce onceper hour or more. Theribsshouldbe checkedfor donenesswitha meatthermometerto ensure internaltemperatureof 165°F-175°F(74°C-79°C). Thecharcoalfireshouldbe monitoredcloselyto maintainconsistentheatthroughoutthe wholecooking time.To adjustthe levelof smokeflavor in the meat,varythe amountof woodchipsusedthroughout the cookingtime. SERVE: Serveribswith leftoversauce. 12 RECIPES SMOKED PRIME RIB OF BEEF SERVES12-PREPARATIONTIME0:05 5-101bs ....................Primerib of beef,rolledand tied 5 ............................Clovesgarlic,slivered 6 tablespoons........ Dijonmustard 2 tablespoons....... Freshthyme,chopped 1 tablespoon.........Freshlygroundblack pepper 2 cups................. Mesquiteor alder woodchips PREPAREBEEF: Outgarlicclovesinto sliversand insert intothe roast.Combinethe dijon mustard,thymeand pepper and spreadmixtureoverthe roast. PREPARESMOKER: Soakwoodchipsin waterfor a minimumof one hour, beforestartingthe smoker.Placean even layer of soakedchipsin thesmokerbox,and placethe boxon thesupports.Fillwater bowlhalfway with desiredflavoringliquid.This recipeworksvery wellwith redwineand water mixed50/50.Ensurethat fluidlevelis maintainedthroughoutcooking.Lighta small fire,and close door. SMOKEBEEF: Whenthesmokerhas reached220°F-250°F(105°0-120°0)placethe roaston a rackin the middle of the cabinet.Cookroast for3.5hrs- 5.5hrsor approximately1/2hrper pound.Theroast should be checkedfor donenesswith a meatthermometerto ensureinternaltemperatureof 140°F(60°0) (mediumrare). Thecharcoalfire shouldbe monitoredcloselyto maintainconsistentheatthroughoutthe wholecooking time.To adjustthe levelof smokeflavor in the meat,vary theamountof woodchipsusedthroughout thecookingtime. SERVE: Letstand 20 minutesbeforecarving. 13 MAINTENANCE PERIODICMAINTENANCE Afteryou havefinishedcooking,preparefor the nextcookoutcleaningany residueof foodfrom the gridsand anycharcoalashin thefollowingmanner: COOKINGGRIDS.Use a long-handledbrass bristlebrushto cleanthe grids. Rememberthat the smokeris hot, so wearkitchenmittsor usea pot-holderto handlethe brush.You do not haveto wash the gridsafter eachcookout,butif youwish to do so, usea mildsoapand watersolution,and then rinsethemthoroughly.Neverusea commercialovencleaner.Lightlycoat cookinggrillswith non-salted vegetableoil or vegetablecookingsprayto protectthem. CHARCOALTRAY.Thecharcoaltray is locatedon the bottomof the smoker.The charcoaltray shouldbe checkedand cleanedregularlyafter eachuseto preventash fromoverflowingontoyour patio. Makesure thecharcoalfireis completelyextinguishedand that the charcoaltray is cool. Never dumphotashes. BARREL.If there isa buildup of ashon the insideof the barrel,removeit usinga plasticputtyknife. Do soonly whenthesmokeris cool. Neverapplypaintto the interiorsurface.Rustspotson the interior surfacecan be buffed,cleaned,then lightlycoatedwith vegetableoil or vegetablecookingsprayto minimizerusting.Alwayskeepyoursmokercoveredwhennotin useto protectagainstexcessive rusting. ANNUALMAINTENANCE To ensuresafe and efficientperformance,the followingcomponentsshouldbe inspectedand cleaned at leastonce per yearor afterany periodof storageexceedingone month. EXTERIORFINISH.Rustingis a naturaloxidationprocessand may appearon steel parts.Rustwill not affectshort term performanceof yoursmoker.If rustappearson theexteriorsurfaceof yoursmoker, cleanand buff theaffectedareawith steel woolor fine grit emerycloth.Touch-upwith a good high temperatureresistantpaint. 