Behavior Tech Computer B5113RL0210 User Manual 8
Behavior Tech Computer Corporation 8
ETC ReportNostT87R407—052—02 FCC ID, :E5XKB5II3RL0210 Exhibit E............... User’s Manual mum 5773RF Zgzs’mfzp llllllllll Contents [NIRODUCTION FEATURES INSTALLATION IVECbHNICAL SP ECIFICATION§ ELELTKlCAL DATA PHVSICAL & MECHANXCAL DATA ENVmonm-ml. DATA ELECTROMAGNETIC DATA In ALAA‘A INTRODUCTION Thu BTC 5| IJRF rs not only a mmlcss radro l'rcqutncy (RF) keyboard hm rum u muhimfidia Lcyboard This wirelcss mmu frequency keyboard is dcsxgntd m make your life easier I: is _|\I5I the right size and weigln 111m makcsiicasym hold m lmndorpulonyflnrlnp' mmxhcrc in lhcmom nu cm} In much and 15 qnm lo the cum \\'1dc-1mg1:ami longormnoc oormmrr (1c0530u (mm ymu'de Mop. mm \\ 1111 cp mode pom Hung and ”book- on-kqhooro prmsclmn .r 5 mn mmex on lhc balmy und mu orrvrmmrrcm, mm uddiunnu] 15 mulumcdid bulmns. mis mummorm mbmro embeds muny uscfnl multimedia funcuom. By Sunply picssing a bullon me uicr cun nmve at (he funcunn lhey dam. In uddimm. (h: accompaomg sul'lume mppncs funclmns m cusmmizc xhcsc mulnmcdia bunons Using Multimedia Kc; hoard makes work mnrc ct'flcicm, Features 0 Wide Scope or oporming mugs mu anglus 0 Bulmn mousc. Mlcmsofi® mama. and I’S/Z muuse compmlble ¢ Can be used wuh IBM Ccmpafiblc l’C/TV and Wub TV 0 Bunkun keflmmd ploteclion 0 Planer saving 0 Windms 95 compnublc 0 Full size kcy(puc]11905mn) 9 Long "vacl" rangc (key dcplcssion dismncc) for RF keyboard 0 Built \bn|lnnnmu§: 0 Wide angle and longrdislnncc dc‘cnion 0 With additional 15 mulumcdia kcy< Much can make yuur work eusim and mom: emcmnlly INSTALLATION theier (m Rs-zm \ \ W/ (m kcybnnrd conuccmn gm is I Connect me Rccclwr “11h yflur computer Syxlrzm Thcw are two mnnccmm (m 1va lecciver. Plug lhc ma cunnccwrs m the RS-232 cmmsclor mud the keybuurd connccwr un yuur cumpmcr sysmm 2; On the m: of m: mhomd. lemme the lmnery cover and mxcrl mm ham-ms ofAA (UM-3) (ypc only Make mm um pummm are mum. ' ‘ , / 5, , 3 Place lhc Le)lmard unusmission sensor am! mu xecclvcr mu- m am] when “were should be no nbsmclcs lewcc‘n lhc lrmmmucr and ”we rcccwcr 4 Makcsuremumnsmcion npcrunnn range. m finccandzmglc. n uilhin cfl'cmnc ma and is no! obslrucwd by an; ubsmc (1. The input mc'hndA whethzr qunukn ur the bum)“ mouse, mun be: apphed >spumtel> to avoid data rectplmn loss and mlsmk Pun m nn 3 our system and see ifil u 01 1‘5 fine. r I/your Apybnar d m u or king m— Al‘s mum ”IL-mum,“ u Could [w mm 1110 Mybmu'd mm romzu‘lm’ propurbf or a (my n' prcssm mu-mg slur/mg up 1mm mp xlvp: above. Make MIIC me mmmd IS nptmlud “uh us scnml head” u 10 me rccciwr so m: mgnfll N to tidy is"! When {he kqhnam milks (nun u m We lime in imth mnlnmcdm wflmuc. u: TECHNICAL SPEClFlCATIONS Electrical Data mum Poutr slum, ucrivminn mcclmnisn'l Tmllsmlsglml Physical & Mechanical Data K 3 numbers Tnlnl 'l rm cl l’mk Luull before Make lnmmzll l\ licyboard (Iimcnsmn K bnul u “my“ ' lccuvc 0p fling dislflnuc lirfmws npemllng anglc llaltcry lll‘c Modulation fi'cquum} Tmnafcr rule I’rclmvel Opcmling Llfe (nmnml m) Environmental Data (hm-flung lcmpcmmre Slur cc lcmpcmmm Rclnlwe humidity Aluludc Electromagnetic Data 5m SAFETY CF. ‘ -l 5 VDC (lhrfe AA hallcrizs) , Membrane . Rad“) Flcqumm 87 w s for x 1m ltllmpcm] \'L’l>lull _ 0 mm W 15 5, mus \ crsmn 3mm )» lxfi [\\')><28(Hlmm 500 w ’| mlmmllcr] lllclmling mums 5lllclcl>(l6 n) 130" (lmnzonml). 50“ (venicul) 1) momhs (normal npcl'allng) ' 379 kllz . 167mm . l 0105 mm . 20 million q ales mill per key (1°C m 5l)‘C - JU’T‘loGWC v zn% m 90% nmwmmcnmlg 4000 (I m IOOUK] I] FCC palt 15. subpun 13‘ class B l'UV. UL CSA v EN50()81'|& EN50082-l (EWING/EEC) The ratormattun in this document is subject to change without noxice and dues apt represent a cctnmttrneat on the part or the vendor. No wnlmmy of representation, either expressed or implied, is made with respect to the quality, accuracy at fitness for any panlcular purpose of this document The manufacturer reserves the right to lnake changes 10 the content orthts dncuntent and/at the products associated wuh it at arty tune thhonlobligmlcn m nuri p ally person or organisation ofrneh changes in no event the rntmulacturer be liable for direct, iudtrecc special, tncidental or consequential damages arising uul ut’tlte use or ilmbllny to use this preduel or documentation. ever. it'atletsca m'lhe pnssthility ofsuch damages Copyri htoluly 1998 All rights reserved IBM. PCl’AT and use are registered lmdcmmks nflrlltmmlonal Business Machines Corporation Micmsun and Windons are registered trademarks ufMlnrosofl Corporation in |hl: United Sltllcs ofAlntrlczh rind/or ulhcr counlrics All ulllzr trademarks are (rudemmks oflhuir rtipeclivt holders FCC GUIDELINES This equipment has been tested and round lo comply huh tlte limits fur a Class B dtgital device. pursuant to Furl ls ot‘tlte FCC Rules These hmtts are designed lo pmvide reasoaanle protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generalcs, ttses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communicaliuns i-lonever, there is no guarantee that interference will aut occur in a particular tusrallation. ll‘ lhis equipment dues culls: harmful intzrfutnce (a 1:1le or television raccplian, which can be determined by itlming tlle eqttlplttent on“ and on, the user is encouraged to try (a Carmel the interference by one or more ul‘the following measures: . Reortent or relocate the rccciving antenna . increase the separatieu between the equipment and rereiuer . Canneet rhe equipment into an outlet on a eirenit attlcrent from tltat m which the receiver is connected. a Consult the dealer or an experienced rttdtorrv tecltrtictan for help Information (a user: m- Ally change: or mot/martian: rrar eaprtrrrly app/men fry 1/12 pally responsible jar cumplirmcc' could vnt‘n tire alIer’J flulhflrily lo operate this Equip/"um. Shielnetl interfirce can/e, ifttrry, must be used in arr/er tn climply with emission limits 3100504500 Vminu 1 a July 1903 Primed ||| Chum
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