Behavior Tech Computer CD36HBU001 User Manual 65253
Behavior Tech Computer Corporation 65253
__..‘ _ . .. __...—— M—m“ BCD Series CD—ROM Drive Quick Installation Guide Devic: drivzr Hardware selling vInsung the Device Dnver ml 5 DOS Contenl or config Cnnlem ufnutcflbc bat Lecteur de BCD Serie CD-ROM ‘s‘rccmomvsvs Coéfiéé‘ me 40-pm [DE ca 1 Ii'Wu have a sound card (113! Suppuns [DE. mu my , sound card Nunz,1:‘yau have an tnhmcsd»L’O and m mu: s\5::r1_ples: mam: zDE pcr'. sound card lauon diskew mm mm floppy TCVDROM 3957" micmrfdu ASchmommscoa 5x5 a: Guide d'installation cs gesdonmes sous DOS Comm de mavfigsy Content de aumcxcchal TCCDROM SYS It 1155 4d'é'é'uches German- 12 c ROM 311: PC em équxpé a. cflzc came a 1; plate, 5Anenuun~ Si vous ave: une sane L’O er voue cane son. BCD Serie CD-ROM Laufwerk Installationsanleitung Ham Jr's Insmmuon Insmluuon dc: Treibers umzr DOS TCCDROMSYS 5 753.75}: Gsz. 40-p0 g: IDE K Laufwcrksan. Fails Sic cine Sound Kan: mu EDEASEhnitlstehc 36> pahg: KAbcl an die Sauna Km;- anv chmng Falls sis zinc enhancedJ/O Ram bar-1:1, Saundkdflc dchtivxercn, cgzn insull' Programm. “me P'xmzd ‘n Jun 07 2 H (Au 0 u} ,,.. v’ \ yr Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement This Equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference Will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: — Reorient or relocate the receiVing antenna. — Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. — Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. — Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. IDE CD-ROM Drive Installation Guide Lecteur de CD-ROM lDE Guide d'installation IDE CD-ROM Laufwerk Installationsanleitung Table of Contents _( IDE CDAROM DRIVE INSTALLATION GUIDE INSTALLING THE COROM DRIVE iNSTALLING TI—‘E CD ROM DEVICE DRIVER FOR USE UNDER DOS/WINDOWS 3 X INSTALLi G THE CD- M UNDER CT ER OS DOSPNINDOWS 3 X CD-ROM DRIVERS ‘ LECTEUR DE CD-ROM IDE GUIDE D'INSTALLATION INSTA LATION DU LED R DE CD-ROM IDE INSTALLATION DES GESi CNNAIRES DE CD-ROM SOUS DOSNVINDOWS 3.x INSTALLATION DES GESTIONNAIRES DE CD-ROM SOUS WINDOWS 95 ET 08/2 WARP 3 C GESTICNNAIRES DE CD—ROM IDE CDAROM LAUFWERK INSTALLATIONSANLEITUNG INSTA —‘.TiCN DES (SD—ROM LAUF'“ ERKS lNST ATICN DES CD-ROM T ERS UNTER DOS/WINDOWS 3 X INSTALLATION DES CD—ROM ERS UNTER WINDOWS 95 <3 08»? WARP 3 O CD-ROl'l/‘I TREIEER IDE CD-ROM Drive Installation Guide Installing the CD-ROM Drive 1. With the power to your PC disco remove the PC‘s top cover. (DD-ROM Drive into one ui the rree Vith screws is your PC. 01 74" bays available for disk drives and p) he -"-Ci»pin IDE teal your hard disk to the back of the (DD-ROM Drive or ii ycu eve c scunc card that supports “35 you may connect this 40'DIH cable tc the sound cerc. Also, ccnnec: the newer supply cable to the back of the CD»ROM Drive The red edce ci’the (DE Cable must be connected to Pin 1 on the CID-ROM Drive ii'ure fc do so mav result in damece cf your commuter if you wave a sauna car: the n be a heated to this CD-ROM Dfl‘JE‘ you can also con zAudic—Out of :he CD-RCM Drive to Audio-In of the scund Card With a 4—piri aucie r. let Please rriake sure to ccnnec.‘ can ‘ "Z'cm A Limo-Out ofthe CD—POM Drive fc Pin 1 from Audio-In cr’fne sound card 5 Reinstazl the casing on ycur PC en: reccnnect the power supply Installing the CD-ROM Device Driver for Use under DOSNVindows 3.x xers to make your CD-ROM work With vcur PC under Newwe will install tl‘e CD—ROM devic the DOS/Winccws 3 x enVircnrnent 1 lnser. the II’ISIEIIEKICH diskette into ycur PC's floppy disk drive A: (assuming you are using Gallon Tre/ber def Windows SvslamSZeuerL/ng Nana/e Informationen hierzu finds/7 Se in Ihrem W/ndows Eenutzerhandbuch. Falls S/e sowoh/ dis Fests/alts als auch das CD-ROM Laufwerk m/l def unmaren IDE- Schn/‘llsla/le verbunden haben sle/len S/e sinner, dab die Oollon "327515 Zucnr'fffir Launverkszucnff” deaktivl'en isl fndem Sis das Swnbal ‘385 enva. n' in der Svslemsleueruna auswah/en. Installation des CD-ROM Treibers unter Windows 95 & 05/2 Warp 3.0 Windows 95 Wyndows 95 erkennt und lnstallzert automatlsch den korrekten Trelber fur lhr CD-P‘OM LauMerK Fur genauere lnfcrmatlcnen sehen Sla bills in lhrer Wlndows 95 Gebraucnsanlextung nach. OS/Z Warp 3.0 05/2 erkenn! automatisch lhr CD-ROM Laufwerk und lnslalliert aulcmaflsch den ncnhgen Trerbe.’ E. 5: der "Unlistec lDE drive” Trelber. CD—ROM Treiber BTCCDROM.SYS Wanrend def lnsxallatlcn wird sine Zenle in die Dam CONFIGSYS elngemgt, die bewwrkt, [lass der Treiber BTCCDROM SYS geladen erd. Dieser Trexber kcnflgurlert das CD-ROM Laufwerk rmt den geelgneten Elnstellungen‘ scbald Ste lhren PC slanen. ln dle Data CONFlG SYS wwrd folgsnder Elntrag eingeffigt: DEVlCE=C:\BTCCDROM\ETCCDROM.SYS ID:M5CD001 N Fur diesen Esntrag gllt die Syntax. device=[Laufwerk:\][Pfad\]btccdromsys /d:Ger§tename [IDMA I /UDMA] [lv] Das lnstallatlonsprcgramm selzt fur dle elnzelnen Parameter automallsch die usewgnetan Warts ein, da es dle Kcnflguramon lhres PC Uberpruft. Sle solllen diase Welu‘ mfern as nlcnt absolur unabdingbar lst. nicht andern Parameter Eeschrelbung Werte [LauMerk i] [Pfad] Bezeichnet den spelcnerort des Standardwen: Treibers BTCCDROM SYS aur‘ lhrer c ‘btcca‘rom Festplat‘le ld‘Geratanamen Eezeichnet den Geratenamen des Standardwen: CD-ROM Laufwerks Dleser Name MSCDOGT mub darn Geratenamen entsprechen‘ der dam Laufwerk ln MSCDEXEXE zugeomnet wlrd. lDMA Kcennen F’Cl Bus Master DMA Mode /UDMA Kcennen PCl Bus Master Ultra DMA Made Mamienal) Aktrvierz den Trexbermodus verbose” ‘ c h der Tre cor z=1ct5tctusweldm e. uber se me ms: eneuon an MSCDEXEXE Wahrend Ger Instaflaflcn vnrc sine Zeiie in CNS Date: AUTOEXEC, dab der Trei‘cer MSCDEXE/ _ geéaden Wer Dieser Tre' “r wirc geladen In die Date? AUTOEXEC BATwm iclgencer Ewntrag em DEVICE=C:\BTCCDROM\MSCDEX.EXE ID:MSCDOD1 devnce=[Laufwerk:\][P{ad\]mscdex.exe /d:Ger§tename [/I:Euchstabe][/m:] " S-DCS 6.0 0 Falls fife Dare; MSCDEX EXE' m'cnf auflhr-s—r C‘s‘sksfte Emma/fen rsr and Q ‘MSCDEX eme neuere Versmn verwencen nrufen S/e ob JhrDOS Vefzeichms dfe D enthal! Nacn de' [fists/lat/bn =nlhalf [hrs DE [91 AUTOEXEC EA Tden Emma DEV'CE=C \DOS\MSCDEX EXE/D' “ASCDOO1 51355! Elm/EC Diva/screws sch v m cben GENE/WISH nurd'u few we Ancese des Venezchmsses m (153 die Dale; MSC”E>( ' : wrrd Par—bfflfle" Elam (Laufiverkz‘MPfadI Eezetchnet den Spevchercr! des Twibers MSCEEX EXE auf lhrer Festmatte. ld'Geraiename Eezevchnet den Ge’atenamen des tahdarc’wen: (ID-ROM Laufwerks Dweser Name MSCDCO‘ mun dem Geratene’nen entsprechen, dam Laur’x ark m BTCCDROM SYS z‘ eorcne‘t wst. r def Kskennung im ace: nacnfoigenc’er Eucnszaue, /!' (opacna‘) EezeEchnet dwe Laufverkskennung, we fur das CD- ROM Lauwerk (m w‘optisnai) Eezemhnet we AnzaH vcn Sektcren 10. 23 pro Pufier Ware/129mm MS-DOS ssre/n emgetracenes ' zevcr en defMVCchoft Carper rayon 05/2 Wars /sr em ef’f‘gerrc enes «Varenzefc’wen def lnrematcona! Bus/m; Coma/anon c Machines WMamwu Drive A here) and type: A:\lNSTALL [Enter] 2. Follow the instructions on the screen. 3 After the installation is complete. remove the diskette and reboot your system Durlno installation our CONFIG SYS and AUTOEXEC EATfi/es are modified ‘\\ in order to enaole the use olaudio CD’S under the Windows 3 x enVironment you have to install the [MC/LCD Audio devrce driver in Drivers cot/on in Controi Panel For more information refer to your Windows User‘s Guide. Disable the "32 Bit DiskAccessWi/ncfion UV activating the 356 Enhanced' icon from Control Panel if you connect your hard disk and CD-RCM drive corn to the Drirnarv lDE Installing the CD~ROM under Other OS Windows 95 Windows 95 Wlll automatically recognize El‘d ins "the correct driver program for our CD- ROM drive Refer to the Windows 95 manual i'cr more detailed information OSIZ Warp 3.0 05/2 Warp 3.0 Will automatically recognize your CD-ROM drive and install the correo: driver, which is the "Unlisted lDE drive‘ driver program. DOSNVindows 3.x CD-ROM Drivers BTCCDROM.SYS During installation. a line is added to your CONFIGSYS that loads the BTCCDROMSYS driver. This driver configures the CD-ROM Drive with the appropriate settings each time you start up your PC. The entry ln your CONFlG.SYS Will be: DEVlCE=C:lBTCCDROM\BTCCDROM.SYS ID:device_name N The entry follows the format device=[drive:\][path\]btccdromsys Id:device_name [iDMA l IUDMA] [Iv] The installation program automatically puts in the most appropriate values for h parameter as it checks the configuration of your PC. Do not change any or' these oarame ers unless it is a bsolutely necessary. Parameter Descrigtion Values [dr1vei\]lpath\] Specifies the location of the default = c'lbtccorom BTCCDROMSYS cn your PC. idzdevicefname SpeCifies the de‘iice name of the default = MSCDOOi CDfROM Drive. This must be icentical to the device name given in MSCDEXEXE IDMA Enable PCl Bus Master DMA Mode /UDMA Enable PCl Bus Master Ultra DMA, Mode lv (optional) Turns on verzose mode ci the driven ro values neeced l e.‘ the driverWiEl ' lay information about Ms installa MSCDEXEXE During installation, a fine is acoed to your AUTOEXEQEAT that JD driver This driver is loaded E:Ch time you slam up your PC Trie AUTOEXECEAT will be: - DEVICE=C:\BTCCDROM\MSCDEXEXE/D:device_name device=[drive:\][palh\]mscdex.exeld:devwe_name[/I:lelter] lm: ] Iflfie file MSCDEXEXE' IS nol lflC/Uded 117 your diskerte am: you are usfnc MS-DOS 5 O or above check mat 2/75 file 'MSCDEX.EXE vourDOS dir {he installatzcn the emrv in ' ourAUTOEXEC EA Twill be D —v'lDOSlMSCuEX /D:'ASCEOOT The slichl d/fference IS the direclcrv name ‘. lcri vcur’i/e MSCDEX EX is cooled to emu Parameter Descrioticn Values [drivealath Soecifies the lccamn of the t: o ‘biccdrcm MSCDEX EXE on your PC Id:device_name Scecii'ies the Games name of the default = MSCDOO‘l CID—ROM Drlve This mus: be lc‘enlical lo the fievrce name given ln BTCCDROM SYS /'l‘ (optioflal) Specifies the drive letter to be used as COROM DflVE. ”fiber cisectcr /m: (option) Steaks 1” bufiers. Trademarks MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks ofiwcroscfr Corporanon. 05/2 Warp is a reglslered trademark ofl'ritemal‘iona/ Business Machines Como/alien Lecteur de CD-ROM lDE Guide d'installation installation du Iecteur de CD~ROM lDE l. Veriflez que le PC n‘es: pas sous tension puls reurez eon capct 2. Flaoez le lecteur de CD-ROM dams l'un des emolaoemems 5X” disponloles sur le PC at fixez-le avec les WS. 1 Ccnneclsz le cable lDE 40 broches du d-‘SQ‘JE dur du PC a ‘arriere cu lecteur as CD- ROM. Si lo PC est eque’ d'une cane son a la norme lDE, vous pouvez connects.- ‘ cable 3 cells came, a la place. Connectez a'autre cart is cable c‘allmenlamn a “a lecteur, 'e au I/ faulimoérativemenl semester/e cable (CE 55 some cue son bcrd rouce soil brancrie' sur/a bfuche 1 du connecieur du Iecteur de (SD-ROM sans cw «J'cfcfnai‘eur Deui éfre 4, SH y a sur le PC une cane son qui peut étra cannectes au iecteurde CD-ROM. vcus pouvez SUSS! raccorder is some audio du iecteur é i‘enirés audio file ‘a caste son. EU moyen d'un cébie audio 9 4 broches -i Vail/92 é bien connecter as cable de sorts cue la Mach; 7 de is 5017129 audio du flecfsur so/fraccordée /a bros/79 1 de I'enrree audio de /a cane son. 5, Remontez ie capol du PC at menez i‘ordinateur scus tensicn Installation des gestionnaires de CD-ROM sous DOS/Windows 3.x L'instaiiaticn des gesuonnaires est nécessaiie pour ie ban isncziornemem du.‘ ‘iv Meltez ia disquette d'instaiiaticn dams ie iecteurA db PC (en sucpcsam qua vcus mm”- is [ecteur de dlsqueltes A) et tapez AziNSTALL [Enter] pcur isncer {a crccedufe d‘instaliation. 2. Suivez ies instructicns afiicnees é i‘ecran 3 Line ims i‘instaiiauon terminée‘ retirez la disquelle at fernsiiaiisez i'ordinateur Durant Wrists/[anon [es ficniers CONFIG SYS er AUTOEXEC EA 7'an 51‘s modifiés Si vous vou/ez pom/air écoute/ un CD audio en environnement Windows vcus c’evez aussi WEE/[8,165 aesliannaires MCI lnsia/Iez sour ce/a "IMO/7 CD Audio” au maven C‘s I'ounl Geslionna/res darts /e Panneau de cunficuratian as Windows. Fcur n/us d’informaiions veui/Iez vuus renoner a /a documsnfanon de Windows Si vous connecrez a” la furs ie discus dur du PC e: /e lecteur de CD-FOM sun's Don JDE Prime/fa désachvez /a {onciion d’accés discus 32 Eris au n/veau as "385 E ncu" dens /e Panneau de configuration Installation des gestionnaires de CD-ROM sous Windows 95 et 0812 Warp 3.0 Windows 95 Windows 95 reconnait at mslaiie automataquement is driver Ce vclre iecte‘ rde CD~RCM Pour pius d'iniormaticri, veuiilez cansuiter [a notice d'ut‘iisation ce Windows 95 05/2 Warp 3.0 05/2 reconnaii at installs automatiquemem 13 driver da vctre lecteur fie CD—ROi/‘i,(1istscus "Auire tecteur iDE') Gestionnaires de CD-ROM ETCCDROMSYS La procedure d'iristallatiun ajoute dans le iichier CONFIGSYS une iigne pour la chargemen! du gesticnnaire BTCCDROMSYS Ceiui—ci configure is iecieur de CD-ROM ave: ies paramétres appropries a cheque de’marrage du PC Gene iigne du CONFJGSYS se présenie comma suxt: [cm a: SUDG‘JJE‘: ep emwou e} agmads (1auuondc)tw1 ALMS" E} NOB-OD 93 ”73:03! 35 no azzun " m2 senquua slump 514m 53 99:33:15 (Iauuoudoj «wispy 9: e;;e: mam: c. SAS wosusam maniacs eufiu El as me: E enngwep: sue nap Luau ac) won-mo epmmei _ no snaueqcuad an LUOU a‘ 51 ads anbuauduad Luau :p/ 0d 9‘ ms EXS'XEGDSW 15mm}; fl: lua‘ 9:31de 513 hurwaqoflyauun] m m v5X5 XBGQSWH JSMD‘J 9‘ 9‘503 319 E lam)?! SUED Elfin-Jada ”P C sings 5"! LOOSOSW'G/ SiXE'XEGQSL’V\SOG\'O=BDII\EG qms QLULUUG Jw away a; sua; semaj’e BuSH 5; ‘aamaege unusuelsuu 5m) sun soc; mp =a 3mm; as ngg'xgqgsm ialuag 31 anb zagum ‘amauadns UOASJSA sun no sno/v an: 19 euanosxp 3 ms 531 amen; as au “ax; ngggwu Jemsu a! .'S [ :w/] [swam/1anbuquuad'wouzp/axa"xapasLu[\ugwauo][\:§1gun]=aagAap LODGD’SWG/ EDG'XECIDSW\WOHGQO.LEI\fD=33[/\EG U 5 331933157 35 LVE'DEXEOLHVJGNQU ”D QUE” 97 “2x3 xaogsw aneuuonsefi np JUSLUSSJEHO 9‘ suap emofe uoneuezsum empaamd E‘| HXH'XEIGOSW JuewafiJEua enesssaau uos 4m eqeuuoxsefi Jna1en n: suoua‘u oguw sea a ‘ Jamey (yauuoudo) A] 9331‘JE’1'JQ am «919514! SHE Dd zelialuisd VWQH/ 9wed VWG/ ”Op LUDL‘ 63 a] hp enouaucuad as wou 91 eyrosdg anbuauduad’mou ip/ LUDJPGDWYG 3:1 E G C) OLE = lame ads hurmauflhzazqun] uc'z unsaq euemmed aflzsssaau Juawfi/osqe “was: sec 390 zest/Eu: SN 35 no uouemoyuoa 2] 9p UD/JJL/Oj 3 sap saga/mo SUNS/EA sa/ Qua/167,63 UCWEUEJSLl/lp Gum/2100117 97 WINCH] anbylaqduad’moum/ SAS'UJOJDnnlqhugmaq3][\:§1!un]:a:[/\sp zwamns s] 359 épuawmco ap eusu snag ep mum; 91 Al LOOGOSWIGI SAS'WOHGDOLEHNOHGOOLHVD=HJIASG
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:05:23 08:23:02 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : VicodinES /CB /TNN Title : 65253.pdf Modify Date : 2001:05:23 08:23:12-04:00 Page Count : 9EXIF Metadata provided by