14 17 i CHARCOAL A MODELNO. 126.15883800 ILL TOOLSREQUIREDTO ASSEMBLETHIS GRILL , AdjustableWrench , Phillipsscrewdriver Not Included ASSEMBLYMANUAL THiS iNSTRUCTiON MANUAL CONTAINS iMPORTANT iNFORMATiON NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER ASSEMBLY AND SAFE USE OF THE APPLIANCE. READ AND FOLLOW ALL WARNINGS AND iNSTRUCTiONS BEFORE ASSEMBLING AND USING THE APPLIANCE. FOLLOW ALL WARNINGS AND iNSTRUCTiONSWHEN USING THE APPLIANCE. KEEP THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Call us first if you have any problems with this product. We can help you with questions about assembly and grill operation or if there are damaged or missing parts when you unpack this unit. Please call before returning to the store. 1-800-265-2150 8:30AM- 5:00PM EST MONDAY- FRIDAY F) _) _M5Nut Qty: 6 _ ' S / Washer M5-10mm Qty: 6 ._ASES=OT,O=,LEGS,==AOKET 16 A_ta_ Bh°_tlse' gM5a_d0mrbma Cwk _tsShte°r _henbd aM5Seu__Fs _h°_ _ M5 2 / Bolt M4-8mm Qty:4 Qty: 4 M4 Nut 1 ECi_ii'h_!!_!!n_t_e_ tMh4bn_ease_°nwith four M4-8mm i[ Bolt Qty: 8 M4-8mm Washer Qty: 4 M6-2Omm Qty: 12 M4Nut Qty: 4 M4-2Omm M6-2Omm Fiber Washer Qty: 4 © / 222Z::= / .................. ILOWER MIDDLE SECTION,HANDLES,SECTION LATCHES, Attach the section latches and section clips to the lower middle section with eight M4-8mmbolts, M4-8mmwashers and M4 nuts IECTION CLIPS as shown. Attach the handles to the lower middle section with four M4-2Omm bolts, M4-8mmwashers, M6-2Ommwashers, M6-2Ommfiber washers and M4nuts as shown. Place the fiber washer next to the phenolicresinhandleas shown. 19 M5-12mm _ Bolt _ Qty: 3 , M5 Nut Qty:3 M5-10mm Washer Qty: 3 M4-12mm Bolt Qty: 4 ........ / / / [_ / i M4-10mm Washer Qty:4 ..... i, !O_ili: . J M4 Qty:Nut 4 20 !i !_{c cBSeEsAsCiloKOoErNTaSnAdC:to rS:, _; _:hDe _OwRe _id_ :' sect,on i!:O:_i: rh_;o8o::g b; _ :_4c _::hl:_e: n_lCitl;n with four M5 12mm bolts, M5 lOmm washers and M5 nuts as shown 6 i[ Qty: 4 M4-20mm Qty: 12 M4 Nut M6-20mm Washer Qty: 4 M6-20mm FiberWasher Qty:4 © / / / / UPPERMIDDLESECTION,HANDLES,SECTIONLATCHES, / / I / / / / I/ / / / _1t l/ J ........_ SECT,ONCUPS e Attachthe sectionlatchesandsectionclipsto theupper middle sectionwith eight M4-8mmbolts,M4-8mmwashersand M4 nuts asshown. , 22 Attachthe handlesto the uppermiddlesectionwith fourM420rambolts,M4-8mmwashers,M6-20mmwashers,M6-20mm fiberwashersand M4 nutsas shown.Placethe fiberwashernext to the phenolicresinhandleas shown. M5-12mm _ Bolt I'.._ Qty: 3 M5 Nut Qty:3 M5-1Omm Washer Qty: 3 M4-8mm Bolt Qty: 4 M4Nut Qty: 4 M4-1Omm Washer Qty:4 I i,, _ _-_........ _-_-_i---° f , o¢ d / /::-S , 23 ilt!_nto:W!:h::::Md4°:r_ db:l_:rh 4g-8et: twh :_PePr:ramdd:: nu:s At::CMh;hle2_:kbgtsg'r'dbrlokm_S_:hh::ppe:M_dnluet:_':h°_Lh 9 _:;;;;;_::::--: ;S:-r_oo::_;;;-;::_-_ ;/c--u,---C---c.,-J; .... .--.-- .---. iT,,t C:_._ ;o_'h` .....;Q;C----C J.;---S;---C- s----,,---,.--;, )_ $S.-L-'_-_-;7_
